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You have decided to have a party at your home. Invite your friend saying:
 What you are celebrating
 When, where it is and how to get there
 What to bring

Dear Adie,

You won't believe it but I've finally finished my course. It's been 3 long years and the final
exam was last week. I'm so happy it's all over.

So, I've decided to kick up my heels a little and have a party to celebrate. I've invited some of
my friends from university and some of the old crowd, including you.

I hope you can come on the 25th June to my house. You remember how to get here. If you
catch the bus and don't bring your car, you can have a couple of drinks and stay longer. I'm
still in the same place at 26 Apex Street, Townsville.

Do you still have that awesome Salsa CD? Could you bring it and then we can have some
dancing. Other than that, just bring a bottle of your favourite wine. I'll provide some tasty
nibbles to keep us partying into the small hours.

I really hope you can come,



You have been given two tickets to a sports event. Invite your friend to go with you saying:
 Where you got the tickets from
 What the sports event is
 Why you think your friend would like it
You were supposed to meet your friend but were unable to go. Write a letter:
 Apologising for not turning up
 Explaining what happened
 Setting up another time to meet.

You are going to celebrate a festival from your country. Invite your friend to come saying:
 What the festival is for
 What will happen
 What your friend should bring


Your neighbours have complained about the noise you have been making. Write a letter:
 Apologising for the noise
 Explaining where it was coming from
 And what you are going to do about it

Dear James,

I was very shocked to receive your letter saying that the noise from my flat has been spoiling
your evenings and causing you some distress. I am writing to explain the reasons and make
an apology.

As you may know, I am trying to refit my kitchen in the evenings when I get home from
work. Unfortunately it is all getting longer than expected and I have been having problems
with getting things to fit properly, which has meant a lot of banging and hammering.
I am really, really sorry about that. I had no idea that you would be able to hear so much, so I
hope you will accept my apology.

As the kitchen is still not finished, I have decided to call in a professional builder who will
finish the work in the next day or two. He’ll work only during daytime hours, so I promise
you won’t be disturbed in the evenings again.

I hope to see you.

You were supposed to meet your friend but were unable to go. Write a letter:
 Apologising for not turning up
 Explaining what happened
 Setting up another time to meet.


You have applied to a homestay family in the country you are going to study in. Write
them a letter:
 Telling them about your course of study
 Some of your likes and dislikes
 A little about yourself

Dear John and Denise,

Thank you so much for replying to my homestay application. I thought I would write and tell
you a little about myself.

Firstly, I'm going to be studying a Masters of Linguistics at QUT. I can see from the map you
included that your house is near the university, which will be very convenient. I expect my
course will keep me pretty busy - no late night parties for me!

Now a little about myself. As you saw from my application, I’m 25 years old. I’m not a very
fussy person; I eat anything and have no allergies. I also like dogs and the picture of your
dog, Sid, was great. I like to exercise by taking long walks, so maybe you would let me take
Sid with me.

I'm really looking forward to meeting both of you, and Sid, of course. I'm sure I'll learn a lot
about Aussie life and culture from you.

See you in September.


You have joined a hobby club of your choice (book, movie, cooking, language…) . Write
them a letter, telling them:
 A little about yourself
 How you usually enjoy this hobby
 Why you join the club


You are visiting the country of your friend for a holiday. Write a letter asking about:
 Places to stay and sights to see
 Any special considerations, clothes etc.
 When you can meet each other

Dear Hyo Jeong,

Well, I've finally finished that big project at work and the holiday is booked and paid for. I ·
be visiting your country for the first two weeks in September. I'm really excited about coming
because I've never been to Korea before.

So I have a few questions I'd like to ask you. Firstly, where do you think I should stay? I'd
prefer something traditional as opposed to a modern hotel chain. They are all the same all
over the world. I'll be visiting Seoul, Pusan and Jeju Island. Even though I don’t have much
time, I want to see as much as I can. What do you think are the most important sights to see?

Also, what will the weather be like in September? Will it be cold? Should I bring a big coat?
The other thing is, I've heard that Jeju Island has some beautiful beaches but I'm worried that

it’ll be too cold to swim. What do you think?

Finally, when will we be able to catch up with each other? I'm arriving in Seoul on the 2nd.
That's a Friday and I know you'll be working, but what about the Saturday?

Get back to me when you can and I'm really looking forward to seeing you again.


You have decided to take a course in your free time. Your friend took the same course.
Write a letter to your friend asking about:
 The content of the course,
 Any special equipment that is needed
 Cost and times

You are moving to a town where your friend lives. Write a letter to your friend:
 Telling them the reason for the move
 Asking for information on the best area to live
 And what facilities are available

You stayed at a friend's house recently and left something in the room. Write to your friend
 Where you left it
 What the object looked like
 And how you can get it back

Dear Ross,

Thanks so much for the great time last weekend. It was fantastic to catch up with you and the
old gang. That pub for lunch on Sunday was wonderful.

When I got home last night, I realized that I'd left something in the room where I stayed. I left
my leather jacket behind. I think I left it hanging on the back of the door.

I forgot all about it because it was so warm yesterday and I didn't need it. Can you take a look
in the room I used? It's black leather, quite long and has two pockets. I'm pretty sure it's still
hanging behind the door.

