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Secrets of Mental Math Cheat Sheet

Basic Principles

1. Break Down Problems: Simplify calculations by breaking them into smaller, more
manageable parts.
2. Use Rounding: Round numbers to make them easier to work with, then adjust the result.

Multiplication Tricks

1. Multiplying by 5:
o Multiply by 10 and then halve the result.
2. Multiplying by 9:
o Multiply by 10 and subtract the original number.
3. Multiplying by 11:
o For a two-digit number, add the digits and place the sum between them. Example:
23×11=2(2+3)3=25323 \times 11 = 2(2+3)3 = 25323×11=2(2+3)3=253.

Squaring Numbers

1. Numbers Ending in 5:
o If n=10a+5, then n2=a(a+1)⋅100+25\text{If } n = 10a + 5, \text{ then } n^2 =
a(a+1) \cdot 100 + 25If n=10a+5, then n2=a(a+1)⋅100+25. Example:
252=2⋅3⋅100+25=62525^2 = 2 \cdot 3 \cdot 100 + 25 = 625252=2⋅3⋅100+25=625.
2. Other Numbers:
o Use the formula (a+b)2=a2+2ab+b2(a + b)^2 = a^2 + 2ab +
b^2(a+b)2=a2+2ab+b2. Example:
472=(50−3)2=502−2⋅50⋅3+32=2500−300+9=220947^2 = (50 - 3)^2 = 50^2 - 2 \
cdot 50 \cdot 3 + 3^2 = 2500 - 300 + 9 =

Multiplying Two-Digit Numbers

1. General Multiplication:
o Break numbers into tens and units. Example:
23×47=(20+3)×(40+7)=20×40+20×7+3×40+3×723 \times 47 = (20 + 3) \times
(40 + 7) = 20 \times 40 + 20 \times 7 + 3 \times 40 + 3 \times

Addition and Subtraction

1. Left-to-Right Addition:
o Add large numbers by starting from the leftmost digit. Example:
123+456=100+400+20+50+3+6123 + 456 = 100 + 400 + 20 + 50 + 3 +
2. Left-to-Right Subtraction:
o Subtract by starting from the leftmost digit. Example:
456−123=400−100+50−20+6−3456 - 123 = 400 - 100 + 50 - 20 + 6 -


1. Estimating Quotients:
o Round the divisor to the nearest convenient number, divide, and adjust
2. Using Multiplication:
o Convert division into multiplication. Example: 84÷4≈(80+4)÷4≈20+1=2184 \div
4 \approx (80 + 4) \div 4 \approx 20 + 1 = 2184÷4≈(80+4)÷4≈20+1=21.

Working with Fractions

1. Simplifying Fractions:
o Find the greatest common divisor (GCD) and divide the numerator and
denominator by it.
2. Fraction to Decimal Conversion:
o Use division to convert fractions to decimals.

Advanced Techniques

1. The Trachtenberg System:

o Specialized multiplication shortcuts for different digit combinations.
2. Calculating Squares Faster:
o For any number, use the base method or difference of squares

Chapter 1: The Joy of Math

 Importance of Mental Math: Enhances cognitive skills and improves everyday numerical

Chapter 2: The Power of Patterns

 Recognizing Patterns: Identifying numerical patterns helps in simplifying complex calculations.

Chapter 3: Basic Multiplication

1. Multiplying by 2, 4, 8: Doubling, quadrupling, and octupling are simple extensions of addition.

2. Multiplying by 5, 50, 25: Utilize the base 10 and half it. Example: 35×5=350÷2=17535 \times 5 =
350 \div 2 = 17535×5=350÷2=175.
3. Multiplying by 9: Multiply by 10 and subtract the original number. Example:
47×9=470−47=42347 \times 9 = 470 - 47 = 42347×9=470−47=423.
Chapter 4: Intermediate Multiplication

1. Multiplying Two-Digit Numbers by 11: Add the digits and place the sum between them.
Example: 53×11=5(5+3)3=58353 \times 11 = 5(5+3)3 = 58353×11=5(5+3)3=583.
2. General Two-Digit Multiplication:
o Example: 34×56=(30+4)×(50+6)=1500+180+200+24=190434 \times 56 = (30 + 4) \times
(50 + 6) = 1500 + 180 + 200 + 24 = 190434×56=(30+4)×(50+6)=1500+180+200+24=1904.

Chapter 5: Advanced Multiplication

1. Squaring Numbers Ending in 5:

o Formula: (a5)2=a(a+1)×100+25(a5)^2 = a(a+1) \times 100 + 25(a5)2=a(a+1)×100+25.
o Example: 752=7×8×100+25=562575^2 = 7 \times 8 \times 100 + 25 =
2. Squaring Any Number:
o Example: 382=(40−2)2=402−2×40×2+22=1600−160+4=144438^2 = (40-2)^2 = 40^2 - 2 \
times 40 \times 2 + 2^2 = 1600 - 160 + 4 =

Chapter 6: Addition and Subtraction

1. Left-to-Right Addition: Add from the highest place value.

o Example: 568+432=500+400+60+30+8+2=1000568 + 432 = 500 + 400 + 60 + 30 + 8 + 2 =
2. Left-to-Right Subtraction: Subtract from the highest place value.
o Example: 763−289=700−200+60−80+3−9=474763 - 289 = 700 - 200 + 60 - 80 + 3 - 9 =

Chapter 7: Rapid Division

1. Dividing by Single Digits: Estimate and adjust.

o Example: 84÷4≈80÷4+4÷4=20+1=2184 \div 4 \approx 80 \div 4 + 4 \div 4 = 20 + 1 =
2. Dividing by Two-Digit Numbers: Round the divisor, divide, and adjust.
o Example: 144÷12=144÷(10+2)=14.4−(14.4÷6)=12144 \div 12 = 144 \div (10 + 2) = 14.4 -
(14.4 \div 6) = 12144÷12=144÷(10+2)=14.4−(14.4÷6)=12.

