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Industrial Report

Govt. Fruit Canning Unit, Himachal Pradesh

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of

degree of

Bachelors of Technology

Food Technology

Submitted to



From 06/14/23 to 07/12/23


Name of student: Samaksh kaistha

Registration Number: 12114288

Signature of the student:


S. No. Title Page

1 Declaration by Student 3
2 Training Certification from organization 4
3 Acknowledgement 5
4 List of Tables 6
5 List of Figures/ Charts 6
13 Chapter7: CONCLUSION 32

Annexure-II: Student Declaration

To whom so ever it may concern

I, Samaksh Kaistha, 12114288, hereby declare that the work done by me on “Internship ”
from June,2023to July,2023, is a record of original work for the partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the award of the degree, Food Technology.

Samaksh Kaistha(12114288



I want to say how grateful and appreciative I am for the priceless chance to complete my summer
training at the Government Fruit Canning Unit, HP. My professional and personal development have
greatly benefited from this enriching and fulfilling experience.

I want to express my sincere gratitude to the entire Unit team for their leadership, assistance, and
mentorship over the course of my training programme. I had a cordial greeting and was made to feel
like a valuable employee right away. I have improved my understanding of the industry and its
practises thanks to the professionals at Industry' experience and knowledge.

I had the opportunity to work on a variety of projects and activities throughout my time at Govt. Fruit
Canning Unit, which gave me practical experience and exposure to real-world situations. Working
with seasoned experts has given me many useful practical insights that will certainly help me in my
future endeavours.

I would also like to thank Dr. N.K. Kaushal, the Fruit Technologist of Fruit Canning Unit, for
giving me the opportunity to do an internship within the organization. And express my heartiest
gratitude to him, who is busy person but he guided me with full concentration and commitment. He
never scolded on mistakes but taught that what is right and wrong.

Also, I am especially thankful to Dr. Sanjeev Naryal H.D.O. (Horticulture Development Officer)
who guided me throughout the internship and being an old Hailian encourage me a lot. I’m also really
very thankful to Mr. Harvansh Sir for his support, information, co-operation.

The employees of this company were also very cooperative and give full respect to me during the period
of internship. I also look forward to work with this team in future.

Yours sincerely,

Samaksh Kaistha

List of Tables:

Table2.1: Refrectometer readings of different foods

List of Figures:

Fig1.1: Outerlook of industry

Fig2.1: Production Unit overview

Fig3.1: Steam Kettle

Fig3.2: Harvest Homogenizer

Fig3.3: Pulper

Fig3.4: Grater

Fig3.5: Tray Dryer

Fig3.6: Pickle Mixing Machine

Fig3.7: Fruit Mill Crusher

Fig3.8: Refractometer

Fig3.9: Ceiling Machine

Fig3.10: Steam Tank

Fig3.11: Vaporex Boiler

Fig4.1: Flow Chart of Brahmi Juice

Fig4.2: Flow Chart of Lychee Juice

Fig5.1: Flow Chart of Mixed Pickle

Fig6.1: Flow Chart of Tomato Ketchup

Chapter1: Introduction to the Company

About Department of Horticulture

The State Department of Horticulture works to promote a prosperous Himachal through the scientific
advancement of horticulture by utilizing the natural resources to create an agricultural system that is
sustainable in the hilly regions. September 1970 saw the establishment of the Department. The
horticulture business in Himachal Pradesh has changed as a result of the State Government's practical
horticulture development policies and the farmers' adoption of such policies. The State has gained the
title of being known as the Indian Apple State.

Fig1.1: Outerlook of industry

Organisational Structure

The Principal Secretary (Horticulture) of the Himachal Pradesh government oversees the
administrative operations of the Department. The Joint Director of Horticulture, Deputy Directors of
Horticulture, and Subject Matter Specialists at the Directorate level support the Director of
Horticulture, who serves as the department's head. The Directorate is divided into seven designated
divisions, including

1. Agricultural Generalizations

2. Nutrition of Plants

5. Fruit Processing and Use 6. Plant Protection 7. Marketing and Post-Harvest Management

6. Statistics and Economics in Horticulture

7. Information Services for Horticulture

The State has been split into the North Zone and South Zone for the sake of carrying out the
horticulture development programs and activities.

The South Zone of the State, which includes the districts of Bilaspur, Kinnaur, Mandi, Shimla,
Sirmaur, and Solan, is under the direct jurisdiction of the Director of Horticulture. Under the direction
of the Director of Horticulture, the Project Director (Mushrooms) at Chambaghat, Solan, and the Joint
Director of Horticulture (Hqrs) Shimla oversee the development of mushrooms and the processing of
fruit, respectively.

The Chamba, Hamirpur, Kangra, Kullu, Lahaul&Spiti, and Una districts are included in the North
Zone of the State, which is under the general supervision of the Additional Director of Horticulture
based in Dharamshala, District Kangra.

