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Cer tific ate
This is to cert ify that Mr. / Ms. BhV~.h an . P.f)10fX?.tS' .1~ ~ ~-'
Roll No. . ..... ..... ..... ..... .. , of Thir d Sen1ester of Dipl oma 1n
..l.r\ ~-: \:\. Of \ :*-~bro\09~ . t . . . . . . . .. .. . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. of Institute,
. ~~~-~-J~ l .. J?_o ,~~ Ch( '),(.,. -~~ 9-~ ,.. ... ... ...... ..... .....
..... ...... .
(Cod e: ..... . . .. . ..... )
has com plete d the term wor k satisfactori ly in cour se
Prin cipl es of Dat aba se (223 21) for the acad emic year 20 ..
... ... to 20 .. . ..... as
pres crib ed in the cun· iculu m.

Place: ..... ..... .... . Enro llme nt No:.9.0t\f.Q.09-.SS

Date: ... . .. . ..... . . . Exa1n. Seat No: ..... ..... .... .

Subj ect Teac her Head of the Depa rtme nt Prin cipal
Practic ul Nu . I . l11 • t 11 II •l nftd, u -. , fl' ,,,1 11 1 1

I. Prnctical Significu nce

I( 1:-. 1;~:,;Cll
• . t,nl •
11~1 famil1..11 w11h t1111d.i111, 111 11 1 , ''" ' . "' ' 1 ,1 ,1
10 O
. 111 ii, , , I 1I II I \ (111 ,p, I h-
Jl'.signcd Jatabasc provides w11h :tu • ,,,. i,, " I',,, ,h,t , . ,, 1111"' ' 11!1 1,,11 ,,1111,11 1111t1dt 1 1,,
.Lil -,ny database produi.:1. 11 ' ""' 1,, 111 11, r,111 ll1 ,I 111 1 ,11 11 1 11,, ,
\\'urk WI L • • •
1' 1II " 1 1l l ' 1I''-
dcvdop this ab1h1y in studenl:-. • "' 111

11. Relevant Program Outcom es (POs)

I. Disciplin e knowled ge: Appl y l11t1)111111l11,11 I c- 1 l,111d111~'/ v11o wl,·dpi· <.. n lv1.: ,,ad-
111 111
based lnfonnat ion Techno logy 1ela1ed p11, hk 111.,
2_ Experim ents and practice : l'la11 lu pc, for111 cx pc, 11111.: 111 1., a 11 d 11 , :I L. I r, 1.:.., lii 11._1: tli1:
results lo solve broad-ba sed lnform at11,11 ·1i.:c h11 n l1,gy re la ted rm ,hl1.: ..,
3. Enginee ring tools: Apply appropri <1 tc lnf urn 1a1 1un ·1c1.: h11olo)!y 11.: ht1.: d t1.:1:hn, qu1.::-.
tools with an understa nding of the limitatio n:-..
➔. Individu al and team work: Functi on effecti vely i..l i.; a lca d(; r and tc :im 1nc,nh1.:r
diverse multidisc iplinary teams.
s. Life-long learning : Engage in independ ent and l1fl.:-long lcarn,n g along w11 li tlt1:
technolog ical changes in the IT and allied industry .

111. Compete ncy and Practica l skills

This practical is expected lo de\·elop th e followin g skills for the 111dustry oncnl cd
competen cy: 'Develop Relation al Databas e hy appl ying principh-s of dnlaha\l '

I. Select related database prod uct.

2. Install selected database product.

IV. Relevant Course Outcom e(s)

Use fundamental concept<; of databa~c in a !Jataha..,e Sy~tcn1

\'. Practical Outcom t (Pro,)

Install Databa~e Product.
VI. Relevant Affectiv t d,1main related Outcum c(li)
I. . "Follow Ethical Pracucei , .
2. DernonMrate working a~ a leadc.:r / r1 tc,.11n 1,1c 11ilic 1

