NMB Bank

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Submitted By:
Abhishek Mishra
Everest College
Exam Roll No: 6677
T.U. Registration Number: 7-2-446-98-2008

Submitted To:
Office of the Dean
Faculty of Management
Tribhuvan University

For the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of

Bachelors of Business Administration (BBA)

August, 2013
I hereby declare that the internship report entitled “An Internship Report on Customer
Service Department and Clearing Department of NMB Bank”, submitted to Office of
the Dean, Faculty of Management, Tribhuvan University, is my original work done in the
form of partial fulfillment of Bachelor’s of Business Administration (BBA) under the
supervision of Anup Basnet (Business Development Manager) and Anup Tamarakar
(Operational Incharge) at Kantipath branch.


Abhishek Mishra

As a requirement of the B.B.A. program and which will lead to the culmination of the
course, I have chosen banking as my area of interest in which to undertake my internship. I
have chosen customer service department and clearing department of NMB Bank Limited
as a focus of my study.

Customer Service Department is the “face” of an org anization and customers are the kings
to the organization. Customers form an image or an impression of the bank through their
interactions with the personnel working in this department. Hence, customer service
department is an integral and critical part of a bank which helps to build a cordial
relationship with the customers.

During the period of internship, I got an opportunity to meet many respectable persons and
through them I gained lots of knowledge. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to
Mr. Upendra Poudyal, Mr. Anup Basnet, Mrs. Pranisha Shrestha, Mr. Shanju
Shrestha, and entire staff of NMB Bank Limited for their kind support and cooperation.

Finally, very special thanks go to my Advisor Mr. Anup Tamarakar who despite of his
busy schedule has provided me a lot of valuable suggestions and encouragement for the
preparation of this report. I would like to express my gratitude to my friends and sister for
their constant support and love.

Thank you.


Abhishek Mishra

Everest College

1.1 Background of the study

A healthy financial system is essential for the healthy sustainable growth of the
country. It must be able to meet the increasingly sophisticated demands that are
placed on it. A well-developed financial system promotes investment by identifying
and financing lucrative business opportunities, mobilizing savings, efficiently
allocating resources, helping diversify risk and facilitating the exchange of goods
and services.
Commercial Banks play a vital role in the economic development of the country. In
Nepal, commercial banks are regarded as the backbone of the financial sector. They
perform various functions for uplifting the economic activities. Currently there are
thirty two commercial banks in the country and some of them have already and
some are in the process of finding the most compatibles partner for merger as per
the policy of the Merger Policy of NRB.
The main focus of this report is to let the reader know about the customer service at
the bank. Customer Service Department is the most important department of any
bank. It deals with various services offered by the bank. It responds to the quires of
the customers giving appropriate solution to their problems promptly. All the
information required by the customer is dispersed through the CSD. The
information could be related to the deposit schemes, loans schemes, consulting,
document requirements, etc. the CSD is the first place a customer approaches after
entering a bank.

1.2 Objectives
The main objective of this study is to study about the activities performed in
Customer Service Department.

1.3 Methodology
All the information has been gathered through a systematic procedure for the
preparation of report. Most of the information has been collected through the
brochures, websites of the bank, document and articles published in the newspaper
and through the interviews as well. The relevant data of the bank have been
obtained through the official site and credible source so the deviation might not
occur. However, the major portion of facts included in the report has been obtained
through the personal experience of intern throughout the internship.

1.3.1 Organization selection

For the specialization in the field of marketing, I had certain options to choose
thatservice organization that offers the most of the information. So I chose NMB as
it has the best offerings to the students. A letter from the college along with
Curriculum Vitae, and photos were presented at the head office of the NMB Bank.
I approached the bank and after few days I was called to join the bank from 23
May 2013.

1.3.2 Placement
For conducting the internship the internee was placed in Kantipath Branch. The
intern was first familiar with the bank and banking environment. During the two
months of internship periods, internee was placed in two different departments.
They are as follows:
Customer Service Department
Clearing Department

1.3.3 Duration of Internship
In order to attain the objectives of the BBA program, the university has placed it in
the final semester i.e. the 8th semester. At this point of time the students of BBA
program are completely ready for converting their theoretical knowledge with
some practical implications. As per the requirement by the Management Dean’s
Office, the internship program has a mandatory duration of 8 weeks. With its
duration and the needed exposure, the program has been designed to attain 6 credit
Accordingly, this internship program was successfully accomplished from
rd rd
23 May 2013 to 23 July 2013 in the Kantipath Branch of NMB Bank Ltd. There
were different activities performed by the intern during this two months’ time
which will be dealt in detail in Chapter 4. There was no time limit working in any
department. From very beginning since he was introduced to the bank (Kantipath
Branch), she worked continuously in both the departments.


2.1 Introduction of Bank Industry

Banking sector definitely plays a pivotal role in the overall development of an
economy. Banks are one of the vital aspects of the economy, which deals in the
process of canalizing the available resources in he needed sectors. It is the
intermediary between deficit and surplus of financial resources. It is the financial
institution with an aim to accumulate the idle money of the general public and lend
those who are intending to use it for productive purpose. Bank offer attractive
product plans and schemes to attract the deposits and then mobilizes their deposits
in providing loan facility to the general public, business house, industries,
agriculture, and other needy sector by charging some interest rates. From this return
they provide return to depositors and make their profits. In this way, banks collect
idle fund, mobilize them into productive sector and hence supports the overall
development of the economy. Thus the bankers have responsibility of safeguarding
the interest of the depositors, the shareholders and the society they are serving.

According to NRB Act 2002, “Banking means accepting for the purpose of lending
or investment of deposits of money from the public, repayable on demand or
otherwise and withdraw by cheque draft order or otherwise”

According to World Bank, “Banks are financial institutions that accept fun d in the
form of deposits repayable on demand or in short notice.”

According toNepal Commercial Bank Act 2031, “A commercial bank is a bank,

which deals in exchanging currency, accepting deposits, advancing loans and

doing other commercial transactions except some specific function done by other
specified banks such as co-operative agricultural bank and industrial bank.”

Commercial banks are the integral part of the national financial system that
functions on continuous basis on society. The basic objective of commercial bank
is to collect idlemoney, mobilize them into productive sector and causing overall
economic development so that the national economy can grow and increase the
standard of living.

2.2 History of Bank

The term ‘bank’ was derived from the Latin root “Ba ncus” which refers to the
bench on which the money mediator would keep his money and his records. Again
the term ‘Bank’ is derived from the French word “”B anque” and the Italian word
“Banca” which mean a bench for keeping, lending and exchanging of money or
coins in the marketplace by money lenders and the money changers. It was also
derived from the German word “Bank” which means Joi nt Stock Company.

