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Platelet Transfusion Medicine
Peter L. Perrotta,1 Jeremy Parsons,2 Henry M. Rinder,3 and Edward L. Snyder3
Department of Pathology, West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia
Department of Transfusion Medicine, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Department of Laboratory Medicine, Yale University School of Medicine,
New Haven, Connecticut


Platelets maintain normal hemostasis through Platelets used in transfusion therapy are prepared
their elaborate responses to vascular injury. by centrifuging whole blood obtained from a single
Accordingly, patients with low numbers of circulat- blood donation or by apheresis using automated cell
ing platelets or functionally hyporeactive platelets separators. The processes used to separate platelets
are at increased risk of spontaneous bleeding or from whole blood have evolved during the past sev-
hemorrhage following traumatic injuries or during eral decades to maximize the ield of platelets while
surgical procedures. Thrombocytopenic bleeding was limiting the number of red and white blood cells.
a major cause of death in patients with acute leuke- Isolating platelets from other blood cells also allows
mia until platelet concentrates (PCs) became widely platelets to be stored under optimal conditions, which
available in the early 1970s.1 Before then, the only are different from the conditions used to store other
source of viable platelets was freshly drawn whole blood components such as red blood cells and plasma.
blood.2 Routine platelet transfusion therapy was
made possible in large part by the development of
gas-permeable plastic containers that facilitate the A. Methods
collection, separation, and storage of platelets from
whole blood. Today, PCs are used extensively to 1. Platelet Concentrates Prepared from Whole
support patients who receive thrombocytopenia- Blood by Platelet-Rich Plasma and Buffy Coat
inducing, intensive therapies for hematologic malig- Methods
nancies and solid tumors. Transfusion services strive Blood is drawn through wide-bore, siliconized nee-
to maintain an adequate supply of PCs that is both dles to minimize the activation of platelets and clotting
safe and efficacious to support patient needs. proteins. Removed blood is immediately mixed with
Unfortunately, the constrained shelf-life of PCs citrate anticoagulant. Before separation by centrifuga-
(5 days) makes it impractical for blood banks to tion, whole blood must be left undisturbed at room
maintain large reserves of products. The safety of temperature for a short period because platelets are
platelet transfusions, in terms of the risk of viral and activated during blood collection. Approximately
bacterial transmission, has improved with advances 450 mL of whole blood is withdrawn during allogeneic
in donor selection and testing. Methods for inactivat- donation, which is then separated to yield a unit each
ing contaminating bacteria and monitoring bacterial of red cells, platelets, and plasma. Platelets prepared in
growth are being implemented in many countries, this manner are often referred to as whole blood “ran-
and this will further increase PC safety. dom donor” platelets (WB-RDP) because the human

Platelets, 3rd edition 1275 © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

leukocyte antigen (HLA) type of the donor is unknown in residual plasma. Leaving the product undisturbed
(i.e., of random HLA type). Each WB-RDP contains on for 1 hour prior to resuspension is intended to mini-
the order of 5.5 3 1010 platelets suspended in approxi- mize platelet aggregation and damage, although one
mately 5060 mL of the donor’s plasma. This volume study found no difference in platelet characteristics or
of suspending plasma is required to maintain platelet in vivo platelet survival when comparing rest times of
viability during storage. 0 minutes, 5 minutes, 1 hour, and 4 hours.4 The PRP
The two major methods used to isolate platelets method yields approximately 5.07.5 3 1010 platelets,
from whole blood are the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) or 6075% of the platelets found in the whole blood
and the buffy coat (BC) methods (Fig. 62-1).3 Most PCs unit before separation. Multiple (e.g., four to six) PRP
in the United States are prepared by the PRP method, units are combined to create a platelet “pool” that is
whereas the BC method is preferred in Europe. more convenient to transfuse than single PRP units.
Anticoagulated blood is separated based on differen- Platelets pooled in blood banks must be transfused
tial sedimentation, a process that is accelerated by cen- within 4 hours of preparation because of the risks of
trifugation. The sedimentation rate is most heavily bacterial contamination during the pooling process.
influenced by physical properties of cells (specific When platelets are manufactured by the BC method,
gravity, size, and deformability) and the viscosity of whole blood is first centrifuged at high force (3000 g
the medium. Separation times and speeds are opti- for 710 minutes) to create a buffy coat layer where
mized to maximize platelet yields within shorter time platelets and leukocytes reside (Fig. 62-1B).
periods. Higher-speed centrifugation separates cells somewhat
In the PRP technique, whole blood first undergoes a differently than slow-speed centrifugation. During
low g force (“soft”) spin, which separates red cells high-speed centrifugation, white cells initially sedi-
from PRP (Fig. 62-1A). Low-speed centrifugation ment with red cells; platelets remain in the supernatant
results in a supernatant (PRP) that contains the major- plasma. Next, red cells are packed closely together and
ity of suspended platelets, 3050% of the original rapidly fall to the bag bottom. This process forces
white cells, and few red cells. The PRP is transferred plasma and white cells upward to the plasma
to a satellite bag and centrifuged at a higher g force interface. The platelets eventually accumulate on this
(“hard” spin). The platelet-poor plasma supernatant is interface. The settling of platelets on the red cell inter-
removed, and the platelet pellet is gently resuspended face may explain the lesser degree of platelet activation

A +/– leukoreduction


Soft Hard
Spin Spin

Whole blood Single-donor PC

Plasma or platelet
additive solution +/– leukoreduction

buffy coats

Hard Soft
Spin Spin

Whole blood RBC Pooled PC

FIGURE 62-1 Preparation of platelet concentrates from anticoagulated whole blood by the (A) platelet-rich plasma and (B) buffy coat
techniques. (Reprinted from Reference 3, with permission; copyright 2010.)


when platelets are prepared by the BC compared to most donors, adverse reactions related to citrate toxic-
the PRP method.5 The resultant buffy coat, consisting ity (hypocalcemia) and hemodynamic instability can
of platelets and white cells, is removed along with occur.11 Interestingly, there is evidence of platelet acti-
small portions of the lower plasma layer and the upper vation in donors several days after platelets are col-
red cell layer. The BC is then centrifuged at low g force lected by apheresis.12 Moreover, repeated platelet
to separate the platelets from leukocytes and red cells. donations by apheresis result in the transient appear-
Top and bottom bag systems facilitate separation by ance of mild platelet dysfunction in the donor.13
allowing the platelets in the buffy coat to remain rela- United States standards require that an apheresis
tively undisturbed in the primary separation bag (with platelet product contain at least 3 3 1011 platelets sus-
the plasma and red cells removed from the top and pended in approximately 200 mL of the donor’s
bottom ports, respectively).6 In practice, four to six plasma. Thus, one apheresis SDP approximates six
BCs are pooled, diluted in plasma, and centrifuged at WB-RDP, but because of the variability in platelet col-
low speed. The resulting platelet-rich supernatant is lection, the range is four to eight WB-RDP. Because of
then transferred to a larger volume storage bag. increased machine efficiency, many blood centers can
Random donor PCs can also be pooled at the collec- collect two, or up to three, SDP doses (69 3 1011 pla-
tion facility to create “prestorage pooled whole blood telets) from a single apheresis procedure. Modern
derived platelets.” ABO identical PCs are pooled in a instruments collect concentrated platelets that contain
sterile closed system, leukocyte reduced, and tested for few white cells—typically less than 1 3 106—and these
bacteria prior to storage. The dose of one of these SDP are considered leukocyte-reduced by most stan-
pooled products is similar to that of an apheresis unit. dards. Plateletpheresis products are stored at 2024o% C
A study comparing prestorage pooled PCs with non- for up to 5 days, identical to platelets prepared by
pooled individual PCs found no differences in either other methods. Apheresis-derived platelets, like BC-
platelet quality as assessed by common measures of and PRP-prepared PCs, contain few red cells, and red
platelet viability or in activation of the coagulation or cell cross-matching is therefore not necessary.
complement systems.7 Another study comparing these However, there are enough red cells in an SDP unit
products found statistically significant differences in that some physicians, in an attempt to prevent active
several in vitro tests of platelet degradation; however, alloimmunization to the RhD antigen, would consider
these changes were not considered clinically relevant providing Rh Immune Globulin to RhD negative reci-
to transfusion therapy.8 Other studies have shown that pients who receive RhD positive SDP, especially
prestorage pooled WB-RDP are not associated with women of child-bearing potential. Transfusing aphere-
any higher incidence of febrile transfusion reactions sis-derived platelets that are ABO incompatible typi-
than are WB-RDP that are not pooled prestorage.9 cally does not produce measurable hemolysis in
adults.14 Some centers titer group O platelets to avoid
2. Single-Donor Platelet Concentrates Prepared by the uncommon situation in which the platelet donor
Apheresis carries an exceptionally high-titer anti-A that could
Platelets collected by cell separators are generally cause hemolysis if infused to a group A recipient.15
referred to as “platelets, apheresis” or “single-donor This situation is more dangerous when group O aphe-
platelets (SDP) by apheresis.” Donor blood removed resis-derived platelets are given to group A infants
through a catheter in an arm vein is passed through an and small children.16
apheresis instrument in which platelets are separated
from other cellular components by differential centrifu-
gation. Instruments are automated in that separation
parameters are determined by the instrument’s elec-
B. Quality Control
tronics based on input parameters, including the Institutions that prepare PC used for transfusion
donor’s weight, platelet count, and hematocrit. PRP is therapy have quality control (QC) programs that detect
separated from whole blood in the centrifuge; the problems in the collection, processing, or storage of
residual red cells and plasma are returned to the these products.17 Guidelines for monitoring PC quality
donor. Most apheresis systems directly collect platelets vary slightly across different countries and are specific
as PRP, whereas other systems yield a concentrated for the preparation technique.18 Most standards
platelet pellet that must be gently resuspended. require measurements of platelet numbers, pH, and,
Approximately 4 or 5 L of donor blood is processed when products are labeled leukoreduced, white blood
during the 1.5- to 2-hour collection. Other systems cell count (Table 62-1). Platelet and white cell counts
have been developed that can collect not only platelets reflect the efficiency of the particular platelet collection
but also red cells and plasma during a single dona- and/or leukocyte reduction process utilized. The con-
tion.10 Although platelet apheresis is well tolerated by centrations of platelets prepared from PRP



