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GCSE Physics for You, Fifth Edition

Answers to End-of-chapter questions

for Chapter 33, Chemical effect of a current

It is very important that you are able to answer the questions on your own, using your
own knowledge of Physics.
Have a go at the questions first, and then check your answers using this page.
If you get a question wrong, try to work out where you have made an error.

1. a) electrolyte
b) anode, cathode
c) cathode, oxygen, anode
d) copper, cathode
e) cathode
f) mass, current, time
g) ions; ions, cathode; electrons, positive, cathode

2. Plastic is an electrical insulator – it will not conduct.

3. a) copper
b) copper sulfate
c) A
d) The size of the current and the time for which the current flows.

4. Three times the current will cause three times as much copper to be deposited;
twice the time will cause twice the copper to be deposited. Therefore six times as
much copper is deposited.
Mass of copper = 6 × 1 gram = 6 grams

5. a) Current is doubled and time is 500 times longer; therefore 1000 times as
much copper will be deposited.
Mass of copper = 1000 × 0.000 33 g = 0.33 g
b) 1 coulomb passes when 1 amp flows for 1 second (see page 266).
2000 coulombs means that 2000 times as much copper will be deposited.
Mass of copper = 2000 × 0.000 33 g = 0.66 g

OUP GCSE Physics for You, Fifth Edition © Keith Johnson & Sue Holt, 2016 page 1 of 1

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