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Chapter 15: INFORMATION grievance redress to customers of regulated

TECHNOLOGY ACT, 2000 entities covered under the RBIOS 2021 (the
Scheme) for grievances against Credit
Information Companies.
➢ The Banking Ombudsman Scheme 2006' was The 'Credit Information Company' as defined in
a scheme which became operative from the Credit Information Companies (Regulation)
January 01 2006 for providing an Act, 2005, shall also be treated as a 'Regulated
expeditious and inexpensive forum for bank Entity' for the purpose of the Scheme."
customers for resolution of complaints
➢ "Appellate Authority" means the Executive
relating to certain services rendered by
Director in-Charge of the Department of the
Reserve Bank administering the Scheme;
➢ The Scheme was introduced under Clause
➢ "Appellate Authority Secretariat" means the
35A of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 by
Department in the Reserve Bank which is
RBI. It was also amended/updated from
administering the Scheme;
time to time the latest being from July 1
2017. ➢ "Authorized Representative" means a
person, other than an advocate, duly
➢ The Scheme covers the following regulated
appointed and authorized in writing to
represent the complainant in the
(i) All Commercial Banks, Regional Rural Banks, proceedings before the Ombudsman;
Scheduled Primary (Urban) Cooperative Banks
➢ “Award” means an award passed by the
and Non-Scheduled Primary (Urban) Co-
Ombudsman in accordance with the
operative Banks with deposits size of Rupees
50 crore and above as on the date of the
audited balance sheet of the previous financial ➢ “bank” means a ‘banking company', a
year; 'corresponding new bank', a ‘Regional Bank
of India' as defined in the Banking
(ii) All Non-Banking Financial Companies
Regulation Act, 1949, a 'co-operative bank'
(excluding Housing Finance Companies) which
as defined in Clause 56 (c) of the Banking
are authorized to accept deposits; or have
Regulation Act, 1949 to the extent not
customer interface, with an assets size of
excluded under the Scheme, but does not
Rupees 100 crore and above as on the date of
include a bank in resolution or winding up
the audited balance sheet of the previous
or under directions or any other bank as
financial year;
specified by the Reserve Bank;
(iii) In terms of RBI directives dated 05-08-2022
(Ref.CEPD.PRD. No. S544/13.01.001/2022-23)
"to provide an avenue for cost free alternate
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➢ "Deputy Ombudsman” means any person hold sittings at such places and in such
appointed by the Reserve Bank as such manner as may be considered necessary and
under the Scheme; proper in respect of a complaint."

➢ "Regulated Entity" means a bank or a Non- ➢ The Reserve Bank shall establish the
Banking Financial Company or a System Centralized Receipt and Processing Centre at
Participant as defined in the Scheme, or any any place as may be decided by it to receive
other entity as may be specified by the the complaints filed under the Scheme and
Reserve Bank from time to time; to the process them.
extent not excluded under the Scheme.
➢ The complaints under the Scheme made
➢ "Settlement" means an agreement reached online shall be registered on the portal
by the parties to the complaint by ( Complaints in
facilitation or conciliation or mediation, as electronic mode (E-mail) and physical form,
per the provisions of this Scheme including postal and hand-delivered
complaints, shall be addressed and sent to
➢ "System Participant" means a person other
the place where the Centralized Receipt and
than the Reserve Bank and a System
Processing Centre of the Reserve Bank is
Provider, participating m a payment system
established, for scrutiny and initial
as defined in the Payment and Settlement
Systems Act, 2007;
➢ Provided that the complaints that are
➢ "System Provider" means and includes a
received directly in any of the offices of the
person who operates an authorized
Reserve Bank shall be forwarded to the
payment system as defined in Clause of the
Centralized Receipt and Processing Centre
Payment and Settlement Systems Act, 2007.
for further action.
➢ The Reserve Bank may appoint one or more
➢ The staffing of the office of the Ombudsman
of its officers as Ombudsman and Deputy
and the CRPC will be the responsibility and
Ombudsman, to carry out the functions
at the cost of the RBI.
entrusted to them under the Scheme and
The appointment of Ombudsman or the ➢ As per clause 9 "Any customer aggrieved by
Deputy Ombudsman, as the case may be, an act or omission of a Regulated Entity
shall be made for a period not exceeding resulting in deficiency in service may file a
three years at a time." complaint under the Scheme personally or
through an authorized representative as
➢ The offices of the Ombudsman shall be at
defined under clause 3(1)(c)"
such places as may be specified by the
Reserve Bank. In order to expedite disposal ➢ Clause 10(1) lists the circumstances under
of the complaints, the Ombudsman may which a complaint would become non-
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maintainable. These are in respect of ➢ A copy of the Award shall be sent to the
matters involving Commercial complainant and the Regulated Entity.
judgment/commercial decision of a
➢ The Regulated Entity shall comply with the
Regulated Entity;
Award and intimate compliance to the
➢ The complaint, if submitted in physical within 30 days from the date of receipt of
form, shall be duly signed by the the letter of acceptance from the
complainant or by the authorized complainant, unless it has preferred an
representative. The complaint shall be appeal under sub-clause (2) of clause 17"
submitted in electronic or physical mode in
➢ Both the regulated entity and the
such format and containing such
complainant has the right to prefer an
information as may be specified by Reserve
appeal, the procedure for which, is provided
in Clause 17 of the Scheme. (4) The
➢ Provided that in e event of failure of a Appellate Authority's Secretariat shall
Regulated Entity to comply with the scrutinize and process the Appeal.
requisition without sufficient cause, the
➢ The Appellate Authority may, after giving
Ombudsman may draw an inference that
the parties a reasonable opportunity of
the Regulated Entity has no information to
being heard- Dismiss the appeal; or Allow
the appeal and set aside the Award or order
➢ The complaint would be deemed to be of the Ombudsman; or Remand the matter
resolved when It has been settled by the to the Ombudsman for fresh disposal in
Regulated Entity with the complainant upon accordance with such directions as the
the intervention of the Ombudsman; or The Appellate Authority may consider necessary
complainant has agreed in writing or or proper; or Modify the order of the
otherwise (which may be recorded) that the Ombudsman or Award and pass such
manner and the extent of resolution of the directions as may be necessary to give effect
grievance is satisfactory; or to the order of the Ombudsman or Award so
modified; or Pass any other order as it may
➢ Unless the complaint is rejected under
deem fit.
clause 16, the Ombudsman shall pass an
Award in the event of non-furnishing of ➢ Under the Scheme the RBI has been
documents/information as enumerated in accorded the authority, through an order to
clause 14(4); or the matter not getting " suspend for such period as may be
resolved under clause 14(9) based on specified in the order, the operation of all or
records placed, and after affording a any of the clauses of the Scheme, either
reasonable opportunity of being heard to generally or in relation to any specified
both the parties. Regulated Entity and The Reserve Bank may,
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by order, extend from time to time, the recommendations to the Central
period of any suspension ordered as Government, and advising on the use of
aforesaid by such period, as it may deem funds.
fit." (Clause 2).
➢ Section 7(2) of the MSMED Act, 2006
establishes the Advisory Committee for
MSMEs, which is essential for the
Chapter 16: MSME ACT, 2006 development and competitiveness of the
MSME sector.