TABLE 62-1 Standards for Platelet Concentrate Quality 2. Residual White Cell Counting in Platelet
Assurance Concentrates
United States18 Europe276 Centers that produce leukoreduced PCs must
Whole Apheresis Whole Apheresis
ensure that a sufficient number of white cells have
Blood Derived Blood Derived been removed from products.21 Automated hematol-
Derived Derived ogy analyzers are inappropriate for determining white
cell numbers in leukoreduced PCs because of their
Platelets (31010) $ 5.5 $ 30 PRP $ 0.02, $ 20
BC $ 0.005 lack of sensitivity when trying to measure very low
WBC counts such as are seen in leukoreduced PCs.22
Volume (mL) Not Not .40 mL per .40 mL per
Most residual white cell counts are therefore per-
specifieda specifieda 60 3 109 60 3 109
platelets platelets formed by manual chamber techniques using larger
volume chambers such as the 50 μL Nageotte-type
White cells ,0.83b ,5.0b ,1.0a ,1.0a
hemacytometer.23 While these “chamber” white cell
(3106) to label
leukoreduced counts are considered acceptable for monitoring PC
quality, alternative approaches have been developed
pH .6.2 .6.2 6.47.4 6.47.4
that are more precise and accurate at the low white
Standard met if 90% of units tested fall within indicated values. Volume of plasma cell counts found in leukoreduced PCs. These techni-
sufficient to keep platelet pH . 6.2. ques, which are not routinely employed by blood cen-
In 95% of units tested.
ters to verify adequate leukoreduced PCs, include flow
cytometry, microvolume fluorometry, and quantitative
polymerase chain reaction (PCR).24
(150,000450,000/μL) are less than those collected by
apheresis (.1,000,000/μL). As a QC tool, PC pH is
measured at the end of the storage period because a
pH below 6.2 or above 7.6 correlates with decreased III. PLATELET STORAGE AND STORAGE
in vivo efficacy.19 The total volume of PCs is largely INJURY
based on the amount of plasma needed to maintain
product pH within an acceptable range during storage. PCs undergo alterations during collection, proces-
Temperature control charts on platelet incubators ver- sing, and storage that adversely affect their structure
ify that the platelets were stored between 20 and 24 C. and function. These changes, commonly referred to as
the platelet storage defect (PSD) or platelet storage
lesion (PSL), are important because they are
1. Platelet Counting in Platelet Concentrates associated with decreased post-transfusion in vivo
The original methods employed to enumerate plate- survival.25 Several factors related to the collection,
lets used small-volume chamber hemacytometers and processing, and storage of PCs that influence devel-
phase contrast microscopy. These techniques required opment of the PSD have been identified
removal of red cells by lysis or sedimentation before (Table 62-2).26 For example, centrifugation may dam-
counting and were time-consuming, labor-intensive, and age platelets by exposing them to conditions of high
highly variable with coefficients of variation exceeding shear stress. Shear stress may cause the release of
10%. Thus, automated hematology analyzers are com- both cytosolic lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and
monly used by blood banks to determine platelet counts platelet granule contents.27 Residual leukocytes and
in PCs in a more rapid and reproducible manner. platelets remain metabolically active during storage
Although the precision and accuracy of most instru- and continue to consume nutrients and produce
ments are generally considered acceptable, a multicenter potentially harmful metabolic products. Cellular
study conducted by the Biomedical Excellence for Safer debris and proteolytic enzymes are also found in the
Transfusion (BEST) Collaborative group found signifi- surrounding plasma. Interactions between stored pla-
cant interanalyzer variability among instruments used to telets and suspending plasma may activate clotting
count platelet numbers in PCs.20 There are several possi- factors and, thus, the coagulation system.
ble explanations for variability in PC platelet counting. Stored PCs have been studied using a wide variety
First, hematology analyzers are designed for whole of techniques including platelet morphology by
blood samples—not PRP—and thus are calibrated using microscopy, pH, LDH, platelet activation markers,
whole blood controls. Second, analytic errors can be osmotic recovery, platelet aggregation, and extent of
introduced when PC samples are diluted before analysis. shape change (Table 62-3).28,29 Simple evaluations
Third, platelet aggregates can form during product sam- include visually inspecting PCs before they are trans-
pling, which results in falsely low platelet counts. fused. Normal discoid platelets, when exposed to a


TABLE 62-2 Factors that Influence Development of the Platelet falls below about pH 6.2, the platelet undergoes a
Storage Defect disc-to-sphere transformation and the refraction of
Collection and Separation Storage Conditions and light is lost and the platelet “swirl” disappears. The
Techniques Processing lack of swirling may thus correlate with a less-than-
predicted post-transfusion platelet increment.31 In
Blood drawing flow rate Storage temperature
clinical practice, however, only platelet number, con-
Type of anticoagulant/preservative Storage duration centrate volume, supernatant pH, and white cell
solution number are routinely measured in PCs; these tests
Ratio of anticoagulant to whole Form and intensity of platelet likely reflect only a small subset of changes that occur
blood agitation during platelet storage. Many investigators believe
Time between whole blood Volume of suspending plasma that in vivo autologous recovery of radiolabeled plate-
collection and separation in PCs lets is the gold standard test of platelet viability and
Centrifugation forces Composition of storage
should be conducted when storage conditions and/or
(time and g force) container (permeability) platelet substitutes are evaluated.32 The survival
curves of transfused platelets, whether an allogeneic
Processing temperature Leukodepletion technique
PC prepared by a standard or novel technique,
should approximate those curves obtained when
unaltered autologous platelets are infused.
Standardized methods utilize radiolabeling of plate-
TABLE 62-3 In Vitro Tests of Platelet Concentrate Quality
lets with 51chromium or 111indium.33

Cellular content (platelet count) A. Platelet Concentrate Storage Conditions

Visual inspection for swirling phenomena 1. Platelet Storage Temperature and Platelet Cold
Platelet morphology by microscopy Injury
Platelet size distribution by automated counters
PCs were originally stored refrigerated like red
blood cell units until it was determined that platelet
FUNCTIONAL TESTS function and viability are severely compromised when
Platelet aggregation, spontaneous and to agonists
stored at these colder temperatures.34 They are now
stored at 2024 C, which markedly improves post-
Hypotonic shock response transfusion viability as compared to cold storage.35
Extent of shape change Alternatively, the viability of platelets stored at physio-
Thrombin-stimulated ATP release
logic temperatures (closer to 37 C) is lower than those
stored at 22 C. This observation may be related to the
METABOLIC STATUS normal high metabolic rate of platelets with rapid
Supernatant pH, pO2, pCO2, HCO3
adenosine triphosphate (ATP) turnover—a rate that
can be decreased by maintaining platelets at lower
Glucose consumption than physiologic temperatures.36
Lactate production Platelets stored at 4 C develop a sphere-like mor-
phology, which is evidence of irreversible physical
PLATELET ACTIVATION damage.37 Even when platelets are briefly exposed to
P-selectin (CD62P) surface expression temperatures less than 20 C for 24 hours, as may occur
Soluble P-selectin release to supernatant
during transport of platelets from a supplier to a hos-
pital, there are observable differences in platelet mor-
Platelet factor 4 and β-thromboglobulin phology. These shape changes may involve actin
Annexin V binding assembly.38,39 Furthermore, refrigerated platelets are
Lactate dehydrogenase release to supernatant
rapidly cleared from the circulation upon transfusion.
Evidence suggests that this clearance is mediated by
Platelet microparticle formation the integrin αMβ2 (Mac-1) on Kupffer cells in the liver
that recognize clustered glycoprotein (GP) Ib receptors
on chilled platelets, resulting in rapid platelet phago-
light source and the plastic storage bag is gently cytosis.40 The circulation of functional cooled platelets
rotated or squeezed, refract light and produce a in mice can be prolonged through enzymatic galacto-
visual “swirling” phenomenon that can be identified sylation of chilled platelets, which effectively blocks a
by trained personnel.30 If the pH of the unit of PC lectin that recognizes exposed β-N-acetylglucosamine



(βGlcNAc) residues of N-linked glycans on GPIbα.41 relatively small within the first 1424 hours after whole
However, post-transfusion survival of chilled platelets blood collection because of the buffering capacity of
in humans was not improved by galactosylation.42 plasma and red cells. As in cold injury, platelets
exposed to a pH , 6.3 exhibit morphologic changes and
2. Agitating Platelet Concentrates have diminished in vivo survival upon transfusion.
PCs are routinely stored with continuous gentle agi- Most of the pH-related effects of stored platelets appear
tation in order to slow deterioration of in vitro mea- permanent, although more modest damage may be par-
sures of platelet function and structure.43 In addition, tially reversible.51 Thus, the amount of plasma required
agitation appears to prolong platelet survival following in a PC is selected to ensure adequate buffering capac-
transfusion.44 Horizontal agitation on a flat-bed agita- ity to maintain the pH of the PC . 6.2 during the stor-
tor is generally preferred over circular rolling “Ferris age period. In general, 35 mL of plasma is sufficient for
wheel”-type agitation.45 Agitation is thought to a single WB-RDP unit, but 5060 mL is typically pro-
enhance the transport of gases like O2 through the vided in practice. Platelets stored at room temperature
storage bag. There is evidence that PCs stored without have lower metabolic activity than platelets that circu-
agitation experience upregulated glycolysis, which late in vivo at body temperature and are therefore stored
may lead to increased lactic acid production and a fall at 22oC.52 Based on the propensity of platelets stored at
in PC pH. The BEST Collaborative group reported that cooler temperatures to be cleared more quickly after
PCs could maintain a pH greater than 6.5 for up to transfusion, several studies have examined the effects of
7 days storage after temporarily stopping agitation for warming platelets to body temperature before transfu-
the 2024 hours that might be required to ship a PC sion. The most recent of these found that heating autol-
from a blood supplier to a healthcare facility.46 These ogous platelets stored at 22oC to 37oC provided no
findings suggest that the PC glycolytic rate returns to benefit in platelet survival following transfusion.53
lower levels after agitation is resumed. Finally, the detrimental effects on platelet metabolism
during storage appear at least partially reversible by
“rescuing” the platelets with fresh plasma.54
B. Platelet Storage Containers
One of the most significant advances in platelet
transfusion therapy was the development of plastic, D. Anticoagulants
gas-permeable storage containers that allow adequate
O2 and CO2 exchange. The earliest storage bags com- The anticoagulant-preservative solutions into which
posed of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and a 2-diethylhexyl whole blood is drawn typically contain either of two
phthalate (DEHP) plasticizer did not allow platelet formulations of citratephosphatedextrose (CPD or
storage beyond 3 days. Aerobic metabolism was not CP2D) or CPD with adenine (CPDA-1). The cardiotoxic
maintained, which resulted in lactic acid production, a agent EDTA, used in the early days of platelet transfu-
rapidly falling pH and, most importantly, poor in vivo sion, is inappropriate because EDTA-anticoagulated
platelet recovery and survival.47 The next generation of platelets are rapidly removed from the circulation. The
storage containers, composed of PVC and non-DEHP concentration of citrate in CPD plasma is usually
plasticizers such as butyryl-tri-hexyl citrate, was more 2022 mM. Apheresis platelets are generally collected
gas permeable, allowing the storage of platelets for 5 into solutions containing citric acid, trisodium citrate,
days at 2024 C, while maintaining acceptable degrees and dextrose (ACD-A). Dextrose provides a source of
of in vitro function and survival after transfusion.48 energy, and phosphate serves as a buffer. Adenine,
Containers composed of polyolefin with even greater which is added to blood collection bags to improve
oxygen permeability have been shown to provide a red cell survival during storage by increasing cellular
stable in vitro environment for PCs stored for up to ATP levels, does not appear to enhance platelet sur-
7 days.49 vival during storage. When pH levels and concentra-
tions of calcium ions are maintained lower than in the
physiologic state, platelets are less likely to become
C. Metabolic Changes during Platelet Storage activated, release their intracellular contents, and
The metabolic processes of human platelets continue undergo irreversible aggregation. The amount of cit-
after they are removed from the body and stored as rate found in PCs does not usually produce hypocalce-
PC.50 Moreover, the white cells found in PCs also main- mia or systemic anticoagulation in recipients of PCs
tain some metabolic activity. Thus, the pH of whole because the citrate is rapidly metabolized to bicarbon-
blood begins to decline soon after collection at a rate ate in the liver. However, patients with end-stage liver
dependent on the buffering capacities of these cells and disease are more prone to citrate toxicity, which can
the suspending solution. Decrements in pH are cause transient hemodynamic depression.55



