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‘Acknowledgement Number:216375030300823 ate of fling : 30-2ug-2023 INDIAN INCOME TAX RETURN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT asesarent (wren tie er frame TRAE TR TCM, Mme | Yemr 10 ater dite ing saseweayemenc miter nears ee HCHO) est settee care See a res aioe comer ore) ou an pected mae '® Profits and gains of Business or Profession saeee Premera emer : et See eee eee mr an P= aire ee ate co : oo = Gross Total income Te Saaaee rae : a aWibnenae eo ees oe ea see ea ae a eeaeeeeey ae ele enero aa syeneees : a pas aa Ge aa ee as eaprae i © Refund Due 70.040 fae eee Hl Ae Kol ae Se rea eo ee eorees ee res THAMIMAIAH SADANANDA, ‘Schedule 2 Commission / Agency Business without books, LICOE NA Gross Resebts GROSS RECEPTS ‘Gress Income Net name Schedule 3 {Interest income (other than NSCIKVP interest) ‘name ote Bonk Intecest on Time Desosis Purjae Nationa Bank Intecest on Savings a (80TTA) Purjab Nationa Bane ernest Interest on income Tax refund Taxable terest ‘Schedule 4 ‘0D-Aedical Insurance Premium/Contribution, ‘Meslical expenses, ete. Tota Deducle amount Schedule 5 Tax on ttaincame Schedule 6 0S 6s per Form 164 Deductr. TAN Assistant Execute EnginoerK S 0 6 No2 Su Dvn Iijsore. TAN. BLRATSE05¢ Balamanir Mandya, TAN- BLRODO7SSA Balamanira For Gis Mandya, TAN- BLRROG EGF Asstyear 0232024 27.909 a = 77.900 Intcost os 210 25 Medial Heath checkup Premim = 7 cd 125003, TDS TOSclaimed Goss receipt ncuron year cfeod ‘8005 400,370 5628 56282104 4s? 4607 230376 ‘THAMMAIAH SADANANDA ‘sstyear: 20282024 Bhima & Bother Jewelers, TAN- BLRBIO777C 2664 264 263400 Chik Devlopment Project Offee Malval, TAN- 5078 sore 28362 prrca7saae Deputy Decter Of Women & Chia, TAN- BLRDOZOTOF vos7t tan 9er.728 Distt Disabled And Senor Citzen Weare Ofice Mandya, aus ams 474690 ‘TAN: BLRDOGABZA Execute EngneerK SD B, TAN- BLREOS7294 nner 11972 s98st6 Gnas Investment (P) is, TAN BLRGOOE14E 2407 2aor 2.00700 Government nt Taiing Insitute, TAN- BLAGDI924C 2.86 21868 © 1.90200 PR Motors Private Limited, TAN- BLRKOTO354 220 220 © 222,000 Kamataka Sum Davelopment Soars Hassan, TAN- 10823 roses 541.150 BLRKITSO9A ‘amataka Sum Development Board, TAN BLRPO3E6A 8005, 8005 400370 amataka Sum Devopment Board Sub Dwission Mandya, 3409 sao a0 TAN: BLRK 16096 Life insurance Cerpeation Onda Mandya Branch, TAN 6410 oa 4.27907 BLRLOTSTS (010 Asst Detor Of Town Planing, TAN- BLROCDSSSG 9.986 60s 3.07806 Office Of The Assistant Dreeor Of Seneuture 3270 320 40507 ‘rshnarjapet TAN BLROOSZ126 Office Of The Assistant Executive Engineer Kemataka Slum 3650 365 3.65058 (tearance Boar TAN: BLROU2"G8A Office Of The Chis Development Oticw, TAN 8 16 asst8 BLROOTEISE Punjab Nateral Bank, TAN- BLRP24GD4A, ° ‘$M Kannappa Automsbies Private Limited, TAN- 5497 saeT 840773 BURSOTTSOR ‘Shailesh Madhav Baliga, TAN: BLRS27209F 7000 17000 850000 Teetnicl Director 0%. TAN- BLATHSS5¢ A278 nas asa707 Tom Mathew (Prop Aslan Po Lymer), TAN. CHNTO1000 2340 2340 2.34000 ‘Vil Logistics Limite, TAN- BLAVOZTO1G 730 730 73000 Teta as rs a Sina, (Yor roferon: +) Statement of income TOS CERTIPICATE Lic conteate Prof Loss Account Balance Sreet ‘Bank Ae for lund: CANARA BANK. 16002200017820 FSC: CNRI0001600 Date: 30-Aug-2023, Place: MANDYA (THAME SADANANDA) Name: THAMMAIAH SADANANDA, TOS as per Form 164 Deductor, TAN Assistant Executive Engineer K SD No 2 Sub Dison Mysore, ‘TaN BLRATEGOSC. Baiamantir Mandy, TAN- BLROOOTSEA ‘Betamanaia For Gir Mangye, TAN: BLRROS106F ha & Brother Jewelers, TAN: BLRBIQ777C ‘Cia Development Project Office Malval, TAN BLRCO7BEEG Deputy Director Of Woren& Chill, TAN- BLRD02679F District Disabled And Senor Citzon Weare Ofice Mandya, ‘TAN BLROOSABZA, Execute EngaeerK SD B, TAN: BLREOS720A Gras investment (P) Lis, TAN- BLRGOOOIAE ‘Government