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Spending Ruin Page 61 Uses for Shifted Dice Page 56 Encounter Overview Page 205 Size Categories Page

Page 56 Encounter Overview Page 205 Size Categories Page 405 Interaction Attacks Page 225 List of Combat Options Page 220
The Game Master may spend Ruin to do any of the following The GM should work with the players to create interesting ways to Combat encounters are a core pillar of most roleplaying Interaction Attacks are a special action that tricks, disorients, Combat Option Description
Size Examples To Hit Modifier Stealth Modifier
actions: spend shifts in a scene. Any opportunity to advance a character’s experiences. Threats and Adversaries often stand stuns, or otherwise hinders a target and leave them
personal storyline or the campaign’s story, interact with the between the heroes and their goal and must be dealt Tiny Servo Skull, Cherub, +2 Difficulty +2 Difficulty vulnerable. Aim Sacrifice move to gain either +1d on a ranged
◆◆ Activate Ruin Abilities: Many NPCs possess special abilities with. What follows are the steps taken when running a Snotling, Tyranid Ripper Number to hit. Number to detect. attack or fire into melee without risk.
environment in an interesting way, or otherwise take advantage of Interaction attacks use one of the following skills: Athletics,
that activate or improve when the GM spends Ruin. combat encounter in Wrath & Glory.
possibilities in the scene are all great uses. Some examples of ways Small Gun Drone, Grot, Ratling, +1 Difficulty +1 Difficulty Deception, Intimidate, Persuasion, or Tech. The DN of the All-Out Attack +2d on melee attacks, -2 Defence for the round.
◆◆ Interrupt the PCs: Normally, the Initiative Order says that to spend shifts are outlined below: Step 1: Determine Ambushes Gyrinx Number to hit. Number to detect. attack is the foe’s opposing skill or Resolve, whichever is
one of the player characters acts first in any given combat. Brace Sacrifice move to brace a heavy weapon.
◆◆ Gain Information: Each shift spent may either get one answer to a Average Human, Eldar, T’au, Space N/A N/A higher. The DN to use Intimidation, for example, is the foe’s
A Game Master may spend a Ruin for one of his NPCs to act Sometimes a group involved in the combat encounter
question or provide a piece of information that would otherwise Marine Intimidation or Resolve, depending on which is higher. Called Shot Suffer a +2/+4/+6 DN penalty for +1/+2/+3 ED
first instead. Once he has interrupted the PCs, the GM must is caught unaware, or is surprised by the ferocity of an
be difficult to discern. on a successful attack.
allow a player character to act next. assault. To represent this, the Game Master will determine Large Space Marine Terminator, +1d to hit. +1d to detect. The ranged attack Suppressing Fire (see page 223) functions
at the beginning of the encounter whether any characters Necron Destroyer, Tyranid like an Interaction Attack, but uses Ballistic Skill. Charge Make a full move and a melee attack at +1d.
◆◆ Improve Quality: Making forged documents more convincing,
◆◆ Seize the Initiative: The Game Master may spend Ruin to are considered ambushed. This can include just one Warrior, Ogryn
ensuring that you’ve convinced the Imperial Navy commander Range Disengage Move up to half your speed and you are no
Seize the Initiative (see Initiative on page 205), costing character or multiple characters. A stealthy, carefully-
to lend aid, or increasing the effects of your impassioned speech Huge Dreadnaught, Wraithlord, +2d to hit. +2d to detect. longer engaged; Requires an Action.
one Ruin to do so. The GM may not Seize the Initiative planned approach to the enemy position may allow the The target of an Interaction Attack must be in range to
upon an Eldar Farseer— these are examples of spending shifts to XV88 Battlesuit
more than once per turn. players to ambush all threats at the start of the encounter. Full Defence Sacrifice turn to roll Initiative. The result is
improve the quality of a task. be affected. The range required depends on the type of
Gargantuan Greater Daemon, Hive +3d to hit. +3d to detect. added to your Defence for the round. Speed
◆◆ Re-roll Failures: The GM may spend one Ruin to re-roll interaction attack being attempted:
◆◆ Improve Speed: Each shift spent may increase the speed of a Step 2: Set the Scene Tyrant, Land Raider, reduced to ½.
failures on any test for an NPC.
given task. The Game Master should determine an appropriate Baneblade Skill Range Grapple Opposed Strength test to restrain an opponent.
Roleplaying is a game of imagination. The Game Master
◆◆ Restore Shock: The GM may spend a Ruin to restore 1d3+3 interval of time (5 minutes, one hour, one day, etc.) based on how and the players collectively paint an image of what events Reactions Page 253 Athletics Target must be engaged with the character
of one NPC’s Shock. Doing so counts as an action for that long the original task would need to be completed. Each shift Hold Action Wait to act later in the round. If you wish to
transpire within the game. Before a combat encounter making the attack.
NPC. spent to increase speed reduces one interval of the required time. Default difficulty for Persuasion is DN 3 interrupt an NPC, you must succeed at an
begins, the Game Master describes the space where the
A task that ordinarily requires 15 minutes could be completed in Deception, Target must be able to clearly see and hear opposed Initiative test.