E. Platelet Storage Solutions PGE1/theophylline PSS has also been studied in

attempts to further improve in vitro platelet
PCs are typically stored suspended in autologous preservation.68
plasma to better maintain pH and cell viability. However, The newer PSS appear more capable of maintaining
a number of platelet storage solutions (PSS) have been platelet integrity and metabolic properties than older
developed that, like plasma, maintain platelet structure formulations. Improvements include adding cations like
and function.56 A major reason for developing PSSs is K1 and Mg21 to a PSS, which reduces in vitro indicators
that plasma not used to suspend platelets could be used of platelet storage degradation (e.g., lower glucose
for other purposes.57 This was particularly true in the uptake, decreased lactate production) after 7 days of
1970s and 1980s, when large amounts of plasma were storage; however, this was not accompanied by
needed to manufacture Factor VIII concentrates for improvements in platelet recovery following transfu-
patients with hemophilia. In addition, patients transfused sion.69 In a similar study, platelet recovery was lower
with platelets stored in PSS may be less likely to experi- for PCs stored in a PSS containing cations than those
ence allergic and febrile transfusion reactions and, possi- stored in plasma, despite maintenance of in vitro indica-
bly, transfusion-related acute lung injury. Crystalloid tors during storage.70 Most recently, little differences
solutions that do not contain glucose or bicarbonate do were seen in the metabolic and cellular functions of pla-
not maintain PC pH, and platelets stored in such solu- telets stored with plasma alone compared to those
tions therefore exhibit reduced in vivo recovery after stored in 20/80 plasma/PAS mixture PSS that con-
transfusion.58 Furthermore, at least some glucose is tained higher levels of Mg21, K1, and glucose.71 The
required in the Krebs cycle for oxidative processes and in Mg21 appears to better preserve the ability of stored
glycolytic reactions that result in lactic acid production. platelets to bind and aggregate to subendothelium.72 In
Most PSS are buffered salt solutions that contain var- another study, the effectiveness of PSS was questioned
ious additives (e.g., gluconate and acetate), designed to by investigators who found that autologous platelets
reduce oxygen consumption, glucose utilization, and stored in a 20/80 mix of plasma/PSS had poorer post-
lactate production, and also to limit in vitro platelet acti- transfusion recovery than platelets stored in plasma.73
vation.59 Acetate also participates in platelet metabolism Thus, PSS may not be able to entirely replace plasma.
through the tricarboxylic acid (citrate) cycle and is oxi-
dized through the respiratory chain.60 The use of acetate
in PSS is thought to limit production of lactate and
F. Platelet Activation during Storage
hence to partially replace glucose as a substrate for Platelets become activated during the preparation
energy production.61 Removing plasma may decrease process and during prolonged storage as assessed by
the incidence of certain transfusion reactions, but post- flow cytometric analysis of the platelet surface expres-
transfusion increments may be lower when platelets are sion of the α-granule membrane protein P-selectin
resuspended in additive solutions alone.62 Other inves- (CD62P).74 Alternatively, soluble P-selectin can be
tigators, however, have been unable to demonstrate a quantified in supernatant plasma.75 P-selectin surface
difference in platelet recovery when PSS are used to expression is one of the most commonly applied mea-
suspend platelets.63 More recently, a study examining sures of platelet activation in PCs, and efforts have
the use of a PSS found that apheresis platelets stored in been made to standardize these measurements.76
a mixture of 65% of a PSS and 35% plasma maintained Other proteins found within platelet granules, such as
PC pH $ 6.9 for storage up to 5 days, while maintaining β-thromboglobulin, platelet factor-4, and serotonin,
platelet survival upon transfusion.64 have also been examined in stored PC.27 Annexin V
PSS have been used for some time in Europe when binding, which is used as a marker of phosphatidylser-
preparing buffy coat platelets,65 although they can also ine exposure on the platelet surface, has been exam-
be used to produce platelets by the PRP technique. ined as an alternative marker of platelet activation
Various inhibitors of platelet and coagulation factor acti- within the context of platelet preparation and storage.
vation, such as theophylline, prostaglandin (PG) E1, and In general, annexin V binding increases during 5 days
aprotinin, have been added experimentally to PSS in of platelet storage at room temperature.77 However,
attempts to further preserve platelet function.66 PGE1 sti- the degree of change in annexin V binding may be
mulates adenyl cyclase, whereas theophylline inhibits related in part to the method used to prepare platelets
platelet phosphodiesterase; the net effect of both addi- (e.g., PRP vs. apheresis-collected platelets).78
tives is increased cyclic adenosine monophosphate In any event, materials and methods used to collect,
(cAMP) availability. cAMP at least partially inhibits cal- prepare, and store PCs are generally designed to limit
cium release from the dense tubular system membrane.67 platelet activation.79 Increased platelet activation gener-
Adding aprotinin, a broad-spectrum serine protease ally correlates with other adverse changes that occur
inhibitor, and a thrombin inhibitor (e.g., hirudin) to during platelet storage. However, there is little evidence



that the degree of platelet activation associated with present in PC. PMPs are strongly procoagulant, and
platelet preparation and storage impairs the ability of there is evidence that they retain many of the biologic
transfused platelets to produce acceptable post-transfu- properties of intact platelets (see Chapter 22). Various
sion recovery or to arrest bleeding. Studies have been mechanisms may contribute to PMP formation in PCs,
conducted to determine if activated, P-selectin-positive including direct mechanical injury and exposure to
platelets are preferentially removed from the circulation stresses during component preparation. In addition,
in proportion to P-selectin surface expression. However, PMPs are formed as a result of the inevitable platelet
these studies are limited by the difficulty in controlling activation that occurs during platelet processing and
other factors (e.g., supernatant pH) that affect the sur- storage—activation that partially depends on
vival of transfused platelets in the circulation.80 interactions between platelets and the plastic storage
Michelson et al.81 demonstrated in a nonhuman pri- container.85 PMP formation in PCs is most conve-
mate model of platelet transfusion that transfused niently quantified by flow cytometric methods based
degranulated platelets rapidly lose surface P-selectin on light-scattering properties and surface expression of
to the plasma pool but continue to circulate and func- GPIb-IX or GPIIb-IIIa (integrin αIIbβ3).86
tion in vivo. This study demonstrated that platelet sur- Differences in PMP formation observed when
face P-selectin molecules, rather than degranulated platelets are prepared using different component
platelets, are rapidly cleared. These results were subse- preparation techniques (e.g., apheresis vs. whole
quently independently confirmed by Berger et al.,82 blood-derived PC) appear to be related to separation
who found that the platelets of both wild-type and forces and anticoagulant concentrations.87 Platelets col-
P-selectin knockout mice had identical life spans. lected by apheresis contain more PMPs than the donor’s
When platelets were isolated, activated with thrombin, predonation plasma, and there is little increase in PMP
and reinjected into mice, the rate of platelet clearance number during storage, suggesting PMP formation
was unchanged. The infused thrombin-activated plate- resulted from the collection process.88 Thus, patients
lets rapidly lost their surface P-selectin in circulation, transfused with PCs prepared using modern techniques
and this loss was accompanied by the simultaneous are exposed to significant numbers of PMPs. However,
appearance of a 100-kDa P-selectin fragment in the it remains unclear to what degree these procoagulant
plasma. Storage of platelets at 4 C caused a significant PMPs contribute to the hemostatic effectiveness of
reduction in their life span in vivo, but again no signifi- transfused platelets. In addition, fragments of white
cant differences were observed between the two geno- cells, endothelium, and platelets appear capable of pro-
types. Thus, the results of Berger et al.82 confirm that voking primary alloimmunization to HLA antigens in a
P-selectin does not mediate platelet clearance. transfusion recipient.89
Furthermore, in a thrombocytopenic rabbit kidney
injury model, Krishnamurti et al.83 reported that throm-
bin-activated human platelets lose platelet surface P-selec-
H. Apoptotic Activity of Stored Platelets
tin in the (reticuloendothelial system-inhibited) rabbit Apoptosis, or programmed cell death, plays an
circulation, survive in the circulation just as long as fresh important role in many biological processes. During the
human platelets, and, most important, are just as effective past decade, it has been recognized that anucleate plate-
as fresh human platelets at decreasing blood loss. Taken lets undergo apoptotic-like changes in response to chem-
together, these studies8183 strongly suggest that the mea- ical and physical stimulation.90 Platelets contain
surement of platelet surface P-selectin in platelet concen- enzymes that are central to apoptotic execution such as
trates stored in the blood bank should not be used as a caspase-3, and key elements of the mitochondrial death
predictor of platelet survival or function in vivo. pathway including cytochrome c, Apaf-1, and death reg-
However, platelet surface P-selectin could still be a useful ulators of the Bcl-2 family (see Chapter 3).9194 Since pla-
measure of QC during processing, storage, and manipula- telets are anucleate, it is hypothesized that this apoptotic
tion (filtration and washing). The reason is that, in con- machinery originally resided in, and was programmed
trast to the situation in vivo, the activation-dependent by, nucleated megakaryocytes from which platelets are
increase in platelet surface P-selectin is not reversible over derived. In vitro experiments demonstrate that platelet
time under standard blood banking conditions.84 apoptosis can be induced by calcium ionophores, other
platelet agonists, and following storage at room tempera-
ture under standard blood bank conditions. Platelet cas-
G. PlateletDerived Microparticle Formation in
pase activity is enhanced during storage at 37 C;
Platelet Concentrates
however, inhibition of caspase activity does not improve
Platelet-derived microparticles (PMPs), small parti- platelet viability at 37 C despite clear decreases in cas-
cles derived from the membranes of intact platelets pase activity.95 Evidence of platelet apoptosis also exists
also known as platelet-derived microvesicles, are at the mitochondrial level in stored and experimentally


