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٢٠٢١ ‫ أغسطس‬١ ‫مناقشة‬

? rate of success in fixed partial denture ? 10 - 15 later -15

50-90 -
70-97 -
85-90 -

years 95 - 88% 5
year's 69-88% 10
year's 57-79% 15

? rate of success in amalgam ? 10-15 years -17

Age of Amalgam restoration

to 20 years 15

? of recurrent in prolyng granuloma % -18

treatment of pyogenic granuloma consists of removal of the lesion with the elimination of
irritating local factors.3 The recurrence rate is about 15%.8 Taira et al., have shown a
recurrence rate of 16% in excised lesions and also described a case of multiple deep satellite
.lesions surrounding the original excised lesion in a case of Warner Wilson James syndrome

? of The Crater in infrabony defect % - 19

all mand %62
all defect 35.2

? stage 3 of furcation -20

Probe go through not visible clinical
? stage 3 of furcation -20
Probe go through not visible clinical

Tunnel prepration
Root resection
Tooth extraction

٪ probe to chick furcation ? Nerbus - 21

? probe to chick gingival improve in following up - 22

# Perio probe
perio case classification cal 3-4 bone lose over 30% and pt age -23
Generalized stage 2 class B when they ask you about stage you should know 2 things (
cal”attachment loss” | RBL”radiographic bone loss)

stage 1 : mild cal 1-2 , RBL <15%•

stage 2: moderate cal 3-4, RBL coronal third loss•

stage 3: sever cal >=5 , RBL till middle third loss •

stage 4: very sever cal>5 , RBL till apical third loss•

when ask you about grade , they mean percentage % of bone loss /pt age , in the Q he
: will mention age of pt , if the result

Grade A : result <0.5 slow bone loss •

Grade B : result 0.5-1 moderate•

Grade C : result >1 rapid•

bone loss ‫في أشياء بتأثر في سرعة فقدان العضم‬

smocking and diabetes ‫زي‬

: last thing how we evaluate the periodontitis

stable pocket depth <4 healthy, Bleeding on probing <10% •

in progress pocket depth <4 healthy, Bleeding on probing >10% •

unstable pocket depth >4 unhealthy , Bleeding on probing >10% •

:‫نجي لكيف بيطرح السؤال راح اجيبلكم سؤال جاني باالختبار‬

? y pt have attachment loss 3-4 and 30% bone loss12
stage ll grade c
grade c ‫ليش قلنا‬
rapid bone loss stage ‫ يعني‬١ ‫ يعني اكثر من‬2.5 ‫ على عمر المريض ونشوف طلع‬bone loss ‫بنقسم ال‬
c✅✅# for my case

? perio and endo pt what to tx -24

# endo first -
Always start with endo
scaler pic - 25

# scaler use - supra calculaus -26

- scaler use -26

# supra calculaus*️⃣

? instruments with 2 working side -28

# Universal

? how much should u wait before taking biopsy -30

# weeks2

alot of q asking about medical nsaid cortecosteriod pincillin read when to gove them -31
*️⃣ Read about
clinical findings the let u know pt have systemic deaseas -33

- cervical carious lesion gose below sub gingiva-34

root caries

*️⃣ *️⃣ mepiza anesthesia- long duration - 32

bupivacaine the longest and mepivecaaine long duration also

restoration for class 5 -35


acid / base material -36


minimum space btw 2 implant -3mm -37

? And btw natural teeth and implant


q with losses of screw in implant was placed with force 35 -38

inaccurate force was used-
? pt came with bridge and complain of bleeding , tx if u want tx the complain it self -39
remove bridge and assuse perio health -

pt came after scaling and complain of sensitive after 2 days , when u check intra orally -40
? their is located part still ulcerated , management
redo scaling for the affected area -

Reassure pt -

u extracted wrong tooth -41

info the pt -

? pt have hopeless tooth that he want to keep -44

explain that to pt and give him his option and let him decide -

? healthy pt while working pt have sudden pain sever that made hime jump -42
pulputomy -
rct -
Extract -
direct pulp caping-

extraction series ? Moly something like that - 45

tooth too superior and forward -46
⃣*️ S like sh
F like v
d like th

? biological width around implant -47

mm 3

child abuse in clinic - 48

Reassue , re view

? What is the diameter size of 3 Gates Glidden in millimeter

A. 0.5
B. 0.7
C. 0.9
D. 1.1
٢٠٢١ ‫ أغسطس‬٢ ‫مناقشة‬

impacts canine - will affect -51

lateral incisor

? cracked tooth best cement -53

Plastic Resin
Then crown made from porcelin or ceramic

? dignosis of cracked tooth -55

pain on biting on object
Tooth slooth
Transluim light that passes through the tooth
Where cracks ll apear dark

avulsion less then 60 min - 57

Splint 2 weeks

More than 60 minutes

weeks 4

dr by mistake over prep when doing crown prep the tooth pulp showes pink but not -58
? open how to manage
do pulp test same time -
Post treatment and do pulp test in next appointment -
Do RCT -

pt with bruxism problem and u did cast metal -59

? pt came back with movement and has problem in occlusal

Retake impression do other cast metal crown -

Remove clean and recement -

Remove and send to lab of adjustment -

butterfly shaped rash - 60


neo natel teeth -61

days 30-0

when orthodontist decides to make space between two teeth -62

?what will happen to interdental papilla

A -the adjacent marginal gingiva will have pockets

B -the interdental papillae will form

- C. the interdental papillae will bond to the bone and disappear and become fibrotic

D. the interdental papillae will become fibrotic

* *A-N-B Mean = 2
ANB ↑ Skeletal Class II
ANB ↓ Skeletal Class III
* *S-N-A Mean=82
SNA ↑ Protrusive Mx
SNA ↓ Retrusive Mx
* *S-N-B Mean= 80
SNB ↑ Prognathic Mn
SNB ↓ Retrognathic Mn
A patient comes to your clinic with total reverse of upper anterior teeth and reverse overjet
of 6mm. Sometimes the child moves the chin forward. A lateral cephalometric analysis gives
the following results – SNA 80, SNB 82, ANB -2. What is the diagnosis? A-Class I malocclusion
with skeletal Class III
B- Class III malocclusion with skeletal Class I
|C- Class II malocclusion with skeletal Class I
D- Class III malocclusion with skeletal Class III

Reverse of upper anterior teeth is a Class III *

ANB has a norm of 1 to 5 degrees. It tells us what the maxillary and mandibular skeletal *
base discrepancies are.A large value, such as 8 degrees, would indicate a large maxillary
.protrusion and a negative value would indicate a mandibular prognathism
ANB value is -2 : An ANB in the range of 0.5 to 4.5 degrees indicates a Class I skeletal *
pattern. Positive numbers indicate that the maxilla is ahead of the mandible. A negative
angle represents a mandible that is more anteriorly positioned than the maxilla. ANB has a
negative value if SNB is greater than SNA. An ANB value greater than 4.5 degrees indicates
anteroposterior skeletal problem with a Class Il skeletal pattern. An ANB of 0° or less
.indicates a Class III skeletal pattern
ANB is more than normal in Class *

Tilted and under cut
?clasp in same q

Ring clasp


.- pink tooth -68

internal resorption

external resorption tx -69

RCT with CaOH -

- frankfort plane -71

orbitale porion
prostho - 73
mandibular class 1 classification Rpd
what will act as indirect retainer

Ligual bar

Lingual plate

? which should indirect retainer be on which side of tooth -76


swelling and u want to know which tooth -78

file 15
file 20
Paper point
Gp size 20

GCF -79
Gingival crevicular fluid
? what we use

Paper filter till we feel a point of meet

Paper point till we feel a point of meet

Paper point enter 10 mm only

PAper fillter 10 mm only

Floating maxilla 78

Lefort 2 fracture
? broke file in canal and u complete cleaning and working what to do - 79

A. Obturate

B. Inform the patient

٢٠٢١ ‫ أغسطس‬٣ ‫مناقشة‬

??irrigation to remove GP / Type of solvent -80


most flaxible part in denture - 82

clasp -

band pusher pic -83

Intial and last use by dr

ortho quad helix -84

? In otho used

Pedo ortho fixed appliance for maxillary expansion

Electric Pulp Tester readings differ from pt to pt -86

Threshold of pain different in different patients

over extend sealer case -87

Follow up

chemothatpy pt that needs post and core build up -89

extract -

Do post and core -

to Q pt take warfiern or apserine and want to extract so u need to know when to stop - 90
when to extract

? impression for onlay - 91

? impression that pour after 24 hr - 92

Addition Silicone

? impression that have gage reflex - 93

Mix with hot water

case about whit spots on denture pt wearing it day and night not removing it -95
Denture stomaities

Asthma (pulmonary disease ) High palatal vault + xerostomya (bcs B-agonist

candidiasis (pseduomembranous ) +
gingivitis +
? effect of asthma inhalor with steriods on oral cavity -96

? effect of asthma inhalor with steriod o thing -96


Angina Bullosa Hemorrhagica

is a rare acute and benign
.blood blistering oral disorder

. Etiology The exact etiology is unknown

However, mild trauma and
the chronic use of steroid inhalers seemto play an important role in the
development of the lesions
case about zipping -99

Mishape cases is a case with pic and from the shape of root you need to know the answer

A ledge
B perforation
C transportation
D zipping

? different btween enaml and dentine in primary and permanent teeth -100
And the about root narrowerin primary

? when will the root stop formation -101

When the tooth is used under force

When finish eruption

years after eruption 2-3

why we dont do a high force when deilling implant - not to kill to osteoblasts cells - 102

? length of file20 -103


? faliure of dental implant by-104

Implant mobility
? difficult tooth -105
Taperd short
Tapered long✅✅

Repearted fracrure of pfm-106

Faultyy metal fram work

Lower natural tooth opposite maxi denture-107

Respotion of maxi denture

marks on study cast middle and side 3-108

My answe was referred line
Num of clasp in class 2 classification-109


?wall defect treatment what’s the superior bone fill 3 / 1

freezed dried 1
cortical 2
cancellous 3
all are the same bone fill effect 4

:Child requires graft in his alveolus what is the best graft / 2

A. Autogenous cancellous from iliac crest
b. Autogenous corticocancellous
c. Freeze dried
d. Autogenous cancellous bone from anterior iliac crest is used in many centers

-: for furcation grade 2 what is the favorable graft/ 3

A- cortical
B- cancellous
C- corticocancellous
D- freez dried

:walls defect in perio what is the best graft to treat this defect 2 / 4
a. Cortical freeze dried bone allograft
.b. Cancellous freeze dried bone allograft
c. All are the same

Best type of bone graft for 2 wall osseous defect / 5

Intra oral cortical .1
Intra oral cancellous .2
Extra oral cancellous .3
Intra oral cotico-cancellou .4
‫هي معظم األسئلة عنون‬
٢٠٢١ ‫ أغسطس‬٣ ‫مناقشة‬

??irrigation to remove GP / Type of solvent -80


most flaxible part in denture - 82

clasp -

band pusher pic -83

Intial and last use by dr

ortho quad helix -84

? In otho used

Pedo ortho fixed appliance for maxillary expansion

Electric Pulp Tester readings differ from pt to pt -86

Threshold of pain different in different patients

over extend sealer case -87

Follow up

chemothatpy pt that needs post and core build up -89

extract -

Do post and core -

to Q pt take warfiern or apserine and want to extract so u need to know when to stop - 90
when to extract

? impression for onlay - 91

? impression that pour after 24 hr - 92

Addition Silicone

? impression that have gage reflex - 93

Mix with hot water

case about whit spots on denture pt wearing it day and night not removing it -95
Denture stomaities

Asthma (pulmonary disease ) High palatal vault + xerostomya (bcs B-agonist

candidiasis (pseduomembranous ) +
gingivitis +
? effect of asthma inhalor with steriods on oral cavity -96

? effect of asthma inhalor with steriod o thing -96


Angina Bullosa Hemorrhagica

is a rare acute and benign
.blood blistering oral disorder

. Etiology The exact etiology is unknown

However, mild trauma and
the chronic use of steroid inhalers seemto play an important role in the
development of the lesions
case about zipping -99

