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Disaster Readiness and Risk

Final Exam
From the pool of words below. Choose the appropriate answer to the following statements.
Write the word of the correct answer.

●Hydrometeorological phenomena ●storm surge ●el nino

●thunderstorms ●Hydrometeorology ●flood
●Clouds ●fire ●radiation
●Infiltration ●conduction ●convection
●Tropical cyclones ●disability ●prevention
●Mitigation ●adaptation ●NOAH
●A Fire drill report form ●disaster risk reduction

1. Are essential to life on Earth. It can be both beneficial and detrimental.

- Hydrometeorological phenomena
2. Is the study of the atmospheric and terrestrial phases of the hydrological cycle with
emphasis on the interrelationship
- Hydrometeorology
3. Are essential in the hydrologic cycle of Earth because their formation.
- Clouds
4. Flow of water through the soil surface
- Infiltration
5. Hydrometeorological hazards characterized by strong winds and heavy rain
- Tropical cyclones
6. Generally local storms produced by cumulonimbus clouds and are always accompanied by
lightning and thunder, usually with strong wind gusts, heavy rain and sometimes with hail
and/or tornado.
- thunderstorms
7. The overflowing of the normal confines of a stream or bodies of water, or the
accumulation of water over areas that are not normally submerged.
- Flood
8. Storm surge is the rise and onshore surge of seawater as the result primarily of the winds
of a tropical cyclone, and secondarily of the surface pressure drop near the center of the tropical
- storm surge
9. A significant increase in ocean temperature over the eastern and central Pacific ocean.
- el nino

10 It is a program under the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) with the mission
to undertake disaster science research and development, advance the use of cutting edge
technology and recommend innovative information services in government’s disaster
prevention and mitigation efforts can form as long as the fire triangle is present and there is
chemical reaction between the elements of the triangle Heat transfer through empty space by
electromagnetic Waves heat transfer through a medium without visible motion (mere contact)
heat transfer through a circulating medium (usually fluids, it will help efficient monitoring
of the conducted fire drill.
11. It is a term used to refer to both physical and mental/psychological impairment that
substantially limits one or more major life activities such as walking, seeing, thinking,
speaking, or hearing.
- disability
12. Steps that can be taken to eliminate hazard or exposure to the hazard.
- prevention
13. Another steps that can be taken to reduce the hazard or exposure and/or vulnerability of the
elements exposed to the hazard.
- Mitigation
14. Modifications in the normal or natural behavior aimed at reducing the exposure and/or
vulnerability to the hazard.
- adaptation
15. Disaster risk reduction (DRR) is a term used for reducing and preventing disaster risks.
- disaster risk reduction

II.ABBREVIATIONS .Members of the National Council

1. DOH -Department of Health

2. OPAPP -Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process
3. DENR - Department of Environment and Natural Resources
4. CHED - Commission on Higher Education
5. DA - Department of Agriculture
6. AFP - Armed Forces of the Philippines
7. DEPED - Department of Education
8. PNP - Philippine National Police
9. DOE - Department of Energy
10. NAPCVDC - The National Anti-Poverty Commission
11. DOF - Department of Finance
12. HUDCC - Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council
13. DTI - Department of Trade and Industry
14. PhilHealth - Philippine Health Insurance Corporation
15. DOTC - Department of Transportation and Communications
16. GSIS - Department of Transportation and Communications
17. LPP - League of Provinces of the Philippines
18. DOLE - Department of Labor and Employment
19. LCP - League of Cities of the Philippines
20. LMP - League of Municipalities of the Philippines
21. GFIs - Government Financial Institutions
22. LMB - Philippines' Land Management Bureau
23. LGU - local government units
24. OCD - Office of Civil Defense
25. DBM - Department of Budget and Management
26. SSS - Social Security System
27. DPWH - Department of Public Works and Highways
28. PNRC - Department of Public Works and Highways
29. DFA - Department of Foreign Affairs
30. ULAP - Union of Local Authorities of the Philippines

III. Matching type. Match Column A with the correct answer on Column B. Write word
of the corre ct answer.
Column A Column B
1.) A community’s vulnerability can be linked to political will and commitment to developmental
concerns. ●LDRRMC
2.) Poverty has the single most important influence to

3.) Scarcity of resources in a community can reduce ●NATIONAL RESOURCES the
coping solutions and recovery from a disaster.
4.) Measures that ensure the ability of affected ●REHABILITATION

5. The knowledge and capacities developed by ● ENVIRONMENTAL FACTOR
governments, professional response and recovery
organizations ●ECONOMIC FACTOR
6. An Act Strengthening the Philippine Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management System. ●POLITICAL FACTOR

7. Shall take the lead in preparing for, responding to,

and recovering from the effects of any disaster
8. Education is integrated into the school curricula ●RA 10121 of secondary and
tertiary level of
educationincluding formal and nonformal, ●NATIONAL COUNCIL
technical-vocational, indigenous learning, and out-
of school youth courses and programs
9. Shall recommend to the President of the
Philippines the declaration and lifting of state of calamity in an area
10. May also declare and lift the state of calamity upon the recommendation of the

6. RA 10121
8. DRR
IV. Questions on Structural Resonance during earthquakes. Write the word of
the correct answer.
1. A stiffer building will _____ than a more flexible building under the same applied loading?
●Displace less ●Displace more
●Displace the same amount
2. As the mass of a building increases, the natural frequency of the building or rate oscillation:
●Increases, the building wants to move back and forth faster
●Decreases, the building wants to move back and forth slower
●Remains the same
3. As the stiffness of a building increases, the natural frequency of the building or rate of oscillation:
●Increases, the building wants to move back and forth faster
●Decreases, the building wants to move back and forth slower
●Remains the same
4. The natural period of a building is:
●The inverse of the natural frequency ●Is measured in seconds
●Is measured in Hertz
5. A shorter building will tend to be _____ than a taller building
●Stiffer ●Stronger
●More flexible ●Weaker

(1-7) A. Types of Clouds
 Altocumulus.
 Altostratus.
 Cirrocumulus.
 Cirrostratus.
 Cirrus.
 Cumulonimbus.
 Cumulus.

(8-12) B. Classification of tropical cyclones

 Tropical Depression
 Tropical Storm
 Severe Tropical Storm
 Typhoon
 Severe Typhoon
 Super Typhoon

(13-15) C. Three Elements to burn

 Oxygen
 Heat
 Fuel

(16-21) D. Conduct the Fire Drill

 Prepare
 Train
 Communicate
 Rehearse
 Rally
 Place

(17-19) E.Three Essential Components of Exposure

 People, property, systems and other elements
 Present in hazard zones
 That are thereby subject to potential loss
(20-23) F. General Types of Exposed Element

1.Explain Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction
-Aims to reduce the damage caused by natural
hazards like earthquakes, floods, droughts and
cyclones, through an ethic of prevention.

2. Formulate a policy for disaster readiness and risk


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