stressed platelets.96,97 Understanding the role of apopto- implemented universal leukodepletion in 1999, largely
tic mechanisms in platelet survival (see Chapter 3) could based on the theoretical benefit of reducing the risk of
help to better understand the platelet storage lesion. variant CreutzfeldtJacob disease. The clearest bene-
fits of leukoreduction include decreasing the risks of
I. Cold Storage of Platelets febrile nonhemolytic transfusion reactions, cytomega-
lovirus (CMV) transmission, and HLA alloimmuniza-
The constant need for platelet products and their tion.105 Platelets are most commonly leukoreduced
relatively short storage time at room temperature has soon after collection and before storage (prestorage
prompted investigation of processes of cold storage leukoreduction). “Poststorage” leukoreduction refers
that might prolong the shelf-life of platelets for trans- to the less common practice of removing white cells
fusion. Unfortunately, although these studies have immediately before transfusion. Prestorage leukore-
yielded important information on platelet physiology, duction can be performed when platelets are prepared
the ability of cold-stored platelets to function and sur- by either the PRP method or the BC method. For the
vive after transfusion has not yet been borne out. latter technique, BC concentrates are pooled and fil-
Cryopreservation of platelets using Trehalose stabili- tered through a single filter, either on the day of pro-
zation has been demonstrated to maintain thawed pla- cessing or after overnight storage. “Process”
telets’ ability to regulate internal pH and related platelet leukoreduction refers to the ability to collect platelets,
function.98 When Trehalose-stabilized freeze-dried out- by apheresis, with very little white cell contamination;
dated platelets were used in a murine wound model, platelets collected by apheresis are considered prestor-
the preserved platelets induced wound healing to the age leukoreduced.
same degree as standard PC.99 In vitro examination of Cotton wool was the first material used to remove
Trehalose-treated platelets at 4oC showed that platelets white blood cells from donated whole blood.106
did not undergo as rapid apoptosis as untreated plate- Currently, the three most commonly used leukoreduc-
lets and were able to maintain aspects of function.100 tion filters are composed of negatively charged polyes-
However, studies of cryopreserved platelets currently ter, positively charged polyester, and noncharged
have not progressed beyond in vitro assessments. polyurethane. Some polyester filters are constructed as
Platelets stored at 4oC are rapidly removed from the a nonwoven mesh, whereas polyurethane filters form
circulation after transfusion.101 The mechanism of this multilayer sponge networks. White blood cells are
clearance is thought to be due to clustering of the removed from blood by filters through several mechan-
platelet GPIbα receptors with a resulting increase in isms, including simple sieving/mechanical retention
exposure of galactose residues; the latter are recog- based on cell size, direct adhesion of white cells to
nized by β2 integrin sialoglycoprotein receptors on fibers, and indirect adhesion through platelets.107
hepatic macrophages which bind to and clear the pla- Earlier developed leukoreduction filters removed not
telets. This mechanism was confirmed in a murine only leukocytes but also platelets, which adhered to the
model of thrombocytopenia.102 It was initially thought polyester fiber surface. Fibers were later modified, for
that galactosylation would block this interaction example, by coating with polymers such as polyhy-
because galactosylated platelets maintained in vitro droxyethyl methacrylate/polystyrene, to minimize the
function after 14 days of cold storage and inhibited loss of platelets during blood filtration.108 Two filters
in vitro macrophage recognition.103 However, when remain in widespread use—one to remove white cells
UDP-galactose was added to platelets in a phase I trial from red cell concentrates and another to remove
of storage at 4oC, this treatment did not prevent clear- white cells from PC.
ance.42 It appears that capping the β-GlcNAc with
galactosylation will prevent clearance with very short-
term 4oC storage but is ineffective with the needed
long-term storage; the latter continues to increase
B. Gamma and Ultraviolet Irradiation of
platelet-hepatic macrophage binding via both β2 integ- Platelets
rin and AshwellMorell receptors.104 Residual white blood cells found in PCs can
cause transfusion-associated graft-versus-host disease
(TA-GVHD) in susceptible patients.109 This rare, albeit
usually fatal, reaction is prevented by gamma-irradiat-
ing PC before transfusion. Ionizing radiation inacti-
A. Leukocyte Reduction of Platelet
vates residual T cells found in PCs by damaging
nuclear DNA. Platelets that are stored for 15 days
In many countries, platelets, like red blood cells, are and then irradiated with 5,000 cGy (1 rad 5 1 cGy)
commonly leukoreduced. The United Kingdom maintain normal in vitro measures of platelet structure



and function.110 More important clinically, irradiated There are relatively few recent studies examining
platelets (5,000 cGy) produce the expected platelet the use of riboflavin and UVA (Mirasol PRT,
increments and appear hemostatically effective when CaridianBCT Biotechnologies, Lakewood, CO), possi-
transfused to thrombocytopenic patients.111 When irra- bly related to the findings described later indicating
diation is performed, the FDA requires that a dose of concerns on loss of platelet numbers and function in
2,500 cGy be delivered to the midplane of the irradia- stored PC treated by this technology. In one study,
tion canister and that a minimum dose of 1,500 cGy be most platelet properties were preserved equally well
delivered to any other point in the canister. This irradi- after storage of PRT-treated concentrates versus PSS
ation dose effectively inactivates T cells and is well tol- alone.72 However, there is contrasting evidence sug-
erated by both whole blood- and apheresis-derived gesting that treating PCs with this PRT can adversely
products in terms of in vivo platelet recovery or plate- affect platelet-dependent clot strength and aggregation
let survival.112 Moreover, gamma irradiation does not after storage.127 Furthermore, platelet counts do not
harm in vitro measures of platelet function when aphe- appear to be as well preserved after Mirasol PRT treat-
resis-derived platelets are irradiated and stored for up ment, possibly related to enhancement of platelet
to 7 days.113 However, gamma irradiation of platelets activation and metabolic activity 128
does not destroy bacteria and cannot be used to pre- Transfusing platelets, in general, is associated with
vent bacterial proliferation in platelet components. a low incidence of adverse reactions, but there
Exposing platelet transfusion recipients to foreign remains a risk of serious reactions including acute
major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigens is a lung injury. The latter may be associated with neutro-
major cause of platelet alloimmunization. This in turn phil oxidase activity that is primed by generation of
can lead to a platelet refractory state in which patients biologically active compounds found in stored PC.
do not respond to platelet transfusions. The Trial to However, it does not appear that this priming activ-
Prevent Alloimmunization to Platelets (TRAP) showed ity is increased by either a PSS nor by the two main
that ultraviolet B (UVB) irradiation at 1,480 mJ/cm2 PRT technologies, including Mirasol and one that uti-
was equivalent to leukofiltration for decreasing the lizes amotosalen and UVA (INTERCEPT, Cerus
incidence of platelet refractoriness in patients with Corporation, Concord, CA).129
acute myelogenous leukemia.105 Animal experimenta- A larger number of studies are available evaluating
tion has shown that UVB-irradiated leukocytes induce both the in vitro and in vivo experience with INTERCEPT
a state of humoral immune tolerance in which recipi- PRT. This process was shown to be fully functional in
ents cannot respond to foreign MHC antigens.114 In plasma storage of platelets, with complete inactivation of
vitro studies have verified that medium-wavelength bacteria in conventional random donor platelet units.130
(280320 nm) UVB light inactivates leukocytes found Initial evaluations examining PRT in PC stored in plasma
in PCs, but the necessary dose is related to the type demonstrated little effect of this PRT on platelet mor-
and size of the plastic container in which platelets are phology, hypotonic shock response, or shape change
stored. When exposed to 3,000 J/m2 UVB, PCs stored over 5 days of storage, although the pH in the PC did
for up to 5 days exhibit no adverse effects on pH or fall faster than in non-PRT-treated PC in plasma.131
aggregation responses.115 Higher doses of UVB irradia- Thus, subsequent studies have examined INTERCEPT
tion (100,000 J/m2) cause changes in platelet structure treatment in platelets stored with a PSS. In vitro studies
and affect the expression of various platelet membrane of INTERCEPT-treated buffy coat PCs demonstrated
proteins including GPIb.116 superior in vitro platelet function and metabolic proper-
ties in PSS supplemented with Mg21 and K1.132 When
evaluating for a storage-induced increase in biologically
active components, investigators found that INTERCEPT
C. Pathogen Reduction Technology PRT did not affect the release of cytokines/chemokines
Pathogen reduction technologies (PRTs), largely over 7 days of PC storage.133 Ex vivo studies of this PRT
based on photochemical reactions, are being developed versus conventional PCs stored for up to 7 days demon-
to inactivate viruses and bacteria that may contaminate strated a drop in platelet numbers, likely related to the
blood products.117,118 An important feature of any pho- inactivation process. However, under flow conditions,
tochemical treatment developed for platelet therapy is platelet adhesive function was maintained similarly to
its ability to leave platelet function intact so that post- conventional PC. Early prospective transfusion studies
transfusion recovery and survival are not impaired.119 demonstrated a low incidence (,1%) of transfusion reac-
PRT methods under investigation include riboflavin tions with this PRT process and a safety profile similar
(vitamin B2) plus ultraviolet (UVA) irradiation,120,121 to conventional (without PRT) PC transfusion.134
amotosalen-HCL (S-59) plus UVA irradiation,122125 Hemoviligance studies of larger patient numbers con-
L-carnitine, and gamma irradiation.
firmed this low incidence of transfusion reactions.135


Since INTERCEPT PRT is in use in several countries has delivered a child with neonatal alloimmune throm-
within the EU, clinical assessments of efficacy and bocytopenia (NAT) may be indicated if the mother’s
safety from a large experience (B200,000 PC transfu- platelets are to be transfused to the newborn as a
sions) are now possible. A recent review found no source of HPA-1a-negative platelets (see Chapter 46).
development of antibodies to neoantigens and no cyto-
toxic reactions to INTERCEPT-treated PCs.136 In fact,
there appears to be a reduced incidence of febrile and
allergic reactions since PRT was introduced; although V. PLATELET TRANSFUSION THERAPY
there is some platelet loss during the process, there
was no increase in the frequency of PC transfusion The earliest reports of the potential benefits of plate-
when compared to historical controls. A second retro- let transfusions utilized freshly drawn whole blood as
spective review of PRT-treated patients and historical a source of viable platelets.143 Bleeding times were
controls using data from the same database demon- reduced and hemorrhage stopped when thrombocyto-
strated a similar decrease in the incidence of transfu- penic patients were transfused with whole blood.
sion reactions and, additionally, no increase in platelet Fresh whole blood, however, is neither a convenient
or red cell usage on a per patient basis following PRT nor an optimal source of platelets, and thrombocytope-
introduction.137 The latter finding was also demon- nic bleeding remained a major cause of death in
strated in a review of a single institutional experience patients with acute leukemia.1 PC became widely
in all transfused patients and in a subset of patients available in the late 1960s and early 1970s when plastic
with hematologic disease.138 collection/storage containers were developed that
Thus, there appears to be no identifiable adverse facilitated the separation of platelets from whole blood.
impact of this PRT on component usage. These find- These new sources of concentrated and viable platelets
ings are supported by a recent report demonstrating improved the outcomes of patients with hematologic
that although the corrected count increment (CCI) in malignancies and solid tumors who received intensive
transfused patients was slightly better in standard PC chemotherapy. Hematology/oncology patients are the
versus PRT-PC (an expected finding given platelet loss major recipients of PCs, although significant numbers
during the PRT process), there were no differences in of PCs are utilized by trauma, general surgery, cardio-
post-transfusion bleeding and overall red cell product thoracic surgery, and solid-organ transplant services.
usage, nor was there an increased interval to the next Despite vast clinical experience with platelet transfu-
PC transfusion.139 INTERCEPT PRT side effects were sion therapy, transfusion practices vary widely and
also studied in a subset of at-risk subjects, namely evidence-based guidelines are often not followed.144
patients receiving hematopoietic stem cell transplants Platelet transfusions are primarily used to treat or
(HSCT) who are thought to have a higher incidence of prevent bleeding in patients with thrombocytopenia or
acute lung injury after PC transfusion.140 For HSCT platelet function defects. The majority of PCs are trans-
patients with lung injury, there was no difference in fused to nonbleeding, thrombocytopenic patients as a
mortality between those receiving PRT versus those prophylactic precaution.145 The effectiveness of platelet
receiving standard PC support. However, these inves- transfusions in bleeding thrombocytopenic patients
tigators also did not find a difference in the number of has been well established through an accumulation of
days of platelet support or the number of platelet clinical experience, not through controlled trials. It is
transfusions between HSCT patients with and without generally agreed that increasing platelet counts to
acute lung injury. 4050 3 109/L stops major bleeding. The benefit of
prophylactic platelet transfusions in preventing hemor-
rhage in thrombocytopenic patients with bone marrow
failure is more controversial. Importantly, the cause of
D. Volume-Reduced Platelet Concentrates thrombocytopenia should be established before initiat-
The total volume of PC prepared by the PRP tech- ing platelet transfusions because platelets are often
nique is typically 4060 mL. This volume is required ineffective in some thrombocytopenic conditions,
to maintain PC pH . 6.2 during 5 days of storage, such as immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP)
although smaller (3540 mL) volumes of donor plasma (Chapter 40). In other conditions, such as thrombotic
may be adequate.141 In certain clinical situations, it thrombocytopenic purpura (Chapter 43) and heparin-
may be necessary to reduce the volume of PC even fur- induced thrombocytopenia (Chapter 42), platelet trans-
ther. For example, ABO-incompatible plasma can fusions could be harmful. Patients with congenital or
potentially harm neonates and small infants.142 acquired platelet function defects (Chapters 50 and 51)
Removing platelet-specific antibodies (e.g., anti- will usually have normal numbers of circulating plate-
HPA-1a) from platelets obtained from a mother who lets. However, since these platelets have decreased