Mishape cases is a case with pic and from the shape of root you need to know the answer

A ledge
B perforation
C transportation
D zipping

? different btween enaml and dentine in primary and permanent teeth -100
And the about root narrowerin primary

? when will the root stop formation -101

When the tooth is used under force

When finish eruption

years after eruption 2-3

why we dont do a high force when deilling implant - not to kill to osteoblasts cells - 102

? length of file20 -103


? faliure of dental implant by-104

Implant mobility
? difficult tooth -105
Taperd short
Tapered long✅✅

Repearted fracrure of pfm-106

Faultyy metal fram work

Lower natural tooth opposite maxi denture-107

Respotion of maxi denture

marks on study cast middle and side 3-108

My answe was referred line
Num of clasp in class 2 classification -109

٢٠٢١ ‫ أغسطس‬٤ ‫مناقشة‬

! Enamel i white them become brown -110

Emal hypo plasia i think

? Enamel is brown then under light is yellow-111

Dentongenisis imprefacta not sure
! Enamel i white them become brown -110


? Maxi denture support by-113

Hard palate
? Low fusing porcelin used for-114
Low fusing porcelains have been used extensively for metal ceramic retainer (MCR)
restorations (crowns and bridges)

In placing maxi teeth incline to incior papilla i think the q like this-112
? How is coblat crome better then gold-115

Hardness and cost

? Best pontic-116

Ovate pontics are an excellent option for theesthetically minded patient and dentist. ... In
the esthetic zone, ovate pontics have many advantages over conventional or hygienic pontic
designs. They allow for maximum esthetics, are functional, and maintain tissue health

Pt with CD freeway space ant rest 1 mm only -117

Take to lap to fix it


Remake the lower denture

? hyper nasail voice tone -118

Palateal perforation

Hypernasal speech can be caused by anything resulting in velopharyngeal incompetence.

Clefting (splitting) of the roof of the mouth (CLEFT PALATE), a palate that is too short, or the
inability to move muscles involved with closure of the velopharyngeal complex (as in
cerebral palsy) can cause hypernasal speec
Classification of anug stage 3
Stage 1 : tip of IDP
Stage 2: entire papilla
Stage 3: gingival margin
Stage 4: attached gingiva
Stage 5: buccal or labial mucosa Stage 6: exposing alveolar bone Stage 7: perforating skin
Type 1 of gic.. Luting

Type l = luting cement

Type ll = restorative
Type lll = liner and base Type lV = fissure and sealent Type V = ortho
Type Vl = core build up

Pedo patient came with his teacher consent from how

From her if emergency

Disinfection. Sterlization
Picture of papililon lavefre

Abstract. Papillon–Lefèvre syndrome (PLS) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder,

characterized by diffuse palmoplantar keratoderma and precocious aggressive periodontitis,
leading to premature loss of deciduous and permanent dentition at a very young age
.Def of autonmy. Vercity
Patient has flat residual redge

‫هذا السوال انه شنو نوع الحركه الي ماراح يقدر يقاومها‬
Lateral force
If vshape wont rsist vertical force

type of occlusion

Ring clasp uses

Under cut and tilted

Covernus sinus thrompsis which space

Cardic patient you want give anphalcyic antibiotic and he is allergic to pencillen


Space 7 mm and want do implant how much the diameter **4

You did cavity prepartion and still0.5 to the pulp put what

Both possible

Why chlorhexidine has wide spectrum antimicrobial


Overhang restoration and after there is mobilty what kind of trauma


Patient came to your office and you start work and pleeding not stop and there is 2 option
hemophilia and leukemia and 2 options not related

depend upon the options given in question

Patient has implant and came after 3 monts complain from mobility in ((crown ))over
implant what is
the cause

loosening of abutment **

Cemnt avoid in vital tooth

polymethyl meth acrylet **

Best material for opturation

root canal
gutta bercha**

Patient with tp came to you and he told you and his lap test not arrive yet what to do

ask the pt to get the lab result

Many Q about vertical root fracture

Pseudo class3 ** class 1 skeletal

,what is best describes Pesudo class III malocclusion /2

.A. Appears in adult patient
B. Self resolved
C. Skeletal class I
D. Occlusion relationship class I

Mother came with her daughter and she want composite and dentist convince her to
amalgam what type of ethics

٢٠٢١ ‫ أغسطس‬٥ ‫مناقشة‬

Patient vomit on the floor

Intermediate level disinfection

pt vomit on the chair > follow instructions

pt vomit on the floor >intermediate
extracted tooth and pt. want to take it : nothing

vomit + blood : infectious

Vomiting on the floor: intermediate level disinfection
Towel used to clean vomiting: biohazards waste
Vomiting is considered contaminated
dental chair we use intermediate level disinfection in all situations .
TB pt under treatment: we can work for him after 2wks from starting ttt

Extraction sound tooth and you want it for preclinical what you do

Without amalgam (autoclave)

With amalgam 10% farmaline and put in container labelled sharp

Mercury of amalgam dangerous to autoclave

Pregnant with pyogenic granuloma and affect when etaing what you do

Nonmedical treatment of pyogenic granulomas (PGs) most commonly consists of shave

removal and electrocautery or surgical excision with primary closure. Removal of the lesion
is indicated for bleeding due to trauma, discomfort, cosmetic distress, and diagnostic biopsy.
The lesion may be completely removed during biopsy

Many Q about endo

Read more about it

diagnosis apical and pulpal

Read more about

Picture of one wall defect

Picture of band pusher

** seat by dentist
Patient came to you he take warfarin what is anti dot

sodim perporate
warfarain k

Patient came to you he take warfarin what is anti dot

Vit K

protamine sulfate

Concentration of flouride in the mouth wash and gels

Mouth wash 0.2%

Gel 5%

Patient came to to has many problem and the HBA1c is 8.5 what is the first thing you do

8.5 is diabetic

Angle inserted to the poket

Angle inserted to remove calculus

Minimum ferrlue around the tooth

A minimal height of 1.5 mm to 2 mm of intact tooth structure above the crown margin for
360 degrees around the circumference of the tooth preparation appears to be a rational
guideline for this ferrule effect
How to do imppresion for patient with gag reflex

Use hot /warm water to mix if powder liquid

In other words
Acceleration of setting time

Patient has headche and after the dentist deliver for him bidge fpd the headch subside what
is the cause

Sensitivity due to earlier prep

Drying vital teeth before cementation

Ratio of carbamide peroxide to hydrogen peroxide

Picture of palm and thump

permanat 1 molar and the other primary teeth is missing what is space maintaner
Child extracting lower E with erupting 6 what space maintainer
reverse band and loop
‫نخلع ال‬D ‫ ويكون ال‬E ‫ موجود‬band and loop

‫إذا خلعنا‬D ‫ وكان ال‬E = ‫ موجود‬band and loop

‫اذا خلعنا‬E ‫ وكان ال‬D = ‫ موجود‬reverse band and loop )‫ طالع‬6‫(هذا في حالة ال‬

‫ما طلع وخلعنا‬6‫اما لوكان ال‬E ‫ يبقى نسوي‬.distal shoo

‫كمل بقا لو خلعت‬e bilateral‫و االسنان الدايمه ال ادام طلعت‬

Lingual arch

‫ ولو خلعنا‬..uper ant ‫ بنستخدم‬nance apliance

Three to five Q about perio stages

Read more about it

Open margin proximal for porcelain fit on the cast but not in the patient

If full metallic impression shrinkage

If pfm metal shrinkage during make porcelain in oven
Patient were complete denture for 10 ywars and came to the doctor and decide to change it
What the dentist see.. more free way space.. Bad apperance or what and tow another
optons forget it

If the pt with good oral hygiene the answer is A

Q about pulmicort

** used in asthmatic patient

Pulmicort (budesonide) is an inhaled corticosteroid used for long-term control of asthma
symptoms. This medication is used daily to reduce airway inflammation that leads to
bronchospasms and hyperresponsiveness in people with asthma .

Disinfected of pvs by what

desifection of impression =
Alginate + compound + polyether = 0.5% NaOCl 10min
ZOE + polysulphide + PVS =2% Gultaraaldehyde

Shoulder finsh line

1** mm

Q about pemphigus vulgars nikloksy positive ✅

Def of emothional child

Function of masseter muscle

2.Elevation and protrusion of mandible
3.Prevent accumulation of food in cheeck

Q about curestes of specific area

semicircular in cross section
Universal currettes= two cutting edges
Gracey currettes= one cutting edges
1-2 and 3-4 — anterior
5-6 — premolars
7-8 and 9-10 — posterior, facial and lingual
11-12 — posterior, mesial
13-14 — posterior, distal

Sterilization of burs

**sodium nitrate 2 % in perforated✅

Q about zipping and ledge scenario ✅

Perforation and management of furcation area

MTA for perforation✅


Poly acrylic acid10%✅

Q t burnsher
Posterior palatal seal ✅
angle of cavosurface angle of cast metal


1. Nabers probe (pic)

2. Sickle scaler (definition)

3. Endo explorer: locate orifices

4. Universal curette: face of the blade 90 to the shank

5. How to differentiate between (GMT and Hatchet) in class II

6. Treatment of ulcerative lichen planus

7. Functional appliance: Bionater

8. Definition of Hue and Chroma

9. Best x ray for impacted canine: CBCT

10. Best x-ray for primary teeth with radicular inflammation

11. Best x-ray for pt with generalized probing <5 to see the crest of the bone

12. Most teeth with anomalies

13. Most complication with adult vital tooth bleaching: Sensitivity

14. GP sterilization: 5.25% NaOCl for one minute = Full saturated

15. Bilateral large maxillary tuberosity Surgical removal, because it large and affect the denture

16. Movement of condyle on non-working side Forward Downward Medial

17. Posterior palatal seal function Retention

18. Cause of gag reflex with complete denture: Increase VD

19. Slot and tunnel preparation

20. Types of band and loop apace maintainer

21. Qs of VRF

22. Qs of NUG

23. First sign of chemical burn

24. Impression can be pouring multiple time: Addition silicone (PVS)

25. Elastomer critical with: Moister

26. Elastomer impression with hot water can cause: Thermal

27. HBV skin diagnosis: Yellow skin and white sclera

28. Pic of finger rest position

29. Diuretics complications: Lichenoid reaction

30. Autoantibodies with: SLE

31. Mesioangular third molar impacted with level C, what’s the complication: IAN injury, second molar

32. Pseudo class III

33. Orogenital ulcer, eyes, skin, what’s the lesion Behcet’s syndrome

34. Most retentive cement

35. Least restoration used with pedo: Silver amalgam

36. Dental assistant had 3 vaccines HBV and got needle stick from pt have positive HBVsAg, what to do?
Measure Anti HBs for the nurse

37. Bacteria in root surfaces Actinomycetemcometans

38. Bacteria in water line Lengionella pnemophilla, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus spp.

39. Neuro autoimmune disease: Multiple Sclerosis

40. Instrument used with implant: Plastic

41. Crack tooth diagnosis Block the light in transillumination or Pain in biting and release

Splitting of a two-rooted tooth into two separate portions, called bicuspidization

42. Hemisection
or separation because it changes the molar into two separate roots

43. Hypertension and DM pt what retraction cord

44. Ammonia breath: End stage renal disease

45. Pontic design

46. Best temporary restoration after endo treatment Cotton & cavit ??

47. Instrument formula

48. Cause of ledge

49. Zinc phosphate cement in cold glass lab Because exothermic heat, resulting from the chemical reaction,
would cause the mix to set too rapidly.

50. Ferrule effect

51. Contraindication of ultrasonic

52. Which oral structure protected when use modulated radiation to treat head and neck cancer: Salivary gland

53. Histology of healthy adult gingiva Neutrophils PMNs

54. 8 mm vertical space between the GM: Lingual bar

55. Used to stabilized periodontally affected teeth: Lingual plate

56. % of GP

57. Irreversible pulpitia: Intrapulpal pressure

58. Dentinal pain: Hydrodynamic theory

59. Types of biopsy with parotid: Fine Needle

60. Differentiate between warthos tumor and pleomorphic adenoma

٢٠٢١ ‫ أغسطس‬٧ ‫مناقشة‬

•You want to take an impression for 24, 25, but the technichine is unavailable for 24 hours,
which material is better to use?