nd Training Insitute, TAN BLAGOIO4C PR Motors Private Limited, TAN- BLRKOTO354 ‘Kamsiata Sum Davelopment Soard Hassan, TAN- BLRKTTISOTA Kemataka Slum Development Board, TAN- BLRPO3596A Kamstaka Sim Devopment Board Sub Dwsson Mandya, TAN BLRKT16220 Life nsuance Corpration Of nda Mandya Branch, TAN URLOTSTB (010 Asst Director Of Town Plannina, TAN: BLRODOSSSG Office Of The Assistant Decor Of Secuture Krshnarsjope TAN: BLROOS2126 Office OF The Assistant Exectve Engineer Kamstaka Slum Clearance Boar, TAN: BLROOZ08A Office Of The Chis Development Offee, TAN- BLRODIOISE Punjab Natoral Bank, TAN- BLRP24G54A, ‘8M Kennappa Automobies Private Limited, TAN: BLRSOY7SOA, ‘Shailesh Madhav Baga, TAN- BLRS27263F Technical rector 01, TAN: BLRT1S58° ‘Tom Mathew (Prop Asian Po Lymers, TAN CHNTO1T000 Vi Legstes Limited, TAN: ALAVO27O1G Total Date 30-Aug-2023, Place: MANDYA tos seduced ‘8005 5628 407 264 5078 s9art 49 s1972 2407 2.486 220 10222 8008 39 eat0 e006 3270 3650 738 5407 17,000 e275 2340 8 PAN: ATLPSSSSSN TOS ciamed in eurent year 8.005, 5028 4607 2604 sore e371 ana t1972 2407 2.186 2220 10.823 8.005 34ca ano 986 3270 3650 6 s4a7 7000 8275 2040 730 708 oes resist ‘ford “400370 291,384 230376 263.400 253.962 oerr28 4.74850 590.516 200,700 1109.280 222,000 541.150 400370 am20 121907 180.507 3.05054 sete 540773 850.000 439707 234000 74000 esr (THAMMAAiAH ADAKANDA) SRIT SADANANDA, BS SECURITY SERVICES #1511 1 2ND CROSS, BEHIND L.LC.OFFICE BANDIGOWDA LAYOUT,MANDYA-571401 INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31.03.2023, Rs Re Stationery Expenses "24,050.00 [By Commission Recelved from Telephone Charges 18,600.00, LUC. 4,27 807.00 Business Promotion Expenses 36,500.00 |* Security charges recd 1,43,15.686.00 Printing & Zerox. 21,460.00 |* SGST Collect 3,98 439.50 Traveling Expenses 56,500.00 |* CGST Collect 3,98439.50 Salary and Wages 74,71,672.00 Senior clizen wages :32,46,000.00 Professional Tax 2,500.00 Vehicle Maintenance 36,400.00 General expenses 48,500.00, Unifarm to staff 41,45,000.00 SGST & CGST Paid 792,879.00 ESI ‘95,100.00 Bonus tostaff 1,85,288.00 Entertainment expn "36,000.00 Office expn 418,000.00 Provident Fund 18,67,918.00 Net Profit for the year 11,85,505,00 7,52,36,472.00 52,56,472.00, aa Charted Accountant KR, Roa, Mandya. ara ead; Snag Sf AA DANN OA BS SECURITY SERVICES 4151/1 2ND CROSS,BEHIND L.l.C.OFFICE BANDIGOWDA LAYOUT,MANDYA-S71401 AP ITAL ACCOUNT AS ONSH.0S2025———SSSC—~S Re. Fa > Drawings 313,905.00 |By Balance bit 28,04,234.00 Lic ‘86,000.00 |*" Net income 411,85 608.00 Tos 41,48,078,00 |* Int on Sto ‘845.00 is 2,880.00 |" Income Tax Refund 32,570.00, Tution fee 152,000.00 |* Int on FD. 360.00 Mediclaim 177.00 Balance off 34,22,264.00 40,23,304.00 W023,304.00 ‘STATEMENT OF AFFAIRS AS ON 31.03.2023 RS Fs APITAL ACCOUNT: alance bit '34,22,264 00 |Cash on hand 2,64,481.02 |Cash at Bank: Panjab National Bank C/a 24,900.00 |Canara Bank -Cia-118 272,962.39 [Statae Bank of india Cia-220 41387 72 [Syndicate Bank S/o 31,903.32 Panjab National Bank S/o 3,884 55 |Gold Purchase-27.10.2020 2,68,750.00 [Smt P Sukanya Mandya 10,00,000.00 [Sundry Debtors 2,00,000.00 Site at Mandya-Induvalu 7,08,025.00 Loan and advance 6,50,000.00, 34,22,264.00 34,22,286.00 ‘Name of the Applicant : $.Subramanian, B-SC., FCA. T. Sadananda Prop. 6 Security Serviee, 451, nd Cross, Bandigowda Layout, Mandya-573401 PAN No, ATLPSGSSIN TURNOVER CERTIFICATE ‘Total Value of Security Service, Human Resource and Manpower Service Contractor Payment Received in the Last Six Years [SL.No. Assessment Year Turnover 1 2016-17 ~~ 2029652.00 2017-18 ~1839569.00 2018-19 ~~ 5962003.00 2019-20 5655145,00 2020-21 12998972.00 2021-22 13026726.00 41512067.00 Total -kupees Four Crore Fifteen Lakh(s) Twelve Thousand Sixt Seven Only INDIAN INCOME TAX RETURN VERIFICATION