SOW Boyle Sports Open CCaaS R101 1.4 Use Cases

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Statement of Work

Boyle Sports (Route101 Ltd) - Calabrio Cloud: 50 QM, 50

Project Name
Analytics, 50 DX
Customer Name Boyle Sports
Partner Name Route101 Ltd
Customer/Partner Contact Aaron Smith
Calabrio Account Manager Aaron Simmons
Calabrio Solution Engineer David Evans
Opportunity Number 072882
Quote ID Q-62461
SOW Submission Date 2024-06-11
SOW Expiration Date 2024-12-11
CIQ Design Template Version V20230424.004
Product Version Calabrio Cloud
Deployment Model Cloud (CCaaS)
Cloud Region EU - European Union
Named Users: Quality Management 50
Named Users: Analytics 50
Named Users: Data Explorer 50

Calabrio | 241 N. 5th Ave. Ste. 1200 | Minneapolis, MN 55401 |

1 Introduction

Location: EMEA

THIS STATEMENT OF WORK (“SOW”) is made and entered into by and between Calabrio Inc , a
Delaware corporation with its principal office at
241 N. 5th Ave. Suite 1200, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401, USA (“Calabrio”) and Route101 Limited
(“Partner”), to be effective as of the Effective Date below. This SOW must be executed by the "Last Day to
Execute SOW" date referenced on page 1. If the SOW has not been signed by that date, the parties agree
to review the SOW to ensure the obligations are still applicable before commencement of signatures.

Customer agrees to purchase, and Calabrio agrees to provide certain services and deliverables (“Services”)
as defined in this SOW. This SOW shall, at all times, be governed by the Agreement entered into between
Calabrio and Customer. Calabrio may engage a Certified Calabrio Implementation Partner to fulfill the
requirements of this SOW.

Subject to resource availability, project resources will be assigned approximately three (3) weeks after
receipt of an executed SOW and valid purchase order. All services for implementation and training will be
provided in English. Services will be provided during business hours unless specifically called out in a
deliverable in this SOW. Business hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm in the local time
zone of your primary Calabrio office, excluding defined Calabrio holidays. Services required outside of
business hours that are not specifically described within this SOW will incur additional charges, pending an
approved change order.

2 Solution Description

SOW Type: New Install |

Calabrio, on behalf of Route101 Limited, is implementing the Calabrio ONE Cloud Advanced Quality
Management and Analytics Solution for customer Boyle Sports.

Calabrio tenant will be located in the EU (European Union)

50 Named Users will be configured as part of this deployment.

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Single Sign On (SSO) In scope for Azure AD.

Stereo calls required for transcription separation.

Voice Integration - Quality and Analytics

• Integration is via the Calabrio Open CCaaS for Voice.

o Info Only - originating platform Is Zendesk Talk
• Partner is providing the S3 bucket, and the call and meta-data format as detailed in the Integration
note in Section 7.
• Language In scope Is UK English (en-gb)
• Predictive Analytics for Evaluations only.
• Desktop Analytics is in scope.
• 12 month call retention for calls and 6 months for screen.

Non - Voice - Quality and Analytics

• Route101 Is using the Calabrio APIs for the Integration

o Info Only - originating platform Is Zendesk Messaging
• API consulting is not required and not in scope for this Statement of Work,
• Please refer to the document " API Reference Guide - New" in section 7.

Analytics Use Cases:

To deliver the services, a detailed discovery/scoping session is required to map and document
Analytics use cases.

The following potential candidate use cases have been identified.

These are subject to a discovery/scoping session as a pre-requisite to Analytics delivery.

Priority use case is First Contact Resolution.

This use case is priority with BoyleSports with intention of initial insight to be delivered before the
Euros 2024 in June.

1. Operational Efficiency – First Contact Resolution

o Categorise contact reasons for customers interacting with the contact centre.
o Quantify customer effort based on the types of repeat contacts.

Second Phase Use Cases to be delivered after initial categorisation and FCR Analysis.

2. Employee Performance : Coaching Opportunities

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Use Quality and Analytics to identify agent coaching opportunities to enable upskilling
and performance improvement.
3. Compliance and Vulnerable Customers
o Gain insight into potential process issues and identify at risk customers.

Subject to the use case definition, additional Professional Services may be required.