⁃ addition silicone impression

⁃ Irreversible hydrocolloid impression
⁃ polysulfide
⁃ Reversible hydrocolloid impression

•GIC used for luting cement is type:

⁃ Type 1

•Patient need multiple extractions of one quadrant, how is the sequence ?

-start posterior to anterior

-start with the most moblie teeth

Full extraction sequence


• Tapered post had better advantage over parallel post:

⁃ Conservative of tooth structure
⁃ Wedging force✅✅
• Patient came with clubbing nails, ‫وأعراض ثانية كانت ان بطنه منتفخ وفيه صعوبة بالتنفس ومشاكل بدقات‬
which examination to request:

-electrocardiogram ✅✅

-protein C test
‫الخيارين الثانية نسيتهم بس الجواب األقرب لي كان‬electrocardiogram ‫ما أدري لوغيره صحيح‬

• During post prep you found that remaining gutta-percha is 2mm, what will you do?
⁃ Proceed with treatment
⁃ Refer to Endodontists to refill with gutta-percha✅✅
‫ الخيارات الثانية نسيتها بس استبعدتها‬.. ‫اخترت الثاني‬

Minimum GP
4-5 mm
for apical seal and latral canals
• Immunocompromised patient ( I think HIV or AIDS) you did scaling and root planing and
prescribed amoxicillin prophylaxis, patient came later with reduced plaque index and good
oral hyigen but he still has gingivitis, what medication will you prescribe?
⁃ Amoxicillin
⁃ Prednisone
⁃ Acyclovir
⁃ Metronidazole ✅✅

• Mother called through phone saying that her her child sowlloed 50 mg of flouride, what
should you tell her?
⁃ Observe closely and immediately go to emergency room
⁃ Observe, reassure
⁃ Give him milk and bring him to emergency room
⁃ Give him ‫مشروب آخر نسيته‬and bring him to emergency room
!! ‫اخترت أول خيار الباقي حسيت ماله عالقه ومافي وقت نشربه شيء‬

What is the threshold of florid ingestion in which we need to interfere?

⁃ 4, mg /kg
⁃ 5, mg/kg✅✅
⁃ 7 mg/kg
٥ ‫الجواب‬

• Management of pericoronitis and operculum

Management of acute pericoronitis by irrigation, antibiotics

Then either operculectomy if tooth is well aligned or
Surgical extraction if recurrent pericoronitis
• Complications of reduced vertical dimention

as angular cheilitis,
facial disharmony,
temporomandibular disorders

• Cause of gag reflex in complete denture

Over extended PPS

• Needle prick injury, the patient has hepatitis B and you are vaccinated what will you do?

Let it bleed
Report and
Consult Immulogist

Saliva of patient fall on the chair without plastic barrier, how to disinfect it?
⁃ Follow manufacture instruction✅✅

Check retractor, which level of disinfection (low, intermediate,high) and how to disinfect it
(autoclave, spray it…etc)?

High level disinfection with autoclave

• major connector of RPD,… they give you case and ask you which connector to use

Read about different major connectors with their indications, uses, advantages and

• What are the 3 ethical principles:

The language of ethics related to healthcare, also commonly called bioethics, is applied
across all practice settings, and four basic principles are commonly accepted.
These principles include
(1) autonomy,
(2) beneficence,
(3) nonmaleficence, and
(4) justice
‫جاني سؤال إن وحدة كبيرة طاحت على أسنانها األمامية وأعطاني صورة فيها قطع كامل للشفة العلوية وسألني عن كم‬
‫جدار إبيثيليال بخيطه‬

‫‪So it's about‬‬

‫‪lip repair ( women has big tear on the lip resulting from falling‬‬
‫‪Lip repair‬‬
‫‪In how many layers‬‬

‫‪3 layers‬‬
‫‪Skin, muscle, mucosa‬‬

‫االورثو نفس تجميعات عمر وساليدات الصور‬

‫األورال باثولوجي جاب أبرز الصفات من كل مرض ما تعمق واجد… مثل أسماء التيست الي بتسويها واألعراض‬
‫اإلكلينيكية فقط …جاتني أعراض‬
‫‪pemphigus valgaris, pemiphgoid,‬‬
‫‪Lots of viral diseases‬‬

‫اإلندو سهل وخفيف وجاتني أسئلة تروما معروفة أفالشن وكونكشن ومتى نشيل السبلينت‬

‫?‪• What protect patient from fall‬‬

‫⃣️*⃣️*‪⁃ Nonmalefficine‬‬
‫‪⁃ Beneficence‬‬
‫‪⁃ Autonomy‬‬
‫‪⁃ Veracity‬‬
1● mesio-distal width of premolar and molar max

7& 10

2●definition of
( rempanant decay, incipient decay,
cavo surface angle ,
vita3d (VHC= value, hue, chroma)

Read about each term

4● Syndromes: - Peget disease(3 question)

- hairy leukuplakia(keyword
corrugated from mand surface)
- Pierre Robin syndrome
-scarlet fever ( depapillated tongue)
- white spots due to asthma drug () ‫مو متذكرة‬
Pegets Disease :
- The patient have High level of "potassium sulphate so abnormal bone remodeling
"apposition and resorption". - Increase in alkaline phosphatase.
- Hypercementosis > extraction will be difficult > post extraction hemorrhage.
- Ankylosis.
- Scattered radiolucency and radio-opacity of the jaw.
- Bowing of the leg.
- Over growth of skull bone.
- Prominent forehead.
- Sometimes: Lion-like facial deformity due to enlargement of maxilla.
* Radiograph: Cotton wool appearance due to "bone remodeling"

18- Papillon – Lefevre Syndrome :

- Palmar ( hand ) – plantar ( foot ) hyperkeratosis. - Periodontitis > Rapid generalized
periodontal destruction for both "primary and permanent teeth">> early missing of teeth.
Pierre Robin Syndrome :
- Cleft palate.
- Micrognathia and retrognathia of mandible.
- Glossoptosis ( airway obstruction caused by backward displacement of the tongue ).

Read about what's not answered here *️⃣*️⃣

Steroid enhaler
Used by asthmatic pt
White spots

5● negative gingival architecture ( reversed)

Inter proximal bone

1. Cronal
2. Flat
3. Apical
‫ مناقشة‬8 ‫أغسطس‬2021

6● minor role ( connect btw major and rest)


7● full mouth rehabilitation what to use :

1.Semi -adjustable
2.Adjustable ✅✅
3. Non adjustable
4.( don't rem)

8● tooth development at what week

9● bleaching ( read well the percentages) ( more than 3 questions. ✅✅

⁃ Non vital bleaching

‫ده مكرر ولكن ضيفو ع النوت المحفوظة بالجروب انه بيستخدم‬

Carbamide+ hidrogenberoxide
‫لل‬non vital

Four possible approaches are available :

1. Acid –pumice microabrasion
2. Bleaching
3. Veneers
4. Crowns

🟣Acid –pumice abrasion technique

Used only for mild staining & surface enamel opacities.

18% HCL acid + pumice.

Phosphoric acid technique slower but safer

30-50% for 1-2 min..

🟣Vital (office and home tech)

Office use h2o2. 25-40%

Home use carbamide 10-15%.

🟣Non vital (walking and inside outside tech. )

Walking 35%carbamide or sodium perborate(which is best)

Pt come after week.

Inside-outside 10%carbamide peroxide

10● Miller classification

Miller’s classification (mobility): ( fermitus)

■ Grade I—slight , horizontal mobility up to 1 mm.
■ Grade II—moderate , horizontal mobility ≥1 mm <2mm
■ Grade III—sever , horizontal mobility >2 mm and/o

11● Kennedy classifications ✅✅

Class I – posterior, bilateral free-end saddles.
Class II – posterior, unilateral free-end saddle.
Class III – posterior, unilateral bounded saddle.
Class IV – anterior bounded saddle.
12 ● what is the name of the curette classification:
garcey and columbi
Gracey &Universal ✅✅
Universal & columbi

13● 10 years old boy what is the concentration of fluoride in tooth paste

Toothpastes containing 1,350 to 1,500ppm fluoride are the most effective. Your dentist may
advise you to use higher-strength toothpaste if you or your child is at particular risk of tooth
decay. Children under 3 years old should brush twice daily, with a smear of toothpaste
containing at least 1,000ppm fluoride. ✅✅

14 ● best concentration of fluoride:

5% Naf ✅✅
5% stannous fluoride
0.02% Naf

15 ● best restoration for pedo patient

b. Composite
c. Composer
d. Amalgam
16 ● le forte 2 pic

17● gag reflex and loosing of denture ask for the cause a.Normal extension of
denture B.pressure on incive papilla C.maxilla resorption

18 ● drugs ‫ أسئلة‬١٠ ‫مو متذكرة األسئلة بس جا شي‬

Read about

‫نهاية ملف من ملفات عمر في فقرة ادوية مكررة‬

‫كيف تحفظ أسماء األدوية‬

Omeprazole = ‫ام عبدالرسول‬

Cetirizine = ‫الستر زين‬

Dopamine = ‫دبة مين‬

Atipamezole = ‫الطيب مايزول‬

Haydralazine = ‫حيدر الحزين‬

Acetaminophen = ‫الست امينه فين‬

Colchicine = ‫كل شيء زين‬

Gabapentin = ‫جاب بنتين‬

Adalat = ‫عضالت‬

Galantamine= ،‫قاله انت مين‬

‫احكولهم للصيادلة انه طلعت سهله الصيدله‬

||||||||||[ ]|||||

19● pedo only 2 questions ✅

Most common caries location? Proximal,
pit and fissure,✅✅
cusp tip
Most common caries location? Proximal,
pit and fissure,✅✅
cusp tip

What instrument you use to carve posterior vibration line on cast (t burnisher or pencil not
in options)?
2 Scalpels
2 carvers
Kingsley scrapper ✅✅

Ideal taper for prep? 3,6✅✅,12,16

RMGI cause crack in all ceramic prosthesis.

Due to expansion
Pure resin are used ✅✅

Ectodermal dysplasia : missing teeth.

2 questions about new perio classification (grade and stage).

23- perio case classification cal 3-4 bone lose over 30% and pt age
Generalized stage 2 class B # for my case

when they ask you about stage you should know 2 things ( cal”attachment loss” |
RBL”radiographic bone loss)

•stage 1 : mild cal 1-2 , RBL <15%

•stage 2: moderate cal 3-4, RBL coronal third loss

•stage 3: sever cal >=5 , RBL till middle third loss

•stage 4: very sever cal>5 , RBL till apical third loss

when ask you about grade , they mean percentage % of bone loss /pt age , in the Q he
will mention age of pt , if the result :

•Grade A : result <0.5 slow bone loss

•Grade B : result 0.5-1 moderate

•Grade C : result >1 rapid

‫في أشياء بتأثر في سرعة فقدان العضم‬ bone loss

‫زي‬smocking and diabetes

last thing how we evaluate the periodontitis :

•stable pocket depth <4 healthy, Bleeding on probing <10%

•in progress pocket depth <4 healthy, Bleeding on probing >10%

•unstable pocket depth >4 unhealthy , Bleeding on probing >10%

:‫نجي لكيف بيطرح السؤال راح اجيبلكم سؤال جاني باالختبار‬

12y pt have attachment loss 3-4 and 30% bone loss ?
stage ll grade c
‫ليش قلنا‬grade c
‫بنقسم ال‬bone loss ‫ يعني‬١ ‫ يعني اكثر من‬2.5 ‫على عمر المريض ونشوف طلع‬rapid bone loss stage c

3 questions about abfraction and abrasion.


Abfraction is a wedge-shaped flaw on the tooth at the point it meets the gumline.

It’s caused by friction and pressure on the tooth and gums, which causes the neck of the
tooth to start breaking off.


