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Text for questions number 1-5.

It was the first time I visited my dear sister in Kediri. I followed her advice to take a train to go
there. "Come on...take a train to Kediri. It would be a wonderful trip for you. I will pick you up
at the station", she said. So, off I went to Kediri and the journey was quite smooth. I waited and
waited at the train station, but my sister was nowhere to be seen. After a long wait. I decided to
take a nice sip of hot strong tea at a cafeteria there. I headed for the cafeteria, sat down, put
my bag next to me, and placed my order. "Hmm... This is what I call decent tea," I said to
myself. "I'm so sick and tired of weak tea. Not bad for a small cafeteria." It was a small one
indeed. Except for me and a gentleman sitting at the opposite table, the place seemed
deserted. I spent a long hour there until I decided not to wait for my sister anymore and started
looking for her place myself. I was walking along the platform when I realized that I wasn't
carrying my bag. I panicked and right at that moment I saw the gentleman from the cafeteria
walking a few meters in front of me. He was strapping a bag on his back. "Wait a minute, that's
my black bag!" I said in a weak voice "Hey, you ... stop there! That's my bag!" I shouted. The
man stared at me dumbfounded. "This is my bag," he said. People were gathering around us as
I said, "Liar, you stole my bag at the cafeteria. You..." I didn't finish my sentence because
someone tapped my shoulder. It was one of the waitresses from the cafeteria. "Miss, I think
you left your bag at the cafeteria," she said and handed me my old black bag. OOOPS! Just like
what my sister said, this trip proved to be "a wonderful journey."

For questions number 16-20, choose the correct words to fill the blanks.

After two exhausting days of travel, nothing could have excited me more than (16)... the
Malagasy landscape from the plane window. It was an exhilarating thought that I would (17) ...
the next six weeks in the land of lemurs, moonshine, and my fellow dreadlocks-life loving-vegan
co-workers researching endangered reptiles, amphibians and lemurs. After an eight-hour truck
ride, (18)... with chickens, bongos, Malagasy chants, go pros, and a few miscellaneous items,
the research team arrived at the west coast of Madagascar. The weeks that followed (19) ...
with early morning lemur runs, tracking countless amphibians-mostly camouflaged, may I add
and kayaking trips to remote islands. Never could have I imagined how much I ended up getting
out of the trip. Madagascar will remain with me forever, and (20)... still truly unforgettable.
Number 21
Arrange the following sentences into a good paragraph.
1. We went there for recreation.
2. It is about 50 kilometers from my house to the zoo.
3. Last week my parents, sister, brother and I went to the zoo.
4. We left at 8.00 am and arrived at 9.00 a.m.
5. There were a lot of people watching a giant snake there.
6. I thought it was the biggest snake I had ever seen.
7. It’s 6 meters long
8. After going around and seeing various other animals, we went home.

Number 22
Arrange the following sentences into a good paragraph.
1. Not along after that, the police patrol vehicle came.
2. One day, she saw a thief inside her house.
3. Binar is a smart girl.
4. The policeman got intoher house and cought the thief without any problem.
5. She called the police station from behind the cupboard.
6. Binar came out from her bedroom and thanked to the policeman.

For questions number 23 to 25, fill in the blanks with the correct words.

I woke up late that morning. I remembered that i had a/an... (23) to go to Pangandaran beach
with my classmates so I went in a hurry. After I got half way to school, suddenly the car broke
down. I... (24) for ten minutes until the drivers fixed the trouble.... (25) the car ran for one more
kilometer, but we couldn’t move anymore because we were stuck in a traffic jam due to a car
accident in front of us.

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