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1 Which of the following conditions must hold true for a deadlock to occur in an operating
A) Mutual Exclusion
B) Hold and Wait
C) No Preemption
D) Circular Wait
E) All of the above

Ans:- d

Q. 2 Which of the following statements is true about deadlock prevention in an operating

A) Deadlock prevention eliminates one of the necessary conditions for deadlock occurrence.
B) Deadlock prevention detects and recovers from deadlocks once they occur.
C) Deadlock prevention allows deadlocks to occur and resolves them through resource
D) Deadlock prevention is not a feasible solution in an operating system.

Ans;- a

Q.3 What is resource preemption in the context of deadlock prevention?

A) Releasing resources after their usage is complete.
B) Forcibly taking away resources from a process to allocate them to another.
C) Temporarily suspending a process until the resources it holds are available.
D) Allowing a process to hold a resource indefinitely without releasing it.

Ans:- b

Q.4 Which of the following is a disadvantage of using pipes for interprocess communication?
A) Pipes provide bidirectional communication between processes.
B) Pipes are unidirectional and can only be used between related processes.
C) Pipe communication can only occur between processes running on the same machine.
D) Pipes have no size limitation and can transfer large amounts of data.

Ans:- b

Q.5 Which of the following interprocess communication methods provides the fastest
communication between processes?
A) Pipes
B) Message queues
C) Shared memory
D) Sockets

Ans:- c
Q.6 What is the purpose of synchronization primitives in interprocess communication?
A) To ensure that multiple processes can access a shared resource simultaneously without
B) To prevent deadlocks from occurring during interprocess communication.
C) To provide a mechanism for processes to communicate with each other.
D) To ensure that processes receive messages in the order they were sent

Ans:- a

Q.7 Which of the following techniques can be used to prevent a deadlock in an operating
system? A) Resource Allocation Graph
B) Banker's Algorithm
C) Both A and B
D) None of the above

Ans:- b

Q.8 Which of the following interprocess communication methods provides direct communication
between two processes?
A) Pipes
B) Message Passing
C) Signal
D) Shared Memory

Ans:- b

Q.9 Which of the following partition allocation methods suffers from external fragmentation?
A) Fixed Partition Allocation
B) Dynamic Partition Allocation
C) Paging
D) Segmentation

Ans:- b

Q.10 Which of the following partition allocation methods allows a process to be allocated in a
non-contiguous manner?
A) Fixed Partition Allocation
B) Dynamic Partition Allocation
C) Paging
D) Segmentation

Ans:- c,d
Q.11 Which of the following partition allocation methods is used in virtual memory systems?
A) Fixed Partition Allocation
B) Dynamic Partition Allocation
C) Paging
D) Segmentation

Ans:- c

Q.12 Which of the following is a necessary condition for a deadlock to occur?

A) Mutual Exclusion
B) Hold and Wait
C) No Preemption
D) CPU Scheduling

Ans:- a

Q.13 What is the main advantage of using a deadlock detection algorithm over a deadlock
prevention algorithm?
A) Deadlocks can be avoided entirely
B) Deadlocks can be detected and resolved dynamically
C) Deadlocks can be prevented at compile time
D) Deadlocks can be resolved by terminating one or more processes

Ans:- b

Q.14 Which of the following is not a partition allocation method for memory management in an
operating system?
A) Best-fit
B) Next-fit
C) Quick-fit
D) Page-fit

Ans:- d

Q.15 Which of the following partition allocation methods allows the number of partitions to vary
A) Fixed Partition Allocation
B) Dynamic Partition Allocation
C) Paging
D) Segmentation

Ans:- b

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