Abrasion is likely to be found on the teeth closest to your cheeks, also known as the buccal
side. Unlike the V-shaped appearance of abfraction, the damage caused by abrasion is flat.

Abrasion is caused by friction from foreign objects, such as pencils, fingernails, or mouth
piercings. Using a hard toothbrush, abrasive tooth products, and improper brushing
technique can also lead to abrasion.


Erosion is the general wearing away of tooth enamel. Teeth may have a more rounded
appearance, with hint of transparency or discoloration. As erosion progresses, you can start
to see dents and chips in the teeth.

Unlike abfraction and abrasion, erosion is more of a chemical process, happening on the
surface and subsurface of the teeth. It’s caused by high acid levels in the saliva. This may be
due to acidic foods or drinks, dry mouth, or health conditions that cause frequent vomiting.


Dental attrition is a type of tooth wear caused by tooth-to-tooth contact, resulting in loss of
tooth tissue, usually starting at the incisal or occlusal surfaces. Tooth wear is a physiological
process and is commonly seen as a normal part of aging.

Maximum dose of 2%lidocaine with epinephrine 1:100000 on 50kg patient? 6 carpules, 8


A patient weighing 57 kg. We want to give him lidocaine 2% with epinephrine

1:100000. Required:
1- What is the maximum dose in mg?
2- What is the number of cartilages?
3- What is the total volume allowed to be given in ml?
4- What is the total amount of epinephrine?
The solution :
2% mean
Each 100 ml of anesthetic solution contains (2 g = 2000 mg) lidocaine
The meaning of the cartilage which has a volume of 1.8 ml, contains x for example
X= 1.8 x 2000 ÷ 100 = 36 mg
Likewise 3% 54 mg
4% 72 mg
Maximum dose = weight of the patient x 7

57 x 7 = 399 mg
2- The number of cartridges We divide the maximum dose by the amount of the drug in the
N = 399 ÷ 36 = 11.08
I mean 11 carbola
3- Total volume = number of cartilages x volume of one carbola
= 1.8 x 11.08 = 19.95 ml
4 - 1: 100,000 means
Each 100,000 ml contains (1 g = 1000 mg epinephrine)
its meaning
The 19.95 ml contains Y for example
Y = 19.95 x 1000 ÷ 100000
= 0.1995 < 0.2 mg is acceptable
As long as it is less than 0.2 mg (the maximum amount for a healthy person)
(and it is 0.04 mg in patients with heart)
And happy times for everyone in the Math with your brother, the doctor
Shadi Al-Houl

Retraction cord used for hypertension and diabetic pt? Aluminum chloride ✅✅
, zinc chloride,

Patient with cardiac condition unable to take oral prophylaxis ?2g ampicillin IM.

Ideal Biological width after crown lengthening? 3mm all around✅✅, 2mm interproximal ,
1mm interproximal
Gingival enlargement grades.

Veracity definition.
Veracity is defined as being honest and telling the truth and is related to the principle of
autonomy. It is the basis of the trust relationship established between a patient and a health
care provider ✅✅

Gypsum type

Patient’s hand is bleeding and he touched a surface that is contaminated with HBV , what
type of infection ?

Patient’s hand is bleeding and he touched a surface that is contaminated with HBV , what
type of infection ? Indirect-direct,
One more question what happened to the interpapilla if you tilted two teeth at the same
time (ortho)

‫سؤال مشابه‬
Orthodontist wants to move 2 teeth apart what will happen to gingiva
-the adjacent marginal gingiva will have pockets
-the interdental papillae will form
-the interdental papillae will bond to the bone and disappear and become fibrotic ✅
-the interdental papillae will become fibrotic

‫اجا سؤال ال‬probe 3 ‫اللي مدرج كل‬mm ‫ايش هو؟؟‬


‫وسؤال كمان عن ال‬pin amalgam ‫مكسور ايش السبب ذاكرلك كل مواصفات ال‬pin ‫المثالي (انه يبعد كذا عن السطح‬
‫الخارجي وانه ضمن ال‬dentine 0.5) ‫وواحد من الخيارات كان انه محطوط بال‬enamel ✅✅

What is the periodontal instrument that used through pushing action

‫ايش األداة الي مقطعها مثلث‬

‫اذا اندو‬k file

‫اذا بريو‬sickle scaler


‫وايش الزاوية الصحيحة لل‬terminal shank with the tooth

Parallel to the surface that you scalling

Parallel to th long axis of the tooth✅✅

‫اجا سؤال كمان مين المريض اللي الزم نكون حذرين معو جدا لو بدنا نسحب شفتو لبرا‬
Recurrent herpatic labials✅✅
‫او حاجة زي كذا‬

Patient with amalgam restoration that you made without ruber dam after 2 weeks came
with cusp fraction what is the cause

‫من بين األسباب كان في‬unsupported enamel under the cusp

‫هو في اكثر من سبب‬

‫وحسب الخيارات الموجوده‬
‫بس ممكن انه‬
caries extended
‫وماتم ازالته‬
‫فنقبل الجواب‬

Patient with amalgam restoration that you made without ruber dam after 2 weeks came
with cusp fraction what is the cause

‫من بين األسباب كان في‬unsupported enamel under the cusp✅✅

9 ‫أغسطس‬

‫اجا سؤال بالنسبة لعمل املغم‬

Marginal ridge should be?
Divergent apically

Converge occlusally

also a question came about the safe local drug in children

Lido 2✅✅
Lido 4

Mucos membrane pemphegoid most common site intraorally ?

-Buccal mucosa ✅✅
-Soft palate

3 year old patient with 2 non painful cyst in the palatal midraphe

-Epstien pearl ✅✅
-Bohns nodules

Epstein pearls occur along the median palatal raphe.

Bohn’s nodules are scattered over the hard palate, mostly near the soft palatal junction.
Distance between the patient and the film during cephalometric radiograph in cm
-15 ✅

Pain behind the orbit and radiates to temporal area and forehead, lasts 10 (min or sec
not sure), What is the most appropriate-diagnosis

-Cluster headache ✅✅

Patient with plaque index 40% and BOP 20%

-Patient knows how to brush and brush

-patient knows how to brush but doesn’t brush✅✅

-Patient doesn’t know how to brush but tries to.

-patient doesn’t know how to brush and doesn’t try to.

Width of gingival sulcus


Scenario with the following findings

Anti-Ro = positive
Sialography= branchless fruit-laden tree
What is the most probable diagnosis?

-Sjogren syndrome ✅✅

-Oral lymphoma

What is the most common malocclusion noted in down syndrome patients

-Spaced teeth ✅✅

-Deep bite

-Crowded teeth
What is the type of occlusion used for Upper and lower complete dentures fabrication?

-Unilateral balanced

-Bilateral balanced
- lingualized

What is the cause of an apparent unilateral cross bite ?

- unilateral constriction of maxilla

- bilateral constriction of maxilla ✅✅

-unilateral expansion of mandible

-bilateral expasion of mandible

Scenario with the following findings

Anti-Ro = positive
Sialography= branchless fruit-laden tree
What is the most probable diagnosis?

-Sjogren syndrome ✅✅

-Oral lymphoma
The repeated question about the doctors who took certificates on a course they did not

-Lack of health professionals standards adherence

-lack of honor respect ✅✅

-lack of health professional development

- lack of role model

Scenario with the following findings

Anti-Ro = positive
Sialography= branchless fruit-laden tree
What is the most probable diagnosis?

-Sjogren syndrome ✅✅

-Oral lymphoma
General dentist extract a complicated third molar but injure the lingual nerve
What is this called ?

What is host modulatory therapy ?

Regulation between pro-inflammatory and anti inflammatory mediatory

Host modulatory therapy is an emerging treatment concept in the management of

periodontitis that aims to reduce tissue destruction and stabilise or even regenerate the
periodontium by modifying the host response. Historically treatment of periodontitis has
been focused on reducing the bacterial challenge.

Patient with history of HIV, came for simple procedure, management?

A- wear double gloves and face shield ??

B- request CD4, viral load, l lymphocytes count ??

C- refer pt to infectious disease dental specialist

Patient with recurring erythema multiform wants a permanent treatment

What is the best prophylactic treatment ?


If not recurrent then


Pruritic lesion in the face and trunk and 2 ulcers intraorally with high grade fever
What is the causative virus ?
-Varicella ✅✅

- Herpes
9 years old with impacted permanent canine and retained primary canine what is the
treatment of choice?
- extract primary canine and surgical traction of the permanent
-Extract primary canines and follow up ✅

patient with multiple badly decayed teeth what to is done after ortho treatment ?
-root canal treatment
- restorations and caries excavation
- permanent crowns placement

Which of the following will increase the flexibility of the clasp

increasing the length ✅
How many copper in high copper amalgam ?

distance between *center of implant* to adjacent tooth


natural tooth and implant 1.5

implant and implant 3

According to diameter of implant


If the implant diameter 4 then the distance between the center of implant and adjacent
tooth will be 3.5
pt with stage ll periodontitis and grade B
What is the ttt
-chx mw
-interdental brush
‫ما فاكره الباقي‬


incisal guide lable

-in pt with crowns on both canine

-pt with crown on central

cervical perforation with file 15 and seald immediately what is prgnosis


Prognosis of endodontic mishaps:

*o Broken files:*
• Apical: Good prognosis.
• Middle: Poor prognosis.

*o Perforation:*
• Apical: Poor prognosis.
• Cervical: Good prognosis.

*o Root fracture:*
• Apical: Good prognosis.
• Cervical: Poor prognosis.

Once we tried apicectomy in upper premolar with amalgam retrograde restoration

The OPG following the procedure showed
Starry sky

warm gattabercha and injectable

-obtura lll ✅✅


32 y old mother came to you with sever pain and she was worried and anexious bacause
her children wait at home
What is the mother resposibility ?

A-tell the dr about her pain complain only

B-tell dentist about all data he need to ttt

C-call children many time during ttt*️⃣*️⃣

pedo pt 6 y old came to clinic with unilateral crossbite during exmination you notice mid
line shift and bilateral cross bite

-slow expansion appliance ✅✅

-rapid expansion appliance

Because we have time

Its 9 years old

doctor want to do partial veneer metal crown on molar what is reduction require for
depth orination grooves

-1.5 functional cusp—1mm non functional ✅✅

-0.8 functional— 1.3 non

-0.8 functional—1.5 non

pedo pt 6 y old came to clinic with unilateral crossbite during exmination you notice mid
line shift and bilateral cross bite

-slow expansion appliance ✅✅

-rapid expansion appliance

Because we have time

Its 9 years old
‫ مناقشة‬10
‫ أغسطس‬2021

v and f due to
-labial ‫حاجه‬
-labio dental ✅✅
Labio alveolar
‫وباقي اختيار ما فاكره بس ليه عالقه ب‬palatal ‫بدل‬labia. Pronouncing F as V ? Ant teeth are too

v and f due to
-labial ‫حاجه‬
-labio dental ✅✅
Labio alveolar
‫وباقي اختيار ما فاكره بس ليه عالقه ب‬palatal ‫بدل‬labial

V_f too short

F_V too long

‫جاب تحليل‬
MCV 75

-pernicious anemia

-folate defecioncy anemia✅✅

Hemoglobin of less than 13 grams per deciliter (g/dl) for men and less than 12 g/dl for
women is diagnostic of anemia. In iron-deficiency anemia, red blood cells will be small in size
with an MCV of less than 80 femtoliters
‫جاب تحليل‬
Hcv 75

A- pernicious anemia
B- folate defecioncy anemia
C. ..............

