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CI Design System

■ Basic Design System

00 CI Design System for the Yokogawa Group

01 Trademark, Corporate Symbol and Corporate Brand Logotype
02a Official Corporate Colors: Symbol and Supporting Material
02b Official Corporate Color System and Authorized Alternatives
03a Official Corporate Name Logotype of Yokogawa Headquarters
03b Official Corporate Name Logotype: Foreign Affiliated Companies
04 Combining the Trademark and Corporate Name Logotype
05 Prescribed Typefaces
06 Examples of Incorrect Trademark Usage
07 Layout Regulations
08 Trademark Design and Grid Scales

■ Application Design System

50 Corporate Brand Slogan

051 Combining the Trademark and Corporate Brand Slogan Logotype

052 Layout Regulations for the Trademark with Corporate Brand Slogan Logotype
053 Color Specifications for the Trademark with Corporate Brand Slogan Logotype

100 Stationery & Forms

110 Business Cards

120 Letterhead
130 Mailing Envelopes

200 Sign

210 Corporate Banner

220 Office Identification Signs
230 Signboards
240 Building Advertisements & Neon Signs

300 Vehicle

310 Vehicle

400 Package

410 Outer Packages and Inner Packages

420 Chart Boxes for Recorder Chart
430 Floppy Disk Cases
440 Packages for Meter
450 Paper Bags
460 Packing Paper
500 Product

510 Display on Products Front Panel

520 Emblems
530 Nameplates

600 Documents

610 Document Types and Classifications

620 Basic Document Design Format
630 Sales Documents:
640 Sales Documents:
650 Product Documents

700 PR, ADs & Sales Promotion

710 Magazine Advertisements

715 Videos
720 Yokogawa Technical Report
730 “Weekly”

800 Identification & Uniform

810 Corporate Badge

820 Work Uniform, Helmets
830 Desk Plates

900 Exhibition & Showroom

910 Trademark and Corporate Name Display

CI Design System for the Yokogawa Group

The Yokogawa Group has emerged as a world leader in measurement,

automation, and information systems, and is now expanding its business
activities on a global level. The key to success has been the unity and
cooperation that exists among all companies in the Yokogawa Group, all
of which share the same corporate symbol and the brand name

The corporate symbol and corporate brand logotype instill a sense of the
YOKOGAWA business philosophy and social responsibility.
Each YOKOGAWA company (continuously strives to achieve) (is unfailing in
their pursuit of) ... a more advanced, more desirable, and more appealing
image of their company, inevitably enhancing the image of the whole
Yokogawa Group.

Classification of the Yokogawa Group of Companies

Group Items Regulated by the CI Manual

G1: Yokogawa Headquarters (YHQ) and All items. But the regulations do not
Yokogawa Subsidiaries apply to those companies which are
subject to strategic or political reason.

G2: YOKOGAWA affiliated companies The regulations apply only to business

cards, signs, and vehicles. For other
items subject to CI regulations, please
consult YHQ Corporate Communications.

G3: Non YOKOGAWA Group companies In general, the regulations do not apply.

G4: Sales and Service Representatives The regulations apply only to business
cards, singns, and vehicles. For other
items subject to CI regulations, please
consult YHQ Corporate Communications.

Note: This manual does not apply when the Yokogawa corporate symbol and corporate
branding are used in conjunction with any part of the trademark of the limited partner.

00 – 1/2
• Yokogawa Johnson Control Corporation (YJC)

• KILC & Yokogawa Rental Corporation (YRK)

00 – 2/2
Trademark, Corporate Symbol and Corporate Brand Logotype

■ Trademark
There are two versions of the official corporate trademark - YA1 and YB1,
both of which combine the corporate symbol and brand logotype to express
the fundamental YOKOGAWA vision. It is recommended that one of these
versions be selected and applied for the majority of applications, but also
that consideration be given to the design criteria of the specific application
and the characteristics of the particular form of communication employed.

For all trademark applications, departure from the prescribed symbol and
logotype arrangement or the prescribed fonts and font styles is strictly
prohibited. Moreover, a clean proof must be used for all reproductions.

Retrieval of Digital Image

The digital image can be obtained from this Intranet window.

It is an EPS file created

using Adobe Illustrator
software for Macintosh.

For Macintosh


For PC



01 – 1/4
Alternative versions of the trademarks (YA2, YB3)
The YA2 and YB3 versions can be used for those cases when the standard
trademark is not suitable. YA2 can be used on thick sales documents, etc.
when the largest possible symbol is preferred.
YB3 can be used for street signs, exhibitions and narrow sales documents,
or whenever there isn’t enough horizontal space to contain the whole trade-


01 – 2/4
■ Corporate Symbol

The corporate symbol is the key element in the YOKOGAWA CI Design.

The symbol reflects the values and ideals of the corporation, acting as an
emblem for each YOKOGAWA employee. It symbolizes a dynamic, yet
balanced corporation which provides products of real value, and stands for
YOKOGAWA, a “Creator of Superb Products.”

The symbol was inspired by an image of the sun as the provider of energy
for all life on earth, and is therefore, an affirmation of YOKOGAWA’s commit-
ment to the all humankind through the development of the industrial sector.

The strong diamond shape represents stability and balance, an indication

of Yokogawa’s determination and confidence. The supporting curves con-
vey the upward direction of the corporation while at the same time reflecting
the warmth of the YOKOGAWA heart and the partnership with our custom-

The straight lines on the otherhand, represent the firm direction of the busi-
ness and the dedication to quality, accuracy and advancement applied to
the production of good and services.

