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PRMG 155: Procurement Management

Instructor: Salwa Fawzy


Course Description:
In today’s project management landscape, timelines are condensed, qualified resources are slim, and
expectations are elevated. Project procurement, an element of the overall project plan, has emerged as a
critical function within a successful project management approach. The objective of this course is to
introduce the procurement and/or contracting engineers and project managers to the different
procurement management process. This course explores a wide variety of topics including: gaining insight
into procurement general principles, procurement of works, services and goods, methods of procurement,
procurement plan, developing the bidding documents, tender evaluation and comparison of quotations,
overseeing successful administration and closing of the procurement and an overview of the project
procurement processes under the PMBOK. The outline of the course is as follows:

- Overview of the procurement process

- Common stakeholders in the construction procurement process
- Procurement general principles
- Procurement of works, services and goods
- Deciding the method of procurement
- Preparing the procurement plan
- Preparing the bidding documents, RFP, RFQ
- Completion of forms and schedules
- Raising queries and issuing clarification
- Tender evaluation and comparison of quotations
- Administering the procurement process
- Closing the procurement process
- Project Procurement Processes (PMBOK)
- Case Studies

Context for the Course:

This course is elective and has no prerequisites. This program is aimed at procurement and/or contracting
engineers, project managers and other individuals assisting with or supporting the procurement or project
managing functions.

References and Further Readings:

The handouts for the course are sufficient for the successful completion of the course. However, the below
references and further readings could be read by the student to gain a more in depth understanding of the
topics in the course:

- Brook, Martin, Estimating and Tendering for Construction Work, (3rd Edition, Elsevier Ltd., Great
Britain, 2004)
- Fisk, Edward, Construction Project Administration, (5th Edition, Prentice-Hall, United States of
America, 1997)
- Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide), Project Management
Institute, the United States of America, Fourth Edition, 2008.

- MacRoberts, Solicitors, MacRoberts on Scottish Building Contracts, (2nd Edition, Blackwell Publishing
Limited, 2008)
- Murdoch John and Hughes Will, Construction Contracts Law and management, (4th Edition, Taylor &
Francis, London and New York, 2008)

Course outcomes:
A participant who has successfully completed this course should:

- Be familiar with the different procurement management processes

- Identify the procurement general principles
- Be familiar with the different types of bidding
- Be able to select which type of procurement method that is the most appropriate to the project
- Be able to select the right type of contract for the project
- Be familiar with how to develop the bidding documents
- Have sufficient knowledge of pre-bid meetings, site visits, queries and submission of tendering
- Understand how to carry out pre-qualification and short listing
- Have sufficient knowledge of evaluation of tenders and awarding contracts
- Have an appreciation of how to administer and close procurement
- Be familiar with the project procurement processes under the PMBOK

Select one document from the following:
1. The detailed Bidding Documents used to request proposals from the prospective sellers (RFP) to
procure particular works, services or goods from outside the project organization. (No need to
include drawings, specifications or bills of quantities. Just include a cover page for each).
2. The Procurement Procedures (Bidding, Tendering and Contracting, in specific) of Works, Goods or
Services of a company.
3. The Procurement Procedures (Administer and Close Procurement, in specific) of Works, Goods or
Services of a company.
4. The Procurement Processes applied to an existing Project.

Critically analyze the document with reference to what you have studied in this course. Point out the defects
and the good practices in the document. Propose how to enhance such document.
The Project should be submitted by the due date to be announced. You need to discuss your project in class
on the same date. A PowerPoint presentation is a bonus.
You are required to clarify, in the cover page of your project, which of the above documents you have
selected, by mentioning its number from the numbers above (1 to 4).

Grading Policy:
- Mid-term Exam 30%
- Final Exam 40%
- Project 20%
- Attendance 10%

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