In Global Context:
Banking has come to the present advance form through the various stages.
Traditional forms of banking were traced during the civilization of Greek, Rome
and Mesopotamia. “Bank of Venice” was set up in 115 7AD in Venice. Originally,
it was not a bank in real sense being simply an office for the transfer of the public
debt and storing precious metals and coins. Subsequently, “Bank of Barcelona”
(1401) and “Bank of Geneva” (1407) were established . “Bank of England” (1694)
was incorporated as a joint stock bank and later on, it became the first Central Bank
of the world (1844). Then, people migrated to England and the other parts of
Europe from Italy for the development and expansion of the modern banking.
Commercial banking in India began in 1770AD with the establishment of the joint
stock bank, named the “Bank of Hindustan” bay an En glish Agency in Calcutta.

In Nepal:
At the early stage, zamindars were known as banks. The focus was more on lending
money against securities like land and ornaments, which could be redeemed if the
loan wad defaulted. The establishment of ‘Kausi Tosha Khana’ during the regime
of Great Prithivi Narayan Shah and ‘Tejarath Adda’, during the Prime Ministership
of Ranoddip Singh around 1820-1876AD, were taken as the initial step for the
development of institutional banking system.
The history of modern banking industry dates back to1937AD in which Nepal
Bank Limited was incorporated, the government owned 51 percent of the shares in
the bank and controlled its operation to a large extent. It is headquartered in
Kathmandu and had branches in other parts of the country as well. In order to
regulate the economy and the unregulated use of money Nepal Rastra Bank was
created in 1956 as the central bank. Its function was to supervise commercial banks
and to guide the basic monetary policy of the nation. Its major aims were to
regulate the issue of paper money, secure countrywide circulation of Nepalese
currency and achieve stability in its exchange rates; mobilize capital for economic
development and for trade and industry growth; develop the banking system in the
country; thereby ensuring the existence of banking facilities; and maintain the
economic interests of the general public. Nepal Rastra Bank also was to oversee
foreign exchange rates and foreign exchange reserves.

After almost 30 years another state owned commercial bank Rastriya Banijya Bank
was established in 1966. The Land Reform Savings Corporation was also
established in the same year to deal with finance related to land reforms. During
19867 AD the Agricultural Development Bank was also established. Almost 75
percent of the bank was state-owned; 21 percent was owned by the Nepal Rastra
Bank and 5 percent by cooperatives and private individuals. Hence it is clear that
since the 1960s, both commercial and specialized banks have expanded. More

businesses and households had better access to the credit market although the credit
market had not expanded.

Government formulated liberal economic policy to accelerate countries growth and

development. Government encouraged foreign investment and participation of
private sector in the banking sector. The government then applied the policy of
“Joint Venture Banking”. This was a great significa nt event. Healthy competition
prevailed and people were offered valuable services and national as a whole begun
to take benefit.

However, the decade of 1980s can be considered as the landmark in the modern
banking history of the Nepal. It was only in this decade government allowed the
excess to foreign joint venture banks to be the part of the Nepalese banking
business. During this period, three foreign commercial banks opened branches in
Nepal. The first was Nepal Arab Bank established in 19884 AD. It was co-owned
by the Emirates Bank International Limited (Dubai), the Nepalese government and
Nepalese public. After that in 1984 came Nepal Indosuez Bank (currently Nepal
Investment Bank Limited) which was jointly owned by the Credit Agricole
Indosuez, Rastriya Banijya Bank, Rastriya Beema Sansthan ( National Insurance
corporation), and the Nepalese public. Then Nepal Grindlays Bank was the third
foreign joint venture to be established in Nepal which was co-owned by a British
firm called Grindlays Bank, local financial interests and the Nepalese public.

Although government had started the liberalization of financial sector during the
decade of 80’s but this process speeded up only in early 1990’s. In fact private
sector rushed into the banking and financial industry after the restoration of
democracy in 1990. Nepalese financial market scenario at present is shown in the
chart below:

Table 2.1: List of financial institutions

S.N. Organization No, of institutions

1 Central bank 1

2 Commercial banks 32

3 Finance companies 77

4 Development banks 89

5 Co-operatives 16

6 Micro credit development banks 21

7 NGOs (Non-Government Organizations) 38

11 Nepal Stock Exchange 1

Source: www.nrb.org.np

2.3 Commercial Banks in Nepal

Commercial banks are the one of the major financial intermediaries whose primary
function is the transfer lf monetary resources from the savers to the users. They are
the almost largest of all the financial intermediaries. They have the wide range of
activities. Commercial banks collect fund through depository schemes and lend as a
loan to the different parties. Commercial banks do wholesale as well as retail
banking to business corporations and individual entities.
In Nepal, there are 32 commercial banks at present (see in ANNEX 1). Commercial
banks now are not limited to deposit and loan services only but they also provide
variety of other services such as remittance, guarantee, letter of credit, foreign
exchange etc. Nowadays commercial banks have come up with different ideas to
improve its performance and to lower its operating cost by

adopting various technologies like automated teller machine (ATM), Internet
banking, telephone banking (tele-banking), point of sales (POS), mobile banking,

2.4. Importance of Commercial Banks

The major roles of banks are as follows:
1. Lending and Deposit
A bank’s role as an “intermediary” is clearest in t he credit and deposit business.
Clients “bring” to the bank their savings, i.e. the money they have chosen not to
spend. The bank transfers this money to its credit clients in the form of loans.
2. Payment mechanism
Banks, in behalf of their customers, carryout payments for goods and services. This
includes issuing and clearing cheques, conducting electronic payments through
plastic cards, payment of bills in customer request etc.
3. Securities issuing
In a securities issue, a bank or group of banks generally agrees to underwrite the
entire amount of the issue. The securities acquired in this way are then offered for
public subscription for the account and at the risk of the bank or banks involved.
The risk that not all the securities will be placed with the clients is carried by the
bank. The issuer, for its part, has immediately available to it the entire proceeds
from the transaction, regardless of how successful the offering has been. For a bank
to be successful with an offering, it has to be able to gauge market conditions
correctly at the time of the issue.
4. Asset management
Asset management covers a range of banking activities: portfolio management,
investment advisory, securities trading and lending business (collateral loans,
securities lending and borrowing). With a discretionary portfolio management
agreement, clients authorize a bank to undertake, for their account and at their risk,

all the actions it deems appropriate within the framework of the normal asset
management activities of a bank. Clients expect their assets to be managed
professionally and it their best interests.
5. Foreign exchange trading
Foreign exchange is the system or process of converting one national currency into
another and of transferring the ownership of money from one country to another
country. Due to the massive amounts traded in the foreign exchange markets,
various foreign exchange trading is flourishing within banks with the aim to exploit
even the slightest differences between exchange rates (arbitrage).
6. Safeguarding of valuables
Banks also take care of valuables of the customers. It also apprises and certifies the
true market value of their valuables.