➢ The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises ➢ The Advisory Committee is established by
Development Act, 2006, offers several notification under the Chairmanship of the
benefits and provisions to promote the 'Secretary, Ministry of Micro, Small and
growth of MSMEs like Credit Facilities, Medium Enterprises.'
Delayed Payment Provisions, Reservation of Composition of the Advisory Committee:
Products and Support for Technology
Upgradation. Five officers of the Central Government who
have experience in matters related to Micro,
➢ After 14 years since the MSME Development Small, and Medium Enterprises.
Act came into existence in 2006, a revision
in MSME definition was announced in the ➢ Three representatives from State
Atma-Nirbhar Bharat package on 13th May, Governments.
2020 ➢ One representative each from Micro, Small,
➢ Central government established a board and Medium Enterprise associations.
called as the National Board for Micro, Small Additionally, the Member Secretary of the
and Medium Enterprises, head office at National Board of Micro, Small & Medium
Delhi. Enterprises (NBMSME) also serves as the
Member Secretary of the Advisory
➢ The NBMSME consists of 47 members, Committee.
including 18 ex-officio members,
representing various segments connected to ➢ The memorandum filing is categorized
MSMEs, such as manufacturing and service based on the type of enterprise.
enterprises, women enterprises, Central ➢ Those intending to establish a micro or
Ministries, States, and trade unions. small enterprise, or a medium enterprise
➢ The Board's primary functions include engaged in providing services, are required
examining factors affecting the promotion to file the memorandum at their discretion.
and development of MSMEs, reviewing ➢ The statute allows for exceptions.
government policies and programs, making
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➢ Individuals who established a small-scale ➢ If an individual is convicted for the second
industry and obtained a registration or subsequent time, the fine imposed shall
certificate prior to the enactment of the not be less than rupees one thousand but
MSMED Act can choose to file the may extend to rupees ten thousand.
memorandum at their discretion.
➢ Specific Penalty for Section 22: Where a
➢ Liability of Buyer to Make Payment (Section buyer contravenes the provisions of Section
15): When a supplier provides goods or 22 of the Act, they shall be punishable with
services to a buyer, it is the buyer's a fine that shall not be less than rupees ten
responsibility to make payment. thousand.

➢ The payment should be made on or before

the date agreed upon in writing between
the buyer and the supplier.
➢ If there is no written agreement, the
payment should be made before the
appointed day. The agreed period for SARFAESI: Securitization and Reconstruction of
payment in writing between the supplier Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security
and the buyer should not exceed forty-five Interest Act, 2002.
days from the day of acceptance.
Banks and Financial institutions lend money by
➢ If a buyer fails to make payment to the obtaining security, except for the category of
supplier as per the provisions of Section 15, clean loans.
they are liable to pay compound interest to
the supplier. The security obtained is to act as a protection
for the money advanced and in the case of
➢ The additional information that buyers must need, the money can be realized by the sale of
furnish includes Principal Amount and securities.
Interest Due to Suppliers, Payment Beyond
Appointed Day, Interest Due and Payable The lender's rights over the securities, both
for Delayed Payments and Interest Accrued moveable and immoveable, for realization of
and Remaining Unpaid. the amount advanced, were limited and less
effective since they were required to take help
➢ Penalties (Has been covered in Section 27) of the legal system which was taking unduly
➢ In the case of the first conviction for long time to complete prior to the passing of
intentionally contravening the Act's the SARFAESI Act, 2002.
provisions, the offender can be punished This Act introduced major changes in the legal
with a fine, which may extend to rupees one framework for the recovery of dues by laying
thousand. hands on the securities.
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The Act was also a major step in financial procedure as provided in the Act and the Rules
sector reforms. framed there under, for recovery of the loans.

It has brought a legal framework for the The Act has retrospective application, i.e., it
following important activities in the credit applies for loans and securities created prior to
market: the Act coming into operation.

(a) Securitization of financial assets. 6. The Act is applicable to cases where security
interest for securing repayment of any financial
(b) Reconstruction of financial assets.
asset is more than Rs. 1 Lakh and the amount
(c) Recognition of any 'interest' created in the due is 20% or more of the principal amount
security for due repayment of a loan as a and interest thereon.
'security interest', irrespective of its form and
7. The Act is not applicable to any security
nature but when it is not in the possession of
interest created on agricultural land and
the creditor.
certain properties not liable to attachment
(d) Power to enforce such a security for the under some specified Acts.
realization of money due to banks and the
8. Creditors other than secured creditors not
financial institutions in the event of a default,
eligible to exercise right of enforcement of
without the intervention of the Courts.
securities under this Act.
(e) Enabling provisions for the setting up a
9. The statute has, since its inception in 2002,
central registry for the purpose of registration
been amended a number of times viz. in 2004,
of transactions of securitization, reconstruction
2013, 2016 and 2021 (by Finance Act).
and the creation of the security interest.
In the year 2020 certain provisions i.e. sections
4. The Act extends to whole of India including
17, 18 and 19 of the amendment act of 2016
the State of Jammu & Kashmir. It is effective
were enforced with effect from 24th January
from 21 June, 2002.
The Act is applicable also to housing finance
companies (HFC) whose names are notified by
the Central Government. In Mardia Chemicals vs Union of India, a three-
member bench of the Supreme Court declared
5. The Act has presupposed a simple thing,
this Act as constitutionally valid, except a part
that there is an obligation on the part of the
of the Section 17(2).
borrowers to repay loans and if they are
unable to repay, then the securities for the The Section 17(2) laid down that when the
loans can be sold without intervention of the lender intends to take action of taking
Courts of Law or Tribunals, by following the possession of the security asset, the borrower
can file an appeal to the DRT only after
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depositing 75% of the amount claimed by the ➢ Section 3 of the SARFAESI Act states that no
lender. ARC shall commence or carry on the
business of securitization or asset
The Supreme Court declared this condition of
reconstruction without obtaining a
the deposit of 75% of the claim amount as
certificate of registration granted under this
unreasonable, oppressive, arbitrary and
section, and having net owned fund of not
violative of the Article 14 of the Constitution.
less than Rs. two crore or such other higher
The Act has since been suitably amended by amount as specified by the Reserve Bank.
deleting the condition of pre-deposit of the
➢ The definition of "borrower" as per Section
amount for filing an application/appeal under
2(f) of the Act includes any person who has
Section 17.
been granted financial assistance by any
bank or financial institution.

Chapter 17B: DEFINITIONS UNDER ➢ The Central Registry was established under
SARFAESI ACT, 2002 the Securitization and Reconstruction of
Financial Assets and Enforcement of
Security Interest (SARFAESI) Act 2002 by the
Central Government to register transactions
➢ An Asset Reconstruction Company (ARC) is a
related to asset securitization,
financial institution that buys non-
reconstruction, and creation of security
performing assets (NPAs) from banks and
financial institutions.
➢ The Recovery of Debts Due to Banks and
➢ ARCs buy bad loans from banks and attempt
Financial Institutions Act (RDDBFI Act),
to recover the debts
1993, established Debts Recovery Tribunals
➢ SARFAESI Act allows the filing of appeals (DRTs) with original jurisdiction and Debts
against Debts Recovery Tribunal (DRT) Recovery Appellate Tribunals (DRATs) with
orders in Debts Recovery Appellate Tribunal appellate jurisdiction, for expeditious
(DRAT) 45 days from receiving the order to adjudication and recovery of debts due to
file an appeal. banks and financial institutions.
➢ Financial deposit: 50% of the claimed ➢ According to Section 2 (j), 'Default' can be
amount, potentially reducible to 25% on categorized into two main scenarios Non-
justifiable grounds. Payment Leading to Non-Performing Asset
➢ Tribunals are established by the Central (NPA) Classification and Non-Payment in
Government as per the provisions of the Debt Securities After Notice.
Recovery of Debts due to Bank and Financial ➢ The definition of "financial asset"
Institutions Act, 1993. encompasses a broad range of assets,
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including debt or receivables. It also ➢ Securitization, involves the acquisition of
includes both secured and unsecured claims financial assets by an Asset Reconstruction
to debt or receivables, as well as mortgages, Company (ARC) from the originator (owner
charges, hypothecations, pledges, and other of financial Assets), typically through the
forms of security. raising of funds from qualified buyers (QB)
by issuing security receipts (SR) representing
➢ Hypothecation (Section 2 (n) of SARFESI Act,
undivided interest in the financial assets or
2002) means a charge in or upon any
through other means.
moveable property existing or future
created by a borrower in favor of a secured ➢ The acquisition of the financial asset by the
creditor. Asset Reconstruction Company can be
considered a sale of the asset without
➢ In plain meaning, when the bank or financial
recourse to the bank or financial institution.
institution lends money against security,
they are the originator. ➢ ARC is required to have a minimum Net
Owned Fund (NOF) of not less than Rupees
➢ Obligor means a person liable to pay to the
two crore, or such higher amount as
specified by the Reserve Bank, in order to
➢ Obligator is just a borrower. commence or carry on the business of
securitization or asset reconstruction.
Definition of Property in SARFAESI ACT,
2022: Immoveable property, Moveable ➢ Additionally, the cap on owned fund of 15%
property, any debt or any right to receive of financial assets has been dispensed with.
payment of money whether secured or
➢ Secured asset means the property on which
unsecured, Receivables, whether existing or
a security interest is created.
future and Intangible assets such as patents,
copyright, trademarks, license, franchise or ➢ The powers given by SARFAESI act for the
any other business or commercial right of a enforcement of securities are against the
similar nature. secured assets only.

