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Faculty of Social Science and Humanities

Management Department

Methodology (Individual Work)

Sustainable Leadership Implementation in

Student: Adebayo Haroun Sanni

Lecturer: Prof. Rimantas Stasys

Klaipeda, 2022
3. 1.1. Problem questions
4. 1.2. The aim
5. 1.3. Originality/value
7. 2.1. Research object
8. 2.2. Objectives of the Research
9. 2.3. Keywords
10. 2.4. Research limitations
12. 3.1. Research Design
13. 3.2. Data Collection & Analysis

“When we discuss the evolution of an organization, we are saying that we want to find ways to
transform the organization from its current condition to a more developed state” (Avery &
Bergsteiner, 2011). sustainable leadership is a type of leadership and management behavior that
attempts to meet the demands of stakeholders and develop the core business of the firm in order
to produce long-term value for all stakeholders is which result in integrating sustainable
development and leadership. It emphasizes the harmonious growth of the economy, society, and
environment and goes beyond green transformational leadership and responsible leadership
(Avery & Bergsteiner, 2011).

According to Zuperkiene (2014), sustainable leadership is one of the leadership styles that
assumes responsibility for organizations, groups, and people by evaluating the social, economic,
and ecological principles of sustainability in terms of organization, society, and supporting the
effective management of sustainability ideas. Also, according to Slankis (2006), embracing the
idea of sustainability can give an organization a competitive edge and provide a means of
obtaining a way to constantly enhance performance. According to the statement, “Value is the
application of sustainability as the engine behind any new invention, technology, or business
practice that truly wants a better way to manage any firm,”

To create long-term value for all stakeholders, sustainable development and leadership must be
integrated. Sustainable leadership is a type of leadership and management behavior that aims to
meet stakeholder needs and develop the enterprise’s core business. It emphasizes the harmonious
growth of the economy, society, and environment and goes beyond green transformational
leadership and responsible leadership. At the same time, it is helpful in assisting businesses to
accomplish sustainable profitable growth, and it has turned into one of the hottest areas of
modern leadership research (Avery and Bergsteiner, 2011a,b).

One of the most crucial results relating to human resources is leadership style. Organizations can
become more productive and profitable thanks to leadership, but the degree of success depends
on the effectiveness of the leadership style. Similar to this, a leader’s style affects how others see
them and how they are treated. According to Haq and Kuchinke (2016), Employee motivation,
organisational culture, and attitude are all impacted by style of leadership. Despite the possibility
that the management’s preferred leadership style may be at conflict with workforce viewpoint, it
needs to taken into account (Sankar, Linganiso & Karodia, 2014).

15.1 Research problems

The body of knowledge on sustainable leadership has advanced, and some researchers have
discovered that it has a positive effect on workers’ job satisfaction, organizational commitment,
organizational sustainable performance, and organizational trust (Burawat, 2019; Iqbal et al.,
2020a,b), and financial performance of an organization (Kantabutra and Thepha-Aphiraks, 2016;
Suriyankietkaew and Avery, 2014; Suriyankietkaew and Avery, 2017).

Businesses have evolved into the fundamental unit responsible for ensuring the implementation
of sustainable development. But for a while, businesses have found it challenging to integrate the
idea of sustainable development into their everyday operations, choosing instead to fulfill their
social obligations by making charitable contributions or participating in public welfare
initiatives. As a result, the idea of sustainable development has essentially become a subset of
social responsibility. It should be highlighted, nonetheless, that there is ambiguity around the
implementation of these sustainable development efforts. It is impossible to give sustainability
more thought if the business is not performing well (Suriyankietkaew and Avery, 2016).

Management face problems in integrating social responsibility, economic gains, and

environmental protection due to the diverse social issues that come along with economic
progress. In this setting, several leadership styles have surfaced. Sustainable leadership is one of
them, and in recent years, it has played a significant role in the study of leadership theory. It
highlights the crucial role that leaders play in balancing the triple goals of the economy, society,
and environment.

Researchers are actively looking for solutions to this issue and have discovered that in order to
alter the situation and create a sustainable organization, leadership must incorporate the idea of
sustainable development (Gerard et al., 2017). Due to these reasons, sustainable leadership,
which encourages businesses to move toward sustainable development, has gained more
attention (Dalati et al., 2017; Piwowar-Sulej et al., 2021). The study of sustainable leadership is
still in its infancy and lacks rigorous examination. Hence, this study effectively advances the
conceptual study and managerial implementation of sustainable leadership in the organization.
1.1. Problem questions

What is sustainable leadership implementation in an Organization?

1.2. The aim

To present theoretical justification of the necessity of sustainable Leadership in organizations.

1.3. Originality/value

This study will advance the conceptual study and managerial implementation of sustainable
leadership in the organization.


2.1. Research object: Sustainable leadership and organization performance

2.2. Objectives of the Research

1. To examine the concept of sustainable leadership

2. To analyze the strategies for sustainable leadership that are effective in the organization

2.3. Keywords

Sustainable leadership and organizational performance

2.4. Research limitations

Trends that might have an impact on sustainable Leadership in organizations might be omitted.


The methods used to achieve the section’s goals is the main topic of this section. It focuses on
topics including the study’s design, data source, model specifications, and data analysis
technique plan.

3.1. Research Design

This study provides a conceptual analysis of how to develop sustainable leadership in an

organization. Several ways for implementing sustainable leadership are discussed in the study. A
variety of monographs and scientific publications were synthesized, observed, compared, and
critically analyzed.

Task name Date

1. Submit Proposal December 30, 2022
2. Elective Reading January 7, 2023
3. Receiving Feedback & Reviewing January 11, 2023
4. Literature Review – Reading January 18, 2023
5. Introduction – Writing January 24, 2023
6. Literature Review – Writing January 29, 2023
7. Literature Review – Supervisor February 3, 2023
8. Literature Review – Revise based February 14, 2023
on feedback
9. Methodology – Writing & February 18 ,2023
Questionnaire plot
10. Methodology – Supervisor feedback February 22, 2023

11. Incorporate feedback & deploy February 24, 2023

12. Analysis & writing April 1, 2022 February 26, 2023
13. Analysis – Revise based on feed March 4, 2023
14. Conclusion/Rec – Writing March, 14, 2023
15. Conclusion/Rec – Supervisor March 19, 2023
16. Conclusion/Rec – Revise based on March 22, 2023
17. Submit Draft Report on RISIS March, 31,2023


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