3.1 Introduction
NMB bank Ltd , the first commercial bank of Nepal that has been able to upgrade
from a finance company to full-fledge commercial bank,was financially
institutionalized in the year 1996 A.D. in Durbarmarg, Kathmandu. Nepal
Merchant Banking and Finance Ltd, the erstwhile name of the institution was
among the leading financial institutions in its category until May 2008 when the
transformation process for the upgradation was complete and changed its name to
NMB Bank Limited.
NMB is the brain child of leading Nepali Entrepreneurs with the dream of framing
the ultimate in merchant Banking and Financial services. Harnessing from its
strength on Merchant Banking the Bank has decided to broaden its scope of
services by building synergies to its current operation. This unprecedented event
has been possible by the way of strong commitment and confidence of all the
stakeholders’ viz. customers, promoters, stockholders, regulators, and employees.

NMB strives to provide its professional financial services know-how to proper in

today’s competitive environment. To achieve its goal, NMB has assembled a team
of young and dynamic professionals to look after the day operation of the
institution. The professionalism and the experience gained in various sector of
finance over the years will enable NMB to serve its customers in a more reliable
and flexible manner. The company is striving to become a leader in the market for
financial and merchant banking activities. In short span of its existence, NMB has
been recognized as a premier Merchant Bank in Nepal.

Since NMB is managed by the experienced bankers and professionals, it is
considered as the leading bank in Nepal that is committed to the society. The
commitment has always been to behave ethically and to contribute towards the
improvement of quality of life of the people, the community, and the greater
society. The bank has done well in its core area. Today, the bank provides full
range of services to corporate and retail customer and is expanding its scale of
operations. The bank believes in building strong relationships with all the
stakeholders, particularly the customers, is crucial for the growth and prosperity.
The strategy is to create strong customer base with the diversified client supported
by an extensive branch network. They accord the highest priority to a quality
service experience and are always looking for ways to improve their service
There has been a continuous surge in the number of the financial institutions in the
country. This has heightened competition among these institutions which is not
good for the economy as a whole. Instead of quantity, NMB focuses on enhancing
the quality and strength of the existing institutions. This has significance in the
context of WTO agreement also, as per which Nepal has opened up its banking
industry for foreign players in 2010.
Currently it is promoted by members of leading business conglomerates in
association with young Lian Reality, Malaysia and Employee Provident Fund of
Nepal. It is one of the leading Merchant (investment) Bankers at present in Nepal.
It also enjoys number one status among the existing finance companies in terms of
profitability, market capitalization, deposits, risk Assets and Net Worth.
NMB is a public limited company with NPR 2 billion in paid up capital. It has
altogether 26 branches (Annex -2)
3.1.1 Vision
“ To establish ourselves as a leader in banking by providing a range of financial
services suitable to the needs of the market with high priority on customer care

while simultaneously embracing the interests of all stakeholders and value of a
good corporate citizen.”

3.1.2 Mission
To gain supremacy in growth, profit, customer care and social response in
banking by way of:
Reaching out and serving wide range of customers within and outside the
Leveraging and integrating the existing strengths of the institution
Developing a culture of “ Giving Extra Care to the Customers”
Being innovative in designing and delivering services
Adopting prudent investment practices for building up a sound assets base.
Developing internal and external efficiencies by prudent use of technology
Building operational efficiency through smarter processes and controls
Providing exciting and challenging career prospects for the employees
Placing high priority on stakeholders’ interest and statutory compliance
Acting responsibly for making contributions to the society at larg
3.1.3 Objectives
The objectives of NMB are as follows:
To develop a customer oriented service culture with special emphasis on
customer care and service.
To increase the market share by following disciplined growth strategy.
To leverage the technology platform and open scalable systems to achieve
cost effective operations, efficient MIS, improved delivery capability and
high service standards.
To develop innovative products and services that attracts targeted
customers and market segments.
To continue to develop products and services that reduces the cost of funds.

To maintain a high quality asset portfolio to achieve strong and sustainable
returns and to continuously build shareholders’ value.
To explore new avenues for growth and profitability.
3.1.4 Capital Structure
Shareholders and Promoters
NMB is a public limited company with NPR 2 billion, in paid up capital including
25 percent of the shares held by the public. It has wide and diversified ownership
leading Nepalese economist, business persons, industrialist and entrepreneurs
along with major financial institution. Malaysia as a foreign joint venture partner,
has promoted the company.
Table 3.1: Shareholders and promoters of NMB Bank
1. Individual/Institutional Promoters 50.28%

2. Employee Provident Fund 11.56%

3. Foreign Investor 13.16%

4. Public Shareholders 25%

Source: www.NMBBank.com

Fig: 3.1 Participation in NMBs’ share


employee provident
foreign investor

public shareholders

Current Board of Directors of NMB
The Board of Directors consists of seven members that manage NMB. The details
of the present board of directors and management teams are given below:

Table 3.2 Board of Directors of NMB Bank (2013)

Mr Aatma Ram Murarka Chairman
Mr Nanda Kishor Rathi Director
Mr. Manish Jain Director
Mr Rajendra Kafle Director (Representative Employees
Provident Fund)
Mr. T Puraharan CP Ramakrishnan Director (Representative Young Leon
Mr. Jeevan Man Joshi Professional Director
Mr Harischandra Subedi Public Director
Dr Hari Prasad Shrestha Public Director

The management team of NMB consists of all the managers and the department
heads. They are the one who supervise their subordinates and guide them to
accomplish their work efficiently. Management of the organization plays a major
role in achieving organization goal. As the board of directors formulates the
vision, mission, and objectives for the organization, where as managers formulate
action plan to achieve those objectives. The members of management team are
shown below:-

Table 3.3 Management Team Department Heads of NMB (2013)