➢ Qualified Buyers include Financial ➢ Secured Creditor as per Section 2(z d) of the
Institutions, Insurance companies, Banks, Act means Any bank or financial institution
State Financial Corporations, State Industrial or any consortium or group of banks or
Development Corporations, trustee or ARCs financial institutions holding any right, title
registered under SARFAESI and Asset or interest upon any tangible asset or
Management Companies registered under intangible asset or Debenture trustee
SEBI that invest on behalf of mutual funds, appointed by any bank or financial
pension funds, FIIs, etc. institution or An ARC whether acting as such
or managing a trust set up by such ARC for
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the securitization or reconstruction, as the Funds at the time of registration not less
case may be. than Rupees two crore or such other higher
amount as Reserve Bank may specify.
➢ Security debt means a debt which is secured
by any security interest. ➢ Securitization and reconstruction activities
are considered similar.
➢ "Security interest" means right, title or
interest of any kind, other than those ➢ Registered companies can issue security
specified in section 31 {where we can’t receipts and formulate schemes to raise
apply SARFAESI Act}, upon property created money for acquisition activities.
in favor of any secured creditor.
RBI will approve the application of ARC for its
➢ The security receipt evidences the establishment only if: The ARC should not have
purchaser's undivided right, title and incurred losses in any of the three preceding
interest in the security. These receipts are financial years and There must be adequate
transferable in the market. arrangements for the realization of financial
assets and the ability to pay returns and
➢ The ARC shall issue SRs only to QBs and hold
redeem investments.
and administer the financial assets for the
benefit of the QBs. As per Section 4 of the SAFEASI Act 2002, the
registration granted to the Asset
➢ Sponsor is an entity holding not less than
Reconstruction Company by the Reserve Bank
10% of the paid-up equity capital of Asset
of India is cancellable if the company ceases to
Reconstruction Company (ARC).
carry on the business of securitization or asset
reconstruction, or the company ceases to
receive or hold any investment from a qualified
institutional buyer, or the company fails to
SECURITISATION AND comply with any of the conditions subject to
RECONSTRUCTION OF FINANCIAL which the certificate of registration was
INSTITUTIONS ➢ The securitization or reconstruction
company whose registration is cancelled can
prefer an appeal within thirty days from the
➢ The Asset Reconstruction company can date of communication of order, to the
commence or carry business, only after Central Government.
complying with the following two conditions
if it obtains certification of registration from ➢ Even if the application for registration is
the Reserve Bank of India by applying in rejected or the already existing registration
prescribed format and it has the Net Owned is cancelled, shall be deemed as
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Securitization Company or Asset ➢ Fundraising and Security Receipts: Asset
Reconstruction Company, until the company Reconstruction Companies raise funds for
pays the dues of the investors along with asset acquisition by issuing security receipts.
interest within the period as the RBI may
➢ These receipts are not offered to the public;
the company specify.
only qualified institutional buyers (QIB) and
➢ Stamp Duty Exemption: Documents other specified investors, as determined by
executed by a bank or financial institution in the Reserve Bank in consultation with the
favor of the asset reconstruction company Board, can acquire them.
for the purpose of asset reconstruction or
➢ Complex Investment Field: The investment
securitization are exempt from stamp duty
and financial market related to Asset
in accordance with the Indian Stamp Act,
Reconstruction Companies is intricate
unless the acquisition of financial assets is
(complex), requiring detailed risk
for purposes other than asset reconstruction
or securitization.
➢ Trust Arrangements: The Act provides for
➢ Pending legal proceedings related to the
the creation of trust arrangements for each
acquired financial assets may be continued,
scheme of an asset reconstruction company.
prosecuted, and enforced by or against the
asset reconstruction company. ➢ The company acts as a trustee, managing
the trust, with the investors in the scheme
➢ With the consent of the originator, the asset
as beneficiaries.
reconstruction company may file an
application for the substitution of its name ➢ When the ARC issues security receipts, the
in any pending legal proceedings, and the holder of the security receipts is entitled to
relevant tribunal, court, or authority shall an undivided interest in the financial assets.
pass orders for such substitution upon
➢ In such an event the security receipt does
receipt of the application.
not require registration that is otherwise
➢ When a bank or financial institution decides compulsory under the Registration Act,
to transfer a financial asset to an Asset 1908.
Reconstruction Company, it has the option
➢ However, registration of the security
to give a notice of such acquisition to the
receipt is required in the following case: If
obligor (borrower or person liable to repay)
the security receipt is creating, declaring,
and the Registrar of Companies if the
assigning, limiting or extinguishing any right,
obligor is a company.
title or interest to or in an immoveable
➢ However, giving such notice is optional and property. (Section 8)
not compulsory under the Act.
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➢ Asset reconstruction companies registered ➢ Secured creditors must consider and
under section 3 are authorized to act as an internally evaluate such responses,
agent for banks or financial institutions to communicating reasons for any rejection
recover dues from borrowers, subject to within 15 days.
mutually agreed fees or charges.
➢ Various rights accrue to secured creditor on
➢ Asset reconstruction companies engaged in non-payment, like asset possession and
other businesses prior to the management takeover.
commencement of the Act are required to
➢ Transfer by a secured creditor vests all
cease such activities within one year.
rights to the transferee as if by the asset
➢ Disputes among banks, financial owner.
institutions, and Asset Reconstruction
➢ In winding up, workmen’s dues have equal
Companies (ARCs) must be settled through
charge with secured creditors as per
conciliation or arbitration as per the
Companies Act 2013.
Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996.
➢ Rights under SARFAESI to be exercised by
➢ The RBI is empowered to conduct audits and
authorized officers or persons in control of
inspections of ARCs to ensure compliance
the creditor's business.
and proper management.
➢ Authorized officer issues sale certificate,
➢ ARCs must ensure compliance with the
requiring stamping per state laws.
SARFAESI Act regulations within six months
from the commencement of the Act. ➢ Under the SARFAESI Act, secured creditors
have the right to enforce their security
interest without the intervention of the
court, in case of default.
SECURITY INTEREST ➢ When necessary to take possession or
control of secured assets, or when such
assets must be sold or transferred, the
➢ Under SARFAESI Act, secured creditors can secured creditor may request assistance
enforce security interests without from judicial authorities.
court/tribunal intervention.
➢ Assistance can be sought from Chief
➢ Notice must be given to the defaulting Metropolitan Magistrate (CMM) or District
borrower, now an NPA, to discharge Magistrate (DM) or an officer authorized by
liabilities within 60 days. the CMM or DM

➢ Although not required, borrowers can ➢ The secured creditor must submit a written
respond. request to the relevant authority within
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whose jurisdiction the asset or its ➢ Shareholders cannot appoint directors
documents are located. independently.

