Bacteriology Throat Culture

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Name: Score:

Seat No.: Group No.: a Section: Date:

Answer the following questions completely.

1. What is the clinical significance of performing a throat culture?
that t
Perfarming a throat cultur i iqnitLcant in such a uay
ansidered fhogdTIC test + detect the prene of
ph ayn
miloog ni ms such as StepfacCCUJ pyogeness Siaphyla caceus
auheys Shepto ca CCaspneumOhLae ohd auch gi ke

2. Provide instances when a Gram negative organism is recovered in a throat culture

Thete Can he instan es that a 4am -neg aie talifom ha Ctenia
Ale btietla 4ay be eland h a fhmdt Culture

3. In performing the catalase test, why is it necessary to avoid getting the colonies from

In perfarming th catalase est i in pe tant hat 0olonies

fyhed bleod Dgar plates as ths could
false pnritive

4. What are the 2 well known sequelae of streptococcal infections? Provide a brief
description of this sequelae
Kheumatic feAYCAp) ia which.
ep eated aftatxi of speptoco ccul phonngillí hy artaH
Aute Glo mt culonephntis whose
eifher Stin or fhoot. In addrttbH, Sero tyyeJ 2,4 9 53, Ss,ss 0 ond
Predomindte n pyodema - ass0cjdBe diSease while rotypes tr6fl2, and 23
re asS 0adted i th pharyn gitis Qsodated disease .
L.aboratory Manual in Bacteriologv for the Clinical Labo ato y Sciences
For the exclusive use of 3 vear students enrolled in the UST Faculy of Phamacy Dept. of Medsal lechne


Name: Score:

Seat No.: Group No.: Section: Date:

Answer the following questions completely.

1. Are there instances when a patient is diagnosed with aurinary tract infection and the
colony count is less than 100,000 CFU/ml? Explain your answer.
Diualya naan tract infecti on iS dia gn0sed it fhe olony ount

Seen ih the di qqnofed

2. Aside from the mid-stream clean catch urine specimen, provide other acceptable
specimens for urine culture. Provide a short description for each specimen type
Asde om mid-stream dean catch urine peáMe fhese Rre the
Qther uiae ecinmenj hat can. he uedi
cathe teriwd spedmen taken hy a catheter thnugh the
Ihe bladder
Arethra int D
" auprapuhic
apira tio n ahtaintd thoughd needle inserd Into the
in the suprapubic egion
prostatic secretion - ignificdnt tor e prper untioning of the sperm ells
3. If in a urine culture and more than one isolate is observed, is this indicative that the
specimen is contaminated? Explain your answer
f there dre m Ore than two types of Co[0nies, fhe samp le is
tontamh dhed - May he due to rnss - Contamihq fion
from other

I.tboratryMunal in Bacteriology for te Clin:cal Laboraloru Scènces

Fr ihe ectusive ueo3'yrar studentsvnrolledin the USTba ultyof Pharnary -Dem. ef Muteal lhnolegy (AY 2022-20)

4. In the clinical setting, more laboratories are now using other culture media such as
the CLED Medium and Chromogenic Agar Medium for urine culture, provide a short
description on the following
a. Function/use of the CLED Medium and Chromogenic Agar
b. Main components of the CLED Medium and Chromogenic Agar and their
C. Manner of interpretation/colonial characteristics on CLED Medium and
Chromogenic Agar

C- Fun Cti On ASe 9f the CLED Mediam and Ch ram 04enic ar

"CLED Dediam ( 4stine -Lactose -tlectolyfe -pefiient Ag dr ) a
dIfferen tigl Cu lture mediunm ln olating and enmeratih q
hacteria in unne
poma cultu N Medi urm for isola
tion ond_/den tiÇ cation of_ phedommin ant umpafh og ens ike |
e-cali ) KES group and ntkroco ca
b: main comp onents
- L-aystne supp orts gowth of the ysteine- depen dent
dwarf Golifom colany
Lact0se : Rmentable catbohydra be that provides carb0n
and energy
- ONPG, X-Gal,or - lu aci S as Chromegenrt
Cho mogeni C Bgar
ubstrd tes
chrom ogens Ghich ofers Speeified sefectiity of he
C manner of Interpret ation/o(onid| charaornsti cseh rom o9 eni
CLED mediu m Agar

Bacren'a: Growth the manner of mHerpretotion frr

P.coli Gfro bacer YelloW pdque Chro mogenic Ag ar ts tne preseh cw
Entero bacter, Klebsicll a yello w to whitish of a color change m the medium
blue ;måcoid
and/or fuores ance under long wave
Proteus bfuegreen to blue cOn firm the
Pseudon onas green w/ matte bafhogen o.f nterest
Surfa e
Strep tocoai Small, pale yellow
staphyloocci very smal, yellow
Entero Co Cci 0sam in diameli
9ello w
LaboraioryMattai in Ba teriologu for the Cln al abaaiory Scinces
f'or he Cxcsiv: Use of 3ear students enrolled in the STIacul!y of Dept of Alvdical Teholgy (4Y 202?2023)

4. lf you are given a single rectal swab for stool culture, why is it necessary to inoculate the
swab first on MacConkey and not on TCBS? Explain.
Ihis is in consË dratioh fe fne fact thar Maclon ke has Iess
a gmund nle fhat
inhibitoy popettes fhan tCBS -qnd ir foihe medidm with tess

in hibtony popertie

Matching Type
A. Match the following culture media and their function/use
1. EMB a. Selective

2. BSA b. Selective and Differential

3. BAP c. Enriched and Differential

B 4. XLD d. Basal
B. Match the following biochemical tests and their expected positive result
A. 1. Oxidase a. Purple
C 2. MR Test b. Bubbling
c. Red
B 3. Catalase
d. Pink
D 4. Lactose fermentation on Mac
E 5. Citrate Utilization e. Blue

C. Match the following organisms to their corresponding TSI reaction

A- 1. Escherichia coli a. A/AG
b. K/A
B 2. Shigella dysenteriae
D 3. Salmonella Typhi C. K/K

4. Pseudomonas d. KJA +

L.uboratoy AManual in BacterioBugu for ihe Clinicai lLaborntory Scinces

Ior theexcusieof3earstudts enroll in the Icuity of Pharmae-- Dop:. of NModical lehrology . : 20:2-)

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