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Wayne Toney’s Hotel will outline how it will provide quality hospitality services, cost-effectively, in the

growing township of Lethem. This plan successfully raised capital for property acquisition, renovation,
and company start-up related costs.

Wayne Toney’s Hotel is intended to be constructed in Lethem, Region 9 and will include
Self-contain and Single Rooms for visitors’ accommodations, a restaurant, enclosed
bar, entertainment hall, pool, outdoor camping site, lounge area, and a parking lot. In
the future the establishment will also have a Print and office supplies shop.

The investor intends to open its doors to not only tourists from other Countries but also
persons from all areas including the Rupununi, the Coastlands of Guyana. Being an
established Entity in the business of transportation services, we are aware of all the
difficulties and hardship encountered by travelers thus our current venture. With this
current venture we will be able to provide a luxury for our clients that is unique to the
Rupununi. This will contribute positively to the economic well-being of the residents of
this region through employment and other engagements.

This establishment will be led by a determine and versatile individual who will spare no
effort in ensuring success in this venture. We will aim to deliver sustainable excellence
by focusing on and maximizing employment competence, strong leadership and safety
and security for all customer.

We will aim to deliver sustainable excellence by focusing on and maximizing employee

competence, strong leadership and safety and security for all customers.

We would like to employ about Twelve persons from within the area which will include
two cooks, two kitchen assistants, two cleaners, two handy-men, two Receptionists
cashiers, two security guards. More staff will be employed if necessary.

This establishment intends to have all the comforts of a modern hotel for clients and will
be ideal for family and groups visiting our wonderful township. Collaborations with travel
and tourism companies will be done to provide tour packages for persons desirous of
visiting the town.

Financing will be from personal savings and a loan from a local financial institution.

pg. 1
2. Objectives

1. Attract $41 million mortgage/investment capital;

2. Focus ideas and establish goals;

3. Identify and quantify objectives;

4. Track and direct growth;

5. Create benchmarks for measuring success.

The business of Wayne Toney’s Hotel is the creation of and funding of a travelers,
tourists and locals with 40 room-style accommodations, specializing in a "getaway"
atmosphere to provide relaxation and recreation in the Eco-Tourism hotspot in the
Rupununi area. Management is soliciting commercial finance partners who share its
vision and desire to participate in this exciting business opportunity in Lethem,
Rupununi. The integration of these disciplines results in extensive and innovative
services, set in a unique Savannah Style (much like the North American’s Prairie)
surrounding for our prospective guests.


The preferred location is a 1-2-acre Plot of Land. Of the 40 Rooms, 5 are executive
suites, 5 will be self-contained with double beds, and the remaining will be single self-
contained rooms. Each room has individual climate control, direct-dial phones, and
televisions. The facility will have a large main lobby area, outdoor pool, Secured Parking
Lots, n open kitchen and dining area, and all equipment necessary for operation of the
motel. The grounds will be beautifully landscaped.

The Hotel is proposed to be located in the newly developed Scheme at Tract CHPA in
Lethem. This development is proposed to consists of a 100’x45’ building structures, this
will be constructed in three phases: Ground Floor in the first phase. Second Phase:
second floor. Third phase: Fencing, landscaping and pool construction.

The main facility will provide for facilities which will include a laundry room with two
washers and two dryers.

Mechanical systems include A/C units for each of the buildings, Alternative Photovoltaic
systems, 120-gallon hot water heater, 600-amp electrical service, intercom system,
Internet service, sump pump, CCTV security system, cable television, smoke alarms,
and telephone system.

pg. 2
Wayne Toney’s Hotel’s mission is to provide quality hospitality services to our guests in
a comprehensive and cost competitive manner, providing the finest accommodations in
Lethem Guyana.


This business plan serves to detail the direction, vision, and planning to achieve our
goal for providing superior and comprehensive Transport, Resort and Accommodations
services. Our plan objectives are:

 Attract $41 mil bank loan to secure a property mortgage.

 Focus ideas and establish goals
 Identify and quantify long-term expansion Track and direct growth
 Create benchmarks for measuring success
Wayne Toney’s Hotel shall fill a niche not presently available on that level of standard,
namely a moderately priced (under $20,000 per night) resort. Combined with an on-site
lounge, a grilled food service, an indoor and outdoor pool bar, and a morning
continental breakfast offering, we shall differentiate ourselves by becoming a "boutique
style" hotel versus simply another motel/resorts. With the construction of an outdoor
pool adjacent to the outdoor sports complex and our other entertainment and other
attractions, Wayne Toney’s Hotel will form the basis of a highly profitable venture set in
a Savannah Style environment.