FORM | Ancument Your Inte the dtaoihe RetrnaacomeinForm rn canap.tme2.tmes, — | 2018-19 [TRASUGAM TORS, TTR7 tamed eecroaly wot gt sat ae ef mimes eee ! [TowaCiiDetrict ——~—~S~*~*~*«*d ne SSSSSCSCSC«*i fk Anam Neer Enrollment ID | a KARNATAKA star | 900 000K 6295, | E ‘Designation of AO (Ward / Circle) WARD(DMANDYA [original or Revisec Tae AciekdenntNomber — (SOmRoTIE di one 1 ees Sacemaale a= ores Ff = SS a a z Te 7 [Tot aes ai TEE Fe 3] Tasrptin-79 x (2a 9) 5 10) Hm! eee ea a a = ea gana aos eat aren eee tease Seed eagel acres er einen eer eee ea a Siete ‘Sion Well | Ay eae 218 Name T.SADANANDA Py. :2017-2018 Fathers Name. :THAMMALAH PAN. :ATLPSOESBN ‘Address BS SECURITY SERVICE DOB. :0tsiunte7s EANDISOWOA LAYOUT, MANDYA-571 401 ‘Stats Inia Ward: WARDAIMANDYA Residont Aachaae 59150622 6296, ‘Statement of income Income from House Property Sat occupied property 1 Gross anual value ws 232) m Loss terest on borrowed capt ls 240) 2 11944 Income trom sa ocuped property aise Income chargeato under the head “House Property” Profits and gains of Business or Profession Business Net Profit Betore Tax as per P& Lae Total income of Business and Profession Income chargeable under the head “Businss and Profession" Income from other sources ‘Bank interest Intecestncome TR. Income charpeato under tha head “ther soures™ 10,7227 son7a27 atte ant Gross Total Income Deductions under Chapter Vi-A 800: Medical Insurance Prema 3 OTTA: Interest on saving Bank ae Investment u's 800, CO, CoD Heasing loan repayment sis Le insurance premium ution ees Destction subjcto cong u/s BOCCE Total Income Tax on ta income ‘Education one 17 ast eyes 50.000 “Tax with cess Net Tax tos 4 wee 944 soaraar 3020 as “TSADANANDA, Aastyear 2m8-2018 otal props tacos * Refund Due Schedule 1 Details ofthe property 2nd cross, Banigowda yout, Mandya.571401, Karnataka ‘Assesse's share inthe property (%) ‘Schedule 2 {Interest on Borrowed Capital Pacers Interest to Housing loan Tota! ‘Schedule 3 ‘80D-Medical Insurance Premium/Contribution, ‘Medical expenses, etc. ‘In rospec of Set Famiy others “otal Deductle amount ‘Schedule 4 OS as pe Fa (0A DeductorTAN & Cafe No, Assistant Exoctve Engineer K'S1 8 No.2 Sub Division Wyeore, TAN. BURASB056, Balamands Mandya, TAN-BLROOOTSOA Cid Development Project Oftes - Mandya, TAN: BLRCOSESIE Distt Disabled And Sani Citzen Welfare Office Mandya, TAN: BLRDOSAG2A. Execute Engineer KS D8, TAN BLREOSTEGA, ‘Gke Projects Lied, TAN-HYOGO1E140 KP R Motors Private Limited, TAN- BLRKO7025A Karnataka Sum Development Board, TAN BLRPOSSECA Kamatska State Kadi And Vilage Indust Board, ‘TAN BLRROS2690, Kamataka State Seeds Corporation Lid, TAN- BLRKOTTSB Life Insurance Corpeatin Of Inia Mandya Branch, TAN- BuRLYee7e Mutat Fiance Limited, TAN- CHNTOOE11G 100 dedutes 2296 zee 1286 11902 wrai7 3.035 11904 77 aurea 11900 ‘5500 3017 14paa 0 WScames Grose Recaps in curent year 98.306 26H 1200 se02 wa7 3.035 ‘004 anne 11898 5500 3017 3s per 2645 419907 264,101 72.39 rasr1 S257 309.409 4,700 228,907 1079.96 so187 97.081 281,386 SS = TSADANANDA, 2 Asst rear (Offce OF The Assistant Execuve Engines Karnataka 548 545 ‘Sum Glesrance Boar, TAN: BLROUETSBA. ‘Sales Megha Baga, TAN- BLRS272695 132013284 i Logis Limited, TAN: BLRVOZTOIG +000 1,000 Tota a SiNo. Documents enclosed to Retum of income No.of documents 1. Staienent tineome 1 2 TOS.cERMPICATE 1 3 Licentiate 4 4 Prot Loss Account 1 5 Balance Sheot 1 Total no of documents ScacrcRa ‘Bank A for Ren: SYNDICATE BANK MANDYA 16002200017820 JESC: S¥NBOO0t608 g p) Dale: 2204-2018 Scat Place: MANDYA TrsADANMWOA) 2ore2019 514041 6.89082 50018 sen ‘SRI T SADANANDA BS SECURITY SERVICES #15111 2ND CROSS BEHIND L.L.C.OFFICE 'BANDIGOWDA LAYOUT,MANDYA-571401 INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 21.03.2018 ‘AMOUNT ANOUNT [To Stalonery