➢ On receiving the request, the official must: ➢ Shareholder resolutions require secured
Take possession of the security asset and creditor approval.
related documents.
➢ Any court proceedings for winding up or
➢ Forward the assets and documents to the appointing a receiver require the secured
secured creditor. creditor's consent.

➢ The DM/CMM/authorized officer is required ➢ An aggrieved person, including the

to pass an order for taking possession within borrower, can apply to the Debts Recovery
30 days. Tribunal within 45 days of possession
measures taken by the secured creditor.
➢ An extension of another 30 days is
permissible, with recorded reasons. ➢ The Debts Recovery Tribunal is required to
dispose of the application in accordance
➢ Immunity Clause: Actions taken by the
with the provisions of the recovery of debts
DM/CMM or authorized officer while taking
due to Banks and Financial Institutions Act,
possession cannot be questioned in court or
1993 and its rules, ideally within 60 days.
before any authority.
➢ Any aggrieved individual has the right to
➢ A notice must be published in both English
appeal against orders made by the Debt
and a local Indian language newspaper. The
Recovery Tribunal (DRT) to Appellate
location for publication is the borrower's
principal office.
➢ The appeal must be filed within 30 days
➢ The secured creditor or ARC can appoint
from the receipt of the DRT order.
new directors.
➢ The borrower must deposit 50% of the debt
➢ The existing directors are considered to
claimed by the secured creditor to file an
have vacated their offices once the notice is
➢ The tribunal may reduce the required
➢ Administrators are appointed to manage
deposit to 25% upon recording reasons for
the business.
the reduction.
➢ The newly appointed directors or
administrators, Take custody of all business
properties and effects.

➢ Assume full powers of superintendence,

direction, and control.
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Chapter 17 E: CENTRAL REGISTRY ➢ Any person having order of attachment
against the borrower shall file such order
with Central registry.
➢ Under the SARFEASI Act, there is a provision ➢ Such registration will be deemed to be
for the establishment of a Central Registry public notice from the date of filing with the
under Section 20 of the Act.
Central Registry.
➢ The Central Government may, by
➢ No secured creditor shall be allowed to
notification, a registry to be known as the exercise right of enforcement of securities
Central Registry with its own seal for the
unless the security interest created has been
purposes of registration of transaction of registered with the Central Registry.
securitization and reconstruction of financial
assets and creation of security interest. The ➢ The Central Government has to appoint by
head office of the Central Registry shall be notification a person as central registrar for
at such place as the Central Government the purpose of registration.
may specify and for the purpose of ➢ The Central Government, vide its
facilitating registration of transactions notification of March 2011, has brought the
referred to in sub-section (1). Central Registry under the superintendence
➢ The provisions of this Act pertaining to the and direction of the Central Registrar.
Central Registry shall be in addition to and ➢ A record shall be maintained at the central
not in derogation of any of the provisions register at the head office in which
contained in the Registration Act, 1908, the transactions relating to Securitization of
Companies Act, 1956, the Merchant financial assets, Reconstruction of financial
Shipping Act, 1958 etc. assets and Creation of security interests
➢ CERSAI is central registry in India. CERSAI: shall be maintained.
Central Registry of Securitisation Asset ➢ The record of central register can be kept
Reconstruction and Security Interest. fully or partly on computer, floppies,
➢ All creditors including secured creditors may diskettes, or any other electronic form.
file particulars of transactions with central ➢ As per Section 23 of the SARFEASI Act 2002
registry. the particulars of every transaction of
➢ Creditors other than secured creditors are securitization, asset reconstruction or
not eligible to exercise right of enforcement creation of security interest shall be filed,
of securities under this Act. with the Central Registrar in the manner
and on payment of such fee as may be
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➢ The Central Government may, by rules, ➢ Same is applicable if the data is kept in the
prescribe forms for registration for different electronic form at the office of the central
types of security interest under this section registrar. (Section 26)
and fee to be charged for such registration.

➢ The methodology to be used for recording

satisfaction of security interest is provided Chapter 17F: OFFENCES AND PENALTIES
in Section 25 of the Act.

➢ As per Section 25: The asset reconstruction ➢ Sections 12 or 12A of the SARFAESI Act
company (ARC) or the secured creditors as empower the Reserve Bank of India to issue
the case may be, shall give intimation to the directions to securitization or reconstruction
Central Registrar of the payment or companies.
satisfaction in full within thirty days from
the date of such payment or satisfaction. ➢ Failure to comply with the RBI's directions
can lead to a fine not exceeding Rs. 5 lakhs
➢ On receipt of intimation, the Central for the default.
Registrar shall order that a memorandum of
satisfaction shall be entered in the Central ➢ For a continued offense, an additional fine
Register. of up to Rs. 10,000 per day of the default
can be imposed.
➢ If the concerned borrower gives an
intimation to the Central Registrar for not ➢ The SARFAESI Act stipulates that any
recording the payment or satisfaction, the individual who contravenes, attempts to
Central Registrar shall on receipt of such contravene the act's provisions or rules can
intimation, cause a notice to be sent to the face punishment, including imprisonment
asset reconstruction company or the for up to one year, a fine, or both.
secured creditors calling upon it to show ➢ Any violation of these provisions is subject
cause within a time not exceeding 14 days to punishment under Section 29 of the Act.
specified in such notice, as to why payment
or satisfaction should not be recorded as ➢ The complaint must be made by an officer
intimated to the Central Registrar. who is generally or specially authorized in
writing by the Central Registrar or the
➢ The particulars of securitization or Reserve Bank.
reconstruction or security interest entered
in the central register are open for ➢ Cognizance of offenses under the SARFAESI
inspection by any person during office hours Act can only be taken by the Metropolitan
on payment of fees as may be prescribed. Magistrate or the Judicial Magistrate of First
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➢ Adjudicating authority means such officer or Chapter 17G: MISCELLANEOUS
a committee of officers of the Reserve Bank, PROVISIONS
designated as such from time to time, by
notification, by the Central Board of Reserve
Bank. ➢ Section 31 gives the details of excluded
➢ The penalty can be up to one crore rupees securities to which the SARFAESI Act is not
or twice the amount involved in the failure applicable If outstanding is up to one lakh
whichever is more where such amount is rupees, any security interest created in
quantifiable and where such failure is a agricultural land and Any case, in which the
continuing one, a further penalty which may amount due is less than 25% of the principal
extend to one lakh rupees for every day. amount and interest.

➢ The Act mandates that no complaint shall be ➢ The Reserve Bank or the Central Registry or
filed in court against a person in default in any secured creditor or any of its officers are
any court pertaining to any failure for whom protected for actions taken in good faith by
a penalty has been imposed and recovered the provisions made in the Act.
by the Reserve Bank under this section. ➢ Section 33 of the SARFAESI Act specifies the
➢ Section 30B outlines the process for punishment for offenses committed by a
appealing against the decision of the company and its officers under the Act,
adjudicating authority, allowing for appeals holding them accountable for statutory
to the Appellate Authority within a period obligations.
of thirty days from the date on which such ➢ Non-observance of statutory obligations
order is passed. amounts to an offense under the Act, and
➢ Section 30C designates the Central Board of both the company and the person in charge
Reserve Bank to appoint officers or a of its business are deemed guilty and liable
committee as the Appellate Authority, for prosecution and punishment.
defining its powers to pass orders and stay ➢ There is provision for a person acting for the
enforcement of penalties pending appeal. company to prove that the offense was
committed without their knowledge or that
they had taken due diligence to prevent it,
thus avoiding punishment.

