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1. She is unhappy because of her ————–.

A. Deaf
B. Deafen
C. Deafness
D. Deafened
2. His country has ————– climate.
A. Continent
B. Continental
C. Continence
D. Continentally
3. She has a ————– for pink.
A. Prefer
B. Preferential
C. Preferentially
D. Preference
4. I sometimes do not feel ————– when I am at a party.
A. Comfort
B. Comfortable
C. Comforted
D. Comfortably
5. Ann has to do this job because she has no ————–.
A. Choose
B. Choice
C. Choosing
D. Chosen
6. He did some odd jobs ————–.
A. Disappointment
B. Disappoint
C. Disappointed
D. Disappointedly
7. Don’t be afraid. This snake is ————–.
A. Harm
B. Harmful
C. Harmless
D. Unharmed
8. During his ————–, his family lived in Ho Chi Minh city.
A. Child
B. Childhood
C. Childish
D. Childlike
1. She dances _______________ on stage. (graceful)
2. The _______________ cat is sleeping. (lazy)
3. He speaks _______________ in English class. (confident)
4. The students are listening _______________ to the teacher. (attentive)
5. The movie was so _______________ that we cried. (touching)
6. The cat________ ran across the street. (quick)
7. I need to buy some ________vegetables from the market. (fresh)
8. The children were _________ in the park. (play)
9. She has a _________________ voice and often sings in the choir. (beauty)
10. The large dog barked _______________. (loud)

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