Importance of Department:

The project's implementing organisation is the Himachal Pradesh Horticulture Development Society. It
aims to provide ICT-based platforms for electronic delivery of department-specific services of the
horticulture department, automate all of the department's administrative tasks, along with HP HDP,
and implement MIS that is integrated with the workflow of the Himachal Pradesh Nursery and
Demonstration Orchards Development and Management Society (SPV) for the implementation of the

The increase of rural non-farm employment in the state was significantly influenced by the expansion
of the area planted with non-food grain crops. According to the most recent census, 88 percent of the
people in Himachal Pradesh live in rural areas and are small or marginal farmers. Less than one acre of
land is often used for operational purposes. In the state as a whole, employment in agriculture and rural
areas accounts for about 70% of all jobs.

Women make major contributions to the livestock/dairy, horticultural, and agricultural industries.
Women continue to contribute significantly to labour and managerial pre- and post-harvest activities in
the horticultural industry. However, their access to market infrastructure, knowledge, possibilities for
skill and entrepreneurship development, and decision-making processes is still limited.

Horticulture in HP has been responsible for many of the positive outcomes in employment,
wages, and in turn, poverty reduction. Employment in horticulture as a percentage of all
agricultural employment in HP increased from 0.9 percent to 28 percent between 1983 and 2009-
10. Crop diversification has made a significant impact on income and employment among small
and marginal farmers.

The state of HP faces a number of sectoral, institutional, and policy challenges that need to be
addressed more systematically if the full potential is to be realised and translated into sustainable

development impacts, despite the significant potential of horticulture production to contribute to higher
economic growth and poverty reduction objectives.These consist of:

• Low productivity due to lack of availability to superior planting materials and adequate
production methods
• Despite having access to water resources, the state's horticulture is nearly totally dependent on
rainfall due to inadequately constructed water management systems.
• Inappropriate horticulture practises are caused by a poor research system, insufficient extension
service capability, and ineffective extension service efficiency.
• Low value addition and high post-harvest losses are made worse by inadequate storage,
processing, and marketing capacities.
• a lack of institutional support for the growth of micro, small, and medium-sized businesses
(MSME) in the agro processing industry; and
• lack of access to financial capital for the medium and long terms. Due to the sector's domestic
markets being open to foreign trade, it also faces competition from outside the country.

A number of initiatives are part of the GoI and GoHP's goal to address the barriers to the quick and
sustainable development of the horticulture sector. By fostering a climate that enables the agricultural
community to gain the requisite technical knowledge and capacity to capitalise on growing market
opportunities, this concentrate on growth through diversification into high value horticultural output.3
The Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme (WBCIS) is actively supported by the GoHP in its
implementation. The GoHP is also at the forefront of several efforts that place an emphasis on
watersheds that are carbon-sensitive and environmentally sound.

The Himachal Pradesh Reforestation initiative, Improving Livelihoods and Watersheds (CDM Project
4174) is the state's first sizable forestry Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) initiative. The state's
strategy change towards and focus on high-value horticulture makes irrigation more financially
feasible, which in turn improves resilience against rainfall uncertainty. A significant change in how an
integrated value chain approach can be used to assist the long-term growth of the horticulture sector
can be seen in the proposed Himachal Pradesh Horticulture growth Project (HPHDP). As a result, the
HPDHP enhances service delivery while increasing investments in production, processing, and

The project helps to modernise the horticulture industry by putting new technologies and methods to
use that will increase climate resiliency, boost the productivity of producers and their organisations,
and make it easier for some commodities to access markets and add value.5 By promoting the
development of new products and financial counselling, it will make it easier for farmers and agro-
enterprises to access and make better use of financial services, particularly loans and insurance.

Chapter2: Introduction to Work Assigned


I had the luxury of working for a month in the exciting and varied world of the food industry. I now
have a thorough understanding of the intricate processes involved in creating and packing a variety of
food goods thanks to this experience. I spent most of my time in two crucial departments: production,
where I learned how to make juices, squashes, and pickles, and packaging, where I mastered the skill
of properly wrapping these culinary treats. This essay seeks to offer a thorough examination of my
experiences, emphasizing the information I learned, the abilities I honed, and the wider ramifications
of my path within the food sector.

Producing Juices and pickles as a Production Unit

I spent my time in the manufacturing section learning the craft of making juices, squashes, and pickles.
This part of my career exposed me to a wide range of procedures and ideas that form the cornerstone
of the food manufacturing industry.

Understanding components and their ratios is essential to creating delicious food products. Recipe
formulation and ingredient understanding go hand in hand. I studied the complexities of recipe drafting
and discovered how the exact blending of ingredients affects flavour profiles, textures, and shelf life.
The encounter brought home how important it is to comprehend how different components interact

Operational Proficiency: Working in the manufacturing unit gave me the opportunity to use a variety
of tools, including blenders, mixers, and cooking appliances. For effective manufacturing, learning to
run this equipment well was crucial. This experience demonstrated the value of technical expertise in
streamlining processes and reducing waste.

Hygiene and Safety Protocols: Working in a production setting highlighted how important it is to
uphold the highest standards of hygiene and safety. I acquired knowledge of the nuances of correct
handwashing, using suitable safety gear, and sanitising work areas. The importance of cleanliness in
preventing contamination and maintaining product integrity was brought home by this experience.

