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S t e p b y S t e p g u i d e s O n H o w To u s e M y A I E S E C . n e t

Working With Contents

Working with Contents

1.0. Working With Files.........................................................................................5 1.1. Viewing Files.................................................................................................5 1.2. Administering Files.........................................................................................6 1.2.1 Change Team ..........................................................................................7 1.2.2. Permission Delegation.............................................................................8 1.2.3. Deleting a File..........................................................................................9 1.2.4. Change Author.........................................................................................9 1.3. Uploading a File............................................................................................10 2.0. Working With Wikis ......................................................................................12 2.1. Viewing Wikis ...............................................................................................12 2.2. Administering Wikis ......................................................................................13 2.2.1 Permission Delegation ...........................................................................14 2.2.2. Deletiing a Wiki ......................................................................................15 2.2.3. Closed contents .....................................................................................15 2.2.4. Change Author .......................................................................................16 2.2.5. Rearrange Section .................................................................................16 2.3. Creating a Wiki .............................................................................................17 3.0. Working With Conversations ........................................................................19 3.1. Viewing Conversations .................................................................................21 3.2. Administering Conversations ........................................................................21 3.2.1 Permission Delegation ............................................................................22 3.2.2. Deleting a Conversations .......................................................................23 3.2.3 Closed Conversations .............................................................................23 3.2.4. Change Author .......................................................................................24 3.3. Create a Conversations ................................................................................25 4.0. Working With News ......................................................................................27 4.1. Viewing News ..............................................................................................27 4.2. Administering News ......................................................................................28 4.2.1. Permission Delegation ...........................................................................29 4.2.2. Deleting News ........................................................................................30 4.2.3. Change Author .......................................................................................30 4.3. Creating News ...............................................................................................31 5.0. Notifications ..................................................................................................32 5.1. Viewing Notifications ....................................................................................32 5.2. Creating News ..............................................................................................32 6.0. My Library .....................................................................................................34 6.1. Accessing My Library ....................................................................................34

You have the ability to create various types of contents on the system. These include files, wikis, news etc. These various contents could be used for knowledge management or for communication purposes. This guide gives provide step by step instructions on how to create the various content types on The Content types that would be covered includes Files, Wikis, Official Documents, Conversations, News and Notifications. This guide would use screenshots illustration to make it easier to use. Each step explained is precedent with the type of users who can take them. The phase, programme or the extra role the user needs to be assigned on the system. This is explained by Actors. The available Actors are. SU: Super User AI/P-EB: AIESEC International Team. P.: President. EB.: Executive member. TL.: Someone taking a Team Leader Programme TM.: Someone taking a Team Member Programme TN Manager.: Manager. Someone managing a TN form EP Manager.: Manager. Someone managing an EP form Account Manager.: Someone managing an organisation on the system Engager.: Someone who just registered and has not taken any of the ELD Programmes Inactive.: Someone who is on ELD but is currently not taken any of the ELD Programmes GIP/GCDP.: Someone taking either the GIP or GCDP programme.

1. Working With Files

Files are the downloadable content types in the system. The formats of files varies and includes, PDFs, Microsoft office Document formats(doc, docx, pdf, xlsx, pptx, ppt etc), etc. find the steps to create files and to download files below.

Actors: All actors. Engager and Inactive users cant upload files.
1.1. Viewing Files To view a file, follow this steps.
? the system and click on Resource --> Files, Login into

? This takes you to the Files page that lists the most recent uploaded files. ? are listed categorized based on the type of formats the file is. The files

?more type of files in a category, click on (View All) by the side of the heading. To see

? a file, click on the title of the file. This takes you to the File download page. To view

Working With Files

1.2. Administering Files Files uploaded can be administered and modified. The process of administering are outlined below
? the system, and click on Resources --> Administer Files. Login to

? The Administer File page loads with most recent updated files. Click on Any to Administer.

? The system loads the page where you can proceed to administer the selected file.

Working With Files

The Administration option is listed at the top right. You can proceed to edit the basic information of the files.

The following steps would outline how to Administer the file based on the options available. 1.2.1. Change Team If the File is associated with a team, you have the option to change the team the file belongs to. As you see in the screenshot below, you have the Change Team option. This shows for Files associated with Teams.

? To change team, click on the Change Team link. You get a page where you can search for the new team. This list the team. Select the team and click on Select.