Expenses 30,500.00 [By Commission Received fom + Telephone Charges 46,500.00 “LIC. 97,081.00 * Business Promotion Expenses | 1,15,000.00 |* Security charges reed 64,922.00 * ining & Zerox 15,100.00 * Traveling Expenses 4,38,000.00, * Salary and Wages 39,54051.00 + Professional Tax 2,500.00 a * Vehicle Maintenance 1.90,000.00| 2 * General expenses +108.200.00 ew « . Unitarm to stat Yas00000| + et + ost 1}08:908.00 } << So © Service Tax 30,736.00, "Est 3722300 * Provident Fund 71,058.00, * Net Profit forthe ye 1017727.00, 58,62 003.00 BWI. ‘CAPITAL ACCOUNT AS ON34.03.2010 "AMOUNT. “aOUNT Dravinge 20,0. 00 Dy Dalance OT 1000.00 tre 8,000.00)" Netinoome 40117.227:00 TDs 4484400 |" Inton Si 311800 ton HL 11491.00|* Income Tax Refund 29'570.00 Repayment of HL 90,783.00 ois, 1500.00 * Tuten fee 60,000.00, * Madielaim 177.00 * Balance of 1,50,300.00 186,189.00 Ta S5103.00, ‘STATEMENT OF AFFAIRS AS ON 34.03.2018 "AMOUNT AMOUNT [CAPTAL ACCOUNT: Balance ot 11,59,90.00 [cash on hang naseea4s [Cash at Bank: [Syndicate Bank Sb 101143 Panjab National Bank sim was 41159,390.00 11,59,380.00, S~SUBRAMANIAN ‘Charted Asrauri KR. Road, Mancya. x Tiere the data of the Retn ofnceme in Form FR (SAHA. TR, TR, Tikes TR TRS/TR fled and void conical) 201 [TANIA SADANANDR man Yoae DIAN INCOME TAX RETURN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT == *S:== 9-20 z FuDoeribiok Nv —~—~—~~~S*«dName OF Premises Baliding/ Voge = le ae : ia zB Tad CROSS |BANDIGOWDA LAYOUT Pace Bae E aoa fi am a: takai i ‘Aol Ofer Date (WardCide) [WARDTATIS WANDA id cages Seno I i 2 Tae pA aaa Ton esa Pepa eS ia ee z a ae * a treet [ar ae Te TE a 5 [TacPanaire7 9 [een Tecane Tox Ream suited leony 1872 from aes 15012989.10__ and veil by TIIAMIMAIAHSADARANDA having PAN ATLPSESSWN og 19472019 141288 _ fon Press ja12049.70 sing econ Veriton Coe FUPTINQNOL generate HO Auda OTE ode DO NOT SEND THIS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO,CPC, Ce Dee as seat, AY, 70102020 dane 'SADANANDA Fatnars Nema. =THAMNAIAH Address +815 SECURITY SERVICE ‘298 CROSS, ZBANDIGOWDA LAYOUT, MANDYA -571 401 Resident Pay. 120182019 PAN, : ATLPS 6553 N Dow, :orun-1071 Individual Status ‘Aadhaar 5915 6822 3286, ‘Statement of neome ™ Income from House Property ‘Sel ocepied property: 1 1 Grose annual vale ws 23(2Ka) Loss Interest on borowed capa ue 24(0) 2 ‘Income rom sl occupied property Income chargeable under the head "House Propaty” ' Profits and gains of Business or Profession Business Net Prof tore Taxas por P & Lale “Total income of Business ad Profession Income chargeable unde tne hed "Business and Presson" 1 Income from other sources Intrestincome a Incomo chargeable under the head “other sours" 1 Gross Total income Deductions under Chapter VPA 200: Medel Insurance Premio 4 OTTA: Interest on Sang ale Investment ws 80¢, CCC, COD Housing lan repayment Life insurance premium ution ees eduction eubjctocollng ws B0CCE ' Total Income Total income rounded off ws 288A Tecnttal income Ads Coss Taxwih cess Net Tax Tos s Total prepa taxes ML 1057 1.857 S706 576528 wei 579.325 1224 ADaNanoa Asstyear 1010-2020 ee Aetund Dus Schedule 1 Details ofthe property (f,2nd cross, Banigowd layout, Manoya-571401, worratake ner ‘Assessets share intho propery (%6) Schedule 2 Interest on Borrowed Car Part Interest te Housing oan Total ‘Schedule 3 Intorest income (other than NSCIKVP interest Nam ofthe Bark Inte n Savings alc (20TTAD ‘Sypdcete Bank Deduct expenses edt fom Savings ale ther expenses ‘schodule 4 {80D-Medical Insurance Premium/Contrbution, ‘Medical exponsos, etc. In rospectf Parents : In rospectot Sot /Family others Total Tala Dodutie amount Schedule 5 TDS as por Form t6A Desductor TAN, ‘Assistant Executive Engineer K'8 B No 2 Sub Diision Iiysor, TAN: BLRAS605C Balamsndia Fer Gis Mandya, TAN- BLRROSIS8F Cid