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General Introduction

The modern shopping mall came in to being soon after the second world war. Mall came not only
to dominate the retail trade scene but helped undermine traditional city centers, promote urban
sprawl, reshaped commercial pattern and foster the decline and eventual demise of many
department stores in the process.

According to article published by Animesh T in 2016, a shopping plaza is the modern

adaptation of the historical marketplace. The is the collection of independent retail stores,
services and a parking area which is conceived, constructed and maintained by a separate
management firm as a unit. The first shopping mall was the Country Club Plaza founded by the
J.C Nicolas Company and opened near Kansas city in 1922 in USA. The first enclosed mall
called the SOUTH DALE opened in Edina Minnesota in 1956. This mall was designed by an
architect called Victor Gruen. He was an Australian architect known as the pioneer for the
designing of malls. In the 1980s giant megamalls were developed like the Western Edmonton
Mall in Alberta Canada in 1981.

According to Soroush Hashemi a corperate entrepreneur published August 21 2019, the

shopping mall is a global phenomenon that has its root in ancient outdoor bazaars where people
would go to buy goods from local artisans, farmers and craftmen. The shopping mall that know
today were birthed in the beginning of the 20th century and have since then grew to cover the
major cities of the world in a few different forms. Still according to him the first enclosed mall
was the Southdale opened in Edina Minnesota in 1956 near Minneapolis. Not only has the
shopping mall become a place to find and purchase goods , it is also known as a cultural hot spot
where of all ages can come to interact.

Some of the largest mall in the world includes the South China mall Dongguan in China
opened in 2005, the Golden Resource shopping mall Beijin in 2004, West Edmonton Mall
Alberta in Canada opened in 1981 and the Grandview mall Guang

The project “Creation of a Mall with Online Services” aims to revolutionize the retail landscape
by seamlessly merging physical and digital shopping experiences. This innovative venture will
cater to modern consumer demands for convenience, variety, and enhanced experiences. By
integrating cutting-edge technologies such as augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and
artificial intelligence (AI), the mall will offer personalized and interactive shopping journeys.
Customers can enjoy the flexibility of browsing and purchasing products online with options for
home delivery or in-store pickup, while also having the ability to physically visit stores for a
traditional shopping experience. The mall’s infrastructure will feature modern, eco-friendly
architecture with smart facilities powered by the Internet of Things (IoT) to optimize resource
management and enhance security. Additionally, a user-friendly e-commerce platform with
secure payment systems and efficient logistics will ensure a seamless shopping experience.
Marketing efforts will focus on omni-channel strategies, loyalty programs, and engaging events
to drive both footfall and online traffic. By blending the best aspects of physical and digital
retail, this project aims to set a new benchmark in the industry, providing a versatile and
sustainable shopping environment for the future.

Section 1
Project Identification
1.1As seen from the map above,Cameroon, in West Africa, is a mixture of desert plains in the
north, mountains in the central regions, and tropical rain forests in the south. Along its western
border with Nigeria are mountains, which include the volcanic Cameroon Mountain—the highest
point in West Africa at 13,451 feet (4,100 meters).
- As seen from the map above ,Douala is the economic capital of Cameroon found in the
littoral region, and the ethnic groups basically leaving there are there SAWA people . This
cosmopolitan city of about 3 million inhabitants concentrates almost 20% of the urban
population of the country and it’s the most populous city in Central Africa

- Yassa is located in the region of Littoral. Littoral’s capital Douala (Douala) is

approximately 14.4 km / 9.0 mi away from Yassa (as the crow flies). The distance from
Yassa to Cameroon’s capital Yaounde (Yaoundé) is approximately 189 km / 118 mi (as
the crow flies).Yassa is one of the I dustrial area in Douala with manufacturing industries
like AZURE,MADAR and PARLE G. The main reason why our project is located in
yassa is mostly because of vaste land which going to cover the structure and everything
included like the parking lots and other entertaining activities.
The AFCON made YASSA to be well known because of the japoma stadium which attracted
many foreign visitors in the area so more to the stadium the Mall will be a surplus to the area
because the population of yassa is rapidly increasing and the the existing malls like Grand
Mall is about 7km which is far for customers leaving in Yassa to acquire their product in the
Grand Mall due to the distance. So with the construction of this Mall in Yassa will give them
less stress with time and money saving
-Traffic count