◆◆ Soak Wounds: The GM may spend a Ruin to soak damage combat will take place, paying close attention to objects DN Relationship Result
5 minutes after two shifts are spent, or a task that requires six that could be used during the encounter such as cover, Modifier Intimidate, the character making the attack. Multi-attack Attack more than one target; +2 DN for each
(see Soaking on page 227). This option is only available
hours may be finished in only two after spending four shifts. pitfalls, hazards, and points of interest, like a ruined tower +4 Persuasion additional target.
for Adversaries, Elites, and Monstrous Creatures; it is not Hostile The NPC is openly hostile. They won’t help without
available for Troops. ◆◆ Shifting for Extra Damage: When you shift Exalted Icons as part of with a crow’s nest perfect for a sniper. an incredibly generous reward or significantly Tech Target must be within a number of metres Multi-action Make more than one action during a turn; +2
an attack, the shifted dice become Extra Damage dice. Extra Damage personal reason. equal to the attacker’s Intellect attribute. DN for each additional action. You may not
Attack Roll Flowchart Step 3: Characters Take Turns repeat actions.
Page 213 dice are rolled as part of determining damage (see page 226). +2 Uncooperative The NPC is suspicious or unfriendly. They are not willing
1. Assemble dice pool: Bring together a number of dice equal When a round begins, the players pick which hero will act to help unless there’s a significant advantage to them. Interaction Effects Salvo Sacrifice a Reload to gain a bonus on a
to the attribute + skill necessary for the test, depending on List of Combat Actions Page 213 first. The Game Master may elect to Seize the Initiative and If your Interaction attack roll equals or exceeds the difficulty ranged attack
allow a threat to take the first turn. When a character takes N/A Neutral The NPC is willing to help for something in return, number based upon the opposing stat of the target, several
the type of attack. Any bonus dice for the test are included Action Description
their turn, they perform their actions. Once their actions but only if the request is easy or relatively small in Suppressive Fire Sacrifice a Reload to make an Interaction attack
in this pool. effects are possible.You must choose to make the target hindered
are complete, their turn ends. Any effects that last until the nature. More difficult requests require substantial using Ballistic Skill.
Manifest Dice Pool: Willpower + Psychic Mastery. Activate a or vulnerable; this effect lasts until the end of the round.
2. Roll and count icons: results of 1, 2, or 3 are failures; results reasons or payment for the NPC to agree.
of 4 or 5 equal 1 icon; results of 6 are exalted icons and
Psychic Power psychic power for various effects. end of the turn are no longer in effect, but any that last until
◆◆ Hindered: +1 to the victim’s Difficulty on all tests. Combat Effects Page 229
Melee Attack Dice Pool: Initiative + Weapon Skill. Attack an the end of the round remain. -2 Friendly The NPC goes out of their way for the hero. They
count as 2 icons. perform easy favours for free (or for very little), ◆◆ Vulnerable: the victim suffers -1 Defence. Combat Effect Result
opponent you are engaged with in close combat. Depending on who went first, hero or threat, now a
3. Compare icons to target’s Defence: Take into account any DN and are willing to consider more dangerous or Bleeding Suffer a Mortal Wound at the end of your turn.
Interaction Dice Pool: Varies by type. Taunt, trick, intimidate, character from the other group may activate and take In cases where a target may be made hindered or vulnerable
penalties or Combat Options. strenuous tasks for fair compensation.
Attack manoeuvre, or otherwise distract an opponent. their turn. This process repeats until all characters take without an Interaction attack (such as the effect of a Wrath
-4 Helpful The NPC is actively willing to help, and does so for little Blinded +4 DN for all sight-related tasks.
4. If successful, shift any exalted icons for extra damage dice: their turns. Some characters may have the ability to take Card), a number in parentheses indicates the associated
Investigate Dice Pool: Intellect + Awareness. Search an area to or no recompense, depending on the circumstances.
Only exalted icons may be shifted, and you must maintain more than one turn in a round. These turns are part of the penalty. For example, hindered (1) means that the target Burning On fire, suffer damage and must make Leadership
gain information.
enough icons in the dice pool to equal or exceed the target’s round and will happen before the round ends. suffers the standard +1 DN to all tests, while vulnerable (2) tests to act.
Defence. Ranged Attack Dice Pool: Agility + Ballistic Skill. Attack an enemy Resources: Getting Started Page 57
means that the target suffers -2 Defence. If multiple targets
Step 4: Round Ends Exhausted May only take a basic move action, a regular
at range. Here are some helpful notes to assist you in play: are affected by the same Interaction attack, all targets suffer
5. Roll Extra Damage Dice: Count icons, then add to the action, or disengage. More shock = Mortal Wounds.
Stealth Dice Pool: Agility + Stealth. Sneak around the area Once every character able to act takes their turn, the Campaign Cards: Each player begins a session with 1 Campaign Card. the same effect; no mixing and matching!
weapon’s damage value to generate a total damage value. Fear Victim suffers +1 DN to any tests involving the
to remain undetected. round ends. Any lingering abilities that last until the end
Wrath: Each character begins a session with 2 Wrath (Unless they have a talent Any shifts over this point may be used to increase the attacker.