Development Project Offce Duds Mandya Ta Mandya Dist TAN- BLRCIZ257A, ware sof 100 1057 ry Interest 1204 Insurance Medea Heath Premium expenses check-up ae a gee 260 aes omy TOS TDS camed Gross Receipts deducted _iicurentyear as per26AS 7.982 792 394876 10.870 oar, 749.270 2.198 2198107928, /ADANANDA ‘Asctyear: 2010-2020 Child Development Project Ofe Malavall, TAN 4920 4m 241,000 BIRCO7EIIe Distt Disables And Senior Cizen Weitare Office 8.102 102 e056 Mandya, TAN- BLADO542A Execulve Engineer KS DB, TAN BLREOSTESA 10520 1a920 5.45827 PR Motors Prvate Limited, TAN: BLRKOTOS5A, 2002 2602 130,100, Karnataka Slum Development Board, TAN- BLRPO2636A ‘4001 4001 200,107 amataka Sun Devlopment Bosra Sub Dvision oe oe 55.95 Mandye, TAN- BLRKTIO33C Kamataa State Koel And Vilage industries Boas, 2370 2370 118.500 TAN BLRKOS2696 Kamataka State Seeds Corporation Lid, TAN- e207 8297 463.408, ERKOSI735 Life Insurance Corgan Of lca Mandya Branch, TAN- ans 4725 81701 BLRLOTS7E uthoot Finance Lirited, TAN. CHNTODA1 1 ait aa 4.0826 Muoot Finance Limited, TAN-CHNTODS1 16 378 376 3.760 fice OF The Assistant Execuive Engineer Karnataka 3042 302 394,128 ‘Sum Clearance Beard, TAN- BLROW2198A ranayInemational Knawear, TAN- BLRP123000 151 151 7540 ‘SM Kanraope Aviemoils Private Limited, TAN 2.008 2568 286,778 BURSOTSOA ‘Shalesh Machav Baliga, TAN- BLRS27253¢ 15,109 15100785470 i Logistes Lied, TAN- BLRVOZTOIG 120 11200 60,000 Teal 1 a RTA TES SiN9, Documents enclosed to Return of Income No of documents 4 Statement otincome 1 2 Liceartreste 1 4 Profit. Loss Account | 1 5 Bulunco Sheet 1 Tel no. of documents 5 ‘nk Af for Refund: SYNDICATE BANK MANDYA 1600200017820 IFSC: SYNBO001600 Dele: 194uh2019 Place: MANDYA oe SRI SADANANDA BS SECURITY SERVICES #16111 2ND CROSS,BEHIND L.C.OFFICE BANDIGOWDA LAYOUT. MANDYA-571401 INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31.03.2019 Re. Rs. @ Stationery Expenses 72,500.00 |By Commission Received from “Telephone Charges 18,000.00, LIC. 81,791.00 "Business Promotion Expenses | 48,000.00 Securly charges reed 56,73,364.00 Printing & Zerox 16,400.00, Travelling Expenses 48,000.00 "Salary and Wages 31,22,968.00 - Professional Tax 2,500.00 Vehicle Maintenance 25,000.00 "General expenses 15,000.00 * Unifarm to stat 15,000.00 GST 8,08,138.00 ES 24,255.00 "Provident Fund 8,76,058.00 Net Prof for the year 5,78,326.00. 56,55,145.00 655,195.00 ‘CAPITAL ACCOUNT AS ON31.03.2019 Rs. Re. 9 Drawings 262,232.00 |By Balance br T150,55000 "LIC. 18,000.00 |" Net Income 578,326.00 TOS 92,612.00 | Inton Sto 41,224.00 Inton HL 4,857.00 |" Income Tax Refund 28,830.00 Repayment of HL 53,475.00, > GIS 2 1,500.00 * Giftto P Sukanya 4,00,000.00 * ution fee '38,000.00 * Meciclaim 17.00 - Balance eff 9,11,737.00 117,67,580.00 757 580.00 ‘STATEMENT OF AFFAIRS AS ON 31.03.2078 Re. co “APITAL ACCOUNT: jalance bt 9,11,737.00 |Cash on hand 0.04,492.57 Icash at Bank: Syndicate Bank Sib 1043 Pang National Ban Sty 31,737.00 "oe | INDIANINGOMETAX RETURN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT | gs osncar yay mn maoteon rest ama nata eee PAN lansessav Name [rianuaian saDANANOA BS SECUFATY SERVICE, 2nd CROSS BANDIGOWOR LAYOUT, MANOVA WABWATARR S7a01 ome aan — a ret [tetimatetwacaoe | erumgacmersopilfreme | |aanaoninw [estar i a aia 7 [ita we at raphe A 2 ait Tamme app 3 te 3 1 nerd ee = = Pet ert 6 rer oe ta ota om 5 ma Dvr Pt aA in we erro Roan 2 [ater fy [meerenernne : 0 4A [Radin ta eatiretpoe 7 Frasca 7 q = Income Tx Ret submited cen om OL82039 14868 fom Pade #860298920 {DUAL SADANAND oiagPAN ATEN op OLN ITIL ‘om Paste, 1541958270 ing esonie Verification Coe SNPERLESD! gener gh And DO NOT SEND THIS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT BENGALURU / RY mm 207 T-SADANANDA PY, :2019-2020 THAMMAIAH PAN. :ATLPS6S#3N 18S SECURITY SERVICE