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1.1. Introduction 1.2 Types of solids Classification of crystalline solkds Qu. Cam you reeall? Fesihoak pave no i What are the three most comman states of matter? Ik How docs solid state differ from the othe of temperature a 1? (Answer with reference to volume, shape, effect af constituent particles and interparticle forces.) Ans: i The three most common states of matter are a Solid b. Liguid Gm Pointy | a, | Volume as detimite volume las definite volume | Takes the volume of iseoniner | % | Shape Hos definite shape Talces the shape of its | Takes the shape of, Z| Eile af sons | Vonmne cage le meal] Modeau eee on cia eae change in volume change Significantly high temperature ea Effect of pressure Practically non-compressible Small eompresibiliy | Compressible Mavernent of | Particles cannot move feeely’| Fartcles can move a Particles are iw constituent a they occupy fixed | small distance within the | continuous random: permkes sitions liquid ‘motion. — f | Interparticle | Strong Less strong Very weak forces Q.2. State whether TRUE. oF FALSE. If False, rewrite the correct statement. {Most solids have definite shape and volume, ‘The smallest constituent particles of varkous satids are atoms, molecules or jens, QA. What are the (wo types of solids? ‘Ans: The two types of solids ar: i Crysialline sols ve thsin ape a sg ues wits owe granules are same in each granule of the Si “All the granules ofa particular 0 f salt granules appear Maneater Tete ‘The faces of grams ae plain and senooth, The apes baween te various edges ofthe gran “Each granule as a definite characteristic geotnetreal shape MS. Try this (Tearhook page no, 1) : Sie figure carefully. ‘The two types of circles ll the urrangement of particles inthis 90 regular or irregular? Ws the arrangement different in directions AB, CD Of constituent particles same or The urangement of particles in the given solid i regula. ‘The arrangement of panicles in the direction AB and CD is same as both these lines pass ‘ype of particles. The arrangement of Particles in the direction EF is different as ‘this tine py different type of particles. i (246. State the properties of crystalline solids, fas Comallne sls poisess the following characteristic properties Canute anangement of constiwent particles in crystalline gol ‘O27, Give four examples of rystalline sol crystalline so Ane: Examples of crystalline wld: fet nen -ondered structure, but they’ “i, Amorphous solids do not have sharp melting points Fda ve ‘heating, amorphous solids gradually and continuously soften and start to flow, - {i These solids are isosropic. That ia, their propertics such as refractive index, conductivity are all indepen ‘of direction of measurement. They exhibit the same magnitude for any property in every direction © Q.% Give four examples of umorphous solids. al ‘Ans: Examples of amorphous solids: Glass, plastic, metallic glass (metal-metallaid alloy), tr Qu10, Use your brain power (Textbook page no, 2) Identify the arrangements A and Bas crystalline or amorphous, f - [Ams: Arrangement A represents crystalline solids ‘Arrangement B represents amorphous solids Q.11. Distinguish between crystalline solids and amorphows solids. The constituent particles are arranged randomly. and periodic manner sian oe ii They have sharp and characieristfe melting point. | They do not have sharp melting point. They ten over a range of temperature, iis, | They are anisotropic, ie, have different physical isolvopic, ic, have same physical | propetiee ki ciffoutdrsctoe pests csc iv.) They have long range order | They have only short range ender, | eg. | lee, NaCl [ Glass, rubber, plastics, ete. 0.12. What do you mean by isomorphism 4d palymorphism? Ans: i. Isomorphism is the phenomenon by