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EXAMINER: Ms T. Mzalisi MODERATOR: Mr Mabangula


1. Write your name and class (e.g. 10A) in the appropriate spaces on the ANSWER
2. Answer ALL the questions in the ANSWER BOOK.
3. Start EACH question on a NEW page in the ANSWER BOOK.
4. Number the answers correctly according to the numbering system used in this
question paper. Leave ONE line between two sub questions, e.g. between QUESTION
2.1 and QUESTION 2.2.
5. You may use a non-programmable calculator.
6. Show ALL formulae and substitutions in ALL calculations.
7. Round off your final numerical answers to a minimum of TWO decimal places.
8. Give brief motivations, discussions, etc. where required.
9. Write neatly and legibly.
10. Good luck!
Question 1
1.1 Which one of the following is not a pure substance?
A Iron
B Graphite
C Sugar
D Steel
1.2 The correct chemical formula for hydrochloric acid is …
A H2Cl
D HCl2
1.3 Different isotopes of the same element are known to have different…
A Atomic numbers
B Number of neutrons
C Number of protons
D Number of electrons
1.4 Which ONE of the following statements is INCORRECT about the
properties of a physical change?
A When a physical change occurs, the compounds may rearrange
themselves, but the bonds in between the atoms will not break.
B Molecules are not conserved during a physical change.
C Physical change in matter is reversible.
D Energy is absorbed when matter changes from a solid to a liquid.
1.5 The formula mass of H2SO4 is:
A 98
B 12
C 50
D 100 (2)
1.6 The graph below shows the heating curve of a substance.

In which part(s) of the graph does the substance gain kinetic energy?
A BC only
B CD only
C AB and CD
D AB, BC and CD
Question 2
2.1 Given the following information answer the questions.
A. Diamond B. Ethanol
C. Potassium dichromate D. CO
E. Water

2.1. Define a pure substance.

1 (2)
2.1. Identify one substance that is composed of one element.
2 (1)
2.1. Name substance D.
3 (2)
2.1. Write down the chemical formula for C
4 (1)

2.2 Equal amount of substances B and E are thoroughly mixed together in a

2.2. Define a mixture. (2)
2.2. Will it be a heterogeneous or homogeneous mixture? (1)

You are required to separate this mixture into its components.

2.2. Name a suitable separation method that you can use here. (1)
2.2. Describe the method by which this mixture can be separated (2)
4 into its components.
Question 3
Grade 10 conducted an experiment to determine the heating and cooling curve of
water by using crushed ice under standard pressure. See below.

3.1 Define the term boiling point. (2)

3.2 Name the glass container carrying the crushed ice. (2)
3.3 Write down the name of the instrument labelled X. (1)
3.4 Give the reason why crushed ice is used instead of ice cubes. (2)
3.5 Suggest a hypothesis for this experiment. (1)
3.6 The graph below shows the results of the experiment. (NOTE: not drawn to

3.6. Name the kind of graph illustrated above.

1 (1)
3.6. What value does X represent?
2 (1)
3.6. Write down the substance’s predominant phase between t2 and
3 t3. (1)
3.6. Name the phase change occurring between t3 and t4.
4 (1)
3.6. Explain the increase in temperature between t2 and t3.
5 (2)
3.6. How would adding a large quantity of crushed ice affect the
6 above graph? (1)
3.6. What is the state of the substance before t1?
7 (1)
3.6. What happens to the temperature of a liquid during a t1 and t2?


Question 4
Consider the following substances:

CH4; NaCℓ; CO2; Fe; H2O

4.1 Write down a substance from the list above that is the following:

4.1. A molecular structure (1)

4.1. A metallic structure (1)
4.1. A covalent network structure (1)
4.1. An ionic network structure (1)

4.2 Draw the Lewis dot diagram for the CO2 molecule. (2)
4.3 Identify the type of chemical bond in H2O (1)
4.4 Draw the Lewis dot diagrams to show the formation of NaCℓ. (3)
4.5 Study the models of compounds A, B and C below and answer the questions
that follow.

Write down the:

4.5.1 Chemical name of compound A (1)
4.5.2 Chemical formula of compound B (1)
4.5.3 Common name of compound C
4.6 Solids are not compressible. How can a sponge be compressed? (2)
4.7 Given the following diagram: (2)
Increase heat and decrease pressure

Solid Liquid Gas
Decrease heat an increase pressure

Name process A,B,C and D.

