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Present Tenses 9 Present simple |> - - --- ---- > © Always, usually, often, occasionally, sometimes, seldom, never. © Every + day, week, month, year. €---+0 © Once, twice, three times... + a week/ month/ year © Théi quen, hoat dong thuong xuyén xay ra. © Quy luat, chan Ii, su that. © Lich trinh, thai gian biéu © Suy nghi, tinh cam, tu tuéng. g © To be (+) S + am/is/ are +O. () S + am not/ isn't/ aren't + O. (2) Am/ Is/ Are + S + 0? © Verb (+) S + V(sles). (-) S + don't/ doesn't + V. (?) Do/ Does + S + V? English Grammar for Flyers 1 E. aa 1. | always get up early in the morning. 2. Amanda is a teacher. She works in a primary school. 3. The Sun rises in the East and sets in the West. 4. The trains leave at 5 o'clock every day. 5, | don't like playing chess. > Trang tir t&n suat (always, often...) dling sau is / am / are hoae durng truéc déng tir chinh V / Vs-es. > Khéng két hgp is / am/ are v6i V/ V-es hoac don’t / doesn't véi be > Sau do / does (not) thi déng tir nguyén thé khéng cé dudi. © Hanh déng dang xay ra tai thoi diém néi / xung quanh thoi diém ndi. © Hanh déng chac chan sé xay ra trong tuong lai, c6 ké hoach. © Hanh dong trai voi lé thuong. © Phan nan. © Su thay déi, bién déi. g 1 1 v (+) S + be + V-ing, (be: am, is, are) © Listen! Be quiet! (.) S + be not + V-ing. Look! (V!) (?) Be + S + V-ing? © Always (phan nan) © Now, at the moment, at present, right now, at this time . E. aa 1. Peter isn't listening to music at the moment. He is doing his homework now. 2.The students are visiting Ha Long Bay next week as scheduled. 3. | go to school by bike every day, but today I'm going by bus. 4. The boys are always talking too much in class. 5, It is getting colder and colder. © Hanh déng bat dau trong qua khtr, kéo dai dén hién tai, c6 két qua & hién tai. @ Hanh d6ng xay ra khéng 16 thoi diém. [ Present perfect |>- --77> @ Hanh dong da tirng/ chu tng xay ra. oy © Hanh déng van chua xay ra. Hanh d6ng da xay ra bao nhiéu ln tinh dén hién tai. g © For + Khoang thdi gian © Since + mGc thdi gian / S+V-ed/P1. © Just, Recently, Lately, Up to now, Untilnow, ¢-----0 Already, So far © Yet © Never... before, ever © How long? Eg. 1. | have stayed in Ha Noi for 5 days. 2. My mother has just gone to the supermarket. 3. We have never eaten French food before. 4. Linda hasn't finished this book yet. 5. Up to now, I've travelled to Thailand several times. English Grammar for Flyers 1 : Vi tri cla cdc trang tir Adverbs Meaning Position ever da tleng Gita have / has va P2 never chua bao gid’ Gitta have / has va P2 already d& xong roi Gitra have / has va P2 Dtrng dau cau, hoac cudi cau just vira méi xong, vira | Gitta have / has va P2 lam recently, lately | gan day Dtrng dau cau, hoac cudi cau yet van chua Cuéi cau cau héi / nghi van still van, van con Truéc have / has Ac cum tinh dén hién tai_—_| Beng dau cau, ho&c cuéi cau khac: up to now / present, over the past / the last. © Past Tenses © Hanh déng da xay © To be ra va da két thc > trong qua khw. © Sy that, théi quen (+) S + was/ were + O © () $+ wasn't! weren't + 0 2) 2 pare (?) Was/ Were + S + 0? © Verb © Yesterday, last week/ month/ year () $+ Ved PL © Ago . k----- © (-) S+didn't+V © In + tho’ gian trong qua Khir eae (2) Did+S+V? © Used to + V: da tting lm gi ‘ Eg. 1. My family didn’t go to Phu Quoc Island last month. We stayed at home. 2. The children were at the zoo yesterday. 3. My uncle used to smoke a lot two years ago. > Khong két hop was / were véi V-ed / P1 hoac didn’t vai be > Sau did (not) thi déng tir nguyén thé khGng co dudi -ed hoac dang P1. Hanh d6ng xay ra tai mot thoi __ diém xc dinh trong qua khi. | © at + thdi gian trong qua khir © this time yesterday/ last... Hai hanh déng Past song song cling continuous xay ra trong qua Kher. Mét hanh déng dang xay ra thi bi hanh d6ng khac chen ngang. English Grammar for Flyers 1 ¢ ! U Eg. 1. The children were watching TV at 8 p.m. last night. ' 2. While my mother was preparing dinner, my father was ' watering the flowers. ; 3. When we came, Jane was having dinner. 1 Ps ; © Future Tenses 1 ' © Quyét dinh nay sinh lac néi, 1 khng c6 ké hoach, du dinh. ! © Dy doan khéng cé co sé. ! © Suy nghi, Idi hira, hi vong. ! 