DOB. :Otstuntsi1 ‘206 CROSS [BANDIGOWDA LAYOUT, MANOYA - 71 401 ‘Same Inca! Resident 5 8015 68226286, Blatement of income ™ Profits and gains of Business or Profession Business-t Not Proft tore perP& Lale asiors Total income of Business and Profession Beto1s Income chargoable under he head “Businass and ao1or5 Prosi 1 Income from other sources Invrest income 4 Income chargeable under the heat her sources" Boe ® Gross Total Income Dace under Chapter YEA 200: Medea nuance Prema Z a OTT: Wert on Saving ale are Insert ws 806, C00, CCD Lf nerace prem 2.0 Dostion sujet cel ws 800CE e000 rao Deacon empecot paymens tom I-A aoe 8 ° Sra Posen) ; ued 1 Toualincome oR Tol nan aed of us 2808 02800 Taxon a eave aoe a Coss * 2921 Taxi coe p 7568 eto i f= Es 08 6,16057 Tell oped nes : seg, s.087 Refund Due ae Schedule 4 Interest than NSCIKVP interest me oe Bank noes Interest on Saving ale (80TTA) << /SADANANDA Astyear: 2020-2021 leone ‘Stale Bank Of na Various Bank 6.126 Other interest Inferest on Income Tax refund 220 Toxable terest at Schedule 2 In sespeat of Poros Insurance Metical Hest checkup Premium expenses Insespect of Sar otters ra otal cad Tota Deductile amount ssaninaanehty7e ‘Schedule 3 Schedule 4 70S as per Form 164 Deduct, TAN, TDS TDSciaimed Gross receipt deducted _in caren year coer Assistant Execuve EnginoorK SD 8 No2 Sub Dison 87st ast asr4ea Mysore, TAN- BLRATSCOSE Balemandira For Gils Mandya, TAN BLRROS1@5¢ 10,250 10283 1025,49 Chika Development Poise Oe Kst Road Tape 7008 740 oia7a Bling Nagamangala, TAN BLRCUTEBSA, Chid Development Project Ofco Matava TAN- 4530 450 © 2mms2 jLRCoreee Disc Disabled And Sonor Citzen Weare Otice 3936 3900 3sa580 Mandya, TAN: BLRDGEASZA, Exeutve EnginerK $ D 8, TAN LREDS7BGA 12058 12058 6 az04 Government Inaning instute, TAN- BLRGOTS34C 40 540 84000 IP R Motors Pate Limited, TAN: BLRKTO36A 4104 4196 2.48700 Kamataka Sum Development Board, TAN- BLRPO2ED6A 4750 4759238057 Kama Slum Devlopment Board Sub Division 3951 3951 a974a1 ‘Mandya, TAN BLAKT 6336, Life insurance Corpration OF india Mandya Branch, TAN. 4299 72889 BURLOTAS7A oy MutneotFnance Lrite, TAN-CHNTGOIIG i 34513 45.048 (Ofo Asst dector Of Town Planning, TAN: BLROC Hers 409,152 Oftce OF Te Assistant Executive Engneer Kamataka pra 407360 ‘Slum Clearance Bostd, TAN: BLROOZ198A Office OF The Cid Davelopment Officer, TAN, 1907 ss7 94982 BLROOISISE (oe OF The Chis Development Project Otfce KR Pet 1708 1,705 6250 TAN: BLROUZ3228, i i a SL SSADANANDA. Aestyear; 2020-2021 Office OF The Sercutural Extn Offeer Technical Service 134 4 8700 CCentemandya, TAN- BLROUUTSSE ‘5M Kannappa Automobiles Prva Limiee, TAN- 15924 19924 ag 91915 BURSOT750A ‘Shailesh Madhav Balga, TAN- BLRS27269F 18695 18695 aa765, Taluk Panchayath - 8 Rangapaina, TAN- BLRTOR63C me 7a 26,156 ‘Telok Panchayath Pandavopura. TAN BLRTOS8868 585 585 23.400 ‘Tom Mathew (prop asian Po Lymer), TAN- 2.160 2160 216000 cHNTOTTO30 VilLogisics Limes, TAN BLRVO27016 1470 aro 73500 Teas aig 05; ars arose SINo Documents ren 1) Statement ofncome he 2 TDS.cERTIPICATE 3 LiCcenieae 4 Prof Loss account 5 Bolonce Shoot ‘Bank Ate for Retund: SYNONGATE BANK MANDYA,16002200017820" IFSC: SYNBO001600 = owe: ot oee2nz0 ee pees ‘TSADANANDA ‘SRIT SADANANDA BS SECURITY SERVICES #1511 1 2ND CROSS, BEHIND L.LC.OFFICE BANDIGOWDA LAYOUT,MANDYA-571401 INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31.03.2020 Re Rs To Stoney Expenses ‘9.50000 |B Commission Received from "Telephone Charges 1250000) "Lic 7285000 ; Business Promotion Expenses | 65,000.00 | socuriy charges reca | 1.20264 0299 - Png & Zerx 1400.00, = Traveling Expenses 60,000.00 = "Salary and Wages 45,95,000.00 Senioretizen emptoy payment | 31,50,000.00, * Honarom paid 481,000.00 "Professional Tax 2,500.00 "Vehicle Maintenance 24/900.00 "Generar expenses, 42,000.00, "Una