➢ If the offense is committed with the consent

or connivance of any director or officer of
the company, the director or officer will be
deemed guilty of the offense along with the
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➢ The penal provisions are applicable to all Chapter 18 A : THE RECOVERY OF DEBTS
categories of borrowers including AND BANKING ACT, 1993 (DRT ACT
individuals, partnership firms, and
companies incorporated under the
Companies Act or any other association of
Section 31 gives the details of excluded
➢ The SARFAESI Act has conferred jurisdiction securities to which the SARFAESI Act is not
on many matters to the debt’s recovery applicable If outstanding is up to one lakh
tribunal or the appellate tribunal. rupees, any security interest created in
agricultural land and Any case, in which the
➢ Similarly, any Court or authority cannot
amount due is less than 25% of the principal
grant injunction in such matters and actions
amount and interest.
taken, or to be taken, under this Act as well
as under Recovery of Debts Due to Banks ➢ The Reserve Bank or the Central Registry or
and Financial Institutions Act, 1993. any secured creditor or any of its officers are
protected for actions taken in good faith by
➢ The Central Government has the authority
the provisions made in the Act.
to frame rules for implementing the
SARFAESI Act and notify them in the Official ➢ Section 33 of the SARFAESI Act specifies the
Gazette or the Electronic Gazette as defined punishment for offenses committed by a
in the Information Technology Act, 2000. company and its officers under the Act,
holding them accountable for statutory
➢ Rules made under the Act must be
presented before each House of Parliament,
while in session for a total period of thirty ➢ Non-observance of statutory obligations
days. amounts to an offense under the Act, and
both the company and the person in charge
➢ The validity of the rules is determined by
of its business are deemed guilty and liable
the decision of both Houses of Parliament,
for prosecution and punishment.
and any act done under the existing rule is
not affected if the rules are subsequently ➢ There is provision for a person acting for the
modified or cancelled. company to prove that the offense was
committed without their knowledge or that
➢ This process ensures that rules made under
they had taken due diligence to prevent it,
the SARFAESI Act undergo parliamentary
thus avoiding punishment.
scrutiny and approval, contributing to
transparency and accountability in the ➢ If the offense is committed with the consent
implementation of the Act. or connivance of any director or officer of
the company, the director or officer will be
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deemed guilty of the offense along with the transparency and accountability in the
company. implementation of the Act.

➢ The penal provisions are applicable to all

categories of borrowers including
individuals, partnership firms, and Chapter 18 B : THE RECOVERY OF DEBTS
companies incorporated under the AND BANKING ACT, 1993 (DRT ACT
Companies Act or any other association of 1993)

➢ The SARFAESI Act has conferred jurisdiction

➢ Section 3 of the Recovery of Debts and
on many matters to the debt’s recovery
Bankruptcy Act, 1993 empowers the Central
tribunal or the appellate tribunal.
Government to establishes the Debts
➢ Similarly, any Court or authority cannot Recovery Tribunal (DRT).
grant injunction in such matters and actions
➢ Sub-Section 1(A) specifies that the Central
taken, or to be taken, under this Act as well
Government shall, by notification, establish
as under Recovery of Debts Due to Banks
the number of Debt Recovery Tribunals and
and Financial Institutions Act, 1993.
their benches.
➢ The Central Government has the authority
➢ The purpose of establishing these DRTs is to
to frame rules for implementing the
exercise the jurisdiction, powers, and
SARFAESI Act and notify them in the Official
authority of the Adjudicating Authority
Gazette or the Electronic Gazette as defined
conferred on such Tribunals under the
in the Information Technology Act, 2000.
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016.
➢ Rules made under the Act must be
➢ The tribunal is made up of only one person
presented before each House of Parliament,
called 'Presiding Officer' and the
while in session for a total period of thirty
appointment is done by the Central
Government by issuing a notification.
➢ The validity of the rules is determined by
➢ A person is qualified for appointment as a
the decision of both Houses of Parliament,
presiding officer of a tribunal if he possesses
and any act done under the existing rule is
the qualifications required to be appointed
not affected if the rules are subsequently
as a District Judge or He is currently serving
modified or cancelled.
as a District Judge or He has previously
➢ This process ensures that rules made under served as a District Judge.
the SARFAESI Act undergo parliamentary
➢ The presiding officer of a tribunal holds
scrutiny and approval, contributing to
office for a duration of five years,
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commencing from the date on which they Chapter 18 C: JURISDICTION, POWERS &
assume office Or The term may end if the AUTHORITY OF TRIBUNALS
presiding officer attains the age of sixty-five
years, whichever comes earlier. [5 years/65
years] ➢ Tribunals have the authority to entertain
➢ Appellate Tribunal: It is a body established and decide applications or appeals from
for the purpose of preferring an appeal banks and financial institutions for the
against the order passed by the tribunal recovery of debts, including applications
(DRT). under Part III of the Insolvency and
Bankruptcy Code, 2016.
➢ Section 10 of the Act outlines the
qualifications required for the appointment ➢ To invoke the jurisdiction of the Tribunal
of a chairperson of an appellate tribunal. and file an application, the claim for debt
recovery must be Rs. 20 lakh or above,
➢ The individual must be, or must have been, including both principal and interest.
or be eligible to become a Judge of a High
Court or The candidate must have been a ➢ The Chairperson has the authority to
member of the Indian legal service and have transfer applications from one Presiding
held a post in the Grade of that service for a Officer to another within their jurisdiction,
minimum period of three years or The either upon receiving an application for
person should have served as the presiding transfer or on their own initiative.
officer of a tribunal for at least three years. ➢ The Chairperson can direct Tribunals to
➢ The chairperson's term in office lasts for a provide information, in a specified format
period of five years, starting from the date and within specified timeframes, regarding
they assume their position or until the pending cases under this Act (DRT) and the
chairperson attains the age of seventy years Securitization and Reconstruction of
whichever is earlier. [5 years/70 years] Financial Assets and Enforcement of
Security Interest Act, 2002, or any other
➢ Presiding officer or chairperson can, by applicable law.
three months written notice, resign his
office. They cannot be removed, except by ➢ The Chairperson has the authority to
an order of the Central Government, on the convene periodic meetings of Presiding
ground of proved misbehaviour or Officers to review their performance.
incapacity after inquiry.
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Chapter 18 D: PROCEDURE OF ➢ Show cause within thirty days of summons
service as to why the relief should not be
TRIBUNALS granted.

➢ Disclose details of properties or assets not

specified by the applicant.
➢ The institution can, with the DRT’s
permission, withdraw the application to ➢ The defendant, upon receiving the
take action under the SARFAESI Act 2002 summons, cannot transfer assets with
(Securitization and Reconstruction of security interest or those disclosed without
Financial Assets and Enforcement of Tribunal approval.
Security Interest Act).
➢ Sale proceeds from secured assets must be
➢ The DRT must process withdrawal deposited into the account of the bank or
applications promptly, ideally within 30 financial institution holding security
days from the date of application. interest.

