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Reasoning: New Essays on Theoretical

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New Essays on Theoretical
and Practical Thinking

 
Magdalena Balcerak Jackson
and Brendan Balcerak Jackson

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List of Contributors

M A independent scholar

B B J University of Miami
M B J University of Miami
P B New York University
L B University of Birmingham
J B Oxford University
M K Australian National University
M R Harvard University
J S Brown University
S S Harvard University
M N S Northeastern University
N S Australian National University
J S University of Colorado, Boulder
E S-B University of Birmingham
M G. T University of Wisconsin, Madison
A W University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Questions about the Nature
and Value of Reasoning
Magdalena Balcerak Jackson and Brendan Balcerak Jackson

Few interesting and significant pieces of knowledge are easily acquired. Sure, we can
know some things just by taking our perceptual experience at face value: that the
walls are beige, that the dining table we are sitting at is dirty, or that the laptop keys
click. But taking experience (whether perceptual or otherwise) at face value will be
insufficient to answer many of the questions that are of real importance to us: Will
Mueller’s investigation into Trump’s role in the Russian election interference lead to
impeachment? How many degrees will the temperature around Miami rise in the
next ten years? Is reading fiction a way of becoming a better person? What should we
get our daughter for her sixth birthday? What can we make for the upcoming dinner
party with both vegan and meat-loving guests? In order to answer questions like
these we need to engage in cognitive labor, and especially cognitive labor in the form
of reasoning.
Reasoning is important. Reasoning is ubiquitous. Reasoning is diverse. But reason-
ing as a distinctive cognitive capacity has not yet received the systematic attention it
deserves in philosophy. Perhaps one reason is that reasoning is like baking: some-
thing that we all do (at least from time to time), and something that is so familiar
that we seldom stop to notice how little we understand about how it really works.
But expert bakers, maîtres patissiers, actually know quite a bit about the science of
baking: about the nature and structure of different baking processes, and about the
conditions under which they successfully yield delicious results. They know, for
example, that pretty much all cakes are based on a balanced combination of four
main ingredients: flour, eggs, fat, and sugar. They also know about the processes that
turn these ingredients into delicious cakes, and they know why these processes have
the results that they do. For example, they know to vigorously whip the fat and the
sugar, because this creates air bubbles encased in a layer of fat, and they know that

We would like to thank Peter Momtchiloff at Oxford University Press for his invaluable support in making
this volume happen; David DiDomenico for his excellent work preparing the index; and the authors for
generously contributing their time and talent to the volume.
Magdalena Balcerak Jackson and Brendan Balcerak Jackson, Questions about the Nature and Value of
Reasoning. In: Reasoning: New Essays on Theoretical and Practical Thinking. Edited by Magdalena
Balcerak Jackson and Brendan Balcerak Jackson, Oxford University Press (2019). © Oxford University
Press. DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198791478.003.0001
       

carefully adding beaten egg adds a layer of protein that ensures the air bubbles do not
collapse when the batter is heated. A lot can go wrong when you bake, even as a
maître patissier. But you know that when you competently select the ingredients and
you competently apply the relevant baking techniques, you are very likely to get a
good result; and you understand why this is so.
Philosophers certainly do not understand reasoning as well as patissiers under-
stand baking. Philosophers agree on a couple of platitudes: reasoning consists in
transitions between mental states, from “premise attitudes” to a “conclusion atti-
tude”; and under the right conditions, reasoning done well is a way of coming to
know what to believe or what to do. But hardly anything else is clearly agreed upon.
What are the main ingredients that go into reasoning? Are they only beliefs, or beliefs
and intentions? What about credences, degrees of belief? Can reasoning involve other
kinds of mental states with propositional content, such as perceptual experiences,
imaginings, and emotional states? And how are we to distinguish the processes
that are genuine processes of reasoning from other transitions in thought that
are not reasoning, such as spontaneous reactions, processes of association, or what
John Broome calls “mental jogging”? Is it essential to reasoning, in contrast with
these other processes, that it is something we actively do rather than something we
passively endure? Philosophers also do not agree on the techniques we ought to
employ in reasoning. Are we supposed to deliberately construct chains of reasoning
that directly correspond to patterns of logical entailment? Or are we supposed to let
our cognitive systems simply go to work according to their own rules and laws, with
our job being merely to oversee and approve or reject the results? And even where
philosophers agree about the process, they do not agree about why—or in virtue of
what—it yields the results it aims for, namely rationally appropriate beliefs and
decisions. Disagreement among philosophers is of course hardly surprising. More
surprising, perhaps, is that—unlike in some other areas of philosophy—we have yet
to find a unified way to ask the relevant questions.
There are historical reasons that help explain why reasoning has not been explored
as extensively as, say, perception. For a very long time, the philosophical investigation
of reasoning tended to focus on reasoning of a very specific kind: explicit basic
deductive reasoning that is governed by formal rules, the kind of reasoning exercised
by a logician or mathematician explicitly spelling out a proof. There is a certain
prejudice amongst philosophers to view this kind of reasoning as the ideal towards
which all forms of reflection or deliberation aspire. And even reasoning in this pure
and rarified form has proven a challenge for philosophers to understand. One of
the most famous problems philosophers have grappled with when trying to under-
stand the epistemology of deductive reasoning arises from a seemingly very simple
question: how can we be justified in using the most basic and obvious rules of
inference, such as modus ponens? As Lewis Carroll (1895) taught us, we certainly
cannot say that our justification for reasoning from the belief that p and the belief
that p implies q to the belief that q requires an explicit background belief that our
        

premise attitudes support our conclusion attitude; if we do, a regress ensues. There
are solutions to the Carrollian regress worry, although each of them comes with
costs and commitments that some are unwilling to accept. But whatever one’s
thoughts about this, the important observation for present purposes is that they
leave the majority of our everyday reasoning, and even of reasoning by experts,
entirely untouched. This is because most of it is not explicit, conscious reasoning in
accordance with basic deductive rules, but is rather some more or less complicated
form of reasoning that is not fully explicit, and whose relationship to deductive
patterns of inference is not at all clear. We know which students will come late to
class today, because we have a visual track record of them entering class late stored
in our memory, and this forms a basis from which we infer what will happen
tomorrow. We recognize that Paul Ryan’s comment that people in inner cities have
a poor work ethic is a racial dog-whistle because this is the best interpretation of
his comment given the relevant background information we have. We decide to
go on a family trip to Vietnam because, after considering the alternatives, we
conclude that this will be the best experience for everyone in the family. Com-
prehensive answers to questions about what reasoning is, and about what makes
it good or successful, should be able to capture these messier but much more
common sorts of cases. And this means that the enterprise is more difficult—and
much richer—than historical philosophical treatments of basic deductive reason-
ing would suggest.
To help give a sense of the sorts of complexities that a comprehensive account of
reasoning needs to deal with, here are three examples. The first is what Susanna
Siegel calls “reasoning in the basement.” We know that many aspects of our
conscious experience and thinking are influenced by information processing
that goes on below conscious awareness and outside of our direct control. How
should such sub-personal processes be incorporated into our account of reasoning?
And how can their role be reconciled with the intuitive idea that reasoning is
something that we do, and as such, something that we can be held responsible for?
The second has to do with how we are to evaluate reasoning that does not fit the
historical ideal of explicitly following deductive rules. How can we make sense of
reasoning like this in light of the traditional—and intuitively powerful—idea that
reasoning is a rule-governed activity? How can we characterize the difference
between good reasoning and bad, or between correct and incorrect, when it departs
from the deductive paradigm? The third concerns rules or requirements for
reasoning more generally. What are the rules for correct reasoning? Do they go
beyond minimal coherence constraints that one must arguably meet to qualify as a
rational thinker, such as the constraint against believing contradictions? Do the
same rules apply to all of us? Are there rules that govern how to respond to
perceptual experience? And whatever the correct rules may turn out to be, what
justifies them? In what sense, if any, is it true that we ought to reason according to
them? We mention these examples not only to indicate how little is clearly
       