- Labor needs and Supply

1.2 QUAS Golden Mall
The meaning of the project is to demonstrate the efficient quality of our goods to our customers
and the serenity which is the confort,the joy and the entertainment that each of our customers
will be happy to experience while shopping from us.
1.3The legal status of this project is a partnership.
A partnership is a formal arrangement by two or more parties to manage and operate a business
and share its profits. There are several types of partnership arrangements. In particular, in a
partnership business, all partners share liabilities and profits equally, while in others, partners
may have limited liability.
The reasons for the our partnership are;
-To have more capital to start and run the business
- For the division of labour in the management of the business
-For greater chance of continuity
- Fund raising in the company is easier



1. **General objective:** To establish a hybrid mall combining physical infrastructure with

an innovative online platform, fostering convenience and accessibility for customers.

2. **Specific objectives:**
- Integrate seamless online services with traditional brick-and-mortar shopping experiences.
- Enhance customer satisfaction through personalized online shopping experiences.
- Optimize operational efficiency by leveraging technology for inventory management and
customer service.
- Establish the mall as a hub for community engagement through both offline and online


**1. Description:**
- **Product/service features:** The mall offers a diverse range of products and services,
including retail stores, entertainment venues, dining options, and virtual storefronts accessible
through the online platform.
- **Customer benefits:** Customers benefit from a seamless shopping experience that
combines the convenience of online shopping with the tactile experience of traditional retail,
alongside enhanced personalization and access to a wider range of offerings.
- **Warranties and guarantees:** Products purchased through the online platform are backed
by standard warranties and guarantees, ensuring customer satisfaction and confidence in their
- **Uniqueness:** The integration of online services with physical retail spaces sets our mall
apart, offering customers unparalleled convenience and choice.

**2. Patent and trademark protection:**

- We have secured patents for proprietary technology used in our online platform, ensuring the
protection of our intellectual property.
- Trademark protection is in place for our brand identity, safeguarding our unique positioning
in the market.

**3. Description of production process (where applicable):**

- Raw materials: Raw materials vary depending on the products offered, sourced from
reputable suppliers to ensure quality and sustainability.
- Key suppliers: We maintain partnerships with key suppliers to ensure consistent availability
of products and materials.

**4. Future product or service offerings:**

- Continual innovation is a cornerstone of our business strategy, with plans to expand our
online platform to include additional services such as virtual events, digital concierge
services, and augmented reality shopping experiences.


Section 3
Justification Of The Project
The creation of this shopping centres is there to provide convenient and easy access to the
community’s needs and wants. With this mall offering online services will present a multifaceted
opportunity that aligns with current trends and anticipate future needs in retail, community
engagement and environmental responsibilities. The justification for this project stems for a
variety of political, economics, social and environmental importance.

Political importance
1. -Support for local business: The integration of online services within a mall structure
promote local entrepeneurship by providing smaller local retailer a physical and digital
platform to sell their product. This approach is in line with government policies aiming to
bolster local economies and reduce and reduce the monopoly of large e-commerce giants.

2 Job Creation: The construction and operation of a mall will generate numerous jobs ,
thus supporting local employment policies .This is crutial in regions seeking economic
revitalization or where job creation is a government priority

Economic Importance
1.Sustainability Initiative: Green and sustainable practices are becoming a Hallmark of
mordent malls solar panels,rainwater strong and eco-friendly designs save cost and promote
2. To provide and generate economic growth: The creation of this mall will go a long way to
benefit a community by providing jobs and generating economic activities as well as offering
a convenient ways for people to purchase goods and services
Social Importance
1. Art and culture: Another important of this mall will often be to host art
installation,gallaries and cultural events.This infusion of culture enriches the community
and also attract tourist,stimulating local economic
2. Provide a retreat for thos seeking a respite from their home: Though there is no place like
home,it is however also a good idea to get it every once ina a while. The creation of this
mall will therefore provide a short and quick respite from the busy and hectic
schedules.People can just come around to just walk and feel entertained with the
attraction in the mall and do some window shopping. They don’t necessarily need to buy
anything, it is like a nice little pit stop or a place that offers a change of scenery.