1 g ' v ! . I © Soon, in the future I © Next week/ month/year... <- ~~ | 8 Tomorrow, tonight 1 1 ! I Eg 1, You look so hungry. I'll get some noodles for you. 1 2. | think it won't rain tomorrow, I 3. | hope they will accept my offer. 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 ! ' . © Dy dinh cho tuong lai da duoc [[Near Future | one eee > sp xp, lén ké hoach tir truée Dy doan co co sé. e v © Soon, in the future (+) S + be + going to + V. © Next week! monthi year... __ (be: am/is/ are) ~~ ()S + be not + going to + V. © Tomorrow, tonight .. (2) Be + S + going to + V? © Be careful ! Look ! 1. Bella has bought a new dress. She's going to have a party tonight. 2. Look at these dark clouds! It is going to rain soon. Eg. ed > Sau will, déng tir & dang nguyén thé khéng chia theo chu ngtr. > Su khac nhau gitra tong lai gan va tuong lai don gian: Future simple (Tuo'ng lai don) Near future (Twong lai gan) 1.Y dinh d& duoc du tri, sAp xép truéc khi ndi: Eg. / am going to visit New York this summer. 2. Su suy doan che chan dua vao c&n ctr hién tai: :| Eg. There are a lot of clouds. | think it is going to rain. 1. Y dinh ngay khi ndi hoa hanh dong sé xay ra & tuong lai kh6éng phy thuéc vao y dinh: Eg. He will come here tomorrow. 2. Y kién, loi htva, hy vong, phat biéu vé mat hanh déng trong tuong lai (think, promise, hope, expect) i E.g. Wait here and | will get you a |: drink. Eg. / think you will pass the exam. mmar for Flyers 1 Quy tac bién déi dudi dong tiv CCR COR GRU aa ! XE Tiy két thic b&ng dudi e ho&c ee > thém s XX Déng tir két thiic bang nguyén am (u, e, 0, a, i) +y > thems YX Dong tiv két thc bang phu Am + y © ddi y thanh ies XX Dong tir két thtic bang o, x, z, s, $s, sh, ch > thém es ¥£ Con lai & them s Eg make > makes play > plays © RX ac biét: have > has study > studies watch > watches. — drink > drinks BCC R Ue RR Ulm g © XE Tir két thiic b&ng dudi e > bd “e”, thém -ing XX Déng tir két thtic bang ee > thém -ing XX Dong tir két thtic bang ie > dGi ie thanh y, thém -ing XX Bong tly 1 Am tiét két thc b&ng 1 nguyén Am (u, e, 0, a, i) va 1 phy am (triv h, w, x, y, Z) > nhan déi phu 4m cudi, thém -ing. XX éng tir c6 tir hai Am tiét tra lén, ta chi nhan déi phy am khi trong Am roi vao Am tiét cudi cing XX Déng tir c6 tir hai Am tiét tre lén, trong Am roi vao Am tiét thir nhat > thém -ing XX Con lai @ thém -ing Eg. +make> making + see > seeing es lie © lying * but = putting * per'mit & permitting pre'fer > preferring + ‘open => opening ‘enter => entering + sing => singing Add - ed to the verbs x Tir két thc bang duéi e hodc ee > thémd Xx Dong tl” két thc bang nguyén Am (u, e, 0, a, i) + y > thém ed. XX Dong tly két thc bang phu am + y > di y thanh ied. XX Déng tir 1 Am tiét két thc bang phu am + nguyén am + phu am (tri h, w, X, y, Z) > nhan déi phu 4m cudi + ed. XX Déng tir c6 nhigu hon 1 Am tiét, Am tiét cudi cing két thtic bang phy Am + nguyén am + phu am va la am tiét nhan trong 4m = gap déi phu Am cudi + ed. XX Con lai + ed XX Ngoai ra, 1 sé dOng tir bat quy tac khéng thém dudi ed ma bién déi thanh P1. cues '* + prepare > prepared + play > played + study > studied + plan > planned + pre’fer > preferred + kick > kicked + have > had * go > went English Grammar for Flyers 1 ractice Exercise 1: Choose the correct answers. a (Chon dap an dting.) oO Students go to school from Monday to Friday. A. Present simple B. Past simple C. Future simple D. Present continuous My mother is washing her hair in the bathroom. A. Present simple B. Past simple C. Future simple D. Present continuous They have been to Korea twice. A. Present simple B. Past simple C. Future simple D, Present perfect They will visit Hoi An Ancient Town tomorrow. A. Present simple B. Past simple C. Future simple D. Present continuous a Does he like learning about Science? A. Present simple B. Past simple C. Future simple D. Present continuous G There are many dark clouds. It's going to rain. A. Present simple B. Past simple C. Future simple D. Present continuous We were tired after the trip yesterday. A. Present simple 8. Past simple C. Future simple D. Present continuous GO He has never eaten this kind of food