Upendra Poudyal Chief Executive Officer
Sunil K.C. Deputy Chief Executive Officer
Pradeep Pradhan Chief Operating Officer
Suman Sharma Head -Credit Risks Management and Control
Shreejesh Ghimire Head- Investment Banking
Bijay Giri Head-Corporate Affairs & Cost Centre
Shabnam Limbu Joshi Head-Human Resources
Sanju Shrestha Head- Retail & Priority Banking
Sushama Sharma Head- Institutional Banking
Roshan Regmi Head- Information Technology

Puspa Aryal Head- Trade Finance
Alok Shrestha Manager- Operations and Branch
Pramod Dahal Head-Compliance & Operational Risks
Govind Ghimire Head-Business Banking
Suresh Dhakal Head-Credit Administration
Madhav Pradhan Company Secretary
Neeraj Man Sainju Head- Treasury
Dinesh Chand Head- Transaction Banking

3.1.5 Future plans

NMB bank believes in safe and sustainable growth as the major driving factor
behind all its future plans. Some of the important goals that the bank would be
looking to achieve in the medium term are as follows:
1. Continue to reinforce NMB as a franchise in order to supplement its
business and reputation in the market.
2. Raise the size of the balance sheet to generate the advantage of scale.
However the expansion will be based upon judicious selection of business
both in terms of deposit and loans.
3. Focus on high yield lending opportunities i.e small and medium scale
borrowers with appropriate risk controls.
4. Extend credit lines to basic and infrastructure related projects viz. power,
cement, agricultural products, educational and health related institutions etc.
that have lower external vulnerabilities.
5. Increase customer base to over 100,000 within five years span. Achievement
of this can provide opportunities in selling transactions banking product and
6. Promote a subsidiary company mainly for investment banking purpose.
This is also a regulatory requirement now. Establishing a separate entity for
the reason can add value in terms of raising efficiencies as well as having
focused approach to the business.

3.1.6 Technology
“ Customercare our Religion” has always been the motto including in case of
technological enhancement at NMB bank limited. The IT initiatives have played a
major role in transforming the bank into a highly responsive organization to meet
challenges of a globalised economy. The bank is pursuing a complete IT policy as
strategic initiatives to meet customer expectation. With this end in view, the reach
of IT initiatives was expanded to automate more banking touch points and overall
business. NMB bank have essentially used the IT service Management in the bank
for managing IT systems, philosophically centered on the customer’s perspective
of IT’s contribution to the business.

3.2 Departments at NMB Bank

NMB Bank comprises of many departments where each department looks after
their own area of activities and with its sound and efficient capabilities assists the
bank towards the positive prospects. The major departments of NMB are discussed

A. Customer Service Department

Customer service department directly deals with the customer by providing
information related to various bank. Service offered by bank. It responds to the
queries of the customers giving appropriate solution to their problems promptly.
This department performs jobs of routine and clerical in nature. Specifically,
customer service department deals mainly with account opening, account closing,
renewing of fixed deposit account, Cheque printing and issuing, account
statement, etc.

B. Business Retail Banking Department

NMB Retail banking targets medium and small sized enterprises and resources to
meet the ready requirements of the customers business with personal touch and
responsiveness. This segment of bank provides the wide range of credit facilities

to mid sized business entities, house and groups that include financing to small and
medium enterprises.
C. Corporate and institutional Banking
This segment of credit department comprises a seasoned and team of Relationship
Managers to meet the demanding service standard of large and medium corporate
houses, multinationals, government organizations, Financial Institutions, etc. The
range of facilities are Working capital finance, Pre and post shipment export
financing, import financing, corporate financing, receivable discounting, L/C,
project financing, etc.
D. Information Technology Department
The bank pursues a complete IT policy as a strategic initiative to meet the growing
competition for business, achieve efficiently in international operation and meet
customer expectations. Providers of IT not only focus on technology and their
internal organization, they now consider the quality of the services they provide on
the relationship with customers.
E. HR Department
Human resource department is closely related to bank’s employees such as
recruitment, selection, promotions, transfer, performance appraisals, training and
development, etc. For the purpose of improving the skills, abilities and knowledge
of the staff members, human resource department of NMB bank provides various
job related trainings.
F. Internal Audit Department
This department is responsible for maintaining and verifying the individual
accounts of the day to day basis like the expenses of staff salary, expenses of staff
lunch and other miscellaneous expenses.

G. Accounts/Budget Department
This department is responsible for maintaining and preparing whole accounts and
budget of the bank. This department also prepares final financial statement of
H. Trade finance Department
This department is responsible for opening letter of credit for those people who are
involved in trading activities. This department provides services by issuing letter
of credit as an issuing bank to advice bank in case of import and vice versa when
exporting. The contents required in bill of lading are invoice, packing list,
certificate of origin, insurance and transport document. This department looks after
the foreign trade activities of the bank such as Issuance of letter of credit (both
import and export), Issuance of Guarantee, and Telex transfer.
I. Legal Department
The main function of this department is to look after the legal aspects of the bank.
Formulation of laws and policies for the bank also lies in this department. This
department takes all the legal actions of the behalf of the bank as required
according to the situation.
J. Investment Banking Department
Since NMB is an investment banker, it has setup a different for investment
banking. This department looks after the public offering of securities (IPO and
Rights Issues). The activities of Investment Banking department includes
managing the portfolio of clients, valuation of securities, operation of mutual
funds, management of private placement of equity and providing investment
advisory services.
K. Card Center
NMB Ltd has separate department for the issue of the cards.ATM cards are created and
issued from the head office of NMB. This department deals with the issue, renewal and

management of cards, NMB currently issues ATM cards only. In future, NMB plans to
introduce debit cards that can be used in POS terminals and credit cards also

L. General Administration Department

The general service department of NMB performs miscellaneous works, which are
very essential for the daily functioning of the bank. It makes purchase order of
different types of goods needed for the bank as well as it keeps the record of
different goods purchased and also helps in purchasing the wastage of different
M. Treasury Department
This department is responsible for planning and executing our funding activities
and strategies at the bank. Treasury department also reviews portfolio hedging
used for managing liquidity, market and credit portfolio risk as well as interest rate
risk inherent in non-trading financial instruments and trading risk inherent in the
customer and proprietary trading portfolio.

3.3 Major Products and Services

3.3.1 Credit
A) Corporate and Institutional Banking
Project and term financing- independent or syndicated term loans
Working capital financing for large corporate
Trade finance – letter of credit, guarantees, impor t/ export bills
Loan syndication
Correspondent banking
B) Business and small medium enterprise loan
Structured product based finance for small and medium enterprises- Term
Working capital financing for small and medium enterprises for their short
term needs- Overdraft, Demand Loan, Trust Receipt Loan.

