AMC 43

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Getting Assets into Your Media Composer Project

2. In the Bins tab, you may select how Media Composer will react when it automatically
detects that you've mounted a volume (for example, a P2 card or a removable drive).
This also becomes the action that Media Composer will perform when you manually
AMA link to a volume, and in the Bin Selection dialog window that will open during the
AMA linking process, you select Bin(s) Based On Current AMA Settings.
‰‰ To use active bin, in this case, you would first select an open bin inside your
Project before mounting or manually linking to the volume through AMA
‰‰ Create a new bin:
i. Default bin naming convention: The bin that's automatically
created will have the name of the Project (with an incrementing
number added for each new bin).
ii. Volume name: The bin that's automatically created will have the
name of the card or drive.
iii. Specify bin name: The bin that's automatically created will have
the text that you type into the entry box

3. Some video formats provide multiple files with varying compression. In the Quality
tab, you may select which files the AMA process will initially link to. Note that the files
that are linked to can be changed later, and this is discussed in the later recipe titled
Changing the link between different resolutions of media.
4. Link Options sets a default for how to treat the audio tracks (for example, mono
or stereo). Note that this can be changed later by selecting the clips and using the
Modify command from the Clip menu.
5. Click on the OK button to close the AMA Settings window.
6. You're now ready to begin the AMA linking process. The following steps cover linking
to files that have been copied off a camera card. You will see this referred to as
linking to a Virtual Volume. If you want to link to the files directly off of the camera
card, see the There's more... section that follows this section for details. The following
steps presume that:

‰‰ You have copied the files off the original camera card and organized them
in a fashion as discussed at the beginning of this chapter, in the recipe titled
A strategy for project organization at the desktop level.
‰‰ The original file and folder structure on the card has been kept perfectly
intact during the copy process to a drive. In other words, there are no
differences between the contents of the card and the copy on the drive.
Note that this is very important and is something you should discuss with
the production team prior to shooting.


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