before. A, Present simple B, Past simple C. Present perfect D. Present continuous 9 | At this time yesterday, | was studying. A. Present simple B. Past simple C. Past continuous D. Present continuous 10} The students didn’t do their homework this morning. A. Present simple B. Past simple C. Future simple D. Present continuous @QPercise 2: Complete the table. Goy V-inf Dé v-sles DE v-ing J vedirr vedir2 ) QO « Q@ % © take oe study 8 put © send @ think O chat Oo buy QO @Qeieat @ bake English Grammar for Flyers 1 (oY _vint {Vas J Ving _Y veaTrr J vearr2) @® drive Q say @ sleep © rain @D visit @D come QD meet @ write Exercise 3: Complete the sentences using Present Simple tense of the verbs. (Hoan thanh cau KS sw dung d6ng tir chia & thoi Hién tai don.) your holiday every summer? jogging in the morning. e Peter and his friends sometimes (play, : football after school. © Pau ‘net e@ My uncle c @ My mother “bake | cookies twice a week. @ we to class. his bike to school. a good cook. swimming every morning before going ) home before 5 p.m. on Fridays? © They usually @ Mary “Like Exercise 4: Complete the sentences using Present Continuous tense of the verbs. ® QC EESSWEE his mom clean the house at the moment? Qe) (ED. trey some games now. Qwnee( EE? =I . to the supermarket to buy some stuff. a My sister (oo Wri" S59) to the music now. a Where is your father? —He pB in the living room. He a football match. 6 Every day | go to work at 7 a.m., but today | Gamo | to work at 6.30. @ donn a EITEYES / Sees) at other people. It's so rude. a tC ep darker and darker. | should go home now. English Grammar for Flyers 1 a I CW to a live show tonight. @ (CB U GENTS in her room? | can hear the music. Exercise 5: Complete the sentences using Past Simple tense of the verbs. (Hoan thanh cau sw dung d6ng tiv chia & thoi Qua khw don.) as she / tell you about the news? Where you / pay a visit last summer? he / help» you decorate your room yesterday? . cous, YOU / pass your exam last Monday? 8 We g° to the museum yesterday. Ga My aunt be sick 2 days ago. @ trey boss write a test last Friday. Bim get up late this morning because he sos stay up late to watch a movie yesterday. Oo Mona. receive apresent from her pen pal yesterday. THACY ooo forget to give back my book yesterday afternoon. Exercise 6: Complete the sentences using Past Continuous tense of the verbs. (Hoan thanh cau stv dung d6éng tiv chia & thoi Qua khwe a tip dién.) i What|she / do when you came in? Ba 11 a.m. yesterday, | |have lunch at school. Bi white I|_do the laundry, my sister |cook| . in the kitchen. Gwe do fo ... our homework when the lights went out. Steve | run after the bus when he fell over. write Jason | play] ........ ...... Computer games, his mother clean the floor. write I g . ...in the park, | saw my friends. a They |swim| in the sea while their parents |sunbathe| Bh we [play football when it started to rain. Susan [ not study Joo... at this time yesterday. She draw| a picture. Exercise 7: Complete the sentences using Present Perfect tense of the verbs. (Hoan thanh cau su dung d6ng tiv chia & thoi Hién tai hoan a thanh.) a Kristina is the most humorous person | [ever | met] Q Ste [already | cook] dinner. Owe just | paint] the door. Don't touch it! @Q they [never | see] a movie since March. ea Jessica [buy] anew dress lately. English Grammar for Flyers 1 a She [not receive] any email yet. a {my boss | go] to Boston on a business trip. She won't come back until next Friday. a She [already | translate] the text into Vietnamese. a | [lose] my keys. | can’t open the door now. a [Mark | take] his brother to school yet? Exercise 8: Complete the sentences using Future Simple tense of the verbs. (Hoan thanh cau str dung a d6ng tir chia & thoi Twong lai don.) @ | think we (finish) this assignment soon. @ | (fly) to London in two days. e She (probably / help) me plant some flowers tomorrow. @ Bruno (buy) a bunch of flowers for his sister’s birthday. e& (Kate / arrive) at the airport this afternoon? @ My parents (travel) to Phu Quoc in two weeks. eo (there / be) a lot of flying cars in the next ten years? © | don't think she (live) in that house. © We ran out of sugar. — OK, | (buy) some for you. @ | promise | (not forget) to do the housework again Exercise 9: Complete the sentences using the Near Future tense of the verbs. ® 0 Look at that boy in the tree. He (fall down) Ove bought some apples. | (make) an apple pie 86 My children are so excited about the trip. They (visit) the Golden Bridge in Da Nang next week. @ tom is making so much noise. He (wake) the baby up. 6: have bought two movie tickets. | (see) this movie with my cousin. 