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Surname / First name Surname / First name

Street / N° Street / N°

Postcode / Town Postcode / Town

Date of birth Date of birth

Phone number (with country code) Phone number (with country code)

Object of sale Boat name

Manufacturer / Shipyard Model / Type

Construction N° / Hull ID N° Sail N°

Build date Length Width Depth

Engine manufacturer / Type Power (hp/kW) Engine number(s) Engine hours

The following documents are an integral part of the contract and are enclosed:

Equipment list CE Certi,cate of conformity Original invoice (VAT Certicate)

This contract template is available for download at: 1|2

PLEASE NOTE: The following contract texts are a template. They have been carefully prepared; however they do not guarantee legal validity. They are intended as a guide
and formulation aid only; it is still necessary for the user to undertake a careful evaluation of the relevant legal situation. The provider of these templates thus assumes
no liability for any resulting e+ects on the parties' legal positions. © Marine Classied Media AG
Purchase price / Currency in words
VAT paid

Down payment on (date) Payment method Payment completed on (date) Payment method

The craft only becomes the property of the purchaser once the full price has been paid.
Handover takes place on (date) Location (place / country)
free land free water

6.1. The vessel is sold under exclusion of liability for material defects. This exclusion does not apply to claims for damages
arising from liability for material defects that are based on a grossly negligent or intentional breach of duties on the part of
the seller or the seller's vicarious agents, as well as injury to life, limb and health. Any remaining claims against third parties
arising from liability for material defects are to be assigned to the purchaser.
6.2. The seller con,rms that he is the sole owner of the craft and that the craft is not subject to the rights of any third parties.
Following full payment and/or the handover of the ship, the seller shall provide the buyer with all relevant papers and
instructions relating to the ship (where available).

The place of jurisdiction is (place / country) The law applies of (country)

Place / date Signature Place / date Signature

This contract template is available for download at: 2|2

PLEASE NOTE: The following contract texts are a template. They have been carefully prepared; however they do not guarantee legal validity. They are intended as a guide
and formulation aid only; it is still necessary for the user to undertake a careful evaluation of the relevant legal situation. The provider of these templates thus assumes
no liability for any resulting e+ects on the parties' legal positions. © Marine Classied Media AG

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