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Bright and dark states of light: The quantum origin of classical interference

Celso J. Villas-Boas,1 Carlos E. Máximo,1, 2 Paulo J. Paulino,1, 3 Romain P. Bachelard,1 and Gerhard Rempe4
Departamento de Fı́sica, Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 13565-905 São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil
Department of Physics, ETH Zurich, 8093 Zurich, Switzerland
Institut für Theoretische Physik, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Auf der Morgenstelle 14, 72076 Tübingen, Germany
Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Hans-Kopfermann-Str. 1, D-85748 Garching, Germany
Classical theory asserts that several electromagnetic waves cannot interact with matter if they interfere destruc-
tively to zero, whereas quantum mechanics predicts a nontrivial light-matter dynamics even when the average
electric field vanishes. Here we show that in quantum optics classical interference emerges from collective
bright and dark states of light, i.e., entangled superpositions of multi-mode photon-number states. This makes
it possible to explain wave interference using the particle description of light and the superposition principle for
linear systems.
arXiv:2112.05512v2 [quant-ph] 12 Mar 2024

The quest for understanding what light is, and what its prop- a superposition of perfectly dark or maximally superradiant
erties are, comes from the Greek school of philosophy a few states only (see the illustration in Fig.1(a)), but any interme-
centuries BC. Since then the subject has been extensively diate quantum state has no counterpart in classical theory.
studied, with prominent contributions from Newton and Huy- According to the quantum theory of optical coherence in-
gens, the former defending the corpuscular and the latter ad- troduced by Glauber [9], the statistical properties of a given
vocating the wave character of light [1, 2]. This dispute field can be derived from its electrical field operator
remained unresolved until, among others, Young performed
experiments on light diffraction [3, 4], and Maxwell devel- E(r, t) = E(+) (r, t) + E(−) (r, t), (1)
oped a unified theory of electromagnetism which includes a with E(+) (r, t) and E(−) (r, t) the positive and negative fre-
wave equation for the light field [5]. This effectively removed quency parts, respectively. Quantum mechanically, these parts
any doubts about the wave aspect of light. However, in 1905, are proportional to the photon annihilation and creation oper-
Einstein explained the photoelectric effect by reintroducing ators, that is, E(+) (r, t) ∝ a and E(−) (r, t) ∝ a† . Still ac-
the idea of light particles [6] (later reinterpreted by Lamb cording to [9], the probability of a photon from a single mode
and Scully [7]). Since then, and with the advent of quan- in a given state |Ψ⟩ being absorbed by a sensor atom is pro-
tum physics, light is associated with both properties, wave portional to
and particle. Depending on the experiment, one or the other
aspect manifests itself: the interference of delocalized waves ⟨Ψ|E(−) E(+) |Ψ⟩ ∝ ⟨Ψ|a† a|Ψ⟩. (2)
on the one hand and the propagation of particles along well-
defined trajectories on the other hand. Although this is text- This expression comes from the energy-exchange interaction
book knowledge by now, it was highly debated at its time. For between the field and the sensor, described by the Hamiltonian
example, Millikan argued that the particle aspect “flies in the (in the rotating-wave approximation)
face of the thoroughly established facts of interference” [8]. H = E(+) (r, t)σ + + E(−) (r, t)σ − , (3)
Here we resolve Millikan’s objection and show that the
interference between independent radiation modes, usually with σ + (σ − ) the raising (lowering) operators that induce
taken as an undoubted signature of the wave character of ra- transitions between ground |g⟩ and excited |e⟩ states of the
diation, has in fact a purely corpuscular explanation. For this sensor atom. From Eq. (2) one can easily see that, for single
we adopt a microscopic description of the measurement pro- mode fields, only zero-intensity (vacuum) fields are unable to
cess in terms of energy exchange between the radiation and excite the sensor.
a sensor atom, as formally derived by Glauber [9]. We then For two-mode fields, and from a quantum perspective, the
introduce the entangled dark and bright states of light, i.e., situation is much more interesting. To see this, we evaluate
a new kind of subradiant and superradiant states for collec- the probability of exciting the sensor using the eigenstates of
tive modes of light fields, analogous to those which appear in the positive-frequency operator with null eigenvalues, that is,
atomic systems [10]. With this new model we are able to in- E(+) (r, t)|Ψ⟩ = 0 or, equivalently, H|Ψ⟩|g⟩ = 0. For a
terpret the optical double-slit experiment in terms of particle single mode, only the vacuum state satisfies this condition.
states only. We discuss the rather counterintuitive result that a But as shown below, multi-mode fields allow for a plethora
vanishing photon-detection probability at locations of destruc- of such states, even states with many photons in each mode.
tive interference does not prove the absence of photons but in- In the context of cavity quantum electrodynamics, the states
stead indicates a photonic state that is perfectly dark for the which carry photons but are unable to excite an atom were
employed sensor atom. We also show that the collective states dubbed “generalized ground states” by Alsing, Cardimona,
of the light fall into three distinct classes: perfectly dark, max- and Carmichael [11], but here we decide to name them per-
imally superradiant, and intermediate. Interestingly, classical fectly dark states (PDSs) since the sensor cannot see the field
interference, fully destructive or constructive, is described by whenever it is in such a state.