Environmental importance.

1. Promotion of green spaces: The planning of the mall will include green spaces that only
enhance aesthetic value of the mall but also contribute to the ecological health of the
2. Sustainable construction and operation: The mall will be designed with Sustainability in
mind, using eco-friendly material and technologies that minimize environmental
impact,such as energy efficient lighting and heating,rainwater harvesting system and
solar panels.

Chapter 2: Project Feasibility Studies

Brief Introduction
In this chapter, we assess the viability of establishing a mall with integrated online
services through rigorous feasibility studies. This evaluation encompasses commercial,
financial, and technical aspects, ensuring the project aligns with market needs, is
financially viable, and technologically feasible. This chapter begins by delving into the
commercial feasibility, focusing on understanding market dynamics, customer behaviors,
and competitive landscapes to validate the demand and profitability of the project.

Section 1: Commercial Feasibility

I. Commercial Feasibility Study

1. Study of Markets and Needs

a. Potential Customers

Potential customers are segmented based on various demographics and behavioral


Age Group: 18-25, 26-35, 36-45, 46-55, 55+

Income Level: Low, Middle, High

Shopping Preferences: Online shoppers, In-person shoppers, Mixed-mode shoppers

b. Competitors

Analysis of the competitive landscape includes:

 Existing Competitors: List of current malls and online shopping platforms within the
 Potential Competitors: New entrants identified through market trends.
 Impact on Your Business: Direct competition impacting pricing strategies, customer
service, and brand positioning.
c. The Results of the Survey

The following table presents a sample survey data summarizing market insights:

Parameter Details

Number of Customers 10,000 potential local customers

Competitors 5 major malls, 8 online platforms

Suppliers 150+ local and international suppliers

Intermediaries 20 logistic providers, 10 payment gateways

2. The Marketing Strategy

a. The Construction of the Brand Image

Building a brand image will be a multifaceted approach involving:

 Influencers: Collaborating with popular local and international influencers.
 Digital Marketing: SEO, social media ads, content marketing.
b. Demographic Profile and Other Customer Characteristics

The complete demographic profile includes age, income, shopping habits, and preferred
shopping modes, instrumental in crafting personalized marketing messages.

c. Customer’s Motivation to Buy

Key motivations include convenience, price, variety, and exclusive online-offline

integration features.

d. Market Size and Trends

The targeted market is substantial, with a consistent growth trend. A detailed analysis

 Market Size: Estimated at $500 million annually.

 Trend: Growing at 5% per annum, fueled by increasing internet penetration and
preference for mixed-mode shopping.
e. The Marketing Mix or the 4Ps

Product Policy

 Diverse range of products from fashion to electronics to cater to varied customer


Pricing Policy

 Competitive pricing with a detailed cost structure analysis:

Type Cost

Fixed Costs $1,000,000

Variable Costs $50 per unit

 Comparison against competitors' prices reveals a competitive edge in offering quality at

lower prices.

Market Policy (Distribution)

 Online platform integrated with physical mall outlets.

 Direct sales boosted through an exclusive app and website, alongside traditional mall

Promotion Policy

 Multi-channel approach: Online ads, TV, newspapers, and special in-mall events.
 Frequency: Weekly ads online, monthly in traditional media.

Distribution Strategy

 Omnichannel distribution leveraging both direct sales and third-party sellers.