Hemoglobin of less than 13 grams per deciliter (g/dl) for men and less than 12 g/dl for
women is diagnostic of anemia. In iron-deficiency anemia, red blood cells will be small in size
with an MCV of less than 80 femtoliters

the anatomical structure that is that make gingivectomy distal to lower 2nd premolar very
difficult and may impossible
-lingual nerve
-mylohyoid ridge
-bulky ext oblique ridge


‫جاب تحليل‬
Hcv 75

-pernicious anemia
-folate defecioncy anemia
_ thalasseimia✅✅✅✅✅

Pt came with sever gingival inflammation due to incompetent lip and mouth breathing
Which site more affected by inflammation

-ant max ✅✅
-ant mand
-post max
you can remove gattapercha with

-H file✅✅
-k file

pt came to restore upper molar with class v you found deep calculus line buccal and
palatal and gingival inflammation and probing depth 4 mm

-scaling and prepare cavity and fill with RMGic✅✅

-root planning and control bleeding and prepare cavity and fill with Gic

-scaling and prepare cavity and fill amalgam

-scaling and prepare cavity and fill with composite

pt with asthma during routine dental ttt feel wheezing and he bring his drug with him
which is steriod inhalor and .........,,,,,,, what is the best to do
-give him oxygen
-give him his steriod inhaler ✅✅
-give him short acting bronchodilator

the *first* drug of choise in ttt endo pain


-acetaminophen ✅✅


what is the sign of healthy due to periodontal regeneration after destruction

-formation of epithelial cells

-formation of PDL cells
-formation of bone cells

diabetic pt came for do restoration
The glucose level was 68 mg/dl at the day of dental visit what should you do
-short dental appointment
-do restoration but measure gloucose again in half time of the visit
-delay the treatment to another day


pt will replace all posterior teeth and also premolar and not concern ethetic
Which calsp will be on canine

-cicumferncial ✅✅


what is the sign of healthy due to periodontal regeneration after destruction

-formation of epithelial cells

-formation of PDL cells✅✅

-formation of bone cells

pt with cobalt chromium denture has minimal tissue undercut and slight undercut in
tooth buccally during examination terminal end of RBI clasp is broken
-trim it only and smooth
-back to lap to recast clasp
-remake and replace it with wrought wire clasp


component of denture that transfer force to supporting structures


-direct retainer ✅✅

-indirect retainer
clasp that have bad effect on distal abutment

-Acker ✅✅

dry heat sterilization
-450 F / 30 min
-340 F / 120 min

New Periodontal Classification: Stages and Grades:

1. Stages: it depends on CAL and RBL.
o Stage 1: Mild CAL 1-2 mm, RBL<15%.
o Stage 2: Moderate CAL 3-4 mm, RBL coronal third loss. o Stage 3: Severe CAL > 5mm, RBL
middle third loss.
o Stage 4: Very severe CAL > 5mm, RBL apical third loss.
2. Grades: Percentage of bone loss/pt age
o Grade A: < 0.5, slow bone loss.
o Grade B: >0.5<1mm, moderate bone loss. o Grade C: >1mm, severe bone loss
-Most glass percentage in which porcelain


-what has orange peel appearance

Attached Healthy Gingiva

(*Healthy) gums have an orange-peel like texture to it due to the stippling.

what is the sign of healthy due to periodontal regeneration after destruction

-formation of epithelial cells✅✅✅✅

-formation of PDL cells
-formation of bone cells
what is the sign of healthy due to periodontal regeneration after destruction

-formation of epithelial cells✅✅✅

-formation of PDL cells
-formation of bone cells

1- What is the biopsy result of swelling bilateral parotid gland?

1) Acini atrophy
2) Acinar hypertrophy
3) Lymphatic infiltrate
4) I don’t remember
2- What is the first sign of chemical burn orally?
1) Tissue necrosis
2) Desqumative epithelium
3) I don’t remember
4) I don’t remember
3- Cause of pain in irreversible pulpitis
1) increase pulp tissue pressure
2) decrease tissue permeability
3) I don’t remember
4) I don’t remember
4- Patient with gingival enlargement and severe bleeding upon touching with ecchymosis on
hands with joint pain
1) Acute leukemia
2) I don’t remember
3) I don’t remember
4) I don’t remember
5- Patient with pain clicking and dull pain what is diagnosis
1) Wilkes 1
2) Wilkes 2
3) Wilkes 3
4) Wilkes 4
6- Patient with inflammatory bowel disease with oral manifestation
of mild pain ulceration on mouth ‫جت الصوره نفس هذه تحصلونها بكتاب‬
Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology 397 ‫صفحه‬
1) Topical antifungal
2) Systemic steroids
3) intralesional steroid injection
4) I don’t remember
7- What is the commonly used to reverse the action of heparin ?
1) Vitamin k
2) I don’t remember
3) I don’t remember
4) Protamine sulfate
8- Time before extraction to stop heparin ?
1) 3
2) 6
3) 12
4) 24
9- What is the prognosis of root fracture ?
1) If the fracture more coronally better prognosis
2) If the fracture more apically better prognosis
3) They have both better prognosis
4) No different both poor prognosis
10- Drug can cause gingival enlargement?
1) ACE
2) Calcium channel blocker
3) Beta blockers
4) Don’t remember
11- Patient with pain when he drinks cold On lower right can’t identify where the tooth side with
multiple restoration on the right left quadrenet
1) Cold test
2) Heat test
3) Cavity test
4) EPT
12- What is the color of h files size 45
1) Black
2) White
3) Yellow
4) Red
13- Bur used to access throught porcelain fused to metal ‫جاء مرتين‬
1) Tungesten carbide bur
2) Diamond on porcelain and tungestin carbide on metal
3) tungestin carbide on porcelain and diamond on metal
4) diamond bur
14- what is the functional of lyzozeme
1) Buffering
2) Coating
3) Antimicrobial
4) Don’t remember
15- What is the mechanism of action of CHX Chlorhexidene ?
1) Damage the dna
2) Cell wall memberane
3) Don’t remember
4) Don’t remember
16- What is the reason of bacterial resistance antiobiotic
1) Adaption
2) Gene transfer
3) Don’t remember
4) Don’t remember
17- What is the instrument
1) Who prope
2) Unc probe
3) michigan o probe with williams markings
4) Don’t remember

18- A healthy 6 years old boy present with redenes and swelling behind the
second deciduous molar
1) Abscess
2) Viral vever
3) Eruption cyst
4) Developmental cyst
19- What is the following is the most common side infection around primary molars the
radiographic examination ?
1) Buccal bone
2) Lingual bone
3) Periapical bone
4) Periradicular bone
20- Ceramic chiped off reason
1) Adhesive
2) Cohesive
3) Don’t remember
4) Don’t remember
21- When an adult knowingly permits a child to endure pain of suffering or fail to provide the
basic needs what is the
types of abuse ?
1) Neglect
2) Sexual
3) Physical
4) Emotional
supra crstal bone perforation what type of materia
‫ماني متاكد‬

Best MTA

Na Ocl accident



fiber not found in chiled
apical fiber
julfanic shoot


best restoration with high caris pt

Root caries and deep caries RMGIC ✅

5 Q amalgam
read about it importent


andrews occlusal
crown angulation mesialy

NOTE : Andrews Law :
- all teeth crown are mesially angulation

veener type
caries with cusp tip



1-burs of anterior access cavity preparation


2-how many surfers when probeing


3-mechanism of penicillin = cell membrane inhibitors

➡️ ➡️Prevent protein synthesis by interacting with
**Penicillin* prevent cell wall formation
*metronidazole* prevent protein synthesis



4-talon cusp

5-percentage of osseous crater
35% in all

In mandibl 62%


6-Multi rooted teeth rotate around= At furcation ✅✅


8-most missing teeth
Maxillary and mandibular 3rd molars.
2. Mandibular 2nd premolar.
3. Maxillary lateral incisor.
4. Maxillary 2nd premolar.


7-vibrating line detection in cast by

Vibrating line on *cast* by

Indelible pencil

Vibrating line on pt mouth ( T burnisher)

ANTERIOR Vibrating line by Indelible pencil

POSTERIOR Vibrating line by pt say AH

NOTE : On cast ‫ في برضو‬kingsley scraper

9-Drug-induce gingival enlargmentNifedipine ➡️ca channel blocker ➡️used to ttt pt with

Cyclosporin ➡️used to ttt pt have renal transplant

Phynetoin ➡️used to ttt pt with epilepsy

10-treatment of uni lateral cross bite
Bilateral rapid maxillary expansion

Unilateral ➡️quad helix

Anterior crossbite➡️removable appliance with z spring and Adam's clasp


➡️decrease gingivitis
11-Smoking effect on gingivits
Effect of smoking on gingivitis

Effect of smoking on periodontitis ➡️increases periodontitis


12-dose of ibuprofen by ML for pedo 30KG
7.5-15 ml

For minimum dose = weight × .25
For maximum dose = weight × .5


13-Sir lace research

If rapid 8%
If moderate 81%
If no progrssion 11%


15 -we starting treatment by endo or perio first


➡️ ✅
16-most irritant cement to pulp
Zo phosphate exothermic reaction


14-treatment of emergency irreversible pulpits


17-H file = round✅✅

Or teardrop

18-picture of silver point obturation
More thin
More radio opaque


19-picture of enamel hypoplasia


20-Gates Glidden sizes 1and


🍃Gattes glidden sizes 👉🏻

#1 is 0.5 mm, 50
#2 is 0.7 mm, 70
#3 is 0.9 mm, 90
#4 is 1.10 mm, 110
#5 is 1.3 mm and 130
#6 is 1.5 mm. 150

21-Zipping perforation
Lastly zipping is wide apical foramen result no apical stop the master file
22-Only toothd show 8 Endo configuration
2nd upper premolar



apertognathia (anterior open bite) more common with?

A.Cleft palate
B.Maxillary hypoplasia
C.mandibular prognathism
- Acromegaly is an uncommon condition characterized by the excess production of growth
hormone after closure of the epiphyseal plates in the affected patient.
- From a dental perspective, these patients have mandibu- lar prognathism as a result of the in
‫سؤال شبيه‬

🛑🛑 Type of pontic design used in a fpd restoring 25

Modified ridge lap
Ridge lap

B after accident with bony defect

A normal position
‫‪/‬اجا اللي بيصور المريض بدون اذنه وبينشر‬

‫✅ ‪privacy‬‬


‫‪ /٢‬اللي بيتصور مع المشهور وبينزل صورته‬

‫‪Break confidentiality‬‬



‫‪ /٣‬مريضة عمرها ‪ ١٦‬اجت وبدا تركب الماسه‬

‫‪Take consent from parents‬‬



‫‪ /٤‬مريض عمره ‪ ٢٠‬ومعه ابو وأخوه من‬

‫وين ناخذ الرأي‬
‫‪If he is mentally fit from him‬‬

‫‪If there is any problem from his father‬‬



‫‪ /٥‬مريض بيتعرض للعنف انو ما بيعالجولوا اهلو أسنانه‬



‫‪ /٦‬ومعلومات المريض الزم تكون محدودة الوصول اليها‬

‫✅ ‪Privacy‬‬


‫‪ /٧‬ازا الدكتور حول مريض لدكتور تاني شو اسمو‬

‫✅ ‪Professionalism‬‬


‫‪ /١‬المريض اللي بدوا ياخد السن اللي خلعه كيف الزم نعقم السن‬

‫✅‪No treatment‬‬


‫‪ /٢‬االمالغام وين بنرميه او شو تصنيف االنفيكشن تبعه‬

‫✅‪Hazard container‬‬


‫انو شو االهم اللي الزم يلبسوا الدكتور بالعيادة‬

‫كان في الماسك وال جلوفز والجاون‬

‫✅‪Mask - Gown – gloves‬‬



‫اي اي جابو كيف الزم يقعد الدكتور ازا بدو يعالج األبير باالتال موالر = الساعة ‪٩‬‬



‫شو الزم نعمل قبل العالج ‪mg‬اي جابو عن مريض بياخد اسبرين ‪٨٥‬‬

‫جرعات االسبرين ‪٨١‬‬

‫مافي ‪٨٥‬‬
‫كان اتفقنا اقل ‪ ٣٢٥‬مايوقف‬


‫جابو عن المدخن شو اللي بيعمله او العالج شو بيصير مع المدخن بالعالج‬

‫كانت الخيارات‬
‫‪ -‬بيقلل من الهيلنج‬

‫‪ -‬بيقلل من الريفاسكوالريسيشن‬

‫انا اختر هاي النو اتزكرت دكتور هشام لما قال انو ما بينزف كتير‬


‫جابو عن االدوية اللي بتسبب جينجيفال انالرجمينت مريض الضغط ومريض الكبد سؤالين كانو‬






