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Number and Algebra


Maths Assessment Year Five: Operations

Mathematics/Year Five/Number and Algebra/Number and Place Value

1. Solve problems involving multiplication of large numbers by one- or two-digit

numbers using efficient mental, written strategies and appropriate digital technolo-
gies ACMNA100
2. Solve problems involving division by a one digit number, including those that result
in a remainder ACMNA101
3. Use efficient mental and written strategies and apply appropriate digital technolo-
gies to solve problems ACMNA291

Name: Date:

Maths Assessment Year Five: Operations

total marks

1. Solve these equations, noting that there are marks for keeping your regroupings
and working neatly lined up in place value columns.
6 marks

a) 42701
+ 52783

b) 65896
+ 32164

c) 75469
- 39042

d) 23134
- 18679

2. Solve this equation using three different strategies. Explain your thinking and
process to get full marks.
7 1/2 marks

a) Estimation and Rounding.

× 81

b) Split Strategy (Partitioning).

× 81

c) Adjusting the Equation (Compensation).

× 81

total for
this page

Number and Algebra - Operations 4

d) Written (Column Method).

× 81

3. Solve these equations:

4 1/2 marks
3) 4386

7) 9238


6) 2309

total for
this page

Maths Assessment Year Five: Operations Answers

1. Solve these equations, noting that there are marks for keeping your regroupings and
working neatly lined up in place value columns.

a) 95484 - Award one mark for a correct answer and a half mark for
numbers and regrouping lined up in place and value columns

b) 98060 - Award one mark for a correct answer and a half mark for
numbers and regrouping lined up in place and value columns

c) 36427 - Award one mark for a correct answer and a half mark for
numbers and regrouping lined up in place and value columns

d) 4455 - Award one mark for a correct answer and a half mark for
numbers and regrouping lined up in place and value columns

2. Solve this equation using three different strategies. Explain your thinking and process to
get full marks.

a) Estimation and Rounding.

3500 × 80 = 280 000
Answers May vary. Award 1 mark for an estimation between 275 000
and 290,000 and 1 mark for choosing reasonable rounding numbers.

b) Split Strategy (Partitioning).

3482 × 81 = 278 560
3482 × 1 = 3482
278 560 + 3482 = 282 042
Award 1 mark for calculating 282 042, 1 mark for logical splitting of the
equation (which may differ from above) and 1 mark for clear explanation of the
students’ process.

c) Adjusting the Equation (Compensation).

3482 × 81 = 278 560 + (1 × 3482) = 282 042
1 mark for logical compensation of the equation (which may differ from above)
and 1 mark for clear explanation of the students’ process.

Maths Assessment Year Five: Operations Answers

d) Written (Column Method).

282 042
Award one mark for a correct answer and a half mark for numbers and
regrouping lined up in place value columns.

3. Solve these equations

a) 1461 r2
Award one mark for a correct answer and a half mark for
numbers and regrouping lined up in place value columns.

b) 1319 r5
Award one mark for a correct answer and a half mark for
numbers and regrouping lined up in place value columns.

c) 384 r5
Award one mark for a correct answer and a half mark for
numbers and regrouping lined up in place value columns.

Total Marks: 19


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