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3 Professional Services Required

The Professional Services outlined in this SOW are representative of the Services SKUs and fees Included
in Quote Q-62461

These services are associated with a Cloud Solution:

3.1 Standard Encryption

3.2 Single Sign On (SSO)
3.3 Quality Management (QM)
3.4 Analytics (CAS)
3.4.1 Speech to Text
3.4.2 Text/Email
3.4.3 Desktop
3.4.4 Applied Analytics
3.5 Data Explorer (DX)
3.6 Integration Type
3.6.1 Other

--Please continue to next page for Consulting & Workshops--

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3.7 Consulting & Workshops
3.7.1 Stand-Alone

3.7.2 Tier Quantity:

AQM Service Name Service Description Days/Workshops Quantity

AQM Consulting & Discovery Services, per day Advanced Quality Management Day(s) 1
(AQM) Consulting and Discovery
services to support Business
Requirement Design (BRD), BRD
documentation, User Acceptance
Testing support, and general
consulting. Priced per day.
BI Consulting & Discovery Services, per day Business Intelligence Consulting Day(s) 1
and Discovery services to support
reporting and dashboard
discovery and general BI
consulting support. Priced per
AQM User Workshop Package AQM Workshop Package, Workshop(s) 1
delivered by an AQM consultant,
to include up to one (1) day of
workshops, plus workshop
preparation. Remote, up to 15
users per workshop.

Analytics Service Name Service Description Days/Workshops Quantity

Analytics Consulting & Analytics (CAS) Consulting and Discovery services to support Business Day(s) 3
Discovery Services, per Requirement Objectives, User Acceptance Testing support, and general
day consulting. Priced per day.

BI Consulting & Discovery Business Intelligence Consulting and Discovery services to support Day(s) 1
Services, per day reporting and dashboard discovery and general BI consulting support.
Priced per day.

Analytics Service Service Description Days/Workshops Quantity

CAS Speech User & Analytics (CAS) Speech Workshop Package for Speech Phonetics or Speech Workshop(s) 1
Tuning Workshop (STT to Text (STT), delivered by an Analytics consultant, to include up to two (2)
or Phonetics) days of workshop, plus workshop preparation. Remote, up to 15 users per

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Analytics Service Service Description Days/Workshops Quantity
CAS User & Tuning Analytics (CAS) Workshop Package for Desktop or Text Analytics, delivered Workshop(s) 1
Workshop (Desktop by an Analytics consultant, to include up to one (1) day of workshop, plus
or Text) workshop preparation. Remote, up to 15 users per workshop.

4 Calabrio Deliverable(s)
4.1 Overall Project and Project Management
4.1.1 Designate a project manager who is the primary point of contact for the Customer.
4.1.2 Designate an implementation engineer to perform implementation and configuration
of the scoped products
4.1.3 Designate additional resources to assist with the implementation and consulting, as
4.1.4 Host a project kick-off meeting and up to one (1) weekly project status meeting
4.1.5 Host a technical design meeting
4.1.6 Maintain a project plan and tasks required to implement purchased products
4.1.7 Create and execute a functional testing plan for deliverables in-scope
4.1.8 Support Customer’s user acceptance testing (UAT) outcomes to include issue
tracking, resolution, and re-test activities
4.1.9 Deliver tenant administration knowledge transfer meetings to identified Customer
tenant administrators, up to three (3) hours
4.1.10 Facilitate a support handoff meeting before, or immediately after, the first production
go-live event
4.1.11 Support one (1) production go-live event. If multiple go-lives are Included in the
services quote, Calabrio will support additional go-lives as priced.
4.2 Data Explorer (DX)
4.2.1 Deploy Data Explorer component
4.2.2 Validate data collection from WFO database
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4.2.3 Validate population of standard product reports and dashboards
4.2.4 Provide Business Intelligence (BI) consulting services to support reporting and
dashboard discovery and general BI consulting services as detailed in section 3, under
“Consulting and Workshops”
4.3 Quality Management (QM)
4.3.1 Lead QM technical discovery meeting
4.3.2 Document QM design, per discovery
4.3.3 Deploy capture/sync application
4.3.4 Deploy one (1) standard integration to Unified Communication (UC) or Contact
Center platform
4.3.5 Confirm Unified Communication (UC) or Contact Center platform data is syncing to
4.3.6 Configure the users, as purchased
4.3.7 Configure up to five (5) QM user roles
4.3.8 Configure up to ten (10) teams
4.3.9 Configure up to five (5) groups
4.3.10 Configure up to five (5) retention workflows
4.3.11 Configure up to five (5) evaluation forms
4.3.12 Configure up to five (5) goals
4.3.13 Provide consulting services to support business requirements design, business
requirements documentation, User Acceptance Testing (UAT) support, and general
consulting services as detailed in section 3, under “Consulting and Workshops”
4.3.14 Deliver AQM Workshop(s) as detailed in section 3, under “Consulting and
4.3.15 Additional configuration of user roles, teams, groups, workflows, evaluation forms,
and goals may be completed by the Customer, or additional services may be
purchased from Calabrio, if required
4.4 Analytics (CAS)
4.4.1 Deploy Speech and/or Text and/or Desktop components
4.4.2 Conduct business objectives discovery meeting(s)
4.4.3 Configure business objectives and phrase categories
4.4.4 Partner with Customer to complete phrase validation workshop with Customer on
production recordings in AQM
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4.4.5 Configure ongoing tasks per language pack
4.4.6 Configure triggers per language pack
4.4.7 Configure dashboard (s)
4.4.8 Provide consulting services to support business requirements design, business
requirements documentation, User Acceptance Testing (UAT) support, and general
consulting services as detailed in section 3, under “Consulting and Workshops”
4.4.9 Deliver CAS Workshop(s) as detailed in section 3, under “Consulting and Workshops”
4.4.10 Additional configuration of tasks and dashboards may be completed by the Customer,
or additional services may be purchased from Calabrio, if required