This sharp lines and soft curves on the corporate symbol represent the
combination of feeling and substance, the affinity between measurement
and control, and the strong relationship between the company and its cus-

The corporate symbol is the color of the sun. The hue, known as
YOKOGAWA YELLOW, represents energy and benevolence.

Together the shape and color convey the YOKOGAWA mission, appealing
to the heart and mind of those both within and outside the corporation.

01 – 3/4
• Use of the Corporate Symbol
The corporate symbol is used in conjunction with the corporate brand logo
“YOKOGAWA” (trademark).
It may be shown independently as a more symbolic item on such things as
corporate banner or corporate badge.

■ Corporate Brand Logotype

Standard Version

Enlarged Version

Reduced Version

The corporate brand name, in conjunction with the corporate symbol,

communicates the fundamental image of the corporation. The corporate
brand “YOKOGAWA” is common to each company in the Yokogawa
Group which is subject to CI. Given the diversification and globalization of
the corporation’s business activities, this brand name will play an
increasingly significant role in communicating the YOKOGAWA brand.
Therefore, in order to increase brand recognition, the corporate brand name
should be used widely and consistently for both internal and external

The corporate brand logotype and corporate symbol should always be used
together in order to consistently and clearly communicate the YOKOGAWA
philosophy and firmly establish the corporate image.

A reduced version and an enlarged version of the logotype have been

prepared to cater for different communication requirements. The reduced
logotype is used for printing, while the enlarged logotype is used for outdoor
advertisements or signboards.

01 – 4/4
Official Corporate Colors: Symbol and Supporting Material

The color of the sun has been chosen for YOKOGAWA’s corporate color:

YOKOGAWA BLUE has been selected as the supporting color as it comple-

ments the yellow and increases its prominence. The supporting color can
also serve as a substitute for the corporate color when circumstances do not
allow for the use of YOKOGAWA YELLOW

A third color has been chosen for when an additional color is required:

The three colors represent sunshine (yellow), water (blue) and trees (green)
- symbols of beauty for all humankind.

Consistent use of these three colors will not only create a distinctive and
unified image of YOKOGAWA, but they will also reflect YOKOGAWA’s
position as brand leader and our mission to be a “creator of superb prod-

• Basic colors (Color chip)

The three basic colors are prepared on a three-color chip so that all repro-
ductions yield the true corporate colors. Use this color chip to accurately
reproduce the various colors of ink and coating paint, etc. required to
achieve the corporate color.

Note: The corporate color shown in the CRT window does not match that produced by the
color chip.

The color chip is the property of the department in charge of CI of

YOKOGAWA Head Office.

(Symbol Color)
A suitable ready-made printer ink version
of this color is not available, thus the color
must be prepared using the color chip.
<Reference values>
CMYK:C 0% M 2% Y 100% K 0%

02a – 1/2
(Supporting Color)
A suitable ready-made printer ink version
of this color is not available, thus the color
must be prepared using the color chip.

<Reference values>
CMYK:C 98% M 63% Y 0% K 14%

A suitable ready-made printer ink version
of this color is not available, thus the color
must be prepared using the color chip.

<Reference values>
CMYK:C 90% M 0% Y 93% K 0%

02a – 2/2
Official Corporate Color System and Authorized Alternatives

■ Official Corporate Colors of YOKOGAWA Trademark

The official font colorings used for the YOKOGAWA name are shown.
These form the basis of the YOKOGAWA color system.

• Trademark on White Background

The fundamental color system for the YOKOGAWA trademark is shown below.
The trademark is to have a white background, with the official colors being
YOKOGAWA YELLOW for the symbol and black for the corporate brand logotype.

02b – 1/4
• Trademark on a Colored Background
For those occasions when the trademark must be shown on a colored background,
the official colors are YOKOGAWA YELLOW for the symbol, white for the corporate
brand logotype and YOKOGAWA BLUE for the background.

02b – 2/4
■ Authorized Color Alternatives for the YOKOGAWA Trademark
The fundamental color system was established specifically for the trade-
mark combination of the corporate symbol and corporate brand logotype,
but should be generally used whenever applicable.
If however, these colors are not suitable, alternative color combinations are
permitted. The colors available for selection are described in the authorized
color alternatives, and selection should involve consideration to the various
limitations, conditions, characteristics and effects of the color on the particu-
lar item.
If a color besides those in the authorized alternatives must be included, use
the color as the background and show the corporate brand logotype in
white. The background color should always allow for clear recognition of
the corporate symbol and corporate brand logotype however.

The words limitations, conditions, and characteristics referred to above

apply for the following reasons:
1. A desired color cannot be arbitrarily selected because kinds and num-
bers of colors to be displayed have already been specified. (For ex-
ample, printing on colored paper, or monochromatic printing such as on
newspapers or magazines, or a display on a color photograph is diffi-
2. The materials on which printing can be done are limited. (For example, it
is difficult to print on metal or ready-made products which are already
colored, or on acrylic-resin plates or marking films.)

• Monocolor Positive Version

(Background is white or a light color)

• Two-color Positive Version

(Background is white or a light color)

Basic color example-A

02b – 3/4
• Three-color Positive Version

• Monocolor Negative Version

• Tow-color Negative Version

Basic color example-B

02b – 4/4
Official Corporate Name Logotype of Yokogawa Headquarters

The official corporate name logotype must be used according to trademark

restrictions whenever the official corporate name is required.
The official corporate name logotype and the communication logotype
should be either black or white. Departure from the specified fonts, font
style or the prescribed character spacing is not permitted. A clean proof
should be used for all reproductions.

