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JEE Simulation Test NEON (Blue SET-A) DATE : 13.07.


SECTION – I (Single Correct Choice Type) (3R-W)

This Section contains 6 Single Choice Questions. Each question has four choices A), B), C) and D) out of
which ONLY ONE is correct.
1. A cyclic process with two isothermals and two isobaric can be represented by which of the following process
(a) (b*) (c) (d)

2. An ideal monoatomic gas occupies volume V0 at pressure P0 . It is cooled at constant volume until its pressure drops
to . It is now expanded isothermally to volume 2V0 . Finally it is compressed adiabatically back to volume V0 . For
the entire three-stage process, let
W = Net work done by the gas , U  Change in internal energy of the gas
Q  Net heat supplied to the gas
Then :
(a) W  0, U  0, Q  0 (b) W  0, U  0, Q  0
(c) W  0, U  0, Q  0 (d) W  0, U  0, Q  0

3. One mole of a diatomic gas undergoes a process P  3
, where P0, V0 are constants. The translational
 V
1  
 V0 
kinetic energy of the gas when V = V0 is given by:
5P0 V0 3P0 V0 3P0 V0 5P0 V0
(a) (b) (c) (d)
4 4 2 2
4. (B)
P0 P0
P 3

V 2
1  
 V0 
T 0 0
3 3R P0 3P0 V0
 Translation kinetic energy is equal to RT  
2 2 2R 4

4. One mole of an ideal monatomic gas is taken along the process in which PV x  K. The graph shown represents the
variation of molar heat capacity of such a gas with respect to x. The values of c‟ and x‟ respectively are given by

SHIKHAR : Indra Complex, Vijaya Nagar, Chetakpuri, Gwalior (0751) 3551081 1

JEE Simulation Test NEON (Blue SET-A) DATE : 13.07.24
5 5 5 5 7 7 5 7
(a) R, (b) R, (c) R, (d) R,
2 2 2 3 2 2 2 5

5. A beam of light consisting of two wavelengths 6500 Ǻ and 5200 Ǻ is used to obtain interference fringes in YDSE.
The distance between slits is 2 mm and the distance of the screen from slits is 120 cm. What is the least distance
from central maximum where the bright due to both wavelengths coincide?
(*a) 0.156 cm (b) 0.312 cm (c) 0.078 cm (d) 0.468 cm

6. When one of the slits of Young‟s experiment is covered with a transparent sheet of thickness 4.8 mm, the central
fringe shifts to a position originally occupied by the 30 bright fringe. What should be the thickness of the sheet if
the central fringe has to shift to the position occupied by 20 bright fringe
(a) 3.8 mm (b) 1.6 mm (c) 7.6 mm (d*) 3.2 mm

SECTION – II (More Than One Type) (5R)

This Section contains 4 Multiple Choice Questions. Each question has four choices A), B), C) and D) out of
which ONE OR MORE THAN ONE is/are correct.
7. One mole of a monoatomic ideal gas occupies two chambers of a cylinder partitioned by means of a movable and
frictionless piston. The walls of the cylinder as well as the piston are thermal insulators. Initially equal amounts of gas
fill both the chambers at (P0 ,V0 ,T0 ). The left chamber is slowly heated by an electric heater. The gas in the left
chamber expands, pushing the piston to the right. The gas on the right chamber is compressed until the pressure
becomes 32P0.

(a*) The Pressure in the two compartments are both equal to 32P0 .
(b*) Volume of right compartment is
(c*) Temperature of left compartment is 60T0
(d*) Work done by gas in left compartment is equal to work done on gas in right compartment.