Packaging Unit: The Science of Freshness Sealing

As I moved to the packaging department, I began a voyage into the process of packaging food, the last
step in the food production process. This stage made clear how crucial it is to maintain product
freshness, improve aesthetic appeal, and adhere to legal requirements.

Packaging Methods and Supplies: The packaging course opened my eyes to a variety of packaging
methods and supplies. The importance of choosing the best packaging solutions was highlighted by

learning about the characteristics of various materials and their compatibility with particular food

Sealing and Preservation: To prevent rotting and increase shelf life, food items must be properly
sealed. My work in the packing department exposed me to the subtleties of sealing procedures,
highlighting the need for accuracy and consistency to maintain the freshness and quality of the

Labelling and Compliance: Packaging involves more than just physically sealing a package. I obtained
knowledge of the legal standards for food product labels. To ensure consumer safety and regulatory
compliance, accurate portrayal of ingredients, nutritional data, and allergen warnings emerged as
essential elements.

Fig2.1: Production Unit overview

Chapter3: Introduction to Different Machines Present in Processing Unit

1-Steam Kettle: Steam kettles operate efficiently, allowing for even, gentle cooking with little attention. This can reduce food
waste costs from overcooking or burning, save time on reheating meals, and can keep product warm and ready without
maintenance. Rapid and uniform heating is the main advantage of steam kettle.

Fig3.1: Steam Kettle

2-Harvestor Homogenizer: The working principle of a homogenizer is that by passing coarse or large particles through a
narrow orifice under high pressure, the large particles can be converted into fine particles. The high degree of stability and
uniformity in the homogenized material is achieved through the combined effort of three physical principles: shearing,
cavitation, and turbulence. Homogenizer improves quality of food an extend shelf life.

Fig3.2: Harvest Homogenizer

3-Pulper : Fruit pulper with motor is used to extract pulp from fruits, vegetables and other pulpy items. During the operation,
the seeds and skin get separated and discharges through a chute. It is commonly used in canning industry and manufacturing
units. The fruit pulp making machine is composed of broken blades, propellers, rotor paddle, screens sieves, gripper, frame,
transmission system, pulp collecting tank and other components.

Fig3.3: Pulper

4-Fruit Grater :Grater are commonly used to grate vegetables, cheese and lemon or orange peel (to create zest), spices, such
as ginger and nutmeg, and can also be used to grate other soft foods.

Fig3.4: Grater

5-Tray Dryer : A tray dryer is a convectional drying equipment with enclosed insulated chambers and trays placed on top of
each other in a trolley. The driers are used in processes where drying and heating are a crucial part of the industrial manufacturing
process .The materials to be dried are either solid or wet and are placed on the trays.

Fig3.5: Tray Dryer

6-Pickle Mixing Machine :Pickle Mixing Machine is a type of Ribbon blender used for uniformly mixing the spices with the
cut fruits and vegetables while making a pickle. It efficiently mixes the spices, fruits & vegetables.

Fig3.6: Pickle Mixing Machine

7-Fruit Mill Crusher: Pulping or juice extraction can be the purpose of crushing hard seedless fruits with this machine. The
fruits are fed into a hopper, followed by crushing process by stainless steel rotor against the stainless steel blades which are
driven by a powerful motor. It is suitable for food processing industries, hotel, restaurant, juice shops, etc.

Fig3.7: Fruit Mill Crusher


Sample fluid Brix %

Cutting oils 0 to 8
Oranges 4 to 13
Carbonated beverages 5 to 15
Apples 11 to 18

Grapes and wines 14 to 19

Concentrated juices 42 to 68
Condensed milk 52 to 68
Jams and jellies 60 to 70

Fig3.8: Refractometer Table2.1: Refrectometer readings of different foods

9- Ceiling Machine : Induction sealing creates a hermetic seal by passing a capped bottle under the induction sealer in a
non-contact process. The system's sealing head produces an electromagnetic field that heats up the foil liner inside the cap.
The hot foil in turn melts the polymer coating on the inner-seal. The heat, coupled with the pressure of the cap, causes the
inner-seal to bond to the lip .

Fig3.9: Ceiling Machine

10- Stainless Steel Steem Tank : These tank are used for sterilization of glass bottle, washing glass bottle with hot water
and other industrial purposes.

Fig3.10: Steam Tank

The Vaporex Boiler

The coiled tube boiler is a type of Water Tube Boiler in which a cylindrical furnace envelope is formed by multistart, helically-
coiled tubes in which water is boiled. Firing is by oil and the burner is provided in the roof of the furnace. The output from
the boiler is usually saturated steam. volumetric capacity of the coil is always less than 25 liters when calculated from water
inlet upto steam outlet valve. In coil type boiler the water flows inside the coil and the flame is on outside it, providing heat to
produce steam.


• The boiler comprises a jacketed MS shell housing a helical coil, arranged vertically inside the boiler. Water enters

from the bottom of the coil and travels upwards.

• The burner is mounted on the top, firing vertically downwards into the coil chamber.

• A fixed displacement type reciprocating piston pump (Boiler feed pump) forces the water into the coil from the

• As the water moves up the coil, the heat of the fuel firing coverts it into steam as it comes out of the steam stop valve
at the top of the coil.