‫جابو سؤال أروى انو فيه دكتور عم يحكي قصة للطفل قبل العالج شو اسم هالطريقة‬


‫والفيروللي جابو حالة انو واحد بدو يركب كراون كام الزم يكون الويدث تبعه‬

‫الويدث ‪ ٢‬الطول ‪١.٥‬‬


‫وفي ابيكال ليجن ما كان من الخيارات انو يعيد المعالجه بس اللي بتزكره انو اخترت يعمل بوست اند كور ‪ RCT‬في حالة جابو اشعة‬
‫‪wall defect‬النو ما كان فيه‬



‫في سؤال انو شو الكومبليكيشن اللي ممكن يصير ازا عملنا الريست قبل االوكلوجال بلين ؟‬

‫انا جاوبت انو ما بيقد الريست بمكانه المناسب‬

‫في خيارات تاني كانت انو‬
‫بيصير فيه توازن‬
‫او بينكسر الريم كالسب‬
‫?‪What happen when do rest seat before guiding plane‬‬

‫‪A. insufficient size rest.‬‬

‫‪B. insufficient size plane.‬‬

‫‪C. Fracture.‬‬

‫سؤال مشابهه‬
Spo about the sensitivity of ceramics is the image of the amp. Interior Seramak and the Lauer has
redness in the ngva and the teeth are yellow

Change the material

Mostly the allergy is due to metal component

If allergy is due to ceramic

We can give a try via zirconia

‫‪Sickle scaler :‬‬

‫يستخدم اليش ‪1‬‬

‫صوره ‪2‬‬

‫‪3 cutting edge‬‬



‫ايوا عندي سؤال نقدر نلبس البيشنت نايت قارد مع سيراميك كراون؟‬

‫األرقام كانت قريبه‬

‫في ‪ ٩٥‬وأكثر‬
‫في من ‪ ٨٠‬إلى ‪ ٨٩‬شي كذا‬
‫شكوته انو كل مره يجي السيراميك في كسر وعنده بروكزم‬

‫اخترت انو يلبس نايت قارد‬

‫النو باقي الخيارات كانت انو نزود الثكنس للسيراميك راح ينكسر زياده وال‬

‫‪. ….‬‬
‫ايش الكومبلكيشن ل‬tunnal prp?

.‫كنت محتاره بين‬Hypertensive and ressusion


Tunnel preparation can lead to both but most common complication is hypersensitivity next recession.

Because for Class 2 or Class 3 furcation usually happens due to periodontal pocket n then recession.

Anyways even recession will lead to hypersensitivity…

‫ومتى نشتغل للطفل ويأخذ كيموثاربي بعد كم يوم‬

Ideal time for extraction in pt taking radiotherapy

Before 2week

And ideal time 21days

In chemotherapy

Before 5days in maxilla

And 7days in mandible


The main disadvantage of using tunnel prep?

A-gingival recession ✅

B-root caries


‫في سؤال حركة‬ condyle in non working side


*also a question came about the safe local drug in* children



‫في سؤال حركة‬ condyle in non working side

-Water line bacteria

Legionella pneumophila, Mycobacterium spp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus spp


Know different between slot and tunnel preparation.

Bacteria in root surface?



‫وجاء سيناريو كيس انو الالتيرال صغير والروت شورت ؟‬ peg lateral or microdonta


What type of headgear with hyperdivergint mandbile plan?

Occipital headgear ✅


‫في سؤال حركة‬ condyle in non working side


‫جابو عن الروت‬ ‫فيرتكال روت فراكشر ‪ 3‬أسئلة ‪VRF‬‬

‫‪/‬اجا اللي بيصور المريض بدون اذنه وبينشر‬

‫✅ ‪privacy‬‬


‫‪ /٢‬اللي بيتصور مع المشهور وبينزل صورته‬

‫‪Break confidentiality‬‬



‫‪ /٣‬مريضة عمرها ‪ ١٦‬اجت وبدا تركب الماسه‬

‫‪Take consent from parents‬‬



‫‪ /٤‬مريض عمره ‪ ٢٠‬ومعه ابو وأخوه من‬

‫وين ناخذ الرأي‬
‫‪If he is mentally fit from him‬‬

‫‪If there is any problem from his father‬‬



‫‪ /٥‬مريض بيتعرض للعنف انو ما بيعالجولوا اهلو أسنانه‬



‫‪ /٦‬ومعلومات المريض الزم تكون محدودة الوصول اليها‬

‫✅ ‪Privacy‬‬


‫‪ /٧‬ازا الدكتور حول مريض لدكتور تاني شو اسمو‬

‫✅ ‪Professionalism‬‬


‫‪ /١‬المريض اللي بدوا ياخد السن اللي خلعه كيف الزم نعقم السن‬

‫✅‪No treatment‬‬


‫‪ /٢‬االمالغام وين بنرميه او شو تصنيف االنفيكشن تبعه‬

‫✅‪Hazard container‬‬


‫انو شو االهم اللي الزم يلبسوا الدكتور بالعيادة‬

‫كان في الماسك وال جلوفز والجاون‬

‫✅‪Mask - Gown – gloves‬‬



‫اي اي جابو كيف الزم يقعد الدكتور ازا بدو يعالج األبير باالتال موالر = الساعة ‪٩‬‬



‫شو الزم نعمل قبل العالج ‪mg‬اي جابو عن مريض بياخد اسبرين ‪٨٥‬‬

‫جرعات االسبرين ‪٨١‬‬

‫مافي ‪٨٥‬‬
‫كان اتفقنا اقل ‪ ٣٢٥‬مايوقف‬


‫جابو عن المدخن شو اللي بيعمله او العالج شو بيصير مع المدخن بالعالج‬

‫كانت الخيارات‬
‫‪ -‬بيقلل من الهيلنج‬

‫‪ -‬بيقلل من الريفاسكوالريسيشن‬

‫انا اختر هاي النو اتزكرت دكتور هشام لما قال انو ما بينزف كتير‬


‫جابو عن االدوية اللي بتسبب جينجيفال انالرجمينت مريض الضغط ومريض الكبد سؤالين كانو‬






‫جابو سؤال أروى انو فيه دكتور عم يحكي قصة للطفل قبل العالج شو اسم هالطريقة‬


‫والفيروللي جابو حالة انو واحد بدو يركب كراون كام الزم يكون الويدث تبعه‬

‫الويدث ‪ ٢‬الطول ‪١.٥‬‬


‫وفي ابيكال ليجن ما كان من الخيارات انو يعيد المعالجه بس اللي بتزكره انو اخترت يعمل بوست اند كور ‪ RCT‬في حالة جابو اشعة‬
‫‪wall defect‬النو ما كان فيه‬



‫في سؤال انو شو الكومبليكيشن اللي ممكن يصير ازا عملنا الريست قبل االوكلوجال بلين ؟‬

‫انا جاوبت انو ما بيقد الريست بمكانه المناسب‬

‫في خيارات تاني كانت انو‬
‫بيصير فيه توازن‬
‫او بينكسر الريم كالسب‬
‫?‪What happen when do rest seat before guiding plane‬‬

‫‪A. insufficient size rest.‬‬

‫‪B. insufficient size plane.‬‬

‫‪C. Fracture.‬‬

‫سؤال مشابهه‬
Spo about the sensitivity of ceramics is the image of the amp. Interior Seramak and the Lauer has
redness in the ngva and the teeth are yellow

Change the material

Mostly the allergy is due to metal component

If allergy is due to ceramic

We can give a try via zirconia

‫‪Sickle scaler :‬‬

‫يستخدم اليش ‪1‬‬

‫صوره ‪2‬‬

‫‪3 cutting edge‬‬



‫ايوا عندي سؤال نقدر نلبس البيشنت نايت قارد مع سيراميك كراون؟‬

‫األرقام كانت قريبه‬

‫في ‪ ٩٥‬وأكثر‬
‫في من ‪ ٨٠‬إلى ‪ ٨٩‬شي كذا‬
‫شكوته انو كل مره يجي السيراميك في كسر وعنده بروكزم‬

‫اخترت انو يلبس نايت قارد‬

‫النو باقي الخيارات كانت انو نزود الثكنس للسيراميك راح ينكسر زياده وال‬

‫‪. ….‬‬
‫ايش الكومبلكيشن ل‬tunnal prp?

.‫كنت محتاره بين‬Hypertensive and ressusion


Tunnel preparation can lead to both but most common complication is hypersensitivity next recession.

Because for Class 2 or Class 3 furcation usually happens due to periodontal pocket n then recession.

Anyways even recession will lead to hypersensitivity…

‫ومتى نشتغل للطفل ويأخذ كيموثاربي بعد كم يوم‬

Ideal time for extraction in pt taking radiotherapy

Before 2week

And ideal time 21days

In chemotherapy

Before 5days in maxilla

And 7days in mandible


The main disadvantage of using tunnel prep?

A-gingival recession ✅

B-root caries


‫في سؤال حركة‬ condyle in non working side


*also a question came about the safe local drug in* children



‫في سؤال حركة‬ condyle in non working side

-Water line bacteria

Legionella pneumophila, Mycobacterium spp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus spp


Know different between slot and tunnel preparation.

Bacteria in root surface?



‫وجاء سيناريو كيس انو الالتيرال صغير والروت شورت ؟‬ peg lateral or microdonta


What type of headgear with hyperdivergint mandbile plan?

Occipital headgear ✅


‫في سؤال حركة‬ condyle in non working side


‫جابو عن الروت‬ ‫فيرتكال روت فراكشر ‪ 3‬أسئلة ‪VRF‬‬

Titanium alloy

‫يحتوي على‬
Gold or copper or silver or palladium? ‫تاكدو‬

Titanium alloys typically contain traces of aluminum, molybdenum, vanadium, niobium, tantalum,
zirconium, manganese, iron, chromium, cobalt, nickel, and copper. The four grades, or varieties of
titanium alloys are✅


Band pusher ‫تستخدم في نهايت الشغل تبع السبيس‬

‫منتينر تضغط على الباند بواسطة الدكتور‬


Must biocompatible Material


Titanium or gold read about it

…. ..

Long centric -anterior posterior plane

Freedom centric _____ function cusp

The "long centric" concept represents therapeutic modality used in modern dentistry and
occlusal adjustment in all patients showing differences in strong and weak closure of the lower
jaw starting from the position of physiological rest.✅



Chemical structure of chlorhexidine. ... Substantivity is the prolonged association between a

material (e.g. CHX) and a substrate (e.g. oral mucosa, oral proteins, dental plaque, dental
surface), an association that can be greater and more extended than would be expected from a
simple deposition mechanism.✅


Single crown fepreceted with only vertical record need what is the artucluter use
Hand articulator ‫اخترت‬
‫وكان معطيني باق أنواع االرتكليتر‬
Hinge articulator✅
Perforation in sub crystal of bone will be ?

Good prognosis or poor ?


Broken fail

Apical =good

Middle=poor prognosis


Apical =poor prognosis

Cervical= good prognosis

Root fructure:

Apical = good prognosis

Cervical = poor


best location and size of root perforation that is favorable.

a.small perforation below height of bone crest

b.large perforation below height of bone crest

c.small perforation at height of bone crest✅✅✅

D. large perforation at height of bone crest



Fracture of symphesial

How many splint

Foe number: 2

And for how long Children 3-4 weeks is sufficient. adults 4-6 weeks. ✅
Pt is diabetic in the clinic she told u she is hungry then she got shock ??