➢ Refusals require recorded justifications. ➢ Section 5(i) The defendant must present a
written statement of defence within thirty
➢ Certain multi-state co-operative banks have
days of summons service, including any
the option to initiate debt recovery
claim for set-off or counter-claim.
proceedings under the Multi-State Co-
operative Societies Act, 2002, instead of the ➢ Hearing for admission or denial of
DRT route. documents produced by parties is done
under sub-section 5A.
➢ If a bank or financial institution files an
application under Section 19(1) for debt ➢ If a defendant admits a debt, they are
recovery, another bank or financial ordered to pay within 30 days.
institution can join the proceedings at any
➢ Failure to comply may result in the Tribunal
stage before the final order by making an
issuing a recovery certificate for the
admitted debt amount.
➢ Applications filed under Sections 19(1) or
➢ Tribunals can issue conditional attachment
19(2) must comply with prescribed forms,
orders on properties, wholly or partially, as
documents, evidence, and fees.
➢ Upon receiving the application, the tribunal
➢ Attachment orders must comply with the
issues summons to the defendant with
requirements stated in Sub-Section 13.
➢ Failure to do so renders the order void.
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➢ Breach of tribunal orders may result in depositing 50% of the determined amount
property attachment and civil detention for for an appeal to the Appellate Tribunal.
up to three months.
➢ Tribunal holds the discretion to decrease or
➢ Tribunals can appoint receivers, remove waive the payment, but not below 25% of
property custodians, and confer various the determined amount, with a written
property management powers to ensure rationale.
debt recovery.
➢ The Tribunal and the Appellate Tribunal are
➢ Recovery Certificate and Amendments deemed to hold the status of a Civil Court in
(Section 19(22) and (22A)): The Presiding accordance with Section 195 and Chapter
Officer issues a recovery certificate for debt XXVI of the Code of Criminal Procedure,
payment. These certificates are considered 1973.
as court orders for various legal

➢ Affidavits may be accepted as evidence;

witness cross-examination is only required if DETERMINDED BY TRIBUNAL AND
deemed necessary by the tribunal. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS
➢ Property transfers violating court
injunctions are considered void and confer
➢ Under the Act, specialized recovery officers
no rights or interests.
are appointed and attached to the tribunal.
➢ Anyone affected by a Tribunal's order or a
➢ The Act includes provisions for the transfer
deemed order under the DRT Act has the
of cases from the Civil Court to the Tribunal.
right to appeal. Appeal to Appellate Tribunal
allowed unless the original order was made ➢ A recovery certificate is a decree that can be
with the parties' consent Within 30 days of used to lodge a claim under the IBC.
receiving the order.
➢ The holder of a recovery certificate is
➢ Strives to resolve the appeal within six entitled to initiate CIRP under the IBC within
months from the receipt of the appeal. three years from the date of issuance.
➢ Writ Petition to High Court: Under Article ➢ The Act grants the Tribunal various
226, and supervisory jurisdiction of High miscellaneous powers that may include
Court under Article 227. actions related to the recovery process,
dispute resolution, and related matters.
➢ Defendant, subject to a recovery order by
the Debt Recovery Tribunal, requires ➢ Section 25 of the Act outlines the
procedures and modes of recovery for the
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specified amount as per the recovery of the amount mentioned in the recovery
certificate issued under Section 19(22). certificate before the Recovery Officer.

➢ The Recovery Officer is responsible for ➢ Section 30 addresses this concern by

executing these recovery proceedings. providing an avenue for appeal to the
Tribunal for any person aggrieved by the
➢ The Recovery Officer can attach and sell
Recovery Officer's order.
both movable and immovable property
owned by the defendants. ➢ Section 30A stipulates that for appeals
against the Recovery Officer's order, the
➢ The Act allows for the arrest of the
appellant must deposit 50% of the
defendant, but its use is subject to judicial
determined debt amount with the Tribunal.
scrutiny and must be in line with the
Supreme Court's decision. ➢ Section 31(1) of the Act addresses the
transfer of suits or other proceedings
➢ The Recovery Officer has the authority to
pending before any court to the Tribunal
appoint a receiver for the management of
established under the Act.
the movable and immovable properties of
the defendant.

➢ The Presiding Officer of the Tribunal who Chapter 19: Resolution of Stressed
had issued the recovery certificate is Assets under Insolvency and
authorized to withdraw the certificate or
Bankruptcy Code 2016 (PART-I)
correct any clerical or mathematical error in
the certificate.

➢ One of the Rules framed under the Act (5A)

states that when any party wants to have a ➢ The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016
review of the order passed by the Tribunal came into effect from 1st December 2016.
or the recovery certificate issued by the ➢ Insolvency is a situation where liabilities of
Tribunal on the ground that error is an individual or an entity exceed its assets
apparent on the face of the record, he can and is unable to pay debt obligations.
make application for review within sixty
days of passing the order or issuing the ➢ Bankruptcy is the legal recognition of the
certificate. insolvency as beyond resolution.

➢ Such application needs to be supported by ➢ A bankrupt person or entity is a debtor who

affidavit verifying the contents. has been adjudged as bankrupt by a due
Adjudicating Authority by passing a
➢ Section 26 imposes restrictions on the bankruptcy order.
defendant from questioning the correctness
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➢ LEGAL ELEMENTS OF THE CODE: Insolvency ➢ It is a pooling centre of information from
& Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI, the entities like banks, FIs, NBFCs, ARCs,
Regulator), Insolvency Professional Agencies Corporates, firms, individuals, utilities on
Insolvency Professionals (Interim Resolution any financial or other credit transaction
Professionals, Resolution Professionals) with them.
National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT -
➢ The information available with the IUs are
Adjudicating Authority for Corporate)
accessible through a Central Application
➢ National Company Law Appellate Tribunal Programming Interface (CAPI).
(NCLAT - Appellate Authority for Corporate)
➢ Financial Creditors are those who have lent
➢ Debt Recovery Tribunals (Adjudicating money to the Corporate Debtor (CD), meant
Authority for individuals and partnerships for paying back, without any trade
➢ Regulatory Authority (IBBI): The Insolvency
and Bankruptcy Board of India is entrusted ➢ Operational creditors are those who have
with the task of regulating both the supplied goods or services on credit or those
profession and process of IBC. who have made advance payment of money
to the CD in consideration of receiving back
➢ Insolvency Professionals (IPs) are the
goods or service.
frontline warriors implementing IBC.
➢ The Committee of Creditors (CoC) is a
➢ They are professionals licensed/registered
committee of, normally, only financial
by IBBI to undertake the role of the Interim
creditors and is formed by the Interim
Resolution Professional (IRP), Resolution
Resolution Professional based on the claims
Professional (RP), liquidator and/or
received from the creditors.
bankruptcy trustee under any resolution
process initiated under the Code. ➢ Operational creditors have only observatory
role in CoC except where there are no
➢ IPAs are bodies or entities registered with
financial creditors.
IBBI and are responsible for promoting the
best professional standards among ➢ The National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT)
Insolvency Professionals (IP). is the adjudicating authority for insolvency
resolution process of corporate entities,
➢ As of now there are three IPAs, namely,
namely, Companies, LLPs or other corporate
Institute of Company Secretaries of India,
entities incorporated under any law in force.
Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
and Institute of Cost Accountants of India ➢ The Debt Recovery Tribunal (DRT) is the
adjudicating authority for non-corporate
➢ IUs are reservoirs of financial information of
entities (Individuals, Proprietors, Partners of
all entities under the Code.
a Partnership).
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➢ Insolvency and bankruptcy resolution by the applicant with the approval of 90%
process can be initiated when a Corporate voting share of the CoC, but before
Debtor commits a default of Rs. one crore or publication of expression of interest (EoI)
more. for submitting the resolution plan.

➢ The NCLT will declare moratorium from the ➢ An Expression of Interest (EOI) is one of the
date of commencement of insolvency till the initial transaction documents shared by the
completion of the same against institution buyer with the seller in a potential M&A
of suits, transfer of assets, foreclosure, deal.
recovery or enforcement under SARFAESI,
➢ The EOI indicates a serious interest from the
recovery by owner of property or assets in
buyer that their company would be
possession of CD (kind of Stay Order).
interested to pay a certain valuation and
➢ The time available is for entire process is acquire the seller's company through a
hundred and eighty days (180). formal offer.