3. Business and Industry Profile

 Industry Background and Overview: E-commerce integrated with traditional retail is

trending globally with substantial growth in customer acceptance.
 Market Segmentation and Target Market: Segmented by age, income, and shopping
 Significant Trends: Increasing demand for hybrid shopping experiences.
 Sales Forecast: Projected annual sales of $50 million in the first three years.
 Growth Rate: 10% growth expected annually.
 Key Success Factors: Customer experience, technological integration, brand loyalty.
 Outlook for Future Stages of Growth: Planning for expansion and technology
upgrades after initial stabilization.
 Desired Image and Position in Market: To be perceived as a customer-centric,
innovative shopping destination.
 SWOT Analysis: Strengths (innovative model, strong supplier network), Weaknesses
(high initial investment), Opportunities (market growth, technological advancements),
Threats (competitive pressures, economic downturns).


1. The Production Process

The proposed mall will integrate both physical and online retail environments to
enhance customer experience and maximize operational efficiency. Here's how the
production of goods and services will be managed:

a. Requirements

Required Infrastructure:
 A physical shopping complex with spaces allocated for retail, dining, and entertainment.
 A robust IT infrastructure for the online platform including servers, networking
equipment, and cybersecurity systems.
 Logistics and delivery centers located strategically to optimize supply chain efficiency.

Plant and Machinery:

 HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) systems for climate control.
 Escalators and elevators for easy navigation within
the mall.

 Security systems, including surveillance cameras and security checkpoints.

Technology Requirement:

 E-commerce website and mobile application platforms for online shopping.

 Point of Sale (POS) systems and inventory management software.
 Customer relationship management (CRM) software.

Manpower Requirement:

 Retail staff for physical stores.

 IT professionals for system management and support.
 Security personnel.
 Customer service representatives for both online and offline interactions.
 Logistics and delivery teams.

Power Requirement:

 Reliable power supply for non-stop operation of the mall and data centers.
 Backup generators and UPS systems for emergency and uninterrupted power supply.

Raw Material to Be Used:

 Building materials for initial construction and maintenance.

 IT hardware for the online services infrastructure.
 Products and goods for sale through various retail outlets.
b. Supply and Stock Management

A comprehensive inventory system will be implemented, integrating both physical and

online store inventories to synchronize supply chain and stock levels. The table below
outlines the main stock categories, suppliers, and costs:
Stock Category Suppliers Cost

Electronics Samsung, Apple $500,000

Fashion Zara, H&M $300,000

Groceries Local Farms, Nestle $200,000

Furniture IKEA, HomeCentre $250,000

Sports Equipment Nike, Adidas $150,000

c. Services

Services crucial for the technical operations of the mall include:

 IT maintenance and support to ensure the smooth operation of online services and
physical store technology.
 Security services to ensure the safety of both shoppers and goods.
 Logistics and warehousing services to manage the flow of goods to and from the mall.
 Cleaning and maintenance services to keep the mall premises clean and functional.

2. Identification of Human Resource Needs and Project Start Date

a) Human Resources

Organizational Structure: The mall will have various departments such as Sales, IT,
Security, Logistics, HR, and Customer Service.

Role and Responsibilities:

 Sales staff to manage customer queries and sales operations.

 IT staff to maintain the website, app, and internal tech systems.
 Security personnel to manage physical and cybersecurity.
 Logistics staff to handle stock management and delivery.
 Customer service representatives to handle inquiries and complaints.

Number of Staff Required: Approximately 200 employees across various departments.

Need of Training:

 Sales and customer service training.

 Security training for new security technologies and protocols.
 IT training on the latest software and cybersecurity measures.
Key Managers and Employees' Backgrounds: The management team will consist of
experienced professionals from retail and IT industries.

Strengths and Weaknesses of Management Team: Strengths include extensive

experience and diverse skills in retail management and technology. Weaknesses may
include adapting to rapidly changing retail environments.

Resumes of Key Managers and Employees: These will be provided in the Appendix.

Table of Staff and Their Base Salaries:

Role Number Base Salary (per annum)

Retail Manager 10 $50,000

IT Specialist 15 $70,000

Security Officer 30 $40,000

Logistics Manager 5 $60,000

Customer Service Rep 20 $30,000

Other Staff 120 $25,000

c) Estimated Start Date

Using the PERT method, key project activities will be identified along with their expected
durations to establish a timeline. This data will be used in Chapter 3, Section 1, to
determine the critical path and optimal project duration.