 7  4
8. Two moles of O2     at temperature T0 and 3 mole of CO2     at temperature 2T0 are allowed to mix
 5   3 
together in a closed adiabatic vessel. The resulting mixture finally comes in thermal equilibrium. Them
23T0 31T0
(a) Final temperature of the mixture is (b) Final temperature of the mixture is
14 19
14 19
(c) Adiabatic exponent of the mixture formed is (d) Adiabatic exponent of the mixture formed is
5 14

9. The figure shows V-P curve for three processes. Choose the correct statement(s)

(a) Work done is maximum in process 1

(b) Temperature must increase in process 2 and 3
(c) Heat must be supplied in process 1
(d) If final volume of gas in process 1, 2 and 3 are same, then temperature must be same

SHIKHAR : Indra Complex, Vijaya Nagar, Chetakpuri, Gwalior (0751) 3551081 2

JEE Simulation Test NEON (Blue SET-A) DATE : 13.07.24

10. Coherent light consisting of two wavelengths 1  4500 A and 2  7500 A is sent through both slits of a Young‟s
double slit apparatus :
(a*) Central maxima for both wavelengths will coincide
(b) The third order dark fringe of 2 will coincide with the fifth order dark fringe of 1
(c*) The third order bright fringe of 2 will coincide with the fifth order bright fringe of 1
(d*) The third order dark fringe of 2 will coincide with the second order dark fringe of 1

SECTION – III (Paragraph Type) (3R-W)

This Section contains 2 Paragraphs. Each of these questions has four choices A), B), C) and D) out of which
ONLY ONE is correct.

Paragraph for Questions 11 to 12

A cyclic process for an ideal gas is shown in figure. Given WAB  700J, WBC  400J, QCA  100J

11. The work done in process CA is

(a) –500J (b) 500J (c) 400J (d) –400J

12. The efficiency of the cycle is

(a) 100% (b) 83.44% (c) 85.71% (d) 81.11%

SHIKHAR : Indra Complex, Vijaya Nagar, Chetakpuri, Gwalior (0751) 3551081 3

JEE Simulation Test NEON (Blue SET-A) DATE : 13.07.24

Paragraph for Questions 13 to 14

If figure, light of wavelength   5000 Å is incident on the slits (in a horizontally fixed place). Here, d = 1 mm and D = 1m.
Take origin at O and XY plane as shown in the figure. The screen is released from rest from the initial position as shown.
(Take g  10ms 2 )

From rest from the initial position as shown. (Take g = 10ms )

13. The velocity of central maxima at t  5s is

(a) 50ms 1 along Y-axis (b) 50ms 1 along X-axis
(c) 25ms 1 along Y-axis (d) 3  108 ms 1 along Y-axis

14. Velocity of 2 maxima w.r.t central maxima at t = 2s is
(a) (8 cms 1 ) i  20 ms 1 jˆ (b) 8cms 1 iˆ
1 ˆ
(c) 2cms i (d) 86cms 1 iˆ

SHIKHAR : Indra Complex, Vijaya Nagar, Chetakpuri, Gwalior (0751) 3551081 4

JEE Simulation Test NEON (Blue SET-A) DATE : 13.07.24

SECTION – IV (Integer Type) (3R)

This Section contains 5 Questions. The answer to each question is a Single Or Double Digit Integer ranging
from 0 to 9. The correct digit below the question number in the ORS is to be bubbled.

15. A container has a lid held in place by a spring as shown in figure. Two moles of ideal mono atomic gas is kept inside
2 5
the container having cross section area 100 cm at 300K at atmospheric pressure 10 Pa. The spring exerts a force
of 1000N when the lid is in place. The maximum amount of heat that can be given to the gas so that gas does not
escape from the container. Assume heat capacity of the spring and container to be negligible. (R = universal gas
constant in SI units)

If answer is of from k times 100R find k.