6 Whatdoyouneedtohire acarfor?—I (visit) my grandparents this weekend. I've planned for this. oO You are studying very hard these days. You (not fail) the test. Owe (not buy) some new furniture for our new house this Saturday. O Those clouds are dark. (it / rain) this evening? ©: (make) a cheese pizza. Is there any cheese in the fridge? English Grammar for Flyers 1 Exercise 10: Rewrite the sentences and provide the correct tense of the verbs. (Viét lai cau va ®Q chia d6ng tiv & thoi twong tng.) 1. They (have) breakfast. a. (Present simple) b. (Present continuous) c. (Present perfect) d. (Past simple) e. (Past continuous) f. (Future simple) g. (Near future) 2. She (not prepare) for the upcoming test. a. (Present simple) b. (Present continuous) c. (Present perfect) d. (Past simple) e. (Past continuous) f. (Future simple) g. (Near future) 3. (he / take) a shower? a. (Present simple) b, (Present continuous) c. (Present perfect) d. (Past simple) e. (Past continuous) f. (Future simple) g. (Near future) . 4. When (you / play) badminton? a. (Present simple) b. (Present continuous) c. (Present perfect) d. (Past simple) e. (Past continuous) f. (Future simple) g. (Near future) Exercise 11: Group the time expressions in the box for the correct tenses below. (Sap xép cdc tir / cum trang ngi& thoi gian trong khung ®Q phu hop voi cdc thoi dui day.) yesterday morning at the moment tomorrow in 2019 already when he was 6 | hope in the future now twice a week rarely for two days soon right now It's 9 o'clock last Tuesday when we left school since 2000 I've decided. up to present every afternoon in 2030 for a long time on Mondays every year an hour ago yet lately at present | have planned. in five hours English Grammar for Flyers 1 Present Simple Presentcontinuous _ Present Perfect Past Simple Simple Future Near Future Exercise 12: Underline the correct answers to complete the sentences using Present Simple or Present Continuous tense of the verbs. (Gach chan dap an dung dé hoan thanh cau sw dung d6ng tir chia & thoi Hién tai a don hoac Hién tai tiép dién.) oO | have / am having a guitar lesson on Monday and Thursday. a Alex and Sarah play / are playing golf every Saturday. My aunt doesn’t cook /isn’t cooking in the kitchen at the moment. Frank’s dad works / is working in Quang Ninh this month. ‘ a | make / am making my bed every morning after getting up G My brother washes / is washing his car at the moment. Listen! Your daughter cries / is crying. | 8 | Leona is at the cinema. She watches / is watching a must-see comedy. oO My father is in the living room. He reads / is reading a book. 10} My sister is in Germany. She phones / is phoning us every weekend. Exercise 13: Underline the correct answer to complete the sentences using Past Simple or Past Continuous tense of the verbs. (Gach chan dap an dung dé hoan thanh caéu sw dung d6ng tiv chia & thoi Qua khw don a hodc Qué kht tiép dién.) o When | saw | was seeing Emma, she watered | was watering flowers While we climbed | were climbing the mountains, we saw | were seeing some bears. | was waiting | waited for the bus when | saw | was seeing a car accident. When | cut| was cutting myself, | was chopping | chopped carrots. 