• The flame travels inside the boiler in 3-passes:

• 1st pass – Vertically down from the burner

• 2nd pass – Reverses from the bottom towards the top of the coil

• 3rd pass – Travels vertically down in the gap between the outer side of the coil and the inner shell.

• 4th pass – Travels vertically from the bottom towards the top inside the economizer. of the container resulting in a
hermetic seal.

Fig3.11: Vaporex Boiler

Chapter4: Preperation of Brahmi Syrup, Lichi Juice and its Market


In India, Brahmi syrup is a popular herbal remedy that has been used for centuries in traditional
Ayurvedic medicine. Ayurveda is an ancient system of natural healing that originated in India and is
based on balancing the body, mind, and spirit to achieve overall health and well-being.

Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) is highly regarded in Ayurveda for its potential to enhance mental functions
and support cognitive health. It is often recommended for individuals of all ages, from young students
seeking improved memory and concentration to older adults looking to support cognitive function as
they age.

Brahmi syrup is usually made by processing Brahmi leaves and stems to extract the beneficial
compounds, which are then mixed with a sweet syrup base. This makes it easier to consume, especially
for those who may find the natural taste of Brahmi to be bitter.

In Ayurveda, Brahmi is categorized as a "Medhya Rasayana," which translates to "intellect

rejuvenator." It is believed to have a positive impact on all three aspects of mental function according
to Ayurveda—Dhi (learning and comprehension), Dhriti (retention and recall), and Smriti (long-term

The potential benefits of Brahmi syrup in India include:

1. Enhanced Cognitive Function: Brahmi is thought to improve cognitive abilities, including

learning, memory, and concentration.

2. Stress Relief: It is considered an adaptogen, which means it may help the body cope with stress
and promote relaxation.

3. Nervous System Support: Brahmi is believed to have a soothing effect on the nervous system,
which can contribute to mental clarity and emotional balance.
4. Overall Mental Well-being: Regular consumption of Brahmi syrup is believed to promote a
sense of calmness and mental well-being.

5. Support for Children: Brahmi is often recommended for children to support their cognitive
development, memory, and focus during their formative years.

As with any herbal remedy, the effects of Brahmi can vary from person to person, and its use should
be guided by Ayurvedic principles and the advice of qualified practitioners. It's important to note that
while Brahmi is generally considered safe, it may interact with certain medications or have
contraindications for individuals with specific health conditions.

In India, Brahmi syrup and Brahmi-based products are commonly available in Ayurvedic stores, health
food shops, and even online platforms. However, it's recommended to consult with an Ayurvedic
practitioner or healthcare professional before incorporating Brahmi syrup into your routine, especially
if you have any pre-existing health conditions or are taking other medications.

Brahmi Market in India:

Brahmi sharbat (Brahmi syrup) is a popular Ayurvedic beverage in India. It's a traditional herbal
concoction made from Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) and often combined with other natural ingredients to
create a refreshing and healthful drink. Brahmi sharbat is believed to have cognitive and stress-
relieving benefits and is consumed by people looking for natural ways to support their mental well-

The market for Ayurvedic and herbal products, including Brahmi sharbat, has been growing in India
due to increased consumer interest in holistic health and wellness solutions. Many people are drawn to
Ayurvedic products for their natural ingredients and potential benefits.

Key factors that influence the Brahmi sharbat market in India include:

1. Awareness and Demand: As awareness about the potential benefits of Brahmi for cognitive
health spreads, the demand for Brahmi sharbat may increase.

2. Health and Wellness Trends: Growing trends in health and wellness encourage consumers to
explore natural and traditional remedies, contributing to the popularity of products like Brahmi

3. Urban Lifestyles: The stressors of modern urban living have led individuals to seek products
that support mental clarity, relaxation, and stress management.

4. Marketing and Distribution: The availability of Brahmi sharbat through various retail channels,
including Ayurvedic stores, health food shops, supermarkets, and online platforms, can impact
its market presence.

5. Quality and Authenticity: Consumers are likely to prefer products from reputable brands that
adhere to quality standards and offer authentic Ayurvedic formulations.

6. Packaging and Presentation: Eye-catching packaging and presentation can attract consumers
and make Brahmi sharbat a desirable beverage choice.

7. Promotion of Ayurveda: Government initiatives and promotions to revive and promote

Ayurveda in India have also contributed to the growth of Ayurvedic products like Brahmi

Preperation Of Brahmi Syrup:

Ingredients: Brahmi leaves, sugar, sodium benzoate, acetic acid, edible green color, kewra or rose
essence etc.


1. Make syrup of 100 kg sugar.

2. In syrup add 1 mug of boiled Brahmi extract.
3. Add 20-30 ml of rose flavor and 10-12 ml kewra essence
4. Add 20 ml edible green color with 10 gm of sodium benzoate and acetic acid
5. Stir it . And check the TSS (Total Soluble Solid) and reach the limit of 68-degree Brix.
6. Pour it into bottles and sealed it.