(a) (b)
Classical interpretation: Quantum interpretation:
Interference Dark and bright states



FIG. 1. (a) Double slit experiment: Two waves ψ1 (ϕ1 = k1 · r1 ) and ψ2 (ϕ2 = k2 · r2 ) meet to form fringes which can be interpreted in terms
of interference in the classical theory, and of dark and bright states in our approach. (b) Dicke-like ladder for two light modes with the left side
containing the maximally superradiant states (MSS, in blue), and the right one with the perfectly dark states (PDS, in red). Differently from
the atomic case, the number of excitations is not bounded (N → ∞).

To address the multi-mode case, we consider two modes, A to excite the sensor atom, for any N . We name it the perfectly
and B, represented by their respective annihilation (creation) dark state (PDS) for the subspace of N photons
operators a and b (a† and b† ), and a relative phase between rN
them given by θ. In this case, the positive frequency operator N ! X (−1)m eimθ
can be written as ψ0N (θ) = |m, N − m⟩a,b .
2N m=0 m! (N − m)!

E(+) (r, t) ∝ (a + beiθ ) (4)
In atomic system it was coined subradiant by Dicke since
and, consequently, the Hamiltonian (3) becomes H = g(a + H|ψ0N ⟩|g⟩ = 0. Oppositely, the n = N state
beiθ )σ + + g(a† + b† e−iθ )σ − . Here, g = g(r) denotes the r N
−iN θ N! X eimθ
coupling constant between the sensor and the two modes, as- ψN (θ) =e N
p |m, N − m⟩a,b
2 m=0 m! (N − m)!
sumed equal for both modes for simplicity, and r is the sen-
√ √ (7)
sor (atom) position. Then, we introduce the symmetric √ and comes with a transition rate g 2N , which is √ 2 times that
antisymmetric collective√ operators c = (a + beiθ )/ 2 and
of the single-mode result: HJC |g⟩|N ⟩ = g N |e⟩|N − 1⟩,
d = (−ae−iθ + b)/ 2 [12], respectively. For any number
with HJC denoting the standard Jaynes-Cummings Hamil-
n ≤ N , we also define states with a total number of N excita-
tonian [14]. State (7) is the analogue of the symmetric su-
tions |ψnN (θ)⟩ in the collective ({c, d}) and in the bare ({a, b})
perradiant mode, studied by Dicke in the atomic decay cas-
basis as
cade [10, 15], and represents the most superradiant of the
n † N −n states with N photons. We here refer to this state as a maxi-
N c† d
|ψn (θ)⟩ ≡ |n, N − n⟩c,d = p |0, 0⟩c,d mally superradiant state (MSS) or bright state. Finally, states
n! (N − n)! within the range 0 < n < N have intermediate transition
n N −n
a† + b† e−iθ −a† eiθ + b† rates. In contrast to the two-level-atom case, the present
= p |0, 0⟩a,b . Hilbert space is unbounded, even for a finite number of field
2N n! (N − n)!
modes, since each one can support an arbitrary number of pho-
tons [13] (see Fig.1(b)).
As shown in the supplemental material (SM), the states As we have just seen, dark states are eigenstates of the op-
|ψnN ⟩ constitute a complete basis satisfying H ψnN |g⟩ = erator E(+) (r, t) with null eigenvalue, which implies that they
√ N −1 are undetectable by usual sensors such as those described by
g 2n ψn−1 |e⟩. This describes the excitation of the atom
N −1 two-level atoms. On the other hand, the bright states couple
accompanied by a transition from state |ψnN ⟩ to |ψn−1 ⟩, ana-
stronger than in the single-mode case. Thus, a natural ques-
logue to the N -excitation Dicke basis for multi-atom sys-
tion arises concerning the connection between the quantum
tems [10, 13]. In√analogy to the “cooperation number” for
mechanical dark (bright) states and the classical effects of de-
Dicke states, the 2n factor √ represents the cooperativity of structive (constructive) interference between radiation fields,
the absorption, where the 2 appears due to the two modes.
as in regions of destructive interference no light is detected,
Of particular interest is the case n = 0 for which
while in regions of constructive interference light scattering is
E(+) (r, t)|ψ0N ⟩ = 0. The n = 0 state is therefore unable
enhanced. To address this question we consider, for simplic-