understood about reasoning, but also to give some sense of why more and more
philosophers are becoming fascinated by it.
This collection was born at a conference that we organized in 2014 at the
University of Konstanz in Germany.¹ We too were becoming more and more
fascinated by reasoning, and so we decided to assemble a group of philosophers
who were doing exciting new work on the topic. We were guided selfishly by our own
interests: we wanted to talk about everyday reasoning, whether formal or informal,
deductive or non-deductive, conscious or non-conscious; and we were interested in a
mixture of descriptive and normative questions that cut across the professional
divide between theoretical and practical reasoning, which in our view is artificial
and often unhelpful. To our enormous gratitude, the group that came together in
Konstanz was incredible: sharp and constructive in discussions, and collegial and
collaborative throughout the conference. The event as a whole made us excited about
the prospects for real philosophical progress on reasoning. The present volume is
intended to contribute towards realizing those prospects. The volume includes
contributions from several of the original conference participants, as well as several
additional contributions that further expand on and complement the themes
explored there, and that help connect strands of current philosophical thinking
about reasoning that we believe ought to be connected. Our hope is that some of
the energy of that original conference in Konstanz is captured in this volume.
The volume is divided into two parts: The Nature of Reasoning (Part I), and The
Value of Reasoning (Part II). Part I, in turn, is divided into two subsections, each
with three essays. The first subsection, Reasoning as a Mental Process, focuses on
questions about the structure and components of reasoning. The subsection
begins with Susanna Siegel’s contribution, “Inference without Reckoning.” Siegel
identifies what she calls the canonical reckoning model of inference (which for her
is a paradigmatic type of reasoning), according to which the thinker registers some
piece of information, reckons that the information supports some conclusion, and
reaches the conclusion because she reckons that it is supported by her information.
Siegel argues that inference does not always work according to the canonical reck-
oning model, because there are cases of inference where the thinker is not aware of
the factors that lead her to reach her conclusion. (The cases thus also violate the self-
awareness condition on inference, advocated by Boghossian (2014) and others, that
motivates the canonical reckoning model.) In place of the canonical reckoning
model, Siegel offers a view according to which inferring is a distinctive way of
responding to information by forming a conclusion attitude, a way that is not
reductively analyzable, but that can be evaluated as rational or irrational even in
the absence of a state of reckoning that one’s conclusion is supported by the
information to which one is responding.

¹ The conference was generously funded by the Emmy Noether Programme of the Deutsche Forschungs-
gemeinschaft (German Research Council).
        

The question of whether reasoning involves something like a reckoning state is

also taken up in John Broome’s contribution, “A Linking Belief is Not Essential for
Reasoning.” Earlier Broome (2013, chapter 13) defended an affirmative answer to
this question, arguing that reasoning necessarily involves a linking belief that repre-
sents the thinker’s premise attitudes as an appropriate basis for his conclusion
attitude. Broome now rejects this view, however. He argues that linking beliefs are
not necessary for reasoning in general, because a linking belief is not always required
for reasoning that concludes in an attitude other than belief, such as an intention to
act. Moreover, Broome argues, even if reasoning that concludes in a belief (rather
than an intention or some other attitude) does necessarily entail the presence of a
linking belief, the linking belief is not essential—it is not part of what makes the
process in question qualify as a case of reasoning. Rather, in such cases a linking
belief is necessarily present because it is, in effect, constituted by the very dispositions
that the thinker manifests in going through the reasoning process itself. The linking
belief is posterior to the reasoning in the order of explanation.
In “Attitudes in Active Reasoning,” Julia Staffel takes up the question of what kinds
of attitudes reasoning operates on. She focuses on theoretical reasoning in particular,
and on whether it always involves only outright beliefs, or whether it sometimes or
always involves degrees of belief instead. Staffel begins from a maximally permissive
position that allows that reasoning operates on both outright beliefs and degrees of
belief. She considers several strategies for arguing for more restrictive positions that
rule out one or the other, but finds none convincing. In particular, she focuses on
four features that are often ascribed to paradigmatic instances of person-level
reasoning—that the thinker is consciously aware of it, that it involves language,
that its operations are sensitive to the contents of attitudes, and that it utilizes
working memory—and argues that all of these features are compatible with the
maximally permissive position. One reason this result matters, Staffel argues, is
that it can help to defuse the dispute between those who think degrees of belief
should be understand as graded attitudes towards non-probabilistic propositional
contents and those who think they should be understood as outright attitudes
towards probabilistic contents.
The second subsection of Part I, Reasoning and Agency, includes three essays that
explore issues having to do with the idea that reasoning is an expression of the
thinker’s agency. In “The Question of Practical Reason,” Nicholas Southwood
focuses on our capacity for practical reasoning, which he sees as a capacity to answer
the question of what one is to do or of how one is to act. Southwood argues that an
adequate conception of this capacity must capture two aspects of it that might at first
appear to be in tension. First, it must capture the correct responsiveness aspect, the fact
that part of the aim of practical reasoning is to discover the correct answer to the
question of what to do. But second, it must also capture the authorative aspect, the
fact that our capacity includes the power to settle the question—to make it the case
that the answer one arrives at is in fact the thing to do in the situation. The dominant
       

theoretical conception of practical reasoning sees it as aiming to settle theoretical

questions about what the thinker will do, or should do, or has reason to do. But
Southwood argues that this conception is unable to do justice to both aspects of
practical reasoning. Rather, Southwood argues, we need to recognize that practical
reasoning is concerned with questions that are irreducibly practical, in the sense that
they cannot be settled by settling theoretical questions about what one will do, or
should do, or has reason to do. Indeed, they cannot be settled by forming a belief at
all, but only by forming an intention to act in a certain way. Southwood argues that
this practical conception is able to capture both the correct responsiveness and the
authoritative aspects of practical reasoning. Since the authoritative aspect is intim-
ately bound up with the thinker’s agency, Southwood’s account of the nature of
practical reasoning gives a central place to agency.
Mark Richard’s contribution, “Is Reasoning a Form of Agency?” focuses on
theoretical reasoning, and directly targets the idea that agency should have any
place in our account of its nature. For Richard, reasoning is not necessarily—or
even typically—something that the thinker does. Actual processes of reasoning, for
the most part, happen outside the thinker’s conscious awareness, and are carried out
in whole or in part by sub-personal processes over which the thinker has little (if any)
control. This might seem to conflict with our deeply held conviction that a thinker is
responsible for her reasoning in a way that makes her an appropriate target of
epistemic evaluation. But Richard argues otherwise: a factory manager can be held
responsible for the production of widgets in her factory even though she does not
personally operate the machines or control the workers, and in the same way a
thinker can be responsible for beliefs of hers that are produced by processes that
are outside her direct awareness or control. Richard also takes up the suggestion
that reasoning is agential because it must satisfy what Boghossian (2014 and in this
volume) calls a taking condition—that is, that something counts as reasoning only if
it is a process whereby one takes one’s conclusion to be supported by one’s premises,
and arrives at the conclusion (in part) because one takes this to be so.² Richard argues
that it is not plausible that reasoning in general does meet the taking condition—at
least, not in any sense of that condition that plausibly supports the conclusion that
reasoning is a form of agency.
Paul Boghossian’s contribution, “Inference, Agency, and Responsibility,” also
draws a connection between agency and the taking condition, but in the other
direction. According to Boghossian, there are at least two related features of reason-
ing that reflect its agential nature. One feature is the one already noted above, that it
is appropriate to hold thinkers responsible for their reasoning. The other feature is
that reasoning is distinct from mere associative thinking; in cases of genuine

² One way for a thinker to satisfy the taking condition is by being in one of Siegel’s reckoning states, and
another is by having one of Broome’s linking beliefs, as long as the reckoning state or linking belief plays
the right role in bringing about the conclusion attitude.
        