Working With Files

1.2.2. Permission Delegation Permission is one of the elements of a file you can administer. With permission delegation you can give Admin rights to other users to be able to edit the File. To use permission delegation, follow the following steps:
? the Permission delegation link. This takes you to the Permission delegation Page. Click on

? delegate permission based on Profile or Role. Profile means you delegate role to specific user, You can while Role Based means you delegate to users in a particular role. So for example, you can delegate permission to EB members in a particular committee. If you select Profile Based, you get the following screenshot where you can select the user based on various search filter.

? If Role Based is selected, then you get a different page where you can select based on role:.

? select the role, Once you

click on Add. A dialogue box appear when the permission has been delegated.
? Next to complete Click on

the Process

Working With Files

1.2.3. Deleting A File You have ? the ability to delete a file as part of the Admin option. To do this, click on Delete File link at the top right.

? a prompt that ask for delete confirmation. You get

? to proceed. Click Ok

1.2.4. Change Author You also have the ability to change the Author assigned to a particular file as part of the Admin functions. Follow the follow steps to change Author:
? the Change Author link by the top right. This brings a page where you can search for the new Click on

Author. ? On searching you have a list of user

? the Change Author button to change authors Click on

Working With Files

1.3. Uploading File To upload files to the system, follow the steps.
? the system and go to Resources --> Upload Files Login to

? loads where you choose if to associate the file to an Entity or Team. The page

? If you select Team, you would go through the process of searching for the Team on the System, if an Entity is chosen, you get the page where you can proced to upload the File.

? information about the file. At the bottom of this page you would find the button you would need Fill in the

to click to upload the file.

? file and click on Create File to upload Choose


Working With Files

? file is uploaded, you would be able to set the permission delegation. You would get the page Once the

below where you can delegate permission.

? the option of Profile Based or Role based when setting permission. Profile based is based on You have individual, while role based assign permission based on a role; eg permission to all EB in a particular entity.


2. Working With Wiki

Wikis are contents types on that allows information be presented on a page in a linear fashion. Wiki's are made up of sections and different type of contents from Images, video, sound files etc can be embedded in a Wiki. The following steps would outline how to view, create and embed contents in a wiki.

Actors: All actors. Engager and Inactive users cant create wikis.
2.1. Viewing Wikis To view a wiki, follow this steps.
? the system and click on Resource --> Wikis, Login into

? This takes you to the Wiki page that lists the most recent created Wiki ? The wikis are listed based on categories: etc AIESEC Way, Current Affairs etc.

?more Wikis in a category, click on (View All) by the side of the heading. To see ? To actually view a Wiki, click on the title of the wiki.


Working With Wiki

2.2. Administering Wikis Wikis created can be administered and modified. The process of administering are outlined below
? the system, and click on Resources --> Administer Wikis Login to

? The system loads the most recent Wiki. ? wiki you want to admin and click on the title. This loads the Administer Section. You can proced Find the

to edit information about the Wiki.

? Find more Admin options at the top right of the page. These list the various Administrative You can options you have


Working With Wiki

2.2.1.Permission Delegation Permission is one of the elements of a Wiki you can administer. With permission delegation you can give Admin rights to other users to be able to edit the Wiki. To use permission delegation, follow the following steps:
? the Permission delegation link. This takes you to the Permission delegation Page. Click on

? delegate permission based on Profile or Role. Profile means you delegate role to specific user, You can while Role Based means you delegate to users in a particular role. So for example, you can delegate permission to EB members in a particular committee. If you select Profile Based, you get the following screenshot where you can select the user based on various search filter.

? If Role Based is selected, then you get a different page where you can select based on role:.

? select the role, Once you

click on Add. A dialogue box appear when the permission has been delegated.
? Next to complete Click on

the Process


Working With Wiki

2.2.2. Deleting A Wiki You have ? the ability to delete a Wiki as part of the Admin option. To do this, click on Delete File link at the top right.

