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Class VII (Sec. A & B)

1- 15 i`"B lqys[k fy[kukA
2- ikB 1 ls 4 rd i<+uk o ¼xqatu½ iz’u mÙkj dks fy[kks o ;kn djksA
fgUnh O;kdj.k & nks i= fy[kukA
1- lnkpkj izek.k&i= ysus ds fy, iz/kkuk/;kid dks izkFkZuk i= ¼i`"B la[;k & 105½ O;kdj.k
2- ijh{kk esa vlQy gksus ij fe= dks lkaRouk nsrs gq, i= ¼i`"B la[;k & 105½ O;kdj.k
vuqPNsn & 4 fy[kks o ;kn djksA
1- gekjs jk"Vªh; izrhd
2- tuuh vkSj tUeHkwfe
3- tSlh djuh oSlh Hkjuh
4- ijk/khu liusgq¡ lq[k ukfga
foykse 'kCn & 30 fy[kks o ;kn djksA
i;kZ;okph 'kCn & 20 fy[kks o ;kn djksA
vifBr xn~;ka’k ¼d½ i`"B la[;k 200] xn~;ka’k ¼[k½ i`"B la[;k 201 dks i<+dj iz’uksa ds mÙkj fy[ksaA


Vocabulary (From Grammar Book) in holiday homework book.

1. Write and Learn
A. Synonyms – 1 to 30
B. Group of collection – 21 to 40
C. Comparisons – 27 to 52
D. One word for many – 33 to 64
2. Story Writing. (From Grammar Book)
(i) The Clever Hare – page no. 382
(ii) Try, Try Again – page no. 383
4. Write a letter to your uncle thanking him for the birthday present sent by him. (page no. 396)
5. Write a letter to your uncle that you will spend your summer vacation with him. (page no. 398)
6. Write 15 pages writing from Reader book.
Read and solve passages no. 1 and 2 (page no 410, 411) from English Grammar book.

Write three table every day from 2 to 20.
7 2 2 1 7
1. Add :- (i) 10+15 (ii) 2 3+3 2 (iii) 4+8
3 1 5 2
2. Subtract :- (i) 2 − 5 (ii) 8 2 −3 8 (iii) 9 − 5 3
3 2 1 5
(iv) 4 10 − 1 15 (v) 2 − 3 8
2 1 1 5 3 7
3. Simplify :- (i) 4 3 − 3 4 + 26 (ii) 7 6 − 4 8 + 212
2 4 3 3 3
4. Multiply :- (i) 9 x 5 (ii) 5 x 12 (iii) 5 4 x 2 7
5 2 7 2
5. Divide :- (i) 9 ÷ 3 (ii) 28 ÷ 4 (iii) 36 ÷ 63

Simplify (6 to 9)
6. 27-[5+{28-(29-7)}]

Simplify (1 to 50) BODMAS Method

1. 27-[5+{28-(29-7)}] 26. 17+34÷17x5-20

2. 343-[227-219÷3] 27. 105x14÷7+6-1
3. 250+715÷(35÷7) 28. 198-42x15÷5+6
4. 72x6+525÷15 29. 56÷14x3-10-5+1
5. 50÷10x6+8-2 30. 56-36÷4x2+7
6. 20x14÷7+2-3 31. 65÷13x8+7 (6-2)
7. 40+{60-(30-5)} 32. 78+62-32x8÷4
8. 36 x {57÷19+2(5-3)} 33. 38÷2x7+6-8 (6+2)
9. 72÷6x8+4 (6-2) 34. 118-[121÷(11x11)-(-4+5)-{3-9-2}]
10. 38÷19+7-2 (8+2) 35. 74-{36÷(6x6)-(4)+6}
11. 12-[20-{8-2(9-5-2)}] 36. 39x7+6÷3-4
12. [24÷{10-(8-6-2)}] 37. 5252÷2+7x6-8
13. 20-{18÷(7-2+1)} 38. 4 of 16+7÷14+2

14. 23-[6+{8-(9-6)}] 39. 92÷46-71x8+3

15. 2[19-{7+(12-4)}] 40. 150x150÷50+6x8
16. 40-[12+{16-(12÷3)}] 41. 55÷11x4+3(171÷19)
17. [{(30-9-6)-3}x6+6] 42. 22-4{-5-(-48) ÷(-16)}

18. 12-[6÷3+{8÷2(8-6)}] 43. 32÷16+7+8x5-3

19. [40-{19-3(6-4-1)}] 44. 52÷13+8x6÷3-1
20. [105÷{23+2(9-5-2)}] 45. 68+92-72x8÷2+5(7+3)
21. 289+153÷17-8x19 46. 48-[18-{16-(5-4-1)}]
22. 7614+832x48÷16-8 47. 39- [23-{29-(17-9-3)}]
23. 7823-128÷16 of 4-3973 48. 950÷19x4+7-8x6
24. 80+[20x{20-10÷5)}] 49. 135-15x7+32-95
25. [{64-(12+13)} ÷3]+15 50. 325-5x7+150-8

1. Chapter 1 exercise (MCQs, Fillups) Q/Ans learn and write.

2. Draw a well labelled diagram of open stomata (Fig 1.4, page 9)
3. Draw a well labelled diagram of Human Digestive System (Fig 2.9, Page 22)
4. Draw a table 2.2 types of teeth in humans (Page no. 23)
5. Draw a table 2.3 overview of digestion in humans (Page no. 27)


1. Learn all PT 1 syllabus

2. Identify, Locate , Label and Write following points in Indian Political map.
(a) 15 States, their Capital name and Languages.
(b) Union Territories
3. Chapter 18, 10, 11 Q/A write and learn.
4. Locate following points in World’s Political Map.
(a) Locate 7 continents
(b) 15 Countries their Languages, Capital, currency and Chief of Nation Name.

Note :- All subjects Summer Vacation Home work is to be done in single copy.
uksV %& lHkh fo"k;ksa dk xzh"edkyhu x`gdk;Z ,d dkWih esa gh djuk gSA

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