f sa 8,000.00 "Serve Tax 146.7730 ost 8:4,623.00 ES! 25,461.00 Bons tostff 4,50,000.00, Provident Fund +1.0%,600.00 Net Prof forthe year 861,015.00 728,58 97200 72898, 572.00 of ORAMANIAN ee zs oma a 8, it ‘Charted Accountant KER. Rose, Manca \. sow ncowe racnerum scoomenceienr Inet Terms _ Meet (onesie fe noaesRs, 92) 2001-22 ere eon : ‘| B spencer cri ‘ cas Tea 5 Pe & Invest and ee Paya s « oneness ; ory Eerste wo ” a ieee eer 2) i "exes Paid rs o : ‘ j tne / c _ [races : ‘f Income Ta Retesaiteeloily oh OL4-221 020047 fom IP des 101212164 sl rd by THAN ax HERES DONOT SEND THIS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT'T0 cre: rome THANMAIAH SADANANDA Py. : 2020-2021 // raters Name :THAMOIAIAH PAN, :ATLPS 655 N ‘Address BS SECURITY SERVICE DOB. :Otun-ter1 2nd CROSS. [BANDIGOWDA LAYOUT, MANOYA- 671 401 smatla hese ‘Aadhase 5615 66226256, Resident 1 Profits and gains of Business or Profession Busiass-1 Nat Pot Before Taxa per P& Lat 1026.97 “otalincome of Buses ond Profession 1026.67 Income chargeable under to head "Business ant 028,307 Profession" * Income from other sources Imes come 1 431 ‘Income chargesto unr th hoad "ther sources” aan ® Gross Total Income as Deductions under Chapter Via 890: Medial Insurance Premio 2 ww {0TTAInlereston Saving ate 3208 Invostmontw 806, COG, CoD Lie inaranen premio 26,000 Tuton fo 25000 tiers us 000; Gis 1.500 Deduction sutoe 10 coling ws BOCCE™ 62500 5043 Total Income Tas Total income rounded off ws 206A, 905300 Tax on tat ncome 1053578 ‘a Coss 4223 “Texwih cess 1199803 Not Tax 78.80% os “Tota prepaid axes 120787 ® Refund Due 7785 Schedule t interest income (other than NSC/KVP interest Name oft Bank Incest STE URMAAIAH SADANANDA Aestyear 202-2022 ‘ntact on Tene Deposte Punjab Nationa Bank 08 i A ‘State Bank of na Various Bank 3226 ner ees Invreston income Tax refund 097 Taxable nerest a Inguranes Masel Heath checkup Premum expences Incespec of Sa Fam otters wT Total amr Total Deductible amount 17 ‘Schedule 3 TOS os per Form 168 ductor, TAN TOS TDScloimed Gross receipt, eductod_In eurent year fered ‘Assistant Exeeulve Engineer K S D 8 No? Sub Dison 7586 7586 3.65883 Nysore. TAN- BLRANBAOSC. Balararira For Gite Mandy, TAN: BLRROS1B8F aes 6285 g2nes0 Bhima & Bother Jewelers, TAN: BLREIS777C 916 re 1,22.000 Chia Dovelopment Project Otice Ket Road Tapems 1520 1.820 76.000 Barking Nagumangat, TAN- BLRCOTRREA, Chik Develogment Project Office Malval, TAN: 726 74 26,160 BLRCOTEEEG Deputy Ovector Of Women & Chi, TAN- BLRDOZG79F 4.260 1280 63.000 Distt Disabled And Senor Citzen Weta Otice 490,156 Manaja, TAN: BLRDOSAE2A Executve Engineer KS DB, TAN-BLREOSTEGA 6.17556 KP R Motors Private Limited, TAN- BLRKCT f 1180,000 Kamsiaka Slum Davelopment Boars Hassan, TAN- 13898 13835 6.91700 BURKS S018 KamatekaStum Development Board, TAN-BLRPO3SIEA, 708 79084 3.102 Karnataka Slum Devlopment oad Sub Divssion 4x6 4368 2.18068 Maraye, TAN: BLRKY 6336 Life Insurance Corpraion Of India Mandy Branch, TAN- 2748 2748 mss BLRLOVSTE Life Insurance Corpraon Of nda Mandya Branch, TAN: ma 71 tea BURLOTAS7B "Muiect Finance Limited, TAN- CHNTO8116 820° 7ara88 Narayan Bhat Gopalakrshnen, TAN- BLRNOTG58¢ 488 61.000 IAMIMAIAH SADANANDA 202-2022 io Asst tector Of Town Panning, TAN- BLROOOSSEG 4281 42189018, Office OF The Assistant Execute Engineer Kamataka 3487 318743728 ‘Slum Clearance Board, TAN: BLRONETSEA Office OF Te Child Development Ofer, TAN: 2.488 2485424229 BLROOTEISE. Punjab Natonal Bank (regional fon Bangle), TAN- 0 BLRPOCBORF ‘Shailesh Madhav Bakga,TAN- BLRS27263¢ 14769 4763 9.60600 ‘Taluk Panchayath Pandavapura, TAN- BLRTOS986B 24510 2518 1308.405, Tom Mate (prop asian Po Lymer), TAN. 11685 1882.16.00 ‘CHNTO" 1090" i Logists Lied, TAN- BLAVO2?01G 1240 120 79.000 Total erst rarer ages SINo Documents (for reference) 1 