■ Official Corporate Name Logotype: English


25mm min.

The official corporate name ‘Yokogawa Electric Corporation,’ is to be used

whenever the corporate name is required. This name must be written using
the Helvetica Regular typeface for all English representations. Departure
from the specified fonts, font style or the prescribed character spacing is not

Note: Do not display the YE1 Logotype as less than 25mm wide.

03a – 1/2
■ Official Corporate Name Logotype and Communication Logotype:




The Japanese version of the corporate name can be written vertically or

The official Japanese corporate name logotype does not convey a powerful
impression in limited advertising space due to its many characters and long
length. Thus, for brand communications, an abridged version of the logo-
type is applied (refer to Application Design System for details on usage).

03a – 2/2
Official Corporate Name Logotype: Foreign Affiliated Companies

The official corporate name logotype is to be used whenever it is necessary

to disclose the company responsibility.

The affiliated companies classified as Group 1 (G1) are subject to

YOKOGAWA’s CI system regulations. Their official corporate names are
written in the Latin alphabet or Japanese characters, as shown below, with
its use on the trademark is restricted as outlined on page 04.

When the corporate name is written using the Latin alphabet, the first letter
of each new word should be capitalized with the remaining letters written in
lowercase. The logotype cannot be written entirely in capitalized letters.

Official corporate name logotype should be either black or white. Departure

from the specified fonts, font style or the prescribed character spacing is not
permitted. A clean proof should be used for all reproductions.








03b – 1/2
• Application of the CI manual
The CI manual can also apply to corporate partnerships which have a trade-
mark, other than the YOKOGAWA trademarks YA1 and YB1.

1) The CI manual applies when the trademark corporate branding of the

partnership consists of both the YOKOGAWA name and the partner’s
name written in Helvetica font.

Example: SYC

2) The CI manual does not apply to trademarks that differ from the
YOKOGAWA trademark, even if the YOKOGAWA corporate symbol is
part of the trademark.

Example: YJC

03b – 2/2
Combining the Trademark and Corporate Name Logotype

■ Standard Combination
Official combinations of the corporate name logotype and YA1 and YB1
trademarks have been designed for stationery and documents. These show
the trademark with the corporate name logotype written in either Japanese,
English, or a combination of both.

Departure from the prescribed specifications is not permitted. A clean proof,

supplied from the Corporate Communications department of Yokogawa
Headquarters, should be used for all reproductions.

• YA Type








04 – 1/4




• YB Type (Vertically aligned)









04 – 2/4
• YB Type (Horizontally aligned)






■ Signboard Combination (Communication Logotype)

Signboard representations of the corporate name are restricted to the trade-
mark and name logotype combinations specified below.
Signboards are essentially communication tools, thus a Japanese version of
the corporate name is generally used in order to enhance visual recognition
by the general public.
• YA Type






04 – 3/4
• YB Type




04 – 4/4
Prescribed Typefaces

The following typefaces are prescribed for the names and addresses of the
corporation, branches, sales offices, departments and factories. Thus, to
ensure a unified and integrated style, typefaces for specific applications
should be chosen from these prescribed fonts.

• English Typefaces

05 – 1/2
• Japanese Typefaces

05 – 2/2
Examples of Incorrect Trademark Usage

The corporate symbol and brand logotype constitute fundamental expres-

sions of YOKOGAWA, and are extremely effective if they are not used
incorrectly. Incorrect usage of these elements, as shown below, affects the
clarity, impact, and distinctiveness of the trademark and thereby reducing its
overall effectiveness. Thus, it is essential that the symbol and brand logo-
type are not used in the following manner.

Do not vary specified color

Do not alter the pre- Do not use any variation tones.
scribed spacing between of the specified corporate
the symbol and the brand logotype with the
brand logotype. symbol.

Do not incorporate Do not add any outline to Do not add any shadowing
graphic patterns in the the symbol for emphasis to the symbol.
symbol. of the yellow color.

Do not place the symbol Do not use the symbol Do not use the
& brand logotype against against any background personified illustra-
a complicated back- which might be mistaken tion of the symbol.
ground. for part of the symbol.

06 – 1/1
Layout Regulations

The following layout requirements should be adhered to when the trademark is

combined with other elements such as addresses, branch names, or copy (text).
In all cases, the corporate trademark must be separated from other ele-
ments according to the spacing specified. Care should be taken to avoid
placing any letters or graphic elements near the trademark which might
reduce its clarity and impact.

• The YA Type trademark

A minimum area of 1/2 x X from each edge of the YA type trademark should
remain blank. The exception to this rule is the official corporate logo in
which the distance from the bottom or right edge of the trademark is not
defined (refer to page 04).

Flush Left Alignment Using a maximum of three digits,

Centering code numbers for the Basic Design
System are arranged
as follows

Using a maximum of three digits, Using a maximum of three digits,

code numbers for the Basic Design code numbers for the Basic Design
System are arranged System are arranged
as follows as follows
1/2X 1/2X


Using a maximum of three digits,

code numbers for the Basic Design
System are arranged
as follows

Using a maximum of three digits,

code numbers for the Basic Design
System are arranged
as follows


Using a maximum of three digits,

code numbers for the Basic Design
System are arranged
as follows

07 – 1/2
• The YB type trademark
A minimum area of X from each edge of the YB type trademark should
remain blank.
The exception to this rule is the official corporate logo in which the distance
from the bottom or right edge of the trademark is not defined (refer to page

