Jurnal Listening_Salwa & Roi_Sasing 6A

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Volume ... [diisi editor] Nomor ..., ... [bulan dan tahun] [diisi editor] Halaman ... [diisi editor]

URL: https://jurnal E-ISSN: P-ISSN:





Salwa Atiqoh Putri1, Roi Hatul Zanna2

Institut Prima Bangsa Cirebon
*Corresponding Author: salwaap23@gmail.com

Informasi Artikel:
Dikirim: ... [diisi editor]; Direvisi: ... [diisi editor]; Diterima: ... [diisi editor]

This research focuses on the development of listening learning materials for beginner
students based on auditory literacy. The study aims to enhance students' listening
comprehension skills through structured auditory exercises. Key findings indicate a
significant improvement in students' listening abilities after the implementation of the newly
developed materials. The materials were tested in a controlled classroom environment, and
the results were measured using pre- and post-tests. The study contributes to the field by
providing an innovative approach to teaching listening skills that integrates auditory
literacy principles..

Keywords: auditory literacy, listening comprehension, learning materials, beginner

students, language education.

Penelitian ini berfokus pada pengembangan materi pembelajaran menyimak untuk
mahasiswa tingkat permulaan berbasis literasi auditori. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk
meningkatkan keterampilan pemahaman menyimak mahasiswa melalui latihan auditori
yang terstruktur. Temuan utama menunjukkan peningkatan yang signifikan dalam
keterampilan menyimak mahasiswa setelah penerapan materi yang baru dikembangkan.
Materi diuji dalam lingkungan kelas yang terkontrol, dan hasilnya diukur menggunakan tes
sebelum dan sesudah. Penelitian ini berkontribusi pada bidang pendidikan dengan
memberikan pendekatan inovatif dalam pengajaran keterampilan menyimak yang
mengintegrasikan prinsip-prinsip literasi auditori.
Kata kunci: literasi auditori, pemahaman menyimak, materi pembelajaran, mahasiswa
tingkat permulaan, pendidikan bahasa

Listening comprehension is a pivotal component of language acquisition, particularly in
the context of English as a Foreign Language (EFL). This review aims to synthesize insights
from ten journal articles that explore various dimensions of academic listening comprehension

LINGUA BESTARI, 22(1), 2024:1—10 [Font 10]

among EFL learners. The primary purpose of this review is to highlight the critical challenges
and strategies related to listening comprehension, emphasizing their importance for improving
educational practices and outcomes.

The phenomenon of academic listening comprehension poses significant challenges due

to its complexity and transient nature. In the context of EFL, students often struggle with
understanding lectures, following discussions, and processing spoken information accurately
and efficiently. These difficulties are compounded by factors such as anxiety, limited exposure
to authentic listening materials, and insufficient metacognitive strategies. The subject of this
review includes Turkish and Indonesian EFL learners, university students in Turkey, and
broader populations in academic settings.

The relevance of this research is underscored by the increasing globalization of

education and the need for students to function effectively in academic environments where
English is the medium of instruction. The timeframe of the studies ranges from 2017 to 2021,
providing contemporary insights into the current state of EFL listening comprehension.
Geographically, the research spans several countries, including Turkey, Indonesia, and Iran,
reflecting a diverse array of educational contexts.

Understanding and addressing the challenges of listening comprehension is crucial

because it directly impacts students' academic performance and overall language proficiency.
The ability to listen effectively is foundational not only for language acquisition but also for
engaging with complex academic content, participating in discussions, and achieving academic
success. Therefore, this review is significant as it contributes to the body of knowledge by
identifying key issues, theoretical frameworks, and practical strategies to enhance listening
comprehension skills in EFL learners.

Identification of Problems
Listening comprehension in academic settings is influenced by a multitude of factors.
These include rapid speech rates, unfamiliar vocabulary, complex phonological features, and
environmental factors such as accents and unclear pronunciation. For instance, the study by
Abdullah Pekel (2019) highlights that Turkish EFL students face processing, phonological,
affective, and vocabulary-related problems. Similarly, research by Hidayati et al. (2020) points
out that anxiety significantly hampers students' listening abilities in Indonesian universities.

The research questions in these studies often focus on identifying specific listening
comprehension problems, their frequency, and the underlying reasons. They also explore
students' attitudes towards listening and the effectiveness of various strategies to overcome
these challenges. The studies employ a mix of qualitative and quantitative methods, including
surveys, questionnaires, and interviews, to gather comprehensive data on students' listening
experiences and difficulties.

Research Gap and Contribution

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The reviewed studies consistently indicate a gap in the effective teaching and integration
of listening comprehension strategies in EFL curricula. While previous research has
acknowledged the importance of listening, there is a clear need for more targeted interventions
and instructional practices. For example, the study by Zeynab Esmaeili et al. (2017) emphasizes
the role of metacognitive strategies in improving listening comprehension, yet many
educational programs still lack explicit training in these areas.

This review is unique in its comprehensive approach, bridging the gap between
theoretical insights and practical applications. It synthesizes findings from multiple contexts
and offers a holistic understanding of the challenges faced by EFL learners. By doing so, it
provides educators and policymakers with actionable recommendations to enhance listening
instruction, ultimately contributing to better academic outcomes for students.