ity, the case of two modes with θ = 0. Then, one can easily from a normalization factor which depends on the radiation
show that in-phase coherent states decompose exclusively on pattern of the two ‘slit’ atoms, g(k), the field is given by the
the MSS subspace: state (see SM for details)
1   O
∞ |S⟩ = √ e−ik1 ·d1 |1, 0⟩a,b + e−ik2 ·d2 |0, 1⟩a,b
2 X 2N N N |0k ⟩.
|α, α⟩ = e−|α| α |ψN ⟩. (8) 2 k̸=k1 ,k2
N! (11)
N =0
Then, the probability for a photon at position r is given by
This implies an enhanced absorption by a factor of 2 the first-order intensity correlation function G(1) (r, r, 0) =
(H|α, α⟩|g⟩ = 2αg|α, α⟩|e⟩) as compared to a single coher- 2
⟨ψ|E (−) E (+) |ψ⟩ = ⟨0|E (+) |ψ⟩ , with E (+) ∝ aeik1 ·r +
ent state (H|α⟩|g⟩ = gα|α⟩|e⟩). The two-mode MSS quan-
beik2 ·r ∝ a + beiθ , and θ = (k2 − k1 ) · r.
tum state therefore corresponds to the constructive interfer-
As described above, for this collective measurement op-
ence of classical in-phase fields.
erator the dark and bright states can √ be written as
On the other hand, two coherent fields with opposite phases
|ψ01 (θ)⟩ = |1, 0⟩a,b − e−iθ |0, 1⟩a,b / 2 and |ψ11 (θ)⟩ =
decompose in terms of PDSs only:  √
|1, 0⟩a,b + e−iθ |0, 1⟩a,b / 2, respectively (apart from the
∞ other vacuum modes of the electromagnetic field). With such
X 2N N N
|α, −α⟩ = e α |ψ0 ⟩. (9) equations we can rewrite Eq. (11), up to a global phase factor,
N =0 as
This state gives a suppressed interaction H|α, −α⟩|g⟩ = 0, |S⟩ = cos (δϕ/2) |ψ11 (θ)⟩ − isin (δϕ/2) |ψ01 (θ)⟩, (12)
which can be interpreted either as belonging to the PDS sub-
space or, classically, as a destructive interference for two fields where δϕ = −(k2 · d2 − k1 · d1 ) + θ = k2 · r2 − k1 · r1 , i.e.,
with the same amplitude but opposite phases. However, not δϕ represents the phase difference of the two light paths from
every destructively interfering field is undetectable. This can the slits to the sensor atom. Clearly, at any detector position
be seen by considering two modes in the state (δϕ) we may have a bright, a dark, or a superposition of bright
and dark states, which implies that the photon can be at any
|Υ⟩ = (|0⟩a + |1⟩a ) (|0⟩b − |1⟩b ) /2. (10) position. In other words, apart from the g(k) distribution, the
average number of photons as a function of δϕ is constant, i.e.,
In each of the modes we have a non-zero average elec- ⟨a† a + b† b⟩(δϕ) = 1. However, the sensor atom can detect
tric field but, as they are out of phase with each other, the the photon only at positions where the bright state survives.
average resulting electric field is zero. According to the On the other hand, when a coherent state is sent to a double
classical interpretation of interference, such a field would slit, part of the light goes through slit 1 at position d1 , and
be undetectable but, according to Glauber’s theory [16], part of it goes through slit 2 at position d2 . In this case, we
it is detectable, in the sense that it will induce a non- do not have a superposition state, but rather a product state of
trivial dynamics for the sensor/atom. This can be easily ex- the two modes k1 and k2 in coherent states with amplitude α
plained using the description in terms of bright and dark (assumed the same for both slits) and a relative phase which
states, since
√ such state can be written √  in the form |Υ⟩ = depends on the position of the slit, i.e.
|ψ00 ⟩ − 2|ψ01 ⟩ + |ψ02 ⟩ − |ψ22 ⟩ / 2 /2, which shows a ∞
projection onto the detectable subspace of bright states. |e−ik1 ·d1 α, e−ik2 ·d2 α⟩a,b = e−|α|
2 X
CN |χN (δϕ)⟩, (13)
A key phenomenon for evidencing the wave nature of light N =0
comes from Young’s double slit experiment. The fundamental p
result is that both classical and single-photon coherent sources with CN = 2N /N !(e−ik2 d2 α)N and the phase-dependent
produce the same fringe pattern, despite the very different na- state
ture of these fields. To revisit this experiment using the collec- r N
tive basis, one can consider two equally weighted light modes N N ! X e−imδϕ eimθ
χ (δϕ) = |m, N − m⟩ ,
2N m=0 m! (N − m)!
emerging from two slits and in the far-field limit. Without
loss of generality, we assume both waves with wave vectors (14)
k1 (mode a) and k2 (mode b), with |k1 | = |k2 | = k. Then, with δϕ defined right after Eq. (12). Such state cor-
k1 ·r1 and k2 ·r2 , with ri the vector connecting the ith slit with responds to a MSS when the two modes are in phase,
the sensor position, are the phases acquired by the respective χN (2lπ) = eiN θ |ψN N
(θ)⟩, and to a PDS when in op-
fields when propagating from slits 1 and 2, respectively, to the posite phases, χ ((2l + 1)π) = |ψ0N (θ)⟩, with l =

