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CLASS-XI Graduate Graduate Play

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William Shakespeare

Othello MCQ
By - Golam Mortuja  May 03, 2024  0

Othello - The Tragedy of Othello

William Shakespeare

MCQ -- 1 Mark

Brabantio was a

(i) rich senator

(ii) king
(iii) merchant
(iv) sailor.

*Brabantio was a

(i) General
(ii) Senator
(iii) Soldier
(iv) Duke.

Brabantio lived in

(i) Scotland
(ii) England
(iii) Portugal
(iv) Venice.

*Desdemona was the daughter of

(i) Iago
(ii) Cassio
(iii) Brabantio
(iv) Duke of Venice. [WBCHSE Class-XI Annual Examination 2014,

*The Duke appointed Othello as general of

the defence forces against

(i) the Persians

(ii) the Arabs
(iii) the Turks
(iv) the Greeks.

*Othello was declared as the most

competent General to defend Cyprus against
the invasion of the

(i) Egyptians
(ii) Jews
(iii) Venetians
(iv) Turks.

Othello had been raised to the rank of the

(i) Major
(ii) Commander-in-chief
(iii) General
(iv) Lieutenant.

*Othello was highly esteemed and revered


(i) he was dark in complexion

(ii) he was a valiant soldier
(iii) he could tell wonderful stories
(iv) he married Desdemona. [WBCHSE Class-XI Annual
Examination 2014]

*In a man Desdemona preferred

(i) his heart

(ii) his complexion
(iii) his appearance
(iv) his intelligence.

*Desdemona was greatly attracted by


(i) story-telling ability

(ii) looks
(iii) charming behaviour
(iv) sense of humour.

*Desdemona liked to hear the stories of

adventure from Othello with

(i) heavy heart

(ii) much attention
(iii) a passing whim
(iv) displeasure.

*Othello told Desdemona

(i) adventures of Ulysses

(ii) stories of his own adventures
(iii) stories of the Arabian Nights
(iv) none of these.

Othello had seen in foreign countries, the

cannibals who are

(i) peasants
(ii) carpenters
(iii) artists
(iv) man-eaters.

*The Anthropophagi in Africa were


(i) who had only one eye

(ii) whose heads grew
(iii) beneath their shoulders
(iv) who were cannibals.

The marriage of Othello and Desdemona

(i) was publicly celebrated

(ii) was privately solemnized
(iii) was performed without informing the subjects
of the state
(iv) none of the above.

Brabantio praying for justice against

Othello, appealed to

(i) the Duke of Venice

(ii) the Duchess of Venice
(iii) the King of England
(iv) none of them.

One of the accusations by Brabantio to

Othello was

(i) casting spell and witchcraft to seduce

(ii) poisoning Desdemona
(iii) marrying Desdemona without the consent of
the Duke of Venice
(iv) none of the above.

*The Turks had prepared to invade

(i) Cyprus
(ii) Africa
(iii) France
(iv) Venice. [WBCHSE Class-XI Annual Examination 2015, 2018]

Who was the most competent general to

defend Cyprus against the invasion of the

(i) Brabantio
(ii) Iago
(iii) Cassio
(iv) Othello.

Othello was summoned to the Senate as

(i) a candidate for a noble employment and esteem

(ii) a culprit, charged with o"ences by Senator
(iii) both (i) and (ii)
(iv) none of these.

The marriage between Desdemona and

Othello was primarily

(i) accepted by Brabantio

(ii) dismissed by Brabantio
(iii) arranged by Brabantio
(iv) out of Brabantio's knowledge.

Brabantio warned Othello that

(i) Desdemona might also deceive him

(ii) Desdemona might come back to her father
(iii) they might be attacked by some evil powers
(iv) none of these.

*After the trial, Othello readily went to

(i) Desdemona
(ii) War of Cyprus
(iii) Florence
(iv) War of Turkey. [WBCHSE Class-XI Annual Examination 2020]

Who possessed Othello's con"dence the


(i) Iago
(ii) Brabantio
(iii) Cassio
(iv) Desdemona.

*Michael Cassio was

(i) jealous
(ii) handsome
(iii) both handsome and eloquent
(iv) reserved and shy.

