bx_masterdesk Pro Manual

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bx_masterdesk Pro

Plugin Manual

Developed by Brainworx Audio and distributed by Plugin Alliance

bx_masterdesk Pro

The simple, fast, high-end mastering chain from Brainworx is now An even more impressive stereo field
more flexible than ever The ultimate all-in-one mastering solution, In addition to the Mono-Maker, which centers low-frequency content
with new features added by popular demand You asked, we listened: for focused and punchy bass, and the Stereo Width control, which can
The bx_masterdesk Pro expands on its predecessors by adding new expand the stereo spread for a more immersive feel, the Pro version of
functionality and greater control to this incredibly popular and Masterdesk adds new stereo enhancements not seen in prior plugins.
easy-to-use mastering system. The new M/S features include the Mid Signal Panorama option and the
new Stereo Enhance knob to provide even greater control over stereo
More powerful dynamics control imaging and balance.
In the Pro version, both the compressor and limiter are upgraded with
variable release times and linking options. The limiter also gains a new The same high-end tone and minimal learning curve, with expanded
modern/classic switch, while the compressor now features variable controls that more sophisticated users will love.
ratio control, a CLIPPER option, and new “GLUE” feature for analog-
style compression that gels the mix together before it reaches the final One thing hasn’t changed: The upgraded bx_masterdesk Pro is still
mastering chain. so easy to learn that even inexperienced producers can quickly dial
in great-sounding masters in under a minute. It’s still just a matter of
More tonal options toggling through the carefully crafted presets to get you into the right
The simple tone stack of the original bx_masterdesk is now ballpark, and then sweetening things further with 3 key dials: “Volume”,
complemented by a fully featured 3-band parametric EQ in the Pro “Foundation” and “Tone”. The only difference is that you can now refine
version. Also present are high pass, low pass and dual resonance these starting points even further with the option of greater control
filters, as well as an onboard De-Esser—all of which feature expanded over your dynamics, EQ curve, saturation and stereo field when you
frequency ranges. Want even more tonal control? Take advantage of want it. Try it for mastering, mix bus and even instrument subgroups.
the newly included XL section for additional saturation,
harmonics and color.
bx_masterdesk Pro
Version Differences

bx_masterdesk True Peak bx_masterdesk Pro

Switchable Compressor Ratio
Switchable Compressor Release times
Tunable Compressor Link 2 fixed settings
XL Saturaion

Limiter Gain 2 fixed settings

Limiter Modes
Limiter Release times
Tunable Limiter Link

Tunable De-Esser frequencies fixed frequency

Different Stereo Enhance 1 setting 4 settings
Stereo Width

Tunable Resonance Filters 4 fixed frequencies

3 Band EQ
HP & LP Filters
EQ Auto Solo

Gain Reduction Meter De-Esser

Gain Reduction Meter Limiter
Gain Reduction Meter Compressor
LUFS Meter
LUFS Target
Dynamic Range Meter Mono
RMS + True Peak Meter

Balance Meter
Correlation Meter

1 2 3 4

5 6 Brainworx
bx_masterdesk Pro
Plugin Manual

Get started
5 Volume
Adjust how hard your music will hit the processing chain of bx_
1 Power masterdesk with the Volume control. Watch the Dynamic Range VU
Use this parameter to turn the plugin on and off. meter while you adjust your loudness and target a Dynamic Range of
between 8dB (rough target for music delivered to streaming services)
2 Preset Bank and 6dB (really loud CD master).
The bx_masterdesk Pro plugin offers four internal settings (A/B/C/D)
that will be stored with every preset. So, one preset can contain up to 4 6 Foundation
effects settings. With the Foundation control you adjust the overall tonality of your mix
(Low End vs Treble), and set a nice bass foundation which you will build
3 Solo M your master upon. Higher values give you a more bass heavy foundation
Listen to only the mono information of the processed signal. which sounds pretty BIG for most genres.

4 Solo S
Listen to only the stereo information of the processed signal.

2 3 4 6

bx_masterdesk Pro
Plugin Manual

1 TMT Compressor Channel around 93%. Turning the knob all the way to the left disengages the
The bx_masterdesk Pro offers 10 TMT Channels for the Compressor, compressor (switches it OFF).
which shape the frequency response as well as the sound of the
compressor, with the different tolerances. Every channel gives you a 4 XL
different set of stereo channels which are handpicked by the developer. The Brainworx XL feature adds warmth by the application of smooth
third and fifth order harmonics without critically increasing your
2 Comp Link signals level.
This knob controls the sidechain of the compresser so it either compresses
both channels left and right independently or the sidechain just takes the 5 XL On/Off
highest peak from one of the channels, which makes the stereo image more Activates/Deactivates the XL-Effect to your process.
3 Comp Mix THD (Total Harmonic Distortion) is a kind of distortion that is present in
This knob adjusts the blend between your compressed signal and the all analog audio equipment (in varying degrees), and that can actually
uncompressed mix. A mix of 100% gives you only compressed signal, sound pleasant to the human ear while glueing your music together in
but for a vivid master that still breathes we recommend a setting a really desirable way.