Insulins shock✅


Splinting of intruded tooth


Start Rct of splinting tooth


Dentinogenesis imperfect
In child with partially erupted 46 We use diatal shoe space mainainer

permanat 1 molar and the other primary teeth is missing what is space maintaner

Child extracting lower E with erupting 6 what space maintainer

reverse band and loop ✅

‫نخلع ال‬D ‫ويكون ال‬E ‫موجود‬band and loop

‫إذا خلعنا‬D ‫وكان ال‬E = ‫موجود‬band and loop

‫اذا خلعنا‬E ‫وكان ال‬D = ‫موجود‬reverse band and loop( )‫ طالع‬6‫هذا في حالة ال‬

‫ما طلع وخلعنا‬6‫اما لوكان ال‬E. ‫يبقى نسوي‬distal shoo

‫كمل بقا لو خلعت‬e bilateral ‫و االسنان الدايمه ال ادام طلعت‬

Lingual arch

‫ ولو خلعنا‬..uper ant ‫بنستخدم‬nance apliance



‫صوره التهاب اللثه بسبب البورسلين كراون‬

‫صوره الزاويه اللي تكون في السكيلر مع الجذر‬
mother came with her5 year old son cocerned about his mandibule growth ?

what to do

A - fixed appliance

B - ask her to wait patient still young✅

C - head gear

‫دي كانت الخيارات‬

14 ‫الى‬10 ‫نتظر لين يصير عمره‬

........ . .

female on contraceptive for six month came with gingival enlargment?


Stop medication✅

And improve oral hygiene


the lap made a special tray with small perforation what is the effect of the perforations

on the impression.

allows the impression material to run through the holes and increase the bond of the impression
material to the tray when set✅


component in GIC release flouride ?

Fluoride release from GICs restorations following a continuous uptake process increases the
fluoride concentration in saliva and in adjacent hard dental tissues. Thus, continuous small
amounts of fluoride surrounding the teeth decreases demineralization of the tooth tissues.

1/ Most destructive?
⁃ working
⁃ Non working
⁃ Protrusive

2/ Most common occlusion among population?

⁃ Class I
⁃ II

3/ A Picture of lefort III

4/ Palatal exostosis percentage?

⁃ 20%
⁃ 30%
⁃ 40%

5/ what is this called?

⁃ Depth orientation
⁃ Incisal reduction
⁃ Incisal orientation

6/ Blade in the same plane as the handle?

⁃ Chisel
⁃ Angle former
⁃ Hatchet

7/ Success of FPD in 10-15 years?

8/ A cusp that causes food impaction?

⁃ Wedging cusp
⁃ Plunger cusp

9/ Patient came complaining that she has an elevation on her tongue, she
always rub her tongue against the lingual surface of lower anterior teeth?
⁃ Peripheral giant cell granuloma
⁃ Peripheral ossifying fibroma

10/ Still mans cleft picture

11/ Patient came with chief complaint of gingival bleeding multiple ulcers,
delayed healing, this is due to?
⁃ Pellagra
⁃ Beri beri
⁃ Scurvy

12/ 18 Y/O female with 40% bone loss and CAL >5mm with little plaque on her
incisors premolar and molars
⁃ Molar incisor generalised periodontitis stage III grade C
⁃ Generalised periodontitis stage III grade C

13/ Connective tissue healing after scaling and root planing in days ?
⁃ 7
⁃ 14
⁃ 21
⁃ 28

14/ Picture shows lateral side of tongue with pseudomembranous candidiasis

and asks about what to do in this HIV patient?
⁃ Reassure the patient
⁃ Topical antifungal
⁃ Systemic antifungal

15/ Bitewing radiograph with calculus and asks: what to use for scaling?
⁃ Ultrasonic
⁃ Gracey
⁃ Sickle

16/ Which one of these are the best angle for scaling using gracey curette?
⁃ Picture A
⁃ B
⁃ C
‫ﺗﻘﺮ ﯾﺒ ﺎ ﻛ ﺪ ا‬

17/ Patient came complaining from scalding sensation in the tongue with
metallic taste?
⁃ Anemia
⁃ Burning mouth syndrome
⁃ Bismuth oxide toxicity

18/ Diabetic patient with renal transplant came with this clinical presentation

⁃ Metformin
⁃ Tacrolimus
⁃ Nifedipine

19/ Highest PH?

⁃ Saline
⁃ 6% NaoCL

20/ Patient came with limited mouth opening because of intraoral burn and has
striked gingiva?
⁃ Betel use
⁃ Smoking
⁃ Trauma
21/ Choosing the restoration under which light ?
⁃ Fluorescent
⁃ Incandescent
⁃ Colour corrected fluorescent
⁃ Colour corrected Incandescent

22/ Patient with deficient von willibrand factor and you want to frenectomy?
⁃ Laser
⁃ Surgical frenectomy

23/ Pt has received upper and lower anterior veneers 4 weeks ago and came
complaining of pain, oedema, foul odour, bleeding and 4 mm probing depth
around veneers, whats the possible cause?
⁃ Under preparation of veneers
⁃ Supraginigval margin placement

24/ Young patient with poaterior swelling after biopsy it revealed under
microscope starry sky apperance?
⁃ Burkitts lymphoma
⁃ Cherbusim

25/ Patient has allergy to sulphur what impression material will you not use?
⁃ Addition silicone
⁃ Condensation silicone
⁃ Polyether
⁃ Polysulphide
‫ مناقشة‬17

weakest phase for amalgam

Gamma 2 phase✅✅

camouflage extraction in ortho Read about it

*Class I *
In case of crowding extract the same tooth from both arches to maintain the molar

*Class II *
No space required extract upper 4s
You’ll end up with class II molar relationship

If space required extract U4s + L5s

You’ll end up with class I molar relationship

*Class III *
No space required extract lower 4s
You’ll end up with class III molar relationship

If space required extract U5s + L4s

You’ll end up with class I molar relationship ✅✅

taper of hand filles


And rotary 0.04 , 0.06

case scenario bout pt make amalgam filling opposing be gold

And feeling pain

Galvanic shock ✅✅
‫‪ferrule‬ايه هو ال‬ ‫؟‬
‫‪Crown .‬هي كلمة من أكثر الكلمات اللي كنا بنسمعها في سيكشن ال ‪Ferrule‬ال‬
‫وبسبب تكرارها عرفنا انها حاجه مهمه‬
‫بس هي ايه ومهمه ليه ؟ مش عارفين‬
‫بص بقي يا سيدي‬
‫ده قصة كبيره ‪Ferrule‬موضوع ال‬
‫علشان ‪Crown reduction‬بتظهر بعد ال ‪Tooth structure‬من ال ‪circular band‬هو عباره عن ‪Ferrule‬ال‬
‫انه يكون ثابت أكثر في مكانه ‪Crown .‬تساعد ال‬
‫‪Root canal treatment‬احنا بعد ما بنعمل ال‬
‫بيكون الجزء الباقي من السنة صغير‬
‫‪Post and core‬وعلشان نقويه بتعمل‬
‫‪Sound‬بس ‪ ،‬مش علي ‪Core‬بتاعي كان علي ال ‪Finish line‬وال ‪preparation‬طيب تخيل معايا كده لو أنا عملت‬
‫‪tooth structure‬‬
‫)‪(Ferrule‬يعني مفيش‬
‫وجه المريض بتاعك نفسه هفته علي حتة ملبن‬
‫اللي انت عامله ‪Crown‬وحب يجربها بقي علي ال‬
‫وراح شادد حتة الملبن‬
‫تفتكر هيحصل ايه ؟‬
‫بالظبط كده‬
‫‪Post‬واحتمال ال ‪Core‬بال ‪Crown‬هيالقي ال‬ ‫كمان يطلع معاه‬
‫وده ليه ؟‬
‫‪Tooth structure to support and stabilized the crown‬ألن مفيش‬
‫‪Ferrule‬يعني باختصار مفيش‬
‫علشان يحافظ علي ثباته ‪Crown‬بيركب عليها ال ‪Tooth structure‬هو اسوره معموله من ال ‪Ferrule‬يبقي ال‬
‫وكمان ه‬
question about ferrule effect

excessive use of listerine mouthwash

epithelial desquamation✅✅

question about epulis fissuratum and another question about forceps used for it
Allis forcep ✅✅

bur used in porcelain

Round diamond✅✅

For metal
Why does epulis fissuratum occur?

Epulis fissuratum is also referred to as inflammatory fibrous hyperplasia, denture epulis and
denture-induced fibrous hyperplasia. The fibrous overgrowth is caused by chronic irritation
of the denture flange (edge) against the area where the gums meet the inner cheek (alveolar
vestibular mucosa). Because bone under the denture is constantly changing due to bone
loss, the bony support for the denture base becomes unstable which results in ill-fitting
dentures and epulis fissuratum. question about epulis fissuratum and another question
about forceps used for it
Allis forcep ✅✅
the type of facial growth that stops last in orthodontic treatment?

Vertical growth✅✅

Pns point in the cephalometric


e Patient with plaque index 10%

and BOP 60%

A-Patient knows how to brush and


B-patient knows how to brush but

doesn't brush

C-Patient doesn't know how to brush

but tries to.✅✅✅

D-patient doesn't know how to brush

and doesn't try to.

High plaque means doesn't brush

Low plaque means he does not know how to brush

Pns point in the cephalometric

Posterior nasal spine

Functional cusps

Upper palatal
Lower Buccal ✅

Pns point in the cephalometric

Posterior nasal spine✅✅

Recurrence rate of pyogenic granuloma
: 15%✅

Kennedy classification after extraction of 21:

Class 3✅

(Picture) periodontal ligament widening

Tooth fracture after post placement till the gingival margin, management
1- gingivectomy
2- new post and core
3- orthodontic extrusion, gingevictomy and new post ✅✅

Patient have discomfort due to high restoration he just did, after few days he was relieved
with no intervention, why?
1- he got used to the new occlusion✅✅
2- intrusion of the tooth
3- attrition of the opposing

Down syndrome patient came to the clinic for restoration what to do?
1- consent from him and proceed

2- consent from the nurse or the relative coming with him

3- not treat until they bring parents consent


Use of band pusher (picture)

1- initially to place the bracket???
2- in the end to adjust bracket by the patient
3- in the end to bracket by asking the patient to bite in it
Down syndrome patient came to the clinic for restoration what to do?
1- consent from him and proceed
2- consent from the nurse or the relative coming with him *️⃣
3- not treat until they bring parents consent*️⃣

Patient present with pain, discomfort and ulcerations from the orthodontic silk, how to
manage? ‫جاني في المرتين‬
1- clip the silk ✅✅
2- wax on silk to relieve pain
3- antibiotics

(Radiographic Picture) cracked tooth on apical one third after redoing Endodontic treatment
with deep pocket, management? ‫حطيت‬


Type of collagen that forms most of dentin

Type 1
Type I collagen is the major protein of intertubular dentin (90%), whereas no collagen fibrils
are observed in the peritubular dentin. Differences have been also reported in the
composition of non-collagenous proteins of the two dentins

Tunneling pic


Tunnel preparation can lead to both but most common complication is hypersensitivity next

Because for Class 2 or Class 3 furcation usually happens due to periodontal pocket n then

Anyways even recession will lead to hypersensitivity…

Unpasteurized milk >>

(Cervical Tuberculosis )

Imaginary line that when the mandible rotate around it will not cause translation?

1- midline

2- vibrating line

3- ala-tragus line

4- hinge axis✅✅

AH 26 sealer is >> resin

Epoxy resin
midazolam sedation side effects

Common side effects of Midazolam include:







“oversedation,” or.

injection site reactions (pain, swelling, redness, stiffness, blood clots, and tenderness).

Type of sealer for lithium disilicate veneer?


To avoid expansion and resultant fracture of veneer by cements like Gic or RMGic

Management of ANUG you begin with

A) Debridement ✅✅
B) H2O2 rinse
C) Antibiotic therapy

Case about endo-perio problem what to start first

Endo first ✅✅
Case about patient having ANUG whats the treatment

Case about patient having ANUG whats the treatment

Stage 1Local anthesia

Scrup the membrane
Supra gingival scaling
Mouth wash
Follow up
Stage 2 appointment after 2 day doin scaling
Stage 3 appointment after 5 days scaling and root planing and surgry for scar
Case about patient having spaces with xray of basal cell nevus syndrome

Read about

Case about patient having spaces with xray of basal cell nevus syndrome

Nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome (NBCCS), also known as Gorlin syndrome, is
a hereditary condition characterized by a wide range of developmental abnormalities and a
predisposition to neoplasms. The estimated prevalence varies from 1/57,000 to 1/256,000,
with a male-to-female ratio of 1:1.

