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A Brief Survey on the Chaotic Systems

as the Pseudo Random Number Generators

Roman Senkerik1, Michal Pluhacek1, Ivan Zelinka2,

Donald Davendra2, and Zuzana Kominkova Oplatkova1
Tomas Bata University in Zlin, Faculty of Applied Informatics, Nam T.G. Masaryka 5555,
760 01 Zlin, Czech Republic
Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
17. listopadu 15,708 33 Ostrava-Poruba, Czech Republic

Abstract. This paper briefly investigates the utilization of the both discrete dis-
sipative chaotic system as well as the time-continuous chaotic systems as the
chaotic pseudo random number generators. (CPRNGs) Several examples of
chaotic systems are simulated, statistically analyzed and compared within this
brief survey.

Keywords: Chaos, Dissipative systems, Discrete maps, Chaotic flows, Pseudo

random number generators.

1 Introduction

Generally speaking, the term “chaos” can denote anything that cannot be predicted
deterministically. In the case that the word “chaos” is combined with an attribute such
as “deterministic”, then a specific type of chaotic phenomena is involved, having their
specific laws, mathematical apparatus and a physical origin. The deterministic chaos
is a phenomenon that - as its name suggests - is not based on the presence of a random
or any stochastic effects. It is clear from the structure of the equations (see the section
4), that no mathematical term expressing randomness is present. The seeming
randomness in deterministic chaos is related to the extreme sensitivity to the initial
conditions [1].
Till now, the chaos has been observed in many of various systems (including evo-
lutionary one). Systems exhibiting deterministic chaos include, for instance, weather,
biological systems, many electronic circuits (Chua’s circuit), mechanical systems,
such as double pendulum, magnetic pendulum, or so called billiard problem.
The idea of using chaotic systems instead of random processes (pseudo-number
generators - PRNGs) has been presented in several research fields and in many
applications with promising results [2], [3].
Another research joining deterministic chaos and pseudorandom number generator has
been done for example in [4]. Possibility of generation of random or pseudorandom

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015 205

A. Sanayei et al. (eds.), ISCS 2014: Interdisciplinary Symposium on Complex Systems,
Emergence, Complexity and Computation 14, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-10759-2_22
206 R. Senkerik et al.

numbers by use of the ultra weak multidimensional coupling of p 1- dimensional dynam-

ical systems is discussed there. Another paper [5] deeply investigate logistic map as a
possible pseudorandom number generator and is compared with contemporary pseudo-
random number generators. A comparison of logistic map results is made with conven-
tional methods of generating pseudorandom numbers. The approach used to determine
the number, delay, and period of the orbits of the logistic map at varying degrees of pre-
cision (3 to 23 bits). Another paper [6] proposed an algorithm of generating pseudoran-
dom number generator, which is called (couple map lattice based on discrete chaotic
iteration) and combine the couple map lattice and chaotic iteration. Authors also tested
this algorithm in NIST 800-22 statistical test suits and for future utilization in image
encryption. In [7] authors exploit interesting properties of chaotic systems to design a
random bit generator, called CCCBG, in which two chaotic systems are cross-coupled
with each other. A new binary stream-cipher algorithm based on dual one-dimensional
chaotic maps is proposed in [8] with statistic proprieties showing that the sequence is of
high randomness (similar studies in [9], [10], [11]).

2 Motivation

Till now the chaos was observed in many of various systems (including evolutionary
one) and in the last few years is also used to replace pseudo-number generators
(PRGNs) in evolutionary algorithms (EAs).
Recent research in chaos driven heuristics has been fueled with the predisposition
that unlike stochastic approaches, a chaotic approach is able to bypass local optima
stagnation. This one clause is of deep importance to evolutionary algorithms. A chaot-
ic approach generally uses the chaotic map in the place of a pseudo random number
generator [12]. This causes the heuristic to map unique regions, since the chaotic map
iterates to new regions. The task is then to select a very good chaotic map as the
pseudo random number generator.
The initial concept of embedding chaotic dynamics into the evolutionary algo-
rithms is given in [13]. Later, the initial study [14] was focused on the simple embed-
ding of chaotic systems in the form of chaos pseudo random number generator
(CPRNG) for DE and SOMA [15] in the task of optimal PID tuning
Several papers have been recently focused on the connection of heuristic and cha-
otic dynamics either in the form of hybridizing of DE with chaotic searching algo-
rithm [16] or in the form of chaotic mutation factor and dynamically changing
weighting and crossover factor in self-adaptive chaos differential evolution (SACDE)
[17]. Also the PSO (Particle Swarm Optimization) algorithm with elements of chaos
was introduced as CPSO [18] or CPSO combined with chaotic local search [19].
The focus of our research is the pure embedding of chaotic systems in the form of
chaos pseudo random number generator for evolutionary algorithms.
A Brief Survey on the Chaotic Systems as the Pseudo Random Number Generators 207

This idea was later extended with the successful experiments with chaos driven DE
(ChaosDE) [20], [21] with both and complex simple test functions and in the task of
chemical reactor geometry optimization [22].
The concept of Chaos DE has proved itself to be a powerful heuristic also in com-
binatorial problems domain [23].
At the same time the chaos embedded PSO with inertia weigh strategy was closely
investigated [24], followed by the introduction of a PSO strategy driven alternately by
two chaotic systems [25] and novel chaotic Multiple Choice PSO strategy (Chaos
MC-PSO) [26].

