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Nama : Mugi Kinasih

Prodi/Jurusan : DIII/ Analis Kesehatan

Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris

How Much Water Should You Drink to Stay Hydrated?

So, exactly how much water should you drink to stay hydrated? We’ve all
heard the magic number of “eight cups a day,” but it turns out the answer from our
health experts is a little more complicated than that.

 Exactly how much water should you drink, anyway?

Compared to younger people, seniors must take extra care to get enough
fluids. With age, thirst—the body’s built-in dehydration alarm system—becomes
less noticeable and reliable. Older people also tend to have modest appetites,
which means they receive less fluid from food. Meanwhile, due to declining
kidney function, their bodies often aren’t as good at conserving the water they do
The amount of fluid we need to feel our best varies according to factors such as
physical activity levels, physiology and climate. As a rough guideline, the
Dieticians of Canada suggest 2.2 litres (nine cups) per day for women and three
litres (12 cups) for men. These totals include food moisture, which accounts for
about one-fifth of the average person’s liquid intake—and more for people who
eat a lot of fruit and veggies. Keep in mind that you’ll need extra fluids if you’re
exercising, if the weather is hot or if you’re somewhere with indoor heating,
which can drain moisture from your skin.

 Drink more than just water to stay hydrated

If you don’t like to consume a lot at once, try increasing the frequency of your
drinks. Vary your sources of fluid if that makes it easier to stay hydrated—besides
water, consider beverages such as juice, milk and soup. Even coffee and tea can
work, despite the caffeine’s mild diuretic effect—they provide more water than

 Recognize the signs of dehydration

If your urine is dark or has a particularly strong smell, you may not be
getting enough fluids to stay hydrated; other signs of early-stage dehydration
include a dry mouth, headaches, dizziness, fatigue and irritability. Left
unaddressed, the problem can cause a racing heart, delirium or a loss of
consciousness, and sufferers may require intravenous hydration from medical

 Beware of chronic dehydration

In everyday life, milder bouts of dehydration are common place. But take
note: “When mild dehydration is chronic,” says Ron Maughan, chair of the
European Hydration Institute’s Science Advisory Board, “it can have adverse
effects, especially renal [kidney] stones.” If you suspect poor hydration might be
dragging you down, the remedy is simple: drink up.

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