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Corruption is worse than prostitution.

The latter might

endanger the morals of an individual, the former invariably
endangers the morals of the entire country. Greeting to
everyone, I, Vani Gera of class XB, strongly support the topic
Strict govt policies- the only way to eradicate corruption. No
country is immune to corruption. Corruption is one of the most
pervasive types of crime: it fuels transnational crime, wastes
public resources, destabilizes countries, and impedes good
governance. According to a research Corruption costs India Rs
1,555 thousand crores every year. That is a huge sum of
money. A large section of the population in India is poor and
uneducated which necessitates huge public investments for
the provision of basic needs. There is a top–to–down rather
than a decentralized approach to decision-making. Corruption
corrodes the government’s ability to help grow the economy
in a way that benefits all citizens. But the political will to
build strong and transparent institutions can turn the tide
against corruption. Where there is a political will, there’s a
way. The law enforcement authorities also have a crucial role
to play in this context. For instance, the Prevention of
Corruption Act, 1988 holds significant importance. It serves
as a crucial tool in curbing corrupt practices and promoting
integrity in public administration. The only thing, that has to
be ensured, is proper, impartial, and unbiased use of various
anti-corruption Acts to take strong, deterrent prompt, and
timely legal action against the offenders, irrespective of their
political connections, and money or muscle power. Fast-track
judiciary courts to resolve corruption-related cases may help
in reducing the intensity of the problem. Curbing corruption is
a challenge that requires persevering on many fronts, but one
that pays huge dividends. It starts with political will,
continuously strengthening institutions to promote integrity
and accountability, and global cooperation.

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