which two or more substances have the same crystal structure ji. Polymorphism is the phenomenon by which a single substance exists in two or more Fortns or crystalline stroctures. (Q.13, Explain the terms with examples: |. Isomorphous Polymerphous Ans: i. Two oF more substances having the same crystal structure ae said to be Lsemarphous. In these substances, the chemical composition has the same atomic ratio. For example, (2) NaF and MgO (ii) NaNO; and CaCOs are isomorphous pairs, and have the same atomic ratios, 1:1 and 1:1:3, respectively. ofthe constituent atoms, ii, A single substance that exists in twa or more forms or crystalline structures is said 10 be polymorphous. Polymorph of a substance are formed under different conditions, For example, Calcite and arsgonite are two forms of calcium carbonate; a-quartz, §-quartz and cristobalite are three of the several forms of silica Q.i4. Wharis meant by the term ‘allotropy’? ‘Ans: Polymorphism occurring in elements i called allotropy. eg, Diamond, graphite and fullerene are allotropic forms of carbon, stalline forms of silica (SiO) are Pier Characteriatics of ionle erystals: AM Thc continent parle fen ct ton af a given sgn of chat®'* eu ea ices o onc crgtals ae eld by cr iii, Tonic crytals ar hard ad Bitte, They have Big MEIHTET™ fe These are noncondustors of electricity in solid sate issoved ia water. : 1 solid state, Give reason. Qn. Tonic solids conduct electricity in molten state but not in solid ‘ a ‘ electrostatic forces of attraction In done solids, constituent fons are held tagethe! TS ee tr pcre in lxed postin in cytal ance. Therefore, they compet MOVE WCET aaa Flomever in molt state the well-defined arrangement of fons in the er ‘move Feely when cece fields applied Hence, ionic solids conduct electricity Q.18, What are the characteristics of covalent network ery ‘Ans: Characteristics of covaleat network erystals: j, The constituent particles in covalent network solids are ators. “The atoms in these crystals are linked! by 4 continuous system of covalent bends, The result is & i dimensional network that forms 3 giant molecule, Thc entire crystal isa single molecule. e, covalent network crystals are very hard. ‘As a result of rigid and strongly’ bonded structure, hardest and most incompressible ofall the materials. They have high melting and boiling points. ‘The electrons are localised in covalent bonds and hence are not mobile. As a result, covalent sol conductors of heal and electricity QU. Try this (Textbook page no, 3) sang, CaM} a covalent Sl yet soft and good conductor of electricity. Explain i In graphite, each carbon ator is bonded to tree other see leseenagee nag Se MOOG caton some ovale Heol teen et eee ee eclgen of carbon atoms, These layers are held: ; baie ee da : ers slip over each other on applying pr iii, The electrons in graphite afc delocalized re lized over th les ‘mpi isa yood conductor of tlecticity Ne whole sheet. Due to the presence of mab r by strong i molten state iy, 1. Diamond has tree dimensional onal network of si* trys oe two dimensional theccie ented ig Blideatecarion sta. These ayers arches gn ising bead ca ton tom undergoes: sp? pare fume hebrdized orbitals in tetrahedral aang, SPT -Faphite, each cisbon atory i d three are the poor ic of covalent network sold ‘The conductivity of covalent network solids increases with temperature. State the properties of molecular crystals, Properties of molecular crystals: fos The constituent particles of molecu solids are moh fi, The bonds within the moleovles ae covalent, The Tarces of attraction such as weak dipole-dipole interactions {atermelecular hytrogen bonds iii Molecular solids are usually sof substances aactive forces. jy, ‘Thene lids are poor elecrical conductors and are god insultors. Textbook page