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SST – Grade 9

CHAPTER-6 - ​ Climate

1. Write any three features of monsoon rains in india.

i) Monsoon rains in India mainly occur during June, July, August

and September
ii) It goes on decreasing from east to west, west to east and from south
west to north east.
iii) Most of monsoon rains occur during the season of advancing monsoon
- around 85% of the total annual rainfall.

2. Discuss the factors that affect the climate of India.

1.​ Latitude -
i) Tropic of Cancer passes through the middle of the country.
ii) India’s climatic characteristics is tropical & sub- tropical
2. Altitude -
i) India has mountains with an average height of 6000mtr & vast coastal
area, the maximum elevation of which is 30m.
ii) The Himalayas prevent cold winds entering from Central Asia to India.
iii) Hence India experiences mild winters.
3. Pressure -
i) India lies in the region of north easterly winds.
ii) They originate from the sub- tropical high pressure belt of the
Northern Hemisphere, blow south and get deflected to right due to
Coriolis force.
iii) move towards equatorial low pressure region.
4. Winds -
i) Winds that bring rain in India -
a) South West Monsoon
b) Westerly flow

3. Distinguish between the two types of cyclonic disturbances.

​Western Cyclonic disturbances Tropical Cyclonic disturbances

i) Occur during winter months i) Occur during the monsoon
ii) Caused by the Westerly flow from the ii) caused by easterly flow
Mediterranean region iii) affect the coastal regions of the
iii) Influence the weather of north & county
north western regions of India Eg: Orissa & A P Coast

​ 4. “Monsoon acts as a unifying bond of the country.” Explain.

​ 1.​ Rhythmic cycle of season

i) The seasonal change of wind systems & the associated weather
conditions provide a rhythmic cycle of seasons.
​2​. Flora and Fauna
ii) The Indian landscape, its plant & animal life, its life of the
People revolve around the occurrence of monsoon.
iii) People from west to east & from north to south eagerly wait for its
​ 3.​ Setting agricultural activities
i) The monsoon winds bind the whole country by giving water to set up
its agricultural activities.
​4.​ River Valleys
i) The river valleys which carry this water unite as a single river valley

​ 5. Enlist the characteristic features of retreating monsoon.

i) Clear skies
ii) Rise in temperature
iii) October Heat
iv) Cyclonic depressions

​ 6. Discuss the mechanism of monsoon/facts linked with mechanism of

i) India falls in the monsoon type of climate due to its location in South and
and South Asia region. This region is called tropical region between 20
degree North and 20 degree South.
ii) Half of India in North falls in subtropical and the other southern part falls
in tropical region. Monsoons denote seasonal reversal in the wind during
the year.
iii) Wind reversal takes place due to the following reasons;
a) The differential heating and cooling of land and water creates low
pressure on the landmass of India while the seas around experience
comparatively high pressure.
b) The shift of the position of Inter Tropical Convergence Zone in summer
over the Ganga plain.
c) The presence of the high-pressure area, east of Madagascar,
approximately at 20 degree South over the Indian Ocean. The
intensity and position of this high-pressure area affects the Indian
d) The Tibetan plateau gets intensely heated during summer resulting in
strong vertical air currents and the formation of low pressure over the
plateau at about 9km above sea level.
e) The movement of the westerly jet stream to the north of the Himalayas
and the presence of the tropical easterly jet stream over the Indian
peninsula during summer.
iv) The periodic change in pressure conditions known as Southern Oscillation
too affect the monsoons.

7. Explain the features of hot weather season in India.

i) When the global heat belt shifts northward, it is hot weather season in
India from March - May.
ii) In peninsular India, temperatures remain lower due to the moderating
influence of the seas.
iii) Summer months experience rising temperature and falling air pressure
in the northern part of the country.
iv) Towards the end of May, an elongated low pressure area develops in the
region. It extends from the Thar desert to Patna and Chota Nagpur
v) The strong, gusty, hot, dry winds called the ‘Loo’ blow during the day
over the north and north western India.
vi) Towards the close of the summer season pre-monsoon showers are
common especially in Kerala and Karnataka.

Additional Questions:

1. Give an account of the characteristics of the cold weather season.

2. Describe the elements of weather and climate.
3. Define Coriolis Force.
4. Enumerate the atmospheric conditions that govern the climate of India.



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