Flush Left Alignment

Using a maximum of three digits,
code numbers for the Basic Design
System are arranged
as follows X
Using a maximum of three digits, Using a maximum of three digits,
code numbers for the Basic Design code numbers for the Basic Design
System are arranged System are arranged
as follows as follows
Using a maximum of three digits,
code numbers for the Basic Design
System are arranged
as follows

Using a maximum of three digits,
code numbers for the Basic Design
System are arranged
as follows X

Using a maximum of three digits,
code numbers for the Basic Design
System are arranged
as follows

07 – 2/2
Trademark Design and Grid Scales

Together, the corporate symbol and the corporate brand logotype form the
basis of the Yokogawa CI Design System and express the heart of the
YOKOGAWA brand. Therefore, the design and various combinations have
been carefully considered and specified and should not be altered. Clean
proofs should be used for reproductions of the symbol or brand logotype
wherever possible, otherwise the grid scales provided should be used.
Alternatively, the corporate symbol can be reproduced using the method

■ Corporate Symbol Design and Coordinates





Horizontal : Vertical approx. 100 : 101.7

(327.08, –321.45)

08 – 1/4
■ Grid Scales
Use the grid lines on the following samples to reproduce the design for
signs such as billboards, when the standard reproduction materials are

• Trademark YA1

08 – 2/4
• Trademark YB1 • Corporate Brand Logotype

08 – 3/4
• Corporate Symbol

08 – 4/4
Combining the Trademark and Corporate Brand Slogan Logotype

The Official combinations of the corporate brand slogan logotype and YA1 and YB1 trademarks
have been designed for stationery and documents. Departure from the prescribed specifications
is not permitted. A clean proof, supplied from the Corporate Communications department of
Yokogawa Headquarters, should be used for all reproductions.
When it is difficult to find a corresponding example, or when problems arise in the reproduction
of specific elements, please contact the CI department.

YA1 type YB1 type

* YA1-CBS_2 is basic type under normal conditions.
*YA2-CBS_2 is basic type under normal conditions.




YB1-CBS_2 *

YA1-CBS_2 * YB1-CBS_3






YB2 type ( horizontally aligned )

There are two types as below

YB2-CBS_1 90%

100% 60% 10%

YB2-CBS_2 90%

100% 60% 10%

051 – 1/1
Layout Regulations for the Trademark with
Corporate Brand Slogan Logotype

The following layout requirements should be adhered to when the combination logos are combined
with other elements such as addresses, or copy (text).
In all cases, the combination logos must be separated from other elements according to the spacing

which might reduce its clarity and impact.

YA1 type
■ YA1-CBS_1, YA1-CBS_2

Using a maximum of three digite, code numbers for the

Basic Design System are arranged as follows

100% 50%

Using a maximum of 50% 50% Using a maximum of

three digite, code three digite, code
numbers for the Basic numbers for the Basic
Design System are Design System are
arranged as follows arranged as follows


Using a maximum of three digite, code numbers for the

Basic Design System are arranged as follows

■ YA1-CBS_3

55% 55%


Using a maximum of three digite, code

numbers for the Basic Design System are
arranged as follows

YB1 type

■ YB1-CBS_1
Using a maximum of three digite, code numbers for the
Basic Design System are arranged as follows
100% 100% 100% 100%
Using a maximum of Using a maximum of three
three digite, code digite, code numbers for
numbers for the Basic the Basic Design System
Design System are are arranged as follows
arranged as follows


Using a maximum of three digite, code numbers for the

Basic Design System are arranged as follows

052 – 1/2
■ YB1-CBS_2, YB1-CBS_3

Using a maximum of three digite, code numbers for the

Basic Design System are arranged as follows
100% 100% 100% 100%
Using a maximum of Using a maximum of
three digite, code three digite, code
numbers for the Basic numbers for the Basic
Design System are Design System are
arranged as follows arranged as follows


Using a maximum of three digite, code numbers for the

Basic Design System are arranged as follows

YB2 type
■ YB2-CBS_1, YB2-CBS_
2, YB2-CBS_3

Using a Using a maximum of three digite, code numbers for the Basic Using a
maximum of Design System are arranged as follows maximum of
t h r e e d i g i t e , 100% 100% 100% 100% t h r e e d i g i t e ,
code numbers code numbers
for the Basic for the Basic
Design System Design System
are arranged are arranged
as follows 100% as follows

Using a maximum of three digite, code numbers for the Basic

Design System are arranged as follows

052 – 1/2
Color Specifications for the Trademark with Corporate Brand Slogan Logotype

Basic color system for the Trademark with Corporate Brand Slogan Logotype is the same as the system for
the trademark and the color of the Corporate Brand Slogan Logo have to be the same of corporate brand
logotype. Typical examples are below.
When it is difficult to find a corresponding example, or when problems arise in the reproduction of
specific elements, please contact the CI department.

■ Official color type

■ Mono/Single color type

053 – 1/1
Business Cards

to be used by YOKOGAWA Headquarters (YHQ) and those Yokogawa Group companies

This standard card design should be used for all employees, regardless of title or department,
and should not be altered without permission of the CI department.

When printing new cards, contact the CI department if the size of business cards in the country of
91mm X 55mm ).

English Version

Tarou Yamaguchi

Japanese Version

Size:W 91mm × H 55mm

110 – 1/2
• Design Dimensions

7.5 YB1 42 A 7.5

B 6.5

Times New Roman 16pt.

Times New Roman 8pt.

( Line spacing 8pt. )

( in less than 3 lines)

Official Corporate Name Logotype

Helvetica Regular 7pt.