Fig4.1: Flow Chart of Brahmi Juice

Introduction to Lychee Juice:

Discovering the Exquisite Delight of Lychee Juice

The world of beverages is replete with a myriad of choices that cater to diverse palates and
preferences. Among these, lychee juice stands out as a refreshing and delectable option that combines
unique flavor with numerous health benefits. Derived from the succulent lychee fruit, this juice
captures the essence of tropical indulgence while offering a plethora of reasons to tantalize your taste

The Lychee Fruit: Nature's Jewel

At the heart of lychee juice lies the lychee fruit, an ancient gem native to Southeast Asia. Its rough,
reddish-brown exterior encases a translucent, luscious fruit with a subtly floral aroma. With a sweet
and slightly tangy taste, lychee fruit is a natural delight that awakens the senses. The fruit's soft, juicy
texture contributes to the velvety consistency of the juice, making every sip a luxurious experience.

A Symphony of Flavor

Lychee juice boasts a flavor profile that effortlessly balances sweetness and acidity. The initial burst of
sugary nectar is followed by a gentle tang, creating a harmonious symphony on the taste buds. This
delicate balance of flavors makes lychee juice a versatile companion—perfect for a refreshing
afternoon pick-me-up, an elegant cocktail mixer, or a tantalizing base for fruit punches.

Nutritional Riches in Every Sip

Beyond its enchanting taste, lychee juice offers a range of nutritional benefits. Bursting with vitamins,
particularly vitamin C, it contributes to a bolstered immune system and healthier skin. Additionally,
lychee juice contains dietary fiber that supports digestive health and aids in maintaining a balanced
metabolism. This makes indulgence in lychee juice not only a treat for the senses but also a smart
choice for overall well-being.

A Quencher of Thirst and Tranquility

In hot summer months or after a strenuous workout, few beverages are as satisfying as a chilled glass
of lychee juice. Its natural sweetness helps quench thirst, while its calming aroma and taste provide a

moment of tranquility in a bustling world. Whether enjoyed as a standalone drink or blended with ice
and other fruits for a revitalizing smoothie, lychee juice remains a rejuvenating choice.

Culinary Creativity Unleashed

Lychee juice isn't confined to being a stand-alone drink. Its unique flavor profile makes it a delightful
addition to culinary creations. From lychee-infused desserts like sorbets and custards to savory dishes
where its sweetness offers a pleasant contrast, the versatility of lychee juice extends beyond the glass
and into the realm of culinary innovation.

Preperation of Lychee Juice:


Fresh lychee fruits

Sugar (optional)


Ice cubes (for serving)


Knife, Cutting board, Blender or food processor, Fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth, Pitcher or glass
bottles for storage


Prepare the Lychee Fruit:

Start by peeling the lychee fruits. Gently score the skin around the fruit's equator using a knife, and
then peel off the skin to reveal the juicy flesh inside.

Remove the seeds from the lychee fruits. The seeds are large and can be easily popped out with your
fingers or a small spoon.

Blend the Lychee Flesh:

Place the peeled and deseeded lychee flesh into a blender or food processor. You can adjust the
quantity of lychee based on how much juice you want to make.

If you prefer a sweeter juice, you can add a bit of sugar to the blender at this stage. The sweetness of
the lychee fruit itself might be enough, so taste and adjust accordingly.

Blend and Strain:

Blend the lychee flesh until it forms a smooth puree. The aroma will be tantalizing!

To achieve a smooth consistency, strain the lychee puree through a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth.
Gently press down on the puree to extract as much juice as possible while leaving behind any fibers or

Dilute with Water:

Transfer the strained lychee juice back to the blender. Add water in a 1:1 ratio with the juice. Adjust
the water quantity to achieve your desired level of concentration.

Blend and Chill:

Blend the diluted lychee juice briefly to ensure the water is mixed in evenly.

Pour the lychee juice into a pitcher or glass bottles and refrigerate for a few hours. Chilling the juice
enhances its flavor and makes it even more refreshing.

Fig4.2: Flow Chart of Lychee Juice

Chapter5: Preperation of Panchranga Pickle


Panchranga pickle is a traditional Indian condiment known for its bold flavors and vibrant colors.
"Panchranga" translates to "five colors" in Sanskrit, which gives you a hint about what makes this
pickle special. It is a type of mixed vegetable pickle that combines a variety of vegetables with a blend
of aromatic spices to create a flavorful and tangy condiment that complements many Indian dishes.

The key feature of panchranga pickle is its use of five different types of vegetables, each contributing
its distinct color, flavor, and texture to the final product. These vegetables can include carrots, raw
mangoes, turnips, lime or lemon, and green chilies. The vegetables are typically chopped or sliced into
small pieces and then mixed together with the spice blend.

The spices used in panchranga pickle are what truly set it apart. A mixture of various spices such as
mustard seeds, fenugreek seeds, fennel seeds, nigella seeds (kalonji), and asafoetida are typically used.
These spices are roasted and ground into a coarse powder, which is then combined with the chopped
vegetables. Additionally, salt, red chili powder, and sometimes turmeric powder are added to enhance
the flavors and preserve the pickle.

Once all the ingredients are mixed together, the pickle is left to marinate for a few days, allowing the
flavors to meld and intensify. The pickling process helps the vegetables absorb the spices, resulting in
a harmonious blend of sweet, sour, spicy, and tangy flavors.