Mr. Wayne Toney has envisioned Wayne Toney’s Hotel in 2023 as a new venture after
much deliberation and study. Since 2015, Mr. Toney has had extensive experience in
creating and managing organizations for environmental and economic development-
oriented companies involved in nationwide projects.

Mr. Toney consults with area businesses in development-related issues, including

finance, transport and is currently a part owner and member of the Rupununi Chamber
of Commerce and Industry organization in Lethem. Also, presently he is owner of a
mining concession in Marudi of which he will used as means to finance this project. He

pg. 3
is an experience driver and businessman with approx. 20 years’ experience in both
fields. He has started previous business and corporate subsidiaries and looks forward to
managing Wayne Toney’s Hotel on a daily basis.

b. Key Advisors to the Company

Wayne Toney’s Hotel has additional key staff members and advisors to assist during
the development, planning, and initial planning phases. They include an architect
authorized by the Lethem Town Council, and former managers of similar business


Mr. Wayne Toney will manage all aspects of the business and service development to
ensure effective customer responsiveness. Qualified hotel associate professionals will
provide additional support services. Support staff will be added as guest and/or patron
load factors mandate.

pg. 4
For purposes of this Business Plan document, Wayne Toney’s Hotel. —Phase I, Phase
II and Phase III for developmental growth are defined below:

a. Phase I
This phase involves preparation and development of Wayne Toney’s Hotel. During the
development stage the property will establish its own Savannah/Prairie Style identity,
management directives, and capital.

Incorporating a total quality management approach and a guest appreciation program,

Wayne Toney’s Hotel will develop key repeat guests and lounge patrons. Through word
of mouth and advertising, our reputation as an affordable "boutique style" resort shall

Property preparation will include the landscaping and preparation of the property for the
sectioning for various activities of the entire project. Peroration will be done to construct
the ground floor in the first phase, and a benab. New construction includes a bar room
addition, extra parking lot build-out, and an outdoor pool.

The establishment will be partially ready for September season 2024.

b. Phase II
Continue construction of the upper flat and the entertainment features will continue in
the second phase. Also, implementation of sales, advertising, and marketing strategies
developed in Phase I. Identify and pursue additional guest markets, i.e. Internet room
guarantee services. Wayne Toney’s Hotel shall evaluate its room occupancy position to
determine if a facility expansion is warranted. Wayne Toney’s Hotel anticipates
additional support staff would be needed at the proper time (Phase II). This Plan does
will contain additional funding needs for this Phase.

c. Phase III
Phase three will generally be completion of entire infrastructures designs and
landscaping. Operations will be full blown during this phase and possible expansion will
be determine based on current customer services load.

pg. 5
Establishing a Transport, Resort and Accommodations business clientele will take
some time, as the research revealed word-of- mouth /recommendations /referrals and
value as the primary way in which Resort type hotel and lounge services are selected
by new guests. People who are completely new to the area, or who have few
established connections, may look to the Yellow Pages or other advertising to establish
available services, then call for information or pricing.

A good portion of the past guests to the property will most likely return, as the proposed
business will be operated close to a heavily travelled and easily accessible area.


Strengths of Wayne Toney’s Hotel include Mr. Wayne Toney broad base of experience
in managing different types of companies. He has extensive development experience
and a track record of hiring the right people and training them. Mr. Toney understands
the service sector business, has traveled extensively frequenting numerous lodging
establishments, and has gained invaluable experience in organizational management.

Currently, a mid-size "boutique" resort niche is operating in the Lethem area in the
Rupununi, with present lodging on the high end, averaging $35000 per night (and up)
down to less convenient accommodations of $10,000 per night.

Several establishments may fall into the middle, however, Wayne Toney’s Hotel, as a
resort-style property, will serve its niche by itself.

pg. 6

1. A property designed for the guest and/or lounge patron

2. Frequent Guest Award Program

3. Controlled overhead and operational costs

4. Regular and ongoing guest feedback

5. Latest technology/software capacity

6. Weekend lounge (piano bar, dance floor) entertainment

7. Unique, timeless and comfortable environment

8. Dedicated management and associate support staff


Wayne Toney’s Hotel like all businesses, is affected by forces and trends in the market
environment. These include economic, geographical, competitive, legal/political, and


Positive forces include the generally prosperous economy that is currently in place, full
employment, rising wages, and low inflation, leading more people to be able and willing
to spend money and to get away for some time. The close locality of Lethem offers an
affordable alternative to a flyaway destination.