Section 3: Financial Feasibility

This section provides a detailed financial feasibility analysis for the creation of a mall
with integrated online services. The following sub-sections cover cost assessment,
funding sources, and various financial projections critical to evaluating the project's

I. Cost Assessment

Table 1: Cost Analysis

Cost Type Description Estimated Cost

Fixed Costs
Land Acquisition Cost of purchasing land $2,000,000
Construction Cost of building the physical mall $8,000,000
Licensing Fees for necessary permits and licenses $50,000
IT Infrastructure Setup for online services and IT backbone $500,000
Variable Costs
Utilities Electricity, water, etc. $200,000/year
Maintenance Regular upkeep of mall facilities $150,000/year
Marketing Advertising and promotional activities $300,000/year
Total Cost $11,200,000 + Variable Costs

II. Determination of Funding Sources and Capital Requirements

Table 2: Funding Sources

Source Description Amount Expected

Equity Investment from owners $5,000,000
Bank Loan Long-term bank loan $5,000,000
Overdraft Overdraft facility for short-term liquidity $200,000
Leasing Equipment and facility leasing $500,000
Hire Purchase Purchasing equipment over time $500,000
Total Funding $11,200,000

III. Analysis of the Operating Account

1. Turnover Forecast

Year Forecasted Turnover

1 $1,000,000
2 $1,500,000
Year Forecasted Turnover
3 $2,000,000

2. Operating Expenses

Year Operating Expenses

1 $650,000
2 $700,000
3 $750,000

3. Forecasted Operating Account

Year Revenue Expenses Profit/Loss

1 $1,000,000 $650,000 $350,000
2 $1,500,000 $700,000 $800,000
3 $2,000,000 $750,000 $1,250,000

IV. Financial Projections

4. Income Statement Projections

Year Revenue Expenses Depreciation Net Income

1 $1,000,000 $650,000 $200,000 $150,000
2 $1,500,000 $700,000 $200,000 $600,000
3 $2,000,000 $750,000 $200,000 $1,050,000

5. Balance Sheet Projections

Projected balance sheets include assets such as land, building, and equipment, offset by
liabilities including bank loans and accounts payable, alongside equity.

6. Cash Flow Estimates

Detailed yearly cash flow estimates that incorporate operating cash inflow, investing
cash outflow, and financing cash inflow/outflow.

7. Ratio Analysis

Comparison of key financial ratios (like ROI, ROE, current ratio) with industry standards
to gauge performance.
8. Break-Even Analysis

Calculation of the break-even point to determine when the mall will start generating a
profit, based on fixed costs, variable costs per visitor, and average revenue per visitor.

This financial feasibility analysis provides a comprehensive look at the financial

expectations and requirements for the mall project with integrated online services,
aiding stakeholders in making informed decisions.