6. Compare total damage value to target’s Resilience: Take into Use Object Dice Pool: Varies. Use, manipulate, pick up, of the round are no longer in effect. With the previous
or ability that modifies this). Defence or DN penalty by one for each shift. Frenzied Must All-out Attack; immune to Fear and Pinning.
account any armour penetration or weapon traits. ready, or otherwise manipulate an object in the round over, a new one begins and the process in Step 3
environment. starts anew. Glory: The glory pool starts at 0 for the group at the beginning of the session. Player’s Call: If the player shifts three or more Exalted Icons
7. Check Wrath Dice result: Resolve any Complications, Glory, or Hindered Suffers a DN penalty on all tests.
on the Interaction attack, the result is known as a “Player’s
Critical Hits. Step 5: Encounter Ends Ruin: The Game Masters begins with a number of Ruin in his pool equal to the
Difficulty Ratings Scattering Diagram Call.” A Player’s Call means something else happens to the Pinned Must move to cover, cannot charge; +2 DN to
8. Soak: Some targets may attempt a Soak roll to reduce the Continue to go through Steps 3 and 4 until the combat ends. number of players. target in addition to the other effects. The player and GM ranged attacks.
incoming damage. Player characters may do this by spending Modifier Adjusted Difficulty of negotiate an effect appropriate to the circumstances.
a point of Shock. Adversaries and Elites may Soak if the GM DN Test Escalation Tiers Page 57 Test Flowchart Page 53 Poisoned Must pass Toughness test or suffer the poison’s
1. Assemble dice pool: Bring together a number of dice equal to the attribute (or attribute effects.
spends a Ruin. Troops may not Soak. –2 1 Routine Escalation Maximum Bonus Maximum Penalty Area Effect Targets Page 229
+ skill) necessary for the test. Any bonus dice for the test are included in this pool. Prone –2 Defence; standing up counts as moving.
Called Shots Page 221 — 3 Standard Tier Dice Increase Size Affected Examples
2. Roll and count icons: results of 1, 2, or 3 are failures; results of 4 or 5 equal 1 icon; Restrained –2 Defence, must forfeit next move action; may
Size DN Penalty Extra Damage Dice 1 +4 +4 Small 1 Micro grenades, hand flamer
+2 5 Challenging results of 6 are exalted icons and count as 2 icons. not run or sprint.
2 +5 +5 Medium 3 Frag Grenades, flamer
Medium (Arm or leg) +2 +1ED +4 7 Difficult 3. Compare icons to Difficulty Number: Take into account any penalties to the DN. Staggered Speed reduced to 1/2; may not run or sprint
3 +6 +6 Large 5 Battle cannon shell, heavy flamer
Small (Hand, head) +4 +2ED +6 9 Extreme 4. If successful, shift any exalted icons for additional effect: Only exalted icons may be Terror Victim suffers +2DN penalty to all tests regarding
4 +7 +7 shifted, and you must maintain enough icons in the dice pool to equal or exceed the DN. Very Large 10 Quake cannon shell the attacker; may not move closer to the attacker.
+8 11 Near
Tiny (Eye-slit, joint, etc.) +6 +3ED
Impossible 5 +8 +8 5. Check Wrath Dice result: Resolve any Complications, Glory, or Critical Hits. Huge 15 Orbital strike Vulnerable Defence is reduced.
Spending Ruin Page 61 Uses for Shifted Dice Page 56 Encounter Overview Page 205 Size Categories Page 405 Interaction Attacks Page 225 List of Combat Options Page 220
The Game Master may spend Ruin to do any of the following The GM should work with the players to create interesting ways to Combat encounters are a core pillar of most roleplaying Interaction Attacks are a special action that tricks, disorients, Combat Option Description
Size Examples To Hit Modifier Stealth Modifier
actions: spend shifts in a scene. Any opportunity to advance a character’s experiences. Threats and Adversaries often stand stuns, or otherwise hinders a target and leave them
personal storyline or the campaign’s story, interact with the between the heroes and their goal and must be dealt Tiny Servo Skull, Cherub, +2 Difficulty +2 Difficulty vulnerable. Aim Sacrifice move to gain either +1d on a ranged
◆◆ Activate Ruin Abilities: Many NPCs possess special abilities with. What follows are the steps taken when running a Snotling, Tyranid Ripper Number to hit. Number to detect. attack or fire into melee without risk.
environment in an interesting way, or otherwise take advantage of Interaction attacks use one of the following skills: Athletics,
that activate or improve when the GM spends Ruin. combat encounter in Wrath & Glory.
possibilities in the scene are all great uses. Some examples of ways Small Gun Drone, Grot, Ratling, +1 Difficulty +1 Difficulty Deception, Intimidate, Persuasion, or Tech. The DN of the All-Out Attack +2d on melee attacks, -2 Defence for the round.