Panchranga pickle is a versatile condiment that can be enjoyed with a variety of dishes, such as
parathas, rotis, rice, curries, and even sandwiches. It adds a burst of flavor and a delightful crunch to
any meal. Due to its distinct taste and vibrant appearance, panchranga pickle is a favorite among pickle
enthusiasts and is often a staple in Indian households.

It's worth noting that while this description provides a general overview of panchranga pickle, there
might be variations in ingredients and preparation methods based on regional preferences and family
recipes. If you're interested in trying this pickle, you might find ready-made options in Indian grocery
stores or consider making it at home to tailor the flavors to your liking.

Market Of Mixed Pickles:

The size of the global market for packed pickles, which was estimated at USD 7.9 billion in 2018, is
anticipated to increase at a CAGR of 3.5% from 2019 to 2025. Over the years, increasing product
introductions in the premium pickle sector by businesses like The Kraft Heinz Company and GLK
Foods have been crucial in increasing market visibility. Product interest has also been fueled by
changing consumer tastes for various cuisines and flavours.

A significant trend in the food sector is the change in consumer preferences and the rise in demand for
organic products. In line with this, to meet consumer demand, producers of packaged pickles use
organic fruits and vegetables. A marketing organisation in northeast India called Sikkim State Co-
operative Supply and Marketing Federation Ltd (SIMFED) introduced a variety of packaged pickles
among other organic food products in November 2017. For this project, SIMFED worked with Qseal
Agritech Pvt Ltd., an organisation established in India that promotes organic agriculture. Over the
coming years, developments like these are anticipated to be crucial in increasing consumer awareness
of such packaged goods.

Pickle eating is also advised by health professionals, albeit sparingly. These products' vinegar,
potassium, and salt content aids to avoid muscle cramps and improve performance. As a result, packed
pickle juice has become increasingly popular among athletes all over the world. For instance, the U.S.
company The Pickle Juice Company (TPJC) launched a sports drink specifically for female athletes in
April 2018 and even founded the Pickle Juice Pro Cycling Team to encourage and promote female

Consumer interest has been aroused by a rise in promotional activity by manufacturers of packaged
pickles across numerous channels. Additionally, there is a rising market for foods from many cultures.
Major corporations are also introducing practical and affordable packaging options for these goods.
Because smaller, single-serve pouches are convenient for drinking on-the-go, many restaurants are
starting to offer them as a complimentary item with meals.

From 2019 to 2025, the market for packaged pickled vegetables is anticipated to have the fastest
CAGR, at 4.0%. Olives, cabbage, chilli, carrot, cucumbers, bell peppers, cauliflower, green beans, and
jalapenos are some of the most popular pickled vegetables. In the near future, the market for these
antioxidant-rich products is anticipated to grow due to rising awareness of their health benefits, which
include preventing insulin resistance, assisting with weight management, and reducing muscle cramps.

Preperation of Panchranga Pickle:

Ingredients: Chili ginger, Aonla, Mango, Galgal

Spices: Jeera, Dhaniya, Lal Mirch, Rai, Mettii, Ajwain, Degi Mirch, Kali Mirch, Kalongi, Sugar, Bdi
Elachi, Vinegar, Sodium Benzoate.


1. Cut all the fruits and vegetables in small pieces

2. Dry them in sunlight
3. Mix the pieces with spices
4. Heat the mustard oil, once it gets heated up add turmeric powder and dhania powder and paste
of vegetables.
5. Mix the mixture of oil with dried pieces of vegetables
6. Fill them in plastic container
7. Sealing and labelling is done.

Fig5.1: Flow Chart of Mixed Pickle

Chapter 6: Preperation of Tomato Ketchup


Tomato ketchup, often simply referred to as "ketchup," is a popular condiment that has become a
staple in many cuisines around the world. It is a thick, sweet and tangy sauce made primarily from
tomatoes, vinegar, sugar, and a blend of various spices. While ketchup is commonly associated with
being a tomato-based condiment, there are also variations made from other ingredients like mushrooms
or fruits.

The origins of ketchup can be traced back to ancient civilizations, but the version we are familiar with
today, tomato ketchup, has a more recent history. Tomato ketchup as we know it today is believed to
have originated in the early 19th century in the United States. It evolved from various fermented
sauces used in Asian cultures and was adapted to suit Western tastes.

The main ingredient in tomato ketchup is, of course, tomatoes. These tomatoes are usually cooked
down to a thick consistency, sometimes with added tomato paste for a richer flavor. Vinegar is added
to provide acidity and tanginess, while sugar is used to balance the acidity and give the ketchup its
characteristic sweetness. Additional ingredients include spices like onion powder, garlic powder,
allspice, cloves, and cinnamon. Some variations might also include ingredients like celery, ginger, or
red pepper for added complexity.

The process of making tomato ketchup involves simmering the tomatoes, often along with onions and
other flavoring agents, until they break down and thicken. The mixture is then strained to remove seeds
and any large pieces, resulting in a smoother texture. Vinegar, sugar, and spices are added, and the
mixture is cooked further to develop the flavors and thicken the sauce. Once the desired consistency is
reached, the ketchup is cooled and bottled.

