Thirty-Six Little-Known Admirers of Rabbi Meir Kahane _ The Jewish Press - _ Rabbi Shlomo Moriah _ 17 Heshvan 5777 – November 18, 2016 _

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2/6/22, 11:09 PM Thirty-Six Little-Known Admirers of Rabbi Meir Kahane | The Jewish Press - JewishPress. | Rabbi Shlomo Moriah | 17 Heshvan 5777 …

Thirty-Six Little-Known Admirers of Rabbi

Meir Kahane
In honor of Rabbi Kahane’s 26th yartzheit, let the truth be told.
By Rabbi Shlomo Moriah - 17 Heshvan 5777 – November 18, 2016

Rabbi Meir Kahane HY"D

Photo Credit: Flash90

As one of the most controversial figures in recent times, Rabbi Meir Kahane’s very
name still resonates with many. For those who have taken the time to familiarize
themselves with his works, there is but little controversy. But critics are hardly well-
versed in Rabbi Kahane’s teachings and thus resort to defamations intended to
distract individuals from grappling with issues he raised. An ambiguous quote out of
context along with a critique of supposed followers (who hardly represent Rabbi
Kahane’s path), often suffices for the majority of his critics. Yet, even on the most
controversial of issues, many would be surprised to learn just how Rabbi Kahane’s
teachings differ from their current perceptions.

Unfortunately, Rabbi Kahane did not merit to have a strong public backing, for he
sought the cold, bitter truth in its stead. Thus, often, rabbis would express support
privately while loathing to do so publicly. Some, due to public pressure, went so far as
to condemn his activism while privately pledging support or seeking his aid when
trouble arose. But away from the spotlight, many mainstream Orthodox Jewish leaders
have had a higher regard for Rabbi Kahane than most would imagine. While few
voiced this admiration, a number of great men did – though the public is, for the most
part, unaware. That is not to say that all his views had been fully supported by each of
these figures, but that he earned their admiration despite any differences.

Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, Rosh Yeshiva of Kol Torah, was consulted by
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such instance, after Rabbi Auerbach had ruled against Rabbi Kahane in two
separate monetary cases, the former was stunned to see Rabbi Kahane return for 1/13
2/6/22, 11:09 PM Thirty-Six Little-Known Admirers of Rabbi Meir Kahane | The Jewish Press - | Rabbi Shlomo Moriah | 17 Heshvan 5777 …

his ruling on a third case. Rabbi Auerbach remarked to his students that he was so
impressed with Rabbi Kahane’s humility in accepting his rulings despite the losses
incurred, that it served as a powerful influence on him.

Rabbi Shlomo Aviner, Rosh Yeshiva of Ateret Kohanim, served as keynote

speaker at an event in Rabbi Kahane’s honor. He stated that Rabbi Kahane was a
righteous man who displayed self-sacrifice for the Jewish nation and was
murdered for the sanctification of G-d’s name. He also referred to him as a “Torah
hero” who’s every word was rooted in Torah sources. He chastised those who
refused to give him the honor he deserved.

Rabbi Dr. Saul Berman, Associate Professor at Yeshiva University, joined Rabbi
Kahane on a number of occasions and supported the Jewish Defense League in
its defense of locals and its fight for Soviet Jewry.

Mayer Birnbaum, famed author of “Lieutenant Birnbaum: A Soldier’s Story,” was

a strong supporter of Rabbi Kahane, especially due to his background and
experiences with anti-Semitism.

Rabbi Herbert (Chaim Zev) Bomzer, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva University and
President of the Rabbinical Board of Flatbush, would host Rabbi Kahane and
ensure that he would deliver the yearly Israel address to the Brooklyn Talmudical
Academy student body. He referred to Rabbi Kahane as “truly immersed in Torah
all the time.” Later, Rabbi Bomzer would hold an annual memorial for Rabbi
Kahane in an effort to preserve his legacy.

Rabbi Dr. Chaim Brovender, Rosh Yeshiva of Midreshet Lindenbaum, stated

that despite any differences, he saw Rabbi Kahane as a very charismatic man who
“had a good answer for every problem.” He also gave Rabbi Kahane credit for
encouraging him to live in Israel.
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Irving M. Bunim, lay leader of Orthodox Jewry and dedicated assistant to Rabbi
Aharon Kotler, was a strong supporter and admirer of Rabbi Kahane and his
activism, even at a time when few were.

Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach was known for declaring that the Jewish people owed
a great debt to Rabbi Kahane. In one instance, Rabbi Carlebach retained a bill
borrowed from Rabbi Kahane as a symbol of the public debt owed him. Together,
the two organized one of the first Noahide conferences for gentiles wishing to
accept upon themselves Noahide law.

Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu, Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Israel, was Rabbi Kahane’s
personal mentor and one of his staunchest supporters. Rabbi Eliyahu wrote an
approbation to his works, noting that “only the Torah way interested Rabbi Kahane,
which he constantly toiled over and which served as his strength,” and “when one
considers the depth and clarity of his works, one is astonished [at how] all his time
and thoughts were invested in Torah while other matters were secondary.” He
concludes, “Fortunate is the family that publishes his works for others to learn
from.” At Rabbi Kahane’s funeral, Rabbi Eliyahu delivered a powerful eulogy,
stating that people underestimated Rabbi Kahane’s scholarship and were unaware
of his countless acts of charity and kindness. He also claimed that Rabbi Kahane
was the reincarnation of a fearless biblical personality.

Rabbi Yitzchok Ezrachi, Rosh Yeshiva of Mir, admired Rabbi Kahane’s teachings
and frequently attended his classes at the Torah Ore yeshiva.

Rabbi Yehuda Meir Getz, Rabbi of the Western Wall for nearly three decades,
delivered a touching eulogy at Rabbi Kahane’s funeral and claimed that he dreamt
of the demise of the Moshiach ben Yosef on the day that Rabbi Kahane was
murdered, before hearing of the news.
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Rabbi Yitzhak Halevi, Rabbi of Karnei
assume Shomron,
that you are stated that: “Today we look back
happy with it.

and realize that it is clear that Rabbi Kahane

Ok was right. He alone fought the battle of 3/13
2/6/22, 11:09 PM Thirty-Six Little-Known Admirers of Rabbi Meir Kahane | The Jewish Press - | Rabbi Shlomo Moriah | 17 Heshvan 5777 …

Israel and the Torah, but we preferred to avoid joining.”

Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Horowitz, the Bostoner Rebbe, heaped praise upon Rabbi
Kahane for initiating defense groups to help protect Jewish communities. Later,
Rabbi Horowitz hosted the JDL International Leadership Conference at Boston’s
Beth Pinchas synagogue.

Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis, founder of the Hineni outreach organization, often

showered praises on Rabbi Kahane. She wrote a number of essays describing
Rabbi Kahane’s greatness and contributions, referring to him as one who
“dedicated his entire life to the service of our nation.”

Rabbi Avraham Kalmanowitz, Rosh Yeshiva of Mir, personally ordained Rabbi

Kahane and had an apparent adoration of him. Once, after hearing of Rabbi
Kahane’s sacrifice for Torah, Rabbi Kalmanowitz approached him and stated that:
“Because you sanctified G-d’s name … your name and fame shall spread far and

Rabbi Yaakov Kamenetzky, Rosh Yeshiva of Torah Vodaath, had an affinity for
Rabbi Kahane and expressed this fondness on a number of occasions.

Rabbi Yosef Chaim Klein, Menahel (principal) of the Mirrer Mesivta for over forty
years, would contact Rabbi Kahane regularly requesting the presence of the JDL
to protect the Yeshiva students from attack. Rabbi Kahane sent his toughest group
(the “chaya squad”) to ensure the yeshiva students would remain safe and avoid
missing a minute of studies.

Rabbi Zvi Yehuda Kook, Rosh Yeshiva of Merkaz Harav and son of the first Chief
Rabbi of Israel, looked up to Rabbi Kahane and, later, endorsed him in his bid for
a Knesset seat, stating: “The presence of Rabbi Kahane and his uncompromising
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words from the Knesset platform will you
assume that undoubtedly
are happy with add
it. strength and value to the
obligatory struggle on behalf of the entire
Ok Land of Israel.” 4/13
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Rabbi Shlomo Korach, Chief Sephardic Rabbi and Av Beit Din of Bnei Brak, saw
in Rabbi Kahane a man committed to the truth. He praised Rabbi Kahane for being
the first to raise the issue of the kidnapped Yemenite children and as “the only one
who didn’t let me down in my hopes and dreams in Israel.”

Rabbi Yosef Mendelevitch, famous Jewish Soviet refusenik, considered Rabbi

Kahane a savior of Soviet Jewry. In one interview, he stated that: “Rabbi Kahane
was a representative for us. His activities made us feel good. His actions showed
that Jews cared. His actions may have been controversial, but his role was very
important. He was a symbol for Russian Jews.”

Rabbi Avigdor Miller, Mashgiach (counselor) at Rabbi Chaim Berlin and popular
orator, initially was wary of Rabbi Kahane’s activities and often expressed so. With
time, Rabbi Miller began expressing more and more praise for the rabbi and his
ideology. While discussing Jewish assimilation efforts, he once stated, “Rabbi
Kahane says a good deal of common sense … ‎and is perfectly right.” Regarding
Israeli policy and the Arab demographic threat, he stated, “in that sense, Kahane is
right. Jews ‎should have a certain independence of non-Jews, we don’t care what
they will say. We’re not going to ‎f ight against our brothers just to please the non-
Jew.” Of Rabbi Kahane’s character, he stated the following: “He had a fiery love for
the Jewish people … He criticized the Reformers and the Assimilationists more
than anybody else, and that’s why he ‎was so hated!‎He showed them up in such a
way that there he was really a ‎terrible embarrassment for them, and they had to get
rid of him.‎We regret what happened to him. He was in a certain sense an ‎asset to
us … When a person has good qualities we’re for him!”‎He also encouraged his
followers to attend Rabbi Kahane’s funeral, stating that he was headed straight for
paradise, for he was “a Jew who stood for the wonderful cause of showing his

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spoke of his respect for Rabbi Kahane and the impression he made on him.
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Rabbi Dr. Aaron Rakeffet-Rothkoff, Professor of Rabbinic Literature at Yeshiva

University, considered Rabbi Kahane one of his positive influences and close
friends. “You can’t imagine the influence he had on so many young people,” he
once said. “When he sang you felt that Eretz Yisrael was in the room. He was a
talmid chacham that we all looked up to.” Rabbi Rakeffet-Rothkoff felt that the
formation of the JDL “was such an important move, we all owe a great debt to him
because it changed our thinking. As a result of JDL, you have in every Jewish
neighborhood where there are problems today, Jewish patrols. This was unheard
of. It later gives birth to Hatzola!” Regarding Soviet Jewry, he stated that “Meir did
wonderful things… He went out in the street when no one heard about Russian
Jewry and started demonstrating, campaigning.” While he felt that Rabbi Kahane
exaggerated the threat to U.S. Jews, “regarding Israel, he hit the nail on the head.”

Rabbi Dr. Bernhard Rosenberg, Holocaust Chairman of the New York Board of
Rabbis, knew Rabbi Kahane well and was proud to have him speak in his
synagogue. He related that Rabbi Kahane was “a brilliant lawyer, rabbi, politician
and leader. He fully loved the Jewish people and lived and died for Israel and
Judaism. He would come out for and energize a small group of old, poor and
powerless Jews in a terrible neighborhood simply because they were Jews and he
was asked.”

Rabbi Mordechai Savitsky, Honorary President of the Union of Orthodox

Rabbis, was impressed with Rabbi Kahane’s initiatives for Jewry and would praise
Rabbi Kahane and his efforts in protecting Jews.

Rabbi Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg, Rosh Yeshiva of Torah Ore, thought highly
of Rabbi Kahane, eventually enlisting him to give weekly classes in his institution,
which he did for some time.

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disagreed with the effectiveness of JDL tactics vis-à-vis Soviet Jewry, he
supported Rabbi Kahane on issues concerning Israel, including the issue of 6/13
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Arabs, relinquishing land, building settlements and the incorporation of Jewish law
into Israeli policy. After hearing of Rabbi Kahane’s death, Rabbi Schneerson
remarked that “one of the greatest Jewish leaders in history has fallen.” He later
blessed Rabbi Kahane’s son to be successful in fulfilling his “holy father’s” work.

Rabbi Elazar Menachem Man Shach, Rosh Yeshiva of Ponevezh and staunch
anti-Zionist in principle, stated that Rabbi Kahane was the perfect Jew with the
exception of his following the path of the Zionist rabbis. He specifically noted to his
students that all men must learn three things from Rabbi Kahane’s greatness: To
be stubborn in achieving one’s goals, to possess true fear of heaven and to
disregard what is considered popular.

Rabbi Avraham Shapira, Chief Rabbi of Israel and Rosh Yeshiva of Merkaz
Harav, stated that Rabbi Kahane was an inseparable part of Orthodox Judaism. He
later openly backed Rabbi Kahane’s State of Judea movement. Though many
rabbis were pressured by government officials and affluent donors to denounce
Rabbi Kahane, Rabbi Shapira refused to publish such an address even when
immense pressure was used.

Rabbi Aaron Soloveitchik, Rosh Yeshiva of Brisk, once stated: “What Rabbi
Kahane said was ‎absolutely correct, just we don’t say it because the world will
criticize us, but somebody had to say it.”

Rabbi Ephraim Sprecher, Dean of Diaspora Yeshiva, a known admirer of Rabbi

Kahane, compared him to Abraham, claiming that both were revolutionaries ahead
of their time.

Rabbi Dr. Moshe Tendler, Senior Rosh Yeshiva at Yeshiva University and son-in-
law of Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, had much praise for Kahane. He stated that Rabbi
Kahane’s “whole goal was always ‘how do you make each Jew stand tall?’”
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Rabbi Noach Weinberg, founder of Aish HaTorah, admired Rabbi Kahane so that
he even sought to secure him in his staff, believing Rabbi Kahane was just what
the kiruv movement needed.

Rabbi Yaakov Yosef, Rosh Yeshiva of Hazon Ya’akov and son of Sephardic
Chief Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, described Rabbi Kahane as one who fulfilled his role
faithfully. He declared that “we must learn from his great actions in order that we
learn the way of the Torah.”

Rabbi Meir Ze’ev, Head of the Council of Iraqi Jewry, stated that he knew Rabbi
Kahane as a man of kindness. He stated: “I remember when he would divide his
Knesset salary amongst numerous families. I sent him lists of avrechim (Torah
students) and he never said no, he gave to all. He helped all. He was entirely
dedicated to love of the Jewish people.” He also stated that Rabbi Kahane was
“the only one who spoke out on behalf of Iraqi Jewry oppressed under Hussein.”
He stressed our obligation to name streets and institutions after him, due to his
dedication and sacrifice.

Rabbi Yitzhak Shlomo Zilberman, founder of Yeshivat Aderet Eliyahu and

pioneer of the Zilberman method of Torah study, was a strong admirer of Rabbi

Though some supported Rabbi Kahane fully in his major positions, most would
support him on one issue while disagreeing on others. While some admired his fight
for Soviet Jewry, others were less ecstatic about confronting the Soviets. While some
backed his defense of helpless Jews in crime-ridden areas, others felt his approach
would harm their reputation. While some embraced his push for Aliyah, others felt it an
unnecessary creed. While some supported his strong positions against terror, others
felt uncomfortable at the thought of such measures. His fight for increasing Jewish
education, inspiring
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being Jewish and battling against assimilation were a bit more challenging to criticize.
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All in all, some of the greatest of rabbis saw in Rabbi Kahane a man of vision and a
scholar bearing Torah truth, a far cry from the mindless, extremist image often
depicted. In fact, were one to consider the many controversial statements issued by
leading rabbis in recent times, one would encounter a world of words far more
extreme than any that Rabbi Kahane ever expressed. But what made him
controversial was not the speech he used in the study hall, but his full intention of
implementing the positions he espoused.

Rabbi Kahane would often lament that many had heard about him while so few had
actually heard him. So pick up a book. Read an article. Check out some of the
fascinating debates available online or browse Learn firsthand and
decide for yourself.

Footnotes: (1) Baruch Marzel, first-hand account (2) Roi Sharon (March, 2009). “Rav Aviner: Of
course, Rav Kahane was right!” Ma’ariv; SMS Q&A #89 (3) Adam S. Ferziger. “Beyond
Sectarianism: The Realignment of American Orthodox Judaism.” p. 67 (4) First-hand account (5)
Fern Sidman (2010). “Rabbi Kahane’s Legacy Remembered at Ground Zero.” Arutz Sheva (6) “On
Meir Kahane.” (7) Chana Bunim Rubin Ausubel. “As Long as the Candle Burns.” p.
188 ( 8) Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach (1990). “My Best Friend, Reb Meir.” (9) “Perush HaMaccabi.”
Introduction; “Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu’s Eulogy of Rabbi Kahane” (1990). (10) First-hand account
(11) “Eulogizing Words.” The Yeshiva of the Jewish Idea (12) “Rabbi Yitzhak Halevi on Rabbi Meir
Kahane” (2009). Memorial. (13) The Jewish Advocate (June, 1970) (14) Rebbetzin Esther
Jungreis. “In Memory of Rabbi Meir Kahane.” Jewish Press (15) Libby Kahane. “Rabbi Meir
Kahane: His Life and Thought.” p. 50 (16) Dov Shurin (grandson of Rabbi Kamenetzky), first-hand
account (17) First-hand account (18) “Kook Supports Kahane” (1977). Jewish Telegraphic
Agency (19) “Rabbi Shlomo Korach on Rabbi Meir Kahane” (2009). Memorial (20) “L’Chayim:
Soviet Refusenik, Yosef Mendelevich” (November, 2012). Shalom TV (21) True Happiness #685;
“Rabbi Avigdor Miller Conducts the Seder” (22) First-hand account, grandchild (23) Rabbi Dr.
Aaron Rakeffet-Rothkoff (January, 2010). “A Personal Recollection.” YU Torah Online (24)
Jonathan Mark (April, 2010). “A Shiva Call For Meir Kahane.” The Jewish Week (25) Boston Herald
Traveler (June, 1970) (26) First-hand account (27) Rabbi Felsman, first-hand account from Rabbi
Hecht (28) Yated Ne’eman (1990) (29) Raphael Cohen-Almagor (1994). “The Boundaries of
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& Arlie Perliger (2009). “Jewish Terrorism in Israel” p. 94 (30) Rabbi Chayim Soloveichik
(November 2015). “A Torah Approach to the Recent Ok Wave of Terror.” YU Torah Online (31) 9/13
2/6/22, 11:09 PM Thirty-Six Little-Known Admirers of Rabbi Meir Kahane | The Jewish Press - | Rabbi Shlomo Moriah | 17 Heshvan 5777 …

Memorial, Yeshiva of the Jewish Idea, November 2016 (32) “Excerpts from the Eulogy Given at
Rabbi Kahane’s Funeral by Rabbi Moshe Tendler”. The Idea. 1991 (33) “Rabbi Zvi Block reveals
Wall of Fame of great Rabbis” (August, 2012). Rabbi Moshe Parry (34) Memorial (November,
2009) (35) “Head of Iraqi Jewry on Rabbi Kahane” (2009). Memorial (36) First-hand account

Rabbi Shlomo Moriah

Rabbi Shlomo Moriah is a rabbi, historian and occasional tour guide. Rabbi Moriah has spent years in the
field of kiruv and education. He and his family live in central Israel.

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noah · 21 January, 2020 10/13
2/6/22, 11:09 PM Thirty-Six Little-Known Admirers of Rabbi Meir Kahane | The Jewish Press - | Rabbi Shlomo Moriah | 17 Heshvan 5777 …

N Israel banned a wonderful and proud Jew from running for the Knesset.
Next time anybody tells you that Israel is a Democracy remember that they disenfranchised a
significant portion of their population (9-10 seats) and Meir Kahane, an Oleh, Rabbi, Veteran, and
militant activist for Jewish rights. S...See more
Reply 2 1

Uriel Cohen · 22 November, 2016

When Rabbi Lazer Brody was a student in the University of Maryland , Rav Kahane was mekarev
him and he came to Israel. “People don’t know but I know that he is the biggest ohev yisrael on
the block. He loved every single Jew, he was colorblind… and basically everything he said it came
true. (Rabbi ...See more | Thousands of Free Torah

Video and Audio Lectures By Hundreds of Rabbis…

Reply 4

E emilfriedman9 · 23 November, 2016

I attended two different lectures by Rabbi Kahane. They were several years apart. I spoke with
him afterwards because I disagreed strongly with some things that he said. History proved me
wrong and him right.
Reply 3
1 reply

C Cocktail · 20 November, 2016

The man merely proposed that haters of Israel who refuse to recognize a Jewish state be
compensated for their property and relocated to their own state in Jordan (or even a Western
country). That is not extreme! Even the “moderate” Israeli Arab leaders publicly condone
unprovoked terror. But of cou...See more
Reply 4 1

B Bus · 21 November, 2016

Rav Zalman Melamed (Rav of Bet-El) said that “self-sacrifice and Kiddush Hashem were his entire
being.” Ra‫ ה‬Eliezer Melamed (Rav of Har Bracha) said that “all of Rav Kahane’s life and activism
We use holy, for the honor
to ensure ofgive
that we Torah, thebest
you the Jewish peopleonand
experience the landIf of
our website. youIsrael. Histogreat
continue activism
use this in
site we will
encourag...See more assume that you are happy with it.

Reply 2 Ok 11/13
2/6/22, 11:09 PM Thirty-Six Little-Known Admirers of Rabbi Meir Kahane | The Jewish Press - | Rabbi Shlomo Moriah | 17 Heshvan 5777 …

Rob Stern · 6 January, 2017

Rabbi Mordechai Yitzchok Friedman, President of the American Board of Rabbis, was a member
of Rabbi Kahane's movement and openly shared memories of delivering secret correspondence
from the late rabbi to his American supporters. Read more:

Drawing inspiration from Trump, Far-right Kahane

movement seeks U.S. revival

Reply 1

C Controller · 20 November, 2016

Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi has publicized Rabbi Kahane’s articles and insisted that today one can see
openly how right he was. The Syrian Jewish leadership also supported Rabbi Kahane and you can
see for yourself: Rabbi Zevulun Leiberman introduces him. Chief Rabbi Jacob Kassin is in
attendance and Chach...See more

Rabbi Meir Kahane


Bernhard Rosenberg · 18 November, 2016

Speakers and Event Details - Update

1:00 pm
...See more
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Scott Amdas · 19 November, 2016assume that you are happy with it.
Chaim dovid, Shlomo katz and Ariel zilber (allOk
great musicians) are fans of rabbi Kahane. Shlomo
writes touching material for his memorial, always tying his persona in with that of reb Shlomo 12/13
2/6/22, 11:09 PM Thirty-Six Little-Known Admirers of Rabbi Meir Kahane | The Jewish Press - | Rabbi Shlomo Moriah | 17 Heshvan 5777 …

(his friend). What a pair!


F Flame · 19 November, 2016

Rav Chaim Drukman was close with Rav kahane from early on and said that he was a living
Torah, who lived and breathed Torah. You can still watch his speeches about their experiences

Rav Shlomo Goren, Rav Moshe levinger, Rav Tuvia Rister, Rav Chaim Richman, Rav Yisrael Ariel,
Rav Eliezer W...See more

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