◆◆ Interrupt the PCs: Normally, the Initiative Order says that to spend shifts are outlined below: Step 1: Determine Ambushes Gyrinx Number to hit. Number to detect. attack is the foe’s opposing skill or Resolve, whichever is
one of the player characters acts first in any given combat. Brace Sacrifice move to brace a heavy weapon.
◆◆ Gain Information: Each shift spent may either get one answer to a Average Human, Eldar, T’au, Space N/A N/A higher. The DN to use Intimidation, for example, is the foe’s
A Game Master may spend a Ruin for one of his NPCs to act Sometimes a group involved in the combat encounter
question or provide a piece of information that would otherwise Marine Intimidation or Resolve, depending on which is higher. Called Shot Suffer a +2/+4/+6 DN penalty for +1/+2/+3 ED
first instead. Once he has interrupted the PCs, the GM must is caught unaware, or is surprised by the ferocity of an
be difficult to discern. on a successful attack.
allow a player character to act next. assault. To represent this, the Game Master will determine Large Space Marine Terminator, +1d to hit. +1d to detect. The ranged attack Suppressing Fire (see page 223) functions
at the beginning of the encounter whether any characters Necron Destroyer, Tyranid like an Interaction Attack, but uses Ballistic Skill. Charge Make a full move and a melee attack at +1d.
◆◆ Improve Quality: Making forged documents more convincing,
◆◆ Seize the Initiative: The Game Master may spend Ruin to are considered ambushed. This can include just one Warrior, Ogryn
ensuring that you’ve convinced the Imperial Navy commander Range Disengage Move up to half your speed and you are no
Seize the Initiative (see Initiative on page 205), costing character or multiple characters. A stealthy, carefully-
to lend aid, or increasing the effects of your impassioned speech Huge Dreadnaught, Wraithlord, +2d to hit. +2d to detect. longer engaged; Requires an Action.
one Ruin to do so. The GM may not Seize the Initiative planned approach to the enemy position may allow the The target of an Interaction Attack must be in range to
upon an Eldar Farseer— these are examples of spending shifts to XV88 Battlesuit
more than once per turn. players to ambush all threats at the start of the encounter. Full Defence Sacrifice turn to roll Initiative. The result is
improve the quality of a task. be affected. The range required depends on the type of
Gargantuan Greater Daemon, Hive +3d to hit. +3d to detect. added to your Defence for the round. Speed
◆◆ Re-roll Failures: The GM may spend one Ruin to re-roll interaction attack being attempted:
◆◆ Improve Speed: Each shift spent may increase the speed of a Step 2: Set the Scene Tyrant, Land Raider, reduced to ½.
failures on any test for an NPC.
given task. The Game Master should determine an appropriate Baneblade Skill Range Grapple Opposed Strength test to restrain an opponent.
Roleplaying is a game of imagination. The Game Master
◆◆ Restore Shock: The GM may spend a Ruin to restore 1d3+3 interval of time (5 minutes, one hour, one day, etc.) based on how and the players collectively paint an image of what events Reactions Page 253 Athletics Target must be engaged with the character
of one NPC’s Shock. Doing so counts as an action for that long the original task would need to be completed. Each shift Hold Action Wait to act later in the round. If you wish to
transpire within the game. Before a combat encounter making the attack.
NPC. spent to increase speed reduces one interval of the required time. Default difficulty for Persuasion is DN 3 interrupt an NPC, you must succeed at an
begins, the Game Master describes the space where the
A task that ordinarily requires 15 minutes could be completed in Deception, Target must be able to clearly see and hear opposed Initiative test.
◆◆ Soak Wounds: The GM may spend a Ruin to soak damage combat will take place, paying close attention to objects DN Relationship Result
5 minutes after two shifts are spent, or a task that requires six that could be used during the encounter such as cover, Modifier Intimidate, the character making the attack. Multi-attack Attack more than one target; +2 DN for each
(see Soaking on page 227). This option is only available
hours may be finished in only two after spending four shifts. pitfalls, hazards, and points of interest, like a ruined tower +4 Persuasion additional target.
for Adversaries, Elites, and Monstrous Creatures; it is not Hostile The NPC is openly hostile. They won’t help without
available for Troops. ◆◆ Shifting for Extra Damage: When you shift Exalted Icons as part of with a crow’s nest perfect for a sniper. an incredibly generous reward or significantly Tech Target must be within a number of metres Multi-action Make more than one action during a turn; +2
an attack, the shifted dice become Extra Damage dice. Extra Damage personal reason. equal to the attacker’s Intellect attribute. DN for each additional action. You may not
Attack Roll Flowchart Step 3: Characters Take Turns repeat actions.
Page 213 dice are rolled as part of determining damage (see page 226). +2 Uncooperative The NPC is suspicious or unfriendly. They are not willing
1. Assemble dice pool: Bring together a number of dice equal When a round begins, the players pick which hero will act to help unless there’s a significant advantage to them. Interaction Effects Salvo Sacrifice a Reload to gain a bonus on a
to the attribute + skill necessary for the test, depending on List of Combat Actions Page 213 first. The Game Master may elect to Seize the Initiative and If your Interaction attack roll equals or exceeds the difficulty ranged attack
allow a threat to take the first turn. When a character takes N/A Neutral The NPC is willing to help for something in return, number based upon the opposing stat of the target, several
the type of attack. Any bonus dice for the test are included Action Description
their turn, they perform their actions. Once their actions but only if the request is easy or relatively small in Suppressive Fire Sacrifice a Reload to make an Interaction attack
in this pool. effects are possible.You must choose to make the target hindered
are complete, their turn ends. Any effects that last until the nature. More difficult requests require substantial using Ballistic Skill.