3 The Concept of CPRNG

The general idea of CPRNG is to replace the default PRNG with the chaotic system.
As the chaotic system is a set of equations with a static start position, we created a
random start position, in order to have different start position for different experi-
ments. This random position is initialized with the default PRNG, as a one-off ran-
domizer. Once the start position of the chaotic system has been obtained, the system
generates the next sequence using its current position.
The first possible way is to generate and store a long data sequence (approx. 50-
500 thousand numbers) during the evolutionary process initialization and keep the
pointer to the actual used value in the memory. In case of the using up of the whole
sequence, the new one will be generated with the last known value as the new initial
The second approach is that the chaotic system is not re-initialized during the ex-
periment and no long data series is stored, thus it is imperative to keep the current
state of the chaotic system in memory to obtain the new output values.
As two different types of numbers are required in computer science; real and inte-
gers, the modulo operators is used to obtain values between the specified ranges, as
given in the following equations (1) and (2):
rndreal = mod (abs (rndChaos) , 1.0) (1)

rndint = mod (abs (rndChaos) , 1.0) × Range + 1 (2)

Where abs refers to the absolute portion of the chaotic map generated number
rndChaos, and mod is the modulo operator. Range specifies the value (inclusive) till
where the number is to be scaled.
Nevertheless there exist many other approaches as to how to deal with the negative
numbers as well as with the scaling of the wide range of the numbers given by the
chaotic systems into the typical range 0 – 1:

• Finding of the maximum value of the pre-generated long discrete sequence and
dividing of all the values in the sequence with such a maxval number.
• Shifting of all values to the positive numbers (avoiding of ABS command) and
208 R. Senkerik et al.

Utilization of the time-conttinuous systems (chaotic flows) requires also the investiiga-
tion on the sampling time. Since the different sampling times gives different fi final
distributions of generated pseudo-random
p numbers.

4 Discrete Chaoticc Maps

This section contains the description of discrete dissipative chaotic maps, which w was
used as the chaotic pseudo random
r generators. In this research, direct output iteratiions
of the chaotic maps were used for the generation of real numbers scaled into the tyypi-
cal range <0 - 1>. Followin ng chaotic maps were used: Burgers map (3) and Dissiipa-
tive standard map (4).
The x, y plots of the chaaotic maps are depicted in Fig. 1 - left (Burgers map) and
Fig. 3 - left (Dissipative staandard map), whereas the right part of aforementioned F Fig-
ures represents the typical chaotic behavior of the utilized maps given by the exaam-
ples of direct output iteratio
The illustrative histogram ms of the distribution of real numbers transferred into the
range <0 - 1> generated by means of studied chaotic maps are in Figures 2 and 4.

4.1 Burgers Map

The Burgers mapping is a discretization of a pair of coupled differential equatiions

which were used by Burgerrs [27] to illustrate the relevance of the concept of bifurrca-
tion to the study of hydrod
dynamics flows. The map equations are given in (3) w with
control parameters a = 0.75
5 and b = 1.75 as suggested in [28].

X n+1 = aX n − Yn2
Yn+1 = bYn + X nYn

Fig. 1. x, y plot of the Burgeers map (left); Iterations of the Burgers map (variable x) (rightt)
A Brief Survey on the Chao
otic Systems as the Pseudo Random Number Generators 209

Fig. 2. Histogram of the distrib

bution of real numbers transferred into the range <0 - 1> geneerat-
ed by means of the chaotic Burrgers map – 5000 samples

4.2 Dissipative Standarrd Map

The Dissipative Standard map

m is a two-dimensional chaotic map. The parameters uused
in this work are b = 0.1 andd k = 8.8 as suggested in [28]. For these values, the systtem
exhibits typical chaotic beh
havior and with this parameter setting it is used in the m
research papers and other liiterature sources. The map equations are given in (4).

X n+1 = X n + Yn+1 (mod 2π )

Yn+1 = bYn + k sin X n (mod 2π )

Fig. 3. x, y plot of the Dissip

pative standard map (left); Iterations of the Dissipative standdard
map (variable x) (right)
210 R. Senkerik et al.