Whom did Othello use in his love a#air

with Desdemona?

(i) Emilia
(ii) Iago
(iii) Cassio
(iv) Montano.

Next to Othello, Desdemona had faith on

(i) Iago
(ii) Emilia
(iii) Cassio
(iv) Brabantio.

*Othello had promoted Cassio to the rank


(i) General
(ii) Duke
(iii) Lieutenant
(iv) Senator. [WBCHSE Class-XI Annual Examination 2015, 2018]

The post of Lieutenant was a place of

trust and

(i) nearest to the General

(ii) nearest to the Major
(iii) nearest to the soldiers
(iv) nearest to the duke.

*Cassio's promotion to the Lieutenant


(i) Othello
(ii) Desdemona
(iii) Iago
(iv) Brabantio.

Iago hated not only Cassio, but also

(i) Desdemona
(ii) Othello
(iii) Emilia
(iv) Brabantio.

Iago hated Othello because Othello

(i) favoured Desdemona

(ii) favoured Montano
(iii) favoured Cassio
(iv) favoured the Turks.

Iago suspected that Othello had a liking


(i) Emilia
(ii) Rosalind
(iii) Fanny
(iv) none of them.

*The name of Iago's wife

(i) Desdemona
(ii) Ophelia
(iii) Emilia
(iv) Rosalind.

The scheme of revenge which was

planned by Iago involved the common ruin of

(i) Cassio
(ii) Othello
(iii) Desdemona
(iv) all of them.

*Iago was

(i) good at heart

(ii) learned
(iii) very religious
(iv) crafty. [WBCHSE Class-XI Annual Examination 2016]

*Iago was so artful that

(i) he had no sense of human nature

(ii) he hardly had a revengeful mind
(iii) he had a deep sense of human nature
(iv) he always indulged in human provocations.

According to Iago, the most unbearable

pain was of

(i) a scar
(ii) a bleeding wound
(iii) jealousy
(iv) none of these.

*According to Iago, an excellent plot of

revenge would be

(i) to make Othello envious of Cassio

(ii) to make Cassio envious of Othello
(iii) to make Brabantio envious of Othello
(iv) to poison the ears of Desdemona.

Iago thought his plan to make Othello

envious of Cassio would result in

(i) the death of Othello

(ii) the death of Cassio
(iii) the death of Othello or Cassio or both
(iv) the death of Brabantio.

"The arrival of the General and his Lady in

Cyprus.....created a sort of holiday...." Here
'General' and 'his lady' refer to

(i) Othello and Desdemona

(ii) Iago and Emilia
(iii) Brabantio and his wife
(iv) none of them.

*"Othello could deny nothing to such a

pleader." The pleader was

(i) Cassio
(ii) Iago
(iii) Desdemona
(iv) Montano.

On the night of Othello's arrival, he

instructed Cassio to

(i) restrain the soldiers from drinking excessively

(ii) encourage the soldiers to drink excessively
(iii) restrain the soldiers from involving in gambling
(iv) none of the above.

Iago insisted Cassio to have

(i) some food

(ii) some co"ee
(iii) a drink
(iv) some cake.

As Cassio was provoked by Iago, he

started to praise

(i) Desdemona
(ii) Emilia
(iii) Othello's sister
(iv) none of them.

At the end of the feast, Cassio got

involved in

(i) gambling
(ii) drinking
(iii) a scu#e
(iv) both (i) and (ii).

*The o$cer who intervened to pacify the

scu%e in which Cassio involved himself was

(i) Montano
(ii) Orlando
(iii) Iago
(iv) Morgano.

To inform Othello about Cassio's

misdeed, Iago

(i) rang the bell of the castle

(ii) knocked the door of Othello's room
(iii) shouted calling Othello's name
(iv) did nothing.

*The alarm bell ringing made by Iago


(i) Cassio from drunken condition

(ii) the o$cer on duty
(iii) the inlanders of Cyprus
(iv) Othello.

For Cassio's misdeed, Othello took away

from him

(i) his badge

(ii) his cap
(iii) his lieutenancy
(iv) his uniform.

Who advised Cassio to apply to

Desdemona to mediate for him with Othello?