4.8 State how EACH of the following changes when liquid nitrogen changes into
gaseous nitrogen. Write down only INCREASE, DECREASE or REMAIN THE
4.8.1 Spaces between the particles (1)
4.8.2 Strength of the forces between the particles (1)
4.8.3 Energy of the particles (1)

Question 5
5.1 Define the term relative atomic mass. (2)
5.2 In nature neon has the following isotopes only,

Isotopes Abundance (%)

Ne 90.00
Ne 0.27
Ne x

5.2.1 Write down the value of x. (1)

5.2.2 Calculate the relative atomic mass of neon (3)

5.3 Complete the table below for Al and Cu2+. Write only the question number
(5.3.1 – 5.3.2) and next to it the answer.

Protons Electrons Neutrons

13 13 (5.3.1) ______
Ca2+ 20 (5.3.2) _______ 20

5.4 Write down the electron configuration (sp notation) for the phosphide
ion. (2)
5.5 What is the name given to the group 17 (VII) elements?
5.6 The graph below shows the first ionization energies for elements in Period 3 of
the Periodic Table.
5.6.1 Define a period (2)
5.6.2 Explain why the first ionization energies generally increase (3)
from Na to Ar.


Question 1
1.1 B √√
1.2 B√√
1.3 B√√
1.4 B √√
1.5 A√√
1.6 A√√

Question 2
2.1.1 Substances that are made up of only one type of atom or only one type of
molecule. √√
2.1.2 Diamond. √
2.1.3 Carbon monoxide √√
2.1.4 K2Cr2O7
2.2.1 A material made up of two or more different chemical substances which are
not chemically bonded. √√
2.2.2 Homogeneous mixture. √
2.2.3 (Fractional) distillation. √
2.2.4 Heat the mixture until the component that boils first leaves the flask. √
Condense the gaseous component and collect it in another flask. √

Question 3
3.1 Temperature of a liquid at which its vapour pressure is equal to the external
(atmospheric) pressure. √√
3.2 Beaker. √√
3.3 Bunsen burner. √
3.4 Allows easy flow of heat energy from one particle to the next. √√
3.5 Using crushed ice allows the boiling point to be reached quicker. √ √ (or any
reasonable answer.)
3.6.1 Heating and cooling curve. √
3.6.2 100℃ √
3.6.3 Liquid phase. √
3.6.4 Boiling. √
3.6.5 Water molecules / particles gain potential (internal) energy √ Particles vibrate
vigorously / kinetic energy increases. Hence temperature increases.
3.6.6 Time taken for the process would increase. √
3.6.7 Solid. √

Question 4
4.1.1 CO2 OR H2O √
4.1.2 Fe √
4.1.3 C90√
4.1.4 NaCl √

4.3 Covalent bond √

4.5.1 Potassium iodide √
4.5.2 CH4 √
4.5.3 Ammonia √
4.6 A sponge is made out of rubber and has a large number of fine holes in
which the air gets filled. √ When the sponge is pressed, the air comes out
and empty spaces are left. √ So, a sponge can be pressed.
4.7 A. Melting or fusion
B. Boiling or vaporization
C. Freezing or solidification
D. Condensation (award √ for each correct label)
4.8.1 INCREASE √
4.8.2 DECREASE √
4.8.3 INCREASE √

Question 5
5.1 The mass of a particle on a scale where carbon-12 has a mass of 12. √√
5.2.1 100 –(90+0.27) = 9.73%√
5.2.2 Positive marking from 5.1.2

Ar ( Ne )=
100 )(
x 20 +
100 )(
x 21 +
9 , 27
100 )
x 22 √√
¿ 20 , 20√
5.3.1 14√
5.3.2 18√
5.4 1s22s22p63s23p6√√
5.5 Halogens. √
5.6.1 A horizontal row of the periodic table. √√
5.6.2 From left to right atomic number increases causing an increase in the
nucleus charge. √
This causes the atomic radius to decrease leading to a stronger force of
attraction on the outer electrons. √
More energy is required to remove an electron from the atom. √

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