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5.Diversion Headworks
The works, which are constructed at the head of the canal, in order to divert the river water towards the canal, so
as to ensure a regulated continuous supply of silt-free water with a certain minimum head into the canal, are
known as Diversion Head Works.
Weir and Barrage : If the major part or the entire ponding of water on the upstream side of the obstruction is
achieved by a raised crest and a smaller part of it is achieved by the shutters, then this barrier is known as a weir
.On the other hand, if most of the ponding is done by gates and a smaller part of it is done by the raised crest,
then the barrier is known as a Barrage.

If most of the ponding or the entire ponding is done by a permanent raised crest, as in a weir, then the afflux
caused during high floods is quite high. On the other hand, if most of the ponding is done by gates, as in a
barrage, then the gates can be opened during high floods and the afflux (i.e. rise in HFL near the site) will be nil
or minimum. Hence, a barrage, gives less afflux and a better control upon the river flow, because the inflow and
outflow can be controlled to a much greater extent by suitable manipulations of its gates.
5.1 Component parts of Weir/Barrage : A diversion headwork ( or weir) usually consists of the following components.
(1)Weir ( or barrage) proper
(2) Under sluice
(3) Divide wall
(4) Fish ladder
(5) Canal head regulator
(6) Silt excluder, silt ejector
(7) River training works: guide banks, marginal bunds

Figure: Typical Layout of Diversion Head-Works

(1) Weir or Barrage : The weirs may be divided into the following three classes:
(i) Masonry weirs with vertical drop ;
(ii) Rock-fill weirs with sloping aprons ; and
(iii) Concrete weirs with sloping glacis.
These three important types of weirs are described below:

(i) Masonry weirs with vertical drop: A typical cross-section of such a weir is shown in Figure . This type of a weir.
consists of a horizontal floor and a masonry crest with vertical or nearly vertical downstream face .The raised masonry
crest does the maximum ponding of water, but a part of it, is usually, done by shutters at the top of the crest. The shutters
can be dropped down during floods, so as to reduce the afflux by increasing the waterway opening. This type of weir was
used in all the old head-works and is particularly suitable for hard clay and consolidated gravel foundations. However,
this type of weir is becoming obsolete and even the old constructions are being replaced by the new modern concrete.
(ii) Rock-fill weirs with sloping aprons : Such a weir is also called - 'Dry Stone Slope Weir'. A typical cross-section of
such a weir is shown in Fig. It is the simplest type of construction, and is suitable for fine sandy foundations like those in
alluvial areas. Such a weir requires huge quantities of stone and is economical only when stone is easily available.
However, with the development of concrete glacis weirs, this type of weirs is also becoming obsolete.

(iii) Concrete weirs with sloping glacis: Weirs of this type are of recent origin and their design is based on modern
concepts of sub-surface flow (ie.Khosla's Theory). A typical cross-section of such a weir is shown in Figure below. Sheet
piles of sufficient depths are driven at the ends of upstream and downstream floor. Sometimes, an inter-mediate pile line
is also provided. The hydraulic jump is formed on the downstream sloping glacis , so as to dissipate the energy of
flowing water.
(2) Under sluice : A comparatively less turbulent pocket of water is created near the canal head regulator by constructing
under-sluice portion of the weir. A divide wall separates the main weir portion from the under since partition of the weir. The
crest of the under sluice portion of the weir is kept at a lower level than the crest of the normal portion of the weir. Normally,
the crest level of the under-sluices is kept equal to the deepest bed level of the river during non-monsoon season; whereas, the
crest level of the weir" is kept higher by about 1 to 1.5 m.
As the crest of the under-sluice pocket is at a low level, a deep channel develops towards this pocket, which helps in bringing
low dry weather discharge towards this pocket, thereby, ensuring easy diversion of water into the canal through the canal head
regulator. They should be able to dispose of 10 to 15% of the high flood discharge during severe floods.
The crest level of the canal head regulator is also kept higher than the crest level of the under-sluices, so that only silt free water
is admitted into the canal through the head sluices. Silt gets deposited over the under-sluice floor, and may be periodically
removed over the crest of the under-sluices and towards the downstream side of the river by opening these gate-controlled
openings (under-sluices).

(3) Divide wall : The ‘divide wall' is a masonry or a concrete wall constructed at right angle to the axis of the weir, and
separates the 'weir proper' from the under-sluices’ .The divide wall extends on the upstream side beyond the beginning
of the canal head regulator, and on the downstream side, it extends up to the end of loose protection of the under-sluices
. The top width of divide wall is about 1.5 to 2.5 meters. These walls are founded on wells closely spaced beyond the
pucca floor upto the end. The wells are taken well below the deepest possible scour. Typical cross-section of the divide
wall on pucca floor and beyond the pucca floor are shown in Figure below.
The main functions served by the divide wall are:
(a) It separates the 'under-sluices' from the 'weir proper'. Since the crest level of the under-sluices is lower than that of
the weir proper, the two must be separated, and this is being done by the Divide wall,
(b) It helps in providing a comparatively less turbulent pocket near the canal head regulator, resulting in deposition of
silt in this pocket and, thus, to help in the entry of silt-free water into the canal.
(c) Divide wall may keep the cross-currents, if at all they are formed, away from the weir. Cross-currents lead to
vortices and deep scours, and therefore, prove hazardous to weirs.
(4) Fish ladder : A structure which enables the fish to pass upstream is called a 'fish ladder’. It is a device by which
the flow energy can be dissipated in such a manner as to provide smooth flow at sufficiently low velocity, not
exceeding 3 to 3.5 m/sec. This object is generally accomplished by providing a narrow opening adjacent to the divide
wall and provide suitable baffles or staggering device in it, so as to control the flow velocity.
(5) Canal head regulator : A canal head regulator is provided at the head of the off-taking canal, and serves the
following functions :
(i) It regulates the supply of water entering the canal.
(ii) It controls the entry of silt in the canal.
(iii) It prevents the river floods from entering the canal .
A typical cross-section of a head regulator is shown in Figure. The regulator is generally aligned at right angle to the
weir, but slightly larger angles (between 90° to 110) are now considered preferable for providing smooth entry of water
into the regulator.