Ans. 9

16. An experiment on ideal gas follows the law VP2 = constant. The gas is initially at temperature T and volume V.
 
What will be temperature of gas in Kelvin when it expands to a volume 2V. (Given T = 6 / 2 K )
Ans. 6, PV = n R T and VP = constant
 K  nR
  .V  nRT i.e. V  .T
 V K

SHIKHAR : Indra Complex, Vijaya Nagar, Chetakpuri, Gwalior (0751) 3551081 5

JEE Simulation Test NEON (Blue SET-A) DATE : 13.07.24
V1 T1 V T
 i.e.  2
V2 T2 2V T
 T2   2 T =6K

17. A screen is at a distance D = 80 cm from a diaphragam having two narrow slits S1 and S2 which are d  2 mm
apart. Slit S1 is covered by a transparent sheet of thickness t1  2.5m and S2 by another sheet of thickness
t2  1.25m as shown in the figure. Both sheets are made of same material having refractive index   1.40. Water
is filled in space between diaphragm and screen. A monochromatic light beam of wavelength   5000 Å is incident
normally on the diaphragm. Assuming intensity of beam to be uniform, calculate ratio of intensity of centre of screen
„C‟ to intensity of individual slit. ( w  4 / 3) .

18. A monochromatic beam of light of wavelength 5000 Å is used in Young‟s double slit experiment. If one of the slits is
covered by a transparent sheet of thickness 1.4  105 m, having refractive index of its medium 1.25, then the number
of fringes shifted is

19. An interference is observed due to two coherent source S1 placed at origin and S2 placed at (3,0). Here =1m is the
wavelength of the source. A detector D is moved along the positive x-axis. Find the integral value of the x-coordinate
(excluding x = 0 and x = ) where maximum intensity is observed.

SHIKHAR : Indra Complex, Vijaya Nagar, Chetakpuri, Gwalior (0751) 3551081 6

JEE Simulation Test NEON (Blue SET-A) DATE : 13.07.24


SECTION – I (Single Correct Choice Type) (3R-W)

This Section contains 6 Single Choice Questions. Each question has four choices A), B), C) and D) out of
which ONLY ONE is correct.

20. In the following given reaction „A‟ is

(a) (b) (c) (d*)

21. The major product formed in the following reaction

(a*) (b) (c) (d)


Product “A” in the above chemical reaction is

(a) (b) (c*) (d)

SHIKHAR : Indra Complex, Vijaya Nagar, Chetakpuri, Gwalior (0751) 3551081 7

JEE Simulation Test NEON (Blue SET-A) DATE : 13.07.24
23. The major product in the following reaction is

(a) (b*) (c) (d)

24. The major product of the following reaction is

(a) CH3CD(I )CHD(Cl ) (b) CH3CD(Cl )CHD(I )

(c) CH3CD2CH(Cl )(l ) (d*) CH3C(l )(Cl )CHD2

(a) (b) (c*) (d)

SECTION – II (More Than One Type) (5R)

This Section contains 4 Multiple Choice Questions. Each question has four choices A), B), C) and D) out of
which ONE OR MORE THAN ONE is/are correct.
26. Major product of the following reaction is

(a) (b) (c*) (d*)

27. The correct statement(s) for the following addition reaction is(are)

[Hint : CHCl3 always consider as non polar solvent]

(a) O and P are identical molecules
(b*) (M and O) and (N and P) are two pairs of diastereomers
(c) (M and O) and (N and P) are two pairs of enantiomers
(d*) Bromination proceeds through trans-addition in both the reactions

SHIKHAR : Indra Complex, Vijaya Nagar, Chetakpuri, Gwalior (0751) 3551081 8

JEE Simulation Test NEON (Blue SET-A) DATE : 13.07.24
28. Choose the incorrect statement regarding the formation of carbocation A and B given

(a*) Carbocation A is more stable and formed relatively at slow rate

(b*) Carbocation A is more stable and formed relatively at faster rate
(c*) Carbocation B is more stable and formed relatively at slow rate
(d) Carbocation B is more stable and formed relatively at faster rate

29. Which one of the following will not show geometrical isomerism?

(a*) (b*) (c*) (d)

SECTION – III (Paragraph Type) (3R-W)

This Section contains 2 Paragraphs. Each of these questions has four choices A), B), C) and D) out of which
ONLY ONE is correct.