Chapter 8: Working with Fractions

1. Simplifying Fractions: Divide numerator and denominator by their GCD.

o Example: 3648=36÷1248÷12=34\frac{36}{48} = \frac{36 \div 12}{48 \div 12} = \frac{3}
2. Converting Fractions to Decimals: Perform long division.
o Example: 38=3÷8=0.375\frac{3}{8} = 3 \div 8 = 0.37583=3÷8=0.375.

Chapter 9: More Advanced Multiplication

1. The Trachtenberg System: Multiplication shortcuts for various digit combinations.
2. Calculating Squares:
o Example: 232=(20+3)2=400+120+9=52923^2 = (20+3)^2 = 400 + 120 + 9 =

Chapter 10: Math Puzzles and Tricks

 Fun with Numbers: Engage with math puzzles to develop a deeper understanding and

Basic Principles

 Break Down Problems: Simplify complex problems by breaking them into smaller parts.
o Example: To multiply 48 by 17, break it down:
48×17=(50−2)×17=50×17−2×17=850−34=81648 \times 17 = (50 - 2) \times 17 = 50 \
times 17 - 2 \times 17 = 850 - 34 = 81648×17=(50−2)×17=50×17−2×17=850−34=816.

Chapter 1: The Joy of Math

 Mental Math Benefits: Improves cognitive skills and daily numerical abilities.

Chapter 2: The Power of Patterns

 Identifying Patterns: Recognizing numerical patterns simplifies calculations.

o Example: Multiples of 9 sum to 9. 54→5+4=954 \rightarrow 5 + 4 = 954→5+4=9.

Chapter 3: Basic Multiplication

1. Multiplying by 2, 4, 8:
o Example: 23×4=23×2×2=46×2=9223 \times 4 = 23 \times 2 \times 2 = 46 \times 2 =
2. Multiplying by 5, 50, 25:
o Example: 32×25=32×100/4=3200/4=80032 \times 25 = 32 \times 100 / 4 = 3200 / 4 =
3. Multiplying by 9:
o Example: 76×9=76×(10−1)=760−76=68476 \times 9 = 76 \times (10 - 1) = 760 - 76 =

Chapter 4: Intermediate Multiplication

1. Multiplying Two-Digit Numbers by 11:

o Example: 84×11=8(8+4)4=8(12)4=92484 \times 11 = 8(8+4)4 = 8(12)4 =
2. General Two-Digit Multiplication:
o Example: 46×32=(40+6)×(30+2)=1200+80+180+12=147246 \times 32 = (40 + 6) \times
(30 + 2) = 1200 + 80 + 180 + 12 = 147246×32=(40+6)×(30+2)=1200+80+180+12=1472.
Chapter 5: Advanced Multiplication

1. Squaring Numbers Ending in 5:

o Example: 852=8×9×100+25=7200+25=722585^2 = 8 \times 9 \times 100 + 25 = 7200 +
25 = 7225852=8×9×100+25=7200+25=7225.
2. Squaring Any Number:
o Example: 532=(50+3)2=502+2×50×3+32=2500+300+9=280953^2 = (50+3)^2 = 50^2 + 2 \
times 50 \times 3 + 3^2 = 2500 + 300 + 9 =

Chapter 6: Addition and Subtraction

1. Left-to-Right Addition:
o Example: 487+365=(400+300)+(80+60)+(7+5)=700+140+12=852487 + 365 = (400+300) +
(80+60) + (7+5) = 700 + 140 + 12 =
2. Left-to-Right Subtraction:
o Example: 763−289=(700−200)+(60−80)+(3−9)=500−20−6=474763 - 289 = (700-200) +
(60-80) + (3-9) = 500 - 20 - 6 = 474763−289=(700−200)+(60−80)+(3−9)=500−20−6=474.

Chapter 7: Rapid Division

1. Dividing by Single Digits:

o Example: 156÷3=(150+6)÷3=50+2=52156 \div 3 = (150 + 6) \div 3 = 50 + 2 =
2. Dividing by Two-Digit Numbers:
o Example: 256÷16≈256÷15=17.07256 \div 16 \approx 256 \div 15 =
17.07256÷16≈256÷15=17.07, adjust as needed.

Chapter 8: Working with Fractions

1. Simplifying Fractions:
o Example: 4560=45÷1560÷15=34\frac{45}{60} = \frac{45 \div 15}{60 \div 15} = \frac{3}
2. Converting Fractions to Decimals:
o Example: 78=7÷8=0.875\frac{7}{8} = 7 \div 8 = 0.87587=7÷8=0.875.

Chapter 9: More Advanced Multiplication

1. The Trachtenberg System:

o Specific rules for fast multiplication, e.g., multiplying by 12: double the number and add
the original.
o Example: 123×12=(123×10)+(123×2)=1230+246=1476123 \times 12 = (123 \times 10) +
(123 \times 2) = 1230 + 246 = 1476123×12=(123×10)+(123×2)=1230+246=1476.
2. Calculating Squares:
o Example: 422=(40+2)2=402+2×40×2+22=1600+160+4=176442^2 = (40+2)^2 = 40^2 + 2 \
times 40 \times 2 + 2^2 = 1600 + 160 + 4 =

Chapter 10: Math Puzzles and Tricks

 Fun with Numbers: Use math puzzles to deepen understanding and enjoy math.

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