Figure : Typical section through a Canal Head Regulator(C.H.R). Figure: Alignment of a Canal Head Regulator.
The water from the under-sluice pocket is made to enter the regulator bays, so as to pass the full supply discharge into
the canal. The maximum height of these gated openings, called head sluices will be equal to the difference of Pond
Level and Crest Level of the regulator . The entry of silt into the canal is controlled by keeping the crest of the head
regulator by about 1.2 to 1.5 metres higher than the crest of the under-sluices. If a Silt-Excluder is provided, the
regulator crest is further raised by about 0.6 to 0.7m .
(6) Silt excluder, silt ejector : The entry of silt into a canal, which takes off from a Head-Works, can be reduced by
constructing certain special works, called silt control works. These works may be classified into the following two
(a) Silt Excluders: Silt excluders are those works which are constructed on the bed of the river, upstream of the head
regulator. The clearer water enters the head regulator and the silted water enters the silt excluder. In this type of
works, the silt is, therefore, removed from the water before it enters the canal.
(b) Silt Ejectors: Silt ejectors, also called silt extractors, are those devices which extract the silt from the canal-water
after the silted water has travelled a certain distance in the off-take canal. These works are, therefore, constructed on the
bed of the canal, and a little distance downstream from the head regulator.

Figure(a): Plan and Section of Silt Excluder Figure(b) : Plan and Section of Silt Ejector
(7) River training works (guide banks, marginal bunds): River training works are required near the weir site in
order to ensure a smooth and an axial flow of water, and thus, to prevent the river from outflanking the works due to a
change in its course. The river training works required on a canal headworks, are:
(i) Guide banks;
(ii) Marginal bunds ; and
(iii) Spurs or groynes.
The guide banks force the river into a restricted channel, and thus, ensuring a smooth and an almost axial flow near the
weir site
Marginal bunds are provided on the upstream side of the works in order to the area from submergence due to rise in
HFL, caused by the afflux. These bunds are, therefore, continued till they join contours higher than the new HFL.
Marginal bunds are nothing but earthen embankments, protected by groynes , wherever needed. They are designed on
the principles of design of earthen dams or dikes.

Figure(a) : Guide Banks(Plan) Figure(b): Guide Banks(Sections) Figure(c) : Marginal bunds(Section) Figure(d) : Spurs or Groynes
Photo view of Barrage (Bagmati Irrigation project)

Fig(a): Upstream view (Barrage)

Fig(b): Eastern side canal head regulator Fig(c):Undersluice Fig(d) Western side canal head regulator

Fig(e) Downstream view (Barrage)

5.2 Bligh’s , Lane’s and Khosla’s theory
Bligh's Creep Theory for Seepage Flow : According to Bligh's Theory, the percolating water follows the outline of the
base of the foundation of the hydraulic structure. In other words, water creeps along the bottom contour of the structure.
The length of the path thus traversed by water is called the length of the creep. Further, it is assumed in this theory, that
the loss of head is proportional to the length of the creep.
If HL, is the total head loss between the upstream and the downstream, and L is the length of creep, then the loss of head
per unit of creep length (i.e, HL/L) is called the hydraulic gradient. Further, Bligh makes no distinction between
horizontal and vertical creep.
Consider a section as shown in Figure below. Let HL be the difference of water levels between upstream and
downstream ends . Water will seep along the bottom contour as shown by arrows. The total length of creep is given by
(i) Safety Against Piping or Undermining: According to Bligh, the safety against piping can be ensured by
providing sufficient creep length, given by L= C.HL, where C is Bligh's coefficient for the soil. Different values of
C for different types of soils are tabulated in Table 11.1.

(ii) Safety against uplift pressure: The ordinates of the H.G. line above the bottom of the floor represent the residual
uplift water head at each point. Say for example , if at any point, the ordinate of H.G. line above the bottom of the floor
is 1 m, then 1 m head of water will act as uplift at that point. If h' metres is this ordinate, then water pressure equal to h'
metres will act at this point, and has to be counter balanced by the weight of the floor of thickness say t.
i.e, Uplift pressure = γw h' where γw is the unit wt. of water .
Downward pressure = (γw . G.) t where G is the specific gravity of the floor material.
For equilibrium γw . h' = γw . G. t
h' = G.t
Subtracting t on both sides, we get
(h' - t)= (G.t-t) =t(G-1)
or, t=(h' -t)/(G-1) ------(a) where (h' -t) = h is the ordinate of the H.G. line above the top of the floor. (G-1) is
the submerged specific gravity of the floor material. Hence, the thickness of the floor can be easily determined by
using the above equation (a).This is generally increased by 33%, so as to allow a suitable factor of safety.
Lane's Weighted Creep Theory :Lane, on the basis of his analysis carried out on about 200 dams all over the world,
specified that the horizontal creep is less effective in reducing uplift than the vertical creep. He, therefore , suggested a
weightage factor of 1/3 for the horizontal creep, as against 1.0 for the vertical creep.
Thus in Fig. 11.1, the total Lane's creep length (L) is given by

To ensure safety against piping, according to this theory, the creep length Ll must not be less than C1HL, where HL is the
head causing flow, and C1 is Lane's creep coefficient given in table 11.2.