Chapter 3: Project Implementation and Organization

This chapter outlines the necessary steps and organization required for the successful
implementation of the mall with online services project. Here, we delve into project execution
planning to ensure seamless product development, quality assurance, and distribution.
Additionally, we will explore the institutional and organizational framework to support the
project’s integration within the existing retail and digital landscapes. The chapter is structured to
guide the team from the initiation phase through to the full operationalization of the mall,
underscoring the relationships with external entities and the internal structure of the project team.
Section 1: Project Implementation
I. Project Execution Planning
Based on the data gathered from our technical study, the following are the detailed steps involved
in the execution of the project, along with their estimated duration:
1. Site Acquisition and Permits (3 months)
 Secure the land for physical mall construction and obtain necessary construction
and business operation permits from local authorities.
2. Design and Architecture (5 months)
 Collaborate with architects to design the mall structure and interior spaces that
integrate physical shopping with online infrastructure.
 Design consideration for server rooms and IT infrastructure that will support
online services.
3. Construction (12 months)
 Groundbreaking and structural development including essential utilities setup.
 Parallel setup of the IT infrastructure required for online services.
4. Manufacturing Process Setup (4 months)
 Establishing logistics for inventory management including warehousing spaces
and material handling systems.
5. Quality Assurance System Establishment (2 months)
 Implementation of QA protocols for both physical and online services.
 Training staff to handle QA tools and methodologies.
6. Research and Development (ongoing)
 Set up an R&D team to innovate on blending the shopping experience between
physical and digital realms.
 Continuous improvement on customer interaction platforms and backend
II. Construction of the PERT Graph
To visualize and manage the project timelines efficiently, a PERT (Program Evaluation Review
Technique) graph will be constructed. Key milestones and tasks will be identified and plotted to
find the critical path which indicates the longest stretch of dependent activities and thus, the
minimum time necessary to complete the project.
 Key milestones include: Site acquisition, Design completion, Construction phases, Setup
of online services, and Grand opening.
 Critical Path Calculation: After plotting all activities and their dependencies, the critical
path will be calculated by adding the durations of the longest sequence of dependent
Section 2: Institutional and Organizational Study
I. Institutional Study
The mall project will interface with multiple external institutions which include:
 Local Government: For compliance with zoning and construction codes.
 Suppliers: Contracts with suppliers for both construction materials and goods for sale in
the mall.
 Competitors: Study of competitor landscapes both in traditional retail and online
platforms to strategize market positioning.
II. Organizational Set-Up
The project will be supported by a robust organizational structure comprising:
1. Director/Manager: Oversees entire mall operations including online integration.
2. The Accountant: Manages finances, budgeting, and financial reporting.
3. Production Manager: Handles product sourcing, inventory, and supplier relations.
4. Marketing/Sales Manager: Develops marketing strategies and oversees both online and
offline sales operations.
5. Maintenance: Ensures all physical and digital infrastructures are running smoothly.
6. Driver and Logistics Staff: Manage deliveries and physical movement of goods.
An organization chart detailing the reporting and functional relationships will be provided in the
Conclusion of Chapter 3: This chapter sets a clear roadmap for executing the project efficiently
while maintaining quality and integrating seamlessly with necessary external institutions. The
organizational structure outlined ensures that each aspect of the mall and online services is
expertly managed to achieve the overarching business objectives.

Section 3: Risk, Contingency Factors and Exit Strategy

1. Risk Factors and Contingency
Launching a mall with online services comes with various risk factors that could impact the
business. Addressing these risks and preparing contingency plans is vital for ensuring the
sustainability and resilience of the business. Here are some identified risks along with their
corresponding mitigation strategies:
 Failures to Meet Production Deadlines: This could impact inventory and service
delivery, undermining customer satisfaction. To mitigate this risk, establish robust supply
chain management practices and build strong relationships with multiple suppliers to
ensure redundancy.
 Business Cycle: Economic downturns could reduce consumer spending, affecting mall
revenues. To cushion against this, diversify revenue streams, such as incorporating
entertainment and essential services that remain in demand regardless of economic
 Industry Trends: The shift towards e-commerce can affect traditional mall operations.
Embrace this trend by enhancing the online shopping experience and integrating it
seamlessly with physical store benefits, such as immediate product access and in-person
customer service.
 Change in Technology: Technological obsolescence can make the online services
component uncompetitive. Invest in continuous technology updates and keep abreast of
new tech developments to incorporate into the business model.
 Change in Demand: Consumer preferences can shift rapidly; thus, staying flexible in
product offerings and engaging in continuous market research will help anticipate and
react to changes.
 Problems with Labour, Suppliers, or Distributors: Disruptions here can severely affect
operations. Maintain good relationships with all business partners and have alternative
contacts ready. Also, invest in employee satisfaction and retention strategies to ensure a
stable workforce.
 Competition: The presence of other malls and online shopping platforms could erode
market share. Differentiate the mall by providing unique shopping experiences, superior
customer service, and exclusive product lines.
 Inadequate Capital: Cash flow issues could stifle growth and operational capabilities.
Secure sufficient funding before launch and manage finances with stringent budget
controls and regular financial reviews.
 Government Regulations: Changes in regulations could impose additional operational
burdens. Stay compliant by regularly reviewing relevant laws and regulations, and
engage with a legal advisor for ongoing compliance.
 Other Factors: Unforeseen events such as natural disasters or major socio-political
changes could impact operations. Have insurance in place and develop a comprehensive
disaster recovery plan.
2. Exit Strategy
An effective exit strategy is crucial for recouping investments if the business model does not
work as expected or if it’s time to move on to other ventures. The following are potential exit
strategies for investors:
 Sell it: Target individual investors or companies interested in expanding their footprint in
the retail and online shopping sectors. Marketing the mall's integrated model as a value
proposition could attract buyers looking for a diverse revenue-generating asset.
 Liquidation: If continuation is unfeasible, assets such as property, technology, and
inventory can be liquidated to recover funds.
 Friendly Buy Out: Employees or management team members could be potential buyers,
especially if they are invested emotionally and financially in the business’s success.
 Initial Public Offerings (IPOs): If the mall achieves significant growth and profitability,
an IPO might be an appropriate strategy to provide an exit for early investors and raise
capital for further expansion.
 Merger and Acquisitions: Look for potential merger partners or acquisition deals with
larger retail chains or commercial property investors who can offer a strategic fit or wish
to diversify their business models.
In identifying potential buyers, consider entities that might benefit strategically from acquiring a
hybrid mall with integrated online services, such as large retail chains seeking digital
transformation or e-commerce platforms aiming to establish a physical presence. Building
relationships with these potential buyers from an early stage can facilitate a smoother exit
process when the time comes.