Located less than a km from the Lethem/ Brazil Border and a within half an hour drive to
three tourism destinations o Moco-Moco, Kumu and Quarrie Villages it’s an ideal
getaway or short-stop destination. Also, Lethem began to prosper around 2010,
becoming a desirable business destination, and due to this becoming, an open port of
entry to the costal lands of Guyana give way to a planned upgrade of this route to the
city. This location of interest lies in the Heart of Lethem and is viewed a “hotspot” for
travelers and tourists.

pg. 7
Wayne Toney’s Hotel shall fill a niche not presently available, namely a moderately
priced (under $10,000 per night), resort-type establishment. Combined with an on-site
lounge, a grilled food service, an outdoor pool bar, and a morning continental breakfast
offering, we shall differentiate ourselves by becoming a "boutique style" resort versus
simply another motel/resort.

Our Nature Style surroundings will attract and retain guests who appreciate such refined


Wayne Toney’s Hotel management will not move the project forward until it has
obtained all the necessary licenses and permissions deemed necessary the
Government of Guyana. Also, as faced by all businesses, the proper insurance needs
shall be met and all operations and policy manuals shall be reviewed by appropriate
legal experts. The facility will obtain all the necessary building permits prior to
construction. Present facility zoning allows for this proposed use, including a bar,
cabaret, grill, and dance floor space.


Computer programs greatly simplify the financial recordkeeping for today's businesses.
As a small business, Wayne Toney’s Hotel will need to watch its expenses closely. By
utilizing the existing software packages available in the hotel industry, including: room
and facility management database, controlled bar and inventory measuring systems,
and room key cards that allow patrons to charge directly to their room account, this
technology shall assist management in controlling costs, reducing cash management,
and maximizing revenue. Wayne Toney’s Hotel shall attract the resources necessary to
train and operate the system in order to generate the reports and manage the inventory.

pg. 8
A hypothetical behavior sequence model for a new customer (future guest)
contemplating using a hotel and lounge service for the first time might look something
like the following (based on discussions and interviews with potential guests):

Individual or couple decided to getaway for a few days. This may happen as a result of
a need for a change of pace, vacation, or a celebration purpose. The need can arise
anytime year-round. Even in the dry spells, people are thinking "getaway" to break the
weather doldrums.

Individual or couple investigates hotel services. In most cases, this means the they will
consider first any recommendations that they are knowledgeable of through prior
association (relative, friend, or social group). If the individual or couple is new to the
area or otherwise has not made any close connections with people, he/she would look
in the Yellow Pages for a listing, or perhaps look in a newspaper for advertising.

Acting on the advice of friends (or own knowledge), the individual or couple will call the
recommended property to obtain information that will help him/her decide if this place is
the best for them. Criteria for selection include:

(1) Amenities (pool, on-site food service, nonsmoking rooms, bar lounge area, etc.);

(2) Reputation (what kind of persons usually stay here?);

(3) Physical plan (how recent the renovation, upkeep, etc?);

4) Courtesy (professional and attentive staff?

(5) Pricing (is the place affordable?).

Based on the information received, the individual or couple decides and either
schedules an appointment to view the property or makes a reservation.

The individual's satisfaction with his/her decision and with the service itself is largely a
function of their interaction with the staff during their stay. Everyone associated with
Wayne Toney’s Hotel will do everything possible to ensure a satisfactory experience for
the guest, so that future business (and a future referral) is not at risk.

Marketing strategies will build on this model, taking advantage of precipitating events,
fostering word-of- mouth recommendations, and creating satisfaction through interacting
with the future or present guests.

pg. 9
18. Summary of Opportunities and Threats in the Environment
Overall, the environment appears very positive for Wayne Toney’s Hotel. The forces
driving market demand, mainly economic and geographical, are strong, with more
people staying closer to home for shorter getaway trips and their comfort level of visiting
the Rupununi, one of the Guyana's premiere travel destinations. On the negative side,
there is competition, and it will take a while for Wayne Toney’s Hotel to get "established"
in its market niche.


The business is driven by referrals and repeat business, so for the first few years
Wayne Toney’s Hotel will need to be aggressive in attracting new guests. the marketing
strategy is subject to change upon guest feedback and surveys.


Target Markets—Geographical; Tourists; Travelers: The main road passing thru the
area will be a positive for the business.