My town is not as warm as yours and I need the coat here. When I go to work in the morning,
it's quite nippy. Besides, I love that coat!
If it's there, could you pop it in a courier bag and send it to my home address. Of course,
send it C.O.D. You don't need to pay for my mistake.

Once again, thanks for the great weekend. Next time you come to my place, I'll show you
around my town. Thanks for your help.



A friend recently stayed at your house. When they had gone, you noticed they had left
something behind. Write to your friend:
 Describing the object and asking if it is theirs
 Describing where you found it
 Suggesting a way to return it


You are going away on holiday and your friend has agreed to look after your house while
you are away. Write a letter to your friend:
 Thanking them for their help,
 Explaining about things in the house
 Saying when you will be back

Dear Jason,

Thanks so much for looking after my place while I'm in Sydney for the conference. I feel
much happier going away and knowing that you are in the house. It'll be nice for you to get
away from your parents for a week too, I imagine.

Just a few things to make sure you and the house are safe. Firstly, the key I gave you works in
the front and back doors, so there is only one key. Can you make sure you deadlock both
doors when you go out. Secondly, the electricity safety switch is in the box at the side of the
house. If it trips, which is unlikely, you can reset it from there. Finally, could you please
water the plants on the veranda?
Thank you so much once again. There's food in the fridge so please help yourself. I'll be back
next Sunday afternoon, so I'll see you then.

Have fun.


You have offered to lend your car to a friend. Write a letter explaining:
 Special things about the car
 Why you won't need it
 When you expect it back

You are going away for a week and a friend has offered to look after your pet. Write a
 Thanking your friend
 Explaining about your pet's needs
 And saying when you will return

You recently went to a restaurant which was very good. Write a letter to your friend
 Why you went there
 What was good about the restaurant,
 And organise a time to go there with your friend.

Dear Rachel,

How're things going? I hope you are over your cold. It's a nasty one going around this year.

I just had to write and tell you about a restaurant that Danny and I had dinner at last weekend.
You know it was Danny's birthday and we wanted a quiet night; just the two of us. Well we
decided to try that new Vietnamese restaurant that has opened up around the corner. It was
fabulous and the food was fantastic! We had clear wrapped spring rolls for an entree, filled
with prawns, crisp vegies and noodles. They came with a delicious and spicy dipping sauce.
For our main we had more seafood, salt and pepper squid and we splashed out on lobster. It
was all fresh and delicious. And even though we had the lobster, the price was incredibly
reasonable. The staff was really friendly and accommodating and dressed in traditional
Vietnamese costume. On top of all that, the restaurant is beautifully decorated.

Enough said. Danny and I really want to go back there and we we’re wondering if you and
Dave would like to join us next weekend. Text me and we'll fix a time.



You recently went on holiday and enjoyed it. Write a letter to a friend telling them:
 Where you went
 What you did
 Why the holiday was so good

You recently saw a movie that you enjoyed. Write a letter to a friend recommending it,
 Where the movie was set and who was in it
 What it was about
 Why you liked it


You have recently had a problem with something your neighbour is doing. Write a letter
 what the problem is
 why it is a problem
 and offer a solution

Dear John,

I've been trying to catch you for the last couple of days but you seem to be working very long
hours and get home quite late. You must be really busy.

So I decided to write this note to tell you about a little problem I'm having. When you put
your bin out for the rubbish collection on Tuesdays, even though it is still on your property, it
blocks me getting my car out. I need to reverse right out of my driveway, and the way the bin
is positioned, only allows me to go out in the left direction. It means I have to then go around
the block to get back on to Catherine Street.

I was wondering if you could please put your bin on the other side of your driveway. Then
there will be no issue with access.

I hope this isn't a problem, and if you'd like to discuss it, please give me a call.



A friend has visited your house with his/her children and they have caused some problems.
Write a letter saying:
 What the problems are
 How the problems affect you
 And offer a solution

You are applying for a job and the application asks for a personal reference. Write a letter
asking your friend to write one for you saying:
 what job you are applying for
 what needs to be in the letter
 why you are asking them to do it

Dear Ann,

I hope you and the family are well. We are fine and getting over the busy Christmas period.

You may not know but Joe turned five this year and is off to school. I know, the time just
flies, doesn't it? So I've decided to go back to work part-time. I've applied for a job at the
ABC accountancy firm and they have asked for a personal reference and I was wondering if
you could do one for me. Since we worked together at XYZ for so long and then became
friends, I thought you would be perfect.

They want to know about my character and skills. Don't worry about my qualifications
because I'll put that in my application with copies of my degrees. It doesn't have to be too
long. Don't go on and on about how wonderful I am!

Applications close the Friday after next. You could email me the reference and then I can
include it in my application.

I hope this isn't too much trouble.

We need to catch up. What about coffee next week. There's a great new coffee shop in West
End that I'm dying to try. Text me and we 'II arrange something.


You are going to enjoy your vacation in another city and you cannot take care of your pet.
Write a letter asking your friend to do it for you saying:
 What your vacation plan is
 What the pet is and its special features
 How to take care of it

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