Minimum Theoreti cal Rac1'~rnund :
Databau and ih J>uquttce:
Database . , II . · I I
,., a cu eL:ll(JII ,if •l;Jt~ 111 ,11 g :H111.11""' ,111d 11111111 111 111• 1 • 11 •· " ''' '
datab · •
D ase i:, Lo akw : lhc d..-iu 111011 1~011 v•. 11w11 1 111 l'I , f I 11 11111
lfferent typ~ of J):,d:dJ:. ,.-, firm11Jt, h ·
Installctl1u n .•.1
f)H K-1.-lJ IJ l t: ,ii ~fl'/ ,,f rf,11.,lw"', p1•,d11, tti l1 ,o1 ,1 11,, 1,, 1I'' ' " '"

• Upt n CJf fo. t.: l~:s ~,• , , i p• 1 • 111 ,, ' I

• ~ tar Bai,,r ''"lt:u ( Jf I I·• • J
• L1 hre , Jl fu....
• M \-A 1·, I •-, ·,
• My"! IJ I
• Man a lJl i
- ___:__ th any , ,tfu 1 ,l,;1 ..
\ \· h - 1 •• ,,.
a ,ua_sh1ra I IJ!le H<i:ml ,,1 I ' .
Pnu;l' tJ II n·; , w 111 , tw ,,, ., ,., 11.,1 ,1111 ,,1 cl.,, ,1,,, (
' ·
jlll l (. 11
·t >-l<t 11\1 dt ,, c.: '
\ en /\ rhal ., , ...,11.'lll 1:c l..,
, .
L· J111.1
1,1. -l' "
· " ''
tl 111c C'fJ11 1t11
,t,c ill y and :,.., ,., ., tu ,, ,,, , H/11/c
l11 ,c.: 11 III
rh t: 11, ~111 1111111111
he~•"' "'·' .11 1111w
p,o rc..:,,
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I I 11/1 •111c1n t ,1,1 ente r P' nd11d ke y .,m l , I L Lt fl/
>d n:~ ' tl', t ,
lltl' :-- ., :,, f<.: 111 prq JL' i ._
,. I pro u. ..: .s.I, , )f( 1111 p . . C

I Ire " '-' '' ,

. lcp ,, I I L'
I C11111n
I I ' I I L ll. 1·0..t' ' W' l' L' lllt.:111 . rw Y /, c p1,1111pt t:1 ,., l t'"iLIII/ , .11111
l l' flll :,, 0 Ill 1c , . rf', t.:r , .
\\' he n rh c.: ,,,,, 1ld/n11011 ,·0 111plc:
11 /uc.:t on / )c,., k t,,p ldc.:111,1~
l ,11 1il1c:iJ nm .I Jo ·"' d d:11:1h11-.1.:_ pr111
( ·, ca le st, ,Wl l' III 11/ ,,,.,,.,1/c .:s
1 111 , hlc
r:1 i
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,n, w /k d da
:;;,word tor ll.'- Cr
t ·,~.llL' 11, cr tind M~I ,11,rw/ pa

\ ·111. Rc·soLirre, rcq ulr l'd

Qu an tity Rem,r,
S r. ' 'Hme of Sp ec ifi ca tio n
No . I Ue ~o u,_·c_c_ ~ 7 or
I Co mp ute r Operatin,z .~ystcm: W ind ow
Sy~tc m hig he r
1\1e mo r~·: 2 GB RA M or hig he /\ s pe r For ..
es.~o,· Sp ee d: Int el Co re iJ
Pr oc bc1Lch s ize Elpcru:::.

hig he r
Ha rd Dr i\:e: 50 0 GB or lar ge
DV D Orin •: DV D ~ I - R W

, Da tab ase Ma na ge me nt Sy ste

So nw a re
pro d uc t wi th G rap hic al Us
er Int erf ac e I For -
.'\ UC.: h as Op en O ffice:
Ba sc( Op en E,pcnrr-
/\ s r er
O ffi ce) . Sia r Basc(Srar Of fic ha tch s ,zi:
L ibr e 0/' fic c. M S -AC 'CE SS
. M yS QL .
Mari(! DB

IX . Pr eca ur ion s
a ba se mu s t be d o ne .
I Co mp le te ins lal la rio n of Jar
J / /;m d le Co mp ute r
Sy ste m Ca ref ull y.
l em w ith r rnp er pro ce
dure: .
3. ~t a rt an d S hur Jov ,'n '>Y'>

• .. • I
- ,, LJ-,LJI) l'>t: I ,, _\.!I)

:\I. Result (Output of the Program)

·· ·············· ·· · ·· ····· ·· ·· · ··•···· ·· ·· ···· ··· ·· ······ ····· ··· ··· ·· .. .. ... .. .. ... ...... •···· · · · ··· ······ · ···· ..... . .