Fig. 4. Histogram of the distrib

bution of real numbers transferred into the range <0 - 1> geneerat-
ed by means of the chaotic Disssipative standard map – 5000 samples

5 Time-Continuou
us Chaotic Systems
This section contains the description of time-continuous chaotic system (flowss or
oscillators), which were ussed as the chaotic pseudo random generators. Follow wing
chaotic systems were tested d: unmodified UEDA oscillator (5) and Driven Van der Pol
Oscillator (6).
The graphical outputs arre organized as in the case of chaotic maps. The left parrt of
the graphic grids (Fig 5 an nd 7) shows x, y parametric plots of the chaotic systeems,
whereas the right part depiccts the typical chaotic behavior of the utilized chaotic ssys-
tems, represented by the exxamples of direct output for the variable x. Finally the illlus-
trative histograms of the distribution of real numbers transferred into the raange
<0 - 1> generated by meaans of studied chaotic systems with the selected samplling
rate of 0.5 seconds are in Fiigures 6 and 8.

5.1 UEDA Oscillator

UEDA oscillator is the simp ple example of driven pendulums, which represent somee of
the most significant examplles of chaos and regularity.
The UEDA system can be b simply considered as a special case of intensively studdied
Duffing oscillator that has both
b a linear and cubic restoring force. Ueda oscillator reppre-
sents the both biologically and
a physically important dynamical model exhibiting chaaotic
motion. It can be used to expplore much physical behavior in biological systems. [29]
The UEDA chaotic systeem equations are given in (5). The parameters are: a = 1.0
b = 0.05, c = 7.5 and ω = 1..0 as suggested in [28].

= −ax 3 − by + c sin ωt
A Brief Survey on the Chao
otic Systems as the Pseudo Random Number Generators 211

Fig. 5. x, y parametric plot off the UEDA oscillator (left); Simulation of the UEDA oscilllator
(variable x) (right)

bution of real numbers transferred into the range <0 - 1> geneerat-
Fig. 6. Histogram of the distrib
ed by means of the chaotic UE EDA oscillator, sampling rate of 0.5 seconds – 5000 samples

5.2 Van der Pol Oscilla


Van der Pol oscillator is th

he simple example of the limit cycles and chaotic behavvior
in electrical circuits emplo
oying vacuum tubes. Similarly to the UEDA oscillatorr, it
can be used to explore physsical (unstable) behaviour in biological sciences. [30].
In this paper, the forced
d, or commonly known as driven, Van der Pol oscillatoor is
investigated. This system consist of the original Van der Pol oscillator definition w
the added driving function a sin(ωt), thus the differential equations have the form (6).
The parameters are: μ = 0.22 γ = 8.0, a = 0.35 and ω = 1.02 as suggested in [28].
212 R. Senkerik et al.

( )
= μ 1 − γx 2 y − x 3 + a sin ωt

Fig. 7. x, y parametric plot off the Van der Pol oscillator (left); Simulation of the Van der Pol
oscillator (variable x) (right)

bution of real numbers transferred into the range <0 - 1> geneerat-
Fig. 8. Histogram of the distrib
ed by means of the chaotic Van n der Pol oscillator, sampling rate of 0.5 seconds – 5000 sampples

6 Conclusion
This paper was investigatin
ng the utilization of the discrete dissipative chaotic systtem
as the chaotic pseudo randdom number generators. (CPRNGs) Totally four differrent
chaotic systems were simullated, statistically analyzed and compared within this iniitial
research study.
From the graphical comp parisons, it follows that through the utilization of differrent
chaotic systems; entirely different statistical characteristics of CPRNGs can be
A Brief Survey on the Chaotic Systems as the Pseudo Random Number Generators 213

achieved. Thus the different influence to the system, which utilizes the selected
CPRNG, can be chosen through the implementation of particular inner chaotic dy-
namics given by the particular chaotic system.
Furthermore chaotic systems have additional parameters, which can by tuned. This
issue opens up the possibility of examining the impact of these parameters to genera-
tion of random numbers, and thus influence on the results obtained by means of either
evolutionary techniques or different systems from the softcomputing/ computational
intelligence field.

Acknowledgments. This work was supported by: Grant Agency of the Czech Repub-
lic - GACR P103/13/08195S, is partially supported by Grant of SGS No. SP2014/159
and 170, VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic, by the Develop-
ment of human resources in research and development of latest soft computing meth-
ods and their application in practice project, reg. no. CZ.1.07/ 2.3.00/20.0072 funded
by Operational Programme Education for Competitiveness, co-financed by ESF and
state budget of the Czech Republic, further was supported by European Regional
Development Fund under the project CEBIA-Tech No. CZ.1.05/2.1.00/03.0089 and
by Internal Grant Agency of Tomas Bata University under the project No.

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