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vaccines are laboratory-produced substances whose main function is to train the immune
system against different types of infections, stimulating the production of antibodies, which are
substances produced by the body to fight invading microorganism

When you get the vaccine and are able to recognize a disease, it means the body becomes more

The body will be easier to attack because the tactics of viruses, bacteria, and germs that cause
disease are known before the war begins.

Launching, vaccination is the activity of giving vaccines to someone

where the vaccine contains one or more antigens whose purpose is that if later the person is
exposed to the same antigen, then the immune system formed will destroy the antigen.

The benefits of vaccination for humans apply when similar antigens come in the future. This can
be interpreted as, exposure to similar microbes for the second time will not work, because the
body has become more immune.

But keep in mind, most vaccines available now have not been able to eliminate viral infections
after entering the body massively.

This is why the hepatitis B vaccine is given from birth, and the HPV vaccine is given in late
childhood or adolescence. Precisely before a person is more at risk of getting the virus through
sexual intercourse.

Vaccines serve to prevent diseases caused by viruses or bacteria if there is an infection, the
disease being serious. vaccines serve to avoid complications and prevent the following diseases:

Poliomyelitis, also known as infantile paralysis;


Hepatitis B;

Cervical cancer, which can be caused by the HPV virus;



whooping cough;

Yellow fever;







Vaccines can be classified into two main types depending on their composition:

Attenuated microorganism vaccines: the microorganism responsible for the disease undergoes a
series of laboratory procedures that reduce its activity. Thus, when the vaccine is applied, an
immune response against this microorganism is stimulated, but the disease does not develop,
as the microorganism is weakened. Examples of these vaccines are the BCG, triple viral and
chickenpox vaccine;

Inactivated or killed microorganism vaccines: contain microorganisms, or fragments of these

microorganisms, that are not alive, stimulating the body's response. This is the case of the
hepatitis vaccine and the meningococcal vaccine, for example.


Vaccination has several important advantages and benefits for individual and collective health.
Here are some advantages of vaccination:

Disease prevention: Vaccines are effective in preventing infectious diseases, drastically reducing
the risk of illness or serious manifestations
Protection against serious complications: Vaccination can reduce the risk of serious
complications, hospitalization and even death caused by infectious diseases

Community protection: Vaccination protects not only vaccinated people, but also the vulnerable
people around them, reducing the risk of disease spreading

Epidemic prevention: Mass vaccination can help prevent epidemics and control the spread of
infectious diseases

Saving health resources: Mass vaccination can help save health resources. By preventing
infectious diseases, vaccination reduces the need for medical treatment, hospitalization and
drug use, alleviating the burden on health care systems.

Proven safety: The vaccines approved for use in Brazil by the National Health Surveillance
Agency (Anvisa) are safe and effective

Stimulates the Body's Immune System: Vaccination can stimulate the body's immune system
properly. When the immune system increases, the body will more easily recognize a disease
from viral, bacterial, to germ infections. The benefit of this vaccination is that it makes the body
able to fight disease before a massive infection occurs.

Cost Saving: Vaccination is one of the cheapest health investments because it is proven to
prevent and reduce morbidity, disability, and death due to a disease. Giving vaccines can also
help a person avoid various diseases that can cause prolonged illness, which is not only
detrimental in terms of financial but also time. A JAMA Internal Medicine study shows that
influenza vaccination not only protects the body from flu but can also save costs up to 95

vaccines are an effective and safe preventive measure to prevent infectious diseases, protect
individual and collective health, and control the spread of epidemics.

Sides effects of vaccines can vary depending on the type of vaccine and the person receiving it.
However, here are some of the most common side effects reported:

 Pain, tenderness and swelling at the injection site

 mild fever to high fever
 temporary irritability
 sleep disturbances/ sleep changes / sleep disorder
 muscle aches / muscle weakness/ total muscle paralysis in certain areas of the body
 headaches
 dizziness.
 malaise
 Fatigue
 joint pain near the injection site
 loss of hearing or vision
 seizures

It is important to note that these side effects are usually mild and temporary, disappearing
within a few days. Furthermore, it is extremely rare for serious side effects to occur.

Importantly, vaccines are generally safe and the benefits far outweigh the risks.

It is essential to follow the guidelines of the health professional and report any adverse reaction
after vaccination and maintain the recommended vaccination schedule.

Also, some vaccines require more than one dose and can be more expensive, Another downside
is that vaccines may not be effective in all people, especially those with weakened immune

However, the advantages of vaccination far outweigh the disadvantages, and vaccination is an
important measure to protect public health.

In summary, vaccination is an effective and safe preventive measure to prevent infectious

diseases, protect individual and collective health, and control the spread of epidemics.
Most side effects from vaccine injections are mild, and some people will not experience any side
effects at all.

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