XJl . Conclusion(s)

····~·e··c~:o~:::dcim.b6:w::-i,:1r.:::~ :baw.:: ~iodJJ~t.i~.: : : .: . :

······ ···········

··· ··· ······· · ··· ····· · ··· ·· · ··· ·· ···· ······ ·· ······ ···· ···· · ·· ·· ······· ··· ··· ···· •···· · . ·· ··· ······ ··· ······· ··········· ·· ········ ····· ····· ··

Practical Related Questions:-
given are few sample questions /or reference. Teacher must design more
ons so as to ensure the achievement of identified CO
.d Use .
. l exercise
d Point XI and XIII tO XI V,ior a II relevant practica use blan k page~

prov t e or attach more pages if needed.)

~· WE n·.te td~ef~minimum configuration of system to install identified database product
.... n 11st 1 1erent types of database. ·

(Space for answers )

··· ·dj· · ··· · · · · · · · · ··· · ·· · ·· · ·· · · · ··· · · ·· ··· ·· · ···· · ·· · ···· ·· ··· •· ·· ·· · · ·· ······ · ·· ·· ···· ·· ··· · ··· · · · ··•· · · ··· ·· ··· · · ··· ··· · · · · ···· ······ · ···: .... . ..... ... .. .

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of 1);1rahu~r l.
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Prlll'llntl Slt,tnllk 11111.: 1·: . d UM." c u 111 putl' 1 :-.lllt '-"\ .tr e I\ ( ,I I
dt·le1 ' t
. y lu wllrk w 11h ,,nJ ., . l'i'Ut.:h a!:i 10 npen
I make ,1 l: 11 , val e: 1he i;om nl'ln I , Lrea1i.: t I
u l1J Id .
:.. ·1 •_ T l11 :-. prnc 11 c;1 r!-. lt <,e
I he d11111ha:.c c: IL'mc11
wuHJow:-., 11.:uni- , •
' J llll.!OIIS at.: I
. IO on d:ua s1on.:
•J Ill f1 k
~ c fft.!t.: Ll vd y .
:-. . . . t:1 1 \ 111 .
1,1 pi.:1l,1rn1 v11ri1111s ,,p..:rul11J11:.. "' produc t and us e: t111;; 111
\. ,1ru1u~ lunl i. nvu1IalI Il . w 11h g1vc11 .... I'.

I "'u.
11. Our l'omcs (PO~): I
l!clcv11111 Pro"r• m lo , knowledge lo soil c broad.
I In fo rmatio n Tcchn o gy
l)iscipUnc knowlcdJ!c: App y d rohlems . •
l o use lhe
I. based lnforn1111ion Technology rclarc ~form experiments and pracr,c cs
, E~pcrimcnlS und pracllce: Plan ':~~n Techn ology rclarcd proble ms.
10 r~
. . u IL:s. solve hrn..itl-bascd In foopwitc In tiorma t·on
1 Techn o logy related lt:c h 11 1qut:s
11..::-- I y ap~:he litmitations.
J. E:111,:ineering tools: Aptlp_
ely as a leader and team member 111
tools with an undcrst
4. Individual and team work:
an mg Funclto .
n e ffcctiv

di verse/ multidi sciplin ary tea_m~. d t and life- long learn ing a long with lhe
5. Life-long learning: Engage 111T111ddepelln' de~ndustry .
technological changes in the I an a ie t