no: 4) fs a hydrogen bond” regen bon ion benaeen potively polaris ivdrogen atom afone molecu ot a high oo er ntch may be neparhey chard of ether molec is caller degen bom rious types of intermolecular forces of attraction that told molecules of meleswi#y Jecules (or unbonded single atoms) ofthe same substance: vnolecules are beld together by various i very weak dispersion or London forces and in low melting potnts. This is becasd af weak imermoleculor Q.24. What are the erystal together Ans: The various types i, Weak dipote-dipote permanent dipole momen si. ey weak dlpersian or Landen forces i nonpolar molecules rach ac sold CHa Hs ot, Thess Oeees tS aaa eed in rommiomic solids ike argon, neos (Tee substances ae usually gases att0em temperate) i. Intermolecular hydrogen bonds i solids such nx H-O tice), Nias HF, se slar forces of attraction that hold molecutes of molecular erystal together are vt in polar molecules such as solid HCI, HO, SO>, etc. which posses Xf chapter 10: States of Moner: Gaseous and Liguist States about warions You herve sradhed in intermolecular forces £9.25. Distinguish between ionic solids and molecular solids ‘Ans: Differences between ionic solids and motecutar solids: Se hTbe copstiwent particles. are charged jont The constituent particles are monostomic or | Mireseeeymnianions). __ polystorie matical fi. The constituent particles are held by electrostatic The constituent particles are held by intermolecular | fee of tacton between appaniely chard forces of aactons sich a Leadon fete, pol dipole forces andor hydrogen bonds, —_ They are noncondustors of electricity in soli ule, However, they are good conductors when | elie o dissolved in water. [eg [ NaCl, Caf, te [iv They have high meltiag points vil Meuallc erat have the oll be Mls ‘are malleable, that is, fe Matas reduce, hat is, hayean BESET TT iy ; e etal have good electrical an thermal conse ocerystalline solids? 1231 nna are the pe partes bn enh ofthe FOE A ee ae “Ane The typeof patie in enc ofthe our main cise ov Tonic slide: Constituent particles are cations and ari rion sohds Constiaeneparicks AEROS. molecules: Faoleularsnlids:Constirucat particles ae monoatomic OCP Malic solids: Constituent parties are metallic ions in 8 968 Covalent network erystals a Metallic erystals $0, CaF Clare examples of oni ral Beta Lye * ‘les of covalent network crystals, Diamond, quarts (S10), boron nitride, carborandum are exampl (Ch, solid CHa, solid C0;, Solid 0; are examples of molecular crystals. jum, cleium, iron, gold arc examples of metallic erystals 0.29, Classify the following solids into different types: ans rm ii Dis » NaCl Ans i Silver ~Metallic solid ii; Biamond ~ Covalent network solid 0.30. Match the follow P,= Molecular solid NaCl —tonie solid K:80, {.2. | Molecalar solids aes b. Tonic solid / Sodium € | Covalent newark said Silica | Metalic solid Ams: ib iia, lid, iv Note: ote: Properties of four types of crystalline solids: Piamies | NACL Ce ‘benaoie “A solid is hard, brittle and luctor, Is melt conducts electricity. ‘What type of solid is it? Aan dr eT) rencontre in 4d sales HSS they at de ctoet when metied: Hens, the given sold isan vanes vd have gh nating ed fling polnks However elt elecrival fictingwish Beewseen hem However, sonic | pooh ionie ond covalent 2olic are hard | properties are deren ond cn be te 1 OA are imacavors at low semporote | tmperinre, ave de meting Pots | reir of covolent sold im general law and ince rut who rubs ice become good conductors anty-at High swith temperanure. However, there 45.70 \o eee Q.32, What isa ‘Anst A lattice isa geometrical arramgentent with respect fo erystal struct or particles that are attached 10 the lattice pointe ‘a basis to each of the lattice points points in «thee dimensional periodic ara cb 