( Line spacing 7.5pt. )
( in less than 4 lines)

from 7.5 to 10
Positions for certification mark such as ISO.

7.5 YB1 42 A 7.5

B 6.5

Heisei-Mincyo W5G 6pt.
Heisei-Mincyo W5G 17pt.
Heisei-Mincyo W5G 8.5pt.

( Line spacing 9pt. )

( in less than 3 lines)

Official Corporate Name Logotype
Heisei-Gothic W5G 7.5pt. (3.6)

Helvetica Regular
7.5 pt.
( Line spacing 7.5pt. )

( in less than 4 lines)

Positions for certification mark such as ISO.

Note :The largest representation of the Corporate Logotype for both the Japanese and English versions is
60 mm wide. This automatically determines the height of the logotype.

110 – 2/2

The corporate letterhead plays an important role in projecting the corporate

image. Furthermore, each letterhead page signals that its contents are an
official message from the company.
The trademark, official corporate name logotype, and company address are
included on the English letterhead. The telephone, fax and telex numbers
may also be added if necessary. Standards for both the letterhead and
additional blank sheets are provided.

2nd Sheet

1st Sheet

120 – 1/2

8pt. Helvetica Light, Solid

Print if necessary YA1-20


105 30

8 12

120 – 2/2
Mailing Envelopes

Air mail envelopes in English are an effective means of portraying the cor-
porate image to overseas’ clients. The YOKOGAWA trademark, official
corporate name and address are to be included on the face of each enve-
lope. In addition, “AIR MAIL” is printed on the bottom left-hand corner of the
envelope to clearly distinguish them as air mail.
If envelopes of special size or application are required, they should be
designed to conform to the basic format specified in this manual.

• Standard Size

Size : Standard size : W235 mm × H120 mm

Corporate Name Logotype 68.3mm max.


<Office Name>
8pt. Helvetica Regular

8pt. Helvetica Light, Solid

130 – 1/4
10 75 10 140


Typing Start Mark

11pt. Helvetica Regular

13.5 7

It is permitted to print patterns on the inner face of the

envelope to prevent the enclosed document or letter from
being seen through the envelope.
Printing color must be black.

130 – 2/4
• Large Size

Size: (A) W336 mm × H257 mm

(B) W332 mm × H240 mm

Corporate Name Logotype 77.6mm max.


<Office Name>
8pt. Helvetica Regular

8pt. Helvetica Light, Solid

130 – 3/4

25 85 12.5
25 (A)


25 85 12.5

25 7 13

Typing Start Mark

16pt. Helvetica Regular


130 – 4/4
Address Labels

Address Labels have been created for parcels and cylindrical packages, for
which standard mailing envelopes are not appropriate. These address
labels incorporate the basic design common to all YOKOGAWA stationery.

Size : W150mm × H90mm

Corporate Name Logotype 59mm max.

2.5 4.5

7.5pt. Helvetica Light, Solid

10 65
7 6

8pt. Helvetica Regular


Typing Start Mark


66 114

140 – 1/1
Fax Sheets

The following three kinds of fax sheets are used. Both the Japanese and
English corporate logotypes are aligned with the YB11 trademark for com-
mon use in either domestic or overseas transmissions.

1. Used as fax cover sheet, i.e., first page of fax (A4 size with provision for
US lettersize)
2. Used for subsequent fax pages (A4 size with provision for US lettersize)
3. Used for short faxes (A5 size)

The arrangement of the Yokogawa trademark and corporate logotype is

fixed. Please refer to the Basic Design System, page 04, page “Trademark
and Corporate Name Logotype in Combination”.

150 – 1/3
Subsequent fax sheets (A4 size/US lettersize)

Fax Cover
(A4 size/US

150 – 2/3
Short fax sheet (A5 size)

150 – 3/3

■ Thick Files
The YOKOGAWA trademark is displayed on both the front cover and the
spine of files, against a blue or silver background depending on the file’s
function. The spines on multi-purpose files only display the YOKOGAWA
trademark, while those on document storage files include the name of the
documents enclosed.

Size : W240mm × H307mm × D60/80mm

160 – 1/3
3 3
12 12 12 12 120



YA1-45 YA1-45 YA1-150

80 60

Blue File Silver File

Size W240mm × H307mm × D80mm/60mm W240mm × H307mm × D80mm/60mm

Material Vinyl paper cardboard core #40 Vinyl resin sheet, cardboard core #34

Printing Silk screening (2 colors) Silk screening (1 color), stamped silver leaf

Material on spine Clear vinyl panel on spine Clear vinyl panel on spine

Paper insert on spine Coated paper, offset printing (2 colors) Coated paper, offset printing (2 colors)

Binder Long tube binder (2-hole), Short tube binder (2-hole),

capacity 40/60mm capacity 40/60mm

160 – 2/3
■ Thin Files
Files used for low volume document storage appear similar to the thicker
storage files. The YOKOGAWA trademark is displayed in the center of the
front cover against a blue background. However, the trademark on the
spine appears in a YB3 configuration due to the limited space.

Size : W230mm × H305mm × D25mm

6.7 115


6.7 YA1-150

160 – 3/3

■ Special-Purpose Covers
These covers are used exclusively for submitting quotations and specifica-
tions to customers. The trademark and corporate name logotype are dis-
played beneath horizontal lines, which have been provided for the identifica-
tion of customers, factories, plants, and so forth.


Size : W215mm × H302mm

170 – 1/2
■ Covers with Windows
Covers with windows are also available. These have a similar format to the
special-purpose covers and are used for accounting forms and various other
documents. Both A4 size (landscape/portrait) and A3 size (landscape)
covers are available.