Ill. . . d
Competency and Practical skills: IX
This practic al is expected to develop the followi ng ski! ls fo r _the_indus try
databa se
competency: 'Develop Relational Datab ase by apply mg princi ples of
I. Observe the GUI for installed databa se product.
2. fdcnrify different features of GU J Enviro nment
Sr .
~ ..
I\' . Ucle,·anr Cours e Outcome(s):
Use fundamental concepts of database in a Databa se Sys tem.
Practical Outco me (PrOs):

,,,. Use GUI (Graphical User lnlerface) environment of identil ied Database produc

ReJevanr Affect ive domain related Outco me(s):

I. Follow Safety practices.
2. Follow ethical practices.
3. Participate in team proble m solving activities.
4. Pnoritizes time effecti vely to meet the needs f h
t e team and yuurse If.
\ ·11 .
Minim um Theoretical Background:
,1 \II
Therl' exists differe nt types of Database p d
. . 1.
drn111mnn catego n za t1on s structured dat b
ro Ucts are Catego . tn J,. ffercnl a,, ,
ries "< •
. l database. Eacha,1..ase and uns trucrur cd J atabas e uI"' relJ,1,
a1ahasc or non-rela11ona
.,,,oring type of data store . retriev uutaba
. sc comes. Wi th var1qu.!) 1·catur....., Ilk ff
al p . ,
unJ anC) 1. n• 1.
hucce".., lo dat.a and da tabase . GUT base D b roce~~ - contro ls reJ 1
ata ase d t •rlll•
.1 base l rnl,ke 1-'. ummand bii.5
. 1,e uata
.anu Pro Uct J')ru , 1J e1i I ',er n t.:
d 10 e rroduc t wh I t ' l' \ I 1h,11 t
. ere user need~ 111 w n 1c JIH I
comm nd perform specifi c t.ask.
\ I If

'11 m• ,,r RM Dar .lu

u ~v,u rc:r
( , ffl1 • I - •

\ f nn. ,,n _ I ~ , ,•

Prr..c~11,r ~« 1
,Jr I ri..,..

lf .. rd on .. ~ ~ Y$J , .~
(J \ ., Un h : IJ', r~

~oh w i/c fJ..LJ.0;..;.~ '.~a::; _ ; ~· ~ •-~ - ; ; -

pr "-':.;..( U.t. h ( T: r~ - l ~

In••.' TL. u; -- ~ ~ ();;,i:""" Off ••

f1 ..._ C (-'r ff' { i r- • .

r,r-. - ~lZ't'
L ~'" 'Ji. . • : "· { , . A( ( !- , ,

I'< Prt tau tlo n• : 1

I H4Jll.!lc Com pute~ s:, 61Cffl • ....;-c-1_
., Clo .c 1hc dJ.L:.Jb"-<,< <,l ·r all~.. • -

\ R tto orc n uff d :

!-I r . --r-:-, am e Qr R~ uu r ce
,.,. " ( 11mpu1..r ", 1 ,rem
,...,Lh hr1,.u.l
-, \<, ft\\J fC

' An 1 oth er r C">Ol rv:

R c,u ll (Ou tpu t of 1h e P rog ra m J:

do la'b a ~ r , "'
tJ ~ ttJ frlo mo f)- te 1 Cll OCo p ~ o-{
0 f1-\-0b '1 S O ~ ~ rt'I ,

\II ( fl ncl u,i11 n f,l :

'\. ll \

\\":,:~ Gt·1 :~.Ht ~.-- ~-.f .ra , J .H.1l,.~-i..--~ pruJ uc c

:::. \ \ -:-:::.· ~ ,- f ..rr.; !~i~::., '-' ( J., tr.:n·nl 1~... 1:- of d .it:1ba:-1;• produc t.

\ =' Pa'-·< for :ms w ers)

... · ·-··-····· ···· ·· ·· · ·· ····· · · ·· · · · ······ . .. . ... · ·· -· ·

\) ,, · 3-© L
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-- .. - . - - --. . . . . . .. - -. . . . .. . .. . .. . - ... . -.. ... .. ... . - .. -. - .. - . - .. . .. . .... . .. .. -... .. ... ... .