Manifest Dice Pool: Willpower + Psychic Mastery. Activate a or vulnerable; this effect lasts until the end of the round.
2. Roll and count icons: results of 1, 2, or 3 are failures; results reasons or payment for the NPC to agree.
of 4 or 5 equal 1 icon; results of 6 are exalted icons and
Psychic Power psychic power for various effects. end of the turn are no longer in effect, but any that last until
◆◆ Hindered: +1 to the victim’s Difficulty on all tests. Combat Effects Page 229
Melee Attack Dice Pool: Initiative + Weapon Skill. Attack an the end of the round remain. -2 Friendly The NPC goes out of their way for the hero. They
count as 2 icons. perform easy favours for free (or for very little), ◆◆ Vulnerable: the victim suffers -1 Defence. Combat Effect Result
opponent you are engaged with in close combat. Depending on who went first, hero or threat, now a
3. Compare icons to target’s Defence: Take into account any DN and are willing to consider more dangerous or Bleeding Suffer a Mortal Wound at the end of your turn.
Interaction Dice Pool: Varies by type. Taunt, trick, intimidate, character from the other group may activate and take In cases where a target may be made hindered or vulnerable
penalties or Combat Options. strenuous tasks for fair compensation.
Attack manoeuvre, or otherwise distract an opponent. their turn. This process repeats until all characters take without an Interaction attack (such as the effect of a Wrath
-4 Helpful The NPC is actively willing to help, and does so for little Blinded +4 DN for all sight-related tasks.
4. If successful, shift any exalted icons for extra damage dice: their turns. Some characters may have the ability to take Card), a number in parentheses indicates the associated
Investigate Dice Pool: Intellect + Awareness. Search an area to or no recompense, depending on the circumstances.
Only exalted icons may be shifted, and you must maintain more than one turn in a round. These turns are part of the penalty. For example, hindered (1) means that the target Burning On fire, suffer damage and must make Leadership
gain information.
enough icons in the dice pool to equal or exceed the target’s round and will happen before the round ends. suffers the standard +1 DN to all tests, while vulnerable (2) tests to act.
Defence. Ranged Attack Dice Pool: Agility + Ballistic Skill. Attack an enemy Resources: Getting Started Page 57
means that the target suffers -2 Defence. If multiple targets
Step 4: Round Ends Exhausted May only take a basic move action, a regular
at range. Here are some helpful notes to assist you in play: are affected by the same Interaction attack, all targets suffer
5. Roll Extra Damage Dice: Count icons, then add to the action, or disengage. More shock = Mortal Wounds.
Stealth Dice Pool: Agility + Stealth. Sneak around the area Once every character able to act takes their turn, the Campaign Cards: Each player begins a session with 1 Campaign Card. the same effect; no mixing and matching!
weapon’s damage value to generate a total damage value. Fear Victim suffers +1 DN to any tests involving the
to remain undetected. round ends. Any lingering abilities that last until the end
Wrath: Each character begins a session with 2 Wrath (Unless they have a talent Any shifts over this point may be used to increase the attacker.
6. Compare total damage value to target’s Resilience: Take into Use Object Dice Pool: Varies. Use, manipulate, pick up, of the round are no longer in effect. With the previous
or ability that modifies this). Defence or DN penalty by one for each shift. Frenzied Must All-out Attack; immune to Fear and Pinning.
account any armour penetration or weapon traits. ready, or otherwise manipulate an object in the round over, a new one begins and the process in Step 3
environment. starts anew. Glory: The glory pool starts at 0 for the group at the beginning of the session. Player’s Call: If the player shifts three or more Exalted Icons
7. Check Wrath Dice result: Resolve any Complications, Glory, or Hindered Suffers a DN penalty on all tests.
on the Interaction attack, the result is known as a “Player’s
Critical Hits. Step 5: Encounter Ends Ruin: The Game Masters begins with a number of Ruin in his pool equal to the
Difficulty Ratings Scattering Diagram Call.” A Player’s Call means something else happens to the Pinned Must move to cover, cannot charge; +2 DN to
8. Soak: Some targets may attempt a Soak roll to reduce the Continue to go through Steps 3 and 4 until the combat ends. number of players. target in addition to the other effects. The player and GM ranged attacks.
incoming damage. Player characters may do this by spending Modifier Adjusted Difficulty of negotiate an effect appropriate to the circumstances.
a point of Shock. Adversaries and Elites may Soak if the GM DN Test Escalation Tiers Page 57 Test Flowchart Page 53 Poisoned Must pass Toughness test or suffer the poison’s
1. Assemble dice pool: Bring together a number of dice equal to the attribute (or attribute effects.
spends a Ruin. Troops may not Soak. –2 1 Routine Escalation Maximum Bonus Maximum Penalty Area Effect Targets Page 229
+ skill) necessary for the test. Any bonus dice for the test are included in this pool. Prone –2 Defence; standing up counts as moving.