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bx_masterdesk Pro
Plugin Manual

1 Compressor Ratio 4 Glue

Ratio is the relative amount of gain reduction applied to an incoming GLUE sets the headroom of an emulated classic VCA-type
signal. The Ratio’s range is a relative measure between in- and output bus-compressor, found in famous analog consoles. This type of
of a dynamic processing unit: a ratio of e.g. 4:1 will result in a -1dB compression is best for “gluing your mix together” in a punchy but
lower signal if it passes the set threshold by 4dB. elegant way.

A low ratio has less audible characteristics than higher settings. 5 Clipper On/Off
Suitable settings vary with the material’s density, your personal taste, Enables the CLIPPER-Function to your process.
and the surrounding setup of your chain.
6 Clipper
2 Compressor Release The Clipper stops signals from being louder than the set threshold of
The Compressor Release (-time) sets the timing in which the gain 0 dBFS. It is very effective to shave off loud transients to achieve a
reduction returns to its normal state after applying any gain change to much louder signal. The threshold is set to 0dBFS and engaging the
surpassing audio. clipper will already push the signal. Turning this knob up, will push
your signal into the clipping unit, while remaining its smooth knee, to
3 Glue On/Off reduce transients and win loudness.
ON enables the GLUE-Compressor to your process.

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bx_masterdesk Pro
Plugin Manual

1 Limiter Turbo 4 Limiter Link

At the very end of the processing you can boost or cut the gain before This knob controls the sidechain of the limiter so it either compresses
the signal is running into the limiter. So you have another option for both channels left and right independently (relocation of stereo-
gainstaging your signal in the plug-in processing. sources could occur) or the sidechain just takes the highest peak from
one of the channels, which makes the stereo image more even (at
2 Limiter Attack Mode 100%, relocation is prevented).
Based on its technical architecture, dynamic processors react more
[Modern] or less [Classic] faster. You can decide which character suites 5 True Peak
your mix. Enables/Disables protection of “inter-sample peaks” which can result
in heavy clicks and distortion when converted to analog. With True Peak
3 Limiter Release enabled, following converters are protected from creating such artifacts
The Limiter Release(-time) sets the timing in which the gain limiting during loud passages of your masters.
amplifier returns to its normal state. Minimal release-times can result
in audible distortion, whereas a slow timing will create the feeling of 6 Output Trim
pumping. This control is the last stage in the audio chain and can be used to
export masters that hit slightly lower than 0dB at max. It´s a common
practice to deliver masters at -0.2dB for safety reasons (no clipping
4 5
bx_masterdesk Pro
1 3 Plugin Manual

1 De-Esser Frequency mixes of music that is similar to what you are mastering. If you master
The De-Esser frequency adjusts the filters frequency which is a rock tune it is a good idea to check back with a professional CD mix of
attenuated dynamically. (for example) a Foo Fighters song. If you mix a pop song you may want
to compare to a Rihanna CD, etc.
2 De-Esser Solo
Engaging the De-Esser Solo will enable you to listen to only the part of With the Bass control you can make the low end of your music softer or
the signal that bx_masterdesk Pro gets rid of in the De-Esser. tighter, by boosting or cutting certain frequencies in the bass spectrum.
The values -30 to +30 represent a dB range of -3dB to +3dB, so even at
3 De-Esser maximum settings you are not using a crazy amount of EQ between the
The Mastering De-Esser sits at the end of the processing chain and two channels in AVG mode. The latter can prevent loud peaks on only
is a great tool to tame sibilance and harsh cymbals in your master. one channel to disproportionally affect the overall compression.
The more you turn up your master in volume, the more some artifacts
will become audible that may have been buried in the mix before. You 5 Mid
can dial in some beautiful Presence with bx_masterdesk, but it´s a With the Mids control you can determine if your music is supposed
good idea to make sure that the master doesn´t get too harsh, and the to sound more in-your-face (boosting the Mids) or more mellow (by
De-Esser is the tool to use for that application. cutting) in the vocal and instrument range.