hemostatic capabilities, platelet transfusions can con- globulin (RhIG) within 72 hours of transfusion. An
trol or arrest bleeding in many circumstances. intravenous preparation is available to prevent RhD
alloimmunization, which is a safe and effective alterna-
tive to intramuscular RhIG preparations for thrombo-
cytopenic patients.152 Apheresis-derived platelets
A. General Considerations in Platelet
contain very few red cells, and thus, some physicians
Transfusion Therapy consider RhD immunoprophylaxis unnecessary in this
Each unit of WB-RDP platelets, prepared by either situation.153
the PRP or BC technique, typically contains more than The practical aspects of transfusing platelets are
5.5 3 1010 platelets. When transfused, one WB-RDP similar to those used to transfuse other cellular blood
unit is expected to increase a recipient’s platelet count products. Both the platelet product and the intended
by 510 3 109/L in the absence of conditions associ- recipient must be accurately identified before starting
ated with decreased platelet survival such as fever, the transfusion. Vital signs should be taken before the
sepsis, and splenomegaly. Historically, WB-RDPs have transfusion and then soon thereafter or if there is any
been administered in “pools” of six units. Many hospi- evidence of a transfusion reaction. Common signs of a
tals have decreased pool sizes to four or five WB-RDP reaction include temperature elevations and changes
units because processes used to separate platelets from in blood pressure. Patients may develop symptoms
whole blood have become more efficient; a WB-RDP such as chills, pruritus, rash, and shortness of breath.
often contains .810 3 1010 platelets per concen- Platelets, like red cells and fresh-frozen plasma (FFP),
trate.146 Single-donor platelets collected by apheresis must be transfused at the bedside through an infusion
are highly concentrated and contain more than 3 3 1011 set that contains a filter (usually a screen filter with a
platelets, equivalent to four to eight average WB-RDP 170265 μm pore size) to remove fibrin clots and
units. larger debris that can form during storage. This is
Testing requirements of platelet donors are the required even if the blood components are filtered pre-
same as for any blood donor and include ABO and Rh storage with a leukoreduction filter. Routine platelet
(D) typing, as well as screens for human immunodefi- transfusions must be completed within 4 hours,
ciency virus (HIV)-1, HIV-2, HTLVI/II, hepatitis B, although most require less than 2 hours.
hepatitis C, VDRL, West Nile Virus, and Chagas.
A portion of donors are tested for cytomegalovirus
(CMV) IgG antibodies; products drawn from these
B. Prophylactic Platelet Transfusion
CMV seronegative donors are labeled “CMV nega-
tive.” PCs that are leukoreduced under carefully con- Decisions to transfuse any blood product, including
trolled and monitored conditions are considered an platelets, should not be made based purely on transfu-
acceptable alternative to CMV seronegative products sion “triggers.” The overall status of the patient (e.g.,
to minimize the risk of CMV transmission in suscepti- disease, medications, and coagulation status) must be
ble patient groups.147 Studies suggest that leukore- considered when determining the need for platelet
duced apheresis platelet products also do not pose a transfusions. Historically, many physicians have trans-
significant risk of transmitting CMV to patients given fused platelets to maintain platelet counts higher than
a platelet transfusion following stem cell 20 3 109/L, believing that this level was required to
transplantation.148 prevent spontaneous bleeding.154 However, serious
Many hospitals transfuse ABO-compatible or ABO- bleeding may not occur until platelet counts are
identical platelets whenever possible because data sug- ,5 3 109/L in the absence of other conditions that
gest that ABO-incompatible platelet transfusions (e.g., impair hemostasis.155 The earliest efforts to determine
group A platelets to group O recipient) are associated thresholds for prophylactic platelet transfusion were
with decreased platelet survival.149 Transfusing plate- complicated by the widespread use of aspirin as an
lets that are incompatible with the recipient’s blood antipyretic agent, before its detrimental effects on pla-
type may also lead to increased levels of circulating telets were established.
immune complexes, the effects of which are unclear.150 There are three major difficulties encountered when
Most PCs contain few red cells, and red cell cross- attempting to define an optimal prophylactic platelet
matching is unnecessary. However, there are sufficient level: (1) serious hemorrhage is rare, even at very low
red cells in random donor PCs to cause RhD alloim- platelet numbers; (2) minor clinical bleeding is difficult
munization in RhD-negative individuals.151 If Rh-nega- to quantify;156 and (3) platelet counts are less accu-
tive random donor PCs are not available for an RhD- rately determined at the very low platelet numbers
negative patient, RhD-positive platelets can be trans- found in severely thrombocytopenic patients.
fused followed by administration of Rh immune Measurement of stool red cell loss by 51Cr red cell


labeling to estimate spontaneous bleeding in patients transfusion trigger values are used. When lower pro-
with aplastic anemia revealed that stool blood loss was phylactic platelet transfusion thresholds are applied,
not significantly elevated until platelet counts fell recipients are exposed to less donor blood, which in
below 5 3 109/L.157 A small clinical trial reported at turn will decrease the risk of transfusion-transmitted
the same time suggested that major bleeding, mortal- disease and other complications associated with blood
ity, and the use of red blood cell transfusions were not transfusion.
different in patients who received prophylactic platelet Two more recent multicenter randomized controlled
transfusions (,20 3 109/L) versus those who received trials have provided additional data regarding prophy-
platelet transfusions only when bleeding (other than lactic platelet transfusions. The PLAtelet DOse study
from the skin or mucous membranes) developed.158 (PLADO) evaluated three prophylactic platelet doses
The most widely studied patients are those with acute based on the recipient’s body surface area (low:
leukemias, although similar studies of patients with 1.1 3 1011 platelets/m2; medium: 2.2 3 1011 platelets/
solid tumors suggest that serious bleeding is uncom- m2; and high: 4.4 3 10 11 platelets/m2).165 The study
mon until platelet counts are ,10 3 109/L.159 compared the percentage of hospitalized oncology
One of the earlier larger trials designed to study the patients who experienced at least grade 2 WHO bleed-
safety of lowering platelet transfusion thresholds pro- ing (i.e., mild but clinically significant blood loss).
spectively followed 102 consecutive patients with acute Stable nonbleeding patients were transfused when the
leukemia.160 Patients with platelet counts ,6 3 109/L morning platelet count was less than 10 3 109/L. No
received prophylactic transfusions, whereas those with significant difference in the percent of patients
counts .20 3 109/L were transfused only for major experiencing at least grade 2 bleeding was found in
bleeding or before significant invasive procedures. the three arms of the trial (71% low dose, 69% medium
Other thresholds were 611 3 109/L for patients with dose, 70% high dose). The investigators concluded that
fever or minor bleeding and 1120 3 109/L for the prophylactic transfusion of lower doses of platelets
patients with coagulation disorders and minor proce- at a threshold of 10 3 109/L does not lead to increased
dures. Thirty-one major bleeding episodes occurred on bleeding but may lead to more frequent albeit smaller-
1.9% of the study days when platelet counts were dosed platelet transfusions. The risk of significant
# 10 3 109/L and on only 0.07% of study days when bleeding did not appear to measurably increase until
counts were between 10 and 20 3 109/L. The investiga- the platelet counts fell below 5 3 109/L.
tors concluded that a prophylactic level of 5 3 109/L The Strategies for the Transfusion of Platelets study
was safe in the absence of fever or bleeding. However, (SToP) evaluated two prophylactic doses (low:
several of the major bleeds occurred in the 1.52.9 3 1011 platelets; and high: 3.06.0 3 1011 plate-
610 3 109/L group of patients who were not receiv- lets).166 Like the PLADO study, the SToP trial evalu-
ing prophylactic platelet transfusions. ated prophylactic platelet dose with at least grade 2
Prospective randomized platelet transfusion trials WHO bleeding as the endpoint. This study was halted
have compared the bleeding risks and platelet transfu- prematurely due to a higher rate of serious grade 4
sion needs of groups of thrombocytopenic patients bleeds in the low-dose arm. However, there was no
who received platelets at either the 10 3 109/L or significant difference in the number of $ grade 2
20 3 109/L thresholds (Table 62-4).161164 These studies bleeds between the two groups. A third multicenter
suggest that there are no differences in hemorrhagic trial that has recently closed, the Trial Of Prophylactic
morbidity and mortality rates when the lower platelet Platelets Study (TOPPS), is comparing the efficacy of

TABLE 62-4 Summary of Platelet Transfusion Trigger Trials

Study No. of Type Design Platelet Count Findings
Patients Trigger ( 3 109/L)