 New visitors traveling to the area
 Middle- and upper-income bracket
 Returning visitors to the area
 Businesses needing to hold small overnight planning and strategy sessions
 Area wedding parties
 Couples

pg. 10
For its guests, Wayne Toney’s Hotel will be positioned as a new, beautifully landscaped,
nature-filled, unique atmosphere hotel with a bar lounge service that fits an adult
"getaway" market niche. A full range of referral services (i.e. restaurant
recommendations, shopping, taxis, area attractions) will be made available and tailored
to the needs of the particular guest.

Business services range from room phones that are Internet jack ready and telephone
answering message service for each room to on-site fax services and meeting room
space (lounge sitting area and cabaret room). Wayne Toney’s Hotel will aim to attract
business guests and their partners needing to hold planning or strategy sessions away
from the office in new and comfortable surroundings, in order to even out revenues
throughout the week.


Unlike products that are produced, then distributed, and sold, hotel and lounge services
are produced and consumed simultaneously in a real-time environment. Thus,
distribution issues center on making the services available in a convenient manner to
the greatest number of potential guests. Wayne Toney’s Hotel will maintain a front office
staff member throughout the night so guests are able to get answers to any question or
service when they need it. This flexibility is especially attractive to the business traveler.
Clients will be able to contact Wayne Toney’s Hotel by telephone, fax, and e-mail.

24. Pricing Strategy

Rooms per night fees have been developed. The fee schedule considers seasonal rates
that are common in the area. For businesses and other large group functions, pricing
can be discounted depending upon the number of rooms reserved.

25. Service and Support Philosophy

By considering customer responsiveness, Wayne Toney’s Hotel’s goal will be to meet,
and exceed every service expectation of its hotel and lounge services. Our guests can
expect quality service and a total quality management (TQM) philosophy throughout all
levels of the staff.

pg. 11
Promotion strategies will vary depending on the target market segments. Given the
importance of word-of-mouth referrals among all market segments when choosing a
"getaway" resort, hotel or small business meeting location, our efforts are designed to
create awareness and build referrals. A cost-effective campaign focused on direct
marketing, publicity, our frequent guest reward program, and advertising is being

27. Marketing Plan

New Business Segment

A direct marketing (direct mail) package consisting of a tri-fold brochure, letter of

introduction, and reply card will be sent to a list of potential guests. This list can be
obtained from Guyana Tourism Board, hotels, Transportation Services.
The brochure and letter introduce Wayne Toney’s Hotel, stresses the importance of
having a good time in comfortable surroundings, provides information on our resort
services, and describes what sets us apart from other area resorts, hotel and lounge
properties. The initial mailing may contain a promotional offer: the opportunity to receive
a 10% discount on the first night's room rate.
Approximately two months after the mailing, an additional letter shall be sent. The
potential guest would be asked to address any questions and the follow-up would
remind them to drop in for a property tour on their next trip to or from Georgetown or
Lethem. Additionally, new businesses will be targeted and sent information.
The cycle would repeat itself with new target communities and select businesses and
would continue through the first year. After that, additional mailings would be conducted,
as needed, based upon occupancy goals.
Wayne Toney’s Hotel will also consider developing a one-page newsletter to be mailed
quarterly to past guests and prospects in the database. The newsletter can be used to
update clients on hotel and lounge and area-related developments, but also serves as a
reminder of what sets Wayne Toney’s Hotel apart. The newsletter can be produced in-
house and for the cost of paper and a stamp creates a lot of goodwill among guests and
business prospects.

pg. 12
Publicity and Public Relations
A news release will be sent to area newspapers and magazines announcing the launch
of Wayne Toney’s Hotel. Area talent searches will be conducted to secure weekend
cabaret room entertainment.
Mr. Wayne Toney will continue his membership with the Rupununi Chamber of
Commerce Industry as a means of networking in the community. He also may make
himself available for speaking engagements at other community or civic organizations
as a low-cost way of increasing awareness and building goodwill in the community.
Guest Reward Programs
For present guests: "Stay 6 nights and get the seventh night for free" promotion and as
a means of building business by word-of-mouth, present customers should be
encouraged and rewarded for referring future guests. This can be accomplished by
offering a small "rebate" (5% or 10% rebate on first night stay) to current customers who
successfully refer a new guest.
Advertising is utilized primarily to attract new guests and serves to build awareness and
name recognition of the resort in general, which is important for word-of-mouth
referrals ("Oh yes, I've seen that resort's ads before.")
Periodic advertising in target market area newspapers will afford Wayne Toney’s
Hotel. name recognition benefits. From quarter page ads announcing its entertainment
line-up to business card-sized logo ads. Also, in the Yellow Pages of Guyana
Telephone and Telegraph yearly directory. Research indicated that new visitors or
people who don't have many personal acquaintances to ask about hotel and lounge
services will look to the Yellow Pages to establish a list of potential hotel and lounge
services to call. Even a small 2" × 2" boxed ad can create awareness and attract the
desired target client, above and beyond the ability of a simple listing covers the relevant
market area.
Restaurant Placemats—Opportunities exist for a business card-like ad to be placed on
the paper placemats used in area restaurants (shelf-life of the ad is about six months),
or for special (holiday) events taking place at a restaurant (1-off opportunities). An
example would be getting on the area restaurant placemats (about 1000 in six months).
Placemat advertising will reach area residents as well as area visitors/tourists staying at
other places.
Additional places to post flyers/business cards or for a business card ad include
bulletin boards in public buildings (grocery stores, senior centers), and playbills for local