Statement ofincome TDS. CERTIPICATE LAC Certfcate Profi Loss Account Balonce Sheet Bank A for Refund: CANAR BANK 16002200017800 IFSC: CNERBO0D1600 bee or sepznzt e =&5 Pace Miva “erat eEMNON ‘Mame: THAVMINAH SADANANDA PAN: — ATLESE563N —————— ee eee TDS es por Form 164 ecucir TAN, TDS TOSclaimed Gross receipt dedicted _incurent year offered Assisiant Executive Engineer K'S DB No 2 Sub Division 7586 7580 —«388889 Mysore, TAN BLRA5605C. Balamandira For Giis Mandya, TAN- BLRROSt26t 6385 6388 638590 ‘Bhima & Brother Jewelers, TAN: BLRAIE777C 916 1 422,000 Cit Development Projet Ofice Kst Road Tapems 1,520 1.520 76.000 Balding Nagamangala, TAN: LRCD7BE04 Chis Development Project Offce Maral, TAN re ane 9,160 BLRCO7EEEG, Deputy Decor OF Waren & Chi, TAN-BLROO267SF 1280 11280 63,000 Dist Disabled And Senor Citizen Were Office 4001 4001 40.154 Mandya, TAN BLRDOGAB2A Executive Engineor K'S DB, TAN- BLREOSTSOA, vasa 12353 617.596, KP R Motors Pate Limtes, TAN BLRKO7O35 000 1.800 1,80000 mata Sum Davelopment Bosrd Hassan, TAN: 13835 13835 691700 BURKTTSO1A ‘anstaka Sum Development Board, ‘AN- BLRPUSEBEA, 7984 31.02 Kamei Slum Daviooment Bord Sub Ovisson 4368 2,16068 Mandya, TAN-BLRKC 6500, Lie insurance Corpration Of Inia Mandya Branch, TAN: 2748 T1883 BIRLA Life insurance Corraton Onda Mendy Branch, TAN- ma ma sear ‘BURLONASTE "Mutt Finance Lite, TAN-CHNTOOR11 6240 nxn 7ena88 Naya Bhat Gopalakishnan, TAN- BLRNOI6E80. 488 488 1.000 (fo Asstdector Of Town Planing, TAN BLROOOSSEG. pe ee eee Office OF The Assistant Executive Enger Karnotak 318743728 ‘Sum Clearance Board, TAN: BLROOZTOBA. ce OF Me Chi Development Officer, TAN- 2485424200 BLROOISTSE. nab National Bank (regional fee Banglore), TAN ° BLRPOASOSF ‘Shalesh Madhav Baliga, TAN-BLRS27259 14,783 14763 960,600 Taluk Panchayath Pandavapura, TAN: BLRTOS9868 24519 2450 ra 04aes, Tom Mathew gropasan Po Lymers), TAN 1885, 185 2,16000 ‘chvTaroso| ‘Vil Logistics Limited, TAN BLRVEZ7OIG 1240 1240 7000 Tota eet erst ar C2 om: pameanes Se mr Place: MANDYA rman sAOMNDA) SRIT SADANANDA BS SECURITY SERVICES #1511 4 2ND CROSS,BEHIND L.L.C.OFFICE BANDIGOWDA LAYOUT, MANDYA-571401 INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31.03.2021 Rs Re Stationery Expenses 10,100.00 |By Commission Received from Telephone Charges 43,200.00 “LUC. 99,734.00 Business Promotion Expenses 96,000.00 |" Security charges recd 1,22,02,559.00 Printing & Zerox 20,000.00 | SGST Collect 3,68,716.61 Traveling Expenses 24,000.00 |" CGST Collect 3.65,716.61 Salary and Wages 73,40,741.00 Senior citizen wages 16,25.652.00 Professional Tax 2,500.00 Vehicle Maintenance 36,000.00, General expenses, 18,300.00 Unifarm to staff 96,000.00, TCS Payment 96,685.00 SGST & CGST Paid 6,26,748.00 ce! 199,625.00, Bonus tosta 185,000.00 Provident Fund 17.61,778.00 Net Profit for the year 10,26,397.22 1(30,26,728.22 7,30,26,726.22 HAN ‘SRI SADANANDA BS SECURITY SERVICES #154/ 1 2ND CROSS, BEHIND Li.C.OFFICE BANDIGOWDA LAYOUT,MANDYA-571401 ‘CAPITAL ACCOUNT AS ON 31.03.2024 Re. Re Drawings 225,180.00 [By Balance bf 74,49,008.00 Lic 35,000.00 |" Net income 10,23,397.00 Tos 41,26,757.00 | Int on Si 3,226.00 ais 1,500.00 |* Income Tax Refund 49,100.00, Tution fee 25,000.00 |" L1 C Reed 3,000.00 Mediclaim 177.00 Balance cit 21,24,117.00. 25,37,731.00. 25,37, 737.00 ‘STATEMENT OF AFFAIRS AS ON 34.03.2021 Re. Fe PITAL ACCOUNT: lance bit 21,24,117-00 |Cash on hand 2,87,645.05 [Cash at Bank: T Payable 47,744.00 | Panjab National Bank Cla 25,064.75, ICanara Bank -Cia-118 160,690.54 [Statae Bank of India Cra-220 46,556.10 ‘Syndicate Bank Sib 100.43 Panjab National Bank &/ 26,028.13 |Gold Purchase-27. 10.2020 2,6€,750.00 site at Mandya-Induvalu 7,06,025.00 Loan and advance 6.50,000.00 21,77,867.00 21,71,861.00 So Pee

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