Lane's theory was an improvement over Bligh's theory, but however, was purely empirical without any rational basis, and
hence, is generally not adopted in any designs. Bligh's theory, though is still used (even after the invention of modern
Khosla's theory), but Lane's theory is practically nowhere used, and is having only a theoretical importance.
Example-1: Fig. below shows the section of a hydraulic structure founded on sand. Calculate the average
hydraulic gradient. Also, find the uplift pressures at prints 6,12 and 18 m from the u/s end of the floor and find
the thickness of the floor at these points taking ϼ=2.24.
Khosla's Theory and Concept of Flow Nets: Many of the important hydraulic structures, such as weirs and
barrages, were designed on the basis of Bligh's theory between the period 1910 to 1925. In 1926-27 the upper Chenab
canal syphons, designed on Bligh's theory, started posing undermining troubles. Investigations started, which
ultimately lead to Khosla's theory. The main principles of this theory are summarised below:
(1) The seeping water does not creep along the bottom contour of pucca floor as stated by Bligh, but on the other
hand, this water moves along a set of stream-lines as shown in Fig. 11.3. This steady seepage in a vertical plane for a
homogeneous soil can be expressed by Laplacian equation.

Where, Փ = Flow potential = K h

Where, K is the coefficient of permeability of soil as
defined by Darcy's law, and h is the residual head at any point within the soil.
The above equation represents two sets of curves intersecting each other orthogonally (Fig. 11.2). One set of lines is
called Streamlines, and the other set is called Equipotential lines. The resultant flow diagram showing both the sets of
curves is called a Flow Net.
Stream Lines: The streamlines represent the paths along which
the water flows through the sub-soil . Every particle entering the
soil at a given point upstream of the work, will trace out its own
path and will represent a streamline. The first streamline follows
the bottom contour of the works and is the same as Bligh's path of creep .The remaining Streamlines follow smooth
curves transiting slowly from the outline of the foundation to a semi-ellipse, as shown in Fig. 11.2.
Equipotential Lines: (i) Treating the downstream bed as datum and assuming no water on the downstream side, it
can be easily stated that every streamline possesses a head equal to H1 while entering the soil: and when it emerges at
the down-stream end into the atmosphere, its head is zero. Thus, the head H1 is entirely lost during the passage of
water along the streamline.
Further, at every intermediate point in its path, there is certain residual head (h) still to be dissipated in the remaining
length to be traversed to the downstream end. This fact is applicable to every streamline, and hence, there will be
points on different streamlines having the same value of residual head h. If such points are joined together, the curve
obtained is called an equipotential line . Every water particle on line AB is having a residual head H=H1, and on CD
is having a residual head h=0, and hence, AB and CD are equipotential lines. Since an equipotential line represents
the joining of points of equal residual head , hence if piezometers were installed on an equipotential line, the water
will rise in all of them up to the same level as shown in Fig. 11.2.
(2) The seepage water exerts a force at each point in the direction of flow and tangential to the streamlines as shown
in Fig. 11.3. This force (F) has an upward component from the point where the streamline turns upward. For soil
grains to remain stable, the upward component of this force should be counterbalanced by the submerged weight of
the soil grain. This force has the maximum disturbing tendency at the exit end, because the direction of this force at
the exit point is vertically upward, and hence full force acts as its upward component. For the soil grain to remain
stable, the submerged weight of soil grain should be more than this upward disturbing force. The disturbing force at
any point is proportional to the gradient of pressure of water at that point . This gradient of pressure of water at the
exit end, is called the exit gradient. In order that the soil particles at exit remain stable, the upward pressure at exit
should be safe.
Critical Exit Gradient: This exit gradient is said to be critical, when the upward disturbing force on the grain is just
equal to the submerged weight of the grain at the exit. When a factor of safety equal to 4 or 5 is used, the exit
gradient can then be taken as safe. In other words, an exit gradient equal to 1/4 to 1/5 of the critical exit gradient is
ensured, so as to keep the structure safe against piping.
Values of safe exit gradient for some of the subsoils are given in Table 11. 3.

(3) Undermining of the floor starts from the downstream end of the d/s pucca floor, and if not checked, it travels
upstream towards the weir wall. The undermining starts only when the exit gradient is unsafe for the subsoil on
which the weir is founded. It is therefore, absolutely necessary to have a reasonably deep vertical cut-off at the
downstream end of the d/s pucca floor to prevent undermining. The depth of this d/s vertical cut off is governed by
two considerations i.e.
(i) maximum depth of scour ; (ii) safe exit gradient.
While designing a weir, downstream cutoff from the maximum scoured depth considerations is, first of all,
provided, and checked for exit gradient. If a safe value of exit gradient is not obtained, then the depth of cutoff is
Khosla's method of independent variables for determination of pressures and exit gradient for seepage below
a weir or a barrage : For designing hydraulic structures such as weirs or barrages on pervious foundations, Khosla
has evolved a simple, quick and an accurate approach, called Method of Independent Variables. Mathematical
solutions of flownets for these simple standard profiles have been presented in the form of equations given in Fig.
11.5. and curves given in Plate 11.1, which can be used for determining the percentage pressures at the various key
points. The simple profiles which are most useful are :
(i) A straight horizontal floor of negligible thickness with a sheet pile line on the u/s end and d/s end [Fig. 11.5 (a)
and (b)].
(ii) A straight horizontal floor depressed below the bed but without any vertical cut-offs [Fig. 11.5 (C)].
(iii) A straight horizontal floor of negligible thickness with a sheet pile line at some intermediate point [Fig. 11.5 (d)).
The key points are the junctions of the floor and the pile lines on either side, and the bottom point of the pile line, and
the bottom corners in the case of a depressed floor. The percentage pressures at these key points for the simple forms
into which the complex profile has been broken is valid for the complex profile itself, if corrected for
(a) correction for the mutual interference of piles ;(b) correction for thickness of floor ;(c) correction for the slope of
the floor.

Fig. 11.5. Khosla's simple profiles for a weir of complex profile.