Gil-Fernandez 190 Bone marrow transplant Non-randomized 10 vs. 20 No difference in bleeding; fewer platelet
et al., 1996161 transfusions in 10k group
Heckman et al., 78 Acute leukemia Randomized 10 vs. 20 No difference in bleeding
Rebulla et al., 255 Newly diagnosed acute Randomized, 10 vs. 20 No difference in major bleeding; no
1997163 myeloid leukemia multi-institution difference in red cell transfusions
Wandt et al., 105 Acute myeloid leukemia Prospective 10 vs. 20 No difference in bleeding; fewer platelet
1998164 comparison transfusions in 10 k group



prophylactic and therapeutic platelet transfusions. The categories: (1) in vitro platelet function and biochemis-
prophylactic group will receive a platelet transfusion try; (2) in vivo platelet survival in the circulation; and
at a 10 3 109/L threshold, whereas the therapeutic (3) clinical assessment of hemostatic efficacy, such as
group will only receive platelet transfusions when monitoring of epistaxis, hematuria, and petechiae. The
actively bleeding.167 The endpoint for this study is latter measures are imprecise and difficult to
again $ grade 2 WHO bleeding. reproduce.
There is no clear consensus on clinical indications The bleeding time is not helpful in determining the
for prophylactic platelet transfusions, largely because effectiveness of platelet transfusions. The bleeding
available objective data are insufficient to develop evi- time becomes prolonged in a linear fashion as the
dence-based recommendations. Guidelines have been platelet count falls below 100 3 109/L,175 and it is pro-
developed over the years by a number of professional longed beyond measure (.30 minutes) when platelet
groups, but there remains variability in the thresholds counts fall below 10 3 109/L. In addition, the bleeding
selected for prophylactic platelet transfusions. If other time is difficult to reproduce, has a wide normal range,
risk factors for bleeding exist, such as high fever, sep- is affected by a variety of drugs, and is prolonged in
sis, hyperleukocytosis, or other hemostatic abnormali- anemia (see Chapter 26). Although stool blood loss has
ties, higher thresholds for prophylactic transfusion are been used to evaluate hemostasis in thrombocytopenic
indicated, although specific thresholds have not been patients, this technique is not widely available.34
defined for these patients.168 Finally, profound anemia Response to prophylactic platelet transfusions can
can alter hemostasis and thus should be avoided in be estimated through the corrected-count increment
patients with thrombocytopenia or platelet function (CCI). This is performed by measuring a platelet count
defects because red blood cells enhance the movement 1060 minutes post-transfusion and then calculating
of platelets across parallel streamlines in flowing the CCI according to the following formula:
blood.169 The number of collisions between platelets
and a vessel wall is directly related to the number of PostðµLÞ 2 PreðµLÞ
red cells (hematocrit), as demonstrated by a 50-fold CCl 5 3 BSAðm2 Þ
# platelets 3 10211
increase in platelet deposition when blood is compared
to PRP.170 where Post is the post-transfusion platelet count/μL
Platelet counts are generally increased to at least drawn 1 hour after completing the transfusion, Pre is
50 3 109/L before procedures such as lumbar puncture, the pretransfusion platelet count/μL, # platelets is the
indwelling catheter insertion, liver biopsy, thoracentesis, number of platelets transfused (1 WB-RDP 
or transbronchial biopsy.171 Lower platelet counts are 0.5 3 1011; 1 apheresis platelet 3.0 3 1011 platelets),
considered acceptable for adults with acute leukemia and BSA is body surface area in square meters. In gen-
who undergo lumbar puncture.172 Children with acute eral, patients with a low CCI (,5,000) have a less-
lymphoblastic leukemia and platelet counts .10 3 109/L than-expected response to platelet transfusion. Patients
may tolerate lumbar puncture without serious complica- with a low 1-hour post-transfusion platelet increment
tion.173 In general, platelet transfusions are not consid- may have become alloimmunized to platelet
ered necessary prior to bone marrow aspiration or transfusions.176 These alloantibodies most commonly
biopsy if adequate surface pressure is applied to the site develop from previous transfusions or pregnancies.
after the procedure. Higher platelet levels (100 3 109/L) Autoantibodies encountered in ITP can also hasten
are generally recommended for procedures involving the platelet removal. Nonimmune conditions, such as
central nervous system. However, the rationale for this fever, sepsis, and disseminated intravascular coagula-
threshold remains unclear. tion (DIC), may also dramatically reduce the expected
increment. Overall, the CCI is considered a relatively
crude estimate of platelet survival.177
Animal models have been used on a limited basis to
C. Efficacy of Platelet Transfusion study the efficacy of platelet components.178,179 These
In clinical practice, it is difficult to evaluate the effi- models have been used to detect changes in the sur-
cacy of platelet transfusions for several reasons. First, vival of platelets processed or stored under different
severe bleeding due to thrombocytopenia alone is rare. conditions in a much more controlled setting than in
Second, hemorrhagic death in thrombocytopenia is human trials. They have also been applied to studies
even more uncommon in the absence of vascular dam- of platelet substitutes and lyophilized platelets. Rabbit
age or a coagulopathic state. Finally, the methods used models have been used to monitor the in vivo viability
to estimate the extent of bleeding remain challeng- of human platelet concentrates. Survival of human pla-
ing.174 Tests used to evaluate the effectiveness of plate- telets in rabbits has been studied by flow cytometry
let transfusions are classified into three general using antibodies specific for GPIX.180 Ethyl palmitate


must be administered to animals before transfusion to even when donor platelets are negative for the impli-
inhibit uptake of transfused human platelets by the cated platelet antigen (e.g., anti-HPA-1a). Selected
reticuloendothelial system. These models could prove donor platelets, however, play an important role in
useful in comparing the viability of different platelet treating some newborns with neonatal alloimmune
preparations that cannot be easily tested in humans. thrombocytopenia (NAT; Chapter 46).189 The majority
of these cases are attributed to fetomaternal incompati-
bility for the HPA-1a platelet-specific antigen. If
D. Platelet Dosing infants are severely affected, they can be transfused
Doses of transfused platelets are typically in the with compatible HPA-1a-negative, washed platelets
range of 3 3 1011 platelets, which is approximately one collected from the mother or a phenotyped donor.
single-donor apheresis product or six pooled random- However, studies show that transfusing newborns
donor PCs. This dose was not determined through with NAT using platelets of unknown HPA type is an
clinical trials, but through experience. Optimal adult acceptable alternative when HPA-compatible platelets
doses of platelets have not been clearly defined, and are not readily available.190
doses are typically based on a number of factors unre- 2. DIC and Massive Transfusion
lated to efficacy, such as cost and availability.181
Unlike children, an adult patient’s body weight or PCs are often transfused in acute DIC when patients
body surface area is not usually considered when are actively bleeding and severely thrombocytopenic
determining the dose of platelets to administer. (, 50 3 109/L). Platelet transfusions do not, however,
Normal platelet survival is approximately 9 days. appear useful in preventing bleeding in chronic DIC.
However, patients undergoing induction chemother- Massive blood transfusion, in which more than 1.5
apy for leukemia often require platelet transfusions at times a patient’s blood volume is replaced with blood
least every 3 days.182 Moreover, many patients require products and crystalloid, can cause significant throm-
daily platelet transfusions during periods of severe bocytopenia. In this situation, platelets are being con-
bone marrow hypoplasia. sumed, and there is a compounding dilution effect
Some practitioners advocate providing larger doses caused by transfusing products such as red cells and
of platelets (e.g., 1012 WB-RDP) every 2 or 3 days.183 FFP that do not contain viable platelets. Fibrinogen
Although this practice may not reduce the risk of and coagulation factors are similarly diluted during
spontaneous bleeding, larger platelet doses may result massive transfusions and, if not replaced with FFP,
in a higher CCI and thus longer intervals between will further diminish hemostatic capabilities. Platelet
each transfusion.184,185 Others have suggested that transfusions were historically considered during mas-
smaller doses of platelets (e.g., 3 or 4 WB-RDP) can sive transfusion when counts fell below 50 3 109/L.
reduce the total number of platelets required during a However, more recent trauma and battlefield experi-
patient’s thrombocytopenic period.186 Although ence suggests that hemostasis is more quickly achieved
decreasing pool size provides a more economical dose, when a rapidly bleeding patient is transfused with red
this practice may result in an increased number of cells, PC, and FFP in a ratio of 1:1:1.191 Maintaining
individual transfusions, which can actually increase this ratio provides platelets and coagulation factors
overall costs.187 In summary, the number of platelets that more closely approximate normal whole blood.
provided per transfusion will remain largely based on Platelet transfusions are frequently used during
local preferences until optimal platelet doses are better and following liver transplantation. These patients,
defined. like those with DIC, have complex hemostatic abnor-
malities, including coagulation factor defects and
hyperfibrinolysis that can further contribute to throm-
E. Platelet Transfusions in Other Settings bocytopenic bleeding.

1. Immune Thrombocytopenia 3. Bone Marrow Transplantation

Platelet transfusions are rarely indicated in patients Patients who undergo autologous and, especially,
with autoimmune thrombocytopenias such as ITP. allogeneic bone marrow transplantation have pro-
Platelet transfusions are used only when these patients longed periods of thrombocytopenia that can require
develop major bleeding, not as a prophylactic measure substantial platelet transfusion support. Following
(see Chapter 40). If a patient with ITP develops life- autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplants,
threatening bleeding, massive platelet transfusions most patients recover platelet counts to levels above
have appeared effective in a small group of patients.188 2050 3 109/L within 14 days of receiving stem cells.
Similarly, platelet transfusions are often ineffective in However, platelet recovery time may be twice as long
patients with post-transfusion purpura (Chapter 46), when using allogeneic bone marrow, likely due to



decreased collection of CD341 stem cells by this tech- however, the dose of platelets required to minimize
nique.192 There are several risk factors for prolonged bleeding has not been clearly defined. Some cardiac
thrombocytopenia (,20 3 109/L) in this patient popu- programs utilized point-of-care testing technologies like
lation, but it is difficult to identify all patients at thromboelastography to help guide platelet transfusion
risk.193 For example, autologous transplant patients decisions (see Chapter 26). Like CPB, extracorporeal
who receive numerous cycles of high-dose chemother- membrane oxygenation and the use of ventricular assist
apy are predisposed to poorer CD341 cell mobilization. devices can result in severe hemostatic defects that
This leads to lower CD341 cell yields during harvesting require frequent platelet transfusions.201
and subsequently delayed platelet recovery following
stem cell infusion.194 In contrast, patients who receive 5. Inherited and Acquired Platelet
higher numbers of stem cells (e.g., $ 5 3 106 CD341 Function Defects
cells/kg body weight) have shorter periods of severe Patients with inherited (Chapter 50) or acquired
thrombocytopenia.195 Platelet engraftment and recovery (Chapter 51) platelet function defects do not usually
of platelet counts are preceded by an increase in reticu- require prophylactic platelet transfusions. However,
lated platelets (see Chapters 27 and 29); however, retic- platelet transfusions are often used to treat bleeding epi-
ulated platelets are rarely monitored following sodes or are administered prior to surgery. Following
transplant.196 platelet transfusion, patients with Glanzmann throm-
A retrospective study conducted in France found basthenia may develop GPIIb-IIIa-specific antibodies
that patients undergoing reduced intensity condition- that can compromise survival and, thus, the efficacy of
ing for an allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant further platelet transfusions.202 Similarly, patients with
required fewer platelet transfusions while engrafting and BernardSoulier syndrome can develop GPIb-IX-V-spe-
had shorter engraftment times than those patients receiv- cific antibodies. Desmopressin acetate203 (Chapter 60)
ing standard conditioning regimens.197 Alternatively, and recombinant activated factor VII (rFVIIa,
umbilical blood transplants are often associated with a Chapter 61),204 which shorten the bleeding time of
prolonged engraftment period, and thus, higher plate- many patients with congenital platelet function disor-
let transfusion needs. ders, are potential alternatives or adjuncts to platelet
4. Cardiac Surgery transfusion therapy. The efficacy of rFVIIa in decreas-
ing bleeding has been demonstrated using a rabbit
PCs are commonly provided during or soon after model of severe thrombocytopenia.205 Patients with
cardiac surgery in patients undergoing cardiopulmo- acquired platelet defects caused by the myriad of
nary bypass (CPB) in an effort to limit postoperative drugs with antiplatelet activity should have these med-
bleeding. The hemostatic defects associated with CPB ications discontinued whenever possible prior to inva-
are complex but are generally related to anticoagulation, sive procedures. Finally, platelet transfusions can
hypothermic temperature changes, length of time on increase platelet counts to safer levels without appar-
bypass, and preoperative aspirin use (see Chapter 52). ent adverse effects in patients with abciximab-induced
Effects of CPB on platelets include platelet activation thrombocytopenia (Chapter 41).206 Platelet transfusions
due to exposure to foreign biomaterial surfaces, platelet are not recommended in the setting of heparin-
fragmentation, and impaired aggregation responses to induced thrombocytopenia (HIT, Chapter 42) because
most agonists.198 There is usually some degree of plate- of the (poorly quantified) risk that the transfusion may
let damage and thrombocytopenia during bypass sur- precipitate acute thrombosis. However, many patients
gery, and platelet function defects may persist for days with antibodies directed against the complex of plate-
after the procedure. However, the treatment of let factor 4 and heparin implicated in HIT have been
post-CPB bleeding is not usually based on laboratory transfused without developing thrombosis, and thus,
monitoring and is largely empiric and institution platelet transfusion can be considered when these
dependent.199 Although clinical trials are limited, none patients develop life-threatening bleeding.207
have been able to demonstrate benefits of routine plate-
let administration during open-heart surgery, as deter-
mined by decreased red cell transfusions, chest tube
F. Autologous Platelet Donation and
bleeding, or microvascular bleeding. Thus, many sur-
geons reserve platelet transfusions for patients who are
Cryopreserved Platelets
actually bleeding despite adequate surgical hemostasis. Although autologous red cell donation is a standard
Patients who have received aspirin or GPIIb-IIIa antago- practice, autologous platelet donations are used only
nists immediately before cardiac surgery are at addi- rarely. Liquid stored platelets are not practical for
tional risk for bleeding.200 In these cases, platelet these purposes because of their limited 5-day shelf-life.
transfusions are commonly provided before surgery; Thus, patients are unable to “bank” enough of their