pg. 13
28. Evaluation & Control Strategies

Objectives have been established for Wayne Toney’s Hotel so that actual performance
can be measured. Thus, at the end of its first year, Wayne Toney’s Hotel should have:
$36,200,000 in total revenue Anticipate 57% occupancy rating
Each subsequent year new objectives will be set for these benchmarks and actual
performance will be measured against them. If actual performance falls short of
objectives, investigation will be made into the cause, and plans will be adjusted
In addition, it is recommended that Wayne Toney’s Hotel keep track of the source of all
new guests ("Where did you hear of us?") in order to measure the effectiveness of each
type of promotion. Each subsequent year's budget should adjust spending toward the
types of promotion that reach the newest clients.
Customer satisfaction is most directly reflected in the year-to-year customer retention
percentage. All lost customers should be investigated to find out why they left. A
customer satisfaction survey may be considered after three to four years in the

pg. 14

a. Project Expenditures

Project Funding Summary

Building and Improvement Costs $25,000,000

Fixtures, Build-out and Furniture $10,000,000
Administrative costs $500,000
Working Capital 10,000,000
Grand Total 45,000,000
Financial Plan Assumptions
The following assumptions will be incorporated into Wayne Toney’s Hotel proforma

 All operating costs are based on Wayne Toney’s Hotel’s management research
of similar operating companies.
 Automated informational and bar control systems will reduce Wayne Toney’s
Hotel, staff requirements.
 Developmental start-up costs are amortized over a five-year period.
 Room Occupancy Rate at 57%, G & A overhead and operations costs are
calculated on an annual basis.
 Property manager and founder's salary is based on a fixed salary expense basis.
 All fixed and variable labor costs should rise annually at 2.5% per year.
 All revenues are figured to rise annually at five percent. Fixed annual,
administrative, and office expenses rise at an annual rate of one half of one

pg. 15

The salary structure of Wayne Toney’s Hotel will be above the Government salary
schedule of $55,000. - ~$85,000 to $150,000 depends on experience, position and
responsibilities. This aspect will attract more skilled workers, encourage them therefore
and makes them to stay with a first - class employer too (less fluctuations). The other
way around Wayne Toney’s Hotel can put the working demands and standards high to
achieve the goals since the salaries are that outstanding salary amount is 11% of the
annual expenses budget forecast, in the amount are all government taxes and levies.
Another salary component will be worker accommodation, food and other allowances
which comes to 2.5% of the annual expenses budget forecast. Salaries are graduated
by then in responsibilities of the worker, age, experiences etc.
In full operating stage Wayne Toney’s Hotel will be engaged with 12 working staff under
the manager, more will employed as the need arises.

Wayne Toney’s Hotel Staff Structure


2 Cooks 2 Handymen 2 Receptionists

2 Security Guards 2 Cleaners

pg. 16

Wayne Toney’s Hotel can safely assume the following:

 Market growth projections for the tourism industry and for travelling are accurate
 National economic conditions, which are favorable to tourism and travel industry,
will not experience significant decline in the next five years
 International conditions will remain favorable for service providers and Wayne
Toney’s Hotel will be able to maintain those relationships
 According our past experience, and as a positive outlook, is that those
assumptions and conclusions of the business plan are hold in low esteem
relating income generating activities. The past experienced evidences have
confirmed that the growing part was faster as it was theoretically assumed.
another aspect, but more likely the negative point is, that cost of imported
construction material are increasing due to the world inconstant economy
circumstances and therefore are an unpredictable component in the subject of
the project.
The investment opportunity will be a shining illustration of Rupununi hospitality in an
exceptional Amerindian setting mixed with local traditional culture elements within a
socio –ecological consensus and harmony. With this in mind the investor views this
investment as a flawless venture economically and socially.

Submitted By:
Wayne Toney

pg. 17

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