The image doesn

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The image doesn't reflect the reality

More often than not, the image of a money hungry, apathetic, soulless, and uncaring lawyer is the
archetype we are portrayed as, and this leads people to ask: what could anybody possibly love about
being a lawyer? Unless you’re a sociopath, the answer is nothing, but there’s far more to this profession
than this stereotypical image.

In my line of work, I am faced with many dilemmas and conflicting situations. Many times I have been
given the option to go in the direction my conscience is telling me to go, or to ignore it and go the other
way entirely. I can absolutely see a situation arising for some lawyers, where the choices they make end
them up in territory they never thought themselves belonging in. Despite this undeniable fact, there are
many things that law grants that are fulfilling and positive, and to label an entire profession as less-than-
human is to ignore the realities of the entire story.

It’s really challenging

Every day is littered with new and exciting challenges. The mental as well as physical stimulation this line
of work provides is phenomenal. Every minute that yields a challenge that needs to be remedied, is a
chance to sharpen my mind, learn something new, and make myself not only a better lawyer, but also a

Many people would find this aspect troubling or unsettling, but I’m at my most comfortable when things
are challenging. I love working every day because I know it’s never a day that will be the same as the last
— as for me, that would get a little stale after a while.

Helping people is paramount

I love helping people. And I am proud to belong to a profession which gives me the opportunity to do
just that every day. Lawyers are trusted advisors who become part of their clients’ lives, who are
appreciated and respected for the valuable contributions they make, for the problems they solve, for
helping smooth the path. The most beautiful thing I ever witnessed in my professional life was the
moment when a client looked me in the eye and said she felt like I held her hand in life. Our professional
lives are filled with these kind of moments and it is those moments, above all else, that make it all

The fees should reflect the value

As lawyers, we help people out of legal predicaments, and we ensure the truth is unearthed no matter
what the odds are. The exchange of money does not mean the profession is tainted by an evil force, as
in a world where currency rules our lives, how can you expect something so crucial to every day lives, to
go without it completely.

We are paid for the value in the services we provide, and the accused exploitation perceived to be
inherent in the industry due to money, is merely a distraction away from the real value legal
professionals provide. The pay may at times be substantially more than some lines of work, granted, and
it goes a long way to help fuel a prosperous life, but it’s by no means a line of work that isn't deserving
of the pay.

Fighting for what’s right

I fight for the distressed and the persecuted, for fairness and truth, and for what’s right over what’s
wrong. The legal system is the venue for deciding who’s the victim and who isn’t, and what
repercussions any decision should entail. I’m there to ensure one side prepares the best possible case it
can pull together, so the courts have the best chance to make the right decision. I fight relentlessly for
what’s right, and love every minute of winning when it’s for the good fight.

Let’s turn the system on its head

Does all this seem a bit idealistic? A bit outlandish? I agree. The general public’s perception of how we
work and how we are as lawyers is far from this. Indeed, how we feel most of the time is far from this.

The truth is that the system we operate in has over the years managed to turn us into egotistic control
freaks, who put the billable hour and the budget ahead of everything including our own sanity.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. All it takes are a few fundamental adjustments to the system. Well,
maybe not just a few. But it can be done. Just have a look around at the increasingly growing number of
daredevils in our profession. Of those who get up and change things for the better. Look at all the
disruption currently going on.

So, let’s turn the system on its head! And let’s give ourselves what we really deserve: the freedom to live
and practice in a way that makes us love what we do. And with that we will regain the love and respect
of the public and, most importantly, ourselves. Don’t just stand there, join us! You owe it to yourself.
Let’s change the face and practice of law in Malawi.

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