Purpose and Contribution

The primary goal of this review is to identify and analyze the challenges associated with
academic listening comprehension in EFL settings. It aims to provide a detailed examination of
the factors affecting listening performance and to propose evidence-based strategies for
improvement. The review contributes to the body of knowledge by integrating diverse research
findings, highlighting effective practices, and suggesting areas for further study.


Review Method
This review followed the systematic literature review (SLR) methodology, referencing
Irna et al. (2021). The databases used for this review included Google Scholar, JSTOR, and
ScienceDirect. Keywords such as "academic listening comprehension," "EFL students,"
"listening anxiety," and "metacognitive listening strategies" were employed to locate relevant
journal articles. The review process involved screening articles for relevance, extracting key
data, and synthesizing the findings from ten selected studies.

The findings from the review are organized into descriptive findings and research
question-based results.

Descriptive Findings
 Country Setting: The studies reviewed were conducted in diverse settings, including
Turkey, Indonesia, Iran, and Hong Kong, reflecting a broad interest in academic
listening across different educational contexts.
 Year of Research: The studies spanned from 2014 to 2021, indicating a growing focus
on listening comprehension issues in recent years.
 Journals: The Journal of Applied Linguistics and Language Research and the Asian
Journal of Applied Linguistics were frequently published sources for these studies.

LINGUA BESTARI, 22(1), 2024:1—10 [Font 10]

 Influential Authors: Key contributors to this field included Lindsay Miller, Mevlüt
Ellialtı, and Abdullah Pekel, whose works have significantly advanced the
understanding of academic listening challenges.


The main research questions addressed across the studies include the identification of
listening comprehension problems, the frequency of these problems, students' attitudes towards
listening, underlying reasons, and suggested solutions.

1. Listening Comprehension Problems:

 Types of Problems: Common issues included processing problems, phonology

problems, affective issues, and vocabulary limitations .
 Frequency of Problems: These issues were prevalent, with high anxiety levels
reported among students in various contexts.

2. Students' Attitudes:

 Recognition of Importance: Students generally recognized the importance of

listening for language acquisition but struggled due to insufficient comprehensible
input and high levels of anxiety .

3. Underlying Reasons:

 Limited Exposure: Limited exposure to authentic listening materials and high

anxiety levels were significant contributors to listening comprehension problems .
 Lack of Effective Strategies: Many students lacked effective listening strategies,
further exacerbating their difficulties .

4. Suggested Solutions:

 Use of Media: Increased use of media and varied listening activities were
recommended to improve listening comprehension .
 Development of Self-Study Habits: Encouraging self-study habits and strategy
training were also suggested to help students overcome listening challenges.

The review highlights significant implications for both research and practice.

Implication for Research

The findings underscore the need for continued exploration of academic listening
comprehension. Future research should focus on longitudinal studies to track changes over time
and the effectiveness of different instructional interventions. Additionally, there is a need for
more research on the impact of technology and multimedia tools on listening comprehension.

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Implication for Practice

For educators, the review suggests several actionable recommendations:

 Strategy Training: Incorporate explicit instruction on listening strategies into the

curriculum to help students manage their listening tasks more effectively.
 Anxiety Reduction: Develop classroom environments that reduce anxiety, possibly
through mindfulness exercises or other stress-relief techniques.
 Authentic Listening Materials: Use authentic listening materials that reflect real-life
academic scenarios to better prepare students for actual listening tasks.

Future Research Agenda
Building on the initial framework from the SLR, future research should aim to:

 Develop comprehensive models of listening comprehension that incorporate

cognitive, affective, and contextual factors.
 Investigate the role of technology in enhancing listening skills and reducing anxiety.
 Explore cross-cultural differences in listening comprehension challenges and

Policy Recommendations
Policymakers should consider:
 Allocating resources for the development of high-quality listening materials and
teacher training programs.
 Promoting international collaborations to share best practices and research findings.
 Encouraging the integration of listening strategy instruction in language education
This systematic review provides a detailed overview of the current state of research on
academic listening comprehension, offering valuable insights and practical recommendations
for educators, researchers, and policymakers alike.

The primary objective of these ten studies was to explore various aspects of listening
comprehension and the associated challenges faced by English as a Foreign Language (EFL)
learners in different contexts. Each study aimed to address specific research questions regarding
the strategies used, the impact of anxiety, perceptions of different types of listening, and the
common problems encountered by learners. The findings consistently underscored the
complexity of listening comprehension and the multifaceted factors that influence it, such as
cognitive strategies, metacognitive awareness, linguistic challenges, and affective factors.

The key points summarized from these studies indicate that effective listening strategies,
such as metacognitive awareness and problem-solving, significantly enhance comprehension.
Anxiety and inadequate exposure to authentic listening materials were identified as major

LINGUA BESTARI, 22(1), 2024:1—10 [Font 10]

hindrances. Furthermore, the role of educators in providing supportive environments and

integrating diverse listening activities was highlighted as crucial. The studies also revealed that
learner perceptions and educational backgrounds influence their listening skills and strategies.

However, these studies also have limitations, such as the relatively small sample sizes
and the context-specific nature of the findings, which may not be universally applicable. Future
research could benefit from larger, more diverse samples and longitudinal designs to better
understand the development of listening skills over time. Additionally, there is a need for more
practical interventions and instructional models that can be directly applied in classroom
settings to mitigate the challenges identified.


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Listening Course.
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