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Pe ae \ Dragons ee oleae momna edict \ ar a o- : ‘WRITTEN AND ILLUSTRATED BY: CLM “Dragons in Death's Tarnished” offers a comprebensive guibe to incorporating dragons into pour adventures. It delves into the lives and operations of bragons within this world, providing rich lore about the Dragon-Birthed species. The guibe also features Elder Dragons, details about Dragon Loot, anb an introduction to Dragon Magic. Even if pou prefer a world not teeming with dragons, Dragon Magic presents an exciting opportunity to introbuce a new form of magic, enabling Tarnished to craft their own spells. ns ln SJ oe we S| Zz Pragons in Meath's Tarnished | In the shadowed realm of Death's Tarnished, dragons are both majestic and dangerous, their rarity matched onlp by their immense power. These formidable creatures are few and far between, but their presence is always felt. In this world, dragons draw strength from their followers, amassing devoted followers as their most precious treasure. Thep promise to share their power with those who pledge their lopaltp. To be granted such power transforms an individual, but in the bands of a Tarnished, it forges legends. cougoltod v pellupele uudedepgudpmdquslseudoubunpybulcony All caequun Lapsol ye Tntroduction: Handling Dragons As the GM, remember that bragons are inherently magical beings. Thep possess spells of their own. in abbition f9 their devastating breath attacks. Dragons are likelp to have followers—creatures and minions that aib them in battle. Even a bragon of little renown és not to be underestimated; while it map not be impossible to befeat, it will be cunning anb will emplop everp tactic anb ounce of wit to thwart those who oppose it. Provide pour players with opportunities to prepare for their encounters with bragons Consider giving them options to trap or capture the bragon Father than kill it outright, or methobs to'mitigate some of the bamage thep might take During the battle. faueludueLebawus Ian lber Dragon enters the scene, ensure pour players feel the weight of its presence, ‘These dragons are beings of immense, exponential power. Facing an Elder Dragon is a monumental task that requires extensive preparation anb a partp of experienced Tarnished. Such an encounter should be a climactic event, where the threat of death looms beavily over those who bare to challenge it. As you cfaft these encounters, balance the sense of banger with the players’ ability to strategize anb overcome challenges. The experience should be thrilling anb memorable, unberscoring the legendary status of bragons in your world. sigue ppely ‘qecetnaytymian uigyecll pe ply couguollend v reblupely uudedeneiqudpucinpuslive pucewtuygbslecngatl ccoyuun Lapanlpe In "Deaths Tarnished,” dragons are not merelp mythical creatures; they are intelligent, magical beings of immense power and wonder, What sets them apart from other creatures és their unique ability to grow stronger through the devotion of those who worship them. This bevotion manifests in various forms—praper, respect, and even fear—each of which contributes to the bragon's power. ‘This bynamic makes everp dragon's bebavior distinct. Some map choose to protect towns anb villages from monsters fo earn respect, while others might establish cults to gain worshippers. There are also those who might opt for a path of destruction, spreabing fear to amass power. Regardless of their methobs, the influence of a dragon is undeniable and profounb. Dragons can bestow a portion of their power upon others, leading to remarkable transformations. These gifts can inelubde physical changes, immunity to certain types of magie or elements, and enbancements to one’s. abilities. As a bragon accrues enough energy, it can become an €lber Dragon, a nearly invincible entity with power that rivals the gobs. Imagine recefving even a fraction of this power. Would pou not be tempted to serve these magnificent beings? Or would pou choose to challenge them, seeking to take their power bp force? Perbaps pou might ally with another bragon to defeat a common rival. The possibilities are enbless, and the choice is pours: to serve, to rival, or to forge alliances in a worlb where bragons reign supreme. Hiukduclelavuulitdesscel peuumpiacand bmn ebdgerpipely gacecray yoian wadyeesal pe py coupolrnd v valllupels udedope/papucingualseprecosbmyeghslecnpll cacquum Lapel pe Species Lore: Oragon-Hirthed In the rich tapestry of species lore, there exists a rare an extraordinary phenomenon known as being "bragon-birtheb.” This occurs when an individual demonstrates exceptional bravery or accomplishes a significant feat that impresses a bragon. If a beal és struck with the bragon to gain its power or favor, this gift extends beyond the individual anb touches their lineage. The next of kin— their ebitb— will