Trade finance – Letter of Credit, Bank Guarantees, Import Export Bill
discounting etc.
C) Retail Banking
Structured consumer loans:
Auto Finance
Mortgage(Home) Loans
Personal Overdrafts
Personal Loans
Education Loan

3.3.2 Deposits and other interest rates

NMB Bank Alkapuri Bachat
Minimum Balance Rs. 1,000
Interest Rate 5% p.a. on daily balance
ATM cum Debit Card
Payment of PSTN & Post-paid Mobile bill
e-Banking facility
Free Mobile Banking Subscription
Free cheque book
Completely filled Personal Account Opening Form
Copy of Citizenship Certificate

NMB Bank Sulav Muddati Bachhat

Fixed Deposit starts from Rs. 100,000
Hassle free withdrawal facility

Saving account on zero balance at 5% Interest on daily basis
Interest on Fixed Deposit will be transferred to savings account on a
monthly basis
ATM cum Debit Card
Free Cheque Book
E-Banking Facility
Mobile Banking Facility
Completely filled Personal Account Opening Form
Completely filled Fixed Deposit Account Form
Copy of Citizenship Certificate and one passport size photo

NMB Bank Investors’ Saving Account

Introduced for the first time in Nepal for hassle free investment in shares
Interest Rate 3.0% p.a. on daily balance
Minimum balance –NIL
Mobile Banking Facility
Free Cheque Book
ATM cum Debit Card
e-Banking Subscription facility
No Application Forms to be filled during initial public offerings (IPOs)
Separate Dedicated counter during IPOs
Hassle free application during issue of primary shares
Same day fund transfer to the account when refund is announced
Completely Filled Account Opening Form
Copy of Citizenship Certificate and one passport size photo

Current Account
Organization can open a current account in its name in order to carry out day-to-
day banking transactions. It is a non-interest bearing account with no limit on
withdrawal facility.
Minimum Balance ranging from NPR. 5,000 to NPR. 100,000 depending
upon organization’s size
No limit on withdrawal facility
Free Cheque facility
Free e-banking
Facility to transfer certain amount to call deposit on predetermined rate.
 Completely Filled Corporate Account Opening Form

Individual Fixed Deposit

Individuals who wish to secure their returns can apply for NMB Bank Fixed
Deposit guaranteeing the interest rate not to change for the nominated term.
Individuals can open fixed deposit with a minimum amount of NPR. 100,000.
Customers can choose the interest rate for the tenure of 3 months to 2 years.
Interest Rate: 9 % for the first year,
Completely filled Fixed Deposit Form
Interest amount transferred to savings account on a quarterly basis
Credit facility up to 80% of fixed deposit

INTEREST RATES (Effective from 29th July 2013)

SAVING DEPOSITS Rates per annum

NMB Investor’s Savings 3.00% Daily Balance (Minimum Balance NIL)
NMB Bank Samriddha 3.00% Daily Balance (Minimum Balance NPR
Bachat 100)
NMB Bank General 4.00% Daily Balance (Minimum Balance NPR
Savings* 500)
NMB Bank Education Plan 5.00% Daily Balance (Minimum Balance NPR
NMB Bank Karmachari 5.00% Daily Balance (Minimum Balance NIL)
NMB Bank Lavansha 4.50% Daily Balance (Minimum Balance NIL)
NMB Bank Belaspur 5.00% Daily Balance (Minimum Balance NPR
Bachat (For Dailekh) 1,000)
NMB Bank Jalpadevi
Bachat (For Kirne)
NMB Bank Triveni Bachat
(For Manthali)
NMB Bank Chalak Bachat 4.25% Daily Balance (Minimum Balance: NPR.
Khata 100)
NMB Bank Sahuliyat 4.00% Daily Balance (Minimum Balance:
Mahila Bachat NPR. 1,000)
NMB Bank Alakapuri 5.00% Daily Balance (Minimum Balance NPR
Bachat 1,000)
NMB Bank Lubhu Bachat
(For Lubhu)
NMB Bank Gaun-Thaun
Bachat (For Thaiba)
NMB Bank Banepa
Subarna Bachat (For
NMB Bank Baraha Bachat
(For Dharan)
NMB Bank Saptakoshi
Bachat (For Biratnagar)
NMB Bank Bindabasini
Bachat (For Pokhara )
NMB Bank Siddhababa
Bachat (For Butwal)
NMB Bank Mero Bachat
(For Nepalgunj)
NMB Bank Ghodaghodi

Bachat (For Dhangadi)
NMB Bank Shaileshwori
Bachat (For Dipayal)
NMB Bank Gadhimai
Bachat (For Birgunj)
NMB Bank Bishesh 5.00% Daily Balance (Minimum Balance NIL)
(For Children, Senior
Citizens & Physically
Disabled People)
US Dollar Savings 1.00 %
GBP Savings 1.00 %
EUR Savings 1.00%

FIXED DEPOSITS Rates per annum

Tenure Institution Individual
3 Months 5.00% 6.25%
6-9 Months 6.00% 6.75%
1 Year 7.00% 7.25%
13 Months-24 Months 7.25% 7.50%
Above 2 Years - 5 Years 7.50% 7.50%
(Interest payable at
Above 5 years (Interest 8.00% 8.25%
payable Quarterly)
NMB Bank Sulav
Muddati Bachat
Tenure: 6 -12 Months
Minimum Fixed Deposit: 9.00% Monthly Interest Payment
Rs. 1,00,000
Sulav Savings Deposit:
Minimum Balance Nil
Sulav Savings Deposit
Interest Rate: 5.00% p.a

Prime Others
Cash Credit / Overdraft 12.00% 14.50%
Importer’s Loan 10.50% 13.50%
Export Finance 10.00% 12.50%
Other Working Capital 12.00% 16.00%
Term Loan 13.00% 15.00%


Housing Loan (5-25 years 11.00% 14.50%
Auto Loan 12.00% 15.50%
Personal Overdraft 13.50% 15.50%
Personal Loan 13.00% 15.50%
Professional Loan 15.00% 18.00%

Loan Against Government 10.00 % 11.00

Securities %
Loan Against Bank 10.00 % 11.00
Guarantees/SBLC %
Loan Against Fixed 2.0 % plus FD rate or Minimum -
Deposits 10.00%
Loan Against Properties 13.50% 16.00%
Loan Against other 12.50% 15.50%
Marketable Securities

Micro Finance Rates per annum

Prime Others
Swecchik Bachat Khata 5.00% Daily Balance (Minimum -
Balance Nil)
Anibarya Bachat Khata 5.00% Daily Balance (Minimum -
Balance Nil)
Micro Bachat Khata 5.00% Daily Balance (Minimum -
Balance Nil)
Retail Loan 15.00% 20.00%
Wholesale Loan 10.50% 13.00%
*Accidental Death
Insurance available
Base Rate Percent Per Annum
Ashar End 2070 9.55%


During internship period, internee worked in specially two different departments.