➢ The powers of the board of directors shall ➢ Information memorandum is a compilation

stand suspended from the date of initiation of the entire information on CD. It is
of CIRP. prepared by the Resolution Professional
(RP) incorporating information such as
➢ Within three days of appointment, the IRP,
Assets and liabilities as on insolvency
has to make a Public Announcement of
commencement date, Latest annual
commencement of CIRP, published on the
financial statements and Audited financial
websites of IBBI as well as CD and also in
statements for last two financial years.
two newspapers including one in regional
language to invite all creditors for ➢ Evaluation Matrix is the criteria for
submission of claims and proof of claims evaluating Resolution Plan and is prepared
(PoC) within 11 days from the date of the by the RP in consultation with CoC.
➢ An invitation for expression of interest from
➢ Based on the claims received from Financial interested and eligible prospective
Creditors, the IRP shall constitute a resolution applicants to submit resolution
Committee of Creditors (CoC) consisting of plans shall be published by RP, in the same
all those financial creditors (who are not a way of publication of notification, not later
related party to the Corporate Debtor). than seventy-fifth day (75) from the
insolvency commencement date.
➢ The CoC has to meet within seven days of its
constitution. ➢ Resolution Applicant is a person, who
individually or jointly with any other person,
➢ The Adjudicating Authority can allow the
withdrawal of CIRP on an application made
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submits a resolution plan to the Resolution ➢ Under this Act, a certified copy of any entry
Professional, subject to the eligibility. in a banker's book is considered as prima
facie evidence of the existence of such an
➢ On receipt of EOI, and within five days of
entry, and it can be produced as evidence in
issue of provisional list to all prospective
court without the need for further proof.
resolution applicants, the RP shall issue
copies of Information Memorandum, ➢ The Act extends to the whole of India except
evaluation matrix and a request for the State of Jammu & Kashmir as there is a
resolution plans. The time limit allowable to similar Act exists in Jammu & Kashmir.
RA for submission of resolution plan is
➢ Bankers' book: It includes ledgers, day
minimum 30 days.
books, cash books, account books and all
➢ After inspecting all the resolution plans, the other records used in the ordinary business
RP, on satisfying himself about their of a bank.
compliance to the Act and Rules, shall
➢ A copy of any entry in such books together
submit them to the CoC.
with a certificate written at the foot of such
➢ The CoC shall evaluate each resolution plan copy mentioning that it is a true copy of
strictly as per the evaluation matrix to such entry and that such entry is contained
identify the best resolution plan. in one of the ordinary books of the bank.

➢ The Adjudicating Authority will order ➢ If maintained in the electronic form:

liquidation of the Corporate Debtor and Consists of printouts of data stored in a
issue order of liquidation of the company floppy, disc, tape or any other
with appointment of RP as liquidator in case electromagnetic data storage device. Or
no resolution plan is received by RP or the
➢ If maintained in the mechanical form: A
received ones does not get the required 66%
printout of any entry in the books of a bank
votes from CoC.
stored in a microfilm, magnetic tape or any
other form of mechanical or electronic data
retrieval mechanism obtained by
Chapter 20: THE BANKERS’ BOOKS mechanical or other process, it should
EVIDENCE ACT 1891 contain the certificate having all the
applicable contents detailed as above in sub
para (i).
➢ The Bankers' Books Evidence Act, 1891, is an
➢ A certificate by the principal accountant or
important legal rule in India that deals with
the manager to the effect that it is a
the admissibility of bank documents as
printout of such entry or a copy of such
evidence in court proceedings.
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➢ A certified copy of any entry in a bankers' ➢ Lok Adalat have their basis in the Legal
book shall, in all legal proceedings, be Services Authorities Act of 1987, which was
received as prima facie evidence of the enacted to promote and ensure equal
existence of such entry. access to justice for all citizens.

➢ According to Section 5 of the Act in any Voluntary Participation:

proceeding where the bank is not a party,
Participation in Lok Adalat is usually voluntary,
no officer of a bank shall be compellable to
and parties involved in a dispute can choose to
produce any bankers' book, contents of
have their case referred to a Lok Adalat.
which can be proved, under this Act by
production of certified copies. Settlement Through Conciliation:

➢ In terms of Section 6 of the Act: On the Lok Adalat primarily focus on conciliation and
application of any party to a legal settlement of disputes.
proceeding the Court or a Judge may order
No Court Fees:
that such party be at liberty to inspect and
take copies of any entries in a banker's book One of the advantages of Lok Adalat is that
for any of the purposes of such proceeding, they do not charge any court fees or legal
or may order the bank to prepare and expenses, making it a cost-effective option for
produce, within a time to be specified in the resolving disputes.
order, certified copies of all such entries.
➢ In terms of the provisions of Section 7 court
Lok Adalat can deal with various types of
may further order such costs or part thereof
cases, including civil, criminal, and family
to be paid by the bank to the party, if they
have been incurred in consequence of any
fault or improper delay on the part of the Legally Binding:
bank. Any settlement reached in a Lok Adalat is
legally binding on the parties and has the
same status as a decree of a civil court.
No Appeal:
Once a dispute is settled in a Lok Adalat, there
is generally no provision for filing an appeal in
a regular court, as the settlement is
➢ A Lok Adalat, also known as a "People's
considered final.
Court" or "Public Court," is an alternative
dispute resolution mechanism in the Indian ➢ As per Section 19(1) of the Legal Services
legal system. Authorities Act 1987, Lok Adalat are
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organized by the State Authority, District Chapter 22: Consumer Protection Act
Authority or the Supreme Court Legal 2019
Services Committee or High Court Legal
Services Committee or Taluka Legal Services
Committee for exercising jurisdiction and
➢ It replaced the previous Consumer
for such areas as it thinks fit.
Protection Act of 1986 and became effective
➢ The monetary ceiling (maximum) of on July 20, 2020.
amounts regarding which civil disputes can
The primary objective of this act is to
be settled under this mechanism is
safeguard the interests of consumers and
presently Rs. 20 lakhs. The jurisdiction of
provide them with a robust legal framework
the Permanent Lok Adalat is up to Rs. 1
for addressing grievances and seeking
As per Section 22 of this act:
➢ Unfair contracts and unfair trade practices
The Lok Adalat or Permanent Lok Adalat are prohibited under the Consumer
(added w.e.f. 11.6.2002) shall, for the Protection Act in order to protect the rights
purposes of holding any determination under and interests of consumers.
this Act, have the same powers as are vested
➢ According to Section 2(46) of the Consumer
in a Civil Court under the Code of Civil
Protection Act, an unfair contract is a
Procedure, 1908, while trying a suit in respect
contract between a manufacturer, trader, or
of the following matters, namely the
service provider and a consumer that
summoning and enforcing the attendance of
contains terms that significantly change the
any witness and examining him on oath and
rights of the consumer.
the discovery and production of any
document. ➢ Section 2(47) of the Consumer Protection
Act defines unfair trade practices as,
➢ Max amount up to which Lak Adalat can
methods or practices adopted for promoting
settle the case: 20 Lac.
the sale, use, or supply of goods or services
that are unfair or deceptive.