own platelets prior to prolonged periods of thrombo- plasma, or red cell transfusion.216 The infusion of bio-
cytopenia. However, platelets collected by apheresis active lipids found in stored platelets has been impli-
can be placed in a dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) cryo- cated in the pathogenesis of TRALI.
protectant and stored frozen at 80 C.208 They are
then thawed, washed to remove DMSO, and resus-
pended in autologous plasma or other solution before
transfusion. The techniques are not difficult to
A. Febrile Reactions to Platelet Transfusion
perform, but most blood banks have not developed Febrile transfusion reactions (FTRs) are commonly
procedures for preparing and storing such products. encountered with platelet transfusions. They usually
In addition, frozen and thawed platelets undergo a occur during the transfusion, but they may develop
number of structural and metabolic changes that minutes to several hours after the transfusion is com-
adversely affect their in vivo survival.209 The U.S. pleted. The frequency of FTR is estimated to be
Department of Defense is interested in the further between 4% and 30% of platelet transfusions.217 FTRs
development and clinical testing of frozen platelets for typically present as fever ( . 1 C increase) and shak-
battlefield supply. Preliminary results of a randomized ing chills, and they may be accompanied by nausea,
trial suggest that the recovery and survival of autolo- vomiting, dyspnea, and hypotension. The severity of
gous platelets collected by apheresis and cryopre- symptoms appears related to the number of white
served are significantly less than autologous platelets cells found in the product and/or the rate of transfu-
stored in plasma under normal conditions.210 sion. Severe rigors promptly resolve when meperi-
Although the cryopreserved platelets do not meet FDA dine is administered.218 Although patients are often
criteria for liquid-stored platelets, it remains unclear if medicated with an antipyretic such as acetaminophen
the cryopreserved platelets prepared in this manner before platelet transfusions to minimize FTRs, it is
would have clinical utility in preventing or slowing unclear if this practice actually minimizes these reac-
thrombocytopenic bleeding. Autologous platelets have tions.219 Premedication with intravenous corticoster-
been studied to aid wound healing and tissue regener- oids in patients who have had repeated severe FTRs
ation.211 In one such approach, a platelet “gel” is pro- may be useful; however, to be maximally effective,
duced by treating platelets with thrombin.212 Due to these medications must be administered several
claims for this processing being able to promote heal- hours before transfusion. Antihistamines do not
ing of various joint or musculoskeletal problems, this appear useful in preventing or treating FTRs. If a
procedure is also becoming popular in veterinary med- patient continues to have severe febrile reactions
icine and for treating some types of sports injuries. despite leukoreduction, washed platelets that have
had most of the suspending plasma removed can be
VI. ADVERSE REACTIONS TO PLATELET The mechanism of FTR was originally attributed to
TRANSFUSION interactions between cytotoxic antibodies in the plate-
let recipient and HLA and/or leukocyte-specific anti-
Platelet transfusion therapy is not without risk gens on donor white cells found in the product.221 The
(Table 62-5). Common but non-life-threatening compli- formation of white cell antigenantibody complexes
cations of platelet transfusions include febrile and results in complement binding and subsequent release
allergic transfusion reactions.213 Although PCs are of endogenous pyrogens such as tumor necrosis factor
capable of transmitting viral disease, improved donor (TNF)-α, interleukin (IL)-1, and IL-6. The direct activity
testing has markedly decreased this risk. For example, of various biological response modifiers including
the estimated risks of HIV-1 or hepatitis C transmis- cytokines plays a role in FTR.222 The incidence of FTR
sion from a platelet transfusion are far less than 1 in may be directly related to the duration of platelet stor-
1 million transfusions.214 Transfused PCs are more age.223 During PC storage, there is continued elabora-
likely to be contaminated by bacteria than by known tion of biologically active cytokines by residual white
viruses. Patients who receive such bacterially contami- cells, which include activated monocytes.224 The levels
nated products can develop serious septic reactions. of these cytokines, particularly of IL-1β and IL-6, corre-
Because PCs contain viable lymphocytes, platelet late with the frequency of FTR.225 Other mediators are
transfusion can also cause transfusion-associated graft- primarily produced by platelets themselves. One such
versus-host disease in susceptible patients, a rare but example is soluble CD40 ligand, which is produced by
usually fatal reaction that is prevented by irradiating platelets and has been linked with febrile transfusion
PCs before transfusion.215 Transfusion-related acute reactions due to its upregulation of IL-6 and IL-8.226
lung injury (TRALI), an often unrecognized cause of Preparation technique may also influence the risk of
noncardiogenic pulmonary edema, can follow platelet, FTR. One prospective study designed to compare



TABLE 62-5 Adverse Consequences of Platelet Transfusion are also isolated (Table 62-6).233 Platelets, and other
Therapy blood products, can be contaminated by bacteria if a
Febrile transfusion reactions donor is bacteremic during blood collection or if the
arm is improperly cleansed before venipuncture.
Allergic reactions (urticarial and anaphylactic)
Blood donors must be in good health on the day of
Septic reactions (bacterial) donation. However, asymptomatic donors who may
Viral transmission (hepatitis B and C, human immunodeficiency have had gastroenteritis of short duration several days
virus, cytomegalovirus) before donation are potentially infectious. These
donors may have a prolonged period of asymptomatic
Parasitic infection (Babesia microti, Trypanosoma cruzi, Plasmodium sp.)
bacteremia that allows transmission of organisms like
Transfusion-associated graft-versus-host disease Escherichia coli.234
Transfusion-related acute lung injury Transfusing bacterially contaminated PCs can cause
septic reactions that may be fatal. Thus, standards have
Platelet refractory state due to HLA alloimmunization
been adopted in most countries that require blood col-
Transfusion-associated immune modulation (TRIM) lection facilities and transfusion services to limit and
Hypotensive reactions associated with angiotensin-converting detect bacterial contamination in all platelet compo-
enzyme (ACE) inhibition nents. No detection method has been universally
Post-transfusion purpura adopted and, regardless of the method, no bacterial
screening system is 100% sensitive to all bacterial patho-
gens. Different methods are used, depending on the
type of platelet donation (e.g., whole blood-derived vs.
single-donor apheresis platelets and PC prepared by apheresis). Most blood centers directly culture apheresis
the BC and PRP techniques noted significantly more PCs for bacteria and release the unit after the culture
FTRs in patients who received PRP-prepared PCs.227 has incubated between 12 and 36 hours.235 The most
However, there was no difference in platelet survival commonly cultured bacteria are gram-positive organ-
between the different preparations based on CCI mea- isms such as Staphylococcus epidermidis, S. aureus, and
sured 16 and 1824 hours post-transfusion. Streptococcus pneumoniae; these are often skin commen-
It is generally accepted that leukoreducing PCs can sals. Skin disinfection by povidoneiodine and isopro-
help minimize FTRs. The degree of leukoreduction is pyl alcohol helps to minimize venipuncture-related
limited by the available techniques. Third-generation fil- contamination of platelet concentrates by skin flora.236
ters eliminate .99.9% of white cells in a unit of red cells One method that can further reduce PC contamination
obtained from a whole blood donation, leaving ,5 3 106 by skin flora bacteria utilizes a bypass inlet tube in
residual leukocytes. Prestorage leukoreduction, in which which the initial, and most likely contaminated, portion
white cells are removed soon after blood collection, may of blood removed from the donor is diverted from the
even further reduce the likelihood of FTR.228 remainder of the blood donation bag.237
Leukoreduction filters not only remove white cells but Studies have been performed to determine if aphe-
also have varying ability to directly remove biological resis platelet shelf-life could be safely extended from 5
response modifiers, such as the chemokines IL-8 and to 7 days using bacterial monitoring systems.238 PCs
RANTES and the anaphylatoxins C3a and C5a.229,230 were cultured 2436 hours after collection and then
released for transfusion if the screening culture was
negative for 24 hours after sampling. The results indi-
cated that screening cultures did prevent some
B. Bacterial Contamination of Platelet
infected units from being transfused; however, the
Concentrates strategy failed to successfully identify all contaminated
The shelf-life of PCs was decreased from 7 to 5 days units. Hence, platelet shelf-life remains 5 days until
in the mid-1980s, largely based on observations that other methods can be developed to further reduce the
many cases of septic transfusion reactions occurred in risk of bacterial contamination.
patients who received PCs stored for more than Given the limitations of current bacterial identifica-
5 days.231 Moreover, in vitro studies performed by tion systems, considerable research has been devoted to
inoculating PCs with bacteria suggest that a significant improving these systems in order to limit PC contami-
number of PCs experience the most rapid rate of bacte- nation. One difficulty is that the majority of PC cultures
rial growth on days 6 and 7 of storage.232 The most that turn positive by automated bacterial culture screen-
commonly implicated organisms in platelet septic ing systems do so well after 24 hours of sampling.
transfusion reactions are Gram-positive bacteria In these cases, the product often has already been trans-
(Staphylococcus sp.), although Gram-negative organisms fused.239 Delayed bacterial growth may be related to