Inside the block of the bank, internee got chance to work in customer service
department. An internee was given a brief overview about the work of the
particular department and allowed to do general works related to the departments.
However, internee learned by asking questions to the staff of departments and also
by observing their daily works.

The different types of activities performed in different department are:

4.1 Customer Service Department

Customer service department is the most crucial link between a bank and the
customer how this department handles the customer makes all the difference
whether or not the customer wants today business with the bank. In today’s highly
competitive business environment, customer should be treated with the utmost
respect, dedication and nothing less.
It is generally the reception desk that a client first approaches and it is the duty of
this department to help the customer with sincerity. A good delivery of service at
this point often establishes a good link of the bank with the client.

4.1.1 Activities Performed in Customer Service Department

Different activities that the internee had carried out during the placement in CSD
are as follows:
Account Opening
In CSD, the new customers visitmainly to open an account. And the intern himself
had opened around 5 accounts in the system software (Pumori). It is the most

frequent activity done in this department. Customers entitled toopen various
accounts are supplied with contract papernamed account opening form by the
banks. This form serves both the purposes of details of customers and contract
between customer and the bank. While opening a new account presence of an
account holder is necessary.
Process of opening an account:

Provide the details of account and upon customers request provide new
account opening form to the customer who is willing to open an account in
the bank.
After the form has been filled up, verify whether the form has been duly
filled up or not.
After the form has been verified staff at CSD assigns an account number to
the account holder.
Then, the form is approved by the supervisor.
Finally, the client deposits money in his account and becomes the member
of the bank.

1. Individual Account:
Obtain citizenship or passport
Obtain photos of customers
In case of minority of account holder copy of birth certificate and citizenship
of the parent.
2. Proprietorship Account:
Declaration of sole proprietorship
Copy of renewed registration certificate
Identification paper of A/c operator
Income tax registration /renewal certificate/PAN certificates

3. Partnership Account:
Letter of partnership duly signed by all partners
Copy of partnership agreement/deed
Certificate of partnership, registration and renewal
Identification paper A/c operator
Income tax registration/renewal certificate
4. Account of Corporate Bodies
Memorandum and article of the company
Resolution of the board of directors to open and operate the account
List of director’s duty signed by respective directors with home address and
phone number
Company registration certificate
Identification paper of A/c operator
Income tax renewal/registration certificate.
5. Accounts of Clubs, Societies and Association (All Documents to be
dulycertified by Charity)
List of office bearers and address
Copy of By-Law/constitution
Copy of resolution to open andoperate account
Name and signature of person authorized to open account
Certificate of registration and renewal.
Account Closing
It is another important but task done under account operation. People close their
accounts because of many reasonsbut their major reason forclosingof account was
the inefficiency and the late service of the bank and the increased number of
competitors in the area.
Process to close an account is given below:

Customer willing to close the account must fill up the form specifying the
After submission of the form to CSD it is confirmed form the various
departments that the customer is not enjoying any sort of facility from the
bank at present.
The client I then asked to return all his account related belongings like ATM
card and check box.
Then finally, the account of applicant is closed with certain charge.

Printing and Providing Cheque Books

For a new customer, cheque book is provided on the next day of opening an
account. However for the existing customers, cheque requisition from needs to be
filled up. The cheque books are prepared demanding upon the demander number of
leaves in the cheque book. While providing the cheque book, the customer
signature should beverified properly and necessary records need to be maintained.
Distribution of debit cards
The ATM cards become ready to collect after 10-15 days of account opening. Debit
cards were distributed only after the verification of the customer signatures. The
customers were given the debit card along with the pin number. However, the cards
get activated only on the next day. The records of collected debit cards were
manually entered in register with customer signature.
Interaction with customers
The internee has to deal with various natures of customers on CSD. The internee
has to answer the question raised by the customers regarding the various areas such
as interest rate of various schemes, requirements for account opening, information
about different products of bank, etc.

4.2 Clearing Department
Customers deposit cheques, drafts in their accounts, which are drawn on various
banks and bank servestheir customers by helping them collect the fund in their
account through clearing function. The department is responsible for the clearing of
all checks that the bank receives daily.

4.2.1 Activities Performed in Clearing Department

Different activities that the internee had carried out during the placement in
clearing are as follows:
Manual clearing:
It is the process whereby the personnel from clearing department should present in
Nepal Rastra Bank for the clearance of cheques at 11:45 a.m. They come there with
the summary sheet prepared and claim on the desk of clearance. The summary
sheet shows the claim on different banks. The cheques are attached on other bank
cheque sheet (OBC-Sheet). The cheques attached on OBC sheet are distributed to
the respective banks/FIs. The activities assigned to the internee as follows:

Collecting cheques and attaching on OBC sheet:

The cheques are collected from different branches of a bank. After making
confirmation of entries the OBC sheet is printed. The cheques are attached
by matching the cheques amount, cheque number and name of the bank with
the OBC sheet.
Preparation of Summary Sheet:
It is a process where every representative member should prepare the
summarized statement report of total presenting cheques (Summary Sheet)
as per the format thus provided from Nepal Clearing House Limited. In the
summary Sheet there includes name of the bank, no of cheques to be
presented, and the calculated amount of all the cheques.

Checking Different Stamps:
The cheques presented to other banks most contain different stamps like
endorsement, bank’s stamp, cross stamp.
Collecting Cheques from NRB:
The prepared summary sheet is presented the desk of clearance and the
cheques attached on OBC sheet are distributed to the respective banks/
financial institutions. The other banks also drop the respective cheques on
the desk of NMB. The collected cheques are divided as home cheques and
refund cheques.
Entry of Refund Cheques:
The refund cheques are entered in middle ware and matching with the
settlement of clearing transaction provided by clearing house and if any
deviation occurs that must be informed to the respective banks in the form of
fewer claims or over claim.