8 Her baby was waking | woke up while she was washing | washed the dishes. English Grammar for Flyers 1 Ou 2 p.m. yesterday afternoon, my mother tidied / was tidying my room oO My brother fell / was falling asleep while he was reading / read a book in his room oO While Alice laid / was laying the table, she was breaking / broke a bowl. oO | slept/ was sleeping when | was hearing / heard a strange noise. oO When my mother was coming / came in, my grandparent told / was telling me a fairy tale. Exercise 14: Underline the correct answers to complete the sentences using Past Simple or Present Perfect tense of the verbs. (Gach chan dap an ding dé hoan thanh cau sie dung d6ng tiv chia & thoi Qua khw don a hodac Hién tai hoan thanh.) @ I saw | have seen this movie twice. a Have you bought | Did you buy her a dress last week? a She didn’t clean / hasn't cleaned her shoes yet. a When Jim was a child, he usually cycled | has cycled around the park near his house. a Have you flown | Did you fly to America two weeks ago? a He has already finished | already did his homework. @ We haven't met | didn’t meet our daughter for a month. a When did you start | have you started to learn English? a Binh didn’t play | hasn't played basketball for 2 weeks because of his broken leg. Q)is this the first time you ate | have eaten this food? Exercise 15: Underline the correct answers to complete the sentences using Future Simple or the Near Future tense of the verbs. (Gach chan dap an dung dé hoan thanh cau ste dung d6ng tir chia & thoi Tuong lai don a hodac twong Iai gan.) @ Look! It | is going to / will’ snow soon, @ Next month, || am going to/ will «travel around the world. & “The phone is ringing.” — “| am going to /|'ll. answer it.” @ I think our son | is going to / will . win the first prize @ In 2040, robots « are going to / will» be doctors treating sick people. @ Tonight we | are going to/ will. hold a birthday party for our mother. e |. am going to / will : help you carry your suitcase © My friends © are going to / will. visit me in the hospital tonight. © | don't think that he © is going to / will : pass the oral test. @ Be careful! You | are going to / will. drop the vase. English Grammar for Flyers 1 Exercise 16: Put the adverbs in brackets into the appropriate position. (Dién cdc trang tir ®Q trong ngodc vao dung vi tri.) i) Have you fed your puppy? (stiLL) (soon) 9 | They have known the truth. (already) Exercise 17: Fill in the blanks with since or for. a since for @ It has rained two hours. @ We haven't seen each other last Christmas. eo She has learnt English she moved here in 2020. @ they haven't repainted this house a long time. eo My uncle has worked as a director then. @ My mother hasn't spoken to my brother four days. Oo We have known Jane we were at the same high school @o | have had this motorbike ten years. @ They have been married 2010. © My grandparent has been in hospital two weeks. English Grammar for Flyers 1 Exercise 18: Fill in the blanks with when or while. ®Q (Dién when hoac while vao 6 tréng.) @ James hurt his knee GD he was playing basketball. a GD Joe lost his wallet, he was walking to school ea | was ironing the clothes GD my younger sister was playing the piano. ew” | was having breakfast, my mother left home for work. e GD it started to rain, we were having a picnic. a Brenda was skating am she broke her leg. (7 the students were decorating the pine tree, the teachers were wrapping the gifts. Q wnat were you doing yesterday, Alex? Qwe were watching TV GD someone knocked on the door last night. a My grandmother was gardening aD the phone rang. Exercise 19: Fill in the blanks with since, for, ago, next or last. (Bién since, for, ago, next hodc a last vao 6 tr6ng.) @ We went to the park two days Ga. a They have been in the kitchen Ga 2 p.m. a There will be many doctor robots in the GD ten years. your mother arrived home ea She didn’t travel to Hue city summer. a My children have played games |... ~ an hour. @ Her son has been ill -.. ... last week. a My uncle is going to buy a new apartment -........ month. a They built this church many years |... a Sandy has been a newsreader ....-........- she left university. a | have stayed in my aunt's house _. ... the last five days. Exercise 20: Complete the sentences using the correct form of the auxiliary verbs: be, do, have, or will. (Hoan thanh cau sw dung dang dung cua cdc tro d6ng ttr: be, do, have, ® hodac will.) @ Emily | istening to music when | came in. @ How far c rit from your house to the company? English Grammar for Flyers 1 Exercise 21: Put the verbs into the correct tenses. Exercise 22: Choose the correct answer. I 1 I ®Q (Chia thi ding cua d6ng tir.) 1 1 a She (always / go) to bed late. 1 I a My sister and | (sell) some pictures a few minutes ago. 1 I a Last year, he (stay) in Ho Chi Minh City for 3 months. ' a (you / seen) this movie already? ' a When she (finish) her work, she (go) out 1 I with us. ' @ (the baby / play) with his toys in the living room I at the moment? ' a When | (be) a child, | (not like) eating I vegetables. 