Size : W215mm × H302mm

170 – 2/2
Corporate Banner

Just as a national flag stands for a nation, the corporate banner stands for
the corporation, serving as a focal point of employee pride. As a result, this
banner is paramount within the signage system. The YOKOGAWA corpo-
rate banner displays the corporate symbol sparkling against a background



Size : W1500mm × H1000mm

210 – 1/1
Office Identification Signs

This sign, to be located at the front entrance of corporate buildings, ex-

presses YOKOGAWA’s character and dignity. The design includes the
symbol and brand logotype, along with the branch or sales office name.
Materials and finish are specified as follows:
Materials used may vary so as to be in harmony with specific building interi-





Base Plate Size : W540mm × H540mm × D15mm

<Base Plate> aluminum (2mm thick), bending machined, dull alumite
<Corporate Symbol> chrome-plated brass (5mm thick)
<Corporate Brand> chrome-plated brass (3mm thick)
<Corporate Name, Division, Branch, or Sales Office Name> alumite etching,
finish in lndia ink

220 – 1/1

Various signs are required to identify specific YOKOGAWA companies and

to guide visitors within these companies. Each of these signs, regardless of
size or shape, must convey a unified YOKOGAWA image while fulfilling
specific communication functions. For this reason, the unauthorized pro-
duction of signage is prohibited.

When proposing new sings, submit details to YHQ CI Office.

230 – 1/2
• Combining the Trademark and Corporate Name Logotype

Corporate name displays on a signboard are regulated by the specified

combinations of the trademark and corporate name logotype as shown

If the regulations cannot be met because of factors such as signboard size

restrictions, contact YHQ’s CI Office.





230 – 2/2
Building Advertisements & Neon Signs

Due to their high visibility, building advertisements and neon signs fulfill a
very important advertising function - communicating the brand and increas-
ing brand recognition through the presentation of the corporate symbol and
colors. The symbol in YOKOGAWA YELLOW and the brand logotype in
white appear against a background of YOKOGAWA BLUE on these signs.

Neon Sign : Tokyo, Japan

240 – 1/1

YOKOGAWA’s vehicles are classified as follows:

1. Sales vehicles, such as station wagons and vans, used for daily sales
activities and deliveries.
2. Freight vehicles, such as trucks, for transporting products
3. Buses for picking-up employees
4. Demonstration vehicles for mobile product demonstrations

These vehicles not only function as a means of transporting products and

employees, but also act as “mobile advertisements” which help establish
and reinforce YOKOGAWA’s public image. Thus, these vehicles are a very
important part of the CI design system. The vehicle design system has been
developed by taking into account each vehicle’s function, while at the same
time maintaining uniformity with all the other items in the CI design system.

• Stationwagons

• Vans

• Trucks

• Open-bed trucks

310 – 1/2
• Bus (for transporting employees)

• Demonstration vehicles
The markings on this vehicle can be freely designed to suit the specific

310 – 2/2
Outer Packages and Inner Packages

Package design must indicate the high quality, precision, and reliability of
YOKOGAWA’s products, while emphasizing their distinguishing characteris-
tics in relation to the products of other companies.
The standard design consists of YOKOGAWA Trademark and eight stripes.
YOKOGAWA BLUE is used sa the main color, since it results in consistent
print quality and is readily visible from long distances.
For details on the production of these designs, refer to “Print Design Stan-
dard PC-902 Package Boxes”, which is issued by the Production Technical
Support Department.
• Outer Packages (YOKOGAWA Blue)
The basic design of the outer package combines the YOKOGAWA trade-
mark (YB1) with 8 blue stripes. Locations for information such as handling
marks, product names, the local affiliate name, and warranty certificates
have been provided on the end of each outer package.
• Inner Packages (YOKOGAWA Green)
The design of inner packages is similar to that for outer packages except
that YOKOGAWA GREEN is used instead of YOKOGAWA BLUE. The
contrast between these two colors when the inner box emerges from the
outer box, further adds to the unique image of Yokogawa.

Outer Packages

Inner Package

410 – 1/1
Chart Boxes for Recorder Chart

■ Cartons
This inner package is used to store three kinds of charts in lots of five to ten.
The design follows the standard inner package pattern. The YOKOGAWA
Trademark is embossed in white on a background of YOKOGAWA BLUE.

■ Chart Boxes
These individual chart boxes are packed in the aforementioned inner pack-
ages for recorder charts. These boxes have been designed to satisfy the
following requirements:

1. Clearly marked with the package contents, that is, the nature of the chart.
2. Lines provided for information labeling by user.

Chart boxes are color-coded as follows:

Folding Charts .......... YOKOGAWA YELLOW
Roll Charts ............... YOKOGAWA BLUE
Round Charts ........... YOKOGAWA GREEN

420 – 1/1
Floppy Disk Cases

The floppy disk case has been designed with a base color of YOKOGAWA
BLUE and a series of stripes representing the precision and reliability re-
quired of floppy disks. In addition, each case displays columns to facilitate
the recording of essential data.

430 – 1/1
Packages for Meter

Since meters have a distribution system and a sales category different from
most other YOKOGAWA products, their packaging has been created to
reflect this as outlined below:

1. Meter packaging must be particularly distinctive.

2. Meter packaging must be particularly attractive to potential customers.
3. Meter packaging must indicate, at a glance, the nature of the product

Two packaging designs are available: an individual box and a blister pack.