4.3 Problem Solved

Although NMB is able to meet the changing needs of the customers, some
problems have been analyzed and possible measures have been taken to minimize
the problems and solved them while working in CSD. Following are some of the
problems faced while working during the internship:
1. Communication problem
2. Grievances handling
3. Unsystematic handling
4. Hesitation of customers
5. Work load problem
The above listed problems have been analyzed during the internship program. So to
handle these problems, following steps have been taken for each problem:

1. Communication problem
Most of the customers still have minimum education qualification; they
don’t have proper knowledge regarding the terminologies used in different
forms, vouchers, etc. as they are printed in English language.
To solve this problem, as an intern, they were made clearly understood
about the terminologies used by translating in simple and understandable
language, which could help them in filling up the form correctly and in a
short period of time.
2. Grievances handling
It is the most important problem among the problems. By grievance we
mean a cause for complaints. If it is handled properly, it directly affects the
bank’s image; as a result customers are dissatisfied. Grievances are the
problem associated with bank faced by customers during the transaction
period with the bank.
To solve this problem, CSD can play the important role, as this department
is in direct interaction with the customers. If the problem is critical, it should
be forward to the top level management for solution.
3. Unsystematic handling
Unsystematic management leads to failure. Unsystematic handling of things
is also a problem. Though the problem isn’t so big, if not handled properly
and timely managed, it directly affects the efficiency of banking activities.

To manage this problem, things should be managed in a systematic way, so

that they are readily available whenever required. Specially, intern has
managed the unsystematic record keeping of cheque books lists, ATM lists
and also has managed the issues related to interior designs (related to
interior physical evidences.)

4. Hesitation of customers
It is one of the problems faced by most of the banks. It is difficult to identify
since it is related with psychological aspects of the customers. Some
customers hesitate to convey their problems to the related staff. The bank
cannot read the mind of each customer who visits the bank.
To solve this problem, initiation can be taken to ask customers regarding
their problems frequently and create a friendly environment.
5. Work load problem
It is another problem faced by the banks. At the time of opening and closing
work load is high. So, sometimes it is difficult to provide immediate services
to the customer which leads to customer dissatisfaction.
To solve this problem, increasing the number of working hands can be
beneficial. At the same time, if customers are provided with various
facilities like e-banking, SMS banking, this problem can be minimized to
some extent.

4.4 Observed Gap

The student were selected as internee in different bank so that they can present
themselves as skillful person on related field on which they have been appointed.
The bank gives the environment for internee to fulfill certain responsibilities.
Regarding this internee can show their capability and intelligence. While working
in the bank internee observe and evaluate the theoretical knowledge he has gained
from course books and what actually happened in the real scenario of bank.
Theoretical knowledge helps a lot in understanding the actual working
environment, but not exactly cent percent. The novel type of problem/situation
generates the novel type of solution that the internee might not have studied in
classroom. While working in the NMB Bank an internee has felt/observed
following gaps:

 The intern was only allowed for clerical tasks but not for managerial task
though BBA aims to develop Middle Level Managers. 

 In the theoretical knowledge it was studied that the banks follow each and
every regulations imposed by NRB but the company does not seem to
follow those rules as prescribed. The good example is KYC form should be
filled in front of the customer but it will be filled in the same format after
opening the account. 

 Team work is essential in this modern business era, which must be
enhanced. All the manager and staffs have to feel as the member of team
rather than as a boss and employee. 

 The internee observed that different type of theoretical knowledge can’t be
applied solely rather they are applied in combination in real world. The
good example of it is use of more than one motivational theory, while
motivating the employees of the company. 

 It has been taught that there must be knowledge in the staff about the related
field and must be experienced but the staffs generally lack effective
learning skill and lack deep knowledge in their field. 

 Higher importance is given to customer satisfaction but there is no any
culture of taking customer advice and learning from it. 


5.1 Conclusion
The objectives set and the outcome of the intern program was converging and even
the achievement was more than it was expected. The intern was benefited from the
exposures and knowledge of the real business situations, the college and the TU
benefited in developing a good and prospect manpower for the banking sector. The
bank was benefited to get their work done in relatively lower costs which otherwise
have been incurred and had a record of prospect bank employees for Human
Resources. In this way the whole program was successfully accomplished.

Banking industry is one of the booming and most profitable sectors of the
economy. There has been massive growth and demand of banking products and
services. Thus, the result is increase in number of banks with their specialized
products like consumer loans, investment banking, and foreign trading and so on.
Internship in this industry helps the students to build working framework of banks
and apply theoretical knowledge practically.
NMB bank is ‘A’ grade bank that has been recently u pgraded. It is governed by the
experienced bankers and professionals. It main focuses in providing customer
satisfaction by offering various products and services including saving, fixed, call
deposits, consumer and business loans, investment banking, etc. NMB bank
comprises highly motivated staffs who are customer centered.
Under the guidance of the supervisor and the staff members the internee was able to
experience various activities that are conducted in customer service departments
and clearing department. The intern got vital support by the effective working
environment and highly cooperative and supportive staff members in learning and

experiencing process. The internee was able to know about the basic functioning of
bank like opening and closing of bank account, issuing of cheques and statements,
and clearing of cheques. This has enhanced the practical knowledge and developed
interpersonal skills, professional qualities, communication skills, and team work;
know the ways to deal with the bank staffs and customers.

5.2 Lesson Learnt

The internship program helps to learn the dynamics of work culture,
professionalism and system in the business world. Most of the things learnt during
this period are related to the practical implications and knowledge exposures. Some
of the valuable lessons the internee learned are as follows:
1. Able to relate the theoretical aspects into practical implications in the
banking industry.
2. Learnt about general activities that are performed in customer service
department like opening of account, closing of account, issuing of
statements to the customer, filing, recording, etc.
3. The internee known about the role of NRB in clearing of cheques through
manually and ECC.
4. The internee was able to handle problems and queries related to walk-in
and existing customers.
5. The internee learnt how to deal with customers, senior staff members and
6. The internee known about the corporate culture of the organization.
7. Wearing formal dress, greeting, being polite, having patient and being
sincere in the bank.
8. The internee develop the skill about how to operate banking software like
PUMORI and to use the technologies like photocopy, fax, print, etc.


Manandhar, K. D., & Pokharel, S. B. (2012). Marketing Financial Services. Kathmandu:

Buddha Academic Publishers and Distributors Pvt. Ltd.

Shrestha, M. K., & Bhandari, D. B. (2008). Financial Markets & Institutions. Kathmandu:
Asmita Books Publishers and Distibutors Pvt. Ltd.

Sharma, G. R. (2006). Principle of Marketing. kathmandu: Bhundipuran Prakashan.