1 I a | have made up my mind. | (buy) anew laptop next week. ' a They (have) a party when the lights (go) out. ! a Yesterday, Elena (have) dinner, (take) a shower, l I and (go) to bed early. l 1 I sn S, . « nl ® (Chon dap an dung.) 1 I il this movie last week. ! A? see B? saw 1 ' C? have seen D> have saw Qe _... they ever sung on the stage? A? Have B? Has C:Do D2 Are 3. Was Tina for her exam at this time yesterday? A: prepare B> preparing C? prepared D: prepares 4, I'm so excited. | to a bigger apartment next month. A: have moved B? moved C? will move D2 am going to move 5. My brother . - as an engineer since he from his university. A: worked - graduated B- has worked - graduated C: worked - has graduated ‘D: is working - graduates 6... .. he become the next president? A: Has Bils Ce will D:AandC ‘1, My daughter started to do yoga 2 weeks A? already B: yet C? just D? ago 6. Up to present, she . : many books for kids. A: wrote B? has written C? has writen D? has wrote English Grammar for Flyers 1 9. He has taught English to children nearly ten years. A: since B? last C? for Dein 10. we drink orange juice for breakfast, but we are drinking milk. A: Every day - today B: Today - every day C: Yesterday - today D? Tomorrow - yesterday Exercise 23: Find and correct the mistakes. a (Tim va sira Idi sai.) @ Stephen has wrote a poem. @ When | was meeting Jane, she was going to church. a Helen always is talking too much with her friends in class. Her teacher's not happy about that. @ The boys play football in the yard yesterday. e We didn’t be late for school yesterday. @ Helen talked to her friends since last week. @ There’s someone at the door. — I’m going to open it. a Now Linh is having two houses. In the future, people don’t read newspapers. a We have bought tickets. We will fly to Ca Mau next week. English Grammar for Flyers 1 - 1 ; 1 BS 7 1 ! . I QPercise 1. 1 (Gs @ > Gc a ‘Ge Ge Oc He es 1 ! @QPeercise 2. 1 ) Go vses ving J vearrry vearre) 1 ;, © be is being was / were been 1 @ fly flies flying flew flown 1 1 © take takes taking took taken ' @ U study studies | studying | studied studied 1 1 8 put puts putting put put ; © send sends sending sent sent 1 @ think thinks thinking thought thought ; QO cmt chats | chatting | chatted | chatted 1 @ buy buys buying bought bought 1 ' @ go goes going went gone 1 @ eat eats eating ate eaten ! 1 @D__ bake bakes baking baked baked 1 @® drive drives driving drove driven 1 1 @ say says saying said said 1 . (ol J vases J Ving J vest ra] vedi re) ® sleep sleeps © rain rains @D visi visits @D come comes © meet meets @ write writes QPercise 3. sleeping slept slept raining rained rained visiting visited visited coming came come meeting met met writing wrote written @ do you spend © piay @ is @ like © have QPercise 4. @ doens't go © doesn't ride @ bakes © Do they arrive @ likes - doesn't like @ Is John helping é are you going - am going ea is - is watching @ is always shouting a am going QPercise 5. a aren't working - are playing a isn’t listening @ am going is getting a Is Jane dancing © dia she tell 6B did he help 8 went ga did you pay Did you pass G was English Grammar for Flyers 1 o wrote 6 got - stayed oO received oO forgot QPercise 6. By was she doing was having was doing - was cooking were doing 8 was running G was playing - was cleaning was jogging GB were swimming - were sunbathing 19 | were playing 10 | wasn't studying - was drawing QPercise 7. @ have ever met a have just painted a has bought a My boss has gone a have lost QPercise 8. @ has already cooked a have never seen @a hasn't received a has already translated @ Has Mark taken @ wii finish e will probably help e Will Kate arrive oO Will there be © will buy QPercise 9. @O witty © wit buy @ will travel © wiitiive @ won't forget 0 is going to fall down e are going to visit e am going to make oe is going to wake 8 am going to see Qo are not going to fail oe Is it going to rain @Peercise 10. 