detection point (see Fig. 1). 0, ±1, ±2, ... . In this case, the average number of photons
For a single photon impinging on a double slit, the field in is again independent of the phase difference, i.e.,
the plane of interest and the detection process can be described
following Scully and Zubairy [17], i.e., by replacing the two ⟨a† a + b† b⟩(δϕ) = 2|α|2 , (15)
slits with two source atoms, the first at the position d1 and the meaning that photons are present at every point on the screen,
second at the position d2 (the positions of the slits). Apart contrary to the standard classical description of interference,

which states that no light arrives at points of destructive inter- matter interaction discussed in the present work suggests
ference. The single-photon state |S⟩, which decomposes as a an implementation in optical cavities coupled to a two-level
sum of PDSs or MSSs only (see Eq. (12)), has the same fea- atom [22, 23], trapped ions where a single emitter can be cou-
ture, as discussed above. Therefore, the decomposition either pled to its two vibrational modes [24, 25], or superconducting
in only PDSs or only MSSs explains why single-photon fields circuits [26]. We visualize many possibilities, drawing inspi-
and classical fields exhibit the same fringe pattern. ration from the diverse applications that appear in the context
The particular case just discussed actually points towards of super- and subradiance in atomic systems. For example,
a more general result: as proven in the SM, states of light one could employ photonic superradiant states to further en-
composed of only PDSs or MSSs exhibit the same interfer- hance light emission in high-brightness light sources. On the
ence patterns as those derived from linear (classical) optics other hand, as the dark states do not interact with matter, they
or, equivalently, for coherent states. However, this is not could in principle be employed as decoherence-free photonic
the case for the general collective states |ψnN (θ)⟩, Eq. (5), quantum memories. Finally, by taking advantage of the fact
or superpostions with both dark and bright states, an effect that bright states do interact with atoms and dark states do
which could be useful to discriminate between quantum and not, one could use such states to imprint a conditional phase
classical states of light without the need of employing field- on an atomic system. With this, one could employ such col-
field correlations [17, 18]. This can be exemplified by con- lective mode states to implement single-shot logic operations
sidering a Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI), see SM for in crossed-cavity setups [23], such as two- and three-qubit
details, with the input state as the √ intermediate entangled CNOT and Fredkin gates, thus allowing for universal quan-
state |ψ12 ⟩ = (|0, 2⟩a,b − |2, 0⟩a,b )/ 2 (mode a (b) as the tum computing with traveling modes [27].
first (second) input port of the MZI), a state which is gen- In conclusion, we have discussed how a description of
erated by impinging two photons on the two input ports of multi-mode light in terms of maximally superradiant or per-
a 50/50 beam splitter [19]. With this input, the two output fectly dark collective states offers a natural interpretation for
ports of the MZI contain the same average number of pho- constructive and destructive interference. Remarkably, this
tons independent of the relative phase φ within the MZI, i.e., Dicke-like bosonic basis applies to classical and non-classical