• Box

• Blister Pack

440 – 1/1
Paper Bags

Paper bags for use at various trade shows and other PR events are another
means of promoting the YOKOGAWA image. A design which effectively
projects a favorable and impressive company image is essential.




(A) : W400mm × H274mm
(B) : W330mm × H380mm

450 – 1/1
Packing Paper

This packing paper is a corporate advertising tool and consists of a white

trademark on a background of YOKOGAWA BLUE.
This is used for wrapping gifts to customers and novelties given away at

Besides YOKOGAWA BLUE, gold and silver may also be used for com-
memorative materials and the like.


460 – 1/1
Display on Products Front Panel

By clearly displaying the trademark (symbol and brand logotype) on the

most visible surfaces of all products, YOKOGAWA’s products will be differ-
entiated from those of other companies and each YOKOGAWA product will
serve to reinforce the corporate image. Thus, the product’s front panel
performs the same function as an emblem.

For details on the production of these designs, refer to “Yokogawa Electric

Standard YES901.01 Product Presentation Design Standards”, which is
issued by the Technical Administration Department.

The corporate trademark, product name and model specification are silk-
screen printed directly on the surface of the product’s operation panel.
The YB1 trademark is usually applied, along with the other display informa-
tion, on the most visible part of the product.

510 – 1/1

The emblem is a means of promoting the corporate brand YOKOGAWA on

the surfaces of products. As such, it plays a significant role in projecting the
YOKOGAWA image and should be displayed where it can be easily seen.

Both brand emblems and product emblems are used. Brand emblems are
applied to products composed of more than one device and to those prod-
ucts to which it is difficult to apply a single logotype. Product emblems
reinforce the product image and associations by displaying the product’s
own logotype. The YB1 trademark is basic to both emblems, though YA 1 or
YA 2 may be used when space is limited.

Brand Emblem

Emblem for Resale Items

Product Emblem

520 – 1/1

Nameplates usually carry the manufacturer’s trademark and the country of

origin adhering to legal regulations.
But, for both domestic and overseas affiliated companies, the official corpo-
rate name logotype in the Latin alphabet can be added.
For details, refer to the “Yokogawa Electric Engineering Standards, YES

Product Logotype

Product Name


MS Code

Technical Specification

Serial No.

Combination of Trademark
& Place of Origin

530 – 1/2
• Vertical arrangement

• Horizontal arrangement (YD12)

• Official Corporate Name Logotype arrangement

530 – 2/2
Document Types and Classifications

Documents are classified according to their usage application, either pro-

duction or sales, with additional sub-categories for each major classification.
(Refer to the Document types given below.) The basic format is two thick
horizontal stripes at the top of the page and one thin horizontal stripe at the
bottom of the page, all of which are parallel and extend to the right edge of
the page.

Each separate heading, such as document title, product name and brand
name, appears in a flush left block located between the two thick stripes;
while all footer headings, that is, those below the thin stripe, such as the
trademark and corporate name, are similarly blocked.

Document covers are available in a range of colors. The color of the cover
indicates the application and importance of the documents contained,
thereby facilitating handling and usage.

Besides the location and size regulations of the YB1 trademark and docu-
ment number, a high degree of flexibility is allowed in the design of the front
cover for the various catalogs.

This CI manual only regulates the front cover designs for some documents.
Refer to the Document Production Manual (DPM) issued by the Document
Group of YHQ’s Quality Assurance Dept. for details on these documents.

• Color classification of document covers

Each document is color coded according to the following criteria:
Color Document application

Blue Main documents, which are published in large quantities and often
(YOKOGAWA BLUE) referred to by customers.
Example*1: GS, IM, SM

Green Similar usage to main documents (above), but published in smaller

(YOKOGAWA GREEN) quantities.
Example*1: TI, PPL

Purple Documents published in small quantities and issued to a limited number

(YOKOGAWA PURPLE) of customers.
Example*1: TE

Black Documents for Yokogawa employees and representatives or issued to

customers together with the above documents.
Example*1: SD, SN, UL, AED, QIS, QIC, WS, CMPL, RSPL

Note 1: Refer to next table for full length of these abbreviated document types.

610 – 1/2
• Document Types

Sales Documents • General Catalog

• Full product range guide
• Sales Bulletin
• Brochures
• GS: General Specifications
• TI: Technical Information
• UL: User List
• PPL: Parts Price List
• PS: Price Sheets
• AED: Application Engineering Data
• SN: Sales News

Product Documents • IM: Instruction Manual / Instruction & Service Manual

• SM: Service Manual
• ED: Engineering Drawings
• SD: Specifications and Drawings
• CMPL: Customer Maintenance Parts List
• RSPL: Recommended Spare Parts List
• QIS: Quality Inspection Standards
• QIC: Quality Inspection Certificate, Test Certificate
• TE: Textbook and Educational Aids
• WS: Work Sheet

610 – 2/2
Basic Document Design Format

The YOKOGAWA trademark and official corporate name logotype combina-

tion is to be displayed in the lower left-hand corner of the document, as
shown below.
A clean proof, supplied by the CI Office of YHQ, must be used to produce a
camera-ready copy.

• GS, TI, etc.




620 – 1/2
• IM, SM, etc.