Tomato ketchup is an incredibly versatile condiment and is used in a wide variety of dishes. It's
commonly used as a dipping sauce for foods like french fries, burgers, hot dogs, and chicken nuggets.
It also serves as a base for creating other sauces, dressings, and marinades. Some cuisines even
incorporate ketchup into traditional dishes, adding a sweet and tangy element to the flavor profile.

While tomato ketchup is the most well-known type, there are also many variations available on the
market. These include different flavors like spicy ketchup, curry ketchup, and even fruit-based
ketchups made from ingredients like mango or peach. These variations cater to different tastes and can
add unique dimensions to dishes.

Tomato ketchup is a beloved condiment with a rich history and a diverse range of uses. Its sweet and
tangy flavor profile, along with its versatility, has made it a staple in kitchens and restaurants
Tomato ketchup, often simply referred to as "ketchup," is a popular condiment that has become a
staple in many cuisines around the world. It is a thick, sweet and tangy sauce made primarily from
tomatoes, vinegar, sugar, and a blend of various spices. While ketchup is commonly associated with
being a tomato-based condiment, there are also variations made from other ingredients like mushrooms
or fruits.

Tomato Ketchup Market in India:

Ketchup and tomato sauce sales in India totaled 397.00 million USD in 2015 (priced at retail). The
market for ketchup and tomato sauces in India is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 7.27% from 2020
to 2024 to reach 1.10 billion USD (in retail prices) by 2025. Compared to the rise of roughly 14.69%
each year observed between 2015 and 2019, this represents a drop. In 2015, the average per capita
consumption in terms of value was 0.31 USD (at retail prices). It expanded at a CAGR of 13.25
percent annually throughout the ensuing five years. The indicator is expected to slow down and expand
at a CAGR of 6.01% per year over the medium term (by 2025).

Over the past few years, the sauces and condiments business has experienced growth and expansion.
Companies have been experimenting with new and unique ingredients and flavours to develop new
and tastier condiment and sauce recipes in an effort to catch consumers' attention. The result has been
an explosion of variety in the market. There used to be a small number of tomato sauces, mustards, and
mayonnaises, but now there are many competitive goods available. Despite this, the most popular
sauces worldwide—especially in the US—remain ketchup and tomato sauces, mustard, and
mayonnaise. However, a growing number of people look for certain sauces with distinctive flavours
when eating in restaurants or other eating venues.

The number of customers looking for products free of chemicals and synthetic preservatives is rising
right now. In reality, the phrase "clean labelling," which is the basis of this trend, is rising in
popularity. Nowadays, the majority of people are aware of clean label claims, and these claims affect
their purchasing decisions for products like sauces and condiments. People are willing to pay more for
products with this particular mark, and demand for products with it is rising. Companies in the sector
are attempting to appeal to consumers by reformulating their components and providing products
without preservatives in an effort to address the developing clean label trend.

Exploring Different Types of Ketchup:

Ketchup, a condiment beloved by many, has evolved over time to include a variety of flavors and
ingredients beyond the traditional tomato-based version. While classic tomato ketchup remains a
staple, modern food trends and cultural influences have given rise to a range of innovative ketchup
varieties. This article takes a closer look at some of the different types of ketchup available today.

1. Tomato Ketchup: The Classic Favorite

Tomato ketchup is the quintessential condiment that needs no introduction. Made from ripe tomatoes,
vinegar, sugar, and a blend of spices, this type of ketchup is known for its sweet and tangy flavor
profile. It pairs well with burgers, fries, and a wide array of dishes. It serves as the base for many other
ketchup variations.

2. Spicy Ketchup: A Kick of Heat

For those seeking an extra kick, spicy ketchup is an excellent choice. This type of ketchup is infused
with various chili peppers, such as jalapeno, habanero, or cayenne, to add a fiery element to the classic
tomato base. Spicy ketchup can elevate the flavor of foods like hot dogs and nachos, providing a
delightful combination of heat and tanginess.

3. Fruit-Based Ketchup: A Sweet Twist

In recent years, fruit-based ketchups have gained popularity as a unique and healthier alternative.
These ketchups are crafted using fruits like berries, peaches, or apples, creating a sweet and tangy
profile without the need for excessive added sugar. Fruit-based ketchups often pair well with grilled
meats and can serve as a glaze for dishes like pork chops.

4. Mushroom Ketchup: Umami Richness

Mushroom ketchup, an umami-rich condiment, offers a distinctive flavor profile that complements
various dishes. Created by fermenting mushrooms with salt and spices, this type of ketchup delivers a

savory depth that can enhance the taste of steaks, roasts, and even vegetarian dishes. Mushroom
ketchup is a testament to the diversity of flavors that ketchup can embody.

5. Curry Ketchup: Fusion of Flavors

Embracing global culinary influences, curry ketchup is a fusion condiment that combines the classic
tomato base with aromatic curry spices. This type of ketchup adds an exotic twist to dishes and can be
used as a dipping sauce for fried foods or as a marinade for grilled items. Its rich and complex flavor
profile is a delightful departure from traditional ketchup.