~' - . - - -~~f
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g, ~u..Q .~... . Q ultle_
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.. ... . . .

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... ··· · · ·· ···· · · · · ·· ···· ··· ···· ······

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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :. . ... . .... . . . ... .... .

-. . . . ... - . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . ... .. .. .
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.. . ·· · ··· · ··· · · .

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\. l \ ~ \ Ch i , , ,

, n ~wvt tb\' tolk,,, ing Qut~tion, :

, °' uh·: • , ; \ \ • r! '\l ..mJ \. lll to \. I\ ' for .lll rt·k , c1nt pr.1c11r.1l exac1-.t· Lb~ bLrn~ p.1g1.:,

" •, , : :, , ,
1 .L ..1, ~ llh>n: p,, 5 -.'. :- 1f n-.· .:Jt·,I )

'J: '!1:, ".u-1 .., 1.b 11.._,1.:- "' ,u l..1bk rn J<1tc1ba:-e UL' ! ,, h1~h 1s instalkd on L':-c-r Computer

' L, :-hl". lh : \'{':ll.,n :1' ,ulabl~· umkr ' ll um~· mb m <latc1base using GUI.

s ml r~mrnc:tnd . .
~~\. ,c")-, ~+- .

. ...

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b ,1,, •d 1,1111111111 111111 I \_' I 111111111µ 1. t11 t·, ru 111,c rl w
11\ 1111cl pr1 1r1 k,· : 1'11 111 111 11i·1l111111 1·.~p 1·11111c n1 ., 1111d 11r:1
t• ,p,·rl111,•1 d pro h lc 11v,
11·,11 lh 111 -.111\ L' f\11 11111 h11 ... 1.:
d 111111111111111111 I L'L'hno l,,g y 1c l11 rc
rt:l:ir c d Icd ,n1 4uc n1
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F11,.:lm·,·1 l11g
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g ol 1lw 11111,1.1111111 ,,
ll\ 1·ly " ' " k11d~1 1111d, 111c
111h c 1 111
wu rk: I 1111 r 11u1 11·l kc 1

~ l11tlhld1111I 1111tl h·11 111

d" ,·r:-.\_· 1111tl11d1 :-.,: 1pl111a 1v l\.'11 111.., alo11g w llli the
h·ar 11i111,: : l·11g agL ' i11 111 dq1 l'lld.:111 ,111d Ide: lt111 g k: a111111g
., I lfr- long
111111 1dl1 l·d 111du ... 1, y .
1crh1111l,,~ 1,:al d11111 µ L·~ i11 lhl: IT
111. ( ·ompt'lt·m·~ uud Pn tdi rnl ., kil w,1ry onc nlc c.J
l ts cxp cc1 ,·d 111 k
1. vdo p Ille lidl11w111g ~k,11, /or 1h1.: 1nc.l
I h1.-. JH,H.' IH:a hy app lylnJ! pri nci ple s of dat
aba se
L'11111 p t· 1t· 11 l' _\' t•lo p lkl ati on al l>at;1h11sc
' lkv
11t·slg11. •

l ' rl..'.,t lc d 11 1,1h ,1.,t· es .

ll' tab le na1nc :ind co lumn~ nam
( ' rt'lll t' 111hk:-. \\'till opp nip ria o f dat a .
U M· :-.ut111ble dat a typ es for
rep res ent atio n of differenl ry pc,
... 1. be uni que.
rah k tlfll llL' in giv en da1aba s1: 11111
uni que while creatin g tah k .
.'\11 rih u 1.: lid ds nam e mu st he

I\ . l{elt•,·1111r C ou rse Ou t,·o mc ·(s)
l 'huo~t' relc \';1111 cl111a nw dt:
I ro sol \'c a problem~ .

\. l'rn clic al Ou tco me (Pr Os ): c).

( w i l e u Nr w I >n 111bnse wi1
h GU I (Graphical l Jscr ln1crfoe

ate d Ou tco mc (s):

\ I. kc ·k, anf Af frc th c dom ain rel

I Ful low Saf ety pra cti ces.

