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John Mark D.


ECE311- Assignment #1

Search three examples of Sampling and quantization, observe how it is being done, and make a


i) Sampling

The analog sound wave is "sampled" at regular intervals in digital audio. It is like taking
snapshots of the wave at specific moments in time. The more frequently we take these
snapshots (samples), the better we capture the details of the original wave. This
sampling rate is measured in Hertz, which signifies the number of samples taken per

ii) Quantization

Each sample captures the amplitude (loudness) of the sound wave at that specific point.
However, computers can't store continuous values. Here's where quantization comes in.
Each sample's amplitude is assigned a discrete numerical value from a limited set of
levels. It's like placing the sample on a ladder with a finite number of positions. The
closer the positions are spaced (more bits used for quantization), the more accurately we
can represent the original amplitude.

iii) Conclusion

The continuous analog sound wave is transformed into a series of discrete numbers
representing amplitude at specific points in time through sampling and quantization.
This digital representation offers two key advantages. First, digital audio files are much
smaller than their analog counterparts, making them ideal for storage and transmission.
Second, digital audio allows for much greater flexibility in editing, mixing, and applying
effects to sound recordings.

Digital Audio Basics: Audio Sample Rate and Bit Depth (

i) Sampling

The game world, with its characters and dynamic environments, is constantly changing.
The game engine utilizes sampling to capture the state of the game world at specific
intervals. Think of it like taking a series of still photographs in rapid succession. The
sampling rate, typically measured in frames per second (FPS), determines how
frequently these snapshots are taken. Higher frame rates create smoother and more
realistic movement, while lower frame rates can lead to choppiness during fast actions.

ii) Quantization

Imagine a vast palette of colors for textures or a smooth gradient for character skin
tones. Due to limitations in processing power and storage, the game engine can't
represent these with infinite detail. Quantization comes into play by assigning these
continuous color variations to discrete values within a limited palette. Higher color
depth allows for smoother color variations and more realistic graphics, achieved by
using a wider range of colors. Lower color depth creates a limited palette, resulting in
banding in textures and character models.

iii) Conclusion

Video games rely on sampling and quantization to create a smooth and enjoyable
experience within limitations. Sampling captures the game world in manageable frames
reducing the processing burden. Quantization acts like a compressed color palette,
saving storage space and online data transmission.


i) Sampling

Seismometers, like smart recorders, don't capture every tiny Earth wiggle. Instead, they
take samples at specific speeds. Faster samples catch quicker tremors from strong
earthquakes, while slower ones work for subtle movements or background noise. This
sampling helps seismologists focus on the important details within the Earth's constant

ii) Quantization

The earthquake's constant shaking (signal) is broken down into smaller chunks
(samples) taken at regular intervals. These chunks show how strong the shaking was
(amplitude) at those specific moments in time. Quantization takes the smooth signal and
assigns it the closest step value, converting it into a digital format computers can
understand. More higher bit depth leads to more precise data, while fewer might have
small errors but still work for some applications. This digital conversion allows scientists
to analyze tremors and unlock the secrets of earthquakes.

iii) Conclusion

Without sampling and quantization, studying earthquakes would become harder.

Sampling captures the key details of tremors, while quantization converts the Earth's
constant shaking into digital data computers can understand. This allows scientists to
analyze earthquakes, develop early warning systems, monitor volcanic activity, and
understand the Earth's interior. These techniques are essential for unlocking the secrets
of earthquakes and keeping us safer.

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