These corrections are described below:
(a) Correction for the Mutual Interference of Piles: The correction ‘C’ to be applied as percentage of head due to
this effect, is given by
where, b' = The distance between two pile lines;
D= The depth of the pile line, the influence of which has to be determined on the neighbouring pile of depth d. D is to
be measured below the level at which inter- ference is desired ;
d= The depth of the pile on which the effect is consider;
b= Total floor length.
This correction is positive for the points in the rear or back water; and subtractive for the points forward in the
direction of flow. This equation does not apply to the effect of an outer pile on an intermediate pile, if the intermediate
pile is equal to or smaller than the outer pile and is at a distance less than twice the length of the outer pile.
Suppose in the Figure 11.6, we are considering the influence of the
pile No. (2) on pile No. (1) for correcting the pressure at C1.Since the
point is in the rear, this correction shall be + ve. While the correction
to be applied to E2, due to pile No. (1) shall be negative, since the
point E2 is in the forward direction of flow. Similarly, the correction
at C2 due to pile No. (3) is positive, and the correction at E3 due to pile
No.(2) is negative.
(b) Correction for the Thickness of Floor: In the standard form profiles, the floor is assumed to have negligible
thickness. Hence ,the percentage pressures calculated by Khosla’s equations or
graphs shall pertain to the top levels of the floor. While the actual junction points
E and C are at the bottom of the floor. Hence, the pressure at the actual points are
calculated by assuming a straight line pressure variation. Since the corrected
pressure at E1, should be less than the calculated pressure at E1', the correction to be applied for the point E1, shall be
-ve. Similarly, the pressure calculated C1' is less than the corrected pressure at C1, and hence, the correction to be
applied at point C1, is + ve.
(c) Correction for the Slope of the Floor: A correction is applied for a sloping floor and is taken as + ve for the
down, and - ve for the up slopes following the direction of flow. Values of correction of standard slopes such as 1 : 1,
2:1, 3: 1, etc. are tabulated in Table 11.4.The correction factor given in table is
to be multiplied by the horizontal length of the slope and divided by the distance
between the two pile lines between which the sloping floor is located. This
correction is applicable only to the key points of the pile line fixed at the start or
the end of the slope . Thus, in Fig. 11.6, this correction is applicable only to point
E2. Since the slope is down at point E2, in the direction of flow, hence, the
correction shall be + ve and will be equal to the correction factor for this
slope (Table 11.4) multiplied by bs/b1, where bs, and b1, are shown in Fig. 11.6.
Exit Gradient (GE): It has been determined that for a standard form consisting of a floor length b with a vertical
cutoff of depth d, the exit gradient at its downstream end is given by

The uplift pressures must be kept as low as possible consistent with the safety at the exilt, so as to keep the floor
thickness to the minimum.
It is obvious from equation (11.4), that if d=0; GE is infinite. Hence, it becomes essential that a vertical cutoff at
the downstream end must be provided
Khosla’s Curves
Example-1: Determine the percentage pressures at various key points in Fig. 11.8. Also determine the exit gradient and
plot the hydraulic gradient line for pond level on u/s and no flow on d/s.
5.3 Design of sloping glacies weir bay (crest,length & thickness of impervious floor)
Sloping glacis weir is a weir of later origin consisting of upstream glacis of slope varying from 1:1 to 2:1 (ii) flat
crest of 2 to 3 m width with falling shutters, (iii) down stream glacis of slope varying from 3:1 to 5:1 and (iv)
horizontal apron or cistern of adequate length, along with cut off, block protection, inverted filter and launching
aprons, as shown in Figure below. The main advantage of a sloping glacis weir is that hydraulic jump is formed
on the d/s sloping glacis to dissipate the energy of overflowing water
Elements of hydraulic jump

Loss of Energy(HL ) = Ef1 - Ef2 . Where,

Usually, in any hydraulic jump, the following eight variables are involved : Ef1 , V1, y1 , Ef2, V2, y2, q and HL.
These variables are related by six independent equations ,as given below :
Hence, if any two variables are known, the remaining six can be worked
out by using these six equations, mathematically. The mathematical solution
is complicated and to avoid large scale calculations, Blench has given some
curves by taking q and HL as known variables (as in actual problem, the
discharge intensity q and the drop in the total energy level HL are generally
known). Blench had given curves, relating HL and Ef, for different values of
q (Plate 10.1). These curves are very useful in determining the location of
the jump on a sloping glacis , as explained below.
Position of the Jump: Let water be passing over the crest of a work (such as a weir, etc.) with a certain head.
Then discharge per unit width = CdH3/2, where H is the head measured from the total energy line to the crest and
Cd is the coefficient of discharge. Knowing H, the level of u/s TEL is known. For the given discharge, the depth
of water on the d/s is known from gauge discharge curves of the channel. This fixes TEL on the d/s. The
difference in the levels of u/s TEL and d/s TEL gives HL. Knowing q and HL, Ef2 can be obtained from Blench
Curves (Plate 10.1). Subtracting Ef2 , from d/s TEL, the level at which the jump will form can be easily obtained
and hence the position of point P is fixed . Knowing Ef2 , Ef1 can also be calculated by using, Ef1 –Ef2 = HL .The
corresponding values of y1, and y2 for the known values of Ef1, and Ef2, can be directly read from the 'Energy of
Flow Curves' given by Montague (Plate 10.2).
The discharge formulas to be used in the design of a weir or a barrage are;

(a) For a broad crested weir :

Q=1.7 (L – K.n.H) H3/2
Where Q = Discharge in cumecs
H= Total head in metres including velocity head
n= No. of end contractions (Twice the number of gated bays)
L= Clear waterway length in metres
K= coefficient of end contraction generally taken as 0.1 in ordinary calculations

(b) For a sharp crested weir :

Q=1.84 (L- K.n.H) H3/2
Q, L, n, K and H have the same meanings as given above.
If the head over the weir crest is more than 1.5 times the width of the weir, the weir behaves as a sharp crested
Example-1: Design a sloping glacis weir for the following site conditions: (i) Maximum discharge intensity on
weir crest =10 cumecs /m length (ii) H.F.L. before construction of weir 255.0 m (iii) R.L. of river bed = 249.5 m
(iv) Pond level = 254.0 m (v) Height of crest shutters=1.0 m (vi)Anticipated downstream water level in the river
when the weir is discharging with pond level upstream = 251.5m.(vii) Bed retrogression = 0.5 m (viii) Lacey's silt
factor 0.9(ix) Permissible exit gradient = 1/7 (x) Permissible afflux =1.0 m.
Step 1. Pond level = 254.0 m , Height of shutters =1 m
i.e. Crest level = 254.0 -1.0 =253.0 m
Step 2. q = 1.70 (H)3/2
H = (q/1.7)2/3 = (10/1.7) 2/3 = 3.25 m
Elevation of u/s T.E.L. = R.L. of crest + H = 253.0+3.25 = 256.25 m.