➢ Consumer Protection Councils play a crucial

role in promoting and protecting consumer
rights under the Consumer Protection Act

➢ There are three Consumer Protection

Council at different stage: Central Consumer
Protection Council, State Consumer
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Protection Council and District Consumer ➢ Each State Commission comprises a
Protection Council. President and a varying number of members
prescribed in consultation with the Central
➢ The Consumer Disputes Redressal
Commissions in India play a crucial role in
protecting the rights and interests of ➢ The State Commission handles complaints
consumers, ensuring efficient dispute exceeding one crore rupees but not more
resolution, and upholding the principles of than ten crore rupees. [Now 50 Lac + & up
consumer protection as outlined in the to 2 Cr]
Consumer Protection Act of 2019.
➢ It also considers complaints against unfair
➢ The District Consumer Disputes Redressal contracts below ten crore rupees.
Commission (DCDRC), also known as the
[Now below 2 Cr]
District Consumer Forum that deals with
consumer complaints and disputes. ➢ An appeal against State Commission orders
can be filed with the National Commission
It was established under the section 28 of
within 30 days from the date of the order.
Consumer Protection Act 2019.
➢ The NCDRC is the highest level of consumer
➢ The State Government is responsible for
dispute resolution in India.
establishing a District Consumer Disputes
Redressal Commission, commonly known as Appeals can be filed against the decisions of
the District Commission, in each district of the SCDRC or directly if the value of the
the State. dispute is above a certain limit.

➢ Each District Commission consists of a It has been established under the section 53
President. of Consumer Protection Act 2019.

The District Commission entertains ➢ The Central Government establishes the

complaints where the value of goods or National Consumer Disputes Redressal
services paid as consideration does not Commission, known as the National
exceed one crore rupees. [Now 50 Lac] Commission.

➢ State Consumer Disputes Redressal ➢ The National Commission handles

Commission (SCDRC), is the second level of complaints where the value of goods or
dispute resolution, where appeals can be services paid as consideration exceeds ten
filed against the decisions of the DCDRC or crore rupees. [Now 2 Cr]
directly if the value of the dispute exceeds
➢ It also considers complaints against unfair
the jurisdiction of the DCDRC.
contracts exceeding ten crore rupees.

[Now exceed 2 Cr]

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➢ Appeals against National Commission Such case has a conflict between two parties
orders can be filed with the Supreme Court that is plaintiff and defendant.
within thirty days from the date of the
is a person who files a petition in court.
➢ District Commission handles cases where
the dispute involves relatively lower values, Petitioner is one who invokes the help of a
up to fifty lakh rupees. court to redress his grievances. For e.g. in case
of public interest we file a petition.
➢ The State Commission now has jurisdiction
when the value of the goods or services paid Appellant:
as consideration exceeds fifty lakh rupees
is one who appeals to a higher court than one
but does not exceed two crore rupees.
which has already settled the dispute.
The National Commission's jurisdiction
When the party against whom a decision is
covers complaints where the value of the
pronounced, if is not satisfied by the decision,
goods or services paid as consideration
can further file an appeal in higher court with a
exceeds two crore rupees.
hope to get the decision of laws court

Chapter 23: THE LAW OF LIMITATION for e.g. if A is plaintiff against whom decision is
given, can file an appeal in higher court.... then
he will be appellant.
The Limitation Act, 1963: Applicant:
has significant application to the banks and is one who applies in a court.
financial institutions and it is applicable to
Until the court takes the cognizance of a
whole India.
matter a person remains an applicant.
➢ The Recovery of Debts due to Banks and
When it does take the cognizance, the person
financial institutions Act, 1993 and the
becomes plaintiff or petitioner as the case may
Securitization and Reconstruction of
Financial Assets and Enforcement of
Security Interest Act, 2002 (SARFAESI Act Good faith:
2002) specifically state that actions under
nothing shall be deemed to be done in good
those Acts are permissible only if the claim
faith which is done with due care and
is within the period of limitation.

means one who seeks remedy in a civil action.

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➢ He limitation period bars the remedy of ➢ Where before the expiration of the
filing a suit and it does not take away the prescribed period for a suit or application in
right of recovery of debt. respect of any property or right, an
acknowledgement of liability in respect of
There is No limitation period in case of Lien,
such property or right has been made in
Pledge or Right of set off.
writing signed by the party against whom
➢ Section 3 of the Limitation Act declares that such property or right is claimed, or by any
every suit instituted, appeal preferred, and person through whom he derives his title or
application made after the prescribed liability, a fresh period of limitation shall be
period shall be dismissed. computed from the time when the
acknowledgement was so signed.
➢ Any appeal or any application other than
execution petitions may be admitted after ➢ Where payment on account of a debt or of
the prescribed period, if the appellant or interest on a legacy is made before
applicant makes out sufficient cause for not expiration of the prescribed period by the
preferring the appeal or application within person liable to pay the debt or legacy or by
the period of limitation. (Section 5) his agent duly authorized in this behalf, a
fresh period of limitation shall be computed
➢ The computation of the period of limitation,
from the time when the payment was
for filing appeal, shall exclude the day on
which the judgement was pronounced and
the time taken for obtaining a copy of the In this case 'debt' does not include money
decree, sentence or order appealed. payable under a decree or order of a court.
(Limitation period can be extended by
➢ There are two instances which will give rise
acknowledgement of debt or part payment)
to fresh period of limitation.

➢ Some of the important aspects that are required to be noted for filing suits of different types are
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Chapter: 24: TAX LAWS for charitable purposes or any other gains
from any sources.

➢ 'Assesses' is those people or corporate who

➢ The Income Tax Act 1961 came into force
pays tax based on the 'Assessment Year,'
from April 1, 1962, and extends to the which represents a 12-month period
whole of India to govern the law relating to beginning on April 1 each year.
taxation on Income of individuals,
corporates, etc. ➢ The 'Previous Year' is called FY which is
immediately preceding the Assessment
➢ Section 2(24) of the Income Tax Act 1961 Year.
elaborately defines "income" to include
various components such as salary, rent, ➢ Example: Financial year 2018-19 starts from
profits and gains, dividend, Lottery winning, 1st April 2018 and ends on 31st March 2019.
voluntary contributions received by trusts On the other hand, Assessment Year for FY
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2018-19 will begin from 1st April 2019 till Act, 2013. CTT is a tax imposed on taxable
31st march 2020. commodities transactions that take place in
recognized stock exchanges.
➢ You would qualify as a resident of India if
you satisfy one of the following two ➢ The collected CTT must be paid to the
conditions: Stay in India for 182 days or Central Government by the seventh day of
more during the financial year or Stay in the following month. Failure to collect CTT
India for at least 365 days during the 4 years as required by law makes the seller liable
preceding that year AND at least 60 days in for payment to the Central Government.
that year.
➢ GST is an indirect tax system in India,
➢ ‘Corporates' residential status is determined implemented on 1st July 2017, following
by their location of control and enactment on April 12, 2017.GST allows for
management and also the place of the credit of input taxes paid at each stage
registration. of production, reducing the burden on the
end consumer.
➢ You will be considered Resident but Not
Ordinarily Resident (RNOR) for the year if ➢ There are three components of GST in India:
you satisfy one of the two conditions for a Central GST (CGST) levied by the Central
Resident, and also If you have been an NRI Government on intra-state supplies, State
in 9 out of 10 financial years preceding the GST (SGST) or Union Territory GST (UTGST)
year OR During the past 7 financial years, levied by State/UT governments on intra-
have been in India for a period of 729 days state supplies, Integrated GST (IGST) levied
or less. by the Central Government on inter-state
➢ PAN stands for Permanent Account Number,
a unique identification number for ➢ Advantage of GST: For Businesses and
individuals and entities in India. Industry: Easy compliance, Uniform tax
rates and structures, Removal of cascading
➢ PAN is required when opening a bank
of taxes and Improved competitiveness
account, specifically when the amount of
fixed deposit/time deposit purchased ➢ For Central and State Governments: Simple
exceeds Rs. 50,000. If the person does not and easy administration, Better controls on
have a PAN, they can file a declaration in leakage, Higher revenue efficiency.
Form No. 60.
➢ For Consumers: Single and transparent tax
➢ Commodity Transaction Tax (CTT) was
introduced under Chapter VII of the Finance

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