5 Customer Prerequisites and Responsibilities

5.1 Overall Project and Project Management
5.1.1 Provide a single point of contact for communications and Customer responsibilities
such as a project manager
5.1.2 Responsible for acquisition, staging, and installation of servers and operating systems
as detailed in the Hardware Requirements & Guidelines section of Appendix A, if
5.1.3 Refer to the installation guide(s) for complete details on supported system design and
5.1.4 Identify and communicate any Customer security requirements prior to
5.1.5 Provide remote access or login credentials to Customer's Calabrio platform
5.1.6 Responsible for all components of the solution outside the purchased products, such
as Unified Communication (UC) or Contact Center applications.
5.1.7 Participate in discovery meetings, status meetings, functional testing, user acceptance
testing (UAT), training, and go-live events
5.1.8 Deliver required information to Calabrio, in Calabrio-provided templates. Calabrio will
provide templates and review during the kickoff and design phases
5.1.9 Limit changes to technical environment and affected systems during the
implementation to avoid re-work and delay to project delivery. Any planned changes
or upgrades to source systems must be communicated in advance to the project
team. Changes made without consultation resulting in re-work will be considered out
of scope and require a change order process that may incur additional costs.

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5.1.10 Create and execute a UAT plan
5.2 Quality Management (QM)
5.2.1 Responsible for the Unified Communications (UC), and/or Contact Center platform,
including any configuration on those platforms required for Call Recording integration
5.2.2 Configure FTP / SFTP for bulk contact export, Call Detail Records (CDR) or Contact
Center metadata reconciliation, if required
5.2.3 Responsible for network configuration required to support media stream
communication to a Calabrio capture server
5.2.4 Participate in QM discovery meeting(s)
5.2.5 Deploy the WebRTC browser plugin for live audio monitoring, if applicable
5.2.6 Deploy the Internet Explorer (IETabs) plugin for Chrome for live screen monitoring, if
using Chrome
5.2.7 Deploy or push Calabrio desktop client software to end users, required for access to
some features, such as screen recording
5.2.8 Provide connection credentials for recording API URLs, if used

5.2.9 Deployment of the Smart Desktop client software to end users, for Desktop Analytics
5.2.10 Provide categories and phrase lists for Phonetics and/ or Speech to Text analytics

6 Project Assumptions and Requirements

6.1 Single Sign On (SSO) Requirements
6.1.1 Calabrio ONE integrates and supports Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)
SSO with identity providers (IdPs) that meet the below requirements. Service
Provider (SP) initiated login is supported only for Okta and Active Directory File
System (ADFS). See the Calabrio ONE user guide for setup instructions for these IdPs. IdP supports SAML 2.0 authentication IdP sends an assertion containing user's email address used In Calabrio ONE Email address must match the email address used In Calabrio ONE IdP signs SAML assertion with SHA1, SHA256, or SHA512 algorithms To configure within Calabrio ONE, IdP must provide:

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metadata) IdP Certificate IdP Metadata File (provide the above 3 Items or the file) Calabrio ONE as the SP will provide: URL ID Sign One URL Metadata Calabrio to provide and load a self-signed cert or customer to provide a
signed cert and private key
6.2 Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Certificate Requirements
6.2.1 Calabrio will need an SSL cert In Base 64 format, as a .cer or .crt file, along with the
certificate's private key with no password, to install on the Core Server. Below are the
requirements for the cert: Signature Algorithm: SHA256 2048-bit Public Key Key Usage: Digital Signature, Key Encipherment Enhanced Key Usage: Server Authentication Subject Field's Common Name should contain the servers Fully Qualified Domain Name
(FQDN) address The Subject Alternative Name should contain: Server FQDN Web Host Domain Name System (DNS) Alias
6.2.2 with the FIPS module if FIPS is deployed.
6.3 Calabrio Cloud
6.3.1 Unless otherwise directed by Customer and agreed to by Calabrio, Calabrio will use
data center location(s) in the EMEA for Customer’s deployment. Customer agrees
that it is the sole responsibility of the Customer to comply and adhere to all applicable
international regulatory requirements.
6.4 Quality Management (QM)
6.4.1 When installed on a thin client server, the Smart Desktop client software supports
only soft phones and requires a remote desktop session to capture all user data
6.4.2 If using the Smart Desktop client software for audio recording, any software on that
desktop client that interferes with, redirects, or otherwise hides network traffic will
cause the Smart Desktop client software to fail to record

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6.4.3 QM is dependent upon ACD configuration and connectivity. Customer is responsible
for providing the appropriate connectivity.
6.5 Analytics (CAS)
6.5.1 Analytics - Text Text must be formatted and written to the Calabrio API API information is published in the API guide, located on the Calabrio Success
Center website Calabrio will provide details on how to format data to conform with the import
API. The Customer will need to write to the API. Calabrio will help test if any
API issues are encountered.
6.5.2 Analytics - Applied Analytics Sentiment Analysis requires a full deployment of Speech to Text which
includes Speech to Text transcription Predictive Analysis requires approximately one thousand (1,000) completed
manual evaluation forms for optimal results and includes Predictive NPS which
requires one thousand (1,000) completed NPS surveys for optimal results. A
full deployment of Speech/Phonetics is required for this functionality.
6.6 Out of Scope
6.6.1 This SOW does not include any features or services not specifically stated as a
deliverable in the SOW. If additional features or services are requested, this will
require a Change Order or a new SOW. That includes, but is not limited to the
following out of scope items:

• Custom Reporting such as:

o Custom reporting or dashboards in Data Explorer
o DataMart Integration
o SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)
• Any Integration to a platform or system not defined In SOW deliverables
• Agent desktop integration or agent desktop installation
• Custom metadata that is not included or available in a standard integration
• API development by Calabrio

7 Other Integration Project Assumptions

7.1 Please refer to document "Integration Note - Generic CCaaS Adapter (GCA)"
7.2 Pleas refer to document “Api Reference Guide new.pdf”

Integration Note - API Reference Guide

- New.pdf
Generic CCaaS Adapter (GCA).pdf

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8 Services Terms
8.1 Handoff to Support Services
8.1.1 Once a product is in production with one (1) or more users live on the system, the
ongoing support of that product, or new issues that arise, will be handled by
Calabrio’s support services team
8.1.2 If multiple products or phases are included in the SOW, the portions of the solution
that are in production will be supported by Calabrio’s support services while the
project team completes remaining deliverables or product go lives
8.2 Security and Compliance
8.2.1 Calabrio personnel operate and perform the Services pursuant to Calabrio's internal
policies and codes of conduct related to security and compliance. Calabrio and its
personnel agree that the Services will be performed in adherence to all laws
applicable to the Services. Calabrio prohibits its personnel from entering into
agreements with and/or signing policies from Customers and/or Resellers or
otherwise providing personal data or protected information to Customers and/or
Resellers during or in advance of the performance of the Services.
8.3 Acceptance
8.3.1 Acceptance shall be based on defined Deliverables in this SOW, or documented
product functionality for the version installed and licenses purchased
8.3.2 After Calabrio completes a deliverable, or a defined milestone in the project plan, the
Customer shall perform their own testing to determine acceptance. Customer shall
provide notice to Calabrio of any failure or non-acceptance within ten (10) business
days of delivery or notice of milestone completion
8.3.3 If the Customer does not notify Calabrio of a failure within the ten (10) business day
period, the deliverable or functionality will be deemed accepted by the Customer
8.3.4 Customer agrees not to withhold acceptance for issues that have minor business
impact or accepted workarounds
8.4 Delays or Inactivity
8.4.1 This Statement of Work asserts each party’s obligations related to the project.
Calabrio commits to deliver this project pursuant to a mutually agreed project
timeline at the start of this project. Any impacts to the approved project timeline
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which result in Calabrio resources not being able to complete the scheduled work due
to customer delays or cancellations will result in a billable Change Order. Scenarios
that may result in a billable Change Order include, but are not limited to, the