4 Bass The values -30 to +30 represent a dB range of -3dB to +3dB, so even at
You may use the tone stack to adjust the overall sound of your recording maximum settings you are not using a crazy amount of EQ.
to your liking, and you should try to make it sound similar to reference
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bx_masterdesk Pro
3 Plugin Manual

1 Treble 3 Stereo Enhance Mode

Adding Treble is a nice way of achieving more perceived volume for You can select between four different Stereo Enhance Modes, which
your music, without actually turning it up. You should not make it sound changes the style of the side-signal processing.
too aggressive, but a little edgy touch can really make your music jump
out of the speakers. Choose your Stereo Enhance Mode to shape your stereo-image how
you like it.
The values -30 to +30 represent a dB range of -3dB to +3dB, so even at
maximum settings you are not using a crazy amount of EQ. 4 Stereo Enhance
Unlike in many Brainworx plugins, this is NOT a simple M/S width
2 Presence control. Instead it will aim specifically at music instruments in your
Presence controls the highest frequency spectrum. You can boost stereo field and enhance them with a cleverly automated EQ system.
pleasant high frequencies and reduce the more nasty sounding tone Using the Stereo Enhancer it´s possible to get that extra boost and
range at the same time with this control. Listen to your cymbals and width for your synths or guitars without boosting unwanted boomy
hi-hats when you adjust Presence and notice how smooth they start to room sounds of your drums or raise the muddy parts of your reverb
sound. tails too much.

The values -30 to +30 represent a dB range of -6dB to +6dB, so even at Stereo Enhance is a new Brainworx design and the most musical way
maximum settings you are not using a crazy amount of EQ. to increase width and depth we know of.

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bx_masterdesk Pro
Plugin Manual

1 Mono Maker 2 Stereo Width

A staple in the Brainworx line of processors, the Mono Maker will make Stereo Width enables controlling how wide the stereo image is going
your stereo recording Mono all the way from 20Hz up to the selected to be. Besides the Stereo Enhancement feature, with the Stereo Width
cut-off frequency. Which can be a great enhancement for your sound if parameter you also have the option to increase or decrease the side-
played back in clubs or via big subwoofer systems (cars, home theaters, channel level.
etc.). Using the Mono Maker at too high frequencies can result in less
stereo width for low guitars and synths, but a setting of around 100Hz
will certainly not harm your music and is recommended. Mono Maker is
a clever algorithm which will actually compensate for what it is cutting
away in the stereo information, so you are not losing anything using
Mono Maker.

In fact, your music will sound tighter and punchier in the low end once
you have engaged Mono Maker. Your bass drum and bass will thank

bx_masterdesk Pro
Plugin Manual

1 6

3 4

1 Resonance Filter LF 4 Resonance Filter HF On/Off

The “Resonance Filters” are the same notch filters as available in the Activates/Deactivates the low frequency resonance filter. Having no
bx_digital V3, with the option of two fixed Q-Settings. Sweep through gain-setting available for Notch filters, toggling these switches will
the low range to shadow resonant, ringing or disturbing frequencies help a lot to find correct filter settings.
using the LF pot.
5 Resonance Filter HF
2 Resonance Filter LF On/Off The “Resonance Filters” are the same notch filters as available in the
Activates/Deactivates the low frequency resonance filter. Having no bx_digital V3, with the option of two fixed Q-Settings. Sweep through the
gain-setting available for notch-filters, toggling these switches in high range to shadow distorting, sizzling or disturbing high frequencies
combination with the Auto-Solo Feature to solo your dial’s frequency between 1 and 20 kHz using the HF pot.
results in a vast improvements of filter setting.
6 Resonance Filter HF Q
3 Resonance Filter LF Q You can select between a STEEP and a WIDE Q-Factor. Set to STEEP by
You can select between a STEEP and a WIDE Q-Factor. Set to STEEP by default benefits in having a more audible setting from start on. Once
default benefits in having a more audible setting from start on. Once the frequency is set, the wider setting will shade the filter’s existence.
the frequency is set, the wider setting will shade the filter’s existence.

bx_masterdesk Pro
Plugin Manual

1 2 3 3 6 2 3

7 7
8 9
4 2

1 Equalizer LF Frequency 6 Equalizer HF Frequency

The LOW FREQ fully parametric band has a range from 20 to 2000 Hz. The HIGH FREQ fully parametric band has a range from 2 to 22 kHz.

2 Equalizer [LF/MF/HF] Gain 7 High Pass Filter / Low Pass Filter

Each of the three bands has a 6 dB range of gain addition or reduction. The HIGH PASS FILTER (also known as Low Cut Filter) continuous knob
sets the low range cutoff frequency. The filters slope is equal to the
3 Equalizer [LF/MF/HF] Q bx_digital V3’s 6dB/oct setting.
All three bands feature a Quality range of between 0.3 and 15, additional
the LF and HF Band, which switch to a Low Shelf and respectively High The LOW PASS FILTER (also known as High Cut Filter) continuous knob
Shelf type Filter, when the Q is turned all down to zero. A small light to the sets the high range cutoff frequency. The filters slope is equal to the
pan pot’s lower left indicates active shelving filters. bx_digital V3’s 6dB/oct setting.