(i) Montano
(ii) Iago
(iii) Cassio's wife
(iv) none of them.

Desdemona told Othello to receive Cassio

again in his favour within

(i) next night

(ii) next morning
(iii) the next night or the next morning
(iv) four days.

Othello and Iago entered the room where

(i) Desdemona was sleeping

(ii) Desdemona was talking to the maid
(iii) Desdemona was talking to Cassio
(iv) Cassio was talking to Montano.

"I like not that" This remark was made by

(i) Iago
(ii) Cassio
(iii) Othello
(iv) Brabantio.

Othello thought Iago to be

(i) a sel%sh person

(ii) a just man
(iii) full of love and honesty
(iv) both (ii) and (iii)

Othello was advised to observe

Desdemona closely when

(i) Cassio was nearby

(ii) nobody was with her
(iii) she was with the maid
(iv) she was talking to any stranger.

Othello started to think that if

Desdemona could deceive her father, she could

(i) deceive her mother

(ii) deceive her husband
(iii) deceive her relatives
(iv) none of these.

Iago advised Othello to delay his

reconcilement with Cassio in order to observe

(i) Montano's earnestness to bring back Cassio

(ii) Emilia's earnestness to bring back Cassio
(iii) Desdemona's earnestness to bring back Cassio
(iv) none of these.

*Othello's long conversation with Iago led

him to

(i) anxiety
(ii) restlessness
(iii) excitement
(iv) disbelief.

*In describing Othello's restlessness the

drugs that Shakespeare mentions as failing to
bring him peace of mind are

(i) Hasish and Poppy

(ii) Poppy and Mandragora
(iii) Hemp and Nightshade
(iv) Hemlock and Poppy. [WBCHSE Class-XI Annual
Examination 2016]

Othello became confused about

(i) Desdemona's honesty

(ii) Iago's honesty
(iii) both (i) and (ii)
(iv) his own honesty.

Who pointed out if Othello had seen a

handkerchief in Desdemona's hand?

(i) Iago
(ii) Cassio
(iii) Brabantio
(iv) none of them.

That handkerchief was

(i) strawberry spotted

(ii) yellow stripped
(iii) without any design
(iv) orange spotted.

*Othello's "rst gift to Desdemona was a

(i) fan
(ii) gown
(iii) book
(iv) handkerchief. [WBCHSE Class-XI Annual Examination 2019]
[WBCHSE Sample Question]

*The handkerchief was given to

(i) Cassio by Desdemona

(ii) Iago by Emilia
(iii) Othello by Desdemona
(iv) none of these.

According to Iago, he had seen Cassio

wipe his face with

(i) Desdemona's veil

(ii) Cassio
(iii) Desdemona's handkerchief
(iv) Othello's towel.

*Who stole the handkerchief?

(i) Cassio
(ii) Iago
(iii) Emilia
(iv) Montano.

Emilia dropped the handkerchief in

(i) Cassio's way

(ii) Othello's way
(iii) Iago's way
(iv) none of these.

The woman who gave Othello's mother

the handkerchief was

(i) Egyptian
(ii) Mexican
(iii) French
(iv) American.

*When Othello accused Desdemona of

being untrue to him, she

(i) broke down and admitted her guilt

(ii) stormed out of the chamber
(iii) tried to divert his mind from serious thought
(iv) was stupe%ed. [WBCHSE Sample Question]

*The thing Othello wanted Desdemona to

produce as a token of their love was a

(i) ring
(ii) diamond
(iii) handkerchief
(iv) sword.

When Othello left the room, Desdemona

suspected that

(i) Othello was jealous of Cassio

(ii) Othello had gone mad
(iii) Othello was joking
(iv) none of these.

*Othello told Desdemona that he could

not bear

(i) %delity
(ii) in%delity
(iii) sorcery
(iv) swindling.

Desdemona ordered her attendant to

(i) bring some tea

(ii) open the windows
(iii) bring her wedding dress
(iv) make her bed and lay her bedsheets upon it.

When Desdemona fell asleep Othello

entered to

(i) put his lady to death

(ii) ask for forgiveness
(iii) warn her for the last time
(iv) wake her up from her sleep.

What awakened Desdemona?