NMB Bank Limited.(2012/13). Annual Report. Kathmandu: NMB.





ANNEX 1: List of Commercial Banks in Nepal

S. No. Names Operation Date

1 Nepal Bank Limited 1937

2 Rastriya Banijya Bank 1966

3 Agriculture Development Bank Ltd. 1968

4 NABIL Bank Limited 1984

5 Nepal Investment Bank Limited 1986

6 Standard Chartered Bank Nepal Ltd. 1987

7 Himalayan Bank Limited 1993

8 Nepal SBI Bank Limited 1993

9 Nepal Bangladesh Bank Limited 1993

10 Everest Bank Limited 1994

11 Bank of Kathmandu Limited 1995

12 Nepal Credit and Commerce Bank Ltd. 1996

13 NMB Bank Ltd. 1996

14 Lumbini Bank Limited 1998

15 Nepal Industrial & Commercial Bank Ltd. 1998

16 Machhapuchhre Bank Limited 2000

17 Grand Bank Nepal Ltd. 2001

18 Kumari Bank Limited 2001

19 Laxmi Bank Limited 2003

20 Siddhartha Bank Limited 2002

21 Global IME Bank Ltd. 2007

22 Citizens Bank International Ltd. 2007

23 Prime Bank Ltd 2007

24 Sunrise Bank Ltd. 2007

25 Bank of Asia Nepal Ltd. 2007

26 Kist Bank Ltd. 2003

27 Janata Bank Nepal Ltd 2009

28 MEGA Bank Nepal Limited 2009

29 Commerz and Trust Bank Nepal Ltd. 2010

30 Civil Bank Ltd. 2010

31 Century Commercial Bank Limited. 2011

32 Sanima Bank 2011

Source: NRB, Banking and Financial Statistics

ANEEX 2: Branch Location
Inside Valley
1. Babarmahal

NMB Bhawan, Next to CDO Office, Babarmahal Kathmandu

Phone: +977-1-4246160, Fax: +977-1-4246156

Branch Manager: Chiran Jha

2. Bhaktapur

Surya Binayak, Bhaktapur

Phone: 6617285/6617286

Branch Manager: Dhirendra Wagle

3. Chabahil Chabahil


Phone: +977-1-4482365/ 4468725, Fax: 977-1-4462682

Branch Manager: Dibir Bikram Shah

4. Durbarmarg

I.J. Plaza, Opposite to Bakery Cafe, Durbarmarg Kathmandu

Phone: +977-1-4221222

Fax: +977-1-4222872

Branch Manager: Binaya Shrestha

5. Kalanki

Kalanki, Kathmandu

Phone: +977-1- 4302254/55, Fax: +977-1-4302253

Branch Manager: Ayush Malla

6. Kantipath

Opposite to Jyoti Bhawan, Kantipath, Kathmandu

Phone: +977-1-4238025/ 4238441/ 4238452/ 4238304, Fax: +977-1-4238348

Branch Manager: Bishnu Prasad Paudel

7. Kumaripati (Lalitpur Region)

Opposite to Dega Restaurant, Kumaripati Lalitpur

Phone: +977-1-5524866, Fax: +977-1-5527266

Branch Manager: Yubraj Dhakal

8. Lubhu

Chautara, Chardobato, Lubhu Lalitpur

Phone: +977-1-5581816, Fax: +977-1-5581817

Branch Manager: Sunita Nakarmi

9. Newroad Branch

People's Plaza, New Road Kathmandu, Bagmati

Phone: +977-1-4157540, Fax: +977-1-4157542

Branch Manager: Upendra Manandhar

10. Thaiba

Way to Godavari, Thaiba Lalitpur

Phone: +977-1-5561033, Fax: +977-1-5560702

Branch Manager: Shradha Amatya

11. Thamel

Next to Osho Travels, Amrit Marg, Thamel Kathmandu

Phone: +977-1-4414719, Fax: +977-1-4414997

Branch Manager: Sakar Shrestha

Outside Valley
1. Banepa

Tindobato, Opposite to the Police Station, Banepa Kavrepalanchowk

Phone: +977-11-660771, Fax: +977-11-660773

Branch Manager: Yubaraj Dahal

2. Biratnagar

Rangeli Road, Biratnagar Morang

Phone: +977-21-440458, Fax: +977-21-440557

Branch Manager: Rajesh Timsina

3. Birgunj

Adarsha Nagar, Birgunj, Parsa

Phone: +977-51-528871, Fax: +977-51-528820

Branch Manager: Lok Raj Paneru

4. Butwal

Milan Chowk, Butwal Rupandehi

Phone: +977-71-551505, Fax: +977-71-551507

Branch Manager: Rajiv Malla

5. Dailekh

Naya Bazaar, Dailekh

Phone: 089-420564, Fax: 089-420565

Branch Manager: Suraj Shrestha

6. Dhangadhi (Far Western Region)

Bus Park Road, Dhangadhi

Phone: +977-91-521216, Fax: +977-91-521646

Branch Manager: Tek Raj Bhatta

7. Dharan

Mahendra Path, Near Bus Park, Sunsari

Phone: +977-25-533262, Fax: +977-25-533258

Branch Manager: Milan Udas

8. Dharan Extension Counter

BP Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, Dharan, Sunsari

Phone: +977-25-522327

Branch Manager: Milan Udas

9. Dhunche

Dhunche, Rasuwa

Phone: +977-10-540032/33

Branch Incharge: Manil Ratna Shahi

10. Doti

Pipalla Bazar, Dipayal Silgadhi

Phone: +977-94-440487, Fax: +977-94-440486

Branch Manager: Nabin Bist

11. Kirne

Sahare, Kirne, Dolakha

Phone: +977-9851153910

Branch Manager: Sundar Thapa

12. Manthali

Manthali Bazaar, Near Devkota Chowk, Manthali

Phone: 048-540484, Fax: 048-540041

Branch Manager: Sundar Thapa

13. Narayanghat Narayanghat,


Phone: +977-56-571883/84, Fax: +977-56-571993 Branch

Manager: Badri Kedar Shrestha

14. Nepalgunj

Opposite to District Education Office, Surkhet Road, Nepalgunj, Banke Phone:

+977-81-527981, Fax: +977-81-527983

Branch Manager: Hansha B. Dhami

15. Pokhara

Opposite to UFO Shopping Complex, Chipledhunga, Pokhara Kaski Phone:

+977-61-541528, Fax: +977-61-541529

Branch Manager: Rabi Chandra Gurung


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