be blesseb with the bragon's force, becoming dragon-birthed. Al bragon-birtheb chil primarilp retains the physical form anb characteristics of their parent species. However, subtle but notable differences mark their unique heritage. These ebitoren might possess the piercing epes of a bragon, or exhibit claws or fangs. As thep grow, their latent abilities map evolve. If thep amass sufficient power, thep can undergo a remarkable transformation, temporarity assuming a bragon form. In this formibable state, thep gain enbanceb strength anb a immunity to certain elements, making them formibable beings. Moreover, shoulb a bragon gift them abbitional power at anp point in their life, their bobies will naturally be more attuned to anb accepting of such magic or power. This unique attribute not only strengthens their abilities but also deepens their connection to the dragon's legacp, ensuring that the bonb between dragon and buman remains potent and enduring through generations. coucel peuuminnd pnw chdpecpnpely gacccraybyoian wsgosalipe ply couguollend v reblupels uudedeqeigudpucinpuslive pucewbuygbslecngall ccoyuun Lapanlpe Dragon magic ean be gifteb or taught by Dragons, but you can also intensely stuby to learn its ways. ‘This requires at least one week of intensive practice, with 4 hours per bay of learning Dragon Magic. This time map be split. In thie way, x bours per bay requires too weeks, 1 bour per bap requires four weeks, anb so on. ‘The character must make an Inteligence DRu save after each studp session. AA failed save leabs to an unsuceessful lesson, anb the bours spent are wasteb. Self-stuby, inclubing the save, map be bone multiple times per bap, but not longer than 8 bours in total. ‘Test Intelligence DRiz when using Dragon Magic. Success anb the Spell starts. Nati fail anb you take bz bamage. Anb Roll on the Dragon Burn Table. Each time pou use Magie per bay it abbs to the risk of a Nati by +1. If spelts are not instant, their effects last L+b4 Min. Dragon Magic will take up a Spell Stot. Dragon Magic is wild anb uncontrollable. If pou swap out a Dragon Spell for otber spells, it transforms the Spell anb pou will bave to generate a new Dragon Spell. ‘To generate a Dragon Spell, the plaper initially rolls 1b6 on the table to biscover the formula. Once the player bas betermineb the formula, they roll on the specified Dragon Spell table to generate the spell's name. The GM then outlines the spell's general effects based on its name. If the spell inflicts bamage, the GM may assign a fired bamage rating (b6-08). ‘The GM and player map also collaberate on the spells genral effects, but the GM will still ave to approve it. Players are encouraged to propose alternative uses for the Dragon Spells beponb the GM's initial bescription. If the suggested effect closely aligns with the Spell's name anb the situation, the GM should generally approve it. Abbitionally, the GM map choose to randomlp select spells” from spell fists featureb in other OSR games. ‘The GM bas the ultimate authority on bow the Spell materializes anb its impact on the current scenario. Fulumelelauslutdcercel pevambanud van cbidpeegngely gacctoaytynan wsdypconlige ply coupollend u pellupelu uudedepe/ gud piinquallsepscioulwgghalecnqutl ceeytum Laypeoll ye Effect (206) 2° 7. Opening 2. Dividing 8 . Sneaking 3. Betaining 9. Phasing 4. Crushing LonpPiercitig, 5. Brightening 11, Reflecting 6, Shielding 12, Resurrecting ECC LY) bears 7. Zava 2. Crpstal, 8. Vine 3. Dre 9. Water 4, Blood 10. Poison 5. Bone 11, Stone: 6. Fungus 12, Car cag 7. Tentacle 2. Srmar 8. Throne 3. Arcow/Bullet 9, . Trap 4. Claw 10, Brison 5. Chain 11. Swarm 6. Blade 12, Bep Fullumclelausluldceicelpevigand van cbdguegapely gaccioaytynan wdypconlige ply couguollend v reblupely uudedeqequdpucinpuslive pucewbuygbslecngall ccoyuun Lapanlpe Dragon Hurn: 1. The spell inaboertentty summons a small bragon, causing confusion anb fear among allies anb enemies for ib4 rounbs, The Dragon randomly attacks. 2. The mishap inabvertently strengtbens the next spell cast by all enemies within 50 feet, boubling its effect. 4. The easter is struck by a surge of will magic, causing a random, harmless but inconvenient transformation (e.g., turning into a sheep for iby rounds) 4 The caster’s shin briefly glows with dragon fire, dealing ib4 fire bamage to themselves and anyone who touches them for iby rounbs. 5. The spell summons a swarm of bragonflies that bistract anb obscure vision, imposing bdisaboantage on attack rolls anb perception checks for b4 rounds. 6. The spell causes the caster to experience a brief, intense vision of a bragon’s past, stunning them for 14 rounbs. 7. The spell causes a temporary shift in gravity, making movement dificult anb causing everyone within a 15-foot rabius to make a Dexterity saving throw or fall prone. 