Step 3. Regime scour depth R=1.35 (q2/f)1/3 = 1.35 (102 /0.9) 1/3 = 6.5 m
Regime velocity = q/ R =10/ 6.5 = 1.54 m/sec.
Velocity head = V2/2g = (1.54)2/2 x 9.81 = 0.12 m.

Step 4. u/s H.F.L. =u/s T.E.L. - Velocity head = 256.25 – 0.12 = 256.13 m.
Level of d/s T.E.L = H.F.L before construction +( V2/2g )= 255.0 +0.12=255.12 m
Afflux = u/s H.F.L. - d/s H.F.L= 256.13 -255.0 =1.13 m
which is very near to the permissible afflux of 1 m.
The d/s H.F.L after retrogression = H.F.L. before construction - bed retrogression = 255.0 - 0.5 = 254.5 m.
d/s T.E.L. after retrogression = Level of d/s T.E.L - bed retrogression = 255.12 – 0.5 = 254.62 m
Loss of head at high flood is
Loss of head (HL) = u/s T.E.L - d/s T.E.L. after retrogression = 256.25 – 254.62 = 1.63 m.

Step 5. When the weir is discharging with pond level upstream,

Head over the crest = 254.0 – 253.0 = 1 m
Discharge q = 1.70 (H)2/3 = 1.70(1)2/3 = 1.70 cumecs/metre.
Loss of head at that time will be given by
HL= pond level - Anticipated d/s water level at that time= 254.0 -251.5 = 2.5 m.

Step 6. Hydraulic jump calculations

Hydraulic jump will be formed on the d/s sloping glacis. calculations are done in the tabular form

S.No Items High flood Pond level

condition condition

1. Discharge intensity q 10 cumecs 1.7 cumecs

2. Head loss HL 1.63 m 2.5 m
3. Downstream Specific Energy (Ef2 ) from Blench curves ( Fig: plate no 10.1) 4.3 m 1.7 m
4. Level at which jump will form:( d/s T.E.L. after retrogression –Ef2 ) 254.62-4.3 251.5 -1.7
=250.32 m =249.8 m
5. Upstream Specific Energy Ef1=Ef2+HL 4.3+1.63 1.7+2.5
=5.93 m =4.2 m
6. Prejump depth y1 corresponding to Ef1 from specific energy curve(Fig: Plate 1.03 m 0.15 m
no 10.2 )
7. Post jump depth y2 corresponding to Ef2 from specific energy curve(Fig: 3.96 m 1.68 m
Plate no 10.2 )
8. Height of jump =y2-y1 3.96-1.03 1.68 -0.15
= 2.93 m = 1.53 m
9. Length of concrete floor required beyond the jump = 5(y2 – y1) 14.65 m 7.65 m
Step 7. Design of glacis
Let the crest width = 2 m Upstream slope 2 : 1 Downstream glacis slope 3:1
Adopt downstream floor R.L. = 249.6 m (i.e. 0.2 m below the lowest level at which jump will form).
Horizontal length of floor beyond the toe of the glacis = 15 m.
Step 8. Depth of sheet piles
Regime scour depth(R) = 6.5 m .
R.L. of bottom of scour hole at u/s = u/s H.F.L -1.5*R = 256.13 -1.5*6.5 =246.38 m.
Keep R.L. of bottom of u/s pile at 246.30 m .
R.L. of bottom of scour hole at d/s = d/s H.F.L(after retrogression) -2.0*R = 254.5 - 2 x 6.5 =241.5 m .
Keep R.L. of bottom of d/s pile at 241.5 m .
Provide the intermediate pile at d/s toe of the glacis with its bottom at the same R.L. of 241.5 m.
Step 9. Length of the impervious floor
Maximum percolation head (Hs)= Pond level - d/s floor level
Or , Hs = 254.0 – 249.6 = 4.4 m.
Depth of d/s cut off = d= (R.L. of d/s floor level) – (R.L.of bottom of scour hole at d/s ) = 249.6 -241.5 = 8.1 m.
Permissible Exit gradient (GE ) =1/7 ,where

Step 10. Calculations for floor thickness. After calculation of the pressure at various key points and drawing
the H.G. Lines and Plotting the prejump profile for the two flow conditions the Figure below shows the subsoil
H.G. line for the two conditions. The floor is to be designed for the maximum unbalanced head found by
subtracting elevation of water surface profile (or d/s bed level as the case may be) from the elevation of the
corresponding H.G. line.
At the point of formation of hydraulic jump for high flood condition:
Unbalanced head for high flood condition (from Figure below) = 4.0 m
Unbalanced static head for no flow condition =2.56 m
Design head = 4 m
Since the design head is greater for high flood condition, the floor is designed for 2/3rd of this head
=2/3 x4= 2.67 m.
Thickness = h/(G-1) =2.67 /(2.24 – 1) = 2.15 m.
(ii) At the point of formation of hydraulic jump for flow at pond level condition :
Unbalanced head for pond level condition = 2.9 m
2/3 of this head =1.93 m
Unbalanced static head for no flow condition =2.2 m
Design head = 2.2 m
Thickness = h/(G-1) =2.2 /(2.24 – 1) = 1.8 m.