Paragraph for Questions 30 to 31

The dehydration reaction of alcohols to generate alkene proceeds by heating alcohols in presence of a strong acid like
sulphuric acid or phosphoric acid at high temperature. General idea behind dehydration reaction is that OH group of
alcohol donates electron pair to H  from acid reagent, forming an alkyloxonium ion. This ion acts a good leaving group and
forms carbocation. The deprotonated acid then attacks the H-atom adjacent to carbocation and forms a double bond.


Major product of reaction is

(a) (b) (c) (d*)

31. For given alcohols

Correct order of rate of dehydration in

(a) I > II > III (b*) I > III > II (c) III > II > I (d) III > I > II

Paragraph for Questions 32 to 33

Dehydration require an acid catalyst to protonate the hydroxyl group of the alcohol and convert it into good leaving group.
Loss of water followed by a loss of a proton, given the alkene an equilibrium is established between reactants and product

SHIKHAR : Indra Complex, Vijaya Nagar, Chetakpuri, Gwalior (0751) 3551081 9

JEE Simulation Test NEON (Blue SET-A) DATE : 13.07.24

32. Which alcohol is most reactive towards dehydration of alcohol in acid catalyzed reaction

(a*) (b) (c) (d)


Total number of -hydrogen in A + B + C is

(a) 23 (b) 25 (c) 37 (d*) 29

SECTION – IV (Integer Type) (3R)

This Section contains 5 Questions. The answer to each question is a Single Or Double Digit Integer ranging
from 0 to 9. The correct digit below the question number in the ORS is to be bubbled.

34. The number of different chain isomers for C7 H16 is …………

Ans. 9

35. Total number of isomers (including stereoisomers) obtained on monochlorination of methylcyclohexane is ……….
Ans. 12

36. The total number of monobromo derivatives formed by the alkanes with molecular formula C5 H12 is (excluding
stereoisomers) ……….
Ans. 8

37. Number of geometrical isomers possible for the given structure is/are…………..

Ans. 4


SHIKHAR : Indra Complex, Vijaya Nagar, Chetakpuri, Gwalior (0751) 3551081 10

JEE Simulation Test NEON (Blue SET-A) DATE : 13.07.24

Consider the above chemical reaction. The total number of stereoirsomers possible for product „p‟ is
Ans. 2


SECTION – I (Single Correct Choice Type) (3R-W)

This Section contains 6 Single Choice Questions. Each question has four choices A), B), C) and D) out of
which ONLY ONE is correct.

 x 
39. The domain of the function f ( x )  ln  ln  is : (where {} denotes the fractional part function)
 {x} 
(a) (0, )  I (b*) (1, )  I (c) R I (d) (2, )  I

40. The range of the function f ( x )  tan1 [ x ]  [  x ]  2 | x |  is (where [] denotes the greatest integer functions)
1   1 1  1 
(a)  4 ,  (b)    [2, ) (c*)  ,2 (d)  4 ,2 
  4  4   

  x    x 
41. Let us consider a function f ( x )  x 2  ln   .cos x  ln   and if f (10)  100, then the value of f ( 10) is
  x    x 
(a) 99 (b*) 100 (c) 101 (d) 1000

 
42. Let f : R  0,  defined by f ( x )  tan1( x 2  x  a), then the set of values of a for which f is onto is
 2
1 
(a) [0, ) (b) [1, 2] (c*)  ,   (d) None of these
4 

x  a for x  1
43. Let a function f defined from R  R as : f ( x )   . If the function is surjective, then a must lie in
 2ax  1 for x  1
the interval
(a*) (0, 2] (b) (, 0] (c) (, 0) (d) (0, )

 2n, n  2,4,6,8,......