Called Shots Page 221 — 3 Standard Tier Dice Increase Size Affected Examples
2. Roll and count icons: results of 1, 2, or 3 are failures; results of 4 or 5 equal 1 icon; Restrained –2 Defence, must forfeit next move action; may
Size DN Penalty Extra Damage Dice 1 +4 +4 Small 1 Micro grenades, hand flamer
+2 5 Challenging results of 6 are exalted icons and count as 2 icons. not run or sprint.
2 +5 +5 Medium 3 Frag Grenades, flamer
Medium (Arm or leg) +2 +1ED +4 7 Difficult 3. Compare icons to Difficulty Number: Take into account any penalties to the DN. Staggered Speed reduced to 1/2; may not run or sprint
3 +6 +6 Large 5 Battle cannon shell, heavy flamer
Small (Hand, head) +4 +2ED +6 9 Extreme 4. If successful, shift any exalted icons for additional effect: Only exalted icons may be Terror Victim suffers +2DN penalty to all tests regarding
4 +7 +7 shifted, and you must maintain enough icons in the dice pool to equal or exceed the DN. Very Large 10 Quake cannon shell the attacker; may not move closer to the attacker.
+8 11 Near
Tiny (Eye-slit, joint, etc.) +6 +3ED
Impossible 5 +8 +8 5. Check Wrath Dice result: Resolve any Complications, Glory, or Critical Hits. Huge 15 Orbital strike Vulnerable Defence is reduced.
Spending Ruin Page 61 Uses for Shifted Dice Page 56 Encounter Overview Page 205 Size Categories Page 405 Interaction Attacks Page 225 List of Combat Options Page 220
The Game Master may spend Ruin to do any of the following The GM should work with the players to create interesting ways to Combat encounters are a core pillar of most roleplaying Interaction Attacks are a special action that tricks, disorients, Combat Option Description
Size Examples To Hit Modifier Stealth Modifier
actions: spend shifts in a scene. Any opportunity to advance a character’s experiences. Threats and Adversaries often stand stuns, or otherwise hinders a target and leave them
personal storyline or the campaign’s story, interact with the between the heroes and their goal and must be dealt Tiny Servo Skull, Cherub, +2 Difficulty +2 Difficulty vulnerable. Aim Sacrifice move to gain either +1d on a ranged
◆◆ Activate Ruin Abilities: Many NPCs possess special abilities with. What follows are the steps taken when running a Snotling, Tyranid Ripper Number to hit. Number to detect. attack or fire into melee without risk.
environment in an interesting way, or otherwise take advantage of Interaction attacks use one of the following skills: Athletics,
that activate or improve when the GM spends Ruin. combat encounter in Wrath & Glory.
possibilities in the scene are all great uses. Some examples of ways Small Gun Drone, Grot, Ratling, +1 Difficulty +1 Difficulty Deception, Intimidate, Persuasion, or Tech. The DN of the All-Out Attack +2d on melee attacks, -2 Defence for the round.
◆◆ Interrupt the PCs: Normally, the Initiative Order says that to spend shifts are outlined below: Step 1: Determine Ambushes Gyrinx Number to hit. Number to detect. attack is the foe’s opposing skill or Resolve, whichever is
one of the player characters acts first in any given combat. Brace Sacrifice move to brace a heavy weapon.
◆◆ Gain Information: Each shift spent may either get one answer to a Average Human, Eldar, T’au, Space N/A N/A higher. The DN to use Intimidation, for example, is the foe’s
A Game Master may spend a Ruin for one of his NPCs to act Sometimes a group involved in the combat encounter
question or provide a piece of information that would otherwise Marine Intimidation or Resolve, depending on which is higher. Called Shot Suffer a +2/+4/+6 DN penalty for +1/+2/+3 ED
first instead. Once he has interrupted the PCs, the GM must is caught unaware, or is surprised by the ferocity of an
be difficult to discern. on a successful attack.
allow a player character to act next. assault. To represent this, the Game Master will determine Large Space Marine Terminator, +1d to hit. +1d to detect. The ranged attack Suppressing Fire (see page 223) functions
at the beginning of the encounter whether any characters Necron Destroyer, Tyranid like an Interaction Attack, but uses Ballistic Skill. Charge Make a full move and a melee attack at +1d.
