Habits British English Student Ver2

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1 Warm-up

Do you think that you have any bad habits? What are they?

2 Bad habits

Rank these bad habits, starting with which you think is the worst first. Then compare with a partner.

binge drinking biting your nails

buying things you don’t need constantly checking Facebook
going on shopping sprees interrupting other people
smoking cigarettes snacking on junk food
spitting on the ground swearing
taking sugar with your tea or coffee watching TV series without a break

Now, with your partner, think of some more bad habits.

3 Good habits

You are going to read an article about good habits. Match the headings to the paragraphs in the text
on the next page.

Eat healthily Exercise

Live in the present Live to learn
Live within your financial means Make time for yourself
Prioritise (Re-) connect with nature
Set goals Wake up early

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Get enough sleep. Becoming an early riser will be easier if you get a good night’s rest. Very
successful people advise getting up early in the morning to help you reach your goals and
achieve harmony in your life. It also improves concentration levels.
Try to learn something new every day. Doing this doesn’t take much time, just 15 minutes
a day can produce great results. Get into the habit of exploring new topics or increase the
knowledge you already have. Reading a couple of pages of a non-fiction book a day is a
great way to start.
If you don’t have any goals in life, you may find that you get lost along the way and never
reach your destination. Before trying to achieve them, write your goals down. Also, make
it a habit to check and change them if you need to.
Concentrate on completing the most important tasks first, and don’t try to do too many at
once. It is also important to make time for your goals and leisure activities. If something
does not add value to your life, it shouldn’t be a high priority.
Regular physical activity keeps your body healthy, and improves your mental health. It will
increase your energy levels and make your mood better. If you always put off doing things
"until tomorrow," it may be a good idea to set a goal to do some activity daily.
The key to managing your money is spending much less than you earn. Start by buying
less, and then eventually you will only buy what you really need. Developing this way of
life might also help to free you from the negative effects of consuming things. Also, avoid
using your credit card.
Having a balanced diet is important to give your body the right nutrients, and it helps you
to have a happy and enjoyable life.
Spending your time outdoors can help you rediscover what it felt like to play outside when
you were a child. When we get older, we often don’t find the time to enjoy outdoor
activities, so it can be really satisfying to get out into the countryside.
Take some time each day to do something which will really increase your happiness. This
time can help you clear your mind and allow you to do the things you are passionate about.
Often, we can’t forget the past and are anxious about the future. So, we don’t live in the
present moment. Instead of worrying too much, grab the present moment and try to make
your future better.

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4 Presentation 1: Verb + - ing or to

Study these examples from the text on the previous page.

Try to learn something new everyday.
Also, avoid using your credit card.
When one verb follows another verb, the infinitive (to do/not to do) or an -ing form (doing/not doing)
is used.

Verb + infinitive Verb + - ing

Do you want to have lunch now? I like talking to her.

I decided not to go out. She doesn’t recall meeting him.

The infinitive is often used for an action that The -ing form is often used for an action that
happens after the first verb. happens at the same time as or before the first

Now, use the correct verbs to complete the sentences below.

avoid decide miss promise risk suggest

1. Some people going to the dentist because they are really scared.
2. You getting bad sunburn if you don’t put on any cream.
3. People often to give up smoking, but they often don’t keep their word.
4. I do eating fast food, but I’m trying to lose weight. Burgers aren’t a healthy option.
5. Doctors cutting down on the amount of sugar that you have in your diet.
6. If you to stop a bad habit, there are many books and websites that can help you.

5 Presentation 2: - ing

The -ing form can be used in several different ways.

• As the subject of a sentence: Becoming an early riser will be easier if you get a good
night’s rest.
• After a preposition: Before trying to achieve them, write your goals down.
• After certain verbs: Also, avoid using your credit card.
• After phrasal verbs: If you always put off doing things "until tomorrow...."

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With a partner, find more examples of the - ing form in the text.

Now choose the correct type of -ing form for each of the sentences below. Underline the part of the
sentence that shows the type.

1. He was still hungry, even after finishing his dinner. He might need a snack later.
2. He enjoyed playing computer games. But his mother said he was addicted.
3. Smoking is a very bad habit. You should quit immediately.
4. Don’t carry on watching the TV. I’m trying to talk to you.
5. He had an obsession with going to the gym. He was there seven days a week.

Change the verbs below into the -ing form and put them into the sentences.

buy get smoke spend swap try

1. He considered a new haircut, but didn’t know which style to choose.

2. She resisted the chocolate cake, even though it looked delicious.
3. He recalled numbers with the girl but he couldn’t find hers on his phone.
4. The manager tolerates people close to the restaurant but he doesn’t
really like it.
5. People often appreciate a few hours at home relaxing with no interruptions.
6. She didn’t mention the new dress to her husband. Even though it had
been on sale.

6 Talking Point

Discuss any of the questions below in pairs or groups.

1. Do you do any of the things from the in article in Exercise three now? Which do you think are the
most difficult to do?
2. Do you think having goals helps you to achieve things? Why/why not?
3. Have you ever tried to give up any bad habits? Did you succeed?

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