⟨na ⟩|ψ2 ⟩ = ⟨nb ⟩|ψ2 ⟩ = 1 (see SM). This means that the states of light, thus going beyond the simple classical ap-
1 1
fringes completely disappear, and the visibility of an interfer- proach of average fields. We have shown that, from a quan-
ence patters goes to zero. The situation is completely differ- tum perspective, interference is intimately related to the cou-
ent for classical fields, where the intensity in one of the output pling of light and matter which differs for the bright and dark
ports of the MZI goes to zero depending on the relative phase states. This is completely different in the classical description
φ. In this sense, the reduction of the visibility in the quantum where no assumption on the matter is necessary to describe
case stems from the quantum nature of the field. the sum of electromagnetic fields. One can interpret this as a
In light of our discussion, we can conclude that the single- manifestation of the quantum-measurement process where the
mode case has a unique PDS, namely the vacuum state |0⟩. It expectation value of an observable depends on the properties
may sound trivial since there is no photon to excite the detec- of the measuring apparatus [28, 29]. Within this framework,
tor, yet its interest lies in its uniqueness: any other state excites we have interpreted the double-slit experiment and the inter-
the sensor atom. Thus, our interpretation in terms of dark and ference of light waves in general in terms of bright and dark
bright states provides a new way to explain why single-mode states, i.e., using only the corpuscular description of the light
Fock states |N ⟩ with N > 1 do excite the sensor atom, even and the quantum-superposition principle.
for zero mean electric field. On the other hand, the multi- C.J.V.-B., C.E.M, and R.B. and are supported by the
mode case is fundamentally different since it possesses an in- São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP, Grants Nos.
finite family of dark states with an arbitrarily large number 2017/13250-6, 2018/15554-5, 2019/11999-5, 2018/22402-7,
of photons, which do not couple to the sensor atom in the 2023/01213-0, and 2022/00209-6) and by the Brazilian
ground state. This scenario is analogous to the case of two- National Council for Scientific and Technological Develop-
level atoms where single-atom (spontaneous) emission always ment (CNPq, Grants Nos. 201765/2020-9, 402660/2019-
occurs, whereas the emission from 6, 313886/2020-2, 409946/2018-4, 307077/2018-7,
√a couple of atoms in the
dark state |−⟩ = (|e, g⟩ − |g, e⟩)/ 2 is suppressed. Alterna- 465469/2014-0, and 311612/2021-0). C.E.M. acknowledges
tively, dark states can be produced using single emitters with a funding from the SNF, project number IZBRZ2-186312/1.
multilevel structure [20], in particular in electromagnetically We thank Markus Hennrich and Tobias Donner for comments.
induced transparency [21]. In addition, the two-mode case We also thank Wolfgang Schleich for valuable discussions
also predicts bright and intermediate states, the latter having concerning the formal description of the double-slit experi-
no correspondence in classical physics. Although the discus- ment. C.J.V.-B. and R.B. also thank the Max Planck Institute
sions above were developed for only two modes of the radia- of Quantum Optics for their pleasant hospitality.
tion field, their generalization to the case N modes of the field
is straightforward (see SM).
From an experimental perspective, the two-mode light-

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