◆◆ Improve Quality: Making forged documents more convincing,
◆◆ Seize the Initiative: The Game Master may spend Ruin to are considered ambushed. This can include just one Warrior, Ogryn
ensuring that you’ve convinced the Imperial Navy commander Range Disengage Move up to half your speed and you are no
Seize the Initiative (see Initiative on page 205), costing character or multiple characters. A stealthy, carefully-
to lend aid, or increasing the effects of your impassioned speech Huge Dreadnaught, Wraithlord, +2d to hit. +2d to detect. longer engaged; Requires an Action.
one Ruin to do so. The GM may not Seize the Initiative planned approach to the enemy position may allow the The target of an Interaction Attack must be in range to
upon an Eldar Farseer— these are examples of spending shifts to XV88 Battlesuit
more than once per turn. players to ambush all threats at the start of the encounter. Full Defence Sacrifice turn to roll Initiative. The result is
improve the quality of a task. be affected. The range required depends on the type of
Gargantuan Greater Daemon, Hive +3d to hit. +3d to detect. added to your Defence for the round. Speed
◆◆ Re-roll Failures: The GM may spend one Ruin to re-roll interaction attack being attempted:
◆◆ Improve Speed: Each shift spent may increase the speed of a Step 2: Set the Scene Tyrant, Land Raider, reduced to ½.
failures on any test for an NPC.
given task. The Game Master should determine an appropriate Baneblade Skill Range Grapple Opposed Strength test to restrain an opponent.
Roleplaying is a game of imagination. The Game Master
◆◆ Restore Shock: The GM may spend a Ruin to restore 1d3+3 interval of time (5 minutes, one hour, one day, etc.) based on how and the players collectively paint an image of what events Reactions Page 253 Athletics Target must be engaged with the character
of one NPC’s Shock. Doing so counts as an action for that long the original task would need to be completed. Each shift Hold Action Wait to act later in the round. If you wish to
transpire within the game. Before a combat encounter making the attack.
NPC. spent to increase speed reduces one interval of the required time. Default difficulty for Persuasion is DN 3 interrupt an NPC, you must succeed at an
begins, the Game Master describes the space where the
A task that ordinarily requires 15 minutes could be completed in Deception, Target must be able to clearly see and hear opposed Initiative test.
◆◆ Soak Wounds: The GM may spend a Ruin to soak damage combat will take place, paying close attention to objects DN Relationship Result
5 minutes after two shifts are spent, or a task that requires six that could be used during the encounter such as cover, Modifier Intimidate, the character making the attack. Multi-attack Attack more than one target; +2 DN for each
(see Soaking on page 227). This option is only available
hours may be finished in only two after spending four shifts. pitfalls, hazards, and points of interest, like a ruined tower +4 Persuasion additional target.
for Adversaries, Elites, and Monstrous Creatures; it is not Hostile The NPC is openly hostile. They won’t help without
available for Troops. ◆◆ Shifting for Extra Damage: When you shift Exalted Icons as part of with a crow’s nest perfect for a sniper. an incredibly generous reward or significantly Tech Target must be within a number of metres Multi-action Make more than one action during a turn; +2
an attack, the shifted dice become Extra Damage dice. Extra Damage personal reason. equal to the attacker’s Intellect attribute. DN for each additional action. You may not
Attack Roll Flowchart Step 3: Characters Take Turns repeat actions.
Page 213 dice are rolled as part of determining damage (see page 226). +2 Uncooperative The NPC is suspicious or unfriendly. They are not willing
1. Assemble dice pool: Bring together a number of dice equal When a round begins, the players pick which hero will act to help unless there’s a significant advantage to them. Interaction Effects Salvo Sacrifice a Reload to gain a bonus on a
to the attribute + skill necessary for the test, depending on List of Combat Actions Page 213 first. The Game Master may elect to Seize the Initiative and If your Interaction attack roll equals or exceeds the difficulty ranged attack
allow a threat to take the first turn. When a character takes N/A Neutral The NPC is willing to help for something in return, number based upon the opposing stat of the target, several
the type of attack. Any bonus dice for the test are included Action Description
their turn, they perform their actions. Once their actions but only if the request is easy or relatively small in Suppressive Fire Sacrifice a Reload to make an Interaction attack
in this pool. effects are possible.You must choose to make the target hindered
are complete, their turn ends. Any effects that last until the nature. More difficult requests require substantial using Ballistic Skill.
Manifest Dice Pool: Willpower + Psychic Mastery. Activate a or vulnerable; this effect lasts until the end of the round.
2. Roll and count icons: results of 1, 2, or 3 are failures; results reasons or payment for the NPC to agree.
of 4 or 5 equal 1 icon; results of 6 are exalted icons and
Psychic Power psychic power for various effects. end of the turn are no longer in effect, but any that last until
◆◆ Hindered: +1 to the victim’s Difficulty on all tests. Combat Effects Page 229
Melee Attack Dice Pool: Initiative + Weapon Skill. Attack an the end of the round remain. -2 Friendly The NPC goes out of their way for the hero. They
count as 2 icons. perform easy favours for free (or for very little), ◆◆ Vulnerable: the victim suffers -1 Defence. Combat Effect Result
opponent you are engaged with in close combat. Depending on who went first, hero or threat, now a
3. Compare icons to target’s Defence: Take into account any DN and are willing to consider more dangerous or Bleeding Suffer a Mortal Wound at the end of your turn.
Interaction Dice Pool: Varies by type. Taunt, trick, intimidate, character from the other group may activate and take In cases where a target may be made hindered or vulnerable
penalties or Combat Options. strenuous tasks for fair compensation.
