مناقشة ٢٢يونيو٢٠٢١ (20)

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‫ﻣﻧﺎﻗﺷﺔ ﯾوم ‪٦/٢٢‬‬


‫اﻻﺛﻛس ﯾﻣﻛن ‪ ٣٠‬ﺳؤال ﻛﻠﮭﺎ ﺗﺟﻣﯾﻌﺎت‬

‫اﻻﻧدو اول ‪ ١٠٠‬ﺳؤال ﻣﻊ اورال ﻣﯾدﯾﺳن ﻛﻠﮭﺎ ﺳﯾﻧﺎرﯾوھﺎت‬
‫اﻟﺑروس ﺑﻌد ﺳﯾﻧﺎرﯾو ‪ ...‬ﺻور وأﺷﯾﺎء ﺟدا واﺿﺣﮫ 👍 ✅ ✅‬

‫🛑‬ ‫??‪NUG diifers from NUP‬‬

‫✅‪loss of attach.‬‬

‫🛑‬ ‫‪ANUG STAGES: marginal ginginva‬‬ ‫✅‬ ‫ﺟﺎت رﻗم ‪3‬‬

🛑 fordyces granules on verimiilion border ? ‫ﺻورة‬

‫ﻟﻠﻔﺎﺋدة ﺗرا ﺗﺟﻲ ﻓﻲ‬buccal mucosa ‫ﺑﻌد‬

‫وﻣﺎﯾﺣﺗﺎج ﺗرﯾﺗﻣﻧت ﻻﻧﮭﺎ‬asymptomatic ✅

‫🛑 ﺳﺆال‬ethical:/ dental piblic health :

the focus element/ of health care system:
doctor, patient, axillary personnel, pt’ family
. ‫اﻋﺘﻘﺪ اﻟﺒﯿﺸﻨﺖ اھﻢ ﻋﻨﺼﺮ‬
Patient ✅

🛑 Pic of le fort 3

‫ﺳوال اوﺑرﺗف‬
📍 how can water sorption affect when on adhesvie resotrative materiaal:

alter color
, increase brittility✅ , increase strentgh,, increase bonding ... ‫اﺧﺗﯾﺎرات ﻧﺳﯾﺗﮭﺎ ﺑﺎﻟﺿﺑط‬

🛑 How to treat skeletal class 2 and 3

Orho appliance
*Cervical pull headgear:*
Indicated in:
Class II with
_Deep Bite_

*High pull head gear:*

Indicated in:
Class II with
_increased vertical dimension and minimum over bite _

*Straight pull head gear:*

Indicated in:
Class II _division I malocclusion _

*Chin cup:*
Indicated in:

_excessive mandibular growth_

To restrain mandibular growth

**Reverse pull head gear and Face mask*

Indicated in:
*Class III*_
_for protraction if maxilla_


🛑 How to treat dentally class 2 and 3

🛑 Patient with class lll anterior mandible teeth what tooth should we extract

Lewer 4✅ ✅

* Class I *
In case of crowding extract the same tooth from both arches to maintain the
molar relationship

* Class II *
No space required ➡ extract upper 4 s
You’ll end up with class II molar relationship

If space required ➡ extract U4 s + L5 s

You’ll end up with class I molar relationship

* Class III *
No space required ➡ extract lower 4 s
You’ll end up with class III molar relationship
If space required ➡ extract U5 s + L4 s
You’ll end up with class I molar relationship

🛑 Pic of class 1 2 3 malocclusion ✅

🛑 Which of the following functional appliances ? ✅ ✅

Read about it

Frankle appliance

Twin block
🛑 To transfer exicized fibroma we put it in formalin ✅ (Formalin and labelled biohazard

🛑 What is the width of attached gingiva and how to calculate it

Full length from mucogingival line - probing depth.

schiller’s potassium iodine duy stain solution user to stain keretanized gingiva
only from G. Margin & papilato measure the width of keritinazed tissue ✅
🛑 What is the average width of marginal gingiva✅

🛑 Deepest point for calculus to form 4.7 - 5 mm✅

🛑 ⁃ Bactria in necrotic pulp ? ✳

🛑 ⁃ Anti Ro test for Sjögren's syndrome

Anti ssa= lupis
Anti sas and anti ssb = Sjögren's ✅

🛑 ⁃ Schirmer's test 5ml in 5 min

🛑 ⁃ Multiple melanoma positive Bence Jone Rdne

🛑 ⁃ Calculate no. of ampules of 2% lidocaine in 1.8 ml for 50 kg pt


🌸🌸 A patient weighing 57 kg. We want to give him lidocaine 2% with epinephrine 1:100000.
1- What is the maximum dose in mg?
2- What is the number of cartilages?
3- What is the total volume allowed to be given in ml?
4- What is the total amount of epinephrine?
The solution :
2% mean
Each 100 ml of anesthetic solution contains (2 g = 2000 mg) lidocaine
The meaning of the cartilage which has a volume of 1.8 ml, contains x for example
X= 1.8 x 2000 ÷ 100 = 36 mg
Likewise 3% 👈 54 mg
4% 👈 72 mg
Maximum dose = weight of the patient x 7

57 x 7 = 399 mg
2- The number of cartridges We divide the maximum dose by the amount of the drug in the carbola
N = 399 ÷ 36 = 11.08
I mean 11 carbola
3- Total volume = number of cartilages x volume of one carbola
= 1.8 x 11.08 = 19.95 ml
4 - 1: 100,000 means
Each 100,000 ml contains (1 g = 1000 mg epinephrine)
its meaning
The 19.95 ml contains Y for example
Y = 19.95 x 1000 ÷ 100000
= 0.1995 < 0.2 mg is acceptable
As long as it is less than 0.2 mg (the maximum amount for a healthy person)
(and it is 0.04 mg in patients with heart)
And happy times for everyone 🌸 💐 😅 in the Math with your brother, the doctor
🌸💐💝 ❤ Shadi Al-Houl 🌸 ❤ 💝 💐 ✅

🛑 ⁃ Epinephrine for cardiac pt

0.04 mg ✅

🛑 ⁃ Test used for warfarin

Pathergy test= behcet’s syndrome
Pt= liver disease
PTT= hemophilia, von willebrand disease
INR = warfarin ( coagulation testing)✅

🛑 ⁃ Pic or Hand, foot, and mouth disease

most commonly caused by a coxsackieviru✅

🛑 ⁃ Pt has high contact in centric✳

💡💡 centric interference
is a premature contact that
occurs when the mandible closes with the condyles in
their optimum position in the glenoid fossa.

💡💡 Correct by.. grinding of ( MUDL)

Mesial incline of maxillary teeth and distal incline of mandibular teeth.

🛑 ⁃ Most destructive interference non working ✅

🛑 ⁃ curette used for

Scalling And Root planning subgingivally ✅

🛑 ⁃ gingival abscess causes ✅

🛑 ⁃ Management of Post op sensitivity after scaling
Desinsitizing agent ✅

We need a reference to ensure the answer 👍

🛑 ⁃ Pt on amoxicillin for infection and has abdominal pain what’s the

Metronidazole ✅

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