(i) Othello's voice

(ii) Othello's kisses
(iii) the sound of the clock
(iv) the banging of the door.

Othello asked Desdemona to prepare for

(i) a party
(ii) a meeting
(iii) death
(iv) dinner.

*Othello murdered Desdemona by

(i) shooting
(ii) stabbing
(iii) poisoning
(iv) sti&ing.

Who came in after Desdemona was


(i) Iago
(ii) Emilia
(iii) Brabantio
(iv) Cassio.

Who had set one of his men to kill


(i) Othello
(ii) Iago
(iii) Montano
(iv) none of them.

What was found in the pockets of the

man who was hired by Iago to kill Cassio?

(i) letters
(ii) a handkerchief
(iii) some drawing sheets
(iv) a pair of spectacles.

The letters found in the man's pocket

con"rmed Cassio's

(i) guilt
(ii) innocence
(iii) death
(iv) none of these.

After listening everything from Cassio,

Othello realized

(i) Desdemona was guilty

(ii) Desdemona was innocent
(iii) Desdemona was faithful
(iv) both (ii) and (iii).

*When it was discovered that Othello had

done a great wrong by killing Desdemona, out
of extreme anguish, he

(i) killed himself

(ii) burnt his house
(iii) began to cry
(iv) left the country.

What made Othello decide to kill himself?

(i) extreme suspicion

(ii) extreme jealousy
(iii) intolerable extreme anguish
(iv) none of these.

The dead body of Othello lay upon

(i) Desdemona's dead body

(ii) the bed
(iii) the &oor
(iv) the carpet.

The state of Venice lamented for the

demise of

(i) Brabantio
(ii) Cassio
(iii) Othello
(iv) Montano.

*Othello's tragedy lies in his

(i) trust on Iago

(ii) pride
(iii) cruelty
(iv) extreme love for Cassio. [WBCHSE Class-XI Annual
Examination 2019]

*As Duke Frederick entered the forest, he

met a

(i) dacoit
(ii) fairy
(iii) hermit
(iv) clown. [WBCHSE Class-XI Annual Examination 2017]

*Othello accused Desdemona of being

(i) jealous
(ii) sel%sh
(iii) suspicious
(iv) unfaithful. [WBCHSE Class-XI Annual Examination 2017]

*Who stole the handkerchief?

(i) Cassio
(ii) Iago
(iii) Emilia, wife of Iago
(iv) Montano. [WBCHSE Class-XI Annual Examination 2022]

*Desdemona was the daughter of

(i) Iago
(ii) Brabantio
(iii) The Duke of Venice
(iv) Cassio. [WBCHSE Class-XI Annual Examination 2022]

*Othello was summoned to the council of

the senate for

(a) an urgent meeting

(b) capita punishment for his crime
(c) Venice needed his immediate services
(d) to be made a senator. [WBCHSE Class-XI Annual
Examination 2023]

*Iago played mischief by giving Cassio

(a) wine
(b) a handkerchief
(c) poison
(d) a strip of medicines. [WBCHSE Class-XI Annual Examination

Answer Key

Question Answer
1 i
2 ii
3 iv
4 iii
5 iii
6 iv
7 iii
8 ii
9 i
10 i
11 ii
12 ii
13 iv
14 iii
15 ii
16 i
17 i
18 i
19 iv
20 iii
21 i
22 i
23 ii
24 iii
25 iii
26 iii
27 iii
28 iii
29 i
30 iii
31 ii
32 iii
33 i
34 iii
35 iv
36 iv
37 iii
38 iii
39 i
40 iii
41 i
42 iii
43 i
44 iii
45 i
46 iii
47 i
48 i
49 iv
50 iii
51 ii
52 iii
53 iii
54 i
55 iv
56 i
57 ii
58 iii
59 ii
60 ii
61 iii
62 i
63 i
64 iv
65 i
66 iii
67 iii
68 i
69 i
70 iv
71 iii
72 i
73 ii
74 iv
75 i
76 ii
77 iii
78 iv
79 iv
80 ii
81 i
82 ii
83 iv
84 i
85 iii
86 i
87 iii
88 i
89 iii
90 iv
91 iii
92 ii
93 c
94 b

15 sec

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