6 am going to visit oe are not going to buy ® am going to make 1. They (have) a. (Present simple) b. (Present continuous) c. (Present perfect) d. (Past simple) e. (Past continuous) f. (Future simple) g. (Near future) 2. She (not prepare) a. (Present simple) b. (Present continuous) c. (Present perfect) d, (Past simple) e. (Past continuous) f. (Future simple) g. (Near future) breakfast. They have breakfast. They are having breakfast. They have had breakfast. They had breakfast. They were having breakfast. They will have breakfast. They are going to have breakfast. for the upcoming test. She doesn’t prepare for the upcoming test. She isn’t preparing for the upcoming test. She hasn’t prepared for the upcoming test. She didn’t prepare for the upcoming test. She wasn’t preparing for the upcoming test. She won't prepare for the upcoming test: She isn't going to prepare for the upcoming test. 3. (he / take) a shower? a. (Present simple) b. (Present continuous) c. (Present perfect) d. (Past simple) e. (Past continuous) f. (Future simple) g, (Near future) Does he take a shower? Is he taking a shower? Has he taken. a shower? Did he take a shower? Was he taking a shower? Will he take a shower? ls he going to take a shower? 4. When (you / play) badminton? a. (Present simple) When do you play badminton? b, (Present continuous) — When are you playing badminton? c. (Present perfect) When have you played badminton? d. (Past simple) When did you play badminton? e. (Past continuous) When were you playing badminton? f. (Future simple) When will you play badminton? g. (Near future) When are you going to play badminton? @Percise 11. Present Simple Present continuous Present Perfect every afternoon at the moment already on Mondays now since 2000 every year right now up to present twice a week tts 9 o'clock for a long time rarely at present yet lately for two days Past Simple Simple Future Near Future yesterday morning tomorrow Pve decided. when he was 6 in 2024 | have planned. last Tuesday ' hope when we left school _it the future an hour ago ene in five hours soon ®@Percise 12. (Dap an oe o have isn’t cooking 8 make is crying oi is reading @Percise 13. Bplay is working Ga is washing G@ is watching O phones oO saw - was watering was waiting - saw 8 woke - was washing fell - was reading oO was sleeping - heard @QErercise 14, oO were climbing - saw cut - was chopping G6 was tidying Oo was laying - broke oO came - was telling @ have seen a hasn't cleaned a Did you fly haven't met a hasn't played @QPercise 15. a Did you buy a cycled ea has already finished a did you start a have eaten @ is going to wit @ am going to e rll @ eo are going to @o will eo are going to © will @ are going to English Grammar for Flyers 1 QPercise 16. a Have you fed your puppy yet? [2\we usually clean the house twice a day. (3) She still hasn't decided where to spend a holiday. (4) He will be back soon. (5) Students took a speaking test last Thursday. (6) They are not painting their pictures at present. (7) My aunt never eats meat. [8 \we held a big party at home yesterday. (3) They have already known the truth. or They have known the truth already. (10) Jack often has two burgers every afternoon. QPercise 17. @ for @ since e since @ for eo since o for eo since © for @ since @ for ®QPeercise 18. Qwrie Qwnen Qwhile while @when Qi wen Qwnite Qnen OQ when @ when QPercise 19. a ago a since é next a last a for @ since @ next a ago a since a since ®@Peercise 20. @ doesn't @ Have e didn’t oo hasn't Qe was @ is ®@Percise 21. © will won't oO Is @will © do a always goes ea stayed ea finishes - will go Qwas - didn't like a were having - went @QPercise 22. a sold @a Have you seen 6 Is the baby playing a am going to buy a had - took - went 1B 2A 3B 6D 1D 6B ®QPeercise 23. 4D 5B 9c 10A @Q wrote 2 written @ was meeting > met a always is talking > is always talking ea play > played @ since > x Q\is having = has Qwit fly > are going to fly @ didn’t be > weren't @ I'm going to open > I'll open Q con't > won't

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