4 Equalizer MF Frequency 8 High Pass Filter On/Off

The MID FREQ fully parametric band operates at full range from 20 Hz to 22 Activates/Deactivates the high pass filter.
kHz, meaning the complete spectrum of audible audio is available for this band.
9 Low Pass Filter On/Off
5 Equalizer On/Off Activates/Deactivates the low pass filter.
Activates/Deactivates the complete 3 band parametric EQUALIZER section.
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bx_masterdesk Pro
Plugin Manual

Metering 3 Gain Reduction L+R

Shows the amount of gain reduction in dB that the limiter is causing.
1 True Peak L+R
Shows Peak values as True Peak measurement in dBTP according to 4 Dynamic Range L+R
EBU/ITU standards. The readout will hold the maximum True Peak Displays the dynamic range or crest factor of the signal at the selected
value that occurred in the signal until the meter is manually reset. position (input or output). This is a helpful tool to determine the density
Switches between input or output signal with Meter Position control. and dynamics of the material in addition to the newer standardized
Click anywhere on the metering area to reset the meters, including loudness measurement.
the maximum True Peak and maximum Momentary Loudness value.
The True Peak (dBTP) measurement is a standard specified by EBU 5 RMS L+R
R 128 and ITU BS.1770 resolutions. It is used to anticipate real world Displays the percieved loudness of the selected source signal (input/
Intersample Peaks (ISPs) that can occur when converting back from output) in LUFS (Loudness Units Full Scale) according to EBU/ITU
the digital to analog domain. As the technical of True Peak detection is recommendations. The selected Loudness Target determines a white
not rigidly defined, there will be some variance between dBTP values “safe zone” and red overshoot range to monitor the real time loudness.
in meters by different manufacturers. The time scale can also be switched between momentary with a window
of 400ms or short term, averaging over 3 seconds. With momentary
2 RMS L+R selected, the readout will hold the maximum momentary value that
Shows RMS value of the signal selected with the Meter Position Control occurred in the signal until the meter is manually reset.


3 4
bx_masterdesk Pro
Plugin Manual

1 Balance 3 Loudness Time Scale

This meter shows the position of the signal in the stereo field. This menu provides the option to switch between the 2 EBU recommended
scales for real time loudness measurement.
2 Correlation
This meter shows the correlation of the left and right channel. 4 Loudness Target
+1 means both sides are completely in phase and there is no The Loudness Target menu offers different options to add a visual
difference between listening in mono and stereo. The Track guideline to the LUFS meter depending on the purpose and destination
has no stereo width. of your material. The custom option lets you specify a target loudness
to aim for.
0 means there is the same amount of „In-phase“ signal and
„Out-of-phase“ signal in the left and right channel. The track 5 Meter Position
fills the complete stereo field, while still being mono-compa Switches the position of the metering section (naturally excluding Gain
tible. Reduction) in the signal chain. This determines whether you are viewing
the corresponding values for the input signal before the limiter section
-1 means the left and right channel have opposite phase and (In) or the output signal after the limiter section (Out).
would cancel each other out when listening in mono so in other
words the track would not be mono compatible at all. The
material is positioned outside of the stereo field.


bx_masterdesk Pro
Plugin Manual

1 Compressor Gain Reduction

Shows the amount of “Compressor Gain Reduction” in dB.

Compressor Gain Reduction Hold

The “Compressor Gain Reduction Hold” bar shows the highest Gain
Reduction applied by the compressor of the Masterdesk Pro.

2 De-Esser Gain Reduction

Shows the amount of “De-Esser Gain Reduction” in dB.

De-Esser Gain Reduction Hold

The “De-Esser Gain Reduction Hold” bar shows the highest Gain
Reduction applied by the De-Esser at the end of the chain.

bx_masterdesk Pro
Plugin Manual

1 2 3

Bottom Toolbar Modifier Keys

1 PA Logo Tested with Logic Pro X, Protools, Cubase and

Clicking the Plugin Alliance logo takes you to the Plugin Alliance Presonus Studio One Mac/Win.
website via your web browser, that´s if your computer is online.
2 Key (Icon) Fine Control = Shift
Clicking on the key icon brings up the activation dialog, allowing you Jump between Default / Last Setting = Option
to manually reauthorize a device in the event of a license upgrade or Output Link = Command
addition. You can also use this feature to activate additional computers
or USB ash drives. VST / VST3
Fine Control = Shift
3 ? (Icon) Jump between Default / Last Setting = Command (Mac), Ctrl (Win)
Clicking the ? icon opens up a context menu that links to the product Output Link = Option (Mac) / Alt (Win)
manual PDF, as well as other helpful links, e.g. to check for product
updates online. You must have a PDF reader installed on your computer AAX
to be able to read the manual. Fine Control = Command (Mac), Ctrl (Win)
Jump between Default / Last Setting = Option (Mac), Alt (Win)
Output Link = Shift
bx_masterdesk Pro
Plugin Manual

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