Longitudinal section of the weir

Hence, provide a thickness of 2.15 m at the d/s end of the glacis decreasing it to 1.5 m at the end of the crest. A
nominal thickness of 1 m is to be provited for the floor to the u/s of the glacis, as shown in above Figure.
(iii) Floor thickness at down stream side of sloping glacis
Pressure head at point E3, at d/s end of the floor = 1.5 m.
Thickness required=h/(G-1)= 1.5 /(2.24-1) = 1.2 m.
Thus the d/s floor has a thickness of 2.15 m at the d/s end of glacis, and a thickness of 1.25 m at the d/s pile.
This reduction in thickness may be done linearly as shown in above figure.
Step 11. Upstream protection works :
D = depth of u/s scour holes below bed Leve = 249.5 – 246.38 = 3.12 m .
Minimum length of u/s block protection = D =3.12 m.
Provide 1 m thick stone blocks laid over 0.5 m thick graded stones for a length of 3.5 m
Minimum length of u/s launching apron = 1.5 D = 1.5 * 3.12 = 4.7 m with a thickness of 1 m on a launched
slope of 2:1.
However, provide 1.5 m thick launching apron for length of 5 m at the u/s end.
Step 12. Downstream protection works :
D= depth of d/s scour holes below bed level = 249.6-241.5 =8.1 m.
Length of inverted filter = 1.5 D =1.5*8.1 = 12.15m
Provide 12 m length of inverted filter consisting of 1 m thick stones laid on 0.5 m thick graded inverted filter. Length of
d/s launching apron = 1.5 D = 1.5 x 8.1 = 12 m. Its minimum thickness on a launched slopes should be 1 m .
Hence, provide 12 m length of launching apron 1.5 m thick.
The longitudinal section of the weir is shown in above figure.