6. Beetroot Ketchup: Vibrant and Nutritious

Beetroot ketchup has gained attention for its vibrant color and nutritional value. Made from pureed
beets, this ketchup is not only visually appealing but also packed with antioxidants and vitamins. Its
slightly earthy and sweet flavor pairs well with roasted vegetables, salads, and even as a drizzle over

7. Vegan Ketchup: Plant-Based Delight

In response to the growing demand for plant-based options, vegan ketchup has emerged as a
compassionate alternative. Made without animal-derived ingredients, this ketchup maintains the
familiar tomato flavor while adhering to vegan dietary preferences. It can be used in all the same ways
as traditional ketchup, making it an inclusive choice for all.

In conclusion, the world of ketchup has expanded beyond its traditional tomato roots to encompass a
wide array of flavors and styles. From the classic tomato ketchup to innovative creations like spicy,
fruit-based, and mushroom ketchup, there's a ketchup for every palate and occasion. These diverse
ketchup varieties highlight the culinary creativity that continues to shape our condiment preferences in
today's gastronomic landscape.

Preperation of Tomato Ketchup:


Tomato puree, Lal Mirch, Salt, Zeera, Badi Elaichi, Laung Oil , Kaali Mirch, Sugar . Sodium Benzoate.


1. Boil tomatoes till softness appear then take out pulp from pulper machine and put the pulp in
steam kettle for cooking.
2. Pour the extract of all spices into kettle. Add sodium benzoate in it.
3. Add imli (Additional) and sodium benzoate.
4. Check the TSS (Total Soluble Solid) and reach the limit of 35 Degree Brix.
5. After these steps use Homogenizer machine to uniform the ketchup.
6. Fill it in glass bottle and sealed it. Put the bottles into stainless steel steam tankers for sterilization
for 45 min.

Fig6.1: Flow Chart of Tomato Ketchup

Chapter7: Conclusion: My Journey in the Himachal Canning Unit - A Blend of
Good and Best Experiences in the Food Industry

My time at the Himachal Canning Unit was an enlightening adventure that expertly merged
worthwhile academic opportunities with priceless memories. During my employment, I had the honour
of working in the fields of food production and packaging, obtaining knowledge of the complex
procedures that turn raw materials into exquisite goods that are delivered to eager consumers. This
essay captures the essence of my experience by highlighting the positive and the excellent things that
happened to me while I was working at the Himachal Canning Unit.

It is appropriate to characterise the first part of my encounter with the Himachal Canning Unit as a
"good" experience. During this time, I experienced a steep learning curve where every task—no matter
how simple—helped me develop as a person with a deep interest in the food sector.

I learned the complex technique of making juices, squashes, and pickles while working in the
production section. My understanding of the accuracy needed in the food sector is based on my
experience diving into recipe creation, ingredient understanding, and quality control. My work ethic
was instilled with the value of upholding strict safety and sanitary standards, stressing the crucial role
that ethical behaviour has in guaranteeing the wellbeing of customers.

In addition to honing my technical abilities, using a variety of equipment in the production unit
allowed me to gain a personal understanding of how science and creativity are combined to create
food. The completion of these activities gave me the opportunity to participate in a group project that
resulted in items that met the highest standards of quality.

Moving to the packaging unit gave my experience a new perspective. My perspective on the
importance of preservation and presentation was changed when I learned about packaging methods,
materials, and the science underlying food seals. Understanding the complexities of labelling and
compliance brought home the need of providing correct information for consumers' safety, which goes
hand in hand with food production.

The "best" experience I had during my time at the Himachal Canning Unit, which I think to have
occurred as my tour progressed, was an immersion into Himachal Pradesh's culinary culture. This
stage went beyond merely picking up new skills; it was a transformative experience that tapped into
my passion for history, the outdoors, and real food.

The canning facility was surrounded by the tranquil grandeur of the mountains, lush valleys, and clear
streams because it was located in Himachal Pradesh. A deeper connection was made between my job
and the abundant natural resources of the area by investigating the regional ingredients that formed the

basis of the products I helped develop. A sensory symphony was generated by the region's sights,
sounds, and tastes, making my trip extremely immersive.

Participating in the neighbourhood community enhanced my experience even more. Conversations

with local farmers, artisans, and coworkers provide light on the mutually beneficial interaction
between the region's cultural fabric and food production. My awareness of food as a symbol of culture
and identity deepened as I learned about traditional cooking methods, native foods, and the stories
associated with them.

I was given the exceptional chance to close the gap between output and consumption at the Himachal
Canning Unit. I had the opportunity to see the delight on people's faces as they tasted products that I
had helped to create up close by by taking part in regional food festivals and markets.

My time at the Himachal Canning Unit, in retrospect, was a comprehensive experience that captured
the spirit of the food sector, from the complexities of production to the cultural quirks that give each
bite life. The "good" experience cultivated my abilities and knowledge and provided a solid foundation
for my knowledge of food production and packing. However, it was the "best" experience—one that
combined my personal and professional passions—that really enhanced my path.

As I close this rewarding chapter, I take with me not only the technical know-how I gained but also a
deep understanding of the connections between cuisine, culture, and community.

My journey within the Himachal Canning Unit has left an indelible mark on my perception of the food
industry and its role in shaping both individual experiences and collective identities.


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