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Extra Questions

1. What is the need to have political parties?

Ans. Political parties are required to fulfil a range of functions. Political parties are
essential to modern democracies. Without parties, the following scenarios may arise:
1. Each election candidate will be independent.No one will be allowed to make
any substantial policy changes or pledges to the public.
2. Although the government will be created, its functionality will remain in
question. Elected officials will be held accountable to their constituents for
their actions in the community. However, no one will be in charge of how the
country will run.
3. In numerous Indian states, non-party-based Panchayat elections are held. The
parties do not formally compete here. It is common knowledge that the hamlet
is divided into several groups, each of which nominates a slate of candidates.
This makes the political party necessary.
4. The growth of representative democracies is inextricably tied to the rise of
political parties. As communities grew larger and more complex, they required
a body to collect and present numerous points of view on various subjects to
the government.
5. Society needs a system to support or constrain the government, as well as to
formulate, justify, and reject policies. Every representative government’s needs
are met by political parties.

2. Distinguish between a political party and a pressure group.

Ans. Pressure Groups:

○ Focus on specific issues or causes
○ Seek to influence public policy decisions
○ Use strategies like lobbying, protests, and advocacy campaigns
○ Represent the concerns of a particular section of society
○ Do not aim to form a government or participate in elections directly

Political Parties:

○ Have a broader focus, representing a range of issues and ideologies

○ Seek political power and participation in elections
○ Develop manifestos and nominate candidates for office
○ Engage in electoral campaigns to gain public support
○ Aim to form a government and influence public policy through elected

3. Distinguish between a regional and a national party.

Feature National Party Regional Party

Extent National parties are Regional parties are

political parties which political parties
participate in different which participate in
elections all over India. different elections
but only within one state.

States It should be strong enough It should be strong enough

in at least four states. in at least
one or two states.

Symbols It has an exclusive symbol A symbol is reserved for it

throughout the in the state
country. in which it is recognised.
But the same
symbol can be allotted to
parties in different states

Goals It resolves State, National It promotes regional and

and International state interest.

4. Describe the role of the opposition party in a democracy.

Ans. 1. The Success of democracy depends to a great extent on the constructive role of
the opposition parties.

2. In every democracy all the parties cannot get majority seats all the time in the

3. The parties which do not get majority seats are called opposition parties.

4. The party which gets majority seats in the Lok Sabha next to the ruling party is called
the recognised opposition party. The leader of the opposition party enjoys some
privileges equivalent to that of a cabinet minister.
5. All the powers mentioned in the constitution are exercised by the ruling party. The
opposition party also functions in an effective manner, and their work is no less
important than that of the ruling parties.

Functions of Opposition party

(1) To check the government from becoming authoritarian and to restrict its powers, the
opposition parties keep a watch over them.

(2) The main duty of the opposition party is to criticize the policies of the government.

(3) Outside the legislature the opposition parties attract the attention of the press and
report their criticism of the government policy in the newspapers.

(4) The opposition parties have the right to check the expenditure of the government

(5) During the question hour, the opposition parties criticism the government generally

5. How do political parties shape public opinion? Explain.

Ans. Political parties shape public opinion by the following:

● They rise and highlight issues.

● Parties have lakhs of members and activists spread all over the country.
● Many of the pressure groups are the extensions of political parties among
different sections of society.
● Parties sometimes also launch movements for the resolution of problems faced
by people.
● Often options in the society crystallise on the lines parties take.

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