620 – 2/2
Sales Documents:

Besides the location and size regulations of the YB1 trademark and document number,
a high degree of flexibility is allowed for the front cover design of the various sales
catalogs such as the General Catalog, All Product Guide, Sales Bulletins and
Brochures. The aim of this flexibility is to portray the individual characteristics of each
product in the design, rather than standardizing the design for all of the documents.
To increase recognition of the corporate name, display the corporate name logotype in
the center of the lower section at a height of 6 ±1mm.
If the corporate name is to be displayed to increase recognition, the corporate name
logotype should be displayed (vertical length of 6 ±1mm) in the lower middle section.
Length of A and B in the figure :
a. English version : A=19 mm ; B=25 mm
b. Japanese version : A=12 mm ; B=18 mm
c. Other language versions : Either the Japanese or English version
YB1-56 12


X X 12

Corporate name Logotype

630 – 1/1
Sales Documents:

• GS • TI

YB13-45 YB13-45

YB12-45 YB12-45

• UL • PS


YB12-45 YB12-45

640 – 1/2
• AED • SN

YB13-45 YB13-45

YB12-45 YB12-45

640 – 2/2
Product Documents:

• IM

JIS A4 size JIS A5 size




JIS A6 size

• SM • SD


YB12-45 YB12-45

650 – 1/2

YB13-45 YB13-45

YB12-45 YB12-45

• TE
IM style GS style

YB13-45 YB13-45

YB12-45 YB12-45

650 – 2/2
Magazine Advertisements

The regulations for the trademark and the corporate name when printed in a
magazine advertisement are as follows:

• Trademark
<Trademark to be used and its location>
The YB1 trademark must be shown in the upper-left or upper-right corner of
magazine advertisements. The trademark position depends on whether the
advertisement is for the verso or recto or is a double page spread.
Verso (left page): In the upper-left corner of the advertisement
Recto (right page): In the upper-right corner of the advertisement
Double page spread: In the upper-right corner of the advertisement

<Size of the trademark>

The size of the trademark is determined by the advertising space. A toler-
ance of ±5 mm is allowed for this.

Size of magazine Width of the trademark

JIS B5 size 50 mm
JIS A4 size 55 mm
JIS B5 size (double spread page) 55 mm
JIS A4 size (double spread page) 60 mm

Verso Recto

Double page spread

710 – 1/1

Videos produced by YOKOGAWA should display the trademark to convey

YOKOGAWA's identity and responsibility.

You must insert a YA1-type logo (Yokogawa blue or white background)

for at least 2 seconds at either the beginning or end of a video.
The layout design and size should be as shown below:

Screen aspect ratio Screen aspect ratio

In some cases, a quick overlap of the logo and a background image during a change
between the opening scene or ending scene (minimum 2 seconds) and
the main video will be allowed, taking into consideration how the two scenes change
into each other and aftereffect.

When problems arise in the reproduction of specific elements,

please contact the CI department.

715 – 1/1
Yokogawa Technical Report

The Yokogawa Technical Report summarizes the latest technical information

and research results. A PR publication, its objective is to inform the public
of YOKOGAWA’s technical prowess and to deepen understanding of the
company in general, while at the same time promoting the YOKOGAWA
image. The YOKOGAWA trademark is prominently positioned on the
report’s cover.

English Edition

Japanese Edition

720 – 1/1

This “Weekly” contains the latest YOKOGAWA news and informs of

upcoming events, etc. Once in a while a more timely news bulletin, referred
to as Yokogawa Today, is necessary to quickly update employees on the
most recent changes in conditions.
The heading area containing the “Weekly” logo changes color according to
the season or the specific type of edition.


730 – 1/2
Spring (March to May) Special Edition Number:

Summer (June to August) Stop Press Number:

Autumn (September to November) Forum

Winter (December to February)

730 – 2/2
Corporate Badge

The corporate lapel pin, when worn by employees, shows the wearer to be
a member of YOKOGAWA and is therefore a strong indication of corporate
pride. The pin design consists of the corporate symbol cast in nickel silver
with a 20-carat gold finish, which symbolizes the corporate mission ‘to
contribute to the welfare of humankind’; thus, the badge also identifies the
wearer as a supporter of this mission.

Size : W12 mm × H12 mm × D2.5 mm

Material : nickel silver, gold plating & mat finish, tie-pin

810 – 1/1
Work Uniform, Helmets

■ Work Uniforms
In general, employees of Yokogawa Electric Corporation (YHQ) are allowed
to wear their own clothes. However, company-issued work uniforms are
available to employees for the purposes of safety, hygiene and conve-

Any combination of the work uniforms outlined below can be worn.

• Unisex work jacket
• Unisex work shirt (polo shirt)
• Unisex work pants
• Work skirt (for women)
• Work cap

The work uniforms for Yokogawa Engineering Service Corporation (YSV)

are the same as those for YOKOGAWA Headquarters (YHQ) except they
are gray to take into consideration the work environment at customers’

Contact the Welfare section of YHQ regarding the issuance of work uni-

820 – 1/2
■ Helmets


820 – 2/2
Desk Plates

The desk plate exhibits an employee’s name to those who enter the office
for consultation, study, or training. This desk plate is designed in accor-
dance with the principles used in nameplate design.



830 – 1/1
Trademark and Corporate Name Display

The specifics of the official corporate name display used for exhibitions and
in showrooms, are dictated by the amount of space available and other local
considerations. In all cases, however, a unified image of the YOKOGAWA
group must be conveyed.

Details such as the appropriate settings and color combinations of the

corporate name display are provided below.

Framework sign (example)

Partition display (examples)

910 – 1/2
• Combinations of corporate elements and background
Background Color Corporate Symbol Brand Logo Official Corporate Name


White YOKOGAWA YELLOW or Black Black Black
Gray YOKOGAWA YELLOW or White Black or White Black
Silver YOKOGAWA YELLOW or White Black or White Black

• Trademark and Corporate Name Logotype in Combination




910 – 2/2

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