Fo llow c1hical pra ctices.
Dcmons1r:11c wo rki ng as u lea
der / a team me mb er.
sol \'in g activi1ics .
l'ar1i c ip11Ie in Iea m pro hle m
c_ ·real!: mu ltip le tab les
in sam e Ja1abc1 sc
l 'll11,c thl· l,p cnc J J::irabasc
and tab les for fur the r use .


11. , ,. , . ,t I t>1· I duc .111 1111

.1 r ~ tu l. \ h ...
i l f l\
r r u r tt i. .
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S p ecific
R ern u r c
~ r. , a m e of
'\ o . r r S~ s te m t1 o n s
C o mp.11 l
t # ) G-V
f ic a
b r o a d .:. pec1 lO
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m): .................... .. .. ..... .... ..... . .. .. ............ .
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Re s u

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n (s) : ·· ·· ·· ·· ··
·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ··
C o nclusio ·· · ·· ·· ·· · ·· ·· ··
·· ··
XII. .. .. . ·· ·· ··
. ·· · ·· ·· ·· · · .. . . . . . .
. .. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . ..
..... ·• ·
. .. .. . . . . o r t'
. ......
r m u s t design m
r re f e re11 c e. T .
s : f o ge::.
Q u e s t i o ns u m p / ~ ·q u es t i o n 11 o fi d en t i f ie d CO r c 1:,l.' u s e b l a n k p .i
d a t e d
tical R .,,, feu.- 1•er11e 1 . .ii c x e
·· ······· ·· ··· ·· ··· ·· · ··· ··
... ........ ... ··· ··· ·· ···
····· ·· ······· ··· ···· ·· •·· ··· ····· ··· ···· ··· ··· ... ' •

Exercise: . . • bl k
Attempt the following Questions. II I vant pract ical exe rc ise use an pages
(Note: Use Point XI and XIII to XIV for a re e
. . h re pages 1f needed.)
provided or attac mo d the database.
I Create ' student' database an save .
2: Create 'Employee' database and s~ve it. ' . . r na m e it.
3 Create multipl e tables in database En~ployee 'and
4. Create multiple tables in database for student data ase .
S.· View the multiple tables in 'student ' database

(Space for answers)

···· ··· ···· ···.. ···· ·· ·· ··· ········ ··· ···· .. . ....... ........ .. ..
··· ·· ·· ····· ··· ············ ··········· ·· ····· ··• ······· ·····•·· ···· ····· ·········
➔ C~Q\-£-Nbl~ ~~ t~d , OOfl\,Q S M~(,~) /
... .. .. .. ...... ..... .... .. ... ... ..... ................... ... ........... .... ... ..... .... .... .......... .. .. . .

. . ... . . ........................ .... ... ... . ... . . . . .... t.o.\, ..f)~.. ~ .. o~~.l?f.'lf. ..C.? .... ~ ............. .
OOQ............. ..... .. ~.. ... ....... .. .... .. ... ...... ...... ...
... .. .... .... .. ... .. .. ........ .... ......... ....... ......... ........ .......... 00~)
.. ...... .. ......... ..... .. ......... ...... ........ .. ....... ... .... ... .. .. ............... ..... .... .. ...... .. .. .. .... ..
••••-j••• ~~9~~~,Q• • ~ll)e i~f•f"){l•~ ··;~ai ·c·9.5J~·
....... . ..... . ...... . ....... . ......... ·. . ..... .~P . ~Jtl . . f)':J!T)bQ·r . c·a\·~············ ·. · :i: ~:):)~
······· ····· ····· ···· ·· ·•· ······· ·· ··· ·· ············~~ .P. .. : : :· · · ··
l't llhll' l, , , tl 1)11,il ,,1,l· t ' ' I ' ll

.. ~.1 c- ~ C4.9 ..~b\ ~... ~ ,~clJl M · .

~ .. c_ .. f.).O..fl).'? ......~.Cl.~ .c m ~ .. C~ "">) •,
................f?.~.O.\ h .... s~cr.r .r., '?.) ',
...................... J)Q.e ...... P..~ . .',.. . . .. .. .......... .
~o , \ nt.J rn h
.. ... ..... .. ....... ... ..................... ...... Pto
.... ... n (;lJ
. ). •I .. .. .... .

