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DURATION: 1 2 Hours MARKS: 75

EXAMINER: Ms T. Mzalisi MODERATOR: Ms P Solomons


1. Write your name and class (e.g. 11A) in the appropriate spaces on the
2. Answer ALL the questions in the ANSWER BOOK.
3. Start EACH question on a NEW page in the ANSWER BOOK.
4. Number the answers correctly according to the numbering system used in this
question paper. Leave ONE line between two sub questions, e.g. between
5. You may use a non-programmable calculator.
6. Show ALL formulae and substitutions in ALL calculations.
7. Round off your final numerical answers to a minimum of TWO decimal places.
8. Give brief motivations, discussions, etc. where required.
9. Write neatly and legibly.

Good luck!


Question 1

1.1 Two forces of magnitude 3N and 4N respectively act on a body. The

maximum possible magnitude of the resultant of these two forces is:

A 7N
B 12 N
C 5N
D 1N (2)
1.2 Consider the following vector diagram below.

A F2
B F3
C F1 + F3
D F1 + F2 + F3 = 0 Newtons
1.3 The three forces shown, keep point P in equilibrium. If the 3 N force
is removed , the magnitude of the resultant force on P will be:

A 12 N
B 7N
C 5N
D 3N (2)

1.4 In the diagram below, a learner exerts an applied force to a box by
pushing it, causing it to move to the right across a rough surface.

Which ONE of the following is the reaction force of the force applied
by the learner?

A The force that the box exerts on the surface, acting parallel to
the surface.

B The force that the box exerts on the surface, acting

perpendicular to the surface.

C The force that the box exerts on the learner.

D The force that the box exerts on the Earth.

1.5 In the diagram below, a block slides down a rough slope at a
constant velocity.

If the angle of inclination θ decreases, the magnitude of the kinetic

friction will…

A Increase.

B Decrease.

C remain the same.

D be halved.


1.6 The mass of a man on Earth is 85 kg. What is the mass of the same
man on the surface of a planet which has the same mass as Earth
but half the radius of Earth?

A 21,25 kg

B 85 kg

C 170 kg

D 340 kg
1.7 A 2 kg block rests on a slope of angle 40 as shown in the diagram

The magnitude of the friction force on the block is :

A 2.sin 400

B 2.cos 400

C 19,6.sin 400

D 19,6.cos 400
1.8 A 12 kg piece of wood is placed on the top of another piece of wood.
There is 35 N of static friction between them. The coefficient of static
friction between the two pieces of wood is:

A 3

B 0.3

C 4116

D 3.36 (2)

1.9 The statements below refers to vector and scalar quantities

(i) A vector has magnitude and direction while a scalar has magnitude
(ii) A scalar quantity can always be added to a vector quantity.
(iii) Force is an example of a vector quantity, while distance is an
example of a scalar quantity.

Which of the above statements is is/are TRUE?

A (i) and (ii) only

B (i) and (iii) only

C (ii) and (iii) only

D (i) only (2)

1.10 A man of mass m stands upright on a stationary wooden box placed on
the ground.

The weight of the box is W

The NORMAL force acting on the box is equal to….

A W+m

B W-m

C W + mg

D W - mg (2)


Question 2

The diagram shows three forces F1, F2 and F3 with magnitude of 8 N, 10 N and 5 N
respectively, acting on an object in the same plane. The angle between the 5 N force
and the x-axis is 35° and the angle between the 8 N force and the 10 N force is 110°.
The diagram below is not drawn to scale.

2.1 Define the term resultant vector. (2)

2.2 Calculate the:

2.2.1 magnitude of the horizontal component of force F3, correct to (2)
FOUR decimal places.
2.2.2 vertical component of force F3, correct to FOUR decimal (2)
2.2.3 magnitude of the resultant force acting on the object. (6)
2.2.4 direction of the resultant force, clockwise from the positive y- (3)

Question 3

A 50N box is being pulled along a rough concrete floor at constant speed by a
constant 25N force applied as shown in the diagram below.