? a prompt that ask for delete confirmation. You get

? to proceed. Click Ok

2.2.3. Closed Content You also have the ability to Admin Contents that are closed. Closed contents are Wiki that are only viewable to selected users. To add more users the ability to view Closed contents, follow the steps
? the Closed Content link by the top right. This brings a page where you can search for those to grant the Click on

viewable right. ? the option of searching based on Profile, Role or Team You have

?the search process to grant more users Viewing rights. Follow


Working With Wiki

Change Author You also have the ability to change the Author assigned to a particular Wiki as part of the Admin functions. Follow the follow steps to change Author:
? the Change Author link by the top right. This brings a page where you can search for the new Click on

Author. ? On searching you have a list of user

? the Change Author button to change authors Click on

2.2.5. Rearrange Section Wikis consists of sections. After the creation of a Wiki, you can rearrange the positions of these sections. To do this, follow the following steps.
? Rearrange Section by the top right side. You get Wiki Rearrange Sections Click on

? section position drop down menu to set new positions for the wiki sections. Use the ? Once done, click on Chnage


Working With Wiki

2.3. Creating a Wiki To Create files on the system, follow the steps.
? the system and go to Resources --> Create Wiki Login to

? loads where you choose if to associate the file to an Entity or Team. The page

? If you select Team, you would go through the process of searching for the Team on the System, if an Entity is chosen, you get the page where you can proced to create the Wiki.

? required information, then move to the end of the page to create the first section. All Wiki Fill all the

requires an initial section to be created.


Working With Wiki

Once the ? Wiki is created, you would be able to set the permission delegation. You would get the page below where you can delegate permission.

? the option of Profile Based or Role based when setting permission. Profile based is based on individual, You have

while role based assign permission based on a role; eg permission to all EB in a particular entity.


3. Working With Conversations

Conversations host various discussion created by AIESEC members. Conversations are like Forums where people can post a topic and have other members contribute to the topic. The following section shows how to view, create and administer conversations.

Actors: All actors.

3.1. Viewing Conversations To view Conversation, follow this steps.
? the system and click on Connect --> Conversations. Login into

? This takes you to the Conversations page that lists the most recent created Conversations. ? The Conversations are listed based on categories: etc Decision making, Education etc.

?more Conversations in a category, click on (View All) by the side of the heading. To see ? To actually view a Conversations, click on the title of the Conversation.


Working With Conversations

? screenshot of a topic of conversation.

? shot of some of the reply to the above conversation. Screen


Working With Conversations

3.2. Administering Conversations Conversations created can be administered and modified. The process of administering are outlined below
? the system, and click on Connect --> Administer Conversations Login to

? The system loads the most recent Conversations. ? Conversations you want to admin and click on the title. This loads the Administer Section. You Find the

can proced to edit information about the Conversation.

? Find more Admin options at the top right of the page. These list the various Administrative You can options you have


Working With Conversations

3.2.1 Permission Delegation Permission is one of the elements of a Conversation you can administer. With permission delegation you can give Admin rights to other users to be able to edit the Conversation. To use permission delegation, follow the following steps:
? the Permission delegation link. This takes you to the Permission delegation Page. Click on

? delegate permission based on Profile or Role. Profile means you delegate role to specific user, You can while Role Based means you delegate to users in a particular role. So for example, you can delegate permission to EB members in a particular committee. If you select Profile Based, you get the following screenshot where you can select the user based on various search filter.

? If Role Based is selected, then you get a different page where you can select based on role:.

? select the role, Once you

click on Add. A dialogue box appear when the permission has been delegated.
? Next to complete Click on

the Process


Working With Conversations

3.2.2. Deleting A Conversation You have ? the ability to delete a conversation as part of the Admin option. To do this, click on Delete conversation link at the top right.

? a prompt that ask for delete confirmation. You get

? to proceed. Click Ok

4.2.3. Closed Conversation You also have the ability to Admin Contents that are closed. Closed contents are Conversations that are only viewable to selected users. To add more users the ability to view Closed contents, follow the steps.
? the Closed Content link by the top right. This brings a page where you can search for those to Click on

grant the viewable right. ? the option of searching based on Profile, Role or Team You have

? Follow the search process to grant more users Viewing rights.


Working With Conversations

3.2.3. Change Author You also have the ability to change the Author assigned to a particular Conversation as part of the Admin functions. Follow the follow steps to change Author:
? the Change Author link by the top right. This brings a page where you can search for the new Click on

Author. ? On searching you have a list of user

? the Change Author button to change authors Click on


Working With Conversations

3.3. Creating a Conversation To Create Conversation on the system, follow the steps.
? the system and go to Connect --> Create Conversation. Login to

? loads where you choose if to associate the file to an Entity or Team. The page

? If you select Team, you would go through the process of searching for the Team on the System, if an Entity is chosen, you get the page where you can proced to create the Conversations.

Fill all the required information, then move to the end of the page to create the first section. All Conversation requires an initial section to be created.


Working With Conversations

? Conversation is created, you would be able to set the permission delegation. You would get the Once the

page below where you can delegate permission.