44. Let a function f : N  N be defined by f (n )   n  1, n  3,7,11,15,.... then, f is
 n  1 n  1,5,9,13,.....
 ,
 2
(a) One-one but not onto (b) Onto but not one-one
(c) Neither one-one nor onto (d*) One-one and onto

SECTION – II (More Than One Type) (5R)

This Section contains 4 Multiple Choice Questions. Each question has four choices A), B), C) and D) out of
which ONE OR MORE THAN ONE is/are correct.
45. If f ( x )  log[ x 1]
, where [] denotes greatest integer function, then
(a) Domain of f  2(2, ) (b) Range of f  {0,1}
(c) Domain of f  [3, ) (d) Range of f  {0}

SHIKHAR : Indra Complex, Vijaya Nagar, Chetakpuri, Gwalior (0751) 3551081 11

JEE Simulation Test NEON (Blue SET-A) DATE : 13.07.24

  
46. Let f :   ,   R be given by f ( x )  [log(sec x  tan x )]3 . Then,
 2 2
(a) f ( x ) is an odd function (b) f ( x ) is a one-one function
(c) f ( x ) is an onto function (d) f ( x ) is an even function

47. Among the following which is/are true

(a*) Range of x 2  2x  1  x 2  4x  4 is [3, )
(b*) Range of [sin2 x ]  [sin2 x ] (where [] is G.I.F. is) {0, –1}
(c*) Let a function f : (0, )  [0, ) be defined by f ( x )  1  . Then f is surjective
      1
(d*) If f ( x )  sin x sin   x  sin   x  then f   
3  3   18  8

48. Let a  R and let f : R  R be given by f ( x )  x 5  5x  a. Then

(a) f(x) has three real roots is a > 4 (b*) f(x) has only real root if a > 4
(c) f(x) has three real roots if a < – 4 (d*) f(x) has three real roots if 4  a  4

SECTION – III (Paragraph Type) (3R-W)

This Section contains 2 Paragraphs. Each of these questions has four choices A), B), C) and D) out of which
ONLY ONE is correct.

Paragraph for Questions 49 to 50

Let we describe two functions f ( x )  log[ x ] x } and g ( x )  log{ x } [ x ], where [x] and {x} denote respectively the integral and
fractional part of real x. Let Df and Dg are the sets of domain of f ( x ) and g ( x ) respectively. Rf and Rg are the sets of
range of f ( x ) and g ( x ) respectively

49. Which statement is correct?

(a*) Df is the subset of Dg (b) Dg is the subset of Df
(c) Df and Dg are the same sets (d) Df and Dg are disjoint sets

50. The sum of all the non-negative integral values of the set Rg is
(a) –1 (b*) 0 (c) 1 (d) 2

Paragraph for Questions 51 to 52

SHIKHAR : Indra Complex, Vijaya Nagar, Chetakpuri, Gwalior (0751) 3551081 12
JEE Simulation Test NEON (Blue SET-A) DATE : 13.07.24
 x  1, 1  x  1
Consider the function f ( x )   . Let f1( x )  f (| x |) , f2 ( x ) | f (| x |) | , f3 ( x )  f (x )
 nx, 1  x  e
Now answer the following questions

51. Number of positive solution of the equation 2f2 ( x )  1  0 is (are)

(a) 4 (b) 3 (c*) 2 (d) 1

52. If f4 ( x )  log27 (f3 ( x )  2), then range of f4 ( x ) is

1   1
(a) [1, 9] (b)  3 ,  (c*) 0, 3  (d) [1, 27]
   

SECTION – IV (Integer Type) (3R)

This Section contains 5 Questions. The answer to each question is a Single Or Double Digit Integer ranging
from 0 to 9. The correct digit below the question number in the ORS is to be bubbled.
53. The number of solutions of the equation | sin x || cos3x | in [2 , 2 ] is
Ans. 24

54. Find total number of solutions of equation sin x . tan4x  cos x belonging to (0, )

1 3
55. If fractional parts of and x 2 for some x  ( 2, 3) are equal, then the value of x 4  is
x x
Ans. 5

56. If x 2  4y 2  4 and range of f ( x, y ) is [L, M ], where f ( x, y )  x 2  y 2  xy, then LM is

Ans. 3

57. Find the sum of all such numbers a that for any of them the equation ||||| x  5 | 1| 1| 1| 1| x  a has infinitely
many solutions
Ans. 25

SHIKHAR : Indra Complex, Vijaya Nagar, Chetakpuri, Gwalior (0751) 3551081 13

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