• Failure of server readiness checks due to Customer-provided servers not

meeting the documented server requirements per the Technical Design
Document provided during the project may be subject to up to one (1) day
charge per recheck.
• Extension of UAT beyond the agreed upon timeframe per the approved project
timeline, notwithstanding Calabrio-specific issue resolution, will be seen as
project acceptance. Should UAT then be completed outside of the agreed upon
timeline and issues be identified, all work to resolve said issues may be deemed
as billable.
• Cancellation of go live for a non-Calabrio related issue within 48 hours of the
scheduled event is subject to a one (1) day of billable time per Calabrio
Professional Services resources scheduled for the go live coverage.
• Projects that run outside of the mutually agreed to and approved project
timeline due to customer delay (i.e., delays in completion of Technical Design
Document and Business Requirements Document. ACD not ready,
environmental issues, delays in environment access or credentials, etc..) and
have a net result of follow-up calls and re-engagement calls may be deemed as
billable for the added work.

8.4.2 In addition to the potential for additional services fees due to delays to the planned
work according to the approved project timeline, the event of a customer project
delay of more than fifteen (15) business days, Calabrio reserves the right to place the
project on hold. If the project is placed on hold, Calabrio will suspend performance of
services and release assigned Calabrio project resources. Customer must provide
Calabrio with a minimum of ten (10) days’ notice to re-start a project on hold and re-
assign a project team. If a project has been placed on hold, the parties agree to
review the SOW prior to restarting the project to ensure the obligations are still
applicable. If deliverables must be repeated, or obligations require additional

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resource time due to the elapsed time the project was placed on hold, additional
charges will apply and will be presented to the customer via an executable change
order to the SOW.
8.4.3 If a project has not started or a project timeline has not been mutually agreed to
within six (6) months from the SOW execution date, or if a project has been placed on
hold for a period of six (6) months or more and the parties have not defined a
mutually agreeable date to re-start the project, Calabrio will invoice for all remaining
professional services fees and close the project. Once the project is closed, a new
SOW and Quote will be required to resume any professional services related to this
8.5 Workshop / Training Refund and Cancellation Policy
8.5.1 Customer may reschedule or cancel their participation in instructor-led training
workshops or classes up to two (2) weeks prior to the session, without penalty.
Cancellations within two (2) weeks of the session are subject to a rescheduling fee of
10% of the booked training/workshop.
8.5.2 Cancellations within one (1) week of the session are subject to a rescheduling fee of
50% of the booked training/workshop.
8.5.3 Cancellations within one (1) business day of the session are subject to a rescheduling
fee of 100% of the booked training/workshop.
8.5.4 A billable Change Order and Quote will need to be executed before the
training/workshop can be rescheduled.
8.5.5 Calabrio strives to ensure training and workshops take place as scheduled, however,
in the unusual event that a class or workshop must be cancelled, Calabrio will not
provide compensation for any external costs of cancellation, such as Customer hourly
compensation or Customer travel costs.

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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have approved this SOW and accepted by an authorized
representative of each party as of the SOW Effective Date. The exchange of a fully-executed SOW (in
counterparts or otherwise) by facsimile or email shall be sufficient to bind the parties to the terms and
conditions of this SOW.