? the option of Profile Based or Role based when setting permission. Profile based is based on You have individual, while role based assign permission based on a role; eg permission to all EB in a particular entity.


4. Working With News

News contents created that are delivered to users via email address. It is one of the key Internal Communication tool on News assigned to a particular entity get delivered to all members in that entity, making it a useful tool to disseminate information.Users not in a particular entity can subscribe to News and receive.

Actors: All actors. Engager and Inactive users cant create news.
1.1. Viewing News Apart from News delivered in users inbox, news can be viewed on To view Conversation, follow this steps.
? Login into the system and click on Connect --> News.

? This takes you to the News page that lists the most recent created News. ? The Conversations are listed based on Regions: etc Global News, Regional News, National News and Local News.

? which ever recent new to view. Click on


Working With News

4.2. Administering News News created can be administered and modified. The process of administering are outlined below
? the system, and click on Connect --> Administer News Login to

? The system loads the most recent News. ? News you want to admin and click on the title. This loads the Administer Section. You can proced Find the

to edit information about the News.

? Find more Admin options at the top right of the page. These list the various Administrative You can options you have. For news you have Permission delegation and Change Author.


Working With News

4.2.1 Permission Delegation Permission is one of the elements of a News that can be administered. With permission delegation you can give Admin rights to other users to be able to edit the News. To use permission delegation, follow the following steps:
? the Permission delegation link at the top right from the Admin page. This takes you to the Click on

Permission delegation Page.

? delegate permission based on Profile or Role. Profile means you delegate role to specific user, You can while Role Based means you delegate to users in a particular role. So for example, you can delegate permission to EB members in a particular committee. If you select Profile Based, you get the following screenshot where you can select the user based on various search filter.

? If Role Based is selected, then you get a different page where you can select based on role:. ? select the role, Once you

click on Add. A dialogue box appear when the permission has been delegated.
? Next to complete Click on

the Process


Working With News

4.2.2. Deleting News News do not have a delete functionality. To remove a particular news, you do this by Archiving the news. And this is done by Editing the dates assigned to a News. To do this. Follow the following steps.
? the system and click on Connect --> Administer News. This takes you to the list of News Login to

available. ? News you want to edit and click on it. Find the ? The News loads and you have the ability to edit it. ? To archive a news, scroll down to the dates section as shown below

? To field to a later date. Edit the ? Admin News button at the button to save the changes. Click on

4.2.3. Change Author You also have the ability to change the Author assigned to a particular News as part of the Admin functions. Follow the follow steps to change Author:
? the Change Author link by the top right. This brings a page where you can search for the new Click on


? On searching you have a list of user. Select the User and Click on Change Author.


Working With News

4.3. Creating News To Create Conversation on the system, follow the steps.
? the system and go to Connect --> Create News. Login to

? Page loads where you choose to create a typical News or Notifications. Select News.

? Then page loads where you choose if to associate the News to an Entity or Team.

? If you select Team, you would go through the process of searching for the Team on the System, if an Entity is chosen, you get the page where you can proced to create the News.

? required information, Add the contents and when done, Click Create News button at the end of Fill all the

the page.


5. Working With Notifications

On every team and network page, there is a space to leave a small message less than 170 words about important items the EB team needs the entity to know. These are referred to as Notifications. Notifications enables the ability to give small simple announcements such as deadlines, schedule reminders on an Entity Page or Team Page. A notification can be made for a team or for the entity as a whole.

Actors: All actors. Engager and Inactive users cant create notifications.
5.1. Viewing Notifications Notifications are visibile on Pages. You see Notifications when set at the top area of a Team Page. 5.2. Creating News To Create Conversation on the system, follow the steps.
? the system and go to Connect --> Create News. Login to

? Page loads where you choose to create a typical News or Notifications. Select Notifications.

? Then page loads where you choose if to associate the Notification to an Entity or Team. Whichever you

select, you would then proceed to the Notification creation page.


Working With Notifications

? fields approximately. Fill in the ? Create Notification to create the Notification. Click on


6. My Library
On you have the ability to have easier access to contents you add or create to the system. These is possible via the My Library Function. Under the My Library, you get access to all Wikis created and all files uploaded to the system by you.

Actors: All actors.

6.1. Accessing My Library. To access your Library, follow the following steps.
? the system and go to My Experience --> My Library Login to

The My Library pages loads. Here you can easily see all Files and Wikis you have uploaded and created on the system.


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