3.1 Draw a free body diagram showing the forces that act on the object. (4)
3.2 Calculate the:
3.2.1 Magnitude of the frictional force that opposes the motion of the box. (3)
3.2.2 Normal force acting on the box (2)
3.2.3 Coefficient of kinetic friction (μk) between the box and the floor (3)

Question 4

The following diagram shows a wooden block of mass 4,8 kg at rest on a frictionless
inclined plane AB, with a slope of 22° to the horizontal.

The light string attached to the block is attached to a barrier at the top of the slope
and is parallel to the surface of the slope.

4.1 State Newton's First Law of Motion in words. (2)

4.2 Write down the magnitude of the resultant force acting on the block. (2)
4.3 Give a reason for the answer to QUESTION 4.2. (2)
4.4 Draw a labelled free-body diagram of ALL the forces acting on the (3)
4.5 Calculate the magnitude of the:
4.5.1 normal force acting on the block. (3)
4.5.2 tension in the string. (3)

Question 5

Two blocks of masses 20 kg and 5 kg respectively are connected by a light

inextensible string. P. A second light inextensible string, Q, attached to the 5 kg
block, runs over a light frictionless pulley. A constant horizontal force of 250 N pulls
the second string as shown in the diagram below. The magnitudes of the tensions in
P and Q are T1 and T2 respectively. Ignore the effects of air friction.

5.1 State Newton’s Second Law of Motion in words. (2)

5.2 Draw a labelled free-body diagram indicating ALL the forces acting on (3)
the 5 kg block.
5.3 Calculate the magnitude of the tension T1 in string P. (6)
5.4 When the 250 N force is replaced by a sharp pull on the string, one of (2)
the two strings break. Which ONE of the two strings, P or Q, will



DURATION: 1 2 Hours MARKS: 75

EXAMINER: Ms T. Mzalisi MODERATOR: Ms P Solomons

1.1 A √√
1.2 D √√
1.3 C √√
1.4 C√ √
1.5 A √√
1.6 B √√
1.7 C √√
1.8 B √√
1.9 B √√
1.10 C √√


Question 2

2.1 Sum of two or more vectors. OR A single vector having the same effect as
two or more vectors together. 
2.2.1 F5x = 5cos35° = 4,0958 N 
2.2.2 F5y = 5sin35° = 2,8679 N  down  OR -2,8679 N √ √


Vectors x-component (N) y-component (N)

F1 (8 N) -8 0
F2 (10 N) 10cos(180°-110°) OR 10 sin(180°-110°) OR
10sin(110°-90°) 10cos(110°-90°)
= 3,4202  =9,3969 
F3 (5 N) 4,0958 -2,8679
FResultant -0,484  6,529 
FR = √ 0,484 2+6,529 2 
= 6,55 or 6,547 N 

tan α =

Fr x

α = tan-1( ¿ 
α = 85,76°
Final answer: 270° + 85,76°  = 355,76°  w.r.t. positive y-axis

tan α =

Fr y

α = tan-1( ¿ 
α = 4,24°
Final answer: 360° - 4,24°  = 355,76°  w.r.t. positive y-axis

Question 3


3.2.1 Fk= Fx
= Fcos Ѳ
= 25 cos 400
= 19.15 N
3.2.2 FN = FG - FY
= 50 – 25sin 400 
= 33.93 N
3.2.3 Fk=μkFN 
19.15 =μk(33.03) 
μk = 0.56

Question 4

4.1 A body will remain in its state of rest or motion at constant velocity 
unless a (non-zero) resultant/net force acts on it. 
4.2 0 Newtons or 0 N. 
4.3 The object is at rest / object remains at rest / is not accelerating. 

1 mark for each force correctly shown emanating from the dot.

-1 for any additional forces.



Question 5

5.1 When the resultant force acts on an object, the object will accelerate in the
direction of the force. This acceleration is directly proportional to the force
and inversely proportional to the mass of the object. 

5.3 FNet = ma 
For 5kg block
T2+ (mg) + (T1) = ma
250 + [– (5) (9.8)] – T1= 5a 
a = (201 – T1)/5 …………. Equation 1
For 20kg block
T1+ (- mg) = ma …………Equation 2
T1+ [-(20) (9.8)] = 20a
T1 = 200 N
5.4 Q 


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