· ·· · ···· ·· ····· ·· ·····] ·.:_: ·· ·• •"············ ··· · ·· ····· ·· · .

o.e~ s +uc~N •

XV Rcfc1·cnccs / S u i,tJ.!CStions for further l{c~ulh,t.!:

\. ht1ps://www.safariboukso nlinc.con1/l 1hrary/v1cw/aLu.:,,-20 I \ tlic i

XVI Assessment Scheme:

Performance indicators
Process related ( IO Marks) 40'1/u
- - ---
I. Follow ethical practices.
-- 20 %,
2. Follow start and end procedure of system
_ ...,
Product related ( 15 Marks)
--- ----
3. Creation of database

4. C reation of table with appropriate data 151, o


Timely Submission of practical

Answer to sample questi ons

I ') 0 0

Total (25 Marks)

l i.-.r of Students /Team Members
I. . . . . . .. . ... . .. . . .. . . . . .... .... . .... . ... . .

1 . . . . . •· · . . .... ' .. ..... ... ... . .... ..... ..

Pra cti cal '."io. 4: fn ~er t a n d d ele te r ec.n rd ~ tn T .i ►, •.

I. Pra ctic al Sig n ific a n ce:

The ma in goa l uf dat aba se "'~"ccm 1

~ to -.
r' ,r ,. ., l - .., "' Ci"~ a - ft: '
- ,.., •~
-. e ,....... " ,. , •
. ~ .. r-' . ...
U'-e d to store daLa into a tahl e Th e -E:.P T pl .,.,r .:.r~...!., a .' ~' • -
f'i, •· ' .. .... - .., &
~ ,mi larl y DE LET E op tion u.:;ed tu
del ete a ca~ L L :: ... , r, · :,e- -~ __
able to learn th e m,e rt and <lei ere reco
rd ' m d.:1r.a J3 ...~ .l.'>L . ".::
num ber o f data in data ba.c;e .\ I-. he ,
,h.:: '" I'· .-::.- ·· 1.a.ta .:1.,..:: • .. - ·t
; ,... · ,,
field -.

11. Relc\-a nt Pro ~ra m Ou tco mes ( P0

Di~cipl ine kno wle dge : A.pp !:,, lnto·
nna :tio n T ecir..n,J 1'l1T'
- -·
r ~,-t",-:,:;,l!~ ~ .. •
has cd Info rm atio n Tec hno logy rela - · •--,r11 .
ted pro ble m-.;
1 £'tp erim ent , and pra ctic e: Plan to
per form cxp enrr.en•-; a.-...:!- -~--
resul ts to sol ve bro ad-bas ed Info rma , - ~ ·r
tion Te1...hno:ogy re.a :ec p, .... · :-·_
J Eng ine erin g too ls: App l:- app
rnp nat e (n form at1or. Te.: [·.:- ,._ r,r, r
tool s with an und er::.tandme o f the lt - 2· - .
m 1ca tion-.
4 . lnd tvid ual and tea m wor k: Fun
ctio n effe ctiv dy as a k2 da .-::;-.ct .:::e.-;-
div erse, mul tidisc1 plm ary team ~ :- · ·I'.!·- :•!'" •
5. Life -lon g lear nin g: Eng age m inde
pen den t and lt fe -1()n 1 I~.::..., - _ ,
tech nolo gica l cha nge s in che IT and ,:: · ·t! \
alli ed mdl..1..-'itr:v
11 f. Com pet enc y and Pra ctic al sl..·ills :
Tha-. prac tica l is exp ecte d to de" e lop
the foll ov. mg s .. ::dl.s for ::.r~ , ~ _.;~--
com pet ency: • Dev elop Rel_ariona l :: - :--- .:.:
Dat abase by apl )tyi ng pri nci ple-,
des ign . , t)f dau - .J ~
I. C rea te row s in a table.
2. Inse rt data in tabl e mus t be in assi
gned form at.
J. Aft er cre atin g tabl e can de lete
reco rds usin g de lete c c)r.i.:-.1..: nc:!.-.
IV. Rel eva nt Co urs e Ou tco me(s):
Cho ose rele van t dat a mo de l co :,oh
, c a pro b lem:,
V. Pra ctic al Ou tco me ( PrO s):
_inse rt dele te and rear ran ge reco rd~
in tab le( s)
VT. Rel eva nt Aff ect ive dom ain rela ted
Ou tco me (s) :
I . Fol low Saf ety pra ctic es.
2. Fol low ethi cal pra ctic es .
3. Dem ons trat e wor ki ng
. . _ as a lead er a team m
➔. Part1c1pate m team pro ble m solv i ng em 1..
~_ .
acrn:n, es
5. Inse rt mu ltip le row s m sam
e 1ab le .
6 . De lete the reco rds from abo
\.: table .
i. .
Clo se the tabl e .