TABLE 62-6 Organisms that may Contaminate Platelet immune or nonimmune mechanisms (Table 62-7).245 In
Concentrates the former situations, foreign donor HLA evokes an
Bacillus species Propionibacterium acnes immune response in the recipient that leads to the
rapid removal of transfused platelets.246 Presumably,
B. cereus Pseudomonas aeruginosa
donor platelets become coated by HLA-specific, or in
B. subtilis Salmonella species some cases platelet-specific, antibodies. The antibody-
Candida albicans Staphylococcus species coated platelets are then removed from the circulation
in a manner akin to other immune thrombocytopenias.
Clostridium perfringens S. aureus
Platelet alloimmunization rates are higher in patients
Corynebacterium species S. epidermidis with prior pregnancies or transfusion. Overall, nonim-
Enterobacter cloacae Serratia marcescens mune platelet destruction caused by conditions such
as splenomegaly, infection, and antibiotic treatment
Escherichia coli Streptococcus species
with amphotericin B is more frequent than that related
Klebsiella oxytoca S. pyogenes to immune mediated removal.247 The effects of ampho-
Leishmaniasis S. viridans tericin B on platelet survival can be lessened by trans-
fusing platelets 2 hours after completing the
Morganella morganii
amphotericin infusion.248
Platelets express ABH, Lewis, P, and I blood system
antigens, as well as class I HLA-A, -B, and -C and
very low inoculum numbers and may also explain the
platelet-specific antigens (HPA). The ABH, class I
relatively low sensitivity (40%) of bacterial culture
HLA, and HPA antigens are most relevant to alloge-
screening techniques used to test PCs.240 Sensitivity of
neic platelet survival.249 Platelet survival is impaired
culture systems can be improved by increasing sample
when recipients with higher titer anti-A or anti-B IgG
size. Doubling the sample size of apheresis platelet unit
antibodies are transfused with platelets carrying one of
culture specimens from 4 to 8 mL can relatively increase
these antigens.250 Although this problem is avoided by
the sensitivity of the culture by 54%.237
using ABO-identical platelets (e.g, group O patients
More sensitive bacterial screening systems are not
receive group O PC), this option is not always avail-
expected to eliminate the release of potentially contam-
able during blood shortages.251
inated PCs. Thus, a number of techniques have been
Alloimmunization against HLA-A and HLA-B class I
studied as alternatives to standard bacterial cultures.
antigens is the most common cause of an immune-
One simple technique utilizes PC glucose concentra-
mediated platelet refractory state; mismatches of HLA-
tions. A PC glucose level below 500 mg/dL, as mea-
C antigens are less important. Historically, patients at
sured by a glucometer on storage day 4 or 5, has been
particular risk for HLA alloantibody formation included
proposed as a surrogate marker for positive cultures,
those who received multiple transfusions of non-leuko-
yielding false-negative rates similar to that of cul-
cyte-reduced blood components.252 It was then discov-
ture.241 PCR using bacterial 16s rRNA as a target can
ered that primary HLA alloimmunization is reduced by
detect bacteria in plasma and platelet-rich plasma in a
removing antigen-presenting cells (leukocytes) from PC
rapid and sensible manner, but molecular techniques
before transfusion and UVB irradiating transfused pla-
are not routinely used to monitor PCs.242 Bacteria can
telets to inactivate antigen-presenting cells.105,253,254
be detected in platelets using flow cytometry by stain-
Strategies used to reduce HLA alloimmunization are
ing bacterial DNA with a fluorescent dye such as thia-
especially effective in patients with hematologic malig-
zole orange. This technique can detect bacteria in PCs
nancies. Since the introduction of universal leukocyte
incubated for 2448 hours; however, it may not be
reduction by some blood collection facilities, there has
sensitive enough to detect slower-growing bacteria.243
been a decrease in the rate of HLA alloimmunization in
Finally, viable bacteria can be detected that are trapped
multiply transfused patients.255
on PC filters using a fluorescent esterase detector cou-
The management of platelet refractory patients varies
pled to a bioimaging reader.244
across institutions and is often related to the availability
of specialized testing and products.256 In nonbleeding
patients, prophylactic platelet transfusions are often
C. Platelet Refractory State withheld. However, patients with significant bleeding,
Patients who receive long-term platelet support may other risk factors for bleeding, or those undergoing an
develop a refractory state in which transfused platelets invasive procedure may require transfusion. Platelet
undergo accelerated destruction. Refractoriness to transfusion strategies in these cases include increasing
platelet transfusion is often related to clinical condi- the dose of platelets or providing either HLA-selected
tions that hasten platelet removal through either or cross-match-compatible platelets. Ideally, anti-HLA



TABLE 62-7 Conditions Associated with a Platelet Refractory transiently improve the response to transfused plate-
State lets. Patients with ITP who are bleeding and respond-
Nonimmune Mechanisms Immune Mechanisms ing poorly to standard platelet transfusions may
benefit from continuous 24-hour infusions of both
Splenomegaly Alloantibodies to class I HLA intravenous immunoglobulin and platelets.263
Continuous platelet infusions, or “platelet drips,” are
Disseminated intravascular Alloantibodies to platelet-specific typically performed by infusing three pooled WB-
coagulation antigens RDPs or a WB-RDP pooled product or one-half of an
Drugs (antibiotics, Autoantibodies to platelet-specific apheresis-derived PC every 4 hours. They can be
amphotericin B) antigens infused through electromechanical pumps because
Sepsis, fever, viremia Circulating immune complexes these devices do not appear to harm platelets.264
Graft-versus-host disease

D. Hypotensive Reactions during Platelet

antibodies should be identified in the patient before
HLA-specific products are obtained.257 Products are col-
lected by apheresis and are selected based on the HLA- Serious hypotensive episodes have been described
A and HLA-B types of the donor and intended recipi- in patients on angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)
ent. Because the HLA system is extremely polymorphic, inhibitors who were transfused with PCs through
a large number of HLA-typed donors is needed to sup- negatively charged bedside leukocyte reduction fil-
port refractory patients.258 The use of HLA-selected or ters.265 These reactions began soon after the infusion
“matched” platelets in patients who are not alloimmu- was initiated and subsided rapidly after the transfu-
nized with the goal of preventing such immunization is sion was terminated. The mechanisms responsible for
not warranted.259 the hypotension appear to involve bradykinin (BK)-
Platelet crossmatching is performed by reacting related peptides with vasodilatory activity, which are
recipient serum with potential donor platelets that are generated when blood contacts a negatively charged
fixed to a solid support. The compatibility is deter- artificial surface. BK and its active metabolites are
mined based on the presence or absence of reactiv- rapidly degraded to inactive compounds through
ity.260 An incompatible platelet cross-match predicts a reactions that require ACE. Therefore, patients on
poor response in more than 90% of transfusions, ACE inhibitor medications are less able to degrade
whereas a compatible cross-match is 50% predictive of these vasodilatory substances and, presumably, are at
a successful transfusion.261 Large collection facilities risk for hypotension caused by decreased systemic
often combine the two approaches: PCs are selected vascular resistance. In vitro studies have shown that
for cross-matching based on the class I HLA types of supernatant bradykinin levels markedly increase
the donor and recipient. Patients who have developed when PCs are passed through certain negatively
both HLA and platelet-specific antibodies are particu- charged filters.266 Furthermore, patients who receive
larly difficult to manage. Other approaches that have PCs through a negatively charged filter experience
been explored to support HLA-alloimmunized patients significant increases in BK levels during the first 5
are based on reducing the expression of class I HLA minutes of transfusion.267 A metabolic abnormality
antigens on platelets.262 Treatments that are effective has been identified in several blood recipients who
for many autoimmune thrombocytopenias including have developed such reactions.268 This defect affects
corticosteroids, chemotherapy, and splenectomy are the degradation of des-Arg9-bradykinin, a metaboli-
not useful in most patients who have become alloim- cally active metabolite of BK that is primarily inacti-
munized to platelet transfusions. vated by ACE and aminopeptidase P. Accordingly,
Patients with ITP (see Chapter 40) usually respond the half-life of des-Arg9-bradykinin was significantly
very poorly to platelet transfusions because donor longer in patients on ACE inhibitors who experienced
platelets are rapidly coated with platelet autoantibo- severe hypotensive reactions than in control patients.
dies and are removed from the circulation. Based on these studies, it appears that both patient
Interestingly, patients with ITP and extremely low and product-related factors contribute to the patho-
platelet counts infrequently experience serious bleed- genesis of severe hypotensive reactions to platelet
ing and hence do not usually require prophylactic transfusion. The incidence of these reactions has
platelet transfusions despite extremely low platelet decreased now that the vast majority of PCs are leu-
counts. Intravenous immunoglobulin, which is often kocyte reduced before storage; bedside filtration is
used as a treatment for ITP (see Chapter 40), may rarely performed today.269




THERAPY Platelet transfusion therapy has benefited large
numbers of patients who are thrombocytopenic or
The use of hematopoietic growth factors helps to have platelet function defects. In most cases, these
limit patient exposure to allogeneic blood components. transfusions occur without serious complications
For example, recombinant erythropoietin therapy has because of efforts to improve the safety of the blood
dramatically decreased the need for red cell transfu- supply. Platelet transfusions will become even safer
sions in many patients. Efforts continue to produce sim- with further advances in donor testing and the devel-
ilar agents that would reduce the need for platelet opment of techniques that detect or eliminate bacteria
transfusion therapy in treating thrombocytopenic and other pathogens that may contaminate PCs. The
patients (see Chapter 59). Other potential applications efficacy of platelet transfusion therapy has also
of thrombopoietic growth factors include stimulating improved during the past 40 years by optimizing the
platelet apheresis donors, which would increase platelet processes used to prepare and store PCs. Storage con-
yields during a single collection.270 During the 1990s a ditions have been selected to minimize the changes in
recombinant human, truncated form of the thrombo- platelet structure and function that occur during room
poietin (TPO) receptor, pegylated megakaryocyte temperature storage. A large number of in vitro labora-
growth and development factor (PEG-MGDF), was tory tests have been used to compare different meth-
evaluated for these purposes.271 This agent stimulates ods for PC preparation and storage. These tests
the production of platelets that are not activated, as correlate with tests of in vivo hemostatic function to
determined by surface P-selectin expression and surface varying degrees, but no single test provides a complete
binding of annexin V. In addition, direct exposure of measure of platelet quality. Innovative yet practical
stored PC to PEG-MGDF did not appear to hasten in vitro methods are needed that more accurately pre-
development of the platelet storage defect, as assessed dict and assess platelet function and viability in vivo.
by a battery of in vitro tests of platelet structure and Although alternatives to liquid-stored PCs are under
function.272 The platelets produced in response to this active development (e.g., making platelets ex vivo; see
growth factor demonstrated normal responses to plate- Chapter 63), it appears that whole blood-derived and
let agonists and exhibited normal ATP release in vivo.273 apheresis PCs will remain in widespread clinical use
PEG-MGDF has also been administered to normal for the foreseeable future.
donors, in which case a single 2 μg/kg dose produced a
doubling of the platelet count within 914 days, and a References
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