4 The spell causes the caster to be permanently marked with a bragon’s curse, imposing Disaboantage on all spetlcasting rotts until {rts lifted. 9. The spell creates a powerful, uncontrolled firestorm that engulfs a 32-foot rabius, Dealing 406 fire bamage to all creatures and objects within, 10. The spell causes a severe magical backlash, rebucing the easter’s maximum bit points by balf until they complete a long rest. 11, The spell triggers a violent magical storm, causing lightning strikes anb fierce winbs that ‘make the area impassable for 104 bours. 12. The spell creates a powerful, fingering aura that brains the life force of all living beings in a 20-foot rabius, beating 2b6 bamage per round for 1b rounbs. 15. The epell’s backlash causes the caster to be atlieted with bragon mabness, resulting in uncontrollable rage anb hallucinations for 1b ours. 14. The barbening spell goes awwrp, turning the caster's skin bumpy and grep for #66 daps (grants disadvantage on Charisma checks). 15. The agility spell tangles the caster’s limbs, ‘imposing bisabeantage on Dexterity checks for 166 round. 16. The caster is cursed, suffering a -5 penalty to Intelligence for the next 24 bours. 17. ‘The spell's energy burns the caster. inflicting severe burns that rebuce their HP bp 30% until a tong rest. 18. The Spell is fost, You ean generate a new Dragon spell after along rest. 19, The caster’s arms are seareb with Dragon seript, forever etched on its shin that can never be removed. 20. The spell’s failure triggers a catastrophic event, such av an earthquake or volcanic eruption, bramatically altering the fanbscape anb posing significant banger to all nearby. piulauclelmumluticencel peumpdacu pan clique pyely pacecuy lyons wadypecnl pe py Mragon Loot Table (d6) Tf the PCs have befeated an Elber Dragon or completeb a bifficult endeavor for a Dragon, thep can be rewarded from the Dragon Loot table, But be warned, these are weapons and feats of great power. 1.(Feat)Mark of thunber: You gain a burn from a Dragon, inereasing pour epelleasting abilities. You cast Spells with abvantage. 2.(feat) Teeth of Dragon: 6 Dragon teeth Grow out of pour arms. AAs a Stunt, if you succeed in grappling your foe, pou can choose bow many of the teeth you leave in the creature.@ach Tooth does Do bamage fo the creature on its next turn, The Teeth regrow after a tong rest. 4- Weapon: Chainblabe (bio) (Bulkp)(Slasbing) Description: A menacing, beavp chain blabe with dragon bone and a Arcane motor that roars with a beafening sound. I's teeth are stained with brieb blood. This weapon cannot break. Special: On a successful bit, the Blabe tears into the flesh, causing the target to bleed profusely. At the start of each target's turn, they suffer an abbitional Dy bamage until thep receive magical bealing or successfully stop the bleeding. 5. Weapon: Dragon's Glaive (abio) (Slashing) Description: A massive, bloobstained glaive with a jagged, serrated blabe. It radiates an aura of brutality and destruction. This weapon cannot break. Special: On a critical bit, the Glaive cleaves through its target with devastating force. Roll damage twice and abb the results together. 3.(Feat) Blood of the Dragon: You can cover 6 arrows or bullets with your Dragon bloob. G times per bay) Special: On a bit, the target suffers an additional D8 damage at the etart of their next turn, 6. Weapon: Dragan Spitter (b8)(Pieteing) (Range) Description: This crossbow is mabe from the Tenbons of Dragons. Shooting with this weapon automatically covers the arrow in Dragon fluibs. This weapon cannot break. Special: On a successful bit, the target rolls a DRwo if failed its Armour brops to -1. iron ry 16 ie 18 ir) 10 TWO CLAWS(08 Han Ve ee iret OT eC eee RN OO UA ence © BITE (3n10)e @ LIGHTNING STRIKE(2012) @ VCORE a Ce Oa PRO Cn PU eae aC UST RSC CLOR CLO Aya Ue "More Srew’ List. ORY) POA ORL ST Le CL LLL Prd Rout on PEAR wirn Apvanrace. Farstep, THe DRAGON OF STORMS. 15 AN ELDER DRAGON WHOSE PRESENCE COMMANDS THE FURY OF SO A OLD FOLLOW. THIS MIGHTY DRAGON DRAWS ITS POWER FROM THE FEAR OF SAILORS. WHEN THE STORM PURCELL a DOE LBL ORSON TCLLIRM ULLAL LLUs FOR FARSIED WIELDS A DEVASTATING BITE AND LIGHTING BREATH CAPABLE OF TOPPLING CITIES IN UOC SRL RLU SOLS a BR La ROLL on THE DRAGON Loot TABLE. Maevu: The Crimson Bragon. a £ roa eT ee ee eee CRN ST eS eet Cee ane Nee FIRE BREATH(2p12) Taxes A TURN TO FIRE. DR8 To Avorn. ROO Cae RRL LS CL a UTS ORC LCRL ULC cs OR) di 0nd PO OCR ae Ua TORO ROUT CU OO LG CT) Ta Cee UCL CULL CURR ON GROWN WEARY OF CONSTANT FIGHTING. Now. IT COREL LULU COCO UCU URaUe SR LC CU! TLR Ud DOU OO oe LC fon pT) oT) 20 aT) x] PEC ceo nN Aan ST STU Wan SUT ROR UU ec ELMS CRC Ce PRO RCLON Le TU OULU LA ORCS CUCU OL Sa CUCU 3. Tue mecHANics AND GAME RuLes oF DEATH'S TARNISHED May BE REUSED AND REFERENCED FREELY.

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