20] Q.33. Explain the term ba: ‘Ans: Basis ofthe creata laitice is te, consti ‘A ceystal structure 1 formed by aitaching 0.34 Wien the help of diagram, explain how i a crystal structure obisine ia An Aa yal eractare (or crystal latices obusined by allaching« constituent parle Or basis) wo-each of the Jamtice points ii, Tis represented 1m lattice points and basis? eee | atice + Busis~ Crystal | Note: Crysial Iatice is also called space lattice of crystal | Ateleptals sant cell? pane Phe alles repecaing structural unit ofa crystalline sli (x called mls cel. 0.36, Explain the term: Unit cell Definition: Refer @ 35, ‘When the unit cells are stacked together to generate the crysis cach unit “cell shares its faces edges an comers wth neighbouring unit all 4. "The gooretric shape of a unit cell is same as that of the macroscopic eg. If the crystal has cubic shape the unit cell will also have “constituent particles arranged {0 farm a tiny cube, iv The dimensions of unit cell slong, the three axes are denoted by the symbole a, band c “The angles between these axes ate represented by the symbols a, hand y ‘ees in ton 8. Explain Bravais lattice i erystal structure: een proved that only Fl ‘which similar points 80 ructure, are called even crystal system : 0 seven crystal S777) along three axes and the angles t ings (a. b and © ih 14 Bravais latices also called 14 unit eel Ane j. By-mathematical analysis it has ‘Thats, there are only 1-4 ways in I ltises, which describe dhe cxystal st Fourteen Bravais latices are divided ‘The possible combinations of latiee point spaci between these axes give rise to seven crystal systems ‘In other words, seven crystal systems are associated! Wi tragonl, orihothombic, thombohedral, monoclinic, it w (Q.89, Name the seven crystal systems, ‘The seven crystal systems are cubic, 1 i. Simple or primitive _ i Body-cenired i, Face-centred Po ¢ ° l | wT \ 4 Simple or primitiv 4 Body-centred a 6 Triclinie 7. Hexagonal Simple or primitive COcthorhombie | athe | Monoclinic __aaebee , Name the three kinds of unit cells in eubie system, ‘The three kinds of unit cells in cubic system are) ‘Primitive or simple cubic (se) uit cet. *Face-centred cubic (fcc) unit ell it, Bodty-centred cubic (bec) wait ce Rg Be oay cone cubic unt cll (bee) has particles of Fee cus parce ot the oan cao oF sik See in RMR "A simple cubic (6c) unit cell has particles tits eight corners fi Each particle present at the comer of a given unit cell is shared with scven other neighbouring * vel i conn athe gen unit cel isany 4 ‘Thus the member f pices presents corners perurit cll - 8 comer atoms x 1 atom per MRiE 3 ‘Therefore, simple cubic unit cell has 1 particle per unit cell 4 Qa, Cateutate the number of atoms in bee unit cell, Ans: 1. A body-centred cubic (bec) unit cell has particles at thy i icles at the eight coy i Fach particle present atthe comer of a given unit cell ig shared with Boe aseatie m ‘result, its contribution to the given unit cell : Particles per unit eell, Oo Clete the number of atoms in fee unit ce, A facercentred cubic (fac) nit : ie ) MY Pais he sigh ames Plus parties at th i ea =a “Tum, the munber f cer preset at ooes per un cell = som IRS ASS tar pe unit eh = 3 ‘Therefore, foo unit cell has one comer particle plus 3 fare particles, making total of d particles per wait al Each corner particle f a cube is shared by 8 eubos, Each face particle of» B85 shared by 2 cubes Each comer is part of eight cubes coe \ ‘ ' \ ' \ t 1 t ' ! \ t ' \ t ' t i i ' \ Observe the given unit cell of tungsten ‘What type of unit cell is this? i, How many tungsten atoms occur per sinit ecll? Ans: {The given unit cell is body-centred cubic (bos) unit eel ii, There are two atoms of tungsten per unit cel. Pedal <:46,Obtain the relationship bere density of 3 substance