Abutment Tooth with mesio-distal occlusal amalgam restoration, during fabrication of fpd
what’s the best management?
1- onlay
2- partial coverage
3- complete coverage ✅✅
3- composite core

Case about migraine

Pic of RPI clasp

Treatment of dentigerous cyst


It’s contraindicated to use fluoride varnish in which condition?

Renal Failure
Fluoride varnish is contraindicated

when ulcerative gingivitis and stomatitis is present and should not be applied next to large
open soft tissue lesions. 89 A health history to determine known allergies, as with the
administration of any therapeutic agent, is recommended prior to fluoride varnish use.
Treatment of dentigerous cyst

If small

Marsupulization if large

Read about it

Case about overfilling of the canal whats the cause?

Absence of apical seal✅✅

Position of a doctor not wearing shield during radiograph?

2 meter behind the radiation source ✅✅

Tooth with mesial undercut which clasp?

Ring clasp
Cause of wrong color selection of restoration?

Selection after drying of tooth

Selection after Rubber Dam placement

Case about a type of fracture, it involved diplopia and swelling around the eye?

Common feature of Lefort 2 and 3

1.Perio cases from Omar & Implant from Manal
2.Endo Omar blue file
3.Types of incision
4.Apexogenisis and apexifaction radiograph and pulp condition
5.Dentinogensis imprefcta
6.Dentin organic and inorganic component
7.Def of autonomy & veracity
8.Case about malpractice
9.Surgeon extract wrong teeth what to do ?
10.EDTA > Chelating agent
11.Oblique ridge in maxillary first molar
12.Loss of interdental papilla how much the distance from distal to restore it (less than 5 less
than 7 less than 9)
13.Abutment of implant
14.Erythema multiform 3 Q about it
15.Pt allergy from amoxillin how to manage
16.Bannet angle
17.Bowel disease ttt of pyostomatitis > corticosteroids
18.Gracey angle
19.Pt pain on biting (reversible pulpitis, crack line , pulp necrosis)
20.Bone file instrument used for ?
21.Kennedy class 1
22.Class 3 skeletal
23.Functional appliance removable (Activator)
24.Oral lichen plenus
25.20 yrs come with father and brother from who you take the consent ?
26.Telling child story > Distraction
27.HBV in normal temp
28.HBV > 12 means?
29.wrinkle rubber dam sheet ?
30.Junctional epithelial length ?
31.Most fpd cause of failure > caries
32.Lingual plate
33.Band and loop for pedo
34.Biphsphonate pt after 3 months extraction she returend to clinic no bleeding or purulent
but the site of extraction exposed and not healed ? (Vit D,CHX and follow up,resection?
35.Fractured 2 files while cleaning and shaping the dentist tried to remove them but he
pushed them more apically , Prognosis ?
36.Subcrestal perforation prognosis
‫ مناقشة‬18
‫ أغسطس‬2021

Cases about headgear and chin cup, when to use each one

Headgear for class 2 prognathic maxilla

Chin cup for prognathic mandible

Pic of hutchinson incisor >> congenital syphilis

Case about erythema multiform, multiple ulcers in mouth and lip

found also in hands and feet

*️⃣*️⃣*️⃣ Read about

Case about child came with his father suffering from trauma when
you will suspect child abuse?
1- father above 50
2- the case not related to story ✅✅

while working on hiv patient, doctor is vaccinate, management?

1- follow up
2- 1 dose hiv immunoglobulin
3- 1 dose hiv immunoglobulin + start vaccination
4- start vaccination


Dentist did preventative resin restoration and fissure sealant for the
patient, when will be the next appointment?
1- 3 months
2- 6 months✅✅
3- year

Minimum bone resorption after secondry occlusal trauma?

Trauma from Occlusion

Which type of gracey curette used for mesial surface of

maxillary molars?

15,16 modified
Distance between the patient and the film during cephalometric
radiograph in cm

1- 15 cm ✅✅
2- 1

3 year old patient with 2 non painful cyst in the palatal midraphe
1- Epstien pearl ✅✅
2- Bohns nodule

Bohn’s nodules are scattered over the hard palate

Difference between enamel and dentin thickness in permanent

and primary teeth
⭕Bilateral sagittal split osteotomy Picture..
⭕Picture of nabers probe..
⭕Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis chracterise by..

⭕Patient came to final cemintation for 13 14 crowns he have pain

in lower anterior teeth what you will do..

*take periapical ✅✅

*cement crowns

*rct for 14, 13

V shaped caries the tip on the surface and the bace on dentino
enamel junction
1- cemental
2- interproximal
3- smooth surface of facial or lingual

V shaped caries the tip on the surface and the bace on dentino
enamel junction
1- cemental
2- interproximal
3- smooth surface of facial or lingual


⭕Hypertinsive Patient came for extraction at the first day blood

pressure was 135/85, next time was 139/89..what is type of blood

Pre hypertention
⭕Crown should be..
*supra-gingival ✅✅
*0.5 subgingival
*1mm subgingival

⭕Patient came with crown fracture extend to enamel and dentin

not reache pulp what type of fracture..

⭕Patient under ortho treatment to close diastema he have von

wellbrand disease..
* convincional frenectomy
*laser frenectomy✅✅

⭕Picture of negative architecture ..

*reveres architecture
*inverted architecture
* flat architecture
⭕Picture of negative architecture ..
*reveres architecture
*inverted architecture
* flat architecture
⭕Patency file..

Buchanan defines a patency file as a small flexible K-file, which is

passively moved through the apical constriction 0.5–1mm beyond
the minor diameter, without widening it

K file 10 or 15
⭕Patient have badely decayed, constructed unrestorable 36.. Will
extract it and he advised to replace it immediately to avoid the
consequent changes what is the changes..


*rotate 37

*mesial inclination of 37 and over eruption of 16

*change is already happened

⭕Patient 20 years old autisim came with father and brother the
doctor will take consent from..
* patient
* father✅✅
* brother

⭕Patient have badely decayed, constructed unrestorable 36.. Will

extract it and he advised to replace it immediately to avoid the
consequent changes what is the changes..


*rotate 37

*mesial inclination of 37 and over eruption of 26

*change is already happend✅✅

⭕Share Picture of famous patient without till him what you

Confidentiality ✅✅

⭕Doctor didn't till that his patint have corona what he violate..

Community ✅✅

⭕Resorption of maxilla
*superior laterally
*superior medially✅✅
* inferior lateral
* inferior medial

⭕Perforation in danger zone by instrumintation called..

Strip Perforation ✅✅
⭕HBV stay in room temperature for how long..
*7 days. ✅✅
*6 days.
*3 hours
*6 hours

May stay up to 6 months

⭕Picture of angular chilitis..

⭕sequence of wearing
gloves, eyeweare,mask

EYE wear


⭕Hbv tests +IgM positive?

Acute ✅✅

⭕Sequence of hypodontia

3rd molar,lower 5, upper lateral, upper 5, lower incisor

⭕Patient have deep bite how to manage
*Intrusion upper incisors ✅✅
*Intrusion lower incisors
*extrusion upoer incisors
* extrusion lower incisors

⭕ Treatment of psoudo class 3

The functional appliances used to treat Class III malocclusion work

by permitting the eruption of the maxillary molars and maintaining
the mandibular ones in position, leading to an occlusal plane
rotation that helps shift the molar relationship from Class III to Class

Proclination of upper incisors and retroclination of lower incisors

⭕Perio stages and grades

⭕Predominant cell in initial stage of gingivitis

Neutrophils ✅✅
⭕Patient came ti cement FPD the denture is rocking what to do..


*cement with temporary material


*adjust reduction

⭕Shearing cusp in posterior crossbite

Upper palatal
Lower Buccal

Due to crossbite the normal functional are Shearing here in this

Exactly the opposite in normal bite

⭕Landemark determine arrangement of anterior teeth position in


Incisive Papilla ✅✅

⭕Hypertinsive Patient came for extraction at the first day blood

pressure was 135/85, next time was 139/89..what is type of blood

Type 1 according to this latest reference

١٩ ‫مناقشة‬

⭕Class V composite restoration you detect small void in restoration surface how to

Re do it ✳

⭕Picture of silver point root filling material in x-ray ✅

⭕Carrier based gutta percha

*obtura |||

⭕Patient came to extraction lab result was low RBC, LOW WBC، low platelets what is
the diagnosis.. pancytopenia✅

⭕2 questiones about 11-12 gracey curette

Mesial and buccal root surface✅

⭕ patient have bulimia nervosa.. Erosion✅

vear-old man patient with a history of hypertension presented to the clinic for a dental
extraction. He has been on 81 mg aspirin daily for 3 years. which of the following is the
recommended action regarding the patients aspirin intake?
A. Continue use of daily aspirin✅
B) Change the anti-platelet drug therapy
C) stop the aspirin 24 houre before proceed
D) INR less than 3
upper primary molar anesthesia for which nerve
Middle Superior

upper primary molar anesthesia for which nerve

Middle Superior Alveolar nerve ✅

Bio ethic branch def.✅

Des-infection def.✅

Mouth hand feet syndrom✅

⭕ if the nurses toke the vaccine for hbv . What should her test results after the vaccine
-more then 12✅

Read more about it

Multiple sclerosis pt how to know

symptoms including; changes in vision (from blurry eyes to complete loss of sight), extreme
tiredness, pain, difficulties with walking or balance leading to clumsiness or falling, changes
in sensation like numbness, tingling or even having your face 'feel like a sponge.✅

Stephan cyst managment

No treatment is required for Stafne bone cyst, although there has a been report of surgical
exploration of the cavity [4]. Confirmatory tests including sialography, computed
tomography scan (CT), or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) have been used✅
Heavy contenous force cause?


Pathrgy test

The pathergy test produces a nonspecific hyperreactive lesion in Behçet's disease (BD)✅

We don’t immersion instruments for 60 min with idopher cuse : it’s not spirochete ✅

Inter epithelal cleft with!?

Pemphigus valgaris✅

Temporal Patient gets tired of the light and feels pain in the teeth? Choices Neurology nor
Temporal Headic

Cavernous sinus thrombosis in which space?


Temporal Patient gets tired of the light and feels pain in the teeth? Choices Neurology ✅
nor Temporal Headic
Ulcre fibrolulant with erythema halo treated with :
topical corticosteroids✅
or antibiotic..

When the color goes away because I saw a lot of adaptation or blindness!

And there is a picture of an open necrosize bone, but it is (asymptomatic) how do you
treat it

Trigeminal neurolgia def

Trigeminal neuralgia is a chronic pain condition that affects the trigeminal nerve, which
carries sensation from your face to your brain. If you have trigeminal neuralgia, even mild
stimulation of your face — such as from brushing your teeth or putting on makeup — may
trigger a jolt of excruciating pain.✅
Pain when the patient lie in left side

And there is a picture of an open necrosize bone, but it is (asymptomatic) how do you
treat it ✅

Patient have pain in upper side of the jaw increase when touching or brushing but not
respond normally to cold and percussion.

Periodontal tissue issue

Minimum required platelets to preform simple extraction

What is a healthy platelet count? A normal platelet count ranges from 150,000 to 450,000
platelets per microliter of blood. Having more than 450,000 platelets is a condition called
thrombocytosis; having less than 150,000 is known as thrombocytopenia.✅

. Pic of patient have multible abscess :

DM ✅ (Uncontrolled diabetes)

OR luckemia
Pt has denture with no problems but it has burning sensation and angular chilitis
1. Bcoz wearin denture 24 hrs
2. Candida infection in oral cavity✅

Patient has tumor in the cecum vacuum part of tongue and cause nausea and gagging.

Cyst of thyroid gland✅

Patient has tumor in the cecum vacuum part of tongue and cause nausea and gagging.

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