Calabrio Inc Route101 Limited

“Calabrio” “Partner”
By: By:

Printed Name Printed Name

Title Title

Effective Date Date

Mailing Address: Mailing Address:

241 N. 5th Ave. Suite 1200, Minneapolis,
Minnesota 55401, USA

Billing Address:

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Appendix A

Customer Information Questionnaire

System Information
Primary Contact Integration Vendor Generic CCaaS
CCaaS Type Generic CCaaS
Current Calabrio Products? None

Authentication Method
Method for user authentication? Authenticate via SAML
SAML 2.0 Identity Provider Azure AD
Additional SAML Notes Azure AD does not support SP Initiated logon.

Cloud Tenant Details

Product Version Calabrio Cloud
Cloud Region EU - European Union
Tenant Display Name Boyle Sports
Default User Interface Language English (en-us)
Corporate Time Zone [+0100/+0200] Europe/Stockholm (CET/CEST)
ACD/CCaaS Platform Timezone [+0100/+0200] Europe/Stockholm (CET/CEST)
Data Restrictions in Region Keep all data within European Union.
Primary Tenant Admin Name Stephen white
Primary Tenant Admin Email Address

Recording by Business Units or Locations

Group name BoyleSports
Group Server Location BoyleSports Data Center
Recording calls within the European Union or United Kingdom? no no
Recorded Users: QM 50 50
Recorded Users: Total 50 50
Total Named Licensed Users 50 50
Max % Concurrent Recording 90% 90%
Maximum Concurrent Recordings 45 45
Number of unique devices (phones) to be recorded 50 50

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Recorded user to phone association Static. Users map to their
device (phone)
Implementation details Mapping table configured
within Calabrio
Remote or at home, recorded users? yes CCaaS Cloud Partner
Record agent to agent internal calls? yes yes
Live audio monitoring required? (requires On Premise Recorders) no no

Audio recording of calls yes yes

Average recorded calls per day per user 50
Average call time in seconds 360
Audio recorded calls per day 2,500 2,500
Recorded audio minutes per day 15,000 15,000
Average hours talk time per agent per day 5.0
Recorded audio upload Mbytes/day 14,400 14,400
Work days per month for users 22
Total time to retain audio recordings 12 12
(in months) months months
Total Number of Audio recording records 715,000 715,000

Cloud Storage Audio Format Low Comp, wav8, stereo

Received Audio Codec G.711 Stereo
Recorded audio MB per minute 0.96 0.96
Audio minutes in Cloud Storage 3,960,000 3,960,000
Storage GB for Audio in Cloud Storage 3,713 3,713

Selective Screen Recording? yes yes

% of users targeted for screen recording? 100%
Average selected calls per day per user 50
Include screen recording yes yes
Seconds of after call screen recording 30
Avg number of screens per user 2
Recorded screen minutes per day 16,250 16,250
Recorded screen upload per day MB 55,250 55,250
Total Months to keep screen recordings 6 6

Total GB for screen recording in Cloud Storage 7,122 7,122

Total recording Mbytes data upload to Cloud per day 69,650 69,650
Total Recording Cloud Storage GB 10,835 10,835

Are recording users on a VDI (Thin Client)? no no

Do you use an outbound dialer? no no

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Selected recording architecture CCaaS import
Redundant Recording Required? no
If desktop recording, staging upload server to consolidate uploads? no no
Smart Desktop Recorded Users 50 50
Recorded calls/day 2,500 2,500
Total Contacts / day 2,500 2,500

Recording Professional Services

Is deployment dependent upon other customer event or actions? no
Will recording need to be paused for sensitive information (PCI)? no
Need to add custom metadata to recordings? no
Import calls from an existing non Calabrio recording system? no
Import text contacts? yes
What is the source of the text contacts? Zendesk Messaging - API Consulting Route101
Daily volume of text contacts to import? 5000
Import using GIS Data Server or direct to API? API Import
Who is providing these services? Customer/Partner themselves
Advanced Bulk Contact Export included in this system? no
Any other miscellaneous professional service requirements? no

Analytics - Speech, Desktop, Text System

Deploy & configure Phonetic Speech Analytics ? no
Deploy & configure Speech to Text Analytics? yes
Languages required English: British (en-gb)
Are Multiple Languages in use? no

Recorded hours per day 250

Busy Hour % of daily volume 5%

Busy Hour call volume 12.5

Deploy & configure Desktop Analytics? yes
Will this control recording for PCI? no
Deploy & configure Text Analytics? yes
Predictive Analytics - Sentiment yes
Predictive Analytics - Evaluations and/or NPS yes
Metadata field containing source NPS score: Evaluations Only

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Solution Diagram

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