\l.1 ', ,,,r, · r i:.,. __

"p ,·cl t1 cu t ion

\. lf--.1 ' '-, ' ' ti

• 1
•• hf, '" ' >''- ti . l ll01 h

\.. l N.~-~h ' \ l ucp ul ,,( lhr rro l!l'.

llll l :

l" ' ~ t O€> \{ )~ ond ~ ~ f) 9 e

\.(l \."'' p .

,11 1 ~ 'tin t Rl'l•lN I Qu l"'t ion ~ :

\"fll k: Brio•· g n ...-n &lrt> fe- · ~um ple que
.. tiu n, jor rl!f ere nce . T e a c h e r
, ac9 t1 • < )'O l'l5 ¼> .i~ w ens ure mu lfo / de, , r,:n mor,
tire ac hin em em oj ide nti fie d CO
, '-o<l': l , ..: P,l lnt X I illld '\ lll .
tn X: t\ · for j ll r~l n .m l rra ctH
t".(.__,, ...i~J ('f .1n.1.:-h m,)rl" p-:igc, .. t:'< crc i-.c U::,e bl.m l p.. =::
II n'--e J~J l

' ~t~ th~ ili1 kn." 11.:e bt'f \\ ~~·n

Dd t:lt : .md l run -. .1 tt:
\\ l'"Tl~ lh~ -- ~-nL.n. for mt' th,
lJ -.. u, cJ h _, m ,en J.1t,1 111 tab le
( ,\ 11 .l me lh(l<h 1

•>, 'b"\J M1w ,~ 001..·co rn«P ri\

. .
~, U ~ ~ ~ O v Q ~ \t
~ f f ) li)l ')O ')f> C'O'f'\ dJ .U ~
"1~ ~ ff) o \JO .a \I .ioLD )..¼ ff'\
-\-Qb\{) .
~ -- - ...
-t , ~ ,.....,,,..-:.,5 -3 .h· r, .• ~·- .: - ·-:i :- ,, , •..\ ·~ -..l

'-- . ... ........ '--"-

':m-p _~~rt :.~1nJ, , mth )"~-e ,\ tt n b utes.
. ,.,,,l...· t· •

n: \0 ro ,...-,
'-' e t1..."l r , ru
- -.•1~ \n \t e m p_ \. d
n: ,q th re h te . em p _ n :. m ,e
. d a te _ o f 1
d a m ib-\
H e ::,. --in d 0min ••
c h e c k th e to
\. l \ n u m b e r -
t Sp..1.~~ fo r l, t re c o rd:::-s ·
ans-.....- ers)

-xn~~~ i ~
~ ~ j ~ ' ) \J~\\l~
~lJ2 i ( '' j,gc
._0CI \ ( i '2 . ~ 0 '; / ci \ · M l SI- 'LOO
½ , '-:\ ) ,' ,
. .. . .. ...
. .
. ············
. ; 0 ¥ } _J..•..C. ·· ·· ·· · ·· ·· ·· · - ·· ·· ·· ·· · ·· · ·· · · -· ·· ·· ·· .
c l ~ ( ) \l (l l\j() · ·· ·· · ··· ·· ··
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-· -· .. .

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