and the edge length of writ cel. ‘haat Relationship between density ofa substance and the edge length of wnt csi J ttedge length of eubic unit cells ‘a, then the volume of unit cell i Suppose that mass of one pastel isn’ and that there ae n’ particles per unt esi Mass of unit cell =m The oil aumber of voids is 7.2275 +018. Cu crystallizes in fee unit cll with edge length of 95 pm, What te the radius of Cu atom? Type of unt cel is fs. Edge length of unit esl (a) = 495 pm Radius of Cu atom (7) Formula: For ee unit cll, =03538 a Caleaaion: Using formula, 703535. = 03535 « 495 pm ~ 175 pm Ans: Radius of Cu atom (0 175 po, (80. Tungsten erystlizes in be unit cl it on 1 ith edge length of 116.8 pon. What is the radius of tungsten Ger Type tuna bc Ege length of unit cell (a)= 316.5 pm Toft Yaductingies wong | Formula. For be unit cll,r» 0.4330 a Calelavion- Using formula, 43303 04330 1165 pm 137.04 ‘Ans: Radius of tungsten ators (¢) 8137.04 pin, “Q.81. The density of iridium is 22.4 gem’, ‘The unit Be ee len 922 pa, cell of iridium is fee, Calculate the is fee {p)= 22.4 gicm? tm = 1925 pn _ feat ON 346.022 22426022 = 3.840 x 10°%om = 384.9 pm Using formula (i, T= 035358 = 03535 » 384.9 pm 135.7 pm. (Using log sobles) =136 pm ‘Ans: Radius of iridiven atom (e) is 136 pm. + Q.82. The unit cell of metallic silver is fee. Ifradius of Ag atom is | 1. edge length of unit cell, i volume of Ag atom, ili, the percent of the volume of a unit cell, that is occupied by Ag atoms, the percent of empty space. ‘Type of unit cell is fee: Radius of Ag atom (1) ~ 1444 pm Edge length of unit cell Volume of Ag stom Percent of the volume of unit cell that is occupied by Ag atoms, Pereent of empty space For fee unit cell, r= 0.3535 a i 4 Volume ofan atom = 2x1" ohuane cecupied by atoms i it cell tal volume of anit cell Percent of volume occupied by Ag atoms = For fec unit cell, r= 0.3535 a = 144.4 pm = 144.4 * 10°" m= 144.4 = 10 cm 144.410" em a tes 1) — 4.085 x 10% em oas5” | 03535 = Volume of Ag siom = 4 x1! = fe aundn (1a 10" ‘em)? = 1.26110" em" 504410." crn! _ gy gael ie ir Prarie ies “jx; Percent empry space = 100-74 dee Ienath of unit cits 408510 cm . Neue rag stan 1.26.9 16 cot gatos is 74%. Percent of the volume of ‘aunit cell that is occupied by: EC lelehans is B55 gfem? and length of unit “+Q.83. Niobium forms bee structure, The density of niobium TO ign? “430.6 pm. How many atoms and unit-ells are present in 0.5 ibn == ol. is box. 3.306% = Peres abnicbium i855 gm" Edge length (4) ~ 230.6 Pe) ~ (Mass of niobium (x) ~ 0-5 8 Yo find: i ‘Number of moms in 0.5 g of niobium ii, Number of unit cells in 5 g of niobium em, =n. Formac: i Number of atoms inxg of metal = fi, Number of unit celsinx of metal = Cofewlanom i. For bee unit cell, n= 2. Using formula (i), Sex 855 gem’? 4 (3.106 * 10 a =3.25%10" Number of atoms in 5 g of niobium ~ Using formula (i, Number of unit cells in 0.5 g of niobium = ————"5 _ 855 gen" =(3306%10" an) = 1.62 «10 ‘Ans: i, Number of atoms in 05 g of niobium is 3.28 x 107 ii Number of unit cells in 0.5.g of niobium is 1.62 10", *Q.84. Am element has 2 bee structure with unit cell edige length of 288 pm, How many uni i ofatoms are present in 200 g ofthe element? (Density of an element = 14 44 Ke a ‘Type of unit cell is bee Edge length (a) = 288 pm = 2.88 « 10" cin, ‘Mass of element (x}= 200 i Number of unit cel in 200 g of eleme ii, Number of toms in 200 g of element 1. Number ofatoms ine g of clemem = 22. pal He Number of unit cells in xg of cement = —2 Cateitotion: i. For bce unit cell, =9 on Using: formula (i, ‘Number of atoms in 3 200 g of Bof clement = 200 +2 Maga khe e 4 8 cm oe tn) Hi Using formal (i, “Numnber of unit cells in 200 g clement = mle eT 100 ci Number af toms in 300 g semen 1.16% 10° i Nur of unites n 200g element i S:80 "10°" i "joe: Ponder cpp appropri rexual concep? ad rma: the ee of deity 1 asumed tthe given festual excrete question F “s(Q86 Alumina crystals in cleo pack strata ih unit cle hength of ISEB: What is fhe radius of Al atom? How minny ait cells are there in L0@ em’ of AIZ Sotation: peat dee 6) Chen Typeof unit cells cop Edge length (a) = 3536 pn = 3.536 = 10° em mie (¥) of Al= Lem Io fo Radin of Al ator) ‘Number of unit ceils n 1.00 cn’ of Al Formas! 