5.4 Design of Undersluice and silt excluder

Example-2: Design of Under sluice & Barrage : A barrage is to be constructed on a river having a high flood
discharge of about 8,100 cumecs, with the given data as follows:
Average bed level of the river= 257.0 m ,High Flood Level (before construction of barrage) = 262.2 m ,Permissible
afflux =1.0m ,Pond Level= 260.6 m
Prepare a hydraulic design for the undersluice as well as for other barrage bay section , on the basis of Hydraulic jump
theory and Khosla's theory. Take a safe exit gradient of 1/6 and retrogression =0.5 metres. Assume any other data if not
Solution : Fixing the Crest Levels and Waterway
Crest Levels: The average bed level of the river =257.0 m, which may be taken as the crest level of the under sluices.
The crest level of other barrage bays may be kept 1.0 to 1.5 m higher than the crest level of under sluices. Let us keep it
1.3 m higher, i.e. say 257.0+ 1.3 = 258.3 m.
Waterway: The waterway, as per Lacey's wetted perimeter equation, is given by;
P=4.75 *√Q = 4.75 *√8100 = 427.5 m.
Now let us provide a waterway approximately equal to 1.2 P by trial, in such a way that approximately 15 to
20% of the discharge is passed through the undersluices and the total provided waterway should be able to pass
the entire discharge.
Assume the waterway as below
(a) Undersluice portion :
5 bays of 15 m each =75.0 m
4 piers of 2.5 m each = 10.0m
Overall waterway =75+10 =85.0 m
(b) Other barrage bays portion
27 bays of 12 m each = 324.0 m
26 piers of 2 m each = 52.0 m
Overall waterway =324+52=376.0 m
Assume a divide wall of 3.0 m and fish ladder of 3.0m wide . Hence, total overall waterway provided between
abutments = 85+376+3+3= 467.0m.
Now, let us check whether the maximum flood can pass through this waterway with the maximum permissible
afflux of 1.0 metre or not.
HFL before barrage construction = 262.2 m.
Permissible afflux =1.0 m.
Now u/s HFL = d/s HFL + Afflux
d/s HFL = HFL before weir construction = 262.2 m
u/s HFL = 262.2 + 1.0=263.2 m.
Average discharge intensity (q) =8100/467 = 17.34
Assume Lacey's silt factor f= 1.0
Scour depth (R) = 1.35 (q2/f)1/3 = 9.04 m (let us take R=9.2 m)
Velocity of approach (V)= q/R=17.34/9.2= 1.90 m/sec .
Velocity Head =V2 /2g = (1.9)2/2 *9.81 = 0.19 m
u/s TEL = u/s HFL + Velocity Head =263.2+0.19 = 263.39 m
Head over the undersluice crest= u/s TEL - Undersluice crest level = 263.39-257.0=6.39 m.
Head over the crest of other barrage bays= u/s TEL - Crest level of barrage bays = 263.39-258.3=5.09 m.
Discharge passing through undersluices ( behave as broad crested weir) Qu = 1.7 (L– K.n. H) H 3/2
where L is the clear waterway
Qu= Discharge through under sluices =1.7 [75 - 0.1x 10 x 6.39] (6.39) 3/2 = 1,880cumecs.
Let us keep the width of the crest of other barrage bays portion as 2.0m.
Since the head over the other barrage bays crest is 5.09 m, which is more than 1.5 times the width of the crest ,
it shall behave like a sharp crested weir.
For sharp crested weir: Q= 1.84 (L– K.n. H) H 3/2
Discharge through other barrage bays (Qb)=1.84 (L– K.n. H) H 3/2 =1.84 (324.0 -0.1*54*5.09 )(5.09)3/2 = 6265.2
Total discharge that can pass through the barrage(Q)=Qu+Qb= 1,880+6,265.2= 8,145.2 cumecs > 8,100 cumecs.
Hence, the assumed waterway and crest levels are in order.
Actual overall waterway provided = 467.0 m against Lacey’s wetted perimeter of 427.5 m.
Design of Undersluice Portion
There are two major flow conditions: (i) When high flood is passing: and (ii) When flow is at Pond Level (with
all gates open). Calculate q and HL, for these two conditions and take greater value for design purpose.
Design discharge (Qu)= 1880.0 m3/sec
Velocity of approach (V)= q/R=17.34/9.2= 1.90 m/sec .
Velocity Head =V2 /2g = (1.9)2/2 *9.81 = 0.19 m
Discharge intensity between piers (q) = CH3/2= 1.7 (6.39)3/2 = 1.7 x 16.1= 27.4 cumecs/metre.
Assuming high flood condition (critical one between two flow condition) with 20% concentration and 0.5 m
retrogression, the discharge intensity is increased by 20%. Therefore, new discharge intensity= 1.2 x 27.4 = 32.9
New head required for this discharge intensity to pass (H)= (q /C)2/3 =(32.9/1.7) 2/3 = 7.2 m
u/s TEL = Crest level of undersluice + head over the crest = 257.0+7.2= 264.2 m .
The d/s HFL is depressed by 0.5 m due to retrogression = HFL (before construction of barrage) –Retrogression
=262.2 -0.5 = 261.7 m
d/s TEL = d/s HFL after retrogression + Velocity head = 261.7+0.19 = 261.89 m
HL = u/s TEL - d/s TEL =264.20 – 261.89 = 2.31 m
Use of blench curve (Plate 10.1) when HL=2.31 m and q=32.9 cumecs/metre. gives, Ef2= 9.0 m.
Location of the jump (Level at which jump will form) = d/s TEL – Ef2 = 261.89 -9.0 = 252.89 m.
Ef1=Ef2 + HL =9.0+2.31 =11.31 m.
y1 corresponding to Ef1 (Plate no 10.2) = 2.5 m.
y2 corresponding to Ef2 (Plate no 10.2) = 8.0 m.
Length of concrete floor required = 5(y2 –y1) =5*(8.0 -2.5 ) = 27.5 m.
Provide Length of concrete floor say 29 m (slightly greater than the calculated value of 27.5m)and downstream
floor level of say 252.7 metres (slightly lower than the calculated value of 252.89).
The glacis is provided in 3 : 1 slope
Horizontal length of glacis=3*(R.L. of crest level –R.L. of d/s floor)=3*(257.0 -252.7)=3*4.3= 12.9 metres.
Depth of Sheet Pile Lines from Scour Considerations
Total discharge passing through undersluices = 1,880 cumecs
Overall waterway of under sluices=85 m .
Average discharge intensity = 1880/ 85 = 22.3 cumecs/metre .
Assume silt factor(f)= 1.0
Depth of scour (R) = 1.35 *[ q2/f]1/3 = 135 *[ (22.3)2/1.0]1/3 = 10.8 m, say 11 m .
Let us provide a downstream cut-off at 1.5 R below the d/s water level (which is 261.7 m with retrogression).
Hence, the R.L. of bottom of d/s cut-off= 261.7-1.5x 11.0= 261.7 – 16.5 = 245.2 m.
Let us provide the d/s cut-off up to a bottom level of 245.2 m.
Depth of cutoff from d/s floor level = 252.7- 245.2 =7.5m.
Let us provide u/s cut-off at depth of 1.25 R (i.e. 1.25 x 11.0 = 13.75 m) from top of u/s water level.
Level of bottom of u/s cut-off = 263.2 – 13.75 = 249.45 m.
Depth of cutoff from u/s floor level = 257.0 - 249.5 =7.5m.
Total Floor length and Exit Gradient
Safe-exit gradient (GE) = 1/6
Maximum Static Head (H) = Pond level – d/s floor level =260.6 – 252.7 = 7.9 m
Depth of d/s cut-off (d) = R.L. of d/s floor level – R.L.of bottom of d/s cut-off = 252.7-245.2=7.5 m
GE= H /d * 1/(π √λ)
1/6 = (7.9 /7.5) *1/(π √λ)
1/(π √λ) = 0.158
From plate 11.2 ,value of ‘α’ for a value of 1/(π √λ) = 0.158 ,comes out to be approximately =8.0
Hence α =b/d
i.e, b = α *d =8.0 *7.5 = 60 m
u/s floor length = Total floor length–length of d/s floor–horizontal length of sloping glacis=60–29 -12.9 =18.1 m
Thickness of impervious floor
Calculate uplift pressures at various key points from Khosla’s theory and with the help of HG Line find
unbalance head at different length of floor and find the thickness of floor.
Thickness required=h/(G-1)
h= unbalanced head ,G= sp .gr. of floor material=2.24
It is found that the maximum unbalanced head in the jump trough is equal to 6.96 m. The thickness for glacis
shall, therefore, be designed for 2/3rd of this head, i.e. equal to 4.64 metres, or for the static condition head,
whichever is greater.
Thickness required at point of jump
= 4.64/1.24 = 3.74 m
Thickness required at 5 m beyond toe
3.58/1.24 = 2.88 m
Thickness required at 15 m beyond toe
=3.04 /1.24 = 2.45 m
Thickness required at 20 m beyond toe
=2.76/1.24= 2.23 m
Thickness required at 25 m beyond toe
2.48/1.24 = 2.0 m
Thickness required at 29 m beyond toe 2.28/1.24 = 1.84 m
Protection Works
Downstream Protection
Normal scour depth = R = 11.0 m
D=2R –y( d/s normal Flow depth) = 2R – (d/s HFL – d/s bed level) =2 x 11.0 – (261.7 -252. 7) = 22 – 9 = 13 m.
Provide a launching apron equal 1.5D, i.e. say 20 m in length and of such a thickness approximately (t) 1.5m
Provide a c.c blocks 0.75m over an inverted filter of 0.75 m thickness for a length say1.5D, i.e. approximately 20.7m
Upstream Protection
Normal scour depth (R) =11.0 m
D=1.5 R - y= 1.5 x 11.0 - (u/s HFL - u/s bed level) ) = 1.5 x 11.0 - (263.2 – 257.0) = 16.5- 6.2= 10.3 m
Provide a launching apron equal 1.5D say 16.0 m in length and of such a thickness approximately (t) 1.5m
Provide a c.c blocks 0.75m over an inverted filter of 0.75 m thickness for a length say1.5D, i.e. approximately 15.5 m