Attack manoeuvre, or otherwise distract an opponent. their turn. This process repeats until all characters take without an Interaction attack (such as the effect of a Wrath
-4 Helpful The NPC is actively willing to help, and does so for little Blinded +4 DN for all sight-related tasks.
4. If successful, shift any exalted icons for extra damage dice: their turns. Some characters may have the ability to take Card), a number in parentheses indicates the associated
Investigate Dice Pool: Intellect + Awareness. Search an area to or no recompense, depending on the circumstances.
Only exalted icons may be shifted, and you must maintain more than one turn in a round. These turns are part of the penalty. For example, hindered (1) means that the target Burning On fire, suffer damage and must make Leadership
gain information.
enough icons in the dice pool to equal or exceed the target’s round and will happen before the round ends. suffers the standard +1 DN to all tests, while vulnerable (2) tests to act.
Defence. Ranged Attack Dice Pool: Agility + Ballistic Skill. Attack an enemy Resources: Getting Started Page 57
means that the target suffers -2 Defence. If multiple targets
Step 4: Round Ends Exhausted May only take a basic move action, a regular
at range. Here are some helpful notes to assist you in play: are affected by the same Interaction attack, all targets suffer
5. Roll Extra Damage Dice: Count icons, then add to the action, or disengage. More shock = Mortal Wounds.
Stealth Dice Pool: Agility + Stealth. Sneak around the area Once every character able to act takes their turn, the Campaign Cards: Each player begins a session with 1 Campaign Card. the same effect; no mixing and matching!
weapon’s damage value to generate a total damage value. Fear Victim suffers +1 DN to any tests involving the
to remain undetected. round ends. Any lingering abilities that last until the end
Wrath: Each character begins a session with 2 Wrath (Unless they have a talent Any shifts over this point may be used to increase the attacker.
6. Compare total damage value to target’s Resilience: Take into Use Object Dice Pool: Varies. Use, manipulate, pick up, of the round are no longer in effect. With the previous
or ability that modifies this). Defence or DN penalty by one for each shift. Frenzied Must All-out Attack; immune to Fear and Pinning.
account any armour penetration or weapon traits. ready, or otherwise manipulate an object in the round over, a new one begins and the process in Step 3
environment. starts anew. Glory: The glory pool starts at 0 for the group at the beginning of the session. Player’s Call: If the player shifts three or more Exalted Icons
7. Check Wrath Dice result: Resolve any Complications, Glory, or Hindered Suffers a DN penalty on all tests.
on the Interaction attack, the result is known as a “Player’s
Critical Hits. Step 5: Encounter Ends Ruin: The Game Masters begins with a number of Ruin in his pool equal to the
Difficulty Ratings Scattering Diagram Call.” A Player’s Call means something else happens to the Pinned Must move to cover, cannot charge; +2 DN to
8. Soak: Some targets may attempt a Soak roll to reduce the Continue to go through Steps 3 and 4 until the combat ends. number of players. target in addition to the other effects. The player and GM ranged attacks.
incoming damage. Player characters may do this by spending Modifier Adjusted Difficulty of negotiate an effect appropriate to the circumstances.
a point of Shock. Adversaries and Elites may Soak if the GM DN Test Escalation Tiers Page 57 Test Flowchart Page 53 Poisoned Must pass Toughness test or suffer the poison’s
1. Assemble dice pool: Bring together a number of dice equal to the attribute (or attribute effects.
spends a Ruin. Troops may not Soak. –2 1 Routine Escalation Maximum Bonus Maximum Penalty Area Effect Targets Page 229
+ skill) necessary for the test. Any bonus dice for the test are included in this pool. Prone –2 Defence; standing up counts as moving.
Called Shots Page 221 — 3 Standard Tier Dice Increase Size Affected Examples
2. Roll and count icons: results of 1, 2, or 3 are failures; results of 4 or 5 equal 1 icon; Restrained –2 Defence, must forfeit next move action; may
Size DN Penalty Extra Damage Dice 1 +4 +4 Small 1 Micro grenades, hand flamer
+2 5 Challenging results of 6 are exalted icons and count as 2 icons. not run or sprint.
2 +5 +5 Medium 3 Frag Grenades, flamer
Medium (Arm or leg) +2 +1ED +4 7 Difficult 3. Compare icons to Difficulty Number: Take into account any penalties to the DN. Staggered Speed reduced to 1/2; may not run or sprint
3 +6 +6 Large 5 Battle cannon shell, heavy flamer
Small (Hand, head) +4 +2ED +6 9 Extreme 4. If successful, shift any exalted icons for additional effect: Only exalted icons may be Terror Victim suffers +2DN penalty to all tests regarding
4 +7 +7 shifted, and you must maintain enough icons in the dice pool to equal or exceed the DN. Very Large 10 Quake cannon shell the attacker; may not move closer to the attacker.
+8 11 Near
Tiny (Eye-slit, joint, etc.) +6 +3ED
Impossible 5 +8 +8 5. Check Wrath Dice result: Resolve any Complications, Glory, or Critical Hits. Huge 15 Orbital strike Vulnerable Defence is reduced.

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