4. Por cop (fec) unt call, -~ 0.3835 Ik Normber of clin aliune() of mata Coleuotion: i, Using forma 1=035358 1= 03525 # 3526 = 125 pm i. Using Formula. Number of uni eels in volume (V) of metal umber of unit ss im 1.00 em of Al = =>" G56. 0) ‘ame: i, Rattus of ALstom (7s 125 pm fi Nasber of unt cots in 10 er of Ais 2.26 * 10% | 6. trum crys in be atructre with unt ole Ingen of 26pm, What the radia atom? How many unit cells are ther in 200m" of Fe? Sotution: Given: Type of uit ells bee | age engi (a= 288 pm ~2.88 = 10 er, | Volume (Vy of Fe~ 2.00 em and numbel | Toyint i, —‘aduusof Fe atom 0) | Number of unit cells in 2.00 ex” of Fe Formmniae; i, Farber unitcell,r= 043301 ii, Number of iit cells ia vohame (Vp of metal Caleuiation i. Using Formula, 10.4330 0 130 248 ‘ =1247 pm ti, Using fecln (i), [Numer of uni cells in volume (¥) of metal hyn dete canbe minimised by carving ou eryslizaton at «slower rae, The oe structures. ‘The real; naturally occurring crystalline substances do not have perfect crystal 0.8% What arethe3 rypes oferystal defects? ‘Aas! Thereave three typos of crystal defects point defects, ine defects and plane Sefe = O06 Fraction of nickel existing as N= 0.96 re with cell edge of 288 pm The atomic radius i [NERT (UG) Pot 2020) + 288 pm 2) Ln 288 pm Dy 2 4 288 pm 5 jement has a body centered. cubie (bec) structui acct] Ait element has. body subie (| (a) 2 «288 pm Hint: For bec, Ga-k Hence, r= = 288 pm 4 S$. Which ove of the following compounds shows both, Frenkel as well as Schottky Sefecis! INEET (UG) PAT 2020) {A} ZnS (By Age (Ast (Dy NaCl Lithium crystallises ito body’ centered eubie structure, What isthe radius of lithium ghey ‘unit cell is 351 pra? (A) 75.50pm By) 151.98 pm (©) 240.80 pm ‘Lithium crystallizes in bes structure. For bee cell, r= a =04300 = 0.4330 351 pm = 151.983 pm ‘The edge length of fee type unit ex street 12.6 pm asdA=dn10tom “Density of Al= 2.7 gem’, ‘Mass of the element Al ~ 27 n= 388=4 atoms: TOPIC TEST |, Select and write the correct answer: Solid $02 is a'an solid. (A) sonic (B) molecular (C)_covatent network (D) amorphous Identity the paramagnetic substance. (A) Oxygen (B) Benzene (C) Water (D) Nickel ‘What isthe packing efficiency of bee unit cell? (ay 26% (B) 74% (2) 924% (D) 68% Which of the following metal crystallizes in simple eubic closed packed structure? KA) Copper (B) Zine (©) Silver (D)Potonium ‘Answer the following: ‘A compound forms feo strurture, What s the number of octahedral voids formed in 0.3 mol of it? ‘Name the type of semicanduictor obiained by doping Ge with In. Define: Unit cell. “Attempt any Four: Q3. Calculate the number of stoms in bee unit cell Q4, What isa Schottky defect? OS MECESe ay ssiow [ise ihe Slowing solids iat diterent types: i, NH) molecule Distinguish berween fonie solids and molecular solids, ‘An ionic compound is formed by two elements A and B. The atoms of ckement.B form fee structure and the atoms of A occupy 13nd of tetrahedral voids. What is the formula of the ionis compotnd”? When gold crystallizes, it forms face-centred cubic cells. The unit ell edge length is 408 pm. CCaleulate the density of gold. Molar mass of gold is 197 g/mol. Write the names of the seven crystal systems Download the answers of the Topic Test scanning the given Q.R. Code.

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