Fig; Section of undersluice portion of Barrage

Design of other barrage bays portion
The crest level of other barrage bays may be kept 1.0 to 1.5 m higher than the crest level of under sluices. Let us
keep it 1.3 m higher, i.e. say 257.0+ 1.3 = 258.3 m.
Head over the crest of other barrage bays= u/s TEL - Crest level of barrage bays = 263.39-258.3=5.09 m.
Do necessary calculations in similar way as done in undersluice design . The only difference is the R.L. of crest
After necessary calculations ,the final design section of other bays (barrage) is shown in figure below.

Fig; Section of other Barrage Bays

Silt Excluders
Silt excluders are those works which are constructed on the bed of the river, upstream of the head regulator. The
clear water enters the head regulator and silted water enters the silt excluder. In this type of works, the silt is,
therefore , removed from the water before enters the canal.
5.5 Design of Silt Ejector
Silt ejectors, also called silt extractors, are those devices which extract the silt from the canal water after the
silted water has traveled a certain distance in the off-take canal. These works are, therefore, constructed on the
bed of the canal, and little distance downstream from the head regulator.
5.6 Design of Head Rggulator (Crest,length & thickness of impervious floor)
A head regulator is a structure constructed at the head of a canal taking off from a reservoir behind a weir or a
dam. A head regulator may consist of a number of spans separated by piers and operated by gates similar to that
provided in a barrage.
Functions of head regulator
(1) To make the regulation of supply in
the canal easy.
(2) To control the silt entry in the canal.
(3) To shut out river floods.
Fig; Section of canal head regulator
Design considerations
(1) The water way of the head regulator should be sufficient of pass the full supply discharge of the canal. For a
head regulator with broad crest and sloping glacis at the downstream, the following discharge equation is
applicable :
Q = 1.7(L – k.n.H) H3/2 , Where, Q = total discharge in cumecs , L = length of water way in metres, H=head
causing flow, n = number of end contractions , k = constant, depending upon the shape of the nose of the pier;
varies 0.1 to 0.04.
Or, Q=L. √h [1.69h + 3.54 d ] ; where h = difference in water level u/s and d/s of the channel ,in metres , d =
depth of d/s water level in the channel, measured above the crest
(2) The regulators are normally aligned at 90° to 110° for providing smooth entry.
(3) The crest level of the head regulator should be higher than the crest of the under sluices by a minimum of 1 to 1.2
metres if silt excluder is not provided and greater than 1.8 to 2.0 m if silt excluding device is provided.
(4) The hydraulic jump calculations over the sloping glacis are done in the same way as for sloping glacis weir. The
length of cistern below the end of the glacis should at least be equal to 5(y2-y1). The level of the cistern bed should be
well below the level of the formation of hydraulic jump under various discharge conditions.
(5) The design of the impervious floor should be done on the basis of uplift pressure in the manner similar to that of
sloping glacis weir. The worst condition will be during the high floods when the canal is shut and maximum static head
(6) A concrete cut-off at the end of the impervious floor should always be provided to keep the exit gradient within the
(7) The piers separating the various spans of the regulator should be extended beyond the sloping glacis.
(8) In order to prevent spilling of water towards the canal during high floods, a reinforced concrete breast wall should
be provided from pond level to well above the high flood level.
(9) For the proper operations of the regulator, a bridge is provided, spanning over the piers.
(10) The stability of the piers of the head regulator should be tested to withstand the overturning moment caused by
the high pressure head during floods.
(11) There is no empirical formula to determine the length of the talus of downstream of head regulator. Generally a
talus of 4 to 5 times the depth of canal and 0.8 to 1 m thick in concrete blocks or stones are considered to be sufficient.
Assignment (Chapter-5)
(1) Compute percent residual pressures at
C1, D1, E2, D2, C2, E3, and D3, in fig;(a)
given below by Khosla’s analytically
methods using the respective formulas, if
the charts are not available.

(2) An impervious floor of a weir on permeable soil is 16 m long and has sheet piles at both the ends. The
upstream pile is 4 m deep and the downstream pile is 5 m deep. The weir creates a net head of 2.5 m. Neglecting
the thickness of the weir floor, calculate the uplift pressures at the junction of the inner faces of the pile with the
weir floor, by using Khosla's theory.
(3) The concrete floor of a head regulator is level with the channel
bed (except for the short crest hump) and is 13 m long. The floor is
provided with cut off walls at its upstream and downstream ends. The
depth of upstream cutoff is 1.5 m (below the floor level) and that of
the downstream wall is 2.0 m. Using Khosla's theory [see Fig.(b) for
definition, sketch and formula], determine the thickness of the floor at
its mid length and also at its junction with the upstream and downstream
cutoff walls. The floor thickness may not be less than 30 cm anywhere. Fig(b)
The upstream FSL is 1.5 m above the floor level. If the permissible exit gradient is 0.18, is the floor safe against
failure by piping ?

(4) A barrage is to be constructed on a river having a high flood discharge of about 8,100 cumecs, with the given
data as follows: Average bed level of the river= 257.0 m ,High Flood Level (before construction of barrage) =
262.2 m ,Permissible afflux =1.0m ,Pond Level= 260.6 m
Design a suitable head regulator for the following data for the off-taking canal are also given :
Full supply discharge of canal=180 cumecs
Anticipated maximum full supply level of canal = 260.2 m
Bed level of canal= 257.2 m
Safe exit gradient for canal bed material = 1/5.

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