General Conclusion
The creation of a modern shopping mall that integrates online services is designed to provide a
seamless and innovative shopping experience, catering to both traditional and digital consumers.
This project aims to establish a hybrid business model that leverages the physical space for direct
sales and experiential interactions while utilizing an online platform for broader reach and
convenience. The mall will host a variety of retail stores, entertainment options, and dining
facilities, coupled with an e-commerce website for online shopping and virtual services like
virtual tours and online reservations.
A SWOT analysis highlights key strategic insights:
 Strengths: Integration of physical and online shopping, diverse tenant mix, strategic
location with high foot traffic, and advanced technology for improved customer
 Weaknesses: High initial capital investment, reliance on technology which may alienate
non-tech-savvy customers, and potential operational complexities in syncing online and
offline operations.
 Opportunities: Expanding market for online shopping, potential for partnerships with
tech firms, and the ability to attract a larger customer base beyond geographic limits.
 Threats: Competition from purely online e-commerce platforms and other hybrid
models, technological disruptions, and market volatility.
This dual-channel approach not only meets the current market demands but also positions the
mall to adapt to future retail trends and consumer behaviors, making it a robust business venture
for potential investors, lenders, and partners seeking a comprehensive and forward-thinking
1. Market Research Report
 Detailed analysis of target demographics, consumer behavior trends, and competitive
 Statistical data supporting the projected footfall and online engagement rates.
2. Contracts with Vendors
 Official agreements detailing terms and conditions with various retail and service vendors
within the mall.
 Specifications of lease agreements and service level expectations.
3. Contacts with Investors/Lenders and Financial Institutions
 List of potential and current investors along with contact details.
 Summaries of financial agreements and terms with banks and other financial bodies.
4. Types of Business Risks
 Assessment of potential risks including market risks, operational risks, financial risks,
and technological risks.
 Risk mitigation strategies and insurance details.
5. Photographs
 Architectural renders of the mall design and layout.
 Photographic simulations of customer interactions both in physical and virtual
6. Production Flow Chart
 Diagrams illustrating the operational workflow of both the physical and online
components of the mall.
 Integration points between online services and physical storefront operations.
7. Press Release
 Initial press release for the launch of the mall project.
 Media kit for ongoing promotional activities.
8. Contingency Plans
 Detailed plans addressing potential disruptions in operations, including technological
failures, supply chain issues, and emergency response protocols.
 Backup plans for maintaining service continuity in various adverse scenarios.
Each appendix serves to provide detailed backing to the main business plan, ensuring that
stakeholders can access deeper insights into the project’s foundation, operations, and strategic
management. These documents support the robustness and diligence of the project planning

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