reasoning, but not associative thinking, the thinker deliberately establishes one belief
as the epistemic basis of another. Boghossian argues that both of these aspects of
agency show that an adequate account of the nature of reasoning must include a
taking condition. Boghossian’s discussion includes responses to the challenges posed
by Richard in his contribution—both his challenge to the inference from responsi-
bility to agency, and his challenge to the taking condition itself.³ Boghossian also
addresses doubts about the taking condition that are raised by what he calls “reason-
ing 1.5,” conscious, person-level reasoning in which the thinker is not consciously
aware of taking her premises to support her conclusion; the category of reasoning 1.5
plausibly includes at least some of the cases raised by Richard and by Siegel as
problematic for the taking condition.
Part II, The Value of Reasoning, is also divided into two subsections of three essays
each. The chapters in the first subsection, Rules for Reasoning, all focus in one way or
another on rules or rational norms for reasoning—what rules or norms are there, and
what accounts for their status as such? The subsection begins with Alex Worsnip’s
“Isolating Correct Reasoning.” Worsnip focuses on the intuitive notion of rules
for correct reasoning. For example, intuitively one reasons correctly when one
reasons according to modus ponens, but not when one reasons according to a rule
of affirming the consequent. What makes a given rule a genuine rule for correct
reasoning? Worsnip first considers an answer in terms of justification: perhaps a rule
for correct reasoning is one that preserves justification, in the sense that a thinker
who reasons according to the rule never moves from justified to unjustified beliefs
(or intentions, in the practical case). Against this proposal, however, Worsnip
describes cases where, he argues, reasoning according to correct rules fails to preserve
justification. He then turns to answers in terms of structural requirements on
rationality rather than justification. For example, if one believes that p and believes
that if p then q, but also believes that not-q, then one is “not entirely as one ought to
be” rationally speaking (to borrow a phrase from MacFarlane 2004). Perhaps the
corresponding modus ponens rule is correct because reasoning in the way it pre-
scribes brings the thinker into conformity with this structural requirement on
rationality. But Worsnip argues that this account ultimately fails as well, as does
one that is formulated in terms of rational permission rather than rational require-
ment. Worsnip concludes by indicating how one might go about developing a
positive conception of correct reasoning as a sui generis notion not reducible to
justification or structural rationality.
Joshua Schechter’s discussion in “Small Steps and Great Leaps in Thought: The
Epistemology of Basic Deductive Rules” asks not about the rationality of reasoning
according to certain rules, but about one’s epistemic justification for doing so—and in

³ The essays by Boghossian and Richard have a related genesis: Boghossian presented an earlier
version of the current essay at the 2014 reasoning conference in Konstanz, and Richard presented an
earlier version of his essay as a reply to Boghossian.
       

particular, about our justification for taking some deductive rules, but not others, as
basic. For example, we are plausibly within our epistemic rights to reason according
to the modus ponens rule above, and to do so without having derived it from some
other, more basic rules. But some deductive rules correspond to “great leaps” in
reasoning that we are intuitively not justified in treating as basic. One of Schechter’s
main examples here is a rule corresponding to Fermat’s theorem: From the belief that
x, y, z, and n are positive integers with n > 2, infer that xn + yn 6¼ zn. What explains the
fact that we are justified in using the modus ponens rule, but not the Fermat rule?
Schechter considers and dismisses several ways of trying to answer this question. In
particular, he argues that we cannot give a satisfactory explanation in terms of the
idea that certain rules are (in some sense) built into the concepts that figure into the
attitudes to which the rule applies. Rather, Schechter argues, the most promising way
to account for the difference is in terms of pragmatic notions such as usefulness and
Our contribution to the volume, “With Power Comes Responsibility: Cognitive
Capacities and Rational Requirements,” is concerned with the question of what
sorts of rules for reasoning there are—and in particular, with the question of
whether the same rules apply to all rational thinkers. We argue that they do not,
because certain specialized cognitive capacities bring with them certain distinctive
rules for reasoning. For a thinker who has the capacity to understand German, for
example, it is rationally appropriate to reason about German utterances in ways
that would not be rationally appropriate for a non-speaker; likewise, a medical
specialist who is experienced in interpreting ultrasound images should draw
different conclusions from her observations of an ultrasound image than a novice
should from hers. In our view, these differences in what kinds of reasoning are
appropriate are symptomatic of the fact that rationality imposes different require-
ments on thinkers who have a certain cognitive capacity than on those who lack it.
We argue that this picture is more plausible than cognitivist accounts that try to
capture the rational differences entirely in terms of subject-invariant structural
coherence requirements on rationality (of the sort that Worsnip considers in his
contribution; such requirements plausibly correspond to the kinds of “small steps”
in reasoning that Schechter sees as basic in his contribution). We argue that our
picture is also more plausible than perceptualist accounts that try to capture the
rational differences entirely in terms of a subject-invariant rule of taking at face
value how things consciously seem to one to be.
The final subsection of the volume, Reasoning and Reasons, contains chapters that
are concerned most directly with the connection between reasoning and the rational
appraisal of individual attitudes such as beliefs and intentions. In “When Rational
Reasoners Reason Differently,” Michael G. Titelbaum and Matthew Kopec defend a
version of permissivism, which denies that for any given evidence E and proposition
p, E always uniquely justifies either belief in p, disbelief in p, or suspension of
judgment. They thus reject the uniqueness thesis. (In fact, Titelbaum and Kopec
        

identify several distinct versions of the uniqueness thesis, all of which they reject.)
Titelbaum and Kopec’s permissivism follows from two commitments: first, that a
given body of evidence justifies an attitude towards a proposition only relative to a
method of reasoning, a way of responding to the evidence; and second, that there are
distinct, non-equivalent but fully rational methods of reasoning that a thinker could
adopt. Thus, evidence E might make one thinker justified in believing that p relative
to her method of reasoning, while E makes another thinker justified in disbelieving
that p (or in suspending judgment) relative to his distinct method of reasoning.
Titelbaum and Kopec address several arguments against permissivism and in
support of the uniqueness thesis. Chief among these are concerns that permissivism
will make it impossible for thinkers who disagree to rationally arrive at a consensus,
and concerns that permissivism implies that what we believe in light of the evidence
is arbitrary. In their response to both sorts of worries, Titelbaum and Kopec utilize
the thought experiment of “the reasoning room” to illustrate how a group of
permissivist thinkers can rationally arrive at a consensus and avoid charges of
arbitrariness in their beliefs.
The second contribution in this subsection is “The Epistemic Innocence of Opti-
mistically Biased Beliefs,” by Lisa Bortolotti, Magdalena Antrobus, and Ema Sullivan-
Bissett. The core notion of their essay is that of epistemic innocence, modeled after
the legal concept of an innocence defense. Just as an agent can be held non-liable for
an otherwise wrongful act because it helped prevent some serious harm—as when an
agent causes physical harm in defense of herself or others—an irrational belief can
be epistemically innocent when its epistemic benefits outweigh its irrationality.
More specifically, an irrational belief is epistemically innocent when it confers
some epistemic benefit on the thinker that could not be achieved by adopting an
epistemically preferable belief instead. With this notion in hand, the authors turn
to the phenomenon of optimistically biased beliefs—for example, cases in which
the thinker overestimates her ability to control events, overrates herself or her
performance relative to others, or makes unrealistic predictions about the likeli-
hood of positive events in the future. Such beliefs are (or can be) irrational, and
they reflect the influence of motivational factors on the reasoning processes
whereby the beliefs are formed and maintained. Nevertheless, Bortolotti, Antrobus,
and Sullivan-Bissett argue, optimistically biased beliefs are often epistemically
innocent. One reason is that they contribute to the thinker’s ability to socialize
with others, which leads to better access to new information and feedback. Another
reason is that they help sustain the thinker’s motivation in pursuit of her epistemic
(and other) goals. In short, optimistically biased beliefs are epistemically valuable,
according to the authors, because they contribute to the acquisition and use of
information, and to the exercise of epistemic virtues, in ways that could not easily
be done by beliefs that are more realistic and more rational.
The final essay of the volume, Matthew Noah Smith’s “Sovereign Agency,” returns
to the topic of practical reasoning. Smith aims to defend the claim that when one
       

arrives via correct reasoning—what he calls sound deliberation—at an intention to

perform an act Φ, one’s reasoning itself constitutes a reason not to reopen deliberation
on the question of whether to Φ.⁴ More surprisingly, Smith also argues that when
one arrives by sound deliberation at an intention to Φ one thereby has a reason to Φ.
This sort of “bootstrapping”—where one seems to get a reason to Φ just by deciding
to Φ—has been taken by many to be impossible.⁵ Smith’s strategy in support of it is to
argue, first, that deliberation has the function of authorizing the agent’s action, as
well as the intention to act that is the result of deliberation and the proximal cause
of the action; here, authorizing an action is roughly a matter of playing the
functional role of being the agent’s reason for acting. So far this is a descriptive
claim about the functional role of deliberation in the agent’s mental life. But Smith
argues, second, that deliberation ought to play this role—that it is rationally
appropriate for it to do so. From this Smith concludes that the agent’s deliberation,
when it is sound, constitutes a normative reason for her to (intend to) act in the
way her deliberation recommends. Smith goes on to address the worry that
deliberation, on his view, can sometimes give an agent a reason to act wrongly.
He argues that this worry can be defused in the same way as analogous worries that
arise concerning other sources of reasons for action, such as promises and the law.
Smith’s discussion here is illustrative of one of the broader strategies of the essay,
which is to explore parallels between the authority of one’s own deliberations and
the authority of the law.

Broome, John. 2013. Rationality through Reasoning. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell.
Carroll, Lewis. 1895. “What the tortoise said to Achilles.” Mind v. 14: 278–80.
MacFarlane, John. 2004. “In what sense (if any) is logic normative for thought?” Unpublished
manuscript. <https://johnmacfarlane.net/normativity_of_logic.pdf>.

⁴ If this claim is correct, it could perhaps help capture the authoritative aspect of practical reasoning that
Southwood observes in his contribution.
⁵ The analogous claim in the epistemic domain would probably strike many as absurd: that merely
having reasonably arrived at the conclusion that p gives one a reason to believe that p.
Inference without Reckoning
Susanna Siegel

Inference is a paradigm of person-level reasoning that redounds well or badly on the

subject. Inferences can be epistemically better or worse, depending on the epistemic
status of the premises and the relationship between the premises and the conclusions.
For example, if you infer from poorly justified beliefs, or from experiences or
intuitions that fail to provide any justification (e.g., you know they are false, or
have reason not to endorse them), your conclusion will be poorly justified. The
hallmark of inference is that the conclusions drawn by inferrers epistemically depend
on the premises from which they are drawn.
We can be more exact about the inputs and upshots of inference than is allowed by
the terms “premises” and “conclusions.” It can be natural to use these words to label
either psychological entities or propositions that are their contents. Both uses can be
useful. But the inputs and upshots of inference are psychological entities, and these
are the things that stand in relations of epistemic dependence of the sort character-
istic of inference. If you infer a state with content Q (a Q-state) from a state with
content P (a P-state), then your Q-state epistemically depends on your P-state. But if
the inference is poor, then the proposition Q may not depend logically, semantically,
or in any other way on the proposition P.¹ Other relations of epistemic dependence

For helpful discussion, thanks to Paul Boghossian, Alex Byrne, Lauren Davidson, Hannah Ginsborg, Eric
Hiddleston, Brendan Balcerak-Jackson, Zoe Jenkin, Rob Long, Janet Levin, Eric Mandelbaum, Antonia
Peacocke, Jim Pryor, Jake Quilty-Dunne, Mark Richard, and audiences at Jean Nicod Institute, the 2017
NYU Mind and Language seminar, the 2016 UCSD winter perception workshop, Wayne State University,
and Universidad Alberto Hurtado in Santiago, Chile. This chapter further develops the idea in chapter 5 of
Siegel (2017).
¹ I’m talking here and elsewhere as if psychological entities involved in inference are psychological
states, rather than being either states or events. If judgments are events rather than states, this usage would
suggest misleadingly that judgments are never relata of inferences. I’m omitting mention of events merely
for brevity.
Conclusion-states include beliefs, but other psychological states can be conclusion-states as well. Some
inferences begin from suppositions, and issue in conclusions in which one merely accepts a proposition,
without believing it. Here one uses inference to explore the consequences of a supposition, when it is
combined with other things you accept or believe. In other cases, one might accept a proposition for
practical purposes. That kind of acceptance can be either a premise-state or a conclusion-state.

Susanna Siegel, Inference without Reckoning. In: Reasoning: New Essays on Theoretical and Practical
Thinking. Edited by Magdalena Balcerak Jackson and Brendan Balcerak Jackson, Oxford University
Press (2019). © Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198791478.003.0002
  

could be defined for propositions, but those dependence relations are not necessarily
the kind that is established by inference.²
Some phenomena aptly labeled “inference” don’t redound on the subject’s rational
standing at all. For instance, inferences in which the premise-states are states of early
vision with no epistemic power to justify beliefs fall into this category. Here I set
those phenomena aside.
What makes a mental transition redound on the subject’s rational standing in the
specifically inferential way? According to a natural and forceful answer to this
question, inference constitutively involves a kind of self-awareness. For instance,
Paul Boghossian holds that inference is a form of person-level reasoning, which he
says meets the following condition:
Self-awareness condition. “Person-level reasoning [is] mental action that a per-
son performs, in which he is either aware, or can become aware, of why he is
moving from some beliefs to others.” (Boghossian 2014, p. 16)
If inference meets the self-awareness condition, then inferrers are never ignorant of
the fact that they are responding to some of their psychological states, or why they are
so responding.
What is inference like when it satisfies the self-awareness condition? Consider the
proposal that one draws an inference by registering some information (where
information can include misinformation) and reckoning that it supports the conclu-
sion, with the result that one reaches the conclusion. On this model, the inferential
route to drawing a conclusion has three components: the premise-states from which
one infers, a reckoning state in which one reckons that the premise-states support the
conclusion, and a “becausal” condition according to which one reaches a conclusion
from the premise-states because one reckons that they support it. If this picture of
inference had a slogan, it might be that in inference, one concludes because one
reckons. The reckoning model is arguably found in Frege and discussed by many
thinkers after him.³
The reckoning model of inference can specify the structure and components of
inference that ensure that thinkers meet the self-awareness condition. Thanks to the
reckoning state, reasoners do not infer in ignorance of what they are responding to.
And thanks to the reckoning state’s role in producing the inference’s conclusion, the
things to which reasoners respond are also reasons for which they draw their

² For instance, Laplace (1814) and Chalmers (2012) explore relationships of knowability, in order to
probe what else you could know a priori, if you knew all the propositions in a carefully defined minimal
³ Frege (1979) writes: “To make a judgment because we are cognisant of other truths as providing a
justification for it is known as inferring.” As Boghossian (2014) and others point out, Frege’s formulation
would restrict inference only to cases in which the judgment is justified by truths and one knows this.
   

In principle, the reckoning model could be divorced from the self-awareness

condition on person-level reasoning. But since the reckoning model is motivated
by the self-awareness condition, and since it serves the self-awareness construal of
person-level reasoning so well, I’ll say the reckoning model is canonical when it meets
the self-awareness condition.
Via the self-awareness condition, the canonical reckoning model entails that
inferrers can become aware of why they are moving from some beliefs to others, if
they aren’t so aware already. The canonical becausal condition is therefore a first-
person rationalization of why the conclusion is drawn—not a merely causal condi-
tion. For example, if you infer that the streets are wet from the fact (as you see it) that
it rained last night, then on the canonical reckoning model, you’re aware that you
believe that it rained last night, and that you take that fact to support the conclusion
that the streets are wet. If asked why you believe the streets are wet, you could answer,
correctly, that you believe this because it rained last night. The premise-states from
which you draw your conclusion are accessible to reflection.
In the rest of this chapter, I argue that subjects can draw inferences in ignorance of
the exact factors they are responding to. Inference can fail to satisfy the self-
awareness condition, and therefore the canonical reckoning model is not true of all
person-level reasoning. My argumentative strategy is to present putative cases of
inference in which subjects fail to meet the self-awareness condition. If these situ-
ations are cases of inference, the canonical reckoning model cannot recognize them
as such. If these are cases of inference that the canonical reckoning model cannot
account for, a natural next question is whether the fault is with the reckoning model
per se, or with the self-awareness condition that makes the model canonical. To
address this question, I consider non-reckoning models that keep reckoning but
divorce it from the self-awareness condition.
I will argue that non-canonical reckoning models are either poorly motivated or
else they face internal instabilities. The best way to account for the broad range of
cases exemplified by my examples may then be by analyzing inference without appeal
to reckoning. To bring such an alternative into focus, I present an approach to
inference that leaves reckoning behind, and identify the family of rational responses
to which it belongs.

1. Inference without Self-awareness: Examples

Sometimes when one categorizes what one perceives, one is not aware of which
features lead one to categorize as one does. Consider the following example of
categorizing a behavioral disposition.
Kindness. The person ahead of you in line at the Post Office is finding out from
the clerk about the costs of sending a package. Their exchange of information is
interspersed with comments about recent changes in the postal service and the
  

most popular stamps. As you listen you are struck with the thought that the clerk is
kind. You could not identify what it is about the clerk that leads you to this
thought. Nor could you identify any generalizations that link these cues to
kindness. Though you don’t know it, you are responding to a combination of
what she says to the customer, her forthright and friendly manner, her facial
expressions, her tone of voice, and the way she handles the packages.
By hypothesis, there are some features of the clerk (facial expressions, manner, etc.)
such that you reach the judgment that she is kind by responding to those features.
And let’s assume that kindness is not represented in your perceptual experience of
the clerk. If it were, the judgment would be a case of endorsing an experience, rather
than an inference made in response to one’s perceptual experience.⁴
In other cases, one forms a judgment in response to a set of diverse factors, without
being aware of everything one is responding to. Consider this example:
Pepperoni. Usually you eat three slices of pizza when it comes with pepperoni.
But tonight, after eating one slice, you suddenly don’t want any more. Struck by
your own uncharacteristic aversion, you form the belief that the pizza is yucky.
Though you don’t know it, you’re responding to the facts that (i) the pepperoni
tastes very salty to you, (ii) it looks greasy, (iii) it reminds you of someone you
don’t like, who you recently learned loves pepperoni, and (iv) you have suddenly
felt the force of moral arguments against eating meat. If the next bites of pepperoni
were less salty, the greasy appearance turned out to be glare from the lights, you
learned that your nemesis now avoids pepperoni, and the moral arguments didn’t
move you, the conclusion of your inference would weaken, and so would your
aversion. You haven’t classified what you see and taste as: too greasy, too salty,
reminiscent of your nemesis, or the sad product of immoral practices. Nor are you
consciously thinking right now about any of these things.
By hypothesis, there are features of the pizza (greasy, salty) and of your mind (you’re
reminded of nemesis, you feel the force of moral argument) that you’re responding
to, when you conclude that the pizza is yucky.
On the canonical reckoning model, the kindness and pepperoni cases are therefore
not cases of inference. This result seems implausible. Both cases meet the main
diagnostic of inference: epistemic dependence. You could have better or worse
reasons for the conclusion in each case, and that would make the conclusion better
or worse. For instance, the fact that your nemesis likes it is a poor reason to take the
pepperoni to be undesirable. It is generally irrational to avoid pepperoni because your

⁴ Arguably believing P on the basis of an experience with content P can be an inference, since one is
drawing on information one has already in a rationally evaluable way, and that’s a hallmark of inference.
But there isn’t any need to pursue this question here.
Another random document with
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Päivä kallistui iltapuolelle, kun Hannes joutui tutuille maille.
Siinähän oli jo Hautalan ja Hakalan raja. Linja pohotti aukeana kauas

Mieli heltyi ja lämpeni entistä perintömaata astuessa. Joka kivi ja

kanto ja tien mutka oli tuttua.

Maa oli joka paikassa samaa, mutta kaikesta huolimatta

synnyinseutu oli kaikista rakkainta. Kurjia ne, jotka siitä
vapaaehtoisesti luopuivat.

Hakalan lähellä, eräällä metsäpolulla, tuli Hautalaisen poika, Olli

häntä vastaan.

— Kas, Hanneshan se… taidat mennä isäukkoasi katsomaan,

puheli Olli.

— Niinpä aioin.

Tuossa oli siis riistäjän poika, ainoa Hautalassa. Hannes ei voinut

mitään, että tunsi kylmiä väreitä hänen läheisyydessään.

— Onkin isäsi sairastellut viime aikoina. Taitaa pian loppu


— Taitaapa, taitaa… taisit olla menossa maitasi katselemaan,

Hannes kylmästi.

— Eipä minulle niin erikoista… aisapuita olisi pitänyt, mutta minä

voinkin tulla mukaasi.
Metsätiellä oli vähän vaikea kävellä rinnakkain ja Hannes jäi
askeleen jälemmäksi.

— Minulta se isä kuoli, kuului Olli sanovan. Et taida tietääkään.

— Kuoli? Isäsi! Ja milloinka? En ole kuullut.

— Johan siitä on pian kolmisen kuukautta. Pääsiäisenä olivat


Hanneksesta oli tieto kummallinen. Mies täysissä voimissa ja

tietysti viimeiseen asti halukas kokoomaan maallista tavaraa. Sai
jättää kaikki.

He kulkivat hetkisen vaieten. Hannes mietti, että nyt on pojalla

kaksi taloa, vaikka ei kykene viljelemään kunnollisesti yhtäkään.

— Asettuisit sinäkin kotitaloosi. En minä monia taloja tarvitse,

Olli sanovan. Paremminhan Hakala sinulle kuuluu kuin minulle.

Hannes astui Ollin rinnalle. Mitä hän nyt kuulikaan?

— Että mitä?

— Sitä vain, että ottaisit Hakalan hoteillesi. En minä sillä suuria

voittoja pyydä. Vai et ehkä halunnekaan maamieheksi?

Hannekselle oli Ollin puhe melkein outoa. Miten Hautalaisen poika

voisi saamansa noin vain luovuttaa. Mutta ehkäpä olikin pojasta polvi

— Kyllähän minä maamieheksi aion, mutta taidat vaatia Hakalalla

siksi paljon, että on minunlaiseni mahdotonta ajatella.
— Mitäpä minä… talossa tosin teki isäukko korjauksia ja onhan
maan arvo muutenkin noussut. Sen hinta kai nousi
viiteenkymmeneen tuhanteen, mutta sinä saisit sen
kuudellakymmenellä… Sittenpähän näet, kun katselet.

— Onko sinulla ihan tosi aikomus talon myyntiin? tuli jo lämpimästi

Hannekselta. Miksi hän ei ottanut rahoja tehtaan konttorista. Siinä
setelipinossa olisi ollut melkein riittävä summa. Mutta ehkäpä Olli
puhuukin ilmaa vain.

— Mitä minä kahdella talolla… ja taisi isältäkin tulla suotta niin

kuin ahnasteltua sen talon kanssa.

Hyvä, että Olli myönsi sen. Monta muuta oli ukko aikoinaan

— Pysytkö siis tarjouksessasi? kysyi Hannes.

— Minun puolestani saat hakea kirjan tekijän vaikka paikalla.

— Mutta eihän minulla ole rahoja, virkkoi Hannes kuin

koetellakseen toisen aikomuksia.

— Mitä minä… jäihän noita vähän ukolta … tottapahan maksat.

Onhan siinä nouseva metsä, kyllä sinä siinä alkuun pääset. Se iso
suokin on nyt laitettu.

He olivat tulleet talon pihaan. Navettakartano oli uusi ja

hauskannäköinen. Tuparakennuskin oli katettu ja korjailtu. Hannes
katseli kaikkea kuin ihmetellen. Vihdoin hän ojensi kätensä Ollille.

— Tuohon käteen siis. Minä haen illalla kirjan tekijän.

— Sama kai se on.

— Mennäänpä sitte isäukolle kertomaan… eiköhän ällisty, arveli


— Se taitaa vähät semmoisista… on jo kuulonsakin menettänyt.

Tulenpahan sitten illalla ja tuon vieraat miehet.

Hannes katseli portailla hetkisen poistuvaa naapuria. Olisi tehnyt

mieli juosta hänen jälkeensä ja sulkea hänet veljen syleilyyn.


— Nyt minä tulin, huusi Hannes isänsä korvaan porstuakamarissa.

— Ka, niin, niin… minä tässä vain huonoudessani…

— Ja nyt en enää menekään… Olli myy Hakalan minulle… tänä

iltana tulee kirjan tekijä.

Ukko ei näyttänyt oikein käsittävän.

— Myy… ei se enää mitä myy… johan se kuopattiin…

— Olli myy talon minulle! huusi hän uudelleen ukon korvaan, ja

ukko näytti käsittävän.

— Vai myy… onko sulla rahaa? liekö sinusta talon mieheksi…

— On rahaakin… ja minusta on tullut mies… ymmärtääkö isä?

Mutta ukko turisi vain:

— … tässä huonoudessani… vai on sulla rahoja…

Hannes jätti isänsä ja meni pelloille. Suvilaiho lainehti viljavana ja
ruis teki tähkää. Nyt ei näkynyt missään surkastunutta, vaan kaikki
oli rehevää todistaen työn siunausta.

Hannes tunsi niin rajatonta kiitollisuutta, että hänen teki mieli

laskeutua polvilleen tuoksuvaan nurmeen. Hän oli sittenkin päässyt
maahan kiinni ja saanut samalla lapsuuskodin takaisin itselleen.

Hannes muisti pihaan palatessaan, että oli luvannut palata taloon

takaisin, josta lähti. Mitä he nyt sanovat, kun häntä ei kuulukaan.
Heitä minä kaipaan aina, ajatteli hän. Ja taloa myös. Siellä minä sain
suorittaa yhden luokan itsekasvatuksen kovaa koulua.

Seuraavana päivänä oli talon työväki aamiaisella, kun Hannes palasi

kyytimästä kirjantekijää kirkonkylään. Hän oli keittiön kautta mennyt
kamariinsa ja kuuli tuvasta miesten keskustelun. Suvituuli leyhytteli
avonaisesta ikkunasta sisään.

— Se kuuluu siellä tehtaassa ollessaan keksineen jonkun koneen,

sanoi joku miehistä syöntinsä lomassa.

— Minkä koneen?

— Mikä lie peltovärkki… en häntä paremmin tiedä.

— Sanovat sen siitä saaneen rahoja niin paljon, ettei uskaltanut

yhdelläkertaa mukaansa ottaa.

— Elä… se on sitten rikas.

— Velkanapahan kuuluu talo olevan, sanoi joku tiukalla äänellä.

Eikö liene hävittänyt jos on saanutkin. Osasi sen isäkin ennen

Ja sitten seurasi pitkä juttu siitä, miten ukko ennen hävitti ja sai
rahoja menemään.
Hannes tunsi hieman masentuvansa. Tulisiko vastakin olemaan
niin, että arveltiin pojan seuraavan isänsä polkuja. Tämä ei tuntunut
hyvältä. Ja mitä heillä oli aina toisten asioissa tekemistä. Kun
omiaan ei kukaan kehdannut ajatella, niin oli mukava toisten
portinpieluksia penkoa.

Tuvasta kuului vielä ukkojen turina.

— On se käynyt riuskaksi liikkeiltään. Ei luulisikaan Hakalan Eeron


— Taitaa hyvin tuntea oman arvonsa.

— Mistä sen tietää… mies on vasta ensimäistä päivää isäntänä,

kuului joku vanhempi mies sanovan.

Keskustelu tuntui saaneen ikävän käänteen. Enemmistöllä tuntui

olevan niinkuin jotain vanhaa muisteltavaa häntä vastaan.

Joku miehistä aloitti taas:

— Mutta mitenkähän tosiaankin on sen kanssa, että velaksi otti

talon, jos kerran oli rahoja.

Hannesta melkein nauratti. Hän oli istunut keinuun kädet pään

taakse ja jäänyt kuuntelemaan juttua.

Olipas niillä tekemistä hänen rahoistaan, joita ei edes voinut sanoa


Setelipinkka oli jäänyt sinne pöydälle häneltä. Oli tosin sanottu,

että rahat talletetaan pankkiin, josta ne saisi.
Itse asiassa oli samantekevää, jos ei saisikaan niitä rahoja.
Parempi oli lähteä näin tyhjästä ponnistamaan. Hyvinvointi olisi vain
hyvä pohja veltolle elämälle. Hän voisi kyllä talon maksaa
muutenkin. Ison suon oli Hautalainen laittanut hyvään kuntoon ja
kasvoihan metsäkin.

Miehet olivat jo poistuneet töihinsä, kun Hannes meni tupaan ja

asettui aterialle.

Tuvassa liikehti nuori tyttö, jota vanha Saara kuului sanovan

Hannes oli nyt vasta huomannut tytön.

Liisa oli verevä ja sukkela liikkeissään ja Hannes huomasi, että

tyttö oli heti ensi näkemältä miellyttävä.

Liisa toi lisää ruokia pöytään ja Hannes huomasi, että tytöllä oli
siniset silmät ja somanmuotoinen suu.

— Mistä sinä olet? kysyi Hannes tytöltä.

Tyttö hymähti. Hannes ei tuntenut häntä, vaikka hän oli ollut kerran
ennenkin talossa.

— Haanpään mökistä minä olen.

— Haanpään Liisa, niinkö?

— Niin.

— Enpäs minä sinua tuntenut. Olet somistunut ja pyöristynyt.

Tyttö punastui.
— Mistäpähän isäntä olisi muistanut.

»Isäntä» kuulosti hieman vieraalta.

— Kun kerran olet Liisa, niin sano minua Hannekseksi.

Tyttö punastui vielä enemmän ja poistui askareilleen.

Hannes ei voinut aivan heti kääntää hänestä ajatuksiaan toisaalle.

Sillä oli hiuksetkin kuin kultaa.

Mutta mitäpä nyt siitä. Oli mentävä pelloille.

Taloon oli jäänyt entiset hevoset eri kaupassa ja Hanneksen vanha

ajokas oli vielä säilynyt ajokunnossa. Hannes kävi suitsimassa sen
haasta ja meni kynnökselle.

Astuessaan auran jälessä mietti Hannes viime päivien menoa. Oli

tapahtunut paljon kahdessa päivässä. Hän oli saanut
perintömaansa, oman kotinsa kuin ihmeen kautta. Ja sitten oli
talossa tyttö, josta hän tunsi ensi näkemältä pitävänsä.

Vaikka eihän Liisa tietysti ollutkaan talossa sitä varten, että hänen
pitäisi tyttöä omakseen katsella. Kukaan ei taas kieltäisi

Liisa oli ollut kiltti jo pienenä tyttönä ja näytti suorittavan nytkin

hyvin tehtävänsä.

Hän oli ehtinyt mietteissään jo toiselle sarkapalstalle. Aura tuntui

kuin värisevän työntyessään maahan. Hän painoi sitä syvemmälle.
Tämä oli toista kuin tehtaassa rehkiminen ja sitten kaikkein
alkuperäisintä ja ihaninta työtä. Miksi tätä halveksittiin? Miksi talojen
pojat ja tyttäret olivat kansoittaneet kaupunkeja ja tehdasalueita?

Yhteiskunta taisi sittenkin olla suuria parannuksia vailla. Elettiin

ehkä murrosajan kynnyksellä. Maatyö ja vähäväkisen luokan maasta
eläminen oli joutunut huonoon huutoon. Jos oli tätä luokkaa kohtaan
vaatimuksia, täytyisi olla samalla velvollisuuksiakin. Olojen
pakottamana oli kovin monen täytynyt jättää perkkiönsä ja lähteä
kaupunkiin tai tehtaaseen.

Se oli taas häpeä, että maataomistavan luokan pojat ja tyttäret

unohtivat ihanimman ja kunniakkaimman: maatyön. Hän ei
huomannutkaan, että ilta oli käsissä, ennen kuin näki miesten
riisuvan hevosiaan.

Hänen taluttaessaan hevosta pihan poikki hakaan kulki Liisa siinä

hänen edellään maitohuoneeseen. Käänsi päänsä ja hymyili jo kuin

Hannes olisi tahtonut tietää, oliko kukaan onnellisempi kuin hän

päivätyön päätyttyä omalla pihallaan.

Heinäkuu oli tullut kuin huomaamatta. Hannes ajeli kirkonkylästä.

Maantie muuttui huonoksi ja kuoppaiseksi, kun kylätielle käännyttiin.

Siinä oli tienvarressa kylä siellä, toinen täällä. Muutamien ulkoasu

oli ränsistynyt ja näiden omistajilla oli asiatkin huonosti. Kunnan
pankki ja paremmin asutut naapurit olivat saamamiehinä. Omistajat
kävelivät askareissaan velttoina ja allapäin.

He eivät ole oppineet tekemään työtä, ja siinä koko juttu, mietti

Hannes ohi ajellessaan. He eivät ymmärrä, että työllä voidaan
pelastaa kaikki. Ei ainoastaan kannattavat ja huonosti tuottavat
vainiot, vaan myöskin ihminen.

Hannes muisteli menneisyyttään. Työ oli ollut joskus sangen

vaikeata suorittaa. Se tuli tehdyksi hutiloimalla, mutta se ei antanut
tyydytystä. Kaipasi huveja ja muuta semmoista.

Ja niin seurasi onnettomat harha-askeleet. Joskus oli saanut

työstä jonkunlaista nautintoa, mutta se särkyi, kun sairas veri vaati
rikosta jatkamaan.

Kuin ihmeen kautta oli hän pelastunut.

Entinen sukutalo nousi nyt kuin tuhkasta. Vieläkin oli paljon
voitettavana, vaan kaikki oli leikkiä entisyyteen verraten.

Kylällä juoruiltiin hänestä kaikenlaista. Kansaparka ravitsi itseään

ja naapureitaan juoruilla. Ja oli vanha tapa, että ei ennusteltu hyvää
pojalle, jonka isä oli tehnyt haaksirikon, tai ottanut vain harha-

Hänkin oli saanut juoruista runsaan osansa. Jotkut sattuivat niistä

kipeästi, mutta työssä löysi rauhallisen mielen.

Äskettäin oli hän yrittänyt tehdä jotain kylän edistyspyrintöjen

herättämiseksi. Kylässä oli ollut ennen nuorisoseura, mutta se oli
vuoden elettyään jäänyt siihen. Hannes oli esittänyt kylän nuorille,
että pantaisiin seura pystyyn uudelleen.

Siitäkös syntyi elämä! Muutamat nauroivat vasten naamaa ja kylän

kellot soittivat suutaan.

— Vai rupeisi tämä Eeron poika nuorisoseuraa puuhaamaan,

Mikähän se on olevinaan. Kaikki tässä!

— Saisi tyttöjen kanssa siellä puuhata ja halailla niitä. On sillä

isänsä metkut.

— Kunhan se äityy nyt siinä, niin rupeaa vielä papiksi!

Nämä puheet oli Hannes saanut kuulla kerran kylällä käydessään.

Joku isäntämieskin oli naureskellen veistellyt:

— Se tämä Hannu taitaa puuhata sitä nuorisoseuraansa vielä…

eiköhän olisi parasta, kun sonniyhtiön perustaisit. Niitä
sonniasioitahan se isäsikin ennen harrasti.

Ja sitten oli mies livauttanut silmää naapurilleen ja pirullisesti


Se koski kipeästi.

Jääköön vain hänen puolestaan kaikki yhteisharrastukset

kyläläisten kanssa. Hän tiesi kumminkin, että vaikka olisi yrittänyt
jotain muutakin, olisi tulos ollut sama. Ei kannattanut.

Ja Hannes oli päättänyt tämän jälkeen sulkeutua kokonaan omaan

elämäänsä. Hänen omilla alueillaan olisi hänelle työalaa.

Hakalan mailla oli autiomökkejä ja hän oli päättänyt ne asuttaa ja

panna kuntoon uudelleen.

Oli sellaisiakin mäkitupia ja torppia, joissa elettiin kituvaa elämää.

Niissä olisi hänen edistyshalullaan työalaa, ränsistyneitten tupien
sijalle uusia ja pellot voimaperäisiksi. Pian asukkaat tuntisivat, että
maatyö voi elättää suurenkin perheen ja antaa onnea, jota muuten ei
ollut löydettävissä.

Näin hänellä olisi onnea maailmassa ja hän saisi tuntea iloa sen

Hannes oli ehtinyt kotipihalle. Renki Kalle, joka oli ollut yhtämittaa
Hakalassa, tuli ottamaan hevosen.

— Menehän saunaan, me muut olemme jo kylpeneet.

Nyt vasta Hannes muisti, että olikin lauantai-ilta. Miten hän oli sen
saattanut kotimatkalla unohtaa.
Tuvassa lepäilivät miehet saunan jälkeen valkoisissaan.
Heinäkuun ilta oli valoisa ja tuvan etäisimmässä nurkassa oli vain

Miten viihtyisä on kesäinen lauantai-ilta maalaistalossa saunan

jälkeen. Valo viipyy vielä pihamailla ja pelloilla ja tulvehtii sisään
ikkunoista. Ja vaikka miehiltä tarinat loppuvat, ei ole kiirettä
nukkumaan. On pyhäistä päivää levätä, katseleepahan siinä vain
ikkunasta valoisaa pihamaata ja vaaleaa taivasta. Ja siinä
katsellessa kulkevat ajatukset viikon kuluessa suoritetuissa töissä,
eikä minkäänlainen murhe paina mieltä.

Hanneskaan ei olisi malttanut lähteä saunaan. Oli niin kauan siitä,

kun oli heinäkuun lauantaina ollut kotipirtissä saunaan
hankkiutumassa. Tuli mieleen kaikenlaisia muistoja, joita ei olisi
hennonut karistaa pois.

— Mutta nyt sauna jäähtyy.

Se oli Liisa, joka siitä hymyillen huomautti.

Kas, Liisallahan oli kaksi somaa hymykuoppaa, joita hän ei ollut

ennen huomannutkaan. Hiukset oli somasti sitaistu niskaan.
Mukavapa oli häntä siinä puuhaillessaan katsella lauantaiehtoon
pehmeässä valossa.

Saunaan mennessä oli niin kuin joku olisi nykäissyt häntä hihasta.

Sinä katselet Liisaa ja hän miellyttää sinua. Liisa on hyvä tyttö.

Liisaa minä olen tosin katsellut, myönteli Hannes. Hän on sen

joskus huomannut ja lievästi punastunut, mutta mitään
lähentelemisyrityksiä ei hän ole puolestaan tehnyt. Kas, se on jotain
se. Mitäpä se paranee katselemisesta. Kysyn kerran tytöltä, eikö hän
pikkuisen pitäisi minusta ja, jos se on niin menevä, niin tulkoon
hänestä Hakalan emäntä.

Ilta oli jo hämärtynyt, kun Hannes palasi saunasta. Miehet olivat

menneet jo makuutiloilleen ja tuvassa valvoi vain Liisa, korjatakseen
Hanneksen illallisen pois.

Kun Hannes oli aterioinut, meni hän karsinaikkunan ääreen, jossa

Liisa luki sanomalehteä.

— Eikö sinua väsytä, kun saat näin myöhään valvoa? kysyi hän
tytöltä, istuen ikkunan toiseen pieleen.

— Ei yhtään. Johan nyt, jos tällä iällä väsyttäisi.

— Saat melkein yksin raataa koko talon työt. Pitäisi saada edes
nuorempi apulainen sinulle.

— Kyllä minä jaksan.

Tyttö naurahti ja aikoi lähteä korjaamaan illallista pois.

— Et nyt menisi vielä, pyyteli Hannes.

Tyttö istui jälleen ja näytti niin kuin jotain odottavan. Ehkäpä

Hannes tahtoisi jostain erikoisemmin huomauttaa.

— Tahtoisin, että olisimme oikein hyviä ystäviä. Minä olen niin

yksin, eikä minulla ole ketään…

Hanneksen sanat katkesivat. Hän muisti ilottoman nuoruutensa,

muisti viime kesän muutamat päivät Jokivarren talossa. Jos Liisakin
nyt hylkäisi hänen pyyntönsä…
Liisa oli noussut seisomaan ja nojasi ikkunapieleen katsellen ulos.
Puna peitti somat kasvot.

— Jos minä olen mielestäsi ystävyytesi arvoinen, jatkoi Hannes ja

ojensi kätensä tytölle.

Tytön sormet värisivät hänen kädessään, mutta katse oli kirkas ja


— Jos minä vain olen, mutta koetanhan olla, sanoi tyttö hiljaa.

Ei puhuttu sen enempää. Ikkuna jäi ihmetellen katsomaan. Niin

lyhyeenkö se kävi ja keskenkö se jäi. Mutta olihan tytön katse niin
ihmeen kirkas.

Hannes valvoi vielä vuoteessaan. Hän tunsi ihanan rauhan

soluvan suoniinsa ja hän oli varma, että tulevalle polvelle voisi jättää
perinnöksi hyvin paljon.

Oli taaskin lanantainehtoo, mutta ulkona pelloilla ja metsissä oli jo

elokuu. Viljavainiot olivat kypsyneet ja talon ruispellosta oli jo osa

Järvi lepäsi tyvenenä. Siitä näkyi pieni pala pirtin lasista siihen,
missä Hannes istui keinutuolissa saunan jälkeen viihdytellen.

Tuvassakin oli elokuun tuntua. Liisa oli tuonut ruislyhteen orsille.

Se oli vanha perinnäistapa, ja se tuoksui nyt siellä oljelta ja

Hannes keinahteli siinä yksin onnellisissa mietteissään.

Kaappikello nurkassa mittasi verkalleen kahdeksatta tuntia, mutta
valo viipyi vielä tuvassa. Miehet olivat poistuneet kylälle, kissa vain
kehräsi keskilattialla.

Viikko sitten oli käynyt muuan vieras talossa. Hän oli ollut pellon
aitaa korjaamassa, kun Liisa tuli sanomaan, että vieras on tullut ja

Se oli yksi Rauta-yhtiön vanhemmista kirjanpitäjistä. Mies oli

noussut kohteliaasti tervehtimään häntä. Kamarissa kertoi hän
vartavasten tulleensa tuomaan rahoja, jotka Hannes oli silloin
jättänyt ottamatta. Toimitusjohtaja oli usein ihmetellyt, miksi ei
Hannes mitään kirjoita, vaikka on talon ostanut ja tiettävästi tarvinnut
rahoja. Sitten oli huhuna kuullut kerrottavan, että Hannesta ahdistaa
rahoista talon myyjä ja heti oli käskenyt hänen, konttoristi Helomaan
lähtemään. Oli samalla käskenyt tuomaan terveiset Hannekselle,
että joskus kävisi tehtaalla, että hän saisi vielä kiittää keksinnöstä.

Sitten oli Helomaa laskenut pöydän kulmalle setelitukun.

— Siinä pitäisi olla viisikymmentätuhatta.

Hannes oli mielihyvin korjannut rahat ja Melomaa oli vielä kertonut

toimitusjohtajan arvelleen, että kai hänen keksintönsä oli tarpeen
omillekin perkkiöille, ja kone oli nyt lähiasemalla, kun vaan kävisi

Siitä päivästä oli tullut sitten juhlapäivä taloon. Melomaa oli jättänyt
matkansa seuraavaan päivään ja Liisa oli häntä kestinyt parhaansa

Rahat olivatkin tulleet hyvään aikaan. Kyläläisten painostuksesta

oli Olli muuttanut mieltään ja käynyt vaatimassa talon hintaa
Hannekselta. Hyvät naapurit olivat saaneet vielä keksityksi
lisäkoukun. Hannesta oli vaadittu kaivattamaan syvä viemäri eräältä
kohdalta maansa läpi, kun muka vesi seisoi keväällä heidän
viljelyksillään. Oli uhattu käräjöidä, jollei viemäriä heti aloitettaisi.

Tämän hankkeen johdosta oli Hanneksella ollut melkoista

päänvaivaa. Tehtaalta voisi saada rahat talon hintaan, mutta mistä
otti ne viemäriin?
Kylällä oli jo puhuttu, että myyttäjän vasara heiluu Hakalassa vielä
toisenkin kerran. Taisikin vain Hautalan Olli ilman leikitellä
Hanneksen kanssa hänelle talon myydessään, kun tiesi sen pian
takaisin saavansa.

Hannes keinahteli hieman voitonriemuisesti ja puhalsi pitkän

savukiemuran piipustaan.

Samana päivänä, kun Helomaa tuli, oli rahat viety Ollille ja

lähetetty sana kylälle, että viemäri aloitetaan heti. Siihen tarvittavia
varoja liikeneisi nyt kyllä talosta.

Olli oli ollut häpeissään ja pyydellyt anteeksi. Kyläläisten

kiusaamana oli tullut rahoja vaatineeksi.

Ja sitten muutamien päivien perästä oli Kalle tuonut kylän läpi

uutta muokkauskonetta asemalta. Oli herja omassa kylässä huutanut
joka talon pihassa, että »tulkaa katsomaan Hakalan sampoa, se on
sen »Eeron pojan» keksimä.»

Oli katseltu ja ihmetelty ja nenät olivat venähtäneet, kun saivat

tietää, että siitä Hannes rahaa sai.

Hannes hymähti keinussaan ja sysäsi sen liikkeeseen. Mitä varten

naapurit kadehtivat häntä ja yleensä ihmiset toisiaan. Sehän tappoi
kaiken muun hyvän harrastuksen ihmisestä. Taisi sekin kateus olla
sukuperintöä ihmisissä. Kukaan ei sitä huomannut juuria pois
itsestään ja se meni perintönä polvesta polveen.

Liisa tuli tupaan ja lopetteli astiain pesua karsinapuolella. Ei

kuulunut vähään aikaan muuta kuin kellon verkkainen käynti
nurkassa ja karjan kellojen hiljainen helähtely ulkoa tarhasta.
Oli onnellinen tuokio Hanneksen elämässä. Lauantaiehtoon rauha
ympäröi hänet eikä minkäänlaiset huolet painaneet mieltä. Liisa oli
siinä askareissaan liikkumassa. Hän vain ojentaisi kätensä ja tyttö
olisi hänen.

Miten se siinä taas puuhasikin sukkelana. Kelpasipa katsella sen

käyntiä ja kädenliikkeitä. Eipähän arvannut mitä muuan mies
keinussa hänen lähellään ajatteli. Jos olisi arvannut, miten sen
poskille olisikaan puna karehtinut.

— Liisa.

— No?

— Tulehan vähän lähemmäksi.

Tyttö seisoi siinä katse alas luotuna. Yritti hymyillä, mutta tuli
jälleen totiseksi. Ei vetänyt pois kättään, johon Hannes oli tarttunut.

— Nyt minä sen sanon.

— Minkä?

Jopahan tyttö karahti punaiseksi.

— Että sinä olet minun.

Hannes veti tytön polvelleen.

— Teet vain pilkkaa minusta.

Hannes